Wow...some People Are Really Really Rude !!! Anyone Else Have Strange Dynamics With These 2 ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 4, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Antonio Arilo
    52m ·

    I always say that if you cannot break down information shared in a simple and practical way that you can actually utilize then you don't truly understand it because the information itself is worthless.
    Here's an example.
    "The Metatronic gate of the 15th node within the north star of Sirius just opened and the fallen elohim race that merged their genetics with the fallen arch angel Micheal blue star angels are at war. They betrayed the pure blooded starseeds from with the ashen cluster of the 12th heaven seal that were recently activated and are stepping into the 33rd strand of the 13th dimensional particle ray. This DNA will help them purge the ancient AI that corrupted their 45th God strand of the 6th universe Enki"
    This type of lingo makes absolutely no sense at all and I made all of it up. But some people actually write like this and many are drinking it up like water on a hot summer day. The many terminologies used in an incoherent manner is intentional because it creates a sense of inner separation and an overwhelming complexity and the need to "research". But that in itself is a consciousness trap to keep you fixated on external information and to keep you from tuning in to the truth within yourself.
    Some of you reading this might say it makes sense. But does it really? Are you able to apply this kind of lingo in a practical way to your personal growth? Or are you simply familiar with the programming of this type of intentionally confusing lingo?
    If you can't break it down in simple terms for people to understand then the information is worthless and is a consciousness trap.
    The month of October is here and discernment is front and center!

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    what you typed might make no sense - but; sadly; if anyone gives you any info here; you tell them to go post it on their own board ? so; why are you choosing to clutter our heads with that 'garbage' you found on someone else's board, that clearly isn;t for any of us ???

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    • 34m

    • Zaphi Marie
      Susan Lynne Schwenger this wasn't found on someone else's page . It's literally a made up paragraph imitating false information that people spew . He's using it as an EXAMPLE of things that people should be more discerning about . Loosen up, clearly th…
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      • 30m

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      Susan Lynne Schwenger
      is that why in the 3rd paragraph he writes: 'But some people actually write like this and many are drinking it up like water on a hot summer day.' =so, if he is NOT stating; it is in places people are seeing it, because if you can;t see it, how can y…
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      • 9m

    • Zaphi Marie
      Susan Lynne Schwenger what are you even on about ? You're just mad because he put up a boundary with you since you speak the same lingo . Get over it . You're really not making much sense anyways . 1f606.

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      • 6m

    • Antonio Arilo
      I know exactly why you're upset. It was because I put up a boundary with you when you try to educate my audience and myself using the same type of lingo. That was 8 weeks ago and you came out of the woodworks waiting for the perfect opportunity to pro…
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      =AZU4Hfj3r4_XqH0eDFjlh-V2zrFYkNs6wGWhOcNYFLpcjMJQUoHH78yUXmdyCeCgzYLCyVxbcm8R6dUHdA6CiQCOOCesPBV16mZxONjR1iA2CcqY8v3UCNWVmVCHBmqDsJgNmHFV-HAYPw1bjTgS4LK7&__tn__=R]-R'] _cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=RsgROkmB26kAX-mwhSf&_nc_ad=z-m&_nc_cid=0&_nc_ht=scontent.

      Zaphi Marie
      You're friends on Facebook
      Lives in Miami, Florida

      5:08 PM
      You sent

      very strange, he sends me a message and then blocks me to respond to it ???


      You sent

      wow; i can;t even ask a quesiton


      You sent

      i've paid to attend your event ?


      You sent

      very very bizare way to talk to people - i put a post on his board with good info - however; i didn;t realize i shouldn;t have done that


      You sent

      and; he deleted it - there was nothing wrong with what i posted; in fact; it validated what he posted


      You sent

      anyway - good luck on your path


      You sent

      i don;t deserve to be treated this way - and; obviously this is not a good fit



      Lady you have a very toxic energy about yourself & a lack of self awareness . Stop projecting at Antonio & at me. There is clearly a lack of resonance here . The way we respond is a mirror reflecting back at yourself , so if you don't like it .. there's something to look at 1f609.



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