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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    June 26, 2020 ·

    Steve Burnand says:

    "cOvid 19 has been known about for 60 years and up to just over a century ago we had no vaccine,
    no GMO, no chemical farming and a media that to a large extent, was localized.

    Viruses are the good guy in our immune systems constant development.

    Up to the vaccine, they evolved within us and uniquely to our being for millions of years.

    My question being 'how on earth did we survive' The term 'herd immunity makes sense
    and there maybe a point, that this takes through 'morphic resonance' (Sheldrake and the 100th monkey effect)

    I work with open systems, Richard and see the outer system, in the same way, as I do the inner,
    with NO great gapping whole between the two, in which we need to battle in.

    The evidence that I have seen is.... this virus, although real, is less fatal to the vast majority
    than the common flu/pneumonia viruses, that kill thousands every year.

    It has been stated by the Dr WHO, it is not air born and our health minister has publicly said the same.

    Most people have paid little or no attention to previous years flu/pneumonia deaths.

    IF they had, they would have noticed that the swine flu, killed far far more.

    The impact of a 'lock down' being a term used in a prison, is immense. In many respects.

    Many have become ill from the constant 'flooding' of the media on the idea of deadly a killer virus.

    The placebo effect is two way, in that you can frighten people into a state of illness or death.

    My comments are not devoid of my own experience, as you know. I sat at multiple doctors keyboards,
    whilst repairing their PC, whilst eating my
    sandwiches or a naughty Cornish pasty.

    Throughout bird/swine flu and other sickness outbreaks. I took more care in the Ebola outbreak though.

    All of the surgeries, were wearing NO masks and imposed NO social distancing?

    Many have lost their jobs and homes, as result of lockdown and the price of lock down, is not yet realized.

    My concerns for a vaccine are founded upon their patented content, allowing the contents to be legally kept secret.

    Added to this are the resent changes in law preventing no redress, if a vaccine should lead to a bad outcome.

    Ask the 'fact checkers' to come up with a way in which we could legally check a vaccines content
    and legally stand any chance, of winning a case against the vaccine supplier, should 'their' vaccine,
    lead to greater illness or death.

    This is a deep discussion SO important to the well being of all and so far I have seen little about flu/pneumonia prevention
    through a 'clean' diet, clean water and regular exercise?

    I am sure if we all lived life, like a Monty Python sketch, where they say 'run away' 'run away' life
    would not had gotten this far down the long and winding road.

    These are stranger times. 1f641. Steve Burnand cOvid 19 has been known about for 60 years
    and up to just over a century ago we had no vaccine, no GMO,
    no chemical farming and a media that to a large extent, was localized.

    Viruses are the good guy in our immune systems constant development. Up to the vaccine,
    they evolved within us and uniquely to our being for millions of years.

    My question being 'how on earth did we survive' The term 'herd immunity makes sense
    and there maybe a point, that this takes through 'morphic resonance' (Sheldrake and the 100th monkey effect)

    I work with open systems, Richard and see the outer system, in the same way, as I do the inner,
    with NO great gapping whole between the two, in which we need to battle in.

    The evidence that I have seen is.... this virus, although real, is less fatal to the vast majority
    than the common flu/pneumonia viruses, that kill thousands every year.

    It has been stated by the Dr WHO, it is not air born and our health minister has publicly said the same.

    Most people have paid little or no attention to previous years flu/pneumonia deaths.

    IF they had, they would have noticed that the swine flu, killed far far more.

    The impact of a 'lock down' being a term used in a prison, is immense. In many respects.

    Many have become ill from the constant 'flooding' of the media on the idea of deadly a killer virus.

    The placebo effect is two way, in that you can frighten people into a state of illness or death.

    My comments are not devoid of my own experience, as you know. I sat at multiple doctors keyboards,
    whilst repairing their PC, whilst eating my sandwiches or a naughty Cornish pasty.

    Throughout bird/swine flu and other sickness outbreaks. I took more care in the Ebola outbreak though.

    All of the surgeries, were wearing NO masks and imposed NO social distancing?

    Many have lost their jobs and homes, as result of lockdown and the price of lock down, is not yet realized.

    My concerns for a vaccine are founded upon their patented content, allowing the contents to be legally kept secret.

    Added to this are the resent changes in law preventing no redress, if a vaccine should lead to a bad outcome.

    Ask the 'fact checkers' to come up with a way in which we could legally check a vaccines content and legally stand any chance,
    of winning a case
    against the vaccine supplier, should 'their' vaccine, lead to greater illness or death.

    This is a deep discussion SO important to the well being of all and so far I have seen little
    about flu/pneumonia prevention through a 'clean' diet, clean water and regular exercise?

    I am sure if we all lived life, like a Monty Python sketch, where they say 'run away' 'run away' life
    would not had gotten this far down the long and winding road.

    These are stranger times. 1f641. "

    ~ Steve Burnand

    June 25, 2020 ·
    From dr Steven Hotze:

    • Michel Tessier
      The actual tests are known to give between 50-80 % false positives results. Sadly, most of the fragile elderly are already dead, especially those who lived in nursing homes.
    • Nick Green
      Depends which test.
      But... I'm calling bullshit on this post. Factually completely inaccurate despite it being politically inconvenient

      How accurate are COVID-19 tests

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Imagine my surprise! (not)
    Google have now buried this search result a little, so when you try it yourself
    the result will look a little different to this, but keep scrolling down and you will find it.
    Oh, and if you don’t know who Klaus Schwab is….he’s the guy who planned out
    the whole vaccine-global-genocide thingy!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Video-Fall of The Cabal
    - The sequel - part 14 - The Era of Depopulation - hiv/aids, spanish flu

    Just Released Fall of the Cabal--The Sequel

    Part 14: The Era of Depopulation… What does that look like in our daily lives? About wars, (natural?) disasters, famine & drought, plagues & diseases. The true story behind HIV/AIDS and the Spanish Flu.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Back in 1995 #canadian theology professor,
    Dr. Pierre Gilbert warned us of
    coming mandatory vaccine
    containing liquid crystals
    that when exposed to magnetic frequencies,
    turns vaccine recipients into zombies !!!
    ~susan @13linesofspirit


    @dacase @realdonaldtrump @ilDonaldoTrumpo
    @HSRetoucher @love17andyahweh
    @linwood1 @JohnDurham @GenFlynnFeed

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    patent. patentsondisease. patentdis.

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