W&W 3 - Man Without Name

Discussion in 'Jorgelitos Corner' started by Jorgelito, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Ever notice Soul, IAM or Whatever We Are doesn't come with a name?

    You would think something important like our name would be something we would never forget -- something like our social security number. This is curious. If we have forgotten it, what would it be? Where would it be? Would it look something like this?


    We know the feeling, the Presence, that we are. It has the infinite, forever feeling of wind, waters, sunrise and sunset. It would be nice to know a sound that would re-create and affirm these energies I am. A self-healing sound it would be.


    This would be of great practical use when I forget Who I am during the day. I would be able to play it whenever I needed to be true, whole and fully present.


    I Am That Which Is.

    This is my sound . . .







    It is a space that is true, beautiful, free, without boundaries. I call it DOORWAY because it feels that way. Breathing, touching wood and listening to Pavarotti help me get there.

    We already know how to create this space -- by allowing it to happen and getting out of the way. There's no magic.

    To let things be that are not of freedom (and there are many such energies on Earth!), I give them respect and allow free passage --through me as I am able -- without holding, halting, lassoing or participating. This mantra helps -- YOU CAN BE YOU AND I CAN BE ME

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