There is an old link on this site where much of this information is stored Traditional Family Parenting - Reclaiming Our Indigenous Ways April 25, 2022 at 1:35 PM ยท IMAGE via: The Anishinabek (The Good Human Being From Heaven on Earth) Living Calendar 13 Feminine Moons for 4 Days of Moon Time Power = 52 Day/Weeks of Moon Time 13 Masculine New Moons- 7 Teachings/Directions x 4 Rounds= 28 Grandfathers 7 Teachings x 52 Moon Time Day/Weeks = 364 Days 4 Corners/Seasons x 7 Grandfathers/Directions= 28 Days 13 (Female/Full Moon and Male/New Moon) Cycles x 28 Days= 364 Days Water of Man(Water Mountain/Triangle) + Fire of Woman(Fire/Volcanic Mountain/Triangle)= Six Point Star/Turtle Creating The Sacred Children. Women are The Waterkeepers and Men The Firekeepers in Ceremony.. Children are The Sacred Gifts of Creators Love to Live and Learn in The Sacred Harmonics and Harmony of The Universal Elements of The Infinite Worlds. Divine Water + Divine Fire/Spark + Universal Elements = Creator/Creation/Children 13 Main Governing skeletal joints of human body... - Wrist joints 2 - Elbow joints 2 - Shoulder joints 2 - Hip joints 2 - Knee joints 2 - Ankle joints 2 - Universal Neck Joint 1 Totaling= 13 28 Power Extentions of Human Body -10 Toes -10 Fingers (8 Directions) - 1 Sky - 1 Earth - 1 East - 1 South - 1 West - 1 North - 1 Inner Star- Fire - 1 Infinite Relations- Water Total= 28 13 x 28 = 364 Days of Anishinabek Living, Talking, Walking Yearly Cycle Energy Trinity: Positive + Negative - Neutral = Material Trinity: Square Triangle Circle Three Energies x Three Materials = Nine 0 - Divine Self 1 - Ego Self 2 - Decisions/Duality 3 - Trinity- Past, Present and Future.. 4 - Seasons, Corners, Elements 5 - Human Being- Head, Arms and Legs(5) 6 - Sacred Star/ 6th Sense/Turtle(head, flippers, tail) 7 - Grandfathers/ Directions 8 - Infinity(Heaven, Earth- Dream Creation) 9 - Holy Trinity of The Trinity- Divine Self 0 and Creation/Ego Self 1 (Circle and Path into Great Mystery) 10 - Binary Code 11 - River of Life 12 - 1 Self and 2 Decisions/Duality 13 - 1 Self and Trinity Relations Mind + Body + Spirit + Emotion (Energy in Motion) = Anishinabe/The Good Human Being The Sacred Teachings of Our Male masculine 13 New Moons- Grandfather Teachings and the Sacredness of Our Female Feminine 13 Full Moons- Grandmother Teachings For Great Mystery/Our Children- Father, Mother and Child Trinity- The Power of Creator, Creation, Mother Earth and Father Sky and All Our Relations.. As Above So Below... We are Learning and Re Awakening The Sacred Beings and Powers... No One is Greater or Less Than in This Circle of Life.