15,000+++ Health Professionals On Covid / Covid_19, Covid-19, Cornavirus 19 - Well Researched Posts

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The COVID hysteria crowd are screaming ....

    “With no masks, how do we know who’s vaccinated?”

    If you’re vaccinated - why does it matter?


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Hacker Claims Microchips In Vaccines Are Communicating With 5g Network ???

    A really interesting video,,,
    A hacker claims to have uncovered evidence of
    MICROCHIPS in The Covid-19, Covid 19 aka Cornavirus vaccines
    which are communicating with the 5G network ???

    Attached Files:

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Vaccine deal and lock down
    all part of Morrison-Andrew-Halton scheme
    (Part 1)

    SEP 24
    Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
    Morrison has said nothing about (lodge brother?)

    Andrews running rampant in the state of Victoria
    and now seeking to pass the most authoritarian
    and illegal legislation in the nation’s history
    that gives public servants powers to detain anyone
    they “reasonably suspect” of breaching public health directives.

    Ex-WHO chairwoman and current chief of the Gates
    and big pharma-funded CEPI, Jane Halton.

    She sits on Scott Morrison’s National COVID-19 Coordination Committee. Photo: Weekend Australian.


    PRIME Minister Morrison, Victorian Premier Andrews
    and a former WHO chief Jane Halton are the major conspirators
    in a scheme with the crooked drug company AstraZeneca
    and Halton’s “global health” circle to test a dangerous vaccine
    on 95% of Australians.

    Forget the hotel quarantine sideshow in Melbourne,
    this cabal and the health bureaucrats around them,
    are threatening to turn Australia into a medical tyranny
    and large-scale social engineering experiment
    that is already happening in Victoria.

    Firstly, we don’t need mass vaccination
    for a virus that affects a very small percentage
    of the population i.e. the frail elderly.

    Secondly we don’t need it for a viral infection
    that already can be treated with inexpensive drugs
    such as hydroxychloroquine (Zelenko protocol),
    ivermectin and corticosteroids like budesonide
    and dexamethasone.

    But our trio of vaccine pushers are criminally
    and purposefully ignoring these treatments b
    ecause they are up to their eyeballs in the grand plan
    as outlined by eugenicist Bill Gates,
    to vaccinate the entire planet and bring us under
    a global technocratic dictatorship.

    Morrison and the premiers’ criminal restrictions
    on hydroxychloroquine, which in Queensland
    carry a $13,000 fine, meant people died unnecessarily.

    They cynically and deliberately withheld a medicine
    to treat victims of a virus they told us
    could only be stopped by a vaccine.

    It’s a bald-faced lie.

    This is the same Morrison got up on stage
    at the Hillsong church global conference in Sydney
    in 2019 to tell the faithful that
    “Australians need to love one another”.

    It was a sickly and fake political pitch
    at Australia’s Christian community
    who he would later manipulate during the plandemic.

    Hillsong’s Brian Houston, for instance,
    came out suggesting his followers get flu shots
    and download the tracing app touted by Morrison.

    Recently, when the same “Pentecostal prime minister”
    announced his $1.7 billion vaccine deal,
    he actually threatened to commit mass acts
    of unlawful, criminal trespass on Australians
    by making the Oxford vaccine mandatory.

    But of course, he quickly backed down to “as mandatory as possible”
    after his health bureaucrats and Health Minister Greg Hunt
    corrected the statement, the intent of which clearly violates
    Australians’ right at common law to informed consent
    to medical treatment.

    But the prime minister only “backed down”
    from a totalitarian regime of forced vaccination
    to one of totalitarian coerced vaccination,
    where people can choose to not vaccinate
    but suffer exclusion from employment,
    government entitlements, air travel
    and even social engagement.

    In Morrison and Dan Andrews’ Australia,
    people who exercise their lawful right at common law
    to refuse a vaccine become a class of “untermenschen”
    or untouchables, who in the eyes of the state
    and a largely apathetic public,
    deserve to have basic freedoms taken away.

    This is a coup in the making against Australia’s traditional political
    and civil freedoms as broadly protected in the Constitution
    and specifically in section 28 of the Crimes Act 1914
    – currently being blatantly violated in Victoria
    under so-called “health directives”.

    Meanwhile, their Oxford vaccine has already resulted
    in two people in the vaccine trial suffering neurological side effects.

    One in June “with existing illness” suffered a reaction
    and more recently a woman suffered a serious spinal inflammatory disorder
    called transverse myelitis, which has been the subject
    of previous damages awards in the US Vaccine Injury Court.

    The vaccine also contains cell lines from aborted fetuses,
    a problem for Morrison, who studiously courts the Christian community.

    Geneticist and researcher Dr Theresa Deisher notes:
    “Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines
    is harmless either does not know anything about immunity
    and Toll-like receptors or they are not telling the truth.”

    She says foetal DNA is what triggers labor in pregnancy
    – a naturally desired autoimmune reaction.

    But when you have the same levels in vaccines it can trigger
    autoimmunity in a child.

    She says the fragments of human foetal (primitive)
    “non-self DNA” to a child can generate an immune response
    that can also cross-react with the child’s own DNA,
    since the contaminating DNA can have sections of overlap
    very similar to the child’s own DNA.

    But such matters now have to be suppressed by Morrison
    and his team of media manipulators, whose main game
    is to keep up the fear and panic of a virus that is stalking everyone,
    everywhere – despite recent research by epidemiologists
    showing this virus acts just like influenza.

    It rises rapidly, peaks and then dies off as herd immunity kicks on.

    Early in 2020, just as the “pandemic” was gripping the globe,
    Morrison, Halton, Health Minister Greg Hunt and the federal
    and Victorian health bureaucracies were quietly gearing up
    for the arrival of “the vaccine” that was touted almost daily
    by every mainstream media outlet as
    “the only hope to save us from COVID-19”.

    Morrison, Andrews and Halton in big,
    dirty vaccine deal (Part 2)

    SEP 24
    Posted by Editor, cairnsnews

    Channel 7 reported on government threats
    to coerce the public into getting COVID-19 vaccine shots
    on August 18.

    SCOTT Morrison gave the game away early in the piece
    when he bragged in an interview that he had predicted
    a pandemic way back in 2016.

    A video of his comments is circulating on the internet.

    Morrison was not being clever, but merely repeating predictions
    floating around Jane Halton’s global health cabal,
    the collection of public-private partnerships, NGOs,
    big pharma companies, banks and think tanks that revolve
    around the World Economic Forum and the Gates,
    Rockefeller money-bag foundations
    – who basically want to rule the planet.

    Halton, the former Australian Senior Executive Service member
    and ex-WHO chairwoman is currently chairwoman of CEPI
    – the Gates and big-pharma funded Coalition
    for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation.

    CEPI works out ways of ensuring vaccines get maximum global coverage,
    and of course, profits for big pharma and everyone else in the loop.

    Halton seems to be a power-addicted, bossy bureaucrat earning millions,
    who just doesn’t know where to stop in her quest for global influence.

    Earlier this year she was pictured in The Australian newspaper
    posing like Adolph Hitler and spouting off about getting Aussies
    to be compliant with the pandemic response she was heavily involved in.

    Her notable Australian positions include former secretary
    of the Department of Finance, board member of the ANZ
    and Crown Properties (casinos) and member of Morrison’s
    National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission
    – which is filled entirely with corporate high achievers.

    So just what are these high-flyers coordinating?

    It appears they are quite happy with Victorian small
    and medium-sized businesses being destroyed.

    This is also consistent with the “Great Reset” plan
    touted by the World Economic Forum,
    which rushes the world into a fully-fledged Agenda 21 system.

    WEF partner CEPI has this process called
    Advanced Marketing Commitments, which means governments
    commit through CEPI to purchasing a particular vaccine,
    thereby guaranteeing its set up costs such as human trials and marketing.

    And it just so happens that vaccine enthusiast Morrison,
    proud author of the notorious ‘No Jab, No Play” extortion scheme,
    had our government stump up with a $333 million “investment”
    with Oxford University and AstraZeneca.

    It also “just happened” late in July, after Morrison
    signed over his $333 million to the company in June,
    that Premier Andrews ramped up COVID testing in Victoria.

    You roll out mass testing with great drama and hey presto,
    you have “cases” everywhere and an excuse for a complete lockdown.

    And lockdown hysteria feeds the alleged need for mass vaccination,
    which Andrews himself says is the “only way” the state
    can get back to normal.

    ScoMo of course, agrees, and offered troops to help deal with the fake crisis.

    So Andrews lied about the troops offer from ScoMo?

    Does he care?

    Will he resign?

    Unlikely, because he has the support of the PM
    and the “global health” mafia.

    It also “just so happens” that Australian drug maker CSL
    has a large manufacturing facility in Broadmeadows, Melbourne,
    and will manufacture the Oxford shots and its own vaccine
    being developed with the University of Queensland.

    The total number of shots has reportedly been locked in 84.8 million
    at a cost of $1.7 billion.

    Morrison and Andrews are also responsible for overseeing
    the criminal suppression of the COVID-19 treatment
    involving hydroxychloroquine.

    It has been restricted in its supply to existing uses
    instead of the combination with zinc and azithromycin,
    as used in the US, or other combinations in Brazil,
    India, China, the Middle East and elsewhere.

    The premier and the PM both studiously ignored the issue
    leaving their health departments to come up with poor excuses
    and biased studies claiming it was ineffective.

    Halton also trashed hydroxychloroquine in her interview with
    The Australian, claiming it “doesn’t work”.

    Of course it wouldn’t work when she was lining up
    a $1.7 billion vaccine deal between Australia
    and her big pharma sponsors at CEPI.

    AstraZeneca, by the way, is notoriously corrupt.

    It has been fined a total of $1.149 billion over a history of civil
    and criminal offences including:

    – giving illegal financial inducements to doctors
    while marketing a prostate cancer drug

    – misleading consumers into thinking one drug was superior
    to its older drug, which was losing its patent protection

    – illegally marketing an anti-psychotic drug for uses not approved
    and failed to adequately describe its risks in an advertisement
    for the drug in a medical journal

    – in 2002 refusing to put a more conspicuous warning label
    on its lung cancer drug Iressa after several patients in Japan
    suffered pneumonia and some died

    – misusing patent rules to shield its ulcer drug from generic competitors
    (fined 60m euros)

    – acted “unfairly and deceptively” in pricing a prostate cancer drug.
    Later hit with a $12.9m judgment

    – violating US False Claims Act by failing to provide
    required rebates to state Medicaid programs

    – US subsidiary’s president and chief executive charged
    with replacing mothers and older female employees
    with young single women who were pressured
    into having sex with company executives

    – used of transfer pricing techniques to dodge StgUK500m tax liability

    – committed accounting violations in connection
    with improper payments made in Russia and China to boost drug sales.

    But this is the company that Scott Morrison
    is doing his incredible vaccine deal with.

    This is the company entrusted with providing a “safe vaccine”
    promised by Morrison, but which has indemnity
    against damages claims as part of the deal.

    Watch out Australia!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Red Cross will not accept blood donations from vaccinated donors ... and the reason why ?


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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2005fauci. 2005fauciwonderdrug.

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