Uses For Coconut Oil

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Danny Neskovic

    1. Proven Alzheimer’s disease natural treatment.

    2. Prevents heart disease and high blood pressure.

    3. Cures UTI and kidney infections and protects the liver.

    Coconut water also helps hydrate and support the healing process.

    Doctors have even injected coconut water

    to clear up kidney stones.

    4. Reduces inflammation and arthritis.

    5. Cancer prevention and treatment.

    6. Immune system boost antibacterial.

    7. Improves memory and brain function.

    8. Improves energy and endurance.

    9. Improves digestion, reduces stomach ulcers and ulcerative Colitis.

    Coconut improves digestion as it helps

    the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, and magnesium.

    10. Reduces symptoms of gall bladder disease and pancreatitis.

    11. Improves skin issues (burns, eczema, dandruff, dermatitis, and psoriasis).

    Coconut oil is wonderful as a

    face cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen, but also it can treat many skin disorders.

    12. Prevents gum disease and tooth decay.

    13. Prevents osteoporosis.

    Oxidative stress and free radicals are the two biggest culprits of osteoporosis.

    14. Improves Type II Diabetes when cells refuse to respond to insulin.

    15. Coconut oil aids in weight loss.

    Because of the energy-creating abilities of coconut oil,

    it is no wonder that it is beneficial in losing weight.

    It helps to burn fat, decrease appetite and is especially helpful in losing belly fat!

    MCFAs aren't just good for burning fat.

    16. Building muscle.

    17. Coconut oil keeps hair flourishing. If you have dandruff or dry hair,
    coconut oil has the perfect fatty acids to help improve these conditions.

    You can make homemade coconut lavender shampoo to improve your hair
    and use straight coconut oil as an all-natural hair conditioner.

    To get rid of dandruff and to thicken hair massage 1 tbsp coconut oil mixed

    with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil into your scalp for 3 min.

    Then shower 30 minutes later.

    18. Eliminates Candida and yeast infections.

    19. Coconut oil on skin is anti-aging.

    20. Coconut oil restores hormone balance because it’s a great source

    of saturated fat including lauric acid.

    Coconut oil is an excellent fat to consume during menopause

    and also may have positive effects on estrogen levels.

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