Urb Mac Áeda, King Of Brycheiniog - Cormach Mac Urb, King Of Ireland-king Anlach Goronog Mac Cormac

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 26, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog is your 46th great grandfather.
    susan lynne schwenger

    Lyn aka Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    James Edward Handy Jr.
    her father

    James Edward Handy Sr.
    his father

    Edward or NED Handy
    his father

    Charles Wesley Handy
    his father

    Jane Orme - Handy of Brackagh (Bracca) Castle of Coolalough (Collolalough)
    his mother

    Anne Jackson - Orme
    her mother

    Jane Cuffe of Ballinrobe - Jackson
    her mother

    Right Hon. James Cuffe of Ballinrobe
    her father

    Alice Aungier - Cuffe
    his mother

    Griseld Bulkeley - Aungier
    her mother

    Alice Bulkeley
    her mother

    Roland Bulkeley, of Conway and Beaumaris
    her father

    William Bulkeley, MP
    his father

    Edmund Bulkeley
    his father

    William Bulkeley, of Hotcroft, Constable of Beaumaris
    his father

    Alice Bulkeley
    his mother

    Adam Bostock
    her father

    Margaret Bostock
    his mother

    Sir John Wettenhall, Kt., of Acton
    her father

    Agnes Wettenhall
    his mother

    Margery verch Gruffydd
    her mother

    Gruffudd Maelor II ap Madog, arglwydd Dinas Bran
    her father

    Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor, Lord Bromfield
    his father

    Gruffudd Maelor ap Madog, Lord of Bromfield
    his father

    Madog ap Maredudd, Brenin Powys
    his father

    Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys
    his father

    Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Brenin Powys
    his father

    Angharad verch Maredudd
    his mother

    Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth
    her father

    Angharad verch Llewelyn
    his mother

    N.N. ferch Merfyn
    her mother

    Merfyn ap Rhodri Mawr
    her father

    Rhodri the Great, king of the Britons
    his father

    Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad
    his father

    Gwriad ap Elidir
    his father
    his mother Celeinion verch Tudwal

    Elidir ap Sandde
    his father

    Sandde ap Alcwn
    his father
    his mother Celeinion verch Tudwal

    Alcwn ap Tegid
    his father

    Tegid ap Gwair
    his father
    his mother Anne of Britain
    Birth: 620 Cornwall, England (United Kingdom) Death: 670 France

    Gwair ap Dwg
    his father

    Dwg ap Llywarch Hen
    his father

    Llywarch Hen ab Elidir
    his father

    Saint Gwawr ferch Brychan
    his mother
    his father Elidir Lydanwyn ap Meirchion, Brenin Rheged

    St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog
    her father
    her mother Prawst verch Tudwal

    Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland
    his father
    his mother Marchell verch Tewdrig

    Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland
    his father
    his mother Gratianna of Galloway

    Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog
    his father

    Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog MP

    Birth:circa 340
    Death:circa 407 (58-75)
    Immediate Family:Husband of N.N.
    Father of Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    38th great grandfather
    Tegid ap Gwair
    38th great grandmother
    Anne of Britain
    aka Anna (Morgana)
    (39th great grandfather Uther Pendragon
    39th great grandmother Igraine)
    Anna is a daughter of Uther Pendragon by Igraine,
    and a sister of King Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae.
    The daughter of Uther Pendragon is prophesied by Merlin to be the encestress
    of seven kings who will reign over Britain.
    Anna is then named as the daughter born to Uther and Igraine,
    but becomes the wife of King Lot of Lothian.
    This implies that Anna is the mother of Gawain and Mordred.
    Birth: 620 Cornwall, England (United Kingdom) Death: 670 France

    38th great grandfather
    Tegid ap Gwair

    39th great grandfather
    Gwair ap Dwg
    his father

    40th great grandfather
    Dwg ap Llywarch Hen
    his father

    41st great grandfather
    Llywarch Hen ab Elidir
    his father

    42nd great grandmother
    Saint Gwawr ferch Brychan
    his mother
    his father Elidir Lydanwyn ap Meirchion, Brenin Rheged

    43rd great grandfather
    St. Brychan Gododdin, Brenin Brycheiniog
    her father
    her mother Prawst verch Tudwal

    44th great grandfather
    Anlach Goronog mac Cormac, King of Ireland
    his father
    his mother Marchell verch Tewdrig

    45th great grandfather
    Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland
    his father
    his mother Gratianna of Galloway

    46th great grandfather
    Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog
    his father

    Urb mac Áeda, King of Brycheiniog MP

    Birth:circa 340
    Death:circa 407 (58-75)
    Immediate Family:Husband of N.N.
    Father of Cormach mac Urb, King of Ireland

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sirius Lee
    Lloyd Belcour

    The McCurdy line is the rightful Barons of the isle of Bute, Scotland.

    They are the descendants of the Benejesserit kings that could heal with a touch.

    They are also descended from Sarah, the daughter of Jesus Christ.

    Henceforth, the kings & Queens of the line were designated as being the twigs of the Tree
    - and the ancient word for twig was ’klone’ (clone).

    In later times, this Plant or Tree was redefined as a Vine
    - and so the Graal, the Vine and the Messianic Bloodline
    became entwined in the Holy Grail literature of subsequent ages.
    Queen Tea Tephi is described in ancient writings as "a tender twig".

    She is represented on the royal Coat of Arms by the top branches of a fir tree.


    TAMAR (Arabic: تمر, Hebrew: תמר)
    is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning "date" (the edible kind),
    "date palm" or just "palm tree".

    “TEA” is: “Gift of God, Princess, Aunt”
    TEPHI= " Beautiful

    All her life, she has been protected, blessings and prayers have been poured out on her behalf.

    At her birth, the "shadowy ones" came to her incubator (where she was barely alive)
    and prounounced wonderous things on her behalf.

    Unknown are the mysteries of her existance, unspoken are the tribulations she has bore.

    Her spirit is a magnet... flowing into her being, a stream of experiences
    which she is able to transmute into beauty by that spiritual alchemy
    which is spoken of by the philosophers.

    There is much in reguards to her being that can not be crystallized into sound,
    for every thing divulged before its time results in untold harm,
    and unforeseen consequences.

    All the proof needed is written on, in, and about her very being...it is HER SEAL.
    Direct matrilineal descent from--

    1. Tiamat (TAMAIT)-Primordial Waters
    In the religion of ancient Babylon, Tiamat (Akkadian: DTI.AMAT
    or DTAM.TUM, Greek: Θάλαττη Thálattē) is a primordial goddess of the salt sea,
    mating with Abzû, the god of fresh water, to produce younger gods.

    She is the symbol of the chaos of primordial creation.

    She is referred to as a woman and described as the glistening one.

    It is suggested that there are two parts to the Tiamat mythos,
    the first in which Tiamat is a creator goddess, through a "Sacred marriage"
    between salt and fresh water, peacefully creating the cosmos through successive generations.

    In the second "Chaoskampf" Tiamat is considered the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos.

    Some sources identify her with images of a sea serpent or dragon.
    In the Enûma Elish, the Babylonian epic of creation, she gives birth to the first generation of deities; her husband, Apsu, correctly assuming they are planning to kill him and usurp his throne, later makes war upon them and is killed. Enraged, she, too, wars upon her husband's murderers, taking on the form of a massive sea dragon, she is then slain by Enki's son, the storm-god Marduk, but not before she had brought forth the monsters of the Mesopotamian pantheon, including the first dragons, whose bodies she filled with "poison instead of blood". Marduk then forms heavens and the earth from her divided body.
    2. The Abzu or Apsu (Cuneiform: , ZU.AB; Sumerian: abzu; Akkadian: apsû, also called engur (Cuneiform:, LAGAB×HAL; Sumerian: engur; Akkadian: engurru - lit., ab='water' zu='deep'), was the name for fresh water from underground aquifers which was given a religious fertilising quality in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology. Lakes, springs, rivers, wells, and other sources of fresh water were thought to draw their water from the abzu. In this respect, in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology it referred to the primeval sea below the void space of the underworld (Kur) and the earth (Ma) above.
    In the city of Eridu, Enki's temple was known as E2-abzu (house of the cosmic waters) and was located at the edge of a swamp, an abzu. Certain tanks of holy water in Babylonian and Assyrian temple courtyards were also called abzu (apsû). Typical in religious washing, these tanks were similar to Judaism's mikvot, the washing pools of Islamic mosques, or the baptismal font in Christian churches.

    The Sumerian god Enki (Ea in the Akkadian language) was believed to have lived
    in the abzu since before human beings were created.

    His wife Damgalnuna, his mother Nammu, his advisor Isimud
    and a variety of subservient creatures, such as the gatekeeper Lahmu, also lived in the abzu

    Abzu (apsû) is depicted as a deity only in the Babylonian creation epic, the Enûma Elish, taken from the library of Assurbanipal (c 630 BCE) but which is about 500 years older.

    In this story, he was a primal being made of fresh water and a lover to another primal deity,
    Tiamat, who was a creature of salt water. The Enuma Elish begins:

    "When above the heavens did not yet exist nor the earth below,
    Apsu the freshwater ocean was there, the first, the begetter,
    and Tiamat, the saltwater sea, she who bore them all;
    they were still mixing their waters, and no pasture land
    had yet been formed, nor even a reed marsh."

    This resulted in the birth of the younger gods, who later murder Apsu in order to usurp
    his lordship of the universe. Enraged, Tiamat gives birth to the first dragons,
    filling their bodies with "venom instead of blood", and made war
    upon her treacherous children, only to be slain by Marduk, the god of Storms,
    who then forms the heavens and earth from her corpse.

    “Asari, one of Merodach's names, links him with Osiris, the Egyptian Tammuz, who was supplanted by his son Horus.

    As the dragon slayer, he recalls, among others, Perseus, the Grecian hero,
    of whom it was prophesied that he would slay his grandfather.

    Perseus, like Tammuz and Osiris, was enclosed in a ches
    t which was cast into the sea, to be rescued,
    however, by a fisher-man on the island of Seriphos.

    This hero afterwards slew Medusa, one of the three terrible sisters,
    the Gorgons--a demon group which links with Tiamat.”
    Merodach is hailed to begin with as Asari, the introducer of agriculture and horticulture,
    the creator of grain and plants. He also directs the decrees of Anu, Bel, and Ea;
    but having rescued the gods from destruction at the hands of Kingu and Tiamat,
    he was greater than his "fathers", the elder gods.

    He set the Universe in order, and created all things anew.

    He is therefore Tutu, "the creator", a merciful and beneficent god.

    The following are renderings of lines 25 to 32:

    Tutu: Aga-azaga (the glorious crown) may he make the crowns glorious--

    The lord of the glorious incantation bringing the dead to life;

    He who had mercy on the gods who had been overpowered;

    Made heavy the yoke which he had laid on the gods who were his enemies,

    (And) to redeem(?) them created mankind.

    "The merciful one", "he with whom is salvation",
    May his word be established, and not forgotten,
    In the mouth of the black-headed ones whom his hands have made.
    Pinches' Translation. 2

    Tutu as Aga-azag may mankind fourthly magnify!

    "The Lord of the Pure Incantation", "the Quickener of the Dead",

    "Who had mercy upon the captive gods",

    "Who removed the yoke from upon the gods his enemies",

    "For their forgiveness did he create mankind",

    "The Merciful One, with whom it is to bestow life!"

    May his deeds endure, may they never be forgotten

    In the mouth of mankind whom his hands have made.

    King's Translation. 1

    3. Abram ben Terah & Sara bint Haran

    4. Judah Ben Jacob, King of Goshen & Tamar Ben Epher, Preistess of Timnah
    (at Temple of Hathor)

    5. King David(Known in Egypt as Psusennes II)
    & Bath-Sheba (Also known as Maakhah Tamar II) Queen of the South,
    incarnation of ISIS, Maakare MU- Tamhat II (Kings of Judah)

    Tamar (תָּמָר, Hebrew meaning "Date Palm") was the fore-mother
    of the Jews and the daughter-in-law of the patriarch Judah, the son of Jacob.
    She was the ancestor of King David in the Hebrew Bible and of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Desposyni Gnosis
    McCurdy Family Coat of Arms Last name origin & meaning:Scottish and Irish (County Antrim): Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Mhuircheartaigh, a patronymic from Muircheartach, a personal name composed of the elements muir ‘sea’ + ceartach ‘ruler’, hence ‘skilled seaman.(Navigator)
    Half gold and half black with a martlet (a heraldic bird) at the top and at the bottom a sword, a crown and a tree. A martlet is a martin or bird which has an exact heraldic significance, namely that the arms relates originally to and denotes a fourth son in a family. This along with the antique crown perpetuates the old legend that the first McCurdy was the fourth son of the King of Scotia (Ireland). Queen Tea Tephi is described in ancient writings as "a tender twig". She is represented on the royal Coat of Arms by the top branches of a fir tree. There have been a number of other McCurdy Coats of Arms but most have been lost. Crest A Wyvem (winged dragon). Motto "Dieu et mon pays". The translation means: "God and my Country
    Recorded in various and diverse forms such as MacBrearty, McBrearty, McCurdy, McMurtyr, McMurthy, McMerty, MacMearty, O'Murtagh and Murtagh, this is an Irish surname. It is or rather was originally, generally specific only to the province of Ulster and the county of Donegal, where it is claimed to be a form of the Scottish MacMurdoch. The famous etymologist, the late Edward MacLysaght appeared to believe that it derived from the pre15th century Mac Muirchertaigh, meaning the son of the navigator, which would make it the same origin as the surname O'Murtagh, or the grandson of the navigator. If in fact the surname did originate from some (by medieval standards), far away place like Scotland, to be called the navigator, would seem to be a logical explanation for the meaning. As to why so many apparently associated spellings forms have developed, is one of the mysteries of surnames in Northern Ireland, where probably nowhere else on earth are there so many different names within such a relatively small population.
    Martlet Bird significance. Martlet [footless swallow, 4th son] ~ in cadency, the fourth son, mark of difference,may signify one who has to subsist by virtue and merit, not inheritance Thus it came to be called scalow, the bird of consolation, Spring, abundant harvest, happiness, good news, prompt in business......activity and energy of mind whereby one may mount to honour, messenger of God... Another possibility is that the birds refer to the power of the Holy Spirit. Customary iconography for the Holy Spirit is the dove, but it may be fair to see the martlets as messengers from heaven.
    The mythical Priory of Sion was supposedly led by a "Nautonnier", an Old French word for a navigator, which means Grand Master in their internal esoteric nomenclature.
    The Fairies were dragons and this means that they 'saw clearly', they saw subtler emanations than man could. In order to be able to do this the fairy would have to have their senses tuned into a higher frequency than man, meaning that the fairies, perforce, were tuned to a higher frequency of perception and activity generally. In cybernetic terms, any system that is faster and consequently higher than a given base is called a nautonnier or navigator and in cybernetics these systems are set over and in control of the slower functional operations within any given mechanical or organic arrangement. If we transpose this theory onto human society we get leaders and followers, where the leaders are supposed to be able to function at a faster rate than the followers and there by anticipate any given direction the system might go in and plan sensible strategies that the system might adopt for its wellbeing. Today this is a joke & incompetant, self-seeking, middle class idiots more often find themselves voted into control of vast social systems which, once upon a time, no-one would trust to anyone but the Elves.In the past therefore, because the Fairies were, for millenia,physiologically bred and exhaustively trained to operate at a higher level than men, humans often invited them to become social navigators or nautonniers. The Sumerian word for a navigator is a GALL, which sounds a bit like a Gael, dosn't it? The language of the western Royal Scythians was Gaelic and the Royal Scythians were the fairies,
    the Elves: The Dragons.
    The McCurdy line is the rightful Barons of the isle of Bute, Scotland. They are the descendants of the Benejesserit kings that could heal with a touch. They are also descended from Sarah, the daughter of Jesus Christ.
    Henceforth, the kings & Queens of the line were designated as being the twigs of the Tree - and the ancient word for twig was ’klone’ (clone). In later times, this Plant or Tree was redefined as a Vine - and so the Graal, the Vine and the Messianic Bloodline became entwined in the Holy Grail literature of subsequent ages.
    Queen Tea Tephi is described in ancient writings as "a tender twig". She is represented on the royal Coat of Arms by the top branches of a fir tree.
    TAMAR (Arabic: تمر, Hebrew: תמר) is a female name of Hebrew origin, meaning "date" (the edible kind), "date palm" or just "palm tree".
    “TEA” is: “Gift of God, Princess, Aunt”
    TEPHI= " Beautiful
    All her life, she has been protected, blessings and prayers have been poured out on her behalf. At her birth, the "shadowy ones" came to her incubator (where she was barely alive) and prounounced wonderous things on her behalf. Unknown are the mysteries of her existance, unspoken are the tribulations she has bore. Her spirit is a magnet... flowing into her being, a stream of experiences which she is able to transmute into beauty by that spiritual alchemy which is spoken of by the philosophers. There is much in reguards to her being that can not be crystallized into sound, for every thing divulged before its time results in untold harm, and unforeseen consequences. All the proof needed is written on, in, and about her very being...it is HER SEAL.
    Direct matrilineal descent from--
    1. Tiamat (TAMAIT)-Primordial Waters
    In the religion of ancient Babylon, Tiamat (Akkadian: DTI.AMAT or DTAM.TUM, Greek: Θάλαττη Thálattē) is a primordial goddess of the salt sea, mating with Abzû, the god of fresh water, to produce younger gods. She is the symbol of the chaos of primordial creation. She is referred to as a woman and described as the glistening one. It is suggested that there are two parts to the Tiamat mythos, the first in which Tiamat is a creator goddess, through a "Sacred marriage" between salt and fresh water, peacefully creating the cosmos through successive generations. In the second "Chaoskampf" Tiamat is considered the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos. Some sources identify her with images of a sea serpent or dragon.
    In the Enûma Elish, the Babylonian epic of creation, she gives birth to the first generation of deities; her husband, Apsu, correctly assuming they are planning to kill him and usurp his throne, later makes war upon them and is killed. Enraged, she, too, wars upon her husband's murderers, taking on the form of a massive sea dragon, she is then slain by Enki's son, the storm-god Marduk, but not before she had brought forth the monsters of the Mesopotamian pantheon, including the first dragons, whose bodies she filled with "poison instead of blood". Marduk then forms heavens and the earth from her divided body.
    2. The Abzu or Apsu (Cuneiform: , ZU.AB; Sumerian: abzu; Akkadian: apsû, also called engur (Cuneiform:, LAGAB×HAL; Sumerian: engur; Akkadian: engurru - lit., ab='water' zu='deep'), was the name for fresh water from underground aquifers which was given a religious fertilising quality in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology. Lakes, springs, rivers, wells, and other sources of fresh water were thought to draw their water from the abzu. In this respect, in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology it referred to the primeval sea below the void space of the underworld (Kur) and the earth (Ma) above.
    In the city of Eridu, Enki's temple was known as E2-abzu (house of the cosmic waters) and was located at the edge of a swamp, an abzu. Certain tanks of holy water in Babylonian and Assyrian temple courtyards were also called abzu (apsû). Typical in religious washing, these tanks were similar to Judaism's mikvot, the washing pools of Islamic mosques, or the baptismal font in Christian churches.
    The Sumerian god Enki (Ea in the Akkadian language) was believed to have lived in the abzu since before human beings were created. His wife Damgalnuna, his mother Nammu, his advisor Isimud and a variety of subservient creatures, such as the gatekeeper Lahmu, also lived in the abzu
    Abzu (apsû) is depicted as a deity only in the Babylonian creation epic, the Enûma Elish, taken from the library of Assurbanipal (c 630 BCE) but which is about 500 years older. In this story, he was a primal being made of fresh water and a lover to another primal deity, Tiamat, who was a creature of salt water. The Enuma Elish begins: "When above the heavens did not yet exist nor the earth below, Apsu the freshwater ocean was there, the first, the begetter, and Tiamat, the saltwater sea, she who bore them all; they were still mixing their waters, and no pasture land had yet been formed, nor even a reed marsh." This resulted in the birth of the younger gods, who later murder Apsu in order to usurp his lordship of the universe. Enraged, Tiamat gives birth to the first dragons, filling their bodies with "venom instead of blood", and made war upon her treacherous children, only to be slain by Marduk, the god of Storms, who then forms the heavens and earth from her corpse.
    “Asari, one of Merodach's names, links him with Osiris, the Egyptian Tammuz, who was supplanted by his son Horus. As the dragon slayer, he recalls, among others, Perseus, the Grecian hero, of whom it was prophesied that he would slay his grandfather. Perseus, like Tammuz and Osiris, was enclosed in a chest which was cast into the sea, to be rescued, however, by a fisher-man on the island of Seriphos. This hero afterwards slew Medusa, one of the three terrible sisters, the Gorgons--a demon group which links with Tiamat.”
    Merodach is hailed to begin with as Asari, the introducer of agriculture and horticulture, the creator of grain and plants. He also directs the decrees of Anu, Bel, and Ea; but having rescued the gods from destruction at the hands of Kingu and Tiamat, he was greater than his "fathers", the elder gods. He set the Universe in order, and created all things anew. He is therefore Tutu, "the creator", a merciful and beneficent god. The following are renderings of lines 25 to 32:
    Tutu: Aga-azaga (the glorious crown) may he make the crowns glorious--
    The lord of the glorious incantation bringing the dead to life;
    He who had mercy on the gods who had been overpowered;
    Made heavy the yoke which he had laid on the gods who were his enemies,
    (And) to redeem(?) them created mankind.
    "The merciful one", "he with whom is salvation",
    May his word be established, and not forgotten,
    In the mouth of the black-headed ones whom his hands have made.
    Pinches' Translation. 2
    Tutu as Aga-azag may mankind fourthly magnify!
    "The Lord of the Pure Incantation", "the Quickener of the Dead",
    "Who had mercy upon the captive gods",
    "Who removed the yoke from upon the gods his enemies",
    "For their forgiveness did he create mankind",
    "The Merciful One, with whom it is to bestow life!"
    May his deeds endure, may they never be forgotten
    In the mouth of mankind whom his hands have made.
    King's Translation. 1
    3. Abram ben Terah & Sara bint Haran
    4. Judah Ben Jacob, King of Goshen & Tamar Ben Epher, Preistess of Timnah (at Temple of Hathor)
    5. King David(Known in Egypt as Psusennes II)& Bath-Sheba (Also known as Maakhah Tamar II) Queen of the South, incarnation of ISIS, Maakare MU- Tamhat II (Kings of Judah)
    Tamar (תָּמָר, Hebrew meaning "Date Palm") was the fore-mother of the Jews and the daughter-in-law of the patriarch Judah, the son of Jacob. She was the ancestor of King David in the Hebrew Bible and of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
    Though ignored in most Christian sources, Tamar played an important role in the lineage of Jesus. Her story involves life-risking drama and sexual intrigue, in which she is ultimately vindicated, despite the morally dubious tactics she used to achieve her goal of producing sons for Judah's lineage. She was originally married to Judah's eldest son, Er (Gen. 38:6). After Er's death, she was married to Onan, his brother, who also died. Judah promised that his third son, Shelah, would become her husband. When this promise was not fulfilled, Tamar disguised herself as a temple prostitute in the town of Timnah and offered herself to her father-in-law Judah. She claimed his staff, cord, and signet ring as a pledge in token of payment but did not appear later to receive her pay. From this union, Tamar became pregnant. When Judah accused her of fornication, she produced his possessions and identified Judah himself as the father. Tamar had twin sons, Zerah and Perez (Gen. 38:30), thus securing Judah's lineage. Among her descendants were King David, each of the subsequent kings of Judah, and—in the New Testament—Jesus Christ.
    Tamar’s Twins – Perez and Zerah
    Judah picks Tamar as a wife for his first son, Er.
    After Er dies, Judah gives Tamar to his second son through levirate marriage.
    Any son from that union would be Er’s heir.
    The second son also dies.
    Judah reneges on his promise to Tamar to give her to his third son through levirate marriage.
    Wanting an heir for Er, Tamar tricks Judah into lying with her.
    Tamar immediately gets pregnant with twins.
    Judah acknowledges he is the father and proclaims her innocent of all wrongdoing.
    Judah performs the duty of levirate marriage.
    He does not have additional relations with her.
    When Tamar is in labor, one of the babies puts out his hand.
    The midwife ties a crimson thread on his hand, identifying him as firstborn.
    But then he pulls his hand back.
    The other baby breaks forth (though physiologically it is difficult to imagine).
    Tamar names him Perez.
    The first baby is named Zerah.
    The name, Perez, means “to break.” It can mean breaking out of an enclosure (like a womb) or a breaking into pieces.
    The image is quite violent.
    The rule of primogeniture is voided again. Neither Isaac, Jacob, Judah, nor Perez are recognized as the firstborn, yet God’s promises are carried through them.
    Perez has two sons, Hezron and Hamul.
    According to the Book of Ruth, there are nine generations between Perez and King David. Matthew’s genealogy conforms to this, but Luke’s includes an extra generation.
    Perez is also an ancestor of Jesus.
    His descendants are recognized in Judah following the captivity in Babylon.
    According to 1 Chronicles 468, descendants come back with Zerubbabel.
    Zerubbabel, one of the leaders during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, is a notable descendant.
    Zerah is the second twin.
    His name comes from a verb meaning, “to rise or shine.”
    Yet, in this case the meaning is generally thought to derive from the scarlet cord wrapped around his wrist. The scarlet color is bright, reminiscent of sunrise.
    Zerah has five sons: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Calcol, and Dara.
    Because Zerah is no longer the firstborn, little is written about his sons.
    Scholars think that because they lost their birthright, many of them left the area.
    Zerah is included in the group that makes their way to Egypt with Jacob’s family. But there is no mention of any of his sons going along.
    One notable story about Zerah’s sons involves Zimri.
    Joshua 6 describes the fall of Jericho. Afterwards Joshua cautions against taking any of the goods from the city.
    Achan takes “some of the devoted things.” Joshua and company lose their next battle and this deception is determined to be the cause. Achan pays for the items he stole with his life.
    Depending on the verse, Zerah was his grandfather or perhaps he was a few more generations removed.
    It also states that Zerah’s son, Ethan, is the father of Azariah, but there are many by such name, and there seems to be no connection between any of them.
    The more interesting theory, however, involves Zerah’s son, Darda.
    Scholars think Darda founded Dardania on Mount Ida in Turkey.
    Greek mythology attributes the founding to a son of Zeus. Since the name Zerah (oftentimes written as Zara) is similar to Zeus, some have melded these versions.
    In a discussion of Solomon’s wisdom, it states Solomon is wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Calcol, and Darda, children of Mahol. These names match four of Zerah’s sons. Mahol means “supreme god or dance,” lending more credence to Zerah’s connection with Zeus mythology (see 1 Kings 4:23).
    Scholars have long wondered why Zerah is mentioned alongside Perez in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus.
    One explanation might be that after the fall of Troy, scholars think Zerah’s descendants migrated to Britain and Ireland.
    By the time of David, the Zerahites have become the royal family in Ireland.
    Around the time of the fall of Jerusalem, one of Zedekiah’s daughters (descendant of Judah through Perez) marries one of Ireland’s princes (descendant of Judah through Zerah).
    When Zedekiah and his sons are killed in the conquest, this marriage endures, fulfilling the prophecy stated in Genesis 49:10: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah…”
    Scholars debate whether this also fulfills God’s promise to David in 2 Samuel 7:16, “Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever.”
    There is no information regarding the death of either twin.
    6. Irial Faidh (Faith) MacEREMOIN & Tamar (T(EA)Tephi, Princess of Jerusalem, Queen of TA-RA
    (High Kings of Ireland)
    1.Tamar52 Tephi, Princess Of Judah(Zedekiah (Mattaniah) King Of51 Judah, Josiah King Of50, Ammon King Of49, Manasseh48, Hezekiah47, Ahaz46, Jotham King Of45 Judah, Uzziah44, Amaziah43, Joash King Of42 Judah, Ahaziah41, Jehoram (Joram) King Of40 Judah, Jehoshaphat39 (Josaphat), Asa King Of38 Judah, Abijah37 (Abia), Rehoboam36 (Roboam), Solomon King Of35 Israel, King Of Israel34 David, Jesse33, Obed32, Booz31, Salmon30, Naasson29, Aminadab28, Aram27, Esrom26, Pharez25, Judah24, Jacob23, Isaac22, Abram21 (Abraham), Terah20, Nahor19, Serug18, Reu17, Peleg16, Eber15, Shelah14, Arpachshad13, Shem12, Noah11, Lamech10, Methuselah9, Enoch8, Jared7, Mahalaleel6, Cainan5, Enos4, Seth3, Adam2, God1 Almighty, Creator Of The Universe)She married Eochaid I (Heremon) King Of Ireland, son of King Milesius and Scota.
    Notes for Tamar Tephi, Princess Of Judah:
    We left the Prophet Jeremiah, with his great-granddaughter, the Princess Royal (or, rather, Queen of Judah) Tamar Tephi, his secretary Baruch, and their following, at the Port of Baal-Boaz (now Bilboa), near to the Yum Birska, or "evil sea" (Bay of Biscay), waiting for a passage to the "Isles which are beyond the Sea" (Jer. 25:22); whither, according to "the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God" (Acts 2:23), he was destined to convey the Heiress of Israel's Royal Line, with the "Sceptre of Judah" (Gen. 49:20).
    And looking back to that far-off time when The Great Disposer of Events had prepared an asylum for the "Weeping Prophet" and his royal charge (where they could join their fellow-countrymen in a land secure from all assaults of their enemies), we are lost in wonder at the marvelous provision of The Almighty, Who "doeth all things well"; and cannot avoid the conviction that Jeremiah was acting throughout under the special guidance and protection of Him Whose "judgments are unsearchable, and His ways past finding out" (Mark 7:37; Rom. 11:33). Truly, "The thing proceeded from the Lord!" (Gen. 24:50).
    Here we leave the mists of Tradition for the more sure ground of established History; and the facts I am now about to relate can be readily verified by reference to the ancient Irish, Scottish, and English Chronicles, from which I have gathered the following items of interest.
    In or about the year 583-582 B.C. (some four years after the Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar), there arrived at the Port in the North-East of Ireland, now known as Carrickfergus (in a ship belonging to the Iberian Danaan), an aged man named Ollam Fodhla, accompanied by an "Egyptian" Princess of surpassing beauty, dignity, and charm, bearing the name of Tamar or Tea Tephi, and the former's secretary, one Simon Brug. They brought with them a massive, strongly-secured and mysterious Chest or Case, which they regarded with the utmost reverence and guarded with jealous care, a Golden-colored Flag or Banner, having blazoned upon it the device of a Red Lion, and a large rough Stone.
    Furnished with letters of recommendation to Eochaidh II, the Danite Ardagh ("Heremon," or Head King of Ireland), the strangers made their way to Clothair (afterwards "Torah" or "Tara," - "the Hill of the Law"), the royal residence at this period. Here their credentials obtained for the wanderers an honorable and deferential reception at the Court of the Irish Monarch, to which no doubt the stately beauty of the "Egyptian" Princess in no small degree contributed.
    This King Eochaidh must have been a good and well-disposed man, for, under the influence of Ollam Fodhla, he purified his Court, if not, indeed, his entire kingdom, from many abuses; abolished the idols and asherahs or carved wooden objects of veneration, and set up a pure monotheistic forth of worship in the place of the Baalism of his fathers.
    He also instituted a more regular form of government, promulgated just laws and statutes fixed and regulated the feasts according to Ollam Fodhla's instructions, and founded schools; thus laying the foundations of that collegiate and advanced educational system known to have existed in Ireland in times long anterior to the Christian Era. There can be no doubt but that a state of high civilization obtained in Ireland at the period of which I write; and this was materially improved and strengthened during the reigns of Eochaidh and his immediate successors.
    A reference to Moore's beautiful sonnet -
    "The harp that once through Tara's halls" -
    will serve to confirm and illustrate this point.
    We may naturally and reasonably suppose that the Ardagh Eochidh's ready acquiescence in Ollam Fodhla's sweeping changes in the religion and government of his country, and the personal reformation of himself and his subjects, were not uninfluenced by thoughts of the beautiful Jewish Princess, who is described in very ancient ballads as
    "The Daughter of the Pharoahs,
    With a royal prosperous smile."
    However this may be, the Danite King wooed - "spake kindly to the damsel" (Gen. 34:3) - and won her heart; and finally proposed matrimony. Ollam Fodhla readily gave his consent to the marriage of his young Charge with Eochaidh, the Ardagh or Head King, and Tamar or Tea Tephi became in due course the Queen Consort of Ireland.
    The rough, square Stone, brought with the Princess, playing an important part in the marriage ceremony, for the royal couple were united before this "Stone of Destiny" as a silent witness of their solemn union (Gen. 49:24; Josh. 24:27; I Sam. 7:12); and they were subsequently crowned upon it, with the newly-made Queen's Golden Banner waving over them.
    Please note that the "Stone of Destiny" is actually spoken about in the Holy Bible. Read the following passages: Genesis 28:11 to Genesis 35.15. This is the stone that Jacob used as a pillow to lay his head on. , The stone is spoken about again in Exodus 17:12 - Exodus 17:15 as the stone that Moses sat upon. Also there is a reference to the rock that Moses struck to get water for the Isralites inNumbers Chapter 20. This is the same stone that was put under the Coronation Chair of the Kings and Queens of Scotland, Ireland, and England for centuries. The different names for the stone are: The Stone Of Destiny, The Stone Of Scone, Jacob's Pillow, The Stone Of Ascension, The Coronation Stone, and The Stone Of Israel.
    This constitutes the first Transference of the Sceptre of Judah into another family but still of the "Stock of Abraham" (Acts 13:26).
    Deeply and irradicably imbedded in the poetry and historic folk-lore of the Sister Isle is a tradition quite 2,500 years old, to the effect that the little company of strangers, consisting of Ollam Fodhla, Tamar Tephi, and Simon Brug, were none other than the Prophet Jeremiah, King Zedekiah's Eldest Daughter, now the Queen of Judah, and Baruch, the former's amanuensis or secretary.
    And what more natural, even from the merely human point of view (leaving out of consideration for the moment the designs, promises, and guidance of The God of Israel), than that when they fled out of Egypt in order to escape the impending fury of Nebuchadnezzar, - they should seek an asylum among their compatriots of Dan and Asher who had been established in Iberia and Ierne (Ireland) for upwards of 1,000 years, and with whom there was constant communion with their old home?
    "Ollam Fodhla" is the Hibernianized form of the ancient Hebrew words signifying "learned prophet" or "seer," and what more appropriate appellation could have been found for the venerable Jeremiah, now upwards of 70 years old? And how natural and imperative it would be for him, a prophet and priest of The Holy One of Israel (Jer. 1:1-4), to undertake a reformation in the government, religion, education, and everyday life of the people in the land whither God had sent him? (Jer. 1:10; ibid. 15:11, 14, 19-21); a land where the worship of the God of Israel had long since died out and been replaced by the adoration of Baal and the other impure gods and goddesses of Zidon, Tyre, and Philistia.
    Besides being the son of Hilkiah, the High Priest of Josiah's day (2 Kings 22:4; Jer. 1:2), Jeremiah was closely connected with the Royal Family of Judah through Josiah's marriage with the Prophet's daughter, Hamutal (2 Kings 23:31; 2 Chron. 35:25; 2 Kings 24:18); and according to Rabbinical tradition, he was descended from Rahab, and thus was remotely connected with the Royal House of David. Thus the Princess Tamar Tephi (the "Palm Beautiful" of Judah), and Jeremiah the prophet-priest, representing the Royalty and Priesthood of the House of Israel (both uprooted in Palestine), were now planted, and about "to take root downward" in the Hii-i-yum ("Islands beyond the sea"), the refuge promised long ago to David (2 Sam. 7:10, 11 and 16; Jer. 33:17-26); - where Israel and Judah were to settle down and move no more until Shiloh come" (Gen. 49:10); - where "David's throne was to be established for ever"; - where the "Ark of God," the "Sceptre of Judah," and the "State of Israel" now rests (the first in the hill of Tara, the second in the Castle of Edinburgh, and the third at Westminster
    The saga of the two Tamars begins six hundred years later when an Essene Temple Virgin, a Mary, falls in love with a Joseph, an Essene Enlightened Teacher, also called a Master of the Craft of Life. This Joseph was himself of the Davidic DNA lineage of Moses/Ankhnaten and David/Tuthmoses III. This individual Mary, had been given the name Tamar at birth, just as some women of the era were given the name Mary at birth. Upon leaving the Temple along with the other Temple Virgins as an Enlightened One, she became known as Mary Tamar. This title meant an Enlightened woman named Anne would be called Mary Anne upon leaving the Essene Temple Virgins.
    The astrological date of a person’s birth will infuse certain combinations of electro-magnetic energies into one’s physical body and awareness. In other words, the position of planet Earth in relationship to other planets in our solar system will determine certain emotional, or behavioral, characteristics in a person’s physical body. However, it is the position of one’s 10 dimensional solar system within our galaxy which determines the spiritual characteristics of one’s mind and conscious awareness.
    The marriage of an Enlightened Joseph and an Enlightened Mary Tamar produced a very special DNA combination of ancestral memories and abilities. This was the combination of DNA memories and abilities the one known as Jesus had sought. And so it was the Earthly Spirit Light Body who became known as Jesus was born into a human physical body.
    All Individualized Consciousnesses are born into physical bodies equally, but it helps to have Enlightened parents. Thus, Jesus spiritually matured at an accelerated rate and began traveling to certain Mystery Schools. The Essenes themselves were the remnants of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of David/Tuthmoses III. Thus, Jesus was easily accepted to study at the Druid Mystery School in Glastonbury, England.
    While at the Druid Mystery School, Jesus was permitted to touch the Stone of the Covenant which was carved with strange symbols which no one understood. Jesus upon lifting up the Stone of the Covenant found himself in an electro-magnetically charged atmosphere. Symbols on the Stone of the Covenant filled with Light, Jesus’ hair flared out in an electrically charged energy display and Jesus’ Earthly Spirit Light Body was downloaded with the wisdom contained in the Stone of the Covenant.
    And so it was the symbols carved into and the wisdom infused within the Stone by Jesus’ ancestors of Moses/Ankhnaten and David/Tuthmoses III flowed into the Consciousness of Jesus and became part of this DNA.
    Jesus married an Essene Temple Virgin, who was an Enlightened One. Her name at birth was Magdalene and she became a Mary by her spiritual work. The Enlightened marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene produced 2 sons and a Tamar.
    It is the matriarchy DNA strain of Jesus’ daughter Tamar that results in the periodic resurrection of the true teachings and wisdom from the man known as Jesus the Christ.
    7. Sarah Tamar & Conar MacMorgalainea. Conar the son of- "Mogalainea.
    She is the mountain on which the Ark rests----------- ARARAT (TARARA), Her name was the former name of EGYPT-Tamar--"Land of waters". Her thread is woven into every fabric of the tapestry, it weaves the tapestry and holds it together.
    She is the "precious jewel" the "flaming stone","The Fiery Tree" the stone of wisdom, of the philosophers, The Chin-TAMANI Stone, of which is the "Key to DOORS" Shut up AEONS ago, She is the TAZZA of TIMNAH (cup or chalice) , the GRAIL, Jacobs "Dream Stone" (where he dreamed of many descending and ascending on a ladder, a representation of "incarnation" over thousands of years),The hidden treasure.....She is the stone that builders rejected, yet without her The temple is not rebuilt.
    The Sacred Syllable - the One Word of Creation:
    "BE", as in "To Be" or "AM", as in "I AM". Ju, Ge, Yah, Aei, Ie, Eu(s), Ah, Om, Yes, Ra, Ka, Ba - are all the same word: God, to be, to exist, life, one, union, law, just, truth, eternal, ever, always. Yaz in Avesta (an ancient Indo-European language) = worship, faith. Imen in Arabic = faith. Eu(s) in Greek = good, true, well. Ea is the God of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in the poem of Gilgamesh.
    EA= From Middle English, from Old English ēa (“running water, water, stream, river”), from Proto-Germanic *ahwō (“waters, river”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ekʷeh₂ (“water, flowing water”). Cognate with North Frisian ia (“river”), Saterland Frisian Äi (“river”), West Frisian ie (“water, stream”), Dutch aa (“water, stream”), German Ache (“water, stream, river, flood”), Swedish å (“stream, creek”), Icelandic á (“stream, river”), Latin aqua (“water”).A river or watercourse.
    sovereignty, rule
    air, breath, gas, vapor
    life, life force
    (intransitive) to rise, go up
    (intransitive) to smell
    Those corresponding to Ia/Yah
    "Iao," "Iaho," "Iae" represent יהו
    "Aia" represents אהיה
    "Ia" represents יה[
    The Semitic nominative ending was -u or -hu, also written -o or -ho. (In Greek ου = 'oo' and 'Ι = 'ee' or 'y'.) Diodorus Siculus writes Ἰαο, Ia-o (I, 94);
    Yah – pronounced as it appears.
    This Divine Name is contained in Eheieh and Yahweh – it is the end of Eheieh and beginning of Yahweh, and is the emanation of Pure Supernal Force or Life-Force. It is akin to El, though corresponds to Hokmah-Wisdom, representing the very essence of God’s Word and Wisdom or Creative Power.
    Yah is a Divine Name that appears frequently in the inmost secret teachings, specifically in relationship to the generation of the Body of Light or Threefold Body of Melchizedek and the Mystery of Divine Rapture and Ascension. When teachings are given on this Name the Sign of Silence always follows, for they are spoken only to the elect. We can say, however, that the Baal Shem destroys and re-creates the Universe with the intonement of Yah and that it contains the secret of Eternal Life.
    "The God Enki, or Ea (Yah), the God of water, was also considered the Supreme God of wisdom and magic, doubtless owing to the subtle pervasiveness of water both above and below the earth and to the vital part it plays in engendering life and thus making possible the development of vegetation and communications by the skill of man." - John Gray, Near Eastern Mythology
    ENKI=Derived from Sumerian en-ki "lord of the earth" (though maybe originally from en-kur "lord of the underworld"). Enki, called Ea by the Babylonians, was the Sumerian god of water and wisdom and the keeper of the Me, the divine laws.
    KIEN=Kien Derived from Celtic orign meaning 'ancient one' it is a variant spelling of the English and Irish Cian. Origin of the name Kien Celtic.
    ANKI="anki" 暗記 means "learning by heart; memory work." *Ankisuru 暗記する means learn by heart commit to memory
    Anki's root is Hebrew, and the meaning of the name Anki is "He (God) has favored me"
    KAIN=It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Kain is "acquire".
    CAIN= a possession; a spear.
    The Kings, of the early successions of Kings, who became the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Kings of Israel, and the High Kings of Judea were originally the Kings of Mesopotamia! We then look for traditions, and we find the anointing ceremonies were identical. For Kings, upon coronation, were anointed with the fat of the Sacred Dragon, the Crocodile. Referred to, in Egypt, as the holy mesa. From which derived the Hebrew word "to anoint". And the early Kings of the period, were always called Dragons, or Mesas’ or Messiahs.
    That’s where Messiah comes from, it comes from the ancient holy crocodile. So, when one talks about Jesus the Messiah, we actually have a lot of anomaly there. Because he’s not "THE" Messiah, he’s one of a whole succession of Messiah’s. These are pretty important people, that have been looked after by a Court of High Priests, people looking after the Bloodline.
    In times of battle, we are told that different Kingdoms are brought together to form an overall army.
    They appointed the anointed (Seth) a head Dragon, a head Messiah, the King of Kings, and the name in Celtic terms became, "Pen Dragon". So, we’re beginning to see the names creeping in here, of all the stuff we know about in Arthurian Lore, and the Royal Kingdoms. This started way way back. We’re suddenly in 2000 BC. We’re now going to move back into 3000 and 4000 BC, when we find these same titles being used: Dragons & Messiahs, all the time.
    One of the things I learnt from the Order, was actually the root of the word Kingship.
    Not many of us think about it, do we? Kings are Kings, Queens are Queens, and it doesn’t mean a lot, that’s what they are. The name goes back to the very, very, earliest time. The records show that the central "G" in the word Kingship, or the G on the end of King, is just a latterly western addition, for the sake of making it easier to say, for the sake of another word. Because the word Kingship is absolutely identical with the word Kinship. It means, blood relative.
    A King is a blood relative and that’s all it means. In it’s original form, however, it’s spelt differently. We haven’t got Kingship or Kinship we have "CAINSHIP". And the first King of the Dragon Messianic succession is recorded in the documents of the order, from 2200 BC, to be the "Biblical Cain". Well, he isn’t actually terribly important in the story is he? Apart from killing his brother Able and disappearing from sight, he turns out to be the founder of the greatest Sovereign line in History.
    We can now begin to see the anomaly in the Book of Genesis.
    The line from Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, means the: Anointed; Compensation, Seth claims compensation for the killing of Abel. Seth becomes the king of kings the double king or king of Cain. The important person who gets compensation from Cain who gets shunned and pushed aside, the first son of Eve. Whose name we’re told is Cain, in fact the records tell us that he was "The Cain", "The King" the first king & Seth is the last king.
    Aleph, Adonai, Adonis, Apollo, Ammon, Ariel, Bacchus, Christ, Didymus, Dionysus, Enki Ea, El, אל, Elect, Elohim, Emmanuel, Chokmah, Jesus, Jupiter, Jehovah, Jah, Melchizedek, Osiris, Horus, Poseidon, Quinotaur, Reem (Unicorn) Ox, Marduk, Asari, Tammuz, Thomas, Tom, Twin, Yah ,Yahou , Yeshua, Lion of Judah, El Elyon (El Lion) The 11-11 or El-Even El-Even, Double El, The Lord of the bible--Bull-all are the Sun, the Wonderful One, Neo, Nun, Ikhthýs (ἰχθύς, "fish") The Egyptian Crocodile G-D (Messeh) : The Chosen One Of Isrealites (Heel/Heilios/Hell-Fire),Lord = The Sun, Everlasting Being, Lord of Lords, King of Kings!
    The Master Adonai is an Aeon. It is a master that is related with the positive ray of the moon. That is why when we conjure Bael we say: "In the name of Gabriel may Adonai command thee and drive thee hence Bael." Bael is here. It is the negative aspect of Adonai but in Hebrew both words means mister but it says Adonai the Lord and Mister Bael. It is the head of the house, but esoterically it's somebody from down there. Adonai, the Lord, is inside and above and represents the Being. While Baal is something related with the ego, with the protoplasmatic bodies, with Jezebel. That is why Jezebel worshiped the Baalim or the Bael, which is the forces of below in Klipoth. But we have to learn how to worship the higher forces of Elijah. It says My God is Jah. Do not forget that! It is what represents Elijah: My God is Jah. Hallelu-Jah is always there.

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