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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Define Media Blindness - [Maleficence in Drag to only appear incompetent]

    OOOoooiiiiiiiiiiiiii hibernating Globalist / UN / WEF puppet - now ensnared
    as complicit Parties to the Propaganda TREASON
    - you and your Producer & CEO & every single Director of every single media entity Globally

    Oooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Willfully BLIND - David Klepper & Editor of NZ Horrid...

    [Colluding & Sheltering makes you all complicit btw - the entire media entity
    & ALL employees - because of your complicit Propaganda TREASON btw
    - for a few pieces of silver in your pockets - sell-out ALL Future Generations

    for your immediate convenience of some jingle in your pockets - by "Watchdog media"]

    [Good Luck with the US Military WAR TIME Crimes Against Humanity
    TREASON Tribunals - every single media & political employee will get to enjoy soon enough]

    Fact Check this NZ media - are there re-purposed US WAR SHIPS
    Off the coast of Canberra right now

    - holding Crimes Against Humanity WAR TIME TREASON Tribunals on-board?

    Will NZ swamp all get sent there also?

    Was Jacinda & Robbo's departure looking like a "soft take-down-Adjacent"?

    [Who is next?] Timing IS EverythinQ

    Covid conspiracy theories soar after report of origins
    Each attempt to look at where the virus started is swamped by misinformation.



    Kiwi - Observe NZ media / government over Ukraine / Russia...
    "Gain of Function" = Bio-Weapon manufacturing

    Peter Daszak & Eco Health Alliance received the funding
    from Fauci / Obama / Biden Administration
    - where the Biden Crime Family reputedly own the properties
    in Ukraine siting all the Bio-Weapon manufacturing sites
    [over 30 in Ukraine - 200+ in Europe]

    Seems COVID might have been funded & developed
    by swamp DoD / DARPA / Fauci / Obama & Biden

    Seems "Wuhan" CCP Army Bio-Weapon lab is just the smokescreen facade
    to take the spotlight off the Bio-Weapon labs in Ukraine the Biden / Obama US Government
    funded, developed - then deployed on the entire world...

    Are NZ journalists & media ensnaring themselves complicit by sheltering?

    Complicit with Global Genocide Attempt & Bio-Weapon manufacturing
    & distribution with the last 3+ years of sheltering the Biden Crime Syndicate?

    Will every single media entity & employee going back to Muldoon Days
    ALL eventually be held accountable for their "Watchdog maleficence
    that then became TREASON
    - that was then enabled for the last 3+ years" ["Knowingly"]
    NZ Journalists and media are going the way of the Dodo bird soon enough

    - once all have had their US Military WAR TIME Crimes Against Humanity
    & TREASON Trials - individually & collectively ["Knowingly"]

    [RICO Act will Hunt them ALL - Globally - NO DEALS!]

    Wellington will be a desolate #GhostTown before this is all over!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    from post 6093
    DNA Science and What Russian Researchers Have Surprisingly Discovered…

    Russian Scientists Reprogram Human DNA Using Words and Frequencies

    DNA science has finally explained previously mysterious phenomena such as clairvoyance …
    intuition … hands-free healing … “supernatural” light and auras … and more.

    The discoveries are to the credit of Russian researchers, who ventured
    into DNA territory Western researchers have failed to consider.

    Western scientists have limited their studies to the 10% of our DNA responsible
    for building proteins.


    That means they have dismissed the other 90% of DNA as “junk.”

    In contrast, an innovative Russian team, led by biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev,
    refused to accept that such a huge majority of DNA could hold no research value.

    To probe the mysteries of this uncharted terrain, they paired linguists with geneticists
    in an unconventional study to test impact of vibration and language on human DNA.

    What they found was completely unexpected
    our DNA stores data like a computer’s memory system.

    Not only that, but our genetic code uses grammar rules and syntax in a way that closely mirrors human language!

    They also found that even the structuring of DNA-alkaline pairs follows a regular grammar
    and has set rules.

    It appears that all human languages are simply verbalizations of our DNA.
    Changing DNA With Spoken Words and Phrases

    Most astounding of all, the team discovered that living human DNA can be changed
    and rearranged with spoken words and phrases.

    The key to changing DNA with words and phrases is in using the right frequency.

    Through the application of modulated radio and light frequencies,
    the Russians were able to influence cellular metabolism and even remedy genetic defects.

    The team achieved incredible results using vibration and language.

    For instance, they successfully transmitted information patterns from one set of DNA to another.
    Eventually, they were even able to reprogram cells to another genome
    — they transformed frog embryos into salamander embryos
    without lifting a single scalpel or making one incision.

    The Russians’ work provides scientific proof of why affirmations
    and hypnosis have such powerful effects on human beings.

    Our DNA is inherently programmed to respond to language.

    Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known this for ages.

    All forms of affirmations and “thought power” derive in part from this underlying principle.

    The Russian research also helps explain why these esoteric techniques
    are not equally successful for all who use them.

    Since clear “communication” with DNA requires the correct frequency, individuals
    with more highly developed inner processes will be more able to create a conscious channel
    of communication with the DNA.

    Individuals whose consciousness is more highly developed will have less need
    for any type of device (to apply radio or light frequencies).

    Scholars of this science believe that with consciousness,
    people can achieve results using only their own words and thoughts.
    DNA and Intuition: How “Hypercommunication” Works

    And Why Humans May Now Be Able to Reclaim It

    The Russian scientists also found a DNA basis for the phenomenon of intuition
    — or “hypercommunication.”

    Hypercommunication is the term used to describe situations
    when someone suddenly accesses information
    outside his or her personal knowledge base.

    In our times, this has become increasingly rare.

    That’s most likely because the top three factors that prevent hypercommunication
    (stress, anxiety, and a hyperactive brain) have become so prevalent.

    For some creatures, like ants, hypercommunication is woven into daily existence.

    Did you know that when a queen ant is physically removed from her colony,
    her subjects continue to work and build according to plan?

    If she’s killed, however, the ants become aimless and all work instantly halts.

    Apparently, as long as the queen ant is alive, she can access the group consciousness
    of her colony through hypercommunication.

    Now that the Russians are untangling the biological underpinnings of hypercommunication,
    humans may be able to regain full use of this skill.

    What the scientists found is that our DNA can produce “magnetized wormholes.”

    These magnetized wormholes are miniature versions of bridges
    that form near burned-out stars (called Einstein-Rosen bridges).

    Einstein-Rosen bridges connect different areas of the universe,
    and allow the transmission of information outside of space and time.

    If we were able to consciously activate and control such connections,
    we could use our DNA to transmit and receive information from the universe’s data network.

    We could also contact other participants in the network.

    The findings of Russian DNA science & research are so groundbreaking
    that they do truly sound incredible.

    Yet, we already have isolated examples of individuals who have mastered the necessary techniques,
    at least on some level.

    Those who have succeeded with remote healing and telepathy are examples to consider.

    According to many with an active interest in the Russian DNA research,
    these findings reflect the major changes occurring with our Earth, sun, and galaxy.

    These changes are affecting human DNA and elevating consciousness
    in ways we may not fully understand until well into the future.

    from post 6093

    DNA Science and What Russian Researchers Have

    Laird Scranton


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Transfer of genetic information by "teleportation".

    "In 1993, Dr. Yu Zdang Kangeng a Chinese doctor exiled in Russi
    a working in a scientific institution in Khabarovsk,
    stated that DNA contained a combined electromagnetic field consisting of
    genetic material of two types:

    a passive DNA that conserves genetic information and

    a bio-electromagnetic DNA capable of modifying that,
    but which keeps energy and information stable,
    giving signals of its activity by emitting frequencies in UHF and infrared radiation.

    Therefore, he admitted that it is possible to make genetic changes in plants
    and animals through programmed electromagnetic transfers."
    - In "Conscious Universe".

    Miguel Gonçalves Biotron Medical Innovatec,
    based in London and the National Library of Medicine
    (National Center for Biotechnology Information), based in Rockville.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "One of the oldest secrets of healing
    is magnets / magnetic / magnetism"
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Electromagn Biol Med

    . 2015;34(2):106-12.
    doi: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1036072.
    Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves

    Luc Montagnier 1, Emilio Del Giudice, Jamal Aïssa, Claude Lavallee, Steven Motschwiller, Antonio Capolupo, Albino Polcari, Paola Romano, Alberto Tedeschi, Giuseppe Vitiello
    Affiliations expand

    The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides. Moreover, such a transduction process has also been observed in living human cells exposed to EMS irradiation. These experiments suggest that coherent long-range molecular interaction must be present in water to observe the above-mentioned features. The quantum field theory analysis of the phenomenon is presented in this article.
    Keywords: Quantum field theory; bacterial DNA transduction by tumor cells; coherence; digital DNA transduction; liquid water.
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    Publication types

    • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
    • Review
    MeSH terms

    • Cell Survival
    • DNA / metabolism*
    • Electromagnetic Radiation*
    • Humans
    • Models, Biological
    • Water / metabolism*

    • Water
    • DNA
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