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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 22, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    When a reporter for the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
    interviewed Frank Zappa for the commands news syndicate,
    the story was held by a superior who demanded that Zappa
    – who had been rather hard on the army
    – answer one more question: just who does he think will defend the country without the army?
    Zappa’s reply: “From what? The biggest threat to America today is it’s own federal government...
    Will the Army protect anybody from the FBI? The IRS? The CIA? The Republican Party?
    The Democratic Party? The biggest dangers we face today don’t need to sneak past
    our billion dollar defense system. They issue the contracts for them.”
    The interview was never run. g_p843x403&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=dSyhJoKEogAAX_8Adeb&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    UPDATED: 'Why the secrecy?' Leslyn Lewis questions Canada's signing of WEF's Agile Nations Charter | News |


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    UPDATED: 'Why the secrecy?' Leslyn Lewis questions Canada's signing of WEF's Agile Nations Charter

    Leslyn Lewis
    Courtesy CBC

    Two years after Canada signed on to the World Economic Forum-initiated Agile Nations Charter, Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis is blowing the whistle on the "secrecy" surrounding the program.
    "The Liberals chose to enter into a World Economic Forum (WEF) initiated Charter without parliamentary input," Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk, ON) said.
    "The unelected WEF is not our government. Canadians didn’t sign up for the WEF’s plan to create agile rule making in a post-pandemic world and the 4th Industrial Revolution."

    The former Conservative leadership candidate said the Canadian government signed the Agile Nations Charter in November 2020, back when Canadians were "distracted" by the COVID-19 pandemic and the violation of their Charter rights' due to public health restrictions.
    Lewis has been outspoken when it comes to globalist policies that would impact Canadians' Charter rights, such as the ArriveCAN app, the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty, the WEF's Known Traveller Digital Identity project, and Environmental Social Governance policies. She said many Canadians have concerns with the values, objectives, and influence organizations like the WEF have over their lives, and are "cautious about handing over any personal information or control to them."

    READ MORE: 'They are planning to transform everything' Lewis warns of incoming Environmental Social Governance
    Lewis gained access to the details surrounding Canada's participation in the Agile Nations network following an Inquiry of Ministry to the House of Commons on Oct. 21, 2022. "Why the secrecy?" she asked in a Wednesday tweet that linked to the document.
    Canada was among the seven countries invited to the ‘Panel on Agile Governance for the Post-pandemic World’ in November 2020, convened jointly by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Canada, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom, as well as senior representatives from several private sector companies, came together for discussions on "agile regulation of emerging technologies."
    The stated goal of the Agile Nations Charter is to "create a regulatory environment in which innovation can thrive" by making it easier for businesses within their jurisdictions to introduce and scale innovations across their markets while upholding protections for citizens and the environment. The participation length in the Charter is not defined for any member, and participation in specific projects as well as the network itself is on a voluntary basis.
    Lewis said this is part of a trend of the Canadian government "proactively engaging with international organizations governed by unelected global elites on matters of public policy, technology and data sharing," similar to the WEF's Known Traveller Digital Identity project.

    READ MORE: Lewis would challenge WEF climate policies, end Known Traveler Digital ID program if elected prime minister
    Canada will leads or participate in seven items under the first Agile Nations work programme, such as 'Coordinating National Standards Bodies of the Agile Nations,' 'Pre-load Air Cargo Targeting,' and 'Consumer Connected Products.'
    Lewis said she is most concerned with 'Digital Credentials and Digital Trust Services” project, being led by Canada. The project involves exploring and testing the use case of digital credentials, which are tied to users' digital wallets and are used to obtain services and complete financial transactions.

    Lewis said the Canadian government is bringing about a "radical public policy shift" towards a Digital Identity Program, which will allow for more centralized government access to Canadians' private data. She said these projects are a part of a "wider government objective," one that aligns with the WEF's priorities.
    "Canadians have a right to know what their government is doing, to ask questions, and to demand transparency on policies that have immense impact on the direction of this country," she said.

    President of the Treasury Board Mona Fortier (Ottawa—Vanier, ON) disagreed with Lewis' assertion that the federal government will have more centralized access to Canadians' private data through the Digital Identity Program. It instead argued that it will allow Canadians to access services more "conveniently and privately."
    "Digital credentials are being designed for cyber security and privacy protection from the ground up. That includes working closely with the Privacy Commissioner," a spokesperson from Fortier's office said.

    "With digital credentials, the information you agree to share would only be used to deliver that service and will not be shared with other departments or programs, except for specifically identified purposes listed in the Privacy Act. Using digital credentials is completely voluntary."
    Fortier's office added that Canada retains control of its own policies under the forum’s non-binding Charter, and the World Economic Forum participates as an observer and not a decision-maker.

    Lewis said that because the mainstream media has mocked Canadians for asking questions, there is a "chill" on the debate around the WEF. Other political parties are susceptible to this to, according to Lewis.
    "However, the anxieties and concerns of Canadians about these organizations and their influence on our domestic affairs are not going away until we see more transparency and honesty from the Trudeau government," she said. "We need to see these issues come to the floor of Parliament for debate, and the voice of Canadians need to be heard and respected."


    Matthew Horwood

    Bureau Chief (Parliament Hill)
    Matthew Horwood is the Parliamentary Bureau Chief of the Western Standard based in the Parliamentary Bureau. He has a degree in journalism from Carleton University and has been a reporter for the Hill Times and the Ottawa Business Journal.
    Follow Matthew Horwood
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    (22) comments
    AvroArrow206 Jan 24, 2023 11:36am

    I would be interested to hear what Pierre Polivierre & the Conservatives have to say regarding this Agile Nations Charter. It appears the Conservatives want to distance themselves from the WEF, but the Charter details that the WEF is over-seeing this Charter. There has not been any public debate on this, it was not on the last election platform by the Lieberals.

    RealDemocracy Jan 24, 2023 7:21am

    This regime does NOT represent me (nor the majority of the population) as a Canadian.

    Gumby123 Jan 24, 2023 6:42am

    There needs to be a full investigation into the intentional influencing efforts of the WEF aimed at Canadian politicians. This is no different than the CCP's efforts to buy off Canadian politicians and elites with promises of power under the new structure.

    Straight Shooter Jan 23, 2023 5:36pm

    WEF has proven itself to be a globalist fascist entity.
    The "Privacy Act" shares any of your information with any entity that has a vested interest - another criminal act of "our" (globalist criminal parasites) government.
    The the criminality of the globalists is mind blowing.
    Fight these scum now, or you and your children will be enslaved forever.

    Jasper425 Jan 21, 2023 8:13pm

    If it comes from WEF BEWARE! Lewis is 100% correct!

    MLC Jan 21, 2023 1:16pm

    Leslyn Lewis is an interesting MP. She (as noted in the article) has a particular interest in WEF and globalization. As also brought out in the article, while some of her concerns may be subject to debate, she as a social conservative has definitely a strong and relevant interest in exposing some of the challenges in protecting personal privacy.
    She has correctly noted that global identification policies can quickly lead to a complete lack of personal, business, financial, medical, etc. privacy. This may easily lead to manipulation and abuse of this access by both government and corporate interests.
    She has been seemingly excluded from substantial public comment by much of the msm/legacy media, (even to the point of almost being identified as racist, comments to which she responded).
    The two points together tend to indicate that the issues of globalization and privacy should be openly discussed and not just agreed upon without Canadians personal awareness and potential consent. There is no justification for government and/or linked corporate withholding of information and planning in these areas. An area where the relevance of a free and independent media in society is of substantial importance.

    PersonOne Jan 21, 2023 1:13pm

    Lewis is one of a very fre politicians I trust completely.

    Mars Hill Jan 21, 2023 12:59pm

    When LL talks I listen...... knowing of her since her entry into politics I've found her to be a person who values words and does not waste them.

    Canadian in Western Canada Jan 21, 2023 10:41am

    I have a question but first some context. Before Confederation Canadians wanted democracy, even burned down parliament in protest but Confederation rejected democracy for a more consultative type of authoritarianism, which they called democracy .
    Canada's Confederation decided on an unequally elected House whose every attempt at change would face a very real veto by a Royally appointed elite. Canadians call veto by the appointed "democracy" but for that "democratic" system to work transparency is required, voters and the House must be able to see what government is doing, where the money is going.
    As we've seen 21st century Canada rejects the idea that citizens and voters should be allowed to see what their politicians, civil servants, police and courts are doing or why. Not to mention a complete rejection of the idea that citizens should determine policy, laws, rules, regs and taxes. To me that undermines whatever claims Canada had for being democratic.
    Questions to federalists, those who want to remain part of Canada's Confederation; How can veto by the elite still be considered democracy when there is so little transparency, so little ability for voters to know what is being done, by who and why?

    SuperBaba Jan 21, 2023 11:20am

    moonlightenergy Jan 21, 2023 11:30am

    Great question and comments. I think we all know the answer. Sadly the same answer as for all Commonwealth countries.

    terryc Jan 21, 2023 11:31am

    If hypothetically the royalty would veto every attempt at change, then we should really review the notion of permanently detaching from Buckingham and be an actual independent republic.
    Or an even better idea, let eastern Canada ( and BC) stay with the UK royalty and then Prairie Canada can detach and form our own republic.
    I don't know how to start the process of secession, but I would be all for it.

    debramalyk Jan 22, 2023 12:23am

    I share your view. Check out the Alberta Prosperity Project. They have a well thought out plan for Alberta Independence.

    Canadian in Western Canada Jan 23, 2023 11:34am

    TerryC: . Canada became detached from Buckingham and the British in 1926 with the Balfour Declaration which ended any real role the British Royalty had in our government and even more so after 1982.
    Royal power in Canada was abandoned by the British in 1926 but rather than reform and give that power to the people (as other Commonwealth nations did) it was taken by the PMO and the Prime Minister.
    Since the 1930's the problems with the PM having Royal power of appointments was being pointed out. This included the problem of a Senate appointed by Prime Ministers and in our current case majority appointed by one party, one PM (thank PM Harper). The PM's appointees are in a position to veto the elected House. That was a problem before 1926 but at least the Royal at the time did not have any skin in Canada's political games.
    BTW that British lack of skin in Canada's internal political games lead directly to the King/Byng affair and the Balfour Declaration of 1926 and ultimately the creation of the Commonwealth.
    Lest people think a "Royally" appointed (by the PM) Senate with real veto power has no effect look at how Canada runs their Elected House. Canada keeps a very tight control on how the House operates right down to telling individual members how they vote on bills.
    Should Canada allow MP's to represent their constituents and vote as voters want it would only be a matter of time before the House passed a Bill that the Senate would have to outright veto, a bill on Senate reform for example.
    An outright veto by the "Royally" Senate (rather than delay or making changes to the Bill which is also very bad for democracy) would expose the House of cards that is Canada's system and create the constitutional crisis referred to by those pointing out the problems of a system were the PM has Royal power, including the Royal power of appointments holding veto power over the elected.
    The "Royal" in Canada's system is the Prime Minister. That Royal power remains largely unchanged, unreformed since the 1800's. In many ways as Western Canadians we have fewer democratic rights and powers than citizens in Britain had in the 1700's.
    Which is why I ask federalists, those wanting their province to stay in Canada explain why? Why stay, why accept such authoritarian rule and if they are authoritarians (as most are today) why be ruled by a dictator so far away, from a different culture with a very different idea of what their province should be?

    DemocracyDiesWhenLegacyMediaLies Jan 23, 2023 4:41pm

    We won’t secede without an army and militias to back it up. And Allie ourselves with any northern Republican states for trade. There is no way any government will let a piece of territory just walk away. Imo
    Commies only understand one thing and it’s not elections. These tyrants want Alberta’s oil, no matter what they say about the climate. .

    AvroArrow206 Jan 23, 2023 5:32pm

    I agree

    jamessm Jan 23, 2023 9:19pm

    MLC Jan 21, 2023 1:03pm

    There is some question as to whether the role of the monarchy in Canada is of any real consequence in the actual political et al operations of the country. It may even allow for a (extremely theoretical) potential common distancing from a poor government. It does allow for sort of a commonwealth.
    The actual question of democracy anywhere, let alone Canada. is at best a convoluted one in discussion and answer. There is little question that Canada is at best only a slight form of democracy - note that many autocratic countries did - some still do have elections. The issue lies in candidate selection and support.
    Even then should a true democratic candidate be elected to an actual influential position, what is their impact? If reduced by various factors, (established bureaucracy, political "establishment' in a system such as Canada's essentially two party system, msm/legacy media partisanship, corporate interests, etc) is there still a democratic function is the sense of much maligned 'vox populi'?

    Rusty Pipes Jan 22, 2023 6:13am

    Great comment

    Libby Jan 22, 2023 9:04pm

    Good post.

    AvroArrow206 Jan 23, 2023 5:36pm

    When you read through the Charter details I begin understand that Trudeau could be exonerated when going on trial for genocide. This should be rejected immediately and if it is going to take the National Guard to do it, I am all for it. It might be tough for a while but we will get Canada back.

    dgc Jan 23, 2023 8:57pm

    ...we don't have a national guard!...trudeau got rid of it!!!

    UPDATED: 'Why the secrecy?' Leslyn Lewis questions Canada's signing of WEF's Agile Nations Charter | News |

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