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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 22, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Why hasn’t any of the mainstream media covered this incident that took place yesterday?
    The woman parked her car, blocking off a road in Cherry St, Werribee, a suburb in Victoria, Australia
    and poured 4 cans of petrol over herself before placing the sign containing her written plea
    in the window of her car.

    Police attended and tried to talk her down,
    but she ultimately set herself on fire after telling the police she had “nothing left”.
    The lady was saved by emergency services after the incident.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    hey NZ & Aussie Media industry employees / Families / Friends of...

    Deliberately released Bio-Weapon deployed on the world by the UN Puppet “Commonwealth governments” and Gates / BIG Pharma, has now launched WW4 publicly, visibly. #CrimesAgainstHumanityTreason Trials Globally will be by #MilitaryTribunalWARCRIMESContext – NOT New Zealand Law or Jurisdiction

    No longer are you "Delivering the news" – because of Global Bio-Warfare upon Humanity, you're now aiding and enabling the media machine deploying "Acts of War PROPAGANDA deliberate mis-info" on your own country and 5,000,000 Kiwi's... to enable the depopulation agenda of #GeorgiaGuideStonesJabPlanCULL7Billion

    ALL the "known faces" are going to #Nuremberg2021TREASONTrial

    Same with ALL the CEO's / C-Level Execs, Board Directors - current & past since early 80's Electronics records began...

    But ALSO, here now today - ALL the media industry Cameramen, Producers, Sound Technicians, Lighting Technicians, Typists, EA's / PA's / Admin... EVERYONE!

    EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL component of the media machine will also ALL be held individually and jointly accountable for the Crimes Against Humanity TREASON the media machine is deploying onto NZ and her 5,000,000 Kiwi's.

    NZ media industry employee - you're walking yourself to #Nuremberg2021GlobalMilitaryWARCRIMESTribunal

    ONLY that context matters - NOT NZ Law / Jurisdiction context.
    Do you SEE Kiwi? [Tell your work mates - don't send them to the Gallows because you were too lazy to pass on info]

    Just the HCQ & Ivermectin cover-up alone - just that alone will ensure the entire Jacinda Ardern Labour government, ALL NZ media and all colluding with the "BIG Pharma" SCAM will ALL face #Nuremberg2021MilitaryTribunals for enabling and continuing the FRAUD and SCAM that leads to WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
    Swamp invented the “Pandemic” and then withheld and covered-up the cure.

    [and now they’re ALL caught red-handed globally - #Kraken5EYESNuremberg2021Evidence]

    Just let that sink in… 18 month’s later… what is the trajectory of “officialdom”?
    Ivermectin has WON 2xNoble PRIZES as “Essential Medicine for Humanity” but Jacinda Ardern + Labour government are STILL HIDING THE PANDEMIC CURE!

    Not only the current batch of faces - #NurembergTREASONTRIALS will go right back 30+ years AND MOAR to the origins of MS Dos - since there's NO STATUTE of Limitations with Crimes Against Humanity.

    Once 5,000,000 Kiwi's learn what swamp have really been doing - 5,000,000 Kiwi's will demand Gallows erected on the very footsteps of Parliament itself!

    #Nuremberg2021MilitaryTribunals #CrimesAgainstHumanity
    #GeorgiaGuideStonesJabPlanCULL7Billion #satanicDeathCultNWO
    #RiggedStolen2020Election #MediaHollywoodActivelyComplicit
    #Kraken5EYESGlobalEvidence15yrsOf #SaveOurChildren #GodWins

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dan Andrews goes on leave after being ordered to front court for 'concealing treason and fraud' - as premier hopes the case just goes away

    • Daniel Andrews is accused of 'concealing an overt act of treason'
    • The matter has been listed with the Myrtleford Magistrates Court on Friday
    • Mr Andrews is charged with, but not limited to, concealing treason and fraud
    • The hearing will take place over video link due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns
    • Mr Andrews has refused to comment on the pending court hearing
    • He is currently on leave after spending a hard year imposing Covid lockdowns
    PUBLISHED: 23:33 EST, 14 December 2021 | UPDATED: 01:41 EST, 15 December 2021

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    Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has quietly ducked out of Melbourne after being summonsed to appear at court on charges of 'concealing treason'.
    The charge was successfully filed with the Myrtleford Magistrates' Court and Mr Andrews - or at least his legal representative - is listed to face the court on Friday at 9.30am.
    The revelations of the court hearing are likely to have at the very least annoyed the holidaying premier, whose spin doctors were contacted for comment by various media organisations on Tuesday.


    Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been charged by a private citizen with concealing treason


    Protesters were told of the charges during a massive protest in Melbourne on November 27 (pictured)


    Premier Daniel Andrews has been the target of protests over lockdown laws, vaccinations and his pandemic bill
    Insiders told Daily Mail Australia Mr Andrews had simply fobbed off the pesky litigation, which comes amid several more pressing legal matters for the Andrews Government to worry about.

    Boris is left reeling after historic Commons revolt by 99 Tory rebels: Almost HALF of PM's backbenchers give him bloody nose over Plan B rules and 'hysterical' projections - and 'double figures' write letters questioning his leadership, and other top stories from December 15, 2021.

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    0:33 / 1:59


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    'I think the more interesting cases will be Ken Phillips and WorkSafe/HQ proceedings and then the SlugGate (ICook foods) court proceedings against (Professor Brett) Sutton and the health department,' a source said.
    The matters refer to WorkSafe's investigation into Mr Andrews' disastrous hotel quarantine facilities, which contributed to the deaths of more than 800 Victorians, and the health department's closure of a catering company after a slug was planted by dodgy council staff.
    It remains unclear where Mr Andrews has gone for his end-of-year break.
    The last time the Victorian Premier got away he ended up with a broken back, which put him off work for months.
    On Friday, a legal representative acting on his behalf is expected to tune into the court hearing via videolink due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns within Victoria's justice system.
    Sources have told Daily Mail Australia the private prosecution had been rejected from several Victorian courts before finally being put into the criminal justice stream in Myrtleford - 280 km northeast of Melbourne.
    The listing of the charges has been celebrated by anti-vaxxers and lockdown protesters, with many taking to social media to wallow in anticipation of the words 'treason' and 'Daniel Andrews' being used together inside an actual courtroom.


    The Myrtleford Magistrates' Court accepted a private prosecution against Premier Daniel Andrews
    Addressing 'freedom' protesters last month, Mr Rech claimed to have been successful in having the matter brought before the court.
    Mr Rech, who refers to himself as a 'Commonwealth Public Official' is known to have tried similar proceedings against other members of parliament across the country, reportedly arresting 'those sitting on the bench without any Crown authority'.
    'He was charged with, but not limited to, misprision of treason and fraud. And as a result of those charges being filed and served, they were served at his electoral office,' Mr Rach told protesters.
    'The police have been given notice … The courts have been told to suppress the listing but we put it out there, we’ve been to the court registrars.'
    Mr Rech told the mob the Victorian premier faced the 'death penalty' if convicted of treason.
    'Now that means any politician on indictable criminal offences which is a life penalty but under martial law it’s a death sentence – it has to go to a grand jury,' he said.
    Under the law in Victoria, ordinary citizens can pay $85.70 and file a criminal charge in court.
    While many private prosecutions are described by legal professionals as 'wacky', they have a long history in Victoria.


    Anti-lockdown campaigner Jim Rech addressed the crowd on November 27


    Protesters against Daniel Andrews have successfully had charges accepted by a Victorian court


    Thousands of Victorians have protested against Premier Daniel Andrews over the past two years

    • 50491529-0-image-a-21_1636951304704. The real reason Melbourne is so angry and why it could... 49057073-0-image-m-33_1634093284526. Bombshell corruption inquiry told Premier Dan Andrews'... 49727417-0-image-a-11_1635386580939. How Dan Andrews' Victoria wasted $172 million buying dodgy... 49494113-0-image-m-13_1634879353480. Forget 'freedom day', Melbourne just took its first...
    • 49055993-0-image-a-71_1634273944218. EXCLUSIVE: How young Sydneysiders jabbed their way out of... 49057073-0-image-m-33_1634093284526. Bombshell corruption inquiry told how young true believers...

    The case against Mr Andrews faces significant challenges, with the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions likely to take control of the matter before it gets off the ground.
    Under the law, the CDPP has the power to overtake and discontinue private prosecutions should it find it has no reasonable prospect of a conviction being secured on the available evidence or was 'not in the public interest'.
    In July, a private prosecution against the Chief Magistrate of Victoria Lisa Hannan was dealt with in Victoria under similar laws.
    Despite the obvious hurdles, the application has already caused significant inconvenience across sections of the State Government, which is expected to provide a lawyer to appear on Mr Andrews' behalf on Friday.
    A staffer for the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions will also be on hand, although the matter is out of its hands due to acts of treason falling under the Commonwealth's umbrella.
    Mr Andrews' office and the CDPP both failed to respond to Daily Mail Australia's questions about the upcoming hearing.


    Jim Rech told protesters outside Parliament House in Melbourne on November 27 he had filed charges


    It remains unclear if Daniel Andrews will be forced to face the private prosecution, brought on by protesters


    Premier Daniel Andrews has reportedly been slapped with a summons to appear at court on Friday
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    Dan Andrews goes on leave after being ordered to front court for 'concealing TREASON and fraud'

    Dan Andrews goes on leave after being ordered to front court for 'concealing TREASON and fraud' | Daily Mail Online

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2019 - #WTF #2019 ???
    Wow this was Recorded from October 2019...
    These devils have had it all planned out from day 1
    and, has destroyed billions of peoples lives :( #wow
    #KARMA going to bite these folks in the butt !!!
    #RESEARCH the #nuremberg #code #NurembergCode

    MUST WATCH! 2 minute video. Speeches at Milken Institute's "Future of Health Summit".

    Michael Milken was Junk Bond Guru.

    This conference was about how investors can get rich with a bird flu pandemic.

    Fauci refers to vaccine as "product".

    Milken was indicted on 98 counts of racketeering and fraud in 1990.

    He pleaded guilty on six charges.

    In June 2018 it was reported that some of president Donald Trump's advisers and supporters,
    including Kevin McCarthy, Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson, Elaine Chao, and Rudy Giuliani,
    the onetime federal prosecutor whose criminal investigation led to Milken's conviction,
    were urging the president to pardon Milken. Milken's attempts to secure a presidential pardon
    spanned multiple administrations.

    On February 18, 2020, Trump granted a full pardon to Milken.

    On March 25, 2020, President Trump Declared the State of Emergency
    for COVID-19. #OperationWarpSpeed. #Trumpcine. #FlaviusHits

    "Wow this was Recorded from October 2019...
    These devils have had it all planned out from day 1"
    Wow this was Recorded from October 2019...
    These devils have had it all planned out from day 1

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