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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Smell the PANIC...
    "When 1 falls, they ALL fall"

    @dacase @realdonaldtrump @ildonaldotrumpo
    @hsretoucher @love17andyahweh
    @linwood1 @johndurham @sidneypowell

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    MP Derek Sloan
    raises concerns about censorship of 'real' silence
    #doctors and #scientists – June 17, 2021 #canada #fearmongering health officials #mentalhealth #nurses

    View: https://youtu.be/vUrp5PlnBwQ

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine
    To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic #WTF?

    Very Interesting and suspicious.


    Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic

    June 20, 2021
    A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the official emergence of Covid-19 pandemic.

    इस लेख को हिंदी में पढ़ें – महामारी के एक हफ्ते पहले मॉडर्ना ने उत्तरी कैरोलिना विश्वविद्यालय में भेजी थी Covid वैक्सीन

    The confidentially agreement (read below) states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.
    Found on page 105 of the agreement
    The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019.
    The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am.

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    The other signatory was Barney Graham MD PhD, an investigator for the NIAID, however this signature was not dated.
    The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Councel. Both signautres were made on December 17th 2019.
    All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China.
    But even at this point they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”.
    It was not until January 9th 2020 that the WHO reported Chinese authorities had determined the outbreak was due to a novel coronavirus which later became known as SARS-CoV-2 with the resultant disease dubbed COVID-19.

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    So why was an mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidate developed by Moderna being transferred to the University of North Carolina on December 12th 2019?
    Perhaps Moderna and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would like to explain themselves in a court of law?
    American lawmakers have already introduced the Fire Fauci Act with the intention to fire Dr Anthony Fauci for misinformation with regards to COVID-19 and for covering-up the origin of the virus.
    The Fire Fauci Act will bring Fauci’s salary to $0 and require Senate confirmation to fill his position.
    In another major development, after over a year, Canadian authorities have released censored documents on deadly viruses stolen from Winnipeg to the Wuhan lab. GreatGameIndia was the first to report the Chinese espionage story in Jan 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council.

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    Read the confidential document below:

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    1. 0c44df3e4947ade7d5d7688f689a9968?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Heidi Rodriguez-Preston June 20, 2021 at 7:15 pm
      Happy Fathers Day to the world’s dads out there!
      Great article. Great game India news that speaks the truth while others cover it up.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    2. 76c2d878e348a32ab13847f4a6228f73?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Handy N Handsome June 20, 2021 at 7:28 pm
      At this point. nothing could surprise me, but, this could be be bad, or not.
      Was the Moderna gene therapy injection that was eventually released und the Emergency Use Authorization among the materials transferred?
      That needs to be answered before this goes forward.

    3. d3a30c8727e3fe7c4466b0440f0c4f8e?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Douglas snodgrass June 20, 2021 at 8:23 pm
      Just goes to show you this was a pandemic built online and deflection. And political parties are involved up too their necks. Your own government is conspiring to kill you

    4. d3a30c8727e3fe7c4466b0440f0c4f8e?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Douglas snodgrass June 20, 2021 at 8:25 pm
      A plandemic

    5. 980ce876b0791f581425f17abf5a3789?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Nike June 20, 2021 at 9:21 pm
      This was about a MERS coronavirus vaccine. It had nothing to do with SARS-2. Sorry folks, but GGI is a disinfo site.

    6. 6a2a919a0515be9b288e791a4e8f84e5?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Gary June 20, 2021 at 9:39 pm
      UK Docs call for cessation of Gene Mod Jab say its unsafe.

    7. 5cc4d4381e18d860f9181146b1315249?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. lynnthoma June 20, 2021 at 9:50 pm
      GGI keeps promoting this stolen viruses deception. How can something never isolated get stolen? I challenge the GGI writers to write a story about :
      (1) Proof of true isolation (purification) of this virus.
      (2) And proof this isolated virus causes disease.
      (3) Quit writing misleading stories about this never-proven virus and start writing genuine stories about how this virus is simply one big lie.
      Thank you.

    8. 92b9806b8eec9e146f6a97bbbf74f45f?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Barney Fife June 20, 2021 at 10:42 pm
      No big surprise here because ‘they’ had it planned a very long time albeit the ‘virus’ didn’t come about by them until 2019. Who are they?
      This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at tinyurl.com/matrixofgog to find out who they are…
      The Plandemic:
      “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
      2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
      3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”
      “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”

    9. 92b9806b8eec9e146f6a97bbbf74f45f?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Barney Fife June 20, 2021 at 10:43 pm
      A few months ago, I told my doctor that this covid fallacy will be found to be the greatest hoax to ever be perpetrated upon this country and on this world. He looked at me like I had three heads and said “Baaa Baaa Baaaa”. Sheep led to the slaughter.

    10. 92b9806b8eec9e146f6a97bbbf74f45f?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Barney Fife June 20, 2021 at 10:44 pm
      This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at tinyurl.com/matrixofgog to find out who they are…
      The Plandemic:
      “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
      2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
      3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”
      “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”

    11. cc63477b2702a5ed7615b5100197f3a0?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. fairlander June 20, 2021 at 10:52 pm
      Ralph Baric / Tony Fauci crowd of supporters developing humongous hives from toes to nose trying their best to preserve Sainthood Status for CDC – NIH – FDA but ain’t working. Grab the Calamine Lotion , guys – – GGI is pouring it on you !

    12. c07500ab892d90afea3e0b1518841bf6?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Ss June 20, 2021 at 11:52 pm
      Proof for your claim? You are on notice.

    13. 8f9dc04e6abdcc9fea53e81945c7294b?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. ML June 21, 2021 at 12:46 am
      Stop. MERS was never an issue and samples were shared with multiple countries as SARS1 vax failed. Baric at UNC skirted gain of function moratorium with Fauci and Gates funding. It had everything to do with SARS2 because those were the baselines by which they experimented with spike proteins and horseshoe bats. Only a mad scientist would release a virus without first having a cure. But how do you get emergency approval for mRNA which has never passed phase 3 clinical trials? Only by first ensuring that there are no alternative treatments thus the campaign against anti vitals.

    14. 30d9e41a703b7dfe61dd50f90a37d582?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. dile June 21, 2021 at 2:12 am
      Lynnthoma glows in the dark (you’re a disinfo agent!)
      A simple Web search answers your questions above – it has been isolated again and again.

    15. 55e821a7aaa8808e18f204fdf5195d17?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. hi inseel June 21, 2021 at 3:17 am
      You must do better research and READ. Moderna has been developing mRNA injections technology for over a decade. They have already used it for cancer treatments. They have been researching just what this document states – HIV, influenza and cancer uses for mRNA technology. There is nothing nefarious about the documentation. However, that doesn’t mean Moderna is not nefarious. They HAVE cheated the animal trials. They HAVE developed synthetic uridines in mRNA and not studied long term effects. They HAVE developed magnetofection – magnetic nanoparticles and targeted EMF. So they are not off the hook. But your article is absolutely false.

    16. 55e821a7aaa8808e18f204fdf5195d17?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. hi inseel June 21, 2021 at 3:18 am
      No, a virus causing “covid” has not been isolated.

    17. c7c03ebb1bccd719aca3320df65b7fcd?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Blather June 21, 2021 at 4:50 am
      So they already had it ready. Faucteeth holds the patents?

    18. dc44f4731ece0db965efddfd12d5e42e?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Deborah Hosking June 21, 2021 at 5:00 am
      Bollocks! And shame on you! It clearly says mRNA. The truth ALWAYS outs!

    19. dc44f4731ece0db965efddfd12d5e42e?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Deborah Hosking June 21, 2021 at 5:02 am
      You have totally missed the point of this article. The mRNA “vaxx” was ready ahead of time for the so-called pandemic. Engage your brain.

    20. 7a69c5419d18c2b367053dafa6d709c8?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Judy Mahar June 21, 2021 at 8:02 am
      This satanic ploy of virus and so called jab serum are off schedule on God’s timetable. Therefore a judgment has been rendered against him. He crossed a line ahead of his allotted time so we are receiving divine intervention. Prayers enhance this. A world wide cleanup is in operation. Will take time to correct so much but it is coming. Keep faith the Creator has the saving strategy.

    21. 45045fd04e3f3beb5e918e2c4919174d?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. fred too June 21, 2021 at 8:10 am
      no virus has ever been isolated and purified and
      following koch postulate
      provan to be the cause for any illness , ever .
      that said
      tptb are playing a game in which they have pretended to have a genetic fingerprint of a cause even though they know the pathogen has not been determined or identified .
      their genetic fingerprint is boggus false a hoax
      IF you have documentation that shows a pathogen has been isolated purified identified and provan to cause something anything
      post your proof understand we will take apart all the hoax studies you post using the “methods” in the actual study you present
      moving forward
      this article shows intent of the tptb to perpatrate a hoax vaccine to make people immune to a future hoax pathogen that was never and has not been provan to exist
      lots of conspiring and planning by the bad guys of time
      and the sheep just sucked it up
      time for punishment AND to enact laws to prevent this from ever happening again
    22. ce85214d5fde388048649023b10b5881?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. rasik241630 June 21, 2021 at 12:31 pm
      I completely agree with you. You can see dr. Andrew kaufman statement of virus isolation https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/
    23. 92b9806b8eec9e146f6a97bbbf74f45f?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Barney Fife June 21, 2021 at 9:04 pm
      I am convinced that this ‘vaccine/transfection’ is a dress rehearsal for the last coming implant IN the right hand which will occur in the last days of the time of tribulation or the early days of Great tribulation. Remember, people are CAUSED, not forced…just like this ‘vaccine’. Now, we learn that we will soon likely have a digital cash economy backed by gold. They will have power over all that we do and that is the intent.
    24. d65670d5bfbac8b4cbc5edce7d874a91?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Bill Hawkins June 21, 2021 at 9:20 pm
      Zero Hedge also ran a similar report. This was right after the entire CV19 scare broke loose, and when even main stream outlets were reporting our university system had been compromised by the Chicoms.
    25. 5f5a9b0d1799a74fe0b75ed66ad804ec?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Stavros Kyriazis June 22, 2021 at 2:49 am
    26. 92b9806b8eec9e146f6a97bbbf74f45f?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Barney Fife June 22, 2021 at 2:52 am
      This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at tinyurl.com/matrixofgog to find out who they are…
      The Plandemic:
      “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
      2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
      3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”
      “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”
      This was ALL planned long ago by GOG/Satan and his horde of imposters and it is a dress rehearsal for the last coming implant IN the right hand.
    27. 36ce3ba0e2ff363a932d7098f234257f?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. Neander June 22, 2021 at 10:23 am
      Great work by GGI to bring out some important facts that need further detailed investigation. Those shooting that this is disinformation… What is the problem in investigation..? Who are the people who don’t want an investigation and want to suppress any information..? Covid is a Pandemic unlike any other so far, and the Vaccines, Testing all have been highly unnatural and unreliable so far.
    28. 03b99379af9caa14065d44c52a19e17b?s=50&d=monsterid&r=pg. good game June 23, 2021 at 7:15 am
      Just because it wasn’t isolated doesn’t mean it does not exist. It only means you can’t prove how it exists how it was made altered etc. A true isolation might show it did not come from nature just the same.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    "THiNK about this SCiENCE"
    ~ Frank Renosky

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mikael Howerton says:

    If someone were to come up to you and start telling you something
    and another person came up
    and told you that they are lying and refused to let them talk!

    What would you do!

    Is not FB and the media doing that to you.

    The truth loves to debate, the lie hates to debate
    because it knows that in the end what it stands on shall all crumble and fall
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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