Transfer Of Genetic Information By Teleportation

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 2, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

      1. Transfer of genetic information by "teleportation".

        "In 1993, Dr. Yu Zdang Kangeng a Chinese doctor exiled in Russi
        a working in a scientific institution in Khabarovsk,
        stated that DNA contained a combined electromagnetic field consisting of
        genetic material of two types:

        a passive DNA that conserves genetic information and

        a bio-electromagnetic DNA capable of modifying that,
        but which keeps energy and information stable,
        giving signals of its activity by emitting frequencies in UHF and infrared radiation.

        Therefore, he admitted that it is possible to make genetic changes in plants
        and animals through programmed electromagnetic transfers."
        - In "Conscious Universe".

        Miguel Gonçalves Biotron Medical Innovatec,
        based in London and the National Library of Medicine
        (National Center for Biotechnology Information), based in Rockville.

    1. lm-nih-gov-2fpubmed-2fpersistent-2fpubmed-meta-image--fb_obo-1-utld-nih-gov-stp-c0-5000x0-.

      "One of the oldest secrets of healing
      is magnets / magnetic / magnetism"
      ~susan lynne schwenger

    2. Review

      Electromagn Biol Med

      . 2015;34(2):106-12.
      doi: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1036072.
      Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves

      Luc Montagnier 1, Emilio Del Giudice, Jamal Aïssa, Claude Lavallee, Steven Motschwiller, Antonio Capolupo, Albino Polcari, Paola Romano, Alberto Tedeschi, Giuseppe Vitiello
      Affiliations expandAbstract

      The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides. Moreover, such a transduction process has also been observed in living human cells exposed to EMS irradiation. These experiments suggest that coherent long-range molecular interaction must be present in water to observe the above-mentioned features. The quantum field theory analysis of the phenomenon is presented in this article.
      Keywords: Quantum field theory; bacterial DNA transduction by tumor cells; coherence; digital DNA transduction; liquid water.
      Similar articlesSee all similar articles
      Cited bySee all "Cited by" articles
      Publication types
      • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
      • Review
      MeSH terms
      • Cell Survival
      • DNA / metabolism*
      • Electromagnetic Radiation*
      • Humans
      • Models, Biological
      • Water / metabolism*
      • Water
      • DNA
      Related informationLinkOut - more resources

    "In 1993, Dr. Yu Zdang Kangeng a Chinese doctor exiled in Russia
    working in a scientific institution in Khabarovsk,
    stated that DNA contained a combined electromagnetic field consisting of
    genetic material of two types:

    a passive DNA that conserves genetic information and

    a bio-electromagnetic DNA capable of modifying that,
    but which keeps energy and information stable,
    giving signals of its activity by emitting frequencies in UHF and infrared radiation.

    Therefore, he admitted that it is possible to make genetic changes in plants
    and animals through programmed electromagnetic transfers."
    - In "Conscious Universe".

    Miguel Gonçalves Biotron Medical Innovatec,
    based in London and the National Library of Medicine
    (National Center for Biotechnology Information), based in Rockville.


    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023

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