We Need More Frogs To Jump Out Of The Pot - Donna Spratt Aka Cosmic Mind

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 13, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Donna Spratt

    For years and years we have been told
    by government officials about all the illegal spying
    and how concerning it is.

    And then somebody some where said,
    'that's fine, I'm not doing anything wrong or illegal'
    and suddenly everyone agreed to that line of thinking.

    Scoot forward many years and you find out
    they have been training the AI with all your 'data',
    which anyone, any where can buy.

    Your habits, your 'pattern of life', what you eat,
    watch, buy, speak...

    all of this data adds up to how you think and live.

    This info can then be weaponized to trigger your shadow thru military programs unleashed on social media
    thru the AI and the army of bots,
    (which corporations and regular people can also buy).

    The CIA has used these programs
    to overthrow governments in other countries.

    Just look at Ukraine.

    Now they are going to take the data and use it
    as thought police to punish people who step out of line
    by fining them 2500.00 simply because they consider
    what you say as 'disinformation'.

    This is just the most recent example I can use.

    There are many others.

    When the government/corporations says
    'oh, we are just going to limit your access to guns
    and ammo for your safety,

    or how much money you can take out of your bank,

    or how much gas you can buy

    or how much electricity you can use'.

    It is always a slow roll to losing more and more freedoms
    by giving control to government/corporations
    and all the agencies.

    This has been unfolding for well over 40 years.

    Boiling frogs and all.

    We need more frogs to jump out of the pot.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

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