Wuhan P4 https://gab.com/DragonFly369/posts/106838282086314014 posted by; DragonFly@DragonFly369 DragonFly on Gab: 'To be precise "Beijing didn't know" "Wuhan P4 kne…' DragonFly on Gab: 'To be precise "Beijing didn't know" "Wuhan P4 knew!" "Wuhan P4 deleted Data" "Beijing totally hide info" Old time, Wuhan was another capital! France…
DragonFly@DragonFly369 Dec 5· Guizhou Puppet of MG-Nep96[6] https://gab.com/DragonFly369/posts/109251793441069969 DragonFly on Gab: 'MG-Nepmoving! Using Former president Hu!' DragonFly on Gab: 'MG-Nepmoving! Using Former president Hu!