When You Need A Reason To Be - Listen To This Man Named Wilder

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 21, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    When you need a reason to be !!!
    #remember this wonderful man
    named #WiLDER has your back
    #ThankYou to
    Gemma17 @Gemma17 who says:
    I saved this video when it 1st came out and I watch it
    whenever I need some encouragement to pick myself up,
    dust myself off and keep fighting.
    I thought someone here on #Gab might benefit from hearing
    this Soldier's words again.
    I'm going to leave this pinned to my profile
    whenever you need inspiration...until the end,
    when #The_Great_Spirit of #God wins..
    video - Wilder.mp4 (attached)

    and/or watch this on gab here:
    @13LiNESofSPiRiT on Gab: 'When you need a reason to be !!!#remember this won…'

    Attached Files:

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