Departing Moons of our ancestors - amazing pictures - plus The Eulogy for My Dad

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 19, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Departing Moon of Biship Allen Wright rode out on


    29 NOVEMBER 2014
    (A REAL 11-11) in a year of 7 or 2/14=5 (which is also 7)

    Thanks for all the good eXchanges !!!

    full-moon-over-knockadoon-from-garryvoe. Photograph Credit: eastcorkpainter on November 29, 2014 · Full Moon over Knockadoon from Garryvoe

    PHOTO CREDIT: 29 NOV 2014 - MoonBase Commander Background MBC

    Om shanti shanti shanti ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    "13 lines of spirit, i've not seen that before !!!
    when you truly awaken to all that you are,

    you will remember, these words !!!
    bishop allen right (1977) 35 years ago

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Departing Moon of my great friend and eXchanger
    Yogi Maha A. S. Narayana
    (Alfred Schmielewski) Giri Master Avatar
    April 11, 1999
    Total Solar eclipse 1999 in France. * Additional noise reduction performed by Diliff.
    Original image by Luc Viatour.
    Luc Viatour -

    All, we can say, is WOW !!!

    This was some kind of departure !!!

    He also, had predicted he would be shot !!!

    Alfred, there will always be another time ;)

    and, we are glad you visited asking "show me the way to Agartha"

    Journey well, my good eXchanger & friend
    and, until we are reunited again
    May everyone journey well
    Always, remember...
    there will always be another time
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Life and Death of Yogi Alfred Narayana

    By Paul Collins on Thursday, January 31, 2013

    Yogi Narayana was born Alfred Schmielewski in Austria in 1928. When he was a child, he dreamed of a great light hovering over his bed in the golden shape of a lamp.
    He spent the first few years of his life in the village of Norkitten, a district of Insterburg in Eastern Germany. His father was a carpenter. In 1930, his family moved to Berlin, where he received a private education from tutors. At age 7, he met an Oriental sage on a Berlin Street, leading to 30 years of yoga studies. In 1935, Schmielewski became a disciple of Sri Bhagavan Satguru Babgi Maha Avator, who is the root Guru of the Giri succession of masters and grand master of yoga, one of the Asiatic immortals. Two years later, the sage had Schmielewski join a school for children with paranormal, congenital gifts, where he developed his psychic abilities. Between the ages of 10 and 14, Schmielewski would go to the Merry Go Round Amusement Park at Spreewald. Here he used his advanced mental abilities to fix and win at the wheel of fortune type game, shooting galleries, and dice tables, leading him to win lots of prizes.
    Yogi-Alfred-Narayana-300x1681. During World War II, Schmielewski would warn friends, family, and even strangers where not to go when the allied forces dropped bombs on Germany. He wanted them to survive and not face a horrific, fiery death. Some people, however, thought he was mad. “My own father,” he wrote in his online Autobiography, “was frightened of my abilities and threatened to shoot me with a gun to make me silent at such a time.” Schmielewski then kept silent to avoid the suspicion of the Nazis. That school that Schmielewski attended was kept hidden through the ingenuity of its rector, who portrayed the education location as a perpetually bankrupt artist type school which needed constant donations. Thus, the officials would avoid it, keeping the children safe.
    After the war, Schmielewski went back to live with his family. He then went to the Berlin Academy of the Arts. In 1952, he met his late wife, Bianca Rogge, a famous dancer. They then immigrated to Canada, where his wife started a school of modern interpretive dance and he founded the Yoga Forum of Canada, where he taught yoga. They then moved to Australia and visited Europe. Somewhere along the way, Schmielewski went alone to Hong Kong, Chiang Mei Thailand, India, Cairo, to Paris, and then onto West Berlin. When they returned to Canada, Schmielewski predicted many events, including the Kennedy Assassination. He also wrote the Western Book of the Dead and The Gospel of the Twentieth Century.
    In the 1960’s, Narayana foresaw a nuclear war. In 1968, he appeared briefly on CBC’s This Hour Has Seven Days and he spoke about it.
    In 1971, he went professional as a psychic. He went to New York and attended the psychic fairs circuit, meeting the wives of the well to do which led to big names on Wall Street. This led Narayana to be hailed as a Wall Street Super Psychic. At the death of his wife, he returned to live in Germany. He then came back to Toronto. During his psychic readings, he would tell the good things and bad things about the client to their face, all blunt and exact like the Good German he was. His intent was to make the individual see themselves in a new light.
    He adopted the name Alfred Narayana because a Berlin publisher did not like his given name. When I met Narayana in 1995, he lived alone in a home in Mississauga, Ontario. In his main room, he had three signed and framed thank you letters from Brian Mulroney, before he was prime minister, when he was in government, and in his retirement years. “I never worked a day in my life,” he told all his clients. “When I first met Mulroney, he was age 33 and had just failed his law school exams and was driving a fish truck in Baie-Comeau, Quebec.” To me, Narayana was an imposing 6 foot 7 man with a deep voice. He was much like an actor from the Broadway stage–he was larger than life.
    His clients were from the political world, movie and music business. He read prime ministers, ambassadors, and other celebrities. “I met Madonna,” he told a friend of a friend, “She is actually quite ugly in person, not beautiful at all, but she is a good business woman. You should be a good business woman like Madonna, be a good business woman like Madonna.” What an encouragement.
    Out of the blue, he was murdered on April 11, 1999, on a quiet street in the Cawthra-Q.E.W. area of Mississauga. His murder has never been solved.
    According to this article, just after 3:30pm a couple showed up to view the house. Seconds before 3:50pm in Narayana’s basement the prospective home buyers and the real estate agent heard an exchange of voices, then a series of pops, followed by what sounded like someone dropping to the floor above them. They ran upstairs and found Narayana’s crumpled just inside the storm door of the home, smoke from the gunfire still in the air. He’d been shot multiple times in the head at point-blank range from a slight upward angle, not surprising given the yogi’s stature. Gunshot residue was found on his face and chest.
    “We had to hold some things back from the media, things only the killer would know and that investigators could use to trip him or her up in an interview,” said the lead investigator to Mississauga Life News.
    Detectives went back to his yoga studio days and spoke with former students, psychic peers and everyone who’d ever dealt with him. “We interviewed well over 900 people who knew him or were his clients, administered about a half dozen polygraph tests. It was an incredible amount of work, but we came away with frustratingly little,” the police told the same media publication. “Except for the one phone call, we never came what I’d say was close.”
    On day two of the investigation, a call was transferred into the homicide office from the Peel Police switchboard. The lead investigator just happened to pick it up. “The caller said they knew a person who knows the killer’s ID, but is deathly afraid of coming forward,” he recounts. He still avoids identifying the caller’s gender on purpose: one last hold- back for investigators.
    “The caller wanted to know what could be done to protect the informant’s identity. I told the caller about Crime Stoppers, ways to protect ID, ways to pass on the information – I gave the caller every option I could think of.” The lead investigator gave the caller every imaginable way to reach him again should the friend with the information decide to do so.
    Was the call a ruse, designed to see how close investigators were getting to the killer, or a possible attempt to implicate an unknown enemy? That remains a mystery too; the follow-up call never came. The murder of Alfred S. Schmielewski, a.k.a. Yogi S. Narayana, has never been solved.
    Over the years, before his death, Narayana conducted classes on philosophy, including Yoga courses. A number of clients were invited and became his group of devotees. Whenever he needed a chore to be completed, one of them would be asked to complete such a task. They came to be called his Group Members. To outsiders, they would come across as kooky, enlightened characters, whatever your choice of words. In time, they bonded and knew each other as family. There was said to be an initiation process to join such a small organization of individuals. At the funeral, everyone had a perfect alibi. If you were an unlucky bystander in such a circumstance, they would pounce upon you, suggesting you were a possible suspect in the then coming murder investigation. Some of these people were polygraphed but still their weirdness only added to the perfect murder mystery.
    In time, I conducted an interview with Michael Telstarr, paranormalist and an escape artist, who had his own theory. “He was a tall man who was always sharply dressed,” Telstarr told me in a downtown café, “He was always flying around on someone’s private jet, reading some bigwig. He knew something and that is why he was done in.” So Narayana knew prominent politicians, business leaders, movie stars, and rock stars, including some celebrities. He had Group Members to alleviate the loneliness of such a profession. Someone wanted him dead.
    “He predicted his own murder 30 years ago,” someone told me at the funeral. “He knew he would be gunned down. He was open about it too.”
    Gregory Henry Waters, a long-time associate had his own opinion. “He did not believe in telling people about his abilities because it would not help society,” Waters told me VIA email, ”Like Christ did so many cures,” he would continue, “ but society never changes so he thought doing these kind of things would only bring personal praise to himself which he believe was not his goal.. He was interested in bringing the truth about the divine life to western culture from his personal experiences as a yogi not from out of books.”
    Narayana:When the human child is born, it contains in its nature a few seed-like potentials: A seed of consciousness, a mind, a spirit and a soul.

    Few men undertake the immense labours needed to give birth to these things. For most men are naked apes.
    Although they may look like men, they are ape beneath the surface.

    Only very recently in evolutionary History did these apes lose their fur. For many are the naked apes and few are the true men
    If you have any information on this case, you can provide it anonymously through Peel Crime Stoppers at: 1-800-222-TIPS (8477),
    or call the Peel Regional Police Homicide and Missing Persons Bureau at 905-453-2121 Ext. 3205.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Autobiography of the Maha Yogi:
    Commentary on his activities in the time ...

    By Alfred Schmielewski, Yogi A.S. Narayana

    his book - Maha A. S. Narayana (Alfred Schmielewski) Giri Master Avatar&source=bl&ots=lriAXSm6R8&sig=MQJkYxaiwnW4eDu2mtR3tae92Fw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QM60VMqnEcqMyATJo4HYAg&ved=0CDIQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Yogi Maha A. S. Narayana (Alfred Schmielewski) Giri Master Avatar&f=false

    "we are grateful for the eXchanges...
    Alfred appeared to us in the ethers on april 11, 1999
    and, said, 'show me the way to agartha'
    and, we just thought he was playing a bilocation game.

    JOURNEY WELL, and; until we are reunited again
    may we both travel well ...
    you, we have sadly missed
    in fact, we still have some audio tapes
    and, play them, from time to time
    perhaps, one day; we will record them to youtube,
    or, at least transcribe them
    your prediction on us, is one we treasure
    it made us KNOW, we were always on the right track

    it reminds me, of something, a wise teacher said to me,
    back in 1985, YOU !!!"

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    "It will NOT be easy work,
    although, it will take more than two decades,
    and, when you get to that point, and, you look back,
    you will see, quite clearly, it will all have been 'worth' your 'while'.
    The information, you have, is ancient, as, well, as advanced,
    and, when you put it out there, you will be seen,
    as, a modern day version of Rudolf Steiner,
    do you know who he is ?

    You are one, who holds the potential to bridge,
    and, to span the gaps,
    between philosophy / magic / mysticism"

    Super Psychic Maha Yogi A.S. Narayana
    aka Alfred Schmielewski (1975-1986)
    JULY 1985

    from one well, to another well wink.
    slosh it out there !!!
    iT iS TiME !!!
    iT iS TYME!!!
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    7 FEB 2011
    (posted to:
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    He picked
    Solar eclipse of August 11, 1999

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ‹ The template Infobox Solar eclipse is being considered for merging. ›
    Solar eclipse of August 11, 1999
    Totality from France

    Type of eclipse
    Maximum eclipse
    Duration2m 23s
    Coordinates45.1N 24.3E
    Max. width of band112 km
    Times (UTC)
    Greatest eclipse11:04:09
    Saros145 (21 of 77)
    Catalog # (SE5000)9506
    A total solar eclipse occurred on 11 August 1999 with an eclipse magnitude of 1.029. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across the surface of the Earth, while a partial solar eclipse will be visible over a region thousands of kilometres wide.
    The path of the Moon's shadow began in the Atlantic Ocean and, before noon, was traversing the southern United Kingdom, northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, southern Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and northernFR Yugoslavia (Vojvodina). Its maximum was at 11:03 UTC at 45.1°N 24.3°E in Romania (next to a town called Ocnele Mari near Râmnicu Vâlcea); and it continued across Bulgaria, the Black Sea, Turkey, Iran, southern Pakistan andSrikakulam in India and ended in the Bay of Bengal.
    It was the first total eclipse visible from Europe since 22 July 1990, and the first visible in the United Kingdom since 29 June 1927.,_1999

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Total Solar Eclipse 2012

    November 16th, 2012

    We got very lucky at Ellis Beach near Palm Cove in the tropical North Queensland in the morning of November 14th, 2012.
    Half a n hour before the total solar eclipse the Sun was very well hidden behind a stubborn cloud, which did not seem to move anywhere.
    However, just before the totality phase the cloud moved and the Sun cleared just in time for us to witness the most thrilling astronomical event
    – the total solar eclipse.
    Thanks to Promote DSLR controllers I was able to enjoy the visual show whilst three cameras clicked through the pre-programmed eclipse sequences.
    The image above closely resembles what we saw just moments before the beginning of the totality phase
    – the “diamond ring” effect, where a small portion of the Sun is still showing.

    I still have lots of images to go through and below is just a small sample of images I took during the eclipse.
    248__490xfloat=_sunrise. 244__490xfloat=_bailys-beads. 245__490xfloat=_corona. 247__490xfloat=_diamond-ring.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    16 November 2012
    The Departing Moon of - Brian Davies, Australia Rugby League player, dies at 82

    248__490xfloat-_sunrise-.17070. 244__490xfloat-_bailys-beads-.17071. 245__490xfloat-_corona-.17072. 247__490xfloat-_diamond-ring-.17073.


    Looking for more detail like moonrise/set or full/new times? Consider QuickPhase Pro software.
    Want a similar moon calendar for your website? Email me:
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    Other souls who left during this moon cycle from 14 Nov 2012 to 30 Nov 2012

    14th - Brian Davies, Australia Rugby League player, dies at 82
    14th - Ahmed Jabari, Palestinian political activist, killed by an airstrike at 53
    16th - Bob Scott, New Zealand Rugby player, dies at 91
    17th - Margaret Yorke, English crime fiction writer, dies at 88
    18th - Elena Donaldson-Akhmilovskaya, Russian Woman Grandmaster of chess, dies from brain cancer at 55
    20th - William Grut, Swedish pentathlete, dies at 98
    22nd - Bryce Courtenay, South African-born Australian novelist, dies from stomach cancer at 79
    23rd - Larry Hagman, American actor, dies from complications from throat cancer at 81
    24th - Héctor Camacho, Puerto Rican professional boxer, dies from gunshot injuries at 50
    25th - Lars Hörmander, Swedish mathematician, dies at 81
    25th - Dinah Sheridan, English actress, dies at 92
    26th - Joseph Murray, English plastic surgeon, dies from a hemorrhagic stroke at 93
    27th - Marvin Miller, American union leader, dies at 95
    28th - Franco Ventriglia, American opera singer, dies at 90
    29th - Merv Pregulman, American NFL player, dies at 90

    AND, also 14 November 2012, was an anniversary of for deaths / transitions that occurred on this date

    Famous Deaths on 12th November

    Deaths 1 - 110 of 110
    607 -
    Pope Boniface III, dies after less than a year in office
    1035 - Cnut (Canute) "The Great", King of Denmark. England, Norway and parts of Sweden. Reigned 1016-1035.
    1094 - King Duncan II of Scotland (b. 1060)
    1202 - Knut VI, king of the Denen/Turn (1182-1202), dies at about 39
    1434 - King Louis III of Naples
    1555 - Stephen Gardiner, English bishop of Winchester, dies at about 65
    1558 - Shalom Shakna ben Joseph, Rabbi (founder of 1st Polish Yeshiva), dies
    1567 - Anne Pierre Adrien duke of Montmorency, Marshal of France, dies at 74
    1595 - John Hawkins, English navigator/treasurer of the Navy, dies at 63
    1600 - Andreas of Austrian, Land Guardian of Neth (1598-1600), dies at 42
    1606 - Matthaus Ludecus, composer, dies at 79
    1606 - St. Nicholas Owen (martyr), one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales
    1667 - Hans Nansen, Danish statesman (b. 1598)
    1671 - Thomas, 3rd baron Fairfax of Cameron, English general, dies at 59
    1722 - Adriaen van der Werff, Dutch painter/engraver/architect, dies at 63
    1739 - Ludwig Ernst, composer, dies at 71
    1742 - Friedrich Hoffmann, German physician and chemist (b. 1660)
    1754 - Jacob de Wit, Amsterdam painter/decorater, dies at 58
    1757 - Colley Cibber, English poet (b. 1671)
    1802 - Charles van Poucke, Flemish sculptor, dies at 62
    1806 - Josef Gottlieb Kölreuter, German Botanist who pioneered the study of plant hybrids, dies at 73
    1823 - Emmanuel Aloys Forster, composer, dies at 75
    1836 - Juan Ramón Balcarce, Argentine military leader and politician (b. 1773)
    1852 - Georg Hellmesberger, composer, dies at 22
    1865 - Elizabeth Gaskell, English novelist (b. 1810)
    1869 - Gheorghe Asachi, author/humanist (1st newspaper in Moldavia), dies
    1893 - Alexander Freiherr von Bach, premier of Austria (1852-59), dies at 80
    1896 - Spyridon Xyndas, composer, dies at 84
    1908 - William Keith Brooks, American marine zoologist (anatomy and embryology of marine animals), dies at 60
    1912 - Jose Canalejas bon Mendez, premier of Spain (1910-12), murdered at 58
    Astronomer Percival Lowell(1916)1916 - Percival Lowell, American amateur astronomer, founder of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona (b. 1855)
    1921 - Fernand Khnopff, Belgian painter/sculptor, dies at 63
    1925 - Roman Statkowski, composer, dies at 65
    1937 - Harry Smith, England cricket wicket-keeper (v WI 1928), dies
    1939 - (Ernest YY) Oscar Tourniaire, actor (Bluejackets), dies at 59
    1939 - Norman Bethune, Canadian doctor and humanitarian (b. 1890)
    1940 - Alejandro Garcia Caturla, composer, dies at 34
    1941 - Abe "Kid Twist" Reles, NY gangster/police informer, killed
    1944 - Edgar Stillman Kelley, US composer (Gulliver), dies at 87
    1944 - George D Birkhoff, US mathematician (Aesthetic measure), dies at 60
    1944 - Roy Agnew, composer, dies at 51
    1947 - Emmuska Orczy, British author (Scarlet Pimpernel), dies at 82
    1948 - Umberto Giordano, composer, dies at 81
    1949 - Hendrik A de Fish, [Henri Pauwels], Flemish philological, dies at 64
    1955 - Alfréd Hajós, Hungarian swimmer (b. 1878)
    1956 - Gerhard Alexander, actor (One Zomerzotheid), dies at 49
    1957 - Fritz Schulz, German law historian (Classical Roman Law), dies at 78
    1960 - John Trim, cricketer (occasional WI quick 1948-52, 18 wkts), dies
    1962 - Alexander Spitzmuller-Harmersbach, composer, dies at 68
    1962 - Sid Tomack, actor (Gillis-Life of Riley, My Friend Irma), dies at 55
    1965 - Syedna Taher Saifuddin, Bohra Spiritual Leader (b. 1888)
    1966 - Quincy Porter, US composer, dies at 69
    1967 - Herman Uyttersprot, Flemish literature historian, dies at 58
    1969 - Louis van Tulder, tenor (Kantoorkruk to high C), dies at 77
    1972 - Rudolf Friml, Czech/US composer (Bohemian suite), dies at 92
    1974 - Charles Quinlivan, actor (7 Guns to Mesa), dies at 50
    1975 - Anthony Ross, TV host (Telltale Clue), dies at 69
    1976 - Walter Hamor Piston, US composer, dies at 82
    1976 - Mikhail Iosifovich Gurevich, Russian aircraft designer (b. 1893)
    1978 - Howard Swanson, composer, dies at 71
    1979 - Dimitri Tiompkin, composer, dies at 85
    1980 - Alexander Nicolaas Voormolen, Dutch composer, dies at 85
    1980 - Andrei Amalrik, Russian writer/dissident, dies at 42
    1980 - Haya van Someren-Downer, Dutch MP, dies at 54
    1984 - Chester Himes, American author (b. 1909)
    1987 - Roger Lewis, aviation exec (Lockheed, C Wright, Pan Am), dies at 75
    1990 - Dave Willock, actor (Queen of Outer Space), dies at 81
    1990 - Eve Arden, actress (Our Miss Brooks), dies at 82
    1990 - Nico Haak, Dutch singer (Foxy Foxtrot), dies
    1990 - Rifaat El-Maghub, Egyptian MP leader, murdered
    1990 - Yannis Ritsos, Greek poet, dies at 81
    1991 - Christopher Hayes, dies of heart attack
    1991 - Diane Brewster, actress (Courage of Black Beauty), dies at 60
    1991 - Howard Brunner, dies of AIDS at 51
    1991 - Paul E "Cardinal" Leger, cardinal/archbishop of Montreal, dies at 87
    1992 - Charles "Honi" Coles, tap dancer, dies of cancer at 81
    1992 - David Oliver, actor (Perry Hutchins-Another World), dies of AIDS at 30
    1993 - Anna Stein, actress (Wedding Night), dies of heart attack at 88
    1993 - Bill Dickey, HOF baseball catcher (NY Yankees, 1928-46), dies at 86
    1993 - Harry Haldeman, Nixon's cabinet member (1968-73), dies
    1994 - Charles "Honi" Coles, dancer (1983 Tony award), dies at 81
    1994 - Katherine Elliots, doctor, dies at 75
    1994 - Michael John Innes Mackintosh Stewart Innes, writer, dies at 88
    1994 - Wilma Glodean Rudolph, US sprinter (Olympics-3 gold-60), dies at 54
    1995 - Curley Fox, fiddler, dies at 85
    1995 - Jack Mann, pilot/hostage, dies at 81
    1995 - Marion Pitt, social worker/writer, dies at 56
    1996 - Don Kenyon, cricketer, dies at 72
    1996 - Gwen Catley, soprano, dies at 90
    1996 - John Qace Hardbattle, political activist, dies at 51
    1997 - William Matthews, poet, dies at 55
    1997 - Carlos Surinach, Spanish composer (b. 1915)
    2000 - Leah Rabin, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, (b. 1928)
    2000 - Franck Pourcel, French popular orchestra leader (b. 1913)
    2001 - Tony Miles, English chess player (b. 1955)
    2003 - Cameron Duncan, New Zealand director (b. 1986)
    2003 - Kay E. Kuter, American actor (b. 1925)
    2003 - Penny Singleton, American actress (b. 1908)
    2003 - Tony Thompson, American drummer (Chic, Power Station) (b. 1954)
    jonathan-brandis. Actor Jonathan Brandis(2003)2003 - Jonathan Brandis, American actor (b. 1976)
    2005 - William G. Adams, former mayor of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (b. 1923)
    2006 - General Jacob E. Smart, US Air Force leader World War II (b. 1909)
    2007 - Khanmohammed Ibrahim, Indian cricketer (b. 1919)
    2007 - Ira Levin, American novelist (b. 1929)
    2008 - Catherine Baker Knoll, 30th Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, (b. 1930)
    2008 - Mitch Mitchell, English musician (b. 1947)
    2010 - Henryk Górecki, Polish composer (b. 1933)
    2010 - Karl Plutus, Estonian jurist and centenarian (b. 1904)
    2012 - Sergio Oliva, American body builder, dies at 71
    2013 - John Tavener, British composer, dies from complications from Marfan syndrome at 69
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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