Introducing.. Susan Lynne Schwenger Aka The Exchanger

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    18 July 2016 in Waubaushene, Ontario
    Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Blue Electric Monkey
    Kin 211
    Harmonic 53:
    9 Chikchan
    8 Xul
    Long Count .
    Plus 1 cycle of 13 baktuns
    have elapsed since August 11, -3114
    i cracked the codes to the ending of Era #5 16 dec 2013,
    and, the start of Era #6, 17 dec 2013
    back in 1984, further work with Tony Bermanseder
    calibrated all the ancient calendars,
    including the cracking of The Dresden Codex,
    along with writing the proper relations that prove,
    13 lines of spirit, in a 12d or 12 dimensional work
    Our Work can be found on:
    Error | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (

    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    The eXchanger
    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    9Andrada Rusu, Roger White and 7 others





    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last ceremony for The Ancestors for The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) People
    to retire The Thunderbird Mounds, and, to transition those souls still roaming the low and high astral
    into the low, mid and high causal, and, back to The Creator
    - The Great Spirit of God,
    Biljana Banchotova, Biljana
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    23 October 2010
    Photographer: Susan Lynne Schwenger ~ Author / Poet

    2You and 1 other

    1 Share




    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ~Research this piece
    who is the artist ???

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Starseed Generations of the 12th Egyptian Dynasty of the Great Pyramid
    Pharaoh Senusret III, the 81st pharaoh of Egypt according to the Turin King List (TKL),
    reigned from 1879BC to 1840 BC and shared his reign with his son Amenemhat III (82nd king)
    from 1840BC to 1813BC towards the end of the 12th dynasty of Egypt.
    Dynasty 12 encompassed a period from 1991BC to 1801BC and from the founder of this dynasty
    known as Amenemhat I (77th king) to its last female Queen pharaoh Neferusobek (84th pharaoh),
    daughter of Amenemhat III and the wife of Amenemhat IV as the 83rd king of the TKL.
    As Amenemhat IV had no son, Queen Neferusobek became pharaoh following the death of
    Amenemhat IV in 1805BC.
    Amenemhat I (1991BC – 1972BC) had been the vizier (adviser, architect and administrator)
    of the last pharaoh Mentuhotep IV of the 11th dynasty and was not of the royal bloodline
    of the preceding pharaohs.
    He was a nomarch, a local provincial nomadic ruler, overseeing the administration and political settings
    of a tribal or clan-based culture.
    He was the son of a priest Senusret and a mother Nefret and is identified in texts of antiquity,
    like the Masoretic Torah and the Old Testament as Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar,
    the Egyptian handmaiden of Sarah, Abraham’s half-sister wife and concubine of Abram of Ur
    of the Chaldees (2053BC – 1878BC).
    The 11th dynasty of Egypt was founded by a ‘legendary’ person called Intef the Elder ruling as
    Mentuhotep I from Upper Egypt, capitol Thebes from 2134BC – 1991BC
    and as the historical pharaoh Mentuhotep IV (1998BC – 1991BC).
    Mentuhotep I as 71st king in the TKL is included, but Mentuhotep IV (2010BC-1998BC)
    is omitted from the TKL (lacuna) between the 76th king
    and the 77th king Amenemhat I as an archetyped or ‘legendary' Ishmael.
    The legendary ‘local ruler’ Intef the Elder from the 10th Egyptian dynasty so is identified
    from the Zep Tepi ancient records as Abram of Ur of the Chaldees migrating from
    Sumer into Egypt in a time period of 25 years from 1978BC to 1953BC
    and imaged in a time period of 25 years from 2132BC to 2157BC to identify the ‘Battle of Siddim’
    {Zep Tepi code Gen.14} as the Sumerian invasion of the Gutha dynasty
    ending the Akkadian Sumerian 16th dynasty of Sargon of Akkad in in the encoded time frame
    for the 17th dynasty of Gutium from 2168BC to 2025BC and contemporary with the 2nd dynasty
    of Lagash of Sumer from 2149BC to 2025BC according to the Sumerian King List (SKL).
    This interwovenness of Sumerian dynasties is paralleled in the second intermediary period of Egypt
    from the Zep Tepi (the time before time) records from 1801BC to 1533BC encompassing dynasties 13 to 17
    and ending with the expulsion of the Hyksos under the founder of the 18th Egyptian dynasty Ahmose I
    The Middle Kingdom of Egyptian history spanning dynasties 11 and 12 from Mentuhotep I
    at 2134BC to 1801BC and Queen Neferusobek intersects the first intermediary period of Egypt
    of dynasties 7 to 10 (2193BC-2168BC) from the great age of the pyramid builders of the Old Kingdom
    from 3134BC to 2193BC of dynasties 1 to 6 .
    From 2193BC, the Egyptian kings ruled from Memphis of the Northern Lower Egypt (dynasties 7-8),
    but became subject to the rulers of Southern Upper Egypt, who reigned from Heracleopolis
    from 2168BC (dynasties 9-10) contemporary with the pharaohs of the 11th dynasty,
    who’s capitol was Thebes from 2134BC to 2061BC and the time of Abram as a Intef the Elder,
    ‘keeper of the door of the South’.
    The life of archetyped Ishmael as the 21st generation from the Zep Tepi ‘time of the gods
    or time before time’ is encoded as being 137 years from 1977BC to 1840BC
    and a year corresponding to the birth of Judah as the 4th son of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob-Israel
    as the 22nd generation of Hebrew patriarchs from the creation of Adam in the year 4009BC
    as 1Tishri-247 in the Hebrew metonic cycle and precession-based soli-lunar calendar system.
    137 years are also the encoded lifetimes of Levi, son of Jacob born in 1843BC from 1843BC to 1706BC
    as a parallel 23rd generation from their grandfather Isaac as a parallel 21st generation to Ishmael.
    Furthermore, Kohat, the 24th generation as the son of Levi sires Amram as the 25th generation.
    Kohat is encoded to have lived for 133 years and Amram is encoded to have lived again for 137 years
    to mirror both the 24th and the 25th generations in a convergence of 3 generations in the focus
    of a central mirror of the 23rd generation due to the interwovenness of the 23rd generation
    in the 12 starseed generations of the archetyped Jacob-Israel.
    The succession of the patriarchs so identifies Kohat as a one-sided mirror of time of the year 1883BC
    as a relative past reflecting a 250-year timespan in a central double-sided mirror
    of a relative present Joseph Aquarius (who lived from 1813BC to 1703BC)
    in a one-sided mirror of Amram of time of the year 1633BC as a relative future.
    As Amram is the father of the brotherhood of the encoded exodus in Aaron and Moses as a 26th generation,
    a succession birth of Aaron and Moses in the years 1703BC and 1700BC within the timeframe
    within the Joseph Mirror is imaged outside of the mirror in a ‘true birth’ of Moses
    as the year of the Hyksos expulsion of Ahmose I, founder of the 18th dynasty of Egypt
    and the beginning of the New Egyptian Kingdom.
    This chronos so defines the historical exodus as the Hyksos expulsion of 1533BC
    as the birth of Moses, precisely 80 years before an encoded exodus of the year 1453BC
    took place in the encoded timeline of the Hebrew Masoretic testimony.
    Moses as a historical pharaoh of the 15th dynasty, known as Khamudy in the TKL
    and as Khyan-Apakhnan in the Aegyptiaca of the Ptolemaic Egyptian historian Manetho
    (300BC-200BC) was however 80 years old in the year 1620BC,
    which is encoded as the ’10 plagues of Egypt’ coincident with the Santorini-Thera volcanic eruption
    of archaeological and carbon-based historical chronology.
    The 137 years are encoded in the Great pyramid of Giza as the prevalent physical constant
    of quantum mechanics as a foundational physical parameter and so relates the physical world
    of science with the greater history of the universe and the civilizations arising upon planet Earth.
    THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings
    Of The Calendars-TONY BERMANSEDER
    THE ANSWER to Ancient Calendars & Mayan Timeline Encodings Of The Calendars-BERMANSEDER & SCHWENGER | Page 32 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    THE START of THE LAST 1300 DAYS in THE GRAND CYCLE of Macha & Pacha
    - 27 MAY 2010 to 16 DEC 2013

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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