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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    How did these text messages get leaked?
    These WhatsAp messages are from December 2020,
    according to the BBC article link in a comment earlier in this thread.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    First-Ever Official Apology for COVID Vaccine Mandates
    in #canada


    0:07 / 2:25

    Town Councillor Apologizes for Mandates


    View: https://youtu.be/iBSppvX6MwM

    A town councillor in West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada (Sturgeon Falls area)
    issues an apology for mandates. Councillor Anne Tessier issued a heartfelt apology
    for mandates at a town council in the small town of West Nipissing, Ontario on January 3, 2023.

    In this small Canadian town, a member of a town council expressed concern
    for the impact of the mandates on the workforce and community
    which appeared to be sincere and from the heart.

    To view the full meeting, see: "Council & Committee of the Whole" West Nipissing Ouest - Joie de vivre ► yt_favicon.
    Council & Committ...
    Thank you to Dash Cam Videos and JohnsonDrone
    for footage of Sturgeon Falls that accompanied this video. #Canada #westnipissing #freedom

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    First-Ever Official Apology for COVID Vaccine Mandates

    March 5, 2023 • by Igor Chudov

    First-Ever Official Apology for COVID Vaccine Mandates - DailyClout

    A Powerful, Sincere and Emotional Apology Worth Watching

    Originally Published on Igor’s Newsletter
    I believe we have just seen the first-ever sincere and complete apology for vaccine mandates coming from a government official.
    (if I am mistaken, and it is not the first one, let me know. Danielle Smith also “apologized to the unvaccinated.”
    Danielle is awesome, but she apologized for other people’s acts
    – she was not the premier of Alberta when vaccine mandates were enacted).
    In this moving video, a town councilor in West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada, Anne Tessier, officially apologizes for vaccine mandates.
    Anne acknowledges that the mandates were wrong.

    She admits that they were wrong when enacted and that the council was aware of that.

    Anne’s voice breaks as she realizes the importance of her apology.
    I want to acknowledge that this policy has caused a lot of unnecessary harm and animosity within our Workforce and community. I believe that this policy was mistakenly adopted 12 months ago. The general population knows today that the Covid vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus. 12 months ago, the municipal council was well aware that the virus spread did not correlate with vaccination status prior to this policy being adopted.
    A constituent had presented to the council the Public Health Ontario data showing that by January 2022, more cases were reported per capita in vaccinated people versus unvaccinated people.
    Unfortunately, the outcome of the vote from the municipal council resulted in the implementation of this punitive policy. With all my heart, I extend my apologies to those who were affected negatively by this policy, and I hope that as a municipality and a community, we can move forward. Thank you.​
    I am moved by her statement. Anne, a small-town official, has done what no one else has done to date. She apologized. She did not issue a “non-apology apology” – she fully admitted the city’s wrongdoings, acknowledged their harm, and apologized unequivocally.
    Compare Anne’s sincerity with the German minister Karl Lauterbach. Karl falsely blamed unnamed “scientists” (he was a multiple-degreed scientist himself) and refused to ask for forgiveness.
    Link to the above piece.
    Ms. Tessier, a small-town official, rose above Karl Lauterbach and apologized.
    While no one should be exempt from future investigations into the Covid vaccine disaster, Anne Tessier’s sincere remorse and heartfelt apology should factor towards forgiveness.
    Anne Tessier’s apology is hopefully the beginning of a new trend. Not all future apologies will be sincere. I can see, however, that Anne is sincere, and I wish her and her town the best.
    Will more apologies follow?
    Should sincere remorse affect the (hopeful) future Covid vaccine repercussions?
    Subscribe to Igor’s Newsletter!

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    The information that Pfizer and the FDA wanted to keep hidden for 75 years has been thoroughly documented and compiled into an ebook – and made available on Amazon.
    We are shattering expectations, but we need your continued support to push truth up the algorithm, which is not just good for the book and the project but also for the conversation, forcing the criminals to be confronted. We already have the blueprint for prosecution; we just need enough people aware of the crime that has occurred — demanding accountability:
    Pick Up Your Copy!

    Also available on our website.

    Igor Chudov is a mathematician and popular Substack writer.

    This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
    One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
    Agree with this essay? Disagree? Join the debate by writing to DailyClout HERE.

    Spread the love

    6148 - COMMENTS posted in this post 6149

    1. NOPE

      March 5, 2023 Reply

      That is an admission of guilt. She should be hanged for crimes against humanity along with all of the others.

    2. b09d185fbcd59b5241aa1e3f66296300?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      March 5, 2023 Reply

      Hiw do you apologize for this? Apology not accepted.

    3. 44e833758f637650a1b736620c35559c?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      March 5, 2023 Reply

      what the hell excuses? Because of this, we lost our jobs, businesses, families were split. and they just apologize? they owe us financial compensation. creatures and Nazis. on these mandates they stole money and made people evil and beggars. the government of the fascist Trudeau-Castro and himself immediately to the dock and life imprisonment with confiscation of property. Fuck Trudeau

    4. d3da6d18968d3d1fd4fa55daa88a8f95?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      March 5, 2023 Reply

      I’m so hopeful to see this. An apology is a good start toward healing.

    5. 68c841c6f40bebe5fb89f3b6a43cb047?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      March 5, 2023 Reply

      Most unjabbed people I know don’t sound all hateful like some of the above commenters. I just wanted to mention that. Perhaps they are legit profiles but we all know that there is an illusion out there to make the truth different then it is, in order to censor free speech. For those who are legit that are expressing these emotions, I would say don’t let the anger / unforgiveness eat u up inside. Yes what was done was beyond awful however you are only destroying yourself if u can’t let this go.
      As to the article and video, i believe she sounds genuine and that’s really something that matters,

    6. e24f9738f37aa8374ffe1aa3fde393c6?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      March 6, 2023 Reply

      Thank you for your testimony and the legal evidence.
      Nuremberg 2.0 can start!

    7. 063451c67696acf42ab38b2e0eff245e?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      March 6, 2023 Reply

      This apology brings tears to my eyes, admitting they knew and still went along and voted in favour of mandating against Canadian rights and freedoms really hurts! The unvaccinated were discriminated against, called names, lost income, denied entry into stores and public places, jobs lost, families divided, publicly shamed labelled as selfish grandma killers!!!. Children lost invaluable social time, skills and education. An apology is the start but now accountability needs to be had. Nuremberg 2.0 Globally the damage done with unleashing the virus on humanity then mandating the bio weapon injections… is criminal! Sorry maybe a good place to start… but this ends with retribution for crimes against humanity. All those who mandated, went along with this fake science pushed by big pharma and compromised politicians who went along with and or profited must be held accountable. People are now injured for life or dead for following these mandates, this was an epic governmental failure and exposed how our elected leaders failed us massively.

    8. 277b8450e81705905a204e5980cd6f02?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      Shawna Reed
      March 6, 2023 Reply

      Sorry is too little too late.
      Sorry for the tens of thousands ho died and are dying?! Say sorry for this well planned manipulation of truth and money corrupt officials,.. who didn’t look at the people who died alone .Do something about it now, sorry doesn’t mean anything. You just say this so you can keep your job. I was humiliated, excised from society because I knew what was going on, I will never trust anyone who is in power again.

    9. 306168d977973501edaf2936d616edb4?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      B. D.
      March 7, 2023 Reply

      My question is..who to vote in Canada for Prime Minister..? It doesn’t make any sense to vote for Poilievre
      For those STILL IN DENIAL about Pierre Poilievre and his “wonderful wife’s” intentions for you….
      MASSIVE COVER UP EXPOSED Pierre Poillievres wife in 2020 was CEO of SWITCH HEALTH
      leading supplier of covid test kits for air travel.
      Partnered with Calvin Rovinescue CEO of Air Canada who retired after giving switch health
      the air canada contract then became an investor and senior strategic advisor of swith health
      along side senior public relations officer Jordan Paquet who worked both for public health
      and the office of the prime minister specifically coordiating with the WEF!

    10. e7c52c01f64e8ce46ba93fdb6ac8cfd1?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      The unvaccinated
      March 7, 2023 Reply

      While this is too little, too late, we must not forget since the start of Covid-19 and the release of the experimental mRNA gene therapy, there has been a growing divide in Canada between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated now represent the newest minority group to become the recipients of hate propaganda as defined under the Criminal Code of Canada.
      The Toronto Star, as a notional newspaper, has published several articles (attached) that have directly fueled this divide in Canada. If this was directed towards group ABC or culture LMN or religion QRS or color XYZ, there would have been rapid public action to address this issue. Yet, for the unvaccinated (including children), those who made a choice to not or were not eligible to take the experimental mRNA gene therapy, there has been an onslaught of hatred, and this does not include, as a result of government policies, being separated from society or repeated testing, this group has been left feeling unprotected by those who have the responsibility for providing that protection.
      To regain the trust of the unvaccinated, there should be a public review of the hate crimes that are taking place towards this group.

    11. d14f3198faa80a4204b045ad46319426?s=63&d=mm&r=g.
      Bonnie Barr
      March 8, 2023 Reply

      It is so sad that so many People have died because of the mandates. they took away peoples lives. They all will answer to God for what they did . May God for give them. I will for give them because God says for give them.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    0:07 / 2:25

    Town Councillor Apologizes for Mandates


    View: https://youtu.be/iBSppvX6MwM

    A town councillor in West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada (Sturgeon Falls area)
    issues an apology for mandates. Councillor Anne Tessier issued a heartfelt apology
    for mandates at a town council in the small town of West Nipissing, Ontario on January 3, 2023.

    In this small Canadian town, a member of a town council expressed concern
    for the impact of the mandates on the workforce and community
    which appeared to be sincere and from the heart.

    To view the full meeting, see: "Council & Committee of the Whole" West Nipissing Ouest - Joie de vivre ► yt_favicon.
    Council & Committ...
    Thank you to Dash Cam Videos and JohnsonDrone
    for footage of Sturgeon Falls that accompanied this video. #Canada #westnipissing #freedom

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