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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This is NOT a vaccine! It's a Gene Therapy that attaches to your organs & causes destruction.

    It injects the Pathogen into all of your cells. They LIED it's a vaccine to get Legal immunity.

    Part 1 of 2

    It's a Sterilization weapon targeting the Testes & Ovaries, for depopulation,
    but it damages 27 other organs as well including the lungs, heart & brain & nerve tissue.

    -This is NOT a vaccine.

    -It's a Packaged gene therapy, and a medical device.
    -A #vaccine must stimulate an immunity, these do NOT
    -A vaccine must disrupt transmission, these do NOT
    -They state that an #Mrna does not disrupt transmission, nor make you immune.
-It has been dumped into use as a vaccine to cover them so they have no liability
    (and kill billions of people with it & sterilize the masses & poor)
    -Moderna was started as a chemotherapy for cancer
    -This Mrna causes pathogen manufacturing sites
    -It’s a chemical pathogen device that unleashes a chemical pathogen production center in your body
    & attaches to your organs causing damage
    -This is NOT by the CDC’s own admission, a vaccine.
    -Calling it a vaccine it’s a violation of CDC’s definitions
    -It’s a synthetic pathogen. This is a synthetic pathogen being manufactured inside you that attacks your body.
    -80% of people who get it have a clinical adverse event

    -You are injecting the very pathogen into E VERY CELL IN THE BODY
    -You are being injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmission blocking response
    -This is about getting you sick & having your own cells manufacture more virus parts which make you sick.
    It can also cause diseases directly, it can also destroy your organs.

    -This is about injecting you with a chemical which will cause your own cells to make you sick
    -It can cause accelerated cancer
-You are literally injecting the disease into people & then calling it a vaccine,
    but by injecting this disease you are causing all kinds of other damage to the body and organs as well

    “This is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine.
    Vaccines are actually a legally defined term. And they’re a legally defined term under public health law.
    They’re a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards, and a vaccine specifically has to stimulate,
    both an immunity within the person receiving it but it also has to disrupt transmission.
    And that’s not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand
    going into the cell is not to stop transmission.

    It is a treatmenT

    But if, it was discussed as a treatment it would not get the sympathetic ear of the public health authorities
    because then people would say well what other treatments are there?

    this video is in post #41 - thank you

    Video Player is loading.

    Current Time 6:32
    Duration 6:32
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    see file section for post 41 (above) previous post

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This is NOT a vaccine! It's a Gene Therapy that attaches to your organs & causes destruction. It injects the Pathogen into all of your cells. They LIED it's a vaccine to get Legal immunity.

    Part 1 of 2

    It's a Sterilization weapon targeting the Testes & Ovaries, for depopulation, but it damages 27 other organs as well including the lungs, heart & brain & nerve tissue.

    -This is NOT a vaccine.

    -It's a Packaged gene therapy, and a medical device.
    -A #vaccine must stimulate an immunity, these do NOT
    -A vaccine must disrupt transmission, these do NOT
    -They state that an #Mrna does not disrupt transmission, nor make you immune.
-It has been dumped into use as a vaccine to cover them so they have no liability (and kill billions of people with it & sterilize the masses & poor)
    -Moderna was started as a chemotherapy for cancer
    -This Mrna causes pathogen manufacturing sites
    -It’s a chemical pathogen device that unleashes a chemical pathogen production center in your body & attaches to your organs causing damage
    -This is NOT by the CDC’s own admission, a vaccine.
    -Calling it a vaccine it’s a violation of CDC’s definitions
    -It’s a synthetic pathogen. This is a synthetic pathogen being manufactured inside you that attacks your body.
    -80% of people who get it have a clinical adverse event

    -You are injecting the very pathogen into E VERY CELL IN THE BODY
    -You are being injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmission blocking response
    -This is about getting you sick & having your own cells manufacture more virus parts which make you sick. It can also cause diseases directly, it can also destroy your organs.

    -This is about injecting you with a chemical which will cause your own cells to make you sick
    -It can cause accelerated cancer
-You are literally injecting the disease into people & then calling it a vaccine, but by injecting this disease you are causing all kinds of other damage to the body and organs as well

    “This is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. Vaccines are actually a legally defined term. And they’re a legally defined term under public health law. They’re a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards, and a vaccine specifically has to stimulate, both an immunity within the person receiving it but it also has to disrupt transmission. And that’s not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand going into the cell is not to stop transmission. It is a treatment. But if, it was discussed as a treatment it would not get the sympathetic ear of the public health authorities because then people would say well what other treatments are there?

    Current Time 6:32
    Duration 6:32
    Loaded: 100.00%

    video should be attached to post now

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Covid Vaccine Negative Reaction Reports
    (20+) Covid Vaccine Negative Reaction Reports : Wow!! One of the top pro-vaccine scientist and vaccine developer and researcher in the world - Geert Vanden Bossche- has just come out with an open letter to WHO demanding that the vaccinations be halted immediately or the entire humanity is at risk | Facebook
    Public group
    3.0K members

    Melisa Filson
    March 13 at 1:50 PM ·

    Wow!! One of the top pro-vaccine scientist and vaccine developer and researcher in the world
    - Geert Vanden Bossche- has just come out with an open letter to WHO demanding that the vaccinations
    be halted immediately or the entire humanity is at risk. Check out his open letter to WHO and his credentials
    on his LinkedIn page. In my opinion, this video where Geert explains what’s going to happen
    if people keep getting vaccinated is a must watch too. This will affect all people whether vaccinated or not vaccinated he says.






    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Take a look at this video (link above) at mark 31m. to 33m. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJZxiNxYLpc&ab_channel=VejonHealth
    Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic - Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche

    According to this insider the vaccinated will become the source of infections because of their immune system completely screw up !

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Canadian PHD debunks COViD vaccine efficacy in peer review study; produce real risk reduction of only 1%. Contrary to Big Pharmas claim of 95% efficacy the reality is the vaccine is close to meaningless in protecting people. This study along with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche recent alarm over potential catastrophic unintended consequences should give all thinking people to ask - have we been duped? The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-To-Be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca #onpoli #cdnpoli muchadoaboutcorona.ca/covid-19-vaccihttps://muchadoaboutcorona.ca/covid-19-vaccines/

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    two articles i think

    You sent March 15 at 7:04 PM
    Nurse Experiences Metamorphosis After COVID-19 Vaccine Injection – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca

    You sent March 15 at 7:04 PM
    this is the 2nd article i think

    You sent March 15 at 7:05 PM
    The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-To-Be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca

    You sent March 15 at 7:05 PM
    maybe not; maybe the same

    12:22 AM

    You sent Today at 12:22 AM
    https://gab.com/DarklyIlluminated/posts/105763226783248929 see video near bottom of page
    DarQly on Gab: ''

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Michel sent March 8 at 1:34 AM
    Did you heard about the World Bank covid project plan until April 2025 ?

    Michel sent March 8 at 1:34 AM
    Lending money to countries who participate to pay most likely for publicities, vaccines, stimulus of all kind.

    Michel sent March 8 at 1:34 AM
    What could happen is when time will come to pay back a country like Canada
    could be in such debts that World Bank will pay itself...
    whatever was given as a warranty (lands, mines, roads etc.) maybe even people themself as a workforce !
    Michel sent March 8 at 1:35 AM

    Michel sent March 8 at 1:40 AM
    Good night.

    You sent March 8 at 1:43 AM
    2nd video from top https://www.cosmosdawn.net/forum/forums/off-topic-subjects.149/

    You sent March 8 at 1:44 AM
    Important Video - Huge Lawsuit
    Michel sent March 8 at 1:49 AM
    I think Rocco Galati is a member of this movement

    Michel sent March 8 at 1:49 AM
    Rocco Galati and the Constitutional Rights Centre - Common Ground

    Michel sent March 8 at 1:50 AM
    Thanks for this video, i will watch it asap.

    You sent March 8 at 1:51 AM
    wow; this video is shocking

    You sent March 8 at 1:51 AM
    this guy is an attorney for a lot of important people

    Michel sent March 8 at 2:03 AM
    Too often a guy like him is tricked even unconsciously as his actions take form in the real conscious world.
    Especially when the dark forces come from the top of the pyramid
    chel sent March 15 at 12:42 PM
    Melisa Filson

    Michel sent March 15 at 12:46 PM
    Take a look at this video (link above) at mark 31m. to 33m. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJZxiNxYLpc&ab_channel=VejonHealth
    Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic - Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche

    Michel sent March 15 at 12:50 PM
    According to this insider the vaccinated will become the source of infections because of their immune system completely screw up !

    Mon 7:03 PM

    You sent March 15 at 7:03 PM
    Canadian PHD debunks COViD vaccine efficacy in peer review study; produce real risk reduction of only 1%. Contrary to Big Pharmas claim of 95% efficacy the reality is the vaccine is close to meaningless in protecting people. This study along with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche recent alarm over potential catastrophic unintended consequences should give all thinking people to ask - have we been duped? The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-To-Be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca #onpoli #cdnpoli muchadoaboutcorona.ca/covid-19-vaccihttps://muchadoaboutcorona.ca/covid-19-vaccines/
    Nurse Experiences Metamorphosis After COVID-19 Vaccine Injection – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca

    You sent March 15 at 7:03 PM
    The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-To-Be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca

    You sent March 15 at 7:03 PM
    two articles i think

    You sent March 15 at 7:04 PM
    Nurse Experiences Metamorphosis After COVID-19 Vaccine Injection – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca

    You sent March 15 at 7:04 PM
    this is the 2nd article i think

    You sent March 15 at 7:05 PM
    The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-To-Be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD – MuchAdoAboutCorona.ca

    You sent March 15 at 7:05 PM
    maybe not; maybe the same

    12:22 AM

    You sent Today at 12:22 AM
    https://gab.com/DarklyIlluminated/posts/105763226783248929 see video near bottom of page
    DarQly on Gab: ''


    Michel sent Today at 10:57 AM
    The text above said that C**** virus is a scam. Autopsies done in Russia show that people were dying of extended electromagnetic radiation causing inflammation and hypoxia. Those with low immunity are attack by a bacteria which cause thrombosis (blood clots). The treatment done in Russia is based on antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant (ex.aspirin 100 mg and tylenol 650 mg ), no ventilators used in ICU.

    1:14 PM

    You sent Today at 1:14 PM

    Michel sent Today at 1:33 PM
    I like to see Rocco Galati on this panel. So he will be well equip and back up when he will bring the 'vaccine' issue to court.

    Michel sent Today at 1:33 PM
    Did you saw that PCR tests were searching for a chromosome 8 specific sequence ? One of it's function was involved to brain development from chimpanzee to modern human.

    Michel sent Today at 1:33 PM
    From Moderna or Pzyzer, they said using a modify T amino acid (A_T_G_C) to trick our natural DNA /RNA as being natural, so it can cross the cell wall and foul our immune system.

    You sent Today at 1:35 PM

    Michel sent Today at 1:35 PM
    What i think could happen is transform the recipients not into zombies but back into a lower specie.

    You sent Today at 1:35 PM
    that is interesting way to look at it

    You sent Today at 1:35 PM

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1994 DENVER, USA AIRPORT ???



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