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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    born in 1958, and, i don't know who these people are ???
    (i was busy working at 14/15)
    WHO ARE THEY ???

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    MAGIC: Seasonal flu doesn’t exist anymore,
    only Covid-19, according to CDC and MSM

    • Chlorella-Powder-and-Tablets-MR.
    (Natural News) Best part about Covid is that there aren’t any other sicknesses anymore. They’re all magically gone. Got a headache? Covid. Got a sore throat? Covid. Coughing frequently? You’ve got Covid. Fever? Definitely Covid. Even all deaths are labeled Covid-caused now. Did someone jump off a 10-story building? Covid. Did someone choke to death on a big hunk of steak? Covid.
    Yes, the CDC has suspended ALL data collection for the seasonal flu since the Covid plandemic was set in motion, and anyone who dies from the flu, from here on out, will be labeled a Covid-caused death. Hospitals across America are being paid in large swaths of cash for every death registered as Covid.
    By now, nearly every American has been exposed to Covid, and probably built up antibodies already, that’s why the tests are invalid, false-negatives, false-positives – it’s all just one big boondoggle to keep the sheeple confused, but obeying orders.
    Notice the switch from massive flu numbers and recommended flu vaccines to only Covid-19 and deadly mRNA vaccines

    Yes, flu numbers magically disappeared beginning in March, 2020. No more fear-mongering about catching influenza. No masks were ever recommended for that, nor social distancing, just yearly multi-dose mercury injections to keep the populace dumb and slow-suffering from “Mad Hatter Syndrome.” Big question: When the Covid masks cause bacterial infections of the mouth, leading to pneumonia, do the hospitals call that Covid also?
    Television stations and newspapers across the country literally verified that hospitals get reimbursed for anything coronavirus related, so no matter the disease, disorder, dysfunction, poisoning, suicide – everyone gets tested for Covid antibodies, and if you have them (or you get a false-positive) then bam! You’re being treated for Covid and will probably die from Covid. It only makes sense with the money game all US hospitals engage in. It’s unethical. It’s immoral. It’s illegal, but nobody’s pressing charges.
    This is being reported on across the country, not to mention doctors blowing the whistle who don’t approve of forging and falsifying medical records for the sake of Marxist Plandemic reimbursements.
    “ABC10 can verify that hospitals do get reimbursed for coronavirus related care, which unfortunately includes deaths,” admits Sacramento’s ABC10 TV station during a health news segment. For example, if you’ve been dying of pancreatic cancer for 5 years and doctors tell you that you have two weeks to live, if you test positive during those 2 weeks for Covid, then when you die, you died of Covid, on paper. Get it? Even if the chemotherapy killed you. This is how the number got so hyped and the deaths got so scary.
    This was all planned from the beginning, and that’s what separates truth news from mass media and social media. It’s all about the mRNA deadly Trojan horse, and over 100 million Americans are standing in line for the “Kill Switch” jab that comes next.
    Marxist plandemic ERASES the seasonal flu like magic

    Daily Covid-19 death data is so far off, nobody even has a gauge. The US government is not transparent about what is being counted as a Covid-19 death. There’s no more flu data, and why is that? What happened to “FluView,” that weekly influenza “surveillance report” that brought so much shock and awe to the flu shot campaigns across America? Sure, the flu is still alive and well in the USA, it’s just not being reported on or even paid one ounce of attention by the press or the medical industrial complex.
    No more reporting on co-morbidities either. Remember that? Those were folks with preexisting health conditions who tested positive for Covid-19, but died LATER ON, who were still counted officially as Covid-19 deaths. How convenient they get to cherry pick all the deaths now, all for more statistical propaganda that’s scaring people so well that they’re willing to suffocate, go bankrupt, isolate, wreck their businesses, take the dirty vaccines, and vote for more punishment soon. Get ready to have your genes edited so that your immune system shuts down and can’t fight Covid-22.
    Tune your internet frequency to Vaccines.news for updates on deadly mRNA vaccines and how to best filter out fake news from your repertoire.
    Sources for this article include:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    CDC ADMITS actual Covid deaths made up 6 percent while 94 percent were directly caused by other diseases .
    THE Hospitals LIED for the money



    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Worldometer - real time world statistics (worldometers.info)

    3,922,345 Communicable disease deaths this year
    148,546 Seasonal flu deaths this year
    2,296,611 Deaths of children under 5 this year
    12,874,596 Abortions this year
    93,388 Deaths of mothers during birth this year
    42,650,985 HIV/AIDS infected people
    507,916 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
    2,481,452 Deaths caused by cancer this year
    119,146 Deaths caused by malaria this year
    5,087,645,380 Cigarettes smoked today
    1,510,408 Deaths caused by smoking this year
    755,680 Deaths caused by alcohol this year
    323,999 Suicides this year
    $ 120,870,746,230 Money spent on illegal drugs this year
    407,858 Road traffic accident fatalities this year

    APPROX; 8 AM - 21 APRIL 2020

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    April 21, 2021
    German Microbiologist: “They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines” to Reduce the World’s Population

    Free PDF download of the first chapter of his book, "Corona Unmasked". (19-pages)

    German Microbiologist: “They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines” to Reduce the World’s Population
    In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, world-renown German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns…
    Health Impact NewsView Link Feed
    29 likes3 comments30 reposts
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Vaccination Detoxification

    It can take 6 weeks to 20 years before you will suffer from this poison=pharmakeia. The worrying aspect of this medical interference procedure is the rapidity of some recipients experiencing those autoimmune side effects. I wish for anyone vaccinated to remain relatively unaffected by this poison until real medical experts can reverse the genetic modification you have been exposed to.
    This will require a far better understanding about the overall genomatrix and the 'junk DNA' the present bioengineers are meddling with in relative ignorance.
    So I wish you well and perhaps from 2025 your and all vaccine sufferers can receive real medical care in vaccination detoxification.

    Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and Autoimmune Disease

    The Medical Science Facts behind the Covid-Sars 2-Coronavirus 'Immunisation' Agenda

    Dr Sherri Tenpenny Exposes 10 Deadly Dangers of Pfizer/Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 'Fake-Vaccines' Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Vaccine'

    Polyethylene Glycol 'vaccine ingredients' a major cause of anaphylactic shock and allergic immune response reaction.

    A long known problem with corona virus vaccines has been Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

    Macrophage type I (pro-inflammatory Cytokines fighting infection by fever) followed by Macrophage type II (anti-inflammatory Cytokines 'clean up' infection in healing process).

    ADE results in a Hyperinflammatory Cytokine storm, which renders the natural immune system dysfunctional and is triggered by mRNA-vaccine antibody neutralizing Macrophage II Cytokines, so preventing the 'clean-up' of the inflammation.

    Macrophage type II destruction/inactivation often causes autoimmune disease manifesting from 6 weeks to 20 years incubation periods and is the main reason vaccination manufacturers of both, historical and genetically modified vaccines, seek indemnity from vaccination injury caused by their products.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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