To Observe And To Witness The Activity Of The Mind ~ Greg Pesemeo

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg Pesemeo

    Reposting from 3 years ago.

    This is a constant reminder to myself,

    part of a program where one of the aims is to watch

    my thoughts and mind like a hawk, all day long.

    To OBSERVE and WITNESS the activity of the mind.

    For 40 days:

    I commit to watching myself like a hawk & paying close attention.

    I notice the thoughts I’m having.

    I notice the feelings & emotions I’m experiencing.

    I notice the stories I tell about myself and others.

    I notice the words I say
    – I notice the words that come out of my mouth I notice when

    I want to fix, change or control a person or situation.

    I notice when I’m criticizing, condemning,
    judging (myself or others), holding a grievance, gossiping.

    I notice the conversations (voices) going on in my head.

    I notice when I am focusing on the past and thinking about the future.



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