Departing Moons of our ancestors - amazing pictures - plus The Eulogy for My Dad

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 19, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    June 10, 2015 ·

    Special prayers for Farley Malorrus
    as, he says goodbye to his beloved mother
    this afternoon
    ~May we all celebrate her life
    Thank You

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    June 10, 2015 ·

    Special prayers for Farley Malorrus
    as, he says goodbye to his beloved mother
    this afternoon
    ~May we all celebrate her life
    Thank You


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    06 Feb 2010
    Departing Moon of good friend
    Brian Petersen

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    BaaMaaPii (Until Later)
    Sadly, my good friend Mike Strathy
    has departed the earth planes
    ~truly an amazing father, husband, grandfather
    to those of us, who were his friends,
    he was a caring, comforting, considerate,
    generous and carried with him, important knowledge,
    and, he also was a very thoughtful man
    - in a nutshell, he was kind...& almost always made you smile.
    He was an old ancient one with an amazing original spark...
    defintely a beyonder, as, well as a wanderer & an old wise one
    bringing amazing items to exchange with others,
    on the ontario pow wow circuit...
    My heart feels a great sadness,
    so many, are choosing to journey on at this time
    - so, Journey Well my friend,
    you leave behind so many dear souls that will miss you,
    and, until we all cross paths with you again,
    may we all journey well,
    much love, and deep respect
    @13linesofspirit @in12d #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark
    THE JOURNEY to: #the13thbridge

    Michael Anthony "Mike" Strathy
    Saturday, August 4th, 1956 - Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022
    Please share your favorite memory of Michael to be included in a special keepsake book for the family.
    View Tribute Book
    In the early morning hours of Tuesday November 22, 2022, Mike Strathy passed away peacefully in the comfort of his own home with family by his side.

    Mike is survived by his loving and devoted partner, Bernice Demers, his son and daughter in law, Michael and Lila Strathy, his stepsons Chris Keough, Justin Demers and Robert Demers and his sisters Shawna Strathy and Kerrie Mowbray. Mike was an adoring and dedicated grandfather to Charlotte, Maddox and Carina Strathy and Brock Demers and took great pride in sharing his life experiences with them. Mike will also be fondly remembered by many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and an abundance of friends.

    Mike is predeceased by his parents Gord and Doris Strathy and his stepson Chad Keough.

    Mike’s undying curiosity and thirst for knowledge took him on many adventures throughout his life. During his journey, he collected a cache of stories and experiences that he loved sharing with his friends and family. His kindness and sharp sense of humour was a blessing to all who would meet him and will stay in their hearts for a lifetime. He was always willing to lend a helping hand and touched communities far and wide. Mike ultimately found his passion crafting and working the pow-wow trail where he made lifelong friends and deep connections.

    The family would love to thank the care team that worked diligently to make his last moments as comfortable as possible. Donations can be made in Mike’s name to the Temiskaming Shores Hospital Palliative Care Program.

    It was Mike’s wish not to have a formal funeral service. A celebration of life will be planned at a later date

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Shared with Public

    My Dad was a completely and, a totally amazing man,
    a master of many things,
    a spiritualist,
    an old soul and, a king cast scholar...
    in his archetype.
    My mum was a realist,
    an old soul and, a sage cast server
    in her archetype.
    I was once told they were from the same soul family,
    however, in later years, i discovered they were NOT cadre entity mates,
    but, instead essence twins
    (for those that follow michael teachings,
    Dad was c1e5, and, Mum was c2e6, and, i am from c1e7.)
    Dad was a real good father to two,
    an exceptional brother to two,
    and, an utterly amazing grandfather to two,
    he never became a great grandfather,
    and, he only ever had '1' wife,
    my mum, who was equally amazing.
    He eXcelled in all of his relationships with others,
    he was an amazing son-in-law, brother-in-law to '8'...
    he did NOT have a niece, NOR, a nephew
    who did NOT adore him and, love him.
    He was a magical man, and, his nick-name was Muff.
    He was an accomplished fisherman, hunter and sportsman.
    He loved racket sports, esp; table tennis.
    He loved bowling with his buddies, along with their wives.
    He loved dancing, in fact, often he and my mother danced as one,
    and, people cleared the dance floor to watch them, in utter amazement,
    that two people could move like that together.
    He was a good sport, as, long as he was winning...
    and, the only side he showed i never liked, was if he lost,
    which fortunately was very very rare occurence...
    although, i think it made me realize
    it is NOT whether you win, or you lose,
    but, how you play a game that matters most !!!
    I was conceived on the shores of Kawawaymog aka Round Lake
    in Algonquin Park, in a canvas tent with '13' poles
    and NO floor, and, i know i was made in love !!!
    This was a place my mum & dad loved, and, returned to yearly.
    In 1959, 1960, 1961
    - i journeyed there with both my mum and my dad for a canoe trip.
    In 1962, dad and i took a trip to Kawawaymog
    (the indian name for Round Lake)...
    just the two of us, without my mum...
    and, then since my brother had ear problems etc.,
    Dad and, i repeated the same journey in 1963, 1964,
    and, 1965 ...
    Dad taught me the fine art of packing light,
    however, today, if i was to go away, you would NOT believe that LOL
    He also taught me how to start a fire without matches,
    and, how to cook over an open fire,
    and, i can still do that today
    (nothing is better than gourmet food in the woods)
    and, freezing your food inside the ice,
    so, it comes apart exactly when you need it !!!
    He also taught me to paddle,
    and, how to portage a canoe.
    (at 4 - i could handle a canoe on my own thru fast water)
    and, i knew how to be the best little fisherman around !!!
    He also taught me how to fish, swim and, how to filet a fish...
    and, some of my most favourite memories of time spent together,
    included moonlight fishing for bass out of a canoe
    in the full moons with green frogs as our bait.
    He also taught me the ways in the woods...
    and, how to interact with animals, and, birds.
    Dad could do some pretty unbelievable things with animals,
    especially The Birds.
    I do NOT believe they made very many men like my dad...
    however, i do KNOW they eXist,
    and, eventually i'll find myself one,
    maybe in 2020 ???
    My dad was also a certified jeweler (CJ) and, also a
    Master Horologist (Watermaker), and, an all round mr. fix-it,
    he likely could fix anything,
    many times we put stuff in front of him, that NO one else could fix,
    but, he managed to fix it.
    He also taught his trade at George Brown College...
    my dad also early retired at the young age of 53.
    There is NOT a day that goes by, that i do NOT fondly remember him.
    He did NOT raise me to be a pushover, nor a sissy,
    he was proud that i had my own mind, and, a strong mind...
    along with a good set of values as a compass, and,
    that was a happy, healthy, and, successful person,
    who was caring, kind, considerate, generous and thoughtful !!!
    Although he helped me to buy my first house,
    i think the thing he was likely most proud of me for,
    is that i NEVER showed up at his front door,
    requiring a loan, or, requiring a mortgage,
    or, requiring money to fix my kids teeth,
    or, requiring money to keep my business afloat,
    or, requiring money to fix my car, etc.etc.etc.
    or, requiring money because i had a spouse who couldn't keep a regular job,
    or, that i was there requiring money to spend my kids to university or college
    or camp, etc.etc.etc.,
    i NEVER landed at his door with my hands empty...NOT ever !!!
    but, i always made the best of my choices,
    and, faced the sum total which i called My Consequences,
    and, if i did NOT like the sum total, i learned young to simply,
    change my choices !!!
    i am so glad i spoiled my dad,
    NOTHING was better than finding him something that would amaze his mind.
    Or, something to stimulate his taste buds:
    ohh how he loved chinese food, from Holy Chow!!!
    and, nothing but the best for him,
    halibut fish 'n chips 'n onion rings etc., and, even breaded mushrooms!!!
    i am so glad, that most of the time i took him out for dinner,
    and, it was NOT the other way round !!!
    NO ONE will ever be able to say, Susan is a cheap-stake or greedy or stingy !!!
    My Dad taught me, it was much better to: Pay to Play !!!
    (because that way, you still were involved in making The Rules) !!!
    If a situation was NOT right ... i walked away !!!
    oft times in silence
    - you see, My Dad taught me, silence is golden
    and, most of the time,
    it is just NOT worth spending the energy to blow off
    your good energy as steam !!!
    and, it is far better to let an idiot have to continue to think,
    and, wonder, why was it she abandoned me???
    Because you left, without saying BOO!!!
    i also got him stuff he loved, and, they were things
    he likely would NEVER have gone and purchased for himself,
    and, he always loved my gifts !!!
    yup...Dad was worth that extra money for Calvin Klein briefs,
    or, 100% Ralph Lauren Polo cotton pjs bottoms and tops !!!
    instead of his old Blue Mr. Briefs !!!
    i never forgot a christmas, birthday, or father's day
    (and, i always put a lot of thought into the things i got him)
    ~and, i never missed a chance to tell him he was
    admired, appreciated, valued and loved a lot !!!
    i let him have a lot of his own time,
    which actually afforded me, a lot of my own time !!!
    i accomplished a lot with him in the 55 years, i got with him 1f642.
    he did NOT spoil me,
    he did NOT believe in raising his girl
    to become a dependable brat !!!
    he was my best fan - he supported my choices
    and, was always really proud of me
    he could NOT believe i could work 60 hrs a week, and,
    still go to high school, and, get good marks !!!
    my dad raised his girl to be a winner !!!
    Only once did he hit me,
    but, i tried to play mum against dad game,
    so, i could do things that i likely was NOT quite ready to do !!!
    and, i had told him it was OK with my mum if i went to a concert in downtown toronto at the gardens, and, of course, i'd NOT asked my mum !!!
    i was hoping he'd say, if it is OK with your Mum then its OK with me,
    and, i could play one against the others...
    well, surprise-surprise, my parents had been comparing notes
    on some of the things i was doing at 13...
    and, realized a lot of it was NOT OK with either of them !!!
    I got discovered...and, i was NOT very happy about that !!!
    After_all, i was paying for the concert ticket, NOT them,
    i was working !!!
    So, I told him, he was NOT a man, but, a mouse...
    this is NOT a very advisable thing for any woman to tell any man anytime !!!
    and, he lost it, and, slugged me so hard,
    i flew from his workshop thru the hall and landed in the crawlspace...
    he was furious with me, and, dancing around his shop in circles,
    i think, that was the only time i ever saw him be angry with me...
    and, i was smart enough to make sure, i never repeated that process with him again.
    To this day, my dad says he has never hit a woman,
    but, ONCE, he hit a brat.
    I think on that day, i realized it is best to NEVER fight with a man,
    and, to this day, i've NEVER had a fight with a "real" man,
    although, i have had some good disagreements with idiots !!!
    My dad was caring, kind, considerate and thoughtful...
    he taught me how to put a fallen bird back into a nest,
    he taught me how to be mindful in nature, and, NEVER leave a 'bad' trail...
    and, he also taught me to 'clean up' in the woods,
    and, even if i did NOT leave a mess, and, someone else did,
    you cleaned it up !!!
    My dad made you fight your own battles...
    and, he did NOT bail you out of your own mistakes,
    instead he made you NOT only own them,
    he also made you live thru your choices,
    and, really get to understand them.
    My dad was a good example of what being a friend was all about ...
    and, how an investment in helping others was a great investment for the future...
    the day we buried him, he was 81,
    and, almost every friend he ever made who was still living,
    made it to his funeral.
    He had 3 other couple friends,
    who also had made over 50 years of marriage,
    they were his honour guards at the funeral...
    and, a 4th who had made over 50 years of marriage,
    with 2 husbands with over 25 years of marriage.
    My dad was a good confidant - a good friend
    - and, a supportive father...
    he helped many of my friends to fix our cars in the 70's and 80's...
    we would have all been off the road without him.
    He also figured out how to make a vehicle run on water
    with his good friend John Board back in 1948.
    i was blessed to be raised by a great mum, and, a great dad...
    and, have a good extended family, and, very good family friends.
    i know i was blessed with the best Dad ever !!!
    i know my dad is currently on an amazing journey,
    and, he is currently operating as a main guide, and, a main guardian to me...
    in the future, i know, there will be other times...
    So, Happy Fathers Day Dad - always remember, it is important to journey well !!!
    And, i wish all men in the world
    A Happy Father's day too,
    if you do NOT have children from your body,
    always remember,
    This world is in great need of "fathers and mothers" to all of earth's children !!!
    Be a good parent to all !!!
    Blessings to all, Susan
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    June 18, 2017

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