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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 22, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The chosen Leaders of the World Economic Forum keep winning Elections
    even though they are absolutely loathed and hated by all of their Citizens......

    If voting made any difference ..they wouldn't let us do it[​IMG]

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    rEALITy iS ...
    Digital Services Act &
    WHO Plandemic Treaty
    The Super North
    #America'n "Liberal Facists"
    purposefully cheated
    to stay in power to
    sign the WHO plandemic
    treaty & there is NO time to
    reverse the implementation
    when its signed...I
    don't think it has dawned
    on citizens what this
    means....F'n Shanghai
    No Trump, Chasing Jews
    NeoCon scumbag Rinos
    short of GOD so I pray

    Joachim Hagopian, Digital Services Act and UN Pandemic Treaty: One World Governance through Medical Digital Tyranny
    Joachim Hagopian Just days prior to treasonous Obama leaving the White House, he signed legislation outlawing what he and his puppet masters call “fake news,” that…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    04 MAY 2022
    ··Canada News
    Oh, Canada, Russia has apprehended a Canadian General
    in the underground Nazi base,
    I bet he sings like a bird
    as he's looking at a death sentence

    04 MAY 2022
    Canada News
    Canadians better realize that this is an unprecedented act of aggression against Russia
    done without YOUR CONSENT!

    Putin could legally invade Canada at this point!


    This is legally an act of war against Russia!


    Are you gonna finally get rid of him???

    Russia could attack Canada because of this!

    Russia can LEGALLY INVADE YOU!!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Kris Eriksen
    03 MAY 2022
    3h··Canada News
    The Liberals and NDP are enacting measures to speed up legislative processes in Canada.

    Sorry, I meant the WEF (AKA WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM)
    is enacting measures to speed up Legislative processes in Canada.

    May 3rd, 2022 - The National Post

    Liberals, NDP co-operate to get fall economic statement to final vote Wednesday
    OTTAWA — The government’s five-month-old fall economic statement
    should finally pass the House of Commons Wednesday following some procedural manoeuvring by…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Tony Bermanseder
    August 31, 2019 ·

    An open letter to Alan Jones and unwoke Australians!
    Dear Alan Jones!
    Your recent discussion regarding the deportation of the Sri Lankan ‘boat refugees’ family of Priya and Nades Muiugappan, a Tamil asylum-seeking family exposes a far deeper agenda about what is ‘wrong’ with Australian- and similar western governments.
    The controversy about this situation in upholding Australian immigration legislation on one side and government related argument and supporting deportation and the humanitarian and local community based support for a relaxing of this legislation has an obvious solution, were the Australian government really ‘in charge of’ the situation.
    The solution to accommodate all sides and uphold supposedly Australian made law; would be to deport the Tamil family – but not to Sri Lanka, but a refugee camp not subject to Sri Lankan jurisprudence. Then within an internationally protected refugee environment, the Muigappan family could be ‘fast tracked’ and sponsored by their friends and supporters in Australia to satisfy normal immigration procedures to legally return to their local Australian community.
    So why is this not an option to the ‘powers that be’?
    The problem is that there is no such international protection agency, and this then rises the question regarding the nature and function of the so called United Nations or UN, which is anything, but a humanitarian international agency created for the advancement of the global and worldwide collective human community.
    The Australia connection is via the international banking cartels and UN sponsored NGO's. To enter political life in Australia, certain allegiances exemplified by the globalist umbrella organization CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) and associated ‘collectives ‘must be satisfied.
    In other words it is not the Australian democratically elected government that 'rules' but the financiers, lenders and ‘protectors of AAA credit ratings’ of the Australian dollar, who enforce legislature and rules to force Australian consumers, companies and administrations to comply with ‘global laws of finance’ resulting in irrecoverable debt to the selfsame lenders and financiers.
    Indeed the globalist collectivist agenda is on target since the French revolution and the great reserve bank cartel swindle. The historical nature of the ‘great deception’ is found in the wars between the aristocracy and the commoners, (the great unwashed and deplorables of Hillary Clinton of today); say the Napoleonic wars preceding the French revolution followed by the uprisings against aristocratic rule by kings and queens. The great destruction of ‘inherited rule’ exhibited by the French kings caused a great awakening of the ‘ruling classes’ They then decided to no longer war against each other as one king with his army against another king with his army; but to let the commoners fight their wars for them in proxy.
    The open appearance of the ruling class was no longer necessary; should other pretexts for war and discord become available to ‘divide and conquer’. Then the commoners would remain unawares just who financed and oversaw the political maneuvers desired by the ruling classes of the money lenders and the financiers. The great swindle of the creation of the Federal Reserve banking cartel in the US congress on Christmas Eve 1913, forcing the USA to enter the European war in association with the financing and political manipulation of the Russian Bolshevik revolution began a process of political global control using science and technology to further the global agenda of the ‘ruling families’ now obscured in political-industrial oligarchies and no longer open to public scrutiny as ruling aristocratic families and liaisons. Labels such as Hegelian dialectic, collectivism and cultural Marxism are descriptors for the ‘dream of the new world echeloners’ to rule the political world within an unseen umbrella of technocracy and scientific-environmental progress.
    Unfortunately the Australian general populus is generally even more naive and politically trusting than their Europeans and the American counterparts. Our present Australian government has become enslaved to a very devious agenda. So broadcasters like you and likeminded Australians are trying to instill some common sense and information into the greater deceptions.
    Indeed, as you have often pointed out, using so called investors to build infra-structure like interstate water conduits (like Gaddafi’s aquafication of Libya) and including coal power stations for export of Australian primary resources would help both the 'investing' and the local populations.
    The question then becomes if the elected Australian elected politicians are aware of their own relationship to the ‘echeloners’. If they are not, then they would be unfit for governance in any capacity and could be, as you said, insane. The more likely situation is, that they are compromised in their manner of obtaining political office and influence. As you and others, like Gary Hardgrave, Bronwyn Bishop, Mark Latham and Ross Cameron and the ‘Outsiders’ have pointed out repeatedly, UN-globalist deluded politicians too often pay homage and political obedience as reputation starved elected officials obtaining their ‘directives’ not from the electors, but from government ( ahem UN) appointed bureaucrats. Compared to the rest of the 'technologically developed world', Australia has a most naive and 'NWO trusting' political administration and demographic.
    Agenda 21 of 'sustainable development' is a 100 year old plan now coming to fruition with Australia as one of the easiest picking due to the factors indicated. We are in a sense protected from the globalist agenda, because our 'leaders' are naïve (or compromised or blackmailed say by the Triple A budget obsession and unsustainable interest payments) in the extreme. Further the Southern hemisphere location allows much 'in case' safety-property to be bought by the ‘elitists-echeloners’ in the scenario that things 'go wrong' in the Northern hemisphere in the next few years.
    If now public broadcasters like you and Andrew Bolt and the ‘Outsiders’ fail to discern the deeper agenda of the information war; then the vox populi will be silenced. Conservative commentators like Andrew Bolt show excellent discernment regarding the externally displayed form of Australian politics, but often fail to see that the Australian ABC is no worse than CNN and the Washington Post and the New York Times in terms of their globalist controlled agenda, which controls all of the Western governments in its internal UN-IMF-CFR control, hidden from the vox populi.
    UN associated organizations, like NATO, the Atlantic Council, the Bilderberger Group, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or IMF and the UNHFCR and the Council of Foreign Relations or CFR, all are agents for a century old political agenda now approaching its climactic exposure and implementation.
    The Council of Foreign Relations can be termed as a global 'deep state' globally active not only in the USA and the Anglosphere and can be considered to be 'ruled' by an international banking cartel, deeply rooted in Western history.
    Ergo, the mainstream corporate media is not allowed ever to question the Federal Reserve Bank as it is associated and under World Bank and IMF auspices. Anything out of the UN in political aspects is 'deadly' for Australian sovereignty. And this includes the TPP, the International Trade Agreements for Trans-Pacific Trade so eagerly supported by basically all Australian politicians in their naivety. There are deeper reasons, Trump pulled out of the TTP, he cannot address publicly, being under the auspices of particular ‘advisors’.
    The anti-Trump hysteria is fueled by the global deep state with focus USA NSA-CIA of course but its overall handlers coordinate between City of London (not London per se) and New York Wall Street as the political- and financial headquarters of the world. So why is this control structure so vehemently anti-Trump? Because he was not chosen or groomed by the before mentioned control structure. Yes they already own a big chunk of Australia and our ‘China-UN-exemplary’ friendly government has 'leased' all rights of the northern harbor (Darwin) to the Chinese for 99 years, just to 'get some money for the budget', blackmailed by the global banksters (World Bank, IMF and ALL Federal Reserves operating out of the City of London).
    China basically own Zimbabwe and South Africa and much of the Pacific Islands, as they do not give grants, but 'loans' for infrastructure to the ‘woke’ political rulers and then are in a position to 'blackmail' the administrations when they cannot repay. China seeks to dominate the world in terms of trade and sans Trump and some ex-communist controlled nations like Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria say, China is well on the way to dominate trade and communication as the globalist exemplar and 'way shower' of corporate-government control they are.
    The world political status quo is divided not between political parties or left and right, but on a choice between national and individual sovereignty or collectivist rule by autocratic class distinction hiding behind a label of uniform egalitarianism.
    You are one of many unwoke commentators and ‘life experiencer’ aware of history and its consequences on a quest to preserve and seek to protect individual freedom and constitutionalism. Our unwoke parents and ancestors collectively turn in their graves of what our post-war born generation has allowed to happen to their war born Western culture and civilization in the name of corporate crony capitalism of the ‘unholy marriage’ between global corporatism (not local business) and government aka greed and the 'me-me-me' mindset.
    As you can see from your feedback from unwoke Australians and parts of the mainstream vox populi; a small, but growing percentage of intelligent rational people find themselves in a process of losing the little influence they have to change this devious misguided status quo, hiding itself behind environmentalism and a 'make you feel good' ‘virtue signaling’ ego-centric narcissism.
    The generational dumbing down of our children is largely irreversible and the hope for the planet is in our generational grandchildren revisiting the concept of meritocracy versus the collectivism of universal mediocrity. You might perceive a more metaphysically related political perspective as a solution; without which the Western civilization and the human genus could devolve into its doom and extinction, first intellectually and emotionally and secondarily physically.
    The climate emergency scam and the substitute New World religion of environmentalism and the uniformist, including transgenderism of the two decades since 2000 are mere indicators of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis of 1927; Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World of 1931; George Orwell’s 1984 read 1+9+8+4=22=2020 of 1949 and Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium of 2013. The manipulation and ‘mind control’ using technology is ubiquitous and prevalent and is happening on many social media platforms and media outlets.
    3 Mousketeers for the ‘Open Society’ of the NWO
    It is devious how the collectivist agenda has hijacked the 'well-meaning' but utterly brainwashed sentimentality of western politics and especially the female 'feeling nature' of course. Nothing wrong with femininity, but it becomes fatal if not mixed with logic, data and rationality; just as masculinity as 'pure gnosis-science-knowledge' becomes toxic and destructive if not blended with the female Sophia or wisdom of the body nature.

    As Rex Harrison sings in ‘My Fair Lady’
    Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
    It goes vice versa too Felicity. But as you have said, say Bronwyn Bishop is a vice versa example for why can't a man be more like a woman. Amanda Vanstone is the counter example akin the 3 stooges above. And it goes without saying, that many men of today are like women of old. Libertatis for all is still in waiting. However I think, that Bob Hawke and Whitlam say were not 'insider' Fabians, but to attain office, they had to 'sign up' as outside members. Look at the CFR, which is more insider and in control.
    Thank you for reading this Alan and sky news.
    Tony B. Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Last edited: A moment ago
    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Farley Malorrus
    June 21, 2017 ·

    Let's see what's been going on, YOU DO THE MATH.

    1. Brexit.

    2. Trump Wins

    3. Liberal Press freaks out.

    4. US Pulls out of Global Warming.


    6. CIA Admits to toxic chemtrails over cities since 60's.

    7. Repubs win election in Georgia in a close race.

    8. Stock market stable but a bit shaky.

    9. Deficit still growing.

    10. Inflation growing.

    11. Unemployment slowing.

    12. News obsessed with Russia, Korea, Trump, and terrorism as usual, the beat goes on.

    13. Gas prices stable.

    14. People accusing President of wrongdoing no real evidence to prosecute,
    but tons of money being spent by media and
    government for investigation and analysis.

    15. Marijuana industry exploding.

    16. People drinking less booze.

    17. Pats win Super Bowl (Again), Penguins with Stanley Cup (again), Warriors win NBA (Again) "BORING,"
    Clemson upsets Alabama in College FB...Shocker, CUBS Finally win World Series, Amazing,
    (Back to the Future prophecy comes true)

    18. Farley Malorrus leaves Los Angeles to avoid being caught in the crossfire of civil or political unrest,
    San Andreas, or the irradiated Pacific, and moves South East.

    19. I total MY Nissan Armada, buy a Ranch, build a fence, gate, pool, and get a new truck
    along with fantastic friends and neighbors.

    20. Still no word on livestock but pondering.

    21. Feeling pretty good as a Senior CItizen but nervous about driving.

    22. Loving my facebook friends, family, and contacts who read my threads
    and also share their lives.

    23. Taking 1 day at a time.

    24. Focusing on the positive, forgetting the negative.

    25. Staying in the black, avoiding debt which is important.

    26. meditating incessantly.

    27. Enjoying road runners all over my ranch.

    28. Researching purchasing a generator backup for the house due to the intense heat going on,
    you don't want to be without power.

    29. Hanging on for the Summer, Fall, winters transits,
    which are sure to possibly change the World and life as we know it on Earth.

    30. Praying the President knows what he's doing and hopes he can keep us safe.

    31. Praying for Peace.

    That's the latest!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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