When Someone Disrepects You !!! ~ Here Is What To Do !!!

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 8, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Spot on!! 1f618. 1f497. 1f64c.
    From Phoenix Intuitive Healing
    Kristin Case

    Exactly 1f4af. I spent too many years bending over backwards,
    to make sure everyone “approved” of me.

    Those same people hurt me, took advantage of my kindness,
    and I allowed it.

    As children, many of us were conditioned to think this way....

    To respect others no matter what.

    To spend our effort and energy on those,
    who are never going to change.

    On those who belittle and abuse others, in an effort to avoid their own demons.

    By allowing this, it only hurts YOU.

    I wasn’t going to get back on Facebook today
    (dealing with some significant pain),
    but then this meme found its way onto my phone.

    It really made me realize how much stronger
    I’ve gotten in my discernment of other’s intentions,
    my strength to stand in my own skin,
    and all the while going through a health crisis!

    I know in my heart what my path is,
    and the realization came,
    when I let go of what everyone else was telling me I should BE.

    I am the voice of so many, that is repressed.

    I am the reflection of your shadows within, you hide from.

    I am the self love cheerleader for anyone who is willing to take in and listen.

    What I am not, is someone who will allow disrespect,
    hate, small mindedness or judgement, anywhere in my life.

    I will not apologize for my “weirdness,” my sensitivities to SO much,
    my huge, vast empathetic heart, or my desire for a world
    where everyone is loved and accepted for who they are.

    Now a side note I’ve been wanting to put out there,
    with so many recently commenting on my pieces with negative energy.

    This concerns boundaries and respect on social media.

    If you don’t like what I write and share, unfriend me or keep scrolling!

    It won’t hurt my feelings, and I will not take it personal.

    Nor, do I need to hear any opinions that stem from a place of judgement
    and close mindedness!

    We are all entitled to our own opinions,
    but if your opinions involve ridicule or judgment, keep it to yourself!!!

    I know I speak for many who do this uplifting work,
    when I say this!

    Many of us write and offer help completely free (I do),
    and our only purpose is to inspire and uplift,
    yet we still encounter this ugliness often.

    If you can’t respect a simple request to be kind and compassionate,
    you will be blocked and problem solved,
    you won’t have to see any more of my posts!

    Just had to get this out there because I’m 100% done with the negativity!

    Now that I got that out......

    I hope that I can inspire others to stand in their truth.

    To not be afraid of losing old, hurtful aspects of their life,
    as to allow in what aligns with one’s passions.

    Yes, it’s messy at times, and it’s hard working through trauma
    and letting go of jobs, people, and even the way you’ve told yourself,
    things “should” be.

    There is no set way, and it doesn’t matter who tells you different.

    You’ll always have someone trying to interject their own beliefs as yours,

    but it’s your choice if you allow it, and you will continue in the same cycle.

    You don’t have to be nasty or disrespectful,
    but if someone takes offense to your taking care of you
    and shows no sign of changing, it’s just time to let them go!

    Today is as good a day as any, for you to stop allowing others
    to walk all over you.

    Go after the life that brings you happiness, and don’t look back! 1f499. 270c. 1f98b.

    - Kristin Case

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