When An Eaglespeaker Aka Eagle Speaker Clan Member Speaks, Good Plan To Listen !!! @13linesofspirit

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 19, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    When An Eaglespeaker Aka Eagle Speaker Clan Member Speaks,

    iT iS a Very Good Plan To LiSTEN !!!

    ~susan lynne schwenger



    Farley Mosquito Eagle Speaker

    Verna Eagle Speaker says:

    Long time ago our Elders tried to warn us
    about the hard times yet to come.

    We are just experiencing just the start brothers and sisters.

    They said prepare and get ready as much as you can.

    I remember this one old lady she was speaking
    at a Round Dance about 20 years ago.

    Note that she's no longer here with us

    She passed on to the spirit world over a decade ago.

    She cried saying she won't be around to see these hard times

    but us young people will be.

    She cried saying she fears that we won't be ready.

    Some will be ready however alot won't be she said.

    She said just by looking around the gym

    you will know why it will be hard

    no one listens these days.

    I was listening to what she was saying...

    I started looking around

    and noticed other Elders weren't paying attention.

    Some were listening shaking their heads in agreement

    yet so many were ignoring her.

    Young people were doing the exact same thing

    not paying attention either.

    She said when these hard times are amongst us,

    Not to have hate in our hearts.

    Make sure not to forget one another,

    Also to forgive one another

    and not to turn your back on one another.

    Please do what you can to help

    as much people make the harsh winters.

    Also belive in our ways our prayers, traditions,

    medicines our protocols.

    There will be a time the government

    will limit our medicine chest

    or turn its back on treaty rights.

    She even said there is going to be a drug

    so powerful it will take the young people (meth)

    this day has come!

    they will need the help the most.

    There's alot of Elders who used to warn us.

    Just a reminder its always good to remember

    what we were told growing up

    not to forget our ways

    Very wise words

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