Thuban Cut and Paste from Camelot Members

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31095 34 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Sorry Thuban but you will need to start and other thread over at your forums to copy and paste from this thread as well as the other 5 you already have over there.

    this addi shows all the topics for all the forums they have done this to and are doing here now. Just scroll down.

    The 5 threads from here that are current at Camelot.

    If you don't want your posts over on their forums I suggest you don't post in these threads or any other thread they are in in the future which seems like it will be the whole forum before long..
    Long live free speech Kerry, thank you

    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life - Arachne on Camelot Forum

    Puff the Magic Dragon thread


    Camelot Forum Fallout over Arachne Thread

    the last being the 'What happened to Steve" and the Farewell from Lita threads.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31097 25 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Thanks for the information. Just seems to me we have fans, Camelot is popular, wonder if Kerry is signing autographs at this point.

    • Fohat
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31098 22 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    oh! this one too... ah! no reason so say more...

    ps. oh! I forgot to say Hello to Sui! Remember her? I ask her if they belong to any POLITICAL Group and she run away. She didn't want to be my friend anymore.... uhmmmmm! wonder why?

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31114 5 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    uhmmm! I see! ok! I just had my ha ha moment! and well, yes, time for me to say good buy too! I mean, Good BYE! Everyone....!

    I had a lot of fun too. I learned tons of things too. Pretty disgusting to know that this PROJECT CAMELOT. Is another PROJECT... IMHO of course, but at least you know why I am leaving and I am not afraid to say it!

    Thanks! and Good Bye!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31099 13 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    oh im sure its duplicated on MoA also, without linking to them2.

    as for backup reasoning of data and what goes lost haha. good luck.
    you better print it out than on paper. alll a it.

    "Your moment of awakening can come to you at any time, and through any person. Therefore honor all times and all people, for the moment of your deliverance may be at hand. It will be your deliverance from The Illusion, the moment when you can be with it, but not within it."

    "Children of Light & the Sons of Darkness. However, one's actions or thoughts in Atlantis or Lemuria are not really important. What is significant is that today we are all here to help make our world a better place. The Children of the Law of One will continue their good work, and the Sons of Darkness will have an opportunity to redeem themselves."





    oh, someone should check the forum guiderules. AV has a part where it takes post as property:eek:wn
    if thats here also. them are breaking the rules they signed when registed. if needed ill check.

    edit add:

    - Individual posts may\can be subject to approval by the moderation team.
    Posts may be rejected without explanation if in direct breach of the guidelines.
    All posts become property of Camelot Forum, while registering on this site you agree to this but we would not own any individual work put forward on this site unless the user does not post a disclaimer of his\her\their material. If you have questions regarding this feel free to contact us.

    so your stealing property without permission. from PC forum.

    beside majorly lacking.........

    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

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    Last Edit: 1 minute ago by RAKMEiSTERr. Reason: 1111Hz carrier frequency leads to a 2Hz delta pattern

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31102 3 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    so your stealing property without permission. from PC forum.

    Kerry and Tommy support this apparently. they didn't say anything and that is the part of the picture that I personally don't understand or like... I don't want my comments in other forums. Not at all!

    I understand they must be very busy but in some point some body has to give as some answers... other wise yeah! people will keep leaving...

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31103 9 minutes ago - March 24t, 2011
    I don't mind being posted all over the web, I am see through as is.

    • Fohat
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31104 0 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I don't mind being posted all over the web, I am see through as is.

    I understand, I guess a lot of people don't mind. But, what about the ones like me that don't want to be part of that? we don't count? where is my right to choose what I want or not?

    I will always fight for freedom! but this in an issue for me and many others that don't like to be part of that kind of web. I guess you understand that, right?

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31105 8 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I fully understand, I also understand things are subject to change, people come and go. I am at a loss at this point as to how to proceed, I will keep an eye out and do what I feel is right as all others are doing. Would be horrible for Camelot to go down the tubes, this is like a little family, but all birds leave the nest at some point.

    • Fohat
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31109 2 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Would be horrible for Camelot to go down the tubes

    Yeah, it would be heart breaking but we are conscious that wouldn't be a surprise if that happens... We talked a lot about the modus operandi of the TPW to know that is a possibility. I have my eyes wide open, and if you are long enough here, you know looks like is happening...

    This thing about Pawns, Masters, Puppets, Clowns and we, yeah the people !

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31112 12 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011

    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31114 5 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    uhmmm! I see! ok! I just had my ha ha moment! and well, yes, time for me to say good buy too! I mean, Good BYE! Everyone....!

    I had a lot of fun too. I learned tons of things too. Pretty disgusting to know that this PROJECT CAMELOT. Is another PROJECT... IMHO of course, but at least you know why I am leaving and I am not afraid to say it!

    Thanks! and Good Bye!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31115 3 minutes ago
    ill just have to add this to my posts (since we cant change/edit our Signature at this time) since last updates to forum.

    i do not condone illegal copying of My posts. Any Posts posted on this site is to be used for backup up personal ONLY. Any other usage violates international copyright laws.
    This site Camelot provides the info/posts as a service to the Internet community.
    This message is intended only for: Project Camelot Forum. If you are not the intended member of, you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have legal questions. pm me.

    ®A™ 2011

    Game ON
    RAKMEiSTER = RA KESH = राकईश = Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    Camelot & Avalon Unite: @ Public/ Chat PA&CA: iRC_Clients irc:// (*TEMP/NAMED*)

    • Active Contributor
    • its.all.connected | Arcturian 9th
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    Post last edited Mar 27th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The following user(s) said Thank You: GT_Big hair

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31117 7 hours, 11 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    this might be a dumb question, but,


    I mean who, has what, to gain?

    just askin',


    • GT_Big hair
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31119 7 hours, 5 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011

    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31127 6 hours, 29 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011

    Could anyone who feel affected by this situation please contact me and present what is going on (and where it's going on, with links) so I can have a chance to investigate these complaints?

    I was not aware of any copying of posts, content and etc. until I read this post now.

    Thanks for pointing me towards this matter, if it appears to be an issue I will make sure we find a solution with those offended.

    And to make this clear, we support freedom of speech and expression, especially on an increasingly censored internet. The Thuban material is no different, we make no exceptions.
    It is not our job to discern for you, our purpose is to provide you with a vehicle of research information, a place for freedom, personal exploration and reflection in the greater or the small.

    Please contact me if you have concerns, I have very much to do so I can't follow every post anymore, but I try as best as I can.

    Thanks everyone

    All the best,


    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31130 6 hours, 19 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    From Chakra about Steve.;Itemid=164#31124
    One of Steve's primary reason's for leaving was because of actions taken that went against his integrity in maintaining this forum.

    Steve's has impeccable integrity, he was the glue that held it together, because he truly believed the original cause - that of Disclosure and concept of a forum that was for the dissemination of the truth via the whistleblowers, or not available through mainstream media.

    Those that would take issue with him should look deeper into themselves as why.

    He left because he could not accept the level of exceptions that was given contrary to forum rules. To those whom obviously now have no intentions in abiding to these rules, or will do so only under the element of distress.

    There are those present with in this group, that have been very confrontational and belligerent - not maintaining the spirit of Project Camelot. There are those present that have not been interviewed, are not whistleblowers, and have no contention with the work of Project Camelot.

    That have their own forum which they constantly reference to, and are obviously in the process of taking over this one.

    Forum Rules, Guidelines and Disclaimer Thursday, 29 July 2010 08:20 | Written by Tommy Hansen

    "The Camelot Forum is a group of individuals who communicate via on topics related to the work of Project Camelot.

    - Your presence in this group comprises a tacit acceptance of our core values and beliefs as set forth in Project Camelot's work.

    While skepticism and critical thinking are always useful in the pursuit of knowledge, we cannot have meaningful discussions if we must constantly defend our fundamentals against those who choose to disagree.

    If an individual cannot approach the material with an open mind and respectful demeanor, they will make others uncomfortable, and in turn may receive uncomfortable responses. Such skeptics will be unsubscribed from the group if their criticism hurts the community spirit of the group.

    - Similarly, the New Age, ET, Metaphysical, and Alternative Physics communities are diverse, popular, and numerous. In order to have worthwhile discussion that is beneficial to those who are interested in the material, we must restrict our focus to topics that relate to our core mission.

    Members who selfishly use the list's common resources without regard for its members' shared interests may be unsubscribed.

    This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings."

    Tommy if you read the first post all of the links are there for you to see, this has been posted before when they were mod bashing both at Thuban and Mists forums, now they have more threads right back to old Avalon and to current Camelot. The mods should not have been treated this way and neither should the members now, from the beginning of the first Thuban threat that was gone and is now back it has been posted over at there forum and nothing was done then either. At least after they were banned there was less chance of this continuing but now they are back and all over the forum. Bit late now isn't it

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31133 6 hours, 5 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Thank you so much everyone, you have really touched my heart, there are great members her at Camelot...what has been wonderful is that most of the time I didn't have to pull people up about anything much and that was great, you guys do a great job of keeping this forum going, so keep you ears and eyes open..

    Ok to why, you deserve an answer.
    I can't speak for Steve, yes he has health problems but it is more than that as well.. but not for me to speak for him.

    For me, well you all know what has been happening here with the Thuban material and the crap that was happening here with that, they copied the whole thread and posted in in their own forums.. even PM's..they went to Mists of Avalon and did a poor me session.. it was nasty but I could take all of that...
    This is what broke it for me, Xchanger was banned from here, she is the main mod at the Thuban forum, Kerry and Tommy belong to that forum..(so I am told) and now Xchanger has been expect more of them that might make a few happy, fine not up to me to what people want to engage in.
    I just don't want to be a mod and have to deal with this material or the people connected with it after what went down.
    So in a nut shell that is about it.... I am writing this because you do deserve to know so you can be aware...

    So Timety, did I spell that right, I guess the private stuff that went down about me with Stargazer didn't do me any favors.. you are welcome to your opinion but now I am just another member and I don't appreciate your opinions, it was you who wouldn't respond to me because I was refused to have me mod you because I was female.. well sunshine get used to having to deal with females they have brains and use them...

    OK, that had better to be it for now.. to those who PMed me thank you I have saved the email addi's I do have a delphi forum with just some vids and such on there at the moment and it isn't really active.. so I might just revive it .. it would not be big but it would be a free space without crap. Would have to clean out the folders and move my theme codes (I do css themes at Delphi)...

    I will be going in now and removing my a/c so will not be able to reply to any of you from here on...I have loved being here with all of you guys.. I loved the amount of information you all shared, and to the Whistle blowers. ..a huge thank you to you for what you do.. Barry.. it made me so happy that you came back the way you did.. Ben, you have been great..liked the smiles.

    much luv


    It is pretty obvious that your and Kerry's connection with The Thuban Material is changing the rules of Project Camelot and I don't see why this issues should be discuss in private. This is important for all of us... well, it was for me... not any more. Can you please, let me know how to remove myself or just doit for me.

    Too bad, this explanations from Steve came too late for me. Yes he is and was a great, great man. No question about that!. Wish him the best too!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31134 5 hours, 32 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Sorry Thuban but you will need to start and other thread over at your forums to copy and paste from this thread as well as the other 5 you already have over there.

    this addi shows all the topics for all the forums they have done this to and are doing here now. Just scroll down.

    The 5 threads from here that are current at Camelot.

    If you don't want your posts over on their forums I suggest you don't post in these threads or any other thread they are in in the future which seems like it will be the whole forum before long..
    Long live free speech Kerry, thank you

    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life - Arachne on Camelot Forum

    Puff the Magic Dragon thread


    Camelot Forum Fallout over Arachne Thread

    the last being the 'What happened to Steve" and the Farewell from Lita threads.

    Thx for bringing this, so much for the good intentions from the thuban roleplay members.

    Bye Huancaina and the very best wishes for you.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31135 5 hours, 25 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    copy comments due to sql problems.

    Well why dont we ask those thuban children why and say that this has to be stopped?

    Not particular divine done from them

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31136 5 hours, 22 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I have just e-mailed the thuban forum holders asking them to remove all posts from their forum in accordance with the rules. I do not take lightly to this kind of activity, not at all.

    In fact neither myself or Kerry have had any personal interest in the Thuban material (not to offend anyone), and the problems being referred to here was caused by myself asking about reasons for banning "the Exchanger". After I asked that question Steve left and deleted his account, that is the truth. I did not even have time to question the ongoings here, suddenly there was bans, arguments and upheaval going on, and my Administrator left in the middle of it when I was in fact trying to get some clear perspective on what was going on, or at that point "the problem". I don't hold it against Steve for leaving, everybody has their reasons.

    I am hearing a lot of problems but no solutions, that is a general statement, no specifically directed towards anyone in this thread, we are all affected by this anyways, worldwide, big and small.

    I ask you to help us sort this situation out, so far I have not gotten any e-mails from anyone, just include what text\property was copied\stolen. I want this for reference so I can have a decent case here.

    Thanks again folks

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 297

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak
    Post last edited Mar 24th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31137 5 hours, 29 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    i don't see a problem,public posts are public
    everyone knows that so why make an issue of it?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31138 5 hours, 26 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    it is a big issue when the members profiles and all contained material is blatantly copied to another source they do not necessarily embrace or relate to.

    It is also a forum rule and policy that no such activities are legal from this forum.
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: GT_Big hair

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31139 5 hours, 24 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    i don't believe that!
    do you really believe that?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31140 5 hours, 20 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i don't believe that!
    do you really believe that?

    Sorry, not the actual user profiles as on this site, but the actual username field (on the right of the forum post with your nick) contained links directly back to their public profiles on this page.

    It simply means it is over the top, it is a pure blatant copy, not text transcript, but clean original html copy.
    That is the bottom line.. Legally our site code (property) is also copied on that site..

    I hope that makes it clearer
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 297

    The following user(s) said Thank You: GT_Big hair

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31144 hours, 2 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I don't see why our messages should be private either - this Thuban site has some CAMELOT MEMBER'S profile pages in toe too. Granted, the same as here, but here WE CHOSE to be and not at Thuban AND THAT BEING THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS ISSUE! Some may regard it as some kind of compliment to be used, copied and pasted in this way, but why personal profiles just to boost their mediocre website!? IMO this is quite disrespectful and lacks regard towards the Camelot people and the integrity in general, surely we are here to share everything, but to be infiltrated is quit another thing entirely.

    • sianellen
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31145 5 hours, 1 minute ago - March 24th, 2011
    Can't figure it out how to delete myself yet! mean while, for you to see Tommy: If you go there, you can se who is online or offline...

    Oooops they took it? let me see again, I will come back! this one:

    • Huancaina27
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31149 4 hours, 33 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    That lovely administrator: Sui emailed and talked to Kerry about been Banished... and did all the cry in Avalon too... Do you need the lynk ? You didn't know? Really?

    • Huancaina27
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31162 3 hours, 45 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    Can't figure it out how to delete myself yet! mean while, for you to see Tommy: If you go there, you can se who is online or offline...

    Oooops they took it? let me see again, I will come back! this one:

    Some simple TEXT (only) copy and paste from the links Huancaina posted above. From the first link:

    Hello, this is your Administrator speaking...

    Out of the pure kindness of my heart, I am here to offer you my unconditional help in a few simple points:

    1.You can do anything you would not mind others to do to you.

    2.You WILL bear the consequences of your actions...we all do!

    3.If you get upset over any member here stating within you...and find the reason for your reaction.

    4.Help other members with good intent in mind and do not forget about number two!

    5. Please keep threads on topic, thank you.

    6. If you want a "fight" the Admin will be always happy to oblige you.

    7.Admin decisions are final.

    Oh and please...feel free to complain. Thank you.

    I personally love #7. Admin decision was not final here at PC, was it?

    When Steve left, there was only one (albeit very LARGE) thread involved; now each thread here in which a Thuban member posts (about 5 currently), gets copied there. Not just text but apparently some sort of html copy.

    Ostensibly it's for the reason(s) cited below (from Huancaina's 2nd link above):

    Note from administration:

    The bellow are copy-pastes from other forums and threads that share the same "context". Due to the various issues of more o less technical natures and time constraints the posts bellow are not all properly edited (given the visibility) and structured (give the overall "comprehension" and fading "enthusiasm" upon looking at them and trying to make something out of it - not content related).

    The posts were copy pasted due to the lack of intelligence and self righteousness of Moderation Police on other forums with tendency to delete/edit/hide posts or entire threads. So to preserve the content it is put here...

    Seriously, people?

    What's the point of even having a ban function if Kerry, or you Tommy, think circumstances would never warrant someone being banned? What's the point of having forum guidelines which incorporates this?

    • Tangent
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31177 1 hour, 45 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I'm getting my arm back in shape.

    • SpaceCowboy
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, sianellen, RAKMEiSTERr, GT_Big hair

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31185 19 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I don't understand much of that, surely don't want someone to copy what I write here somewhere else in another forum. If I don't decide myself to go there, sign in as a member and write my own things. Why do they do that, is it legal?

    Apart of that question, let me ask:

    Is the chosen name Thuban the name of Alpha Draconis? Seems so. If so, what is that agenda that bears that name? You know my view of the Draconians that according to not few ET insiders come from that star system. Any relation? It terrifies me a little.

    Thuban also known by its Bayer designation Alpha Draconis (α Draconis, α Dra) is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco. A relatively inconspicuous star in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, it is historically significant as having been the north pole star in ancient times. Thuban is an Arabic word for snake.

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31191 47 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    oh no! someone might read what we write!
    well...we can always deny it right?
    i was never told why i was banned in the first place-or whose idea it was to do that...but since there was no good reason for it,then i'm glad that 'decision' wasn't final

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31200 22 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    tommy wrote:
    I have just e-mailed the thuban forum holders asking them to remove all posts from their forum in accordance with the rules. I do not take lightly to this kind of activity, not at all.

    In fact neither myself or Kerry have had any personal interest in the Thuban material (not to offend anyone), and the problems being referred to here was caused by myself asking about reasons for banning "the Exchanger". After I asked that question Steve left and deleted his account, that is the truth. I did not even have time to question the ongoings here, suddenly there was bans, arguments and upheaval going on, and my Administrator left in the middle of it when I was in fact trying to get some clear perspective on what was going on, or at that point "the problem". I don't hold it against Steve for leaving, everybody has their reasons.

    I am hearing a lot of problems but no solutions, that is a general statement, no specifically directed towards anyone in this thread, we are all affected by this anyways, worldwide, big and small.

    I ask you to help us sort this situation out, so far I have not gotten any e-mails from anyone, just include what text\property was copied\stolen. I want this for reference so I can have a decent case here.

    Thanks again folks

    All the best,


    Hi Tommy!

    I did not receive and email in my mailbox and so I shall reply here to your issues raised.
    This will be in two parts; the first regarding your statements regarding the html copying and the second regarding the 'war of the minds' engaging your and Kerry's forum here.

    I have indeed copied the Thuban related material to my archives at and the reason and purpose for this should become clear to you in the second part.
    Your objection to the html copying is thoroughly justified and I do apologize for me not being computer savvy enough to realize that the 'highlighted' parts of the text can indeed redirect the clicker directly to this camelot forum.

    This cross-linking has never been my intent and I shall correct this in due course in overwriting all such html reference points.

    Why then do I keep a record, and this is what it is a record for future developments about Thuban related materials?

    The Thuban site is a library and a data archive for particular future developments and so serves as a historical record keeping describing certain developments with respect to the planetary metamorphosis.

    When on Bill Ryan's site of Avalon a similar situation arose and a great number and efforts of composition and works became compromised by the spurious editing, deleting, locking and banning of written material by well meaning but let us say 'underinfomed' moderators on that forum.

    We literally lost hours of work and (to us) valuable information, which some of us tried to recover by direct emails to Richard Dragaon and other administrators of that forum.

    Unfortunately cooperation was not given and none of the lost data could be recovered and even to access the 'read only' forum of Old Avalon proved exceedingly difficult for me, as I am not as clever in some things, as many presume me to be.

    Now the Old Thuban thread on Avalon was NOT copy paste material but all my own work accumulated and worked on for over 20 years.
    How would you feel, that the (to me) valuable feedback and intercourse with people (both positive and negative and some not all of course) was confiscated and deleted by well meaning but underinformed data policemen?

    Learning from the experience not to trust other people's 'judgements' and opinions about what is 'valuable data' and what is not - we decide to back up our data and the relevance of that data as a record for the future.

    The post below by MaryIshtarCreiddyladd to my reply on her ONE thread exemplifies the situation about the present problems.

    I do ask you to read the reply from an intelligent and informed woman; who has moved passed the obvious emotional 'witch hunt' in which some people here are engaging to 'ban the evil dragons'

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This has happened before Tommy; should you remember the Celine Dragaon vendetta versus the Thuban data on old Avalon and the hysteria then infiltrating that forum.

    I do wish, as do many here, that Steve would return and moderate again; but to allow the Thuban material to be openly debated by those members here who do find value in that material.
    The 'Thuban Elders' and I never wanted anything more; than to FREELY share DATA.
    There is NO HIDDEN AGENDA; we are no 'evil beings' from outer space, here to 'eat' or mindcontrol anyone.

    So Tommy in your capacity and role of moderator; this is my proposal to harmonise Camelot again and to bring in the peace.
    Ask Steve to return as administrator and reinstate Lita as a moderator BUT ask them to leave the 'Thuban Dragons' in peace and alone to mind their own business.

    The one thing I would ask then however; is to allow the 'length restriction' on the 'Thuban thread' to be eased due to the complexity of the material which is not supportive of oneliners and short replies. This priviledge was also granted on Avalon by John Anchor as a favourable moderator towards the Thuban thread if you remember.

    Noone is 'forced' to read or worry about this material. It is highly specialised data; which is hard to be understood; either from a scientific viewpoint or from the metaphysical experience and nous required to break the 'data overload' codes which safeguard the information.

    Of course you can reban us and many would be happy for you to be doing so. I will accept the situation and promise you, that even should you reban us, that I shall delete the html cross-links to camelot.
    This is not appropriate and I do thank Lita for raising this point through her actions.
    I invite other people to comment on this reply!


    Re: ONE
    #31151 3 hours, 55 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Bermanseder wrote:

    Marvellously on the topic of the Oneness and the Unity once again.

    It might become part of the human experience in understanding, that data is deleted, locked or otherwise destroyed.
    Just think of 'lost' symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart or Mussorgsky or the Library of Alexandria, burned by Romans in fear of civil uprisings challenging their authority.
    Then we have a number of book burnings and other destructive tendencies by the administrators of whatever information they might be administering.

    And so can one 'trust' the administrators and the controllers of the public data; data and information created and composed for all?

    And then there are the computer messages: Back Up your Data!

    And then there is the question of EVIDENCE, like in a court of sorts. When people or entities are accused of things and slandered and a 'trade name' like 'Thuban Elders' is compromised in whatever fashion.
    So when the 'trade name' is not compromised or engaged; then there will be no evidence to be required to be saved.

    It's only logical! Sherlock Holmes would say to dear Watson or Spock to Kirk or Data to Picard.

    One day many humans will learn to understand that prudence and care do not necessarily amount to deception and hidden agendas.

    One day; perhaps!

    Yes, I am Abraxasinas; the terrible one from Avalon.
    And I do know the Merlin by the way - but never mind that.

    It is about testimony for you Huancaina and you CrystalChi and you RakmeisterRa and for all of you here and everywhere.

    Should you have hidden things and information in your closets, then dont share those 'secrets' on any public forum. Anything I say and share is never copyrighted or in any manner compromising to my manyfold identity. You all are multiplied cosmic gameplayers, even if you cannot yet remember yourselves and why you are doing what you are doing (and thinking, but this is even more difficult for most of you to figure out).

    One day we might meet on a dancefloor or some other venue of human entertainment and then you will be grateful for the saving of YOUR Data.


    I have perfect trust in Tommy's abillity to look at the threads related in my posts here and see that they have been negatively planning to attack your material and anyone who dare interact with it, including talking smack about Tommy and Kerry for unbanning the material in the first place. If he has time he will clearly see that.

    As for posting my posts on other forums, I have been focused on the material and learning it instead of attacking and slandering people. I have no issue with my posts being made available on another forum as I never post anything that I feel I have to hide. Nothing on the net is really private. If that is a rule then that does not involve my input as I did not copy any of it anywhere. However that said I believe the truth of what is going on here is clear top those with the time to read over the many pages of complaining about what has happened since Steve chose to leave. They are mad and planned revenge on the Thuban material and it's posters, and said Tommy did not run the forum the way they thought he should. Openness and true open eyed investigation is the only way this world can ever be changed for the better. If That is what the Project Camelot focus is then this includes material that is not liked by people who are just salivating at the mouth for war like behavior. I trust Tommy will see the truth if he has time to look. Fear will not bring healing. These people are afraid of the material out of superstitions they have been taught about beings they don't understand. I am not a member of Thuban or it's forum, but I definitely think banning the material is not in the interest of learning what is going on in this world and will only serve as a footing for those who want to divide not unite the human race. They want this type of silly infighting amongst people. I have every reason to want to learn of the material, just as with Ashayanna Deane's material which I think they also object to from what I have seen. This is a mind game being played for territory, not for truth on the part of the people who started the fight after the ban. It has no place in an enlightened awake world of people who believe in personal responsibility.

    If it gets banned I will be deeply disappointed. But I cannot, nor do I seek to control the actions of others. It will be as it will be. I have done nothing wrong and broken no rules. The only people I have seen to behave in a polite and balanced fashion in this ordeal (Steve not included as he has chosen to leave thus I have no further opinion on that. ) Is the Thuban group of friends. Their way scares others and that is unfortunate, but they have been polite and kind and focused on lifting others through teaching, not ganging up and name calling and fight picking. Thus they have my permission, unless Tommy determines they are not allowed, to post my posts wherever they like in the name of transparency and openness. If that breaks a rule it is between the poster of said material and Tommy.

    The links I have provided on this thread (previous posts) will lead Tommy to where the controversy began and if he chooses to look the truth of the initiative behind this feigned outcry by the attackers who have festered in hatred since Steve and Lita left is there. It is a drama made up to feed off from power and control, masked by pretend outrage over Steve leaving. And I had no issue with Steve. This began before I got here. and Steve showed clearly one rule he said was broken, but I do have to wonder if he was not egged into making a hasty judgement of the material by the others here who's imbalanced behavior prevented me from joining and sharing my knowledge for two years. I finally Joined because I saw Steve and Tommy to be fair and level headed in their Administration duties. The others (a very small but very loud portion of actual members of this huge online community) which are still yelling and shouting instead of teaching knowledge and learning from others... well, I have no further comment on them as they are acting like bullies in every way they know how. I suspect others just don't speak up because they do not want to get banned.

    That is all I have to say. But I did see it coming as soon as I saw they were unbanned. It was a false pride issue for the other few. I hope sanity, fairness and truth prevail here. If not the truth will come out else where, as their material is valid and thus as the Veil thins this will become apparent.

    Peace, and I have no desire to fight with anyone on the forum as this is not something conducive to creating a reality where all are ONE. It is divisive, and as such not in accordance with the interconnectedness of all that is. When one is harmed all are harmed. It is a sad day to see fellow members of humanity choose division rather than Unity out of fear of what they do not understand.

    I have nothing to hide and nothing to defend.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle MaryIshtarCreiddylad

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    • Bermanseder
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31203 2 hours, 3 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    hey sorry...but it's called free publicity!
    linking to this forum,yeah okay,i'll remember not to do that
    i think they meant no harm and were only wanting to preserve some threads that had some special meaning for them,whoever it was-so i'm sure they'll disable the active links or whatever-but honestly,there's really no security issue,it's an etiquette issue okay,i get that-don't look at me,i didn't commit any such breach of territory or whatever...
    so let's just resolve this and forgive each other and then continue the dialogues while we have time-
    i haven't seen a good poll lately...i wonder if there's anyone here who doesn't think tommy and kerry are the greatest-i bet not!
    there's higher and lower ways to deal with 'offenders'
    the 'coolest' people tend to take the higher ways-right?
    oops,well anyways,there y'go,i hadn't actually caught up on this thread-anyways,uh...well i think we have plenty of moderators and all that as it is-no need to pull anyone out of retirement is there?
    i say they should just be regular members rather than authorities because they'll just wanna ban a lot of us,i'm sure for what they consider good reasons but they couldn't explain it to me....anyways i'm glad to be here and glad to see anyone who feels like talking-this is what the forums are for,i've always believed-cheers my people-talk,talk,talk!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31211 1 hour, 12 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    hey sorry...but it's called free publicity!
    linking to this forum,yeah okay,i'll remember not to do that
    i think they meant no harm and were only wanting to preserve some threads that had some special meaning for them,whoever it was-so i'm sure they'll disable the active links or whatever-but honestly,there's really no security issue,it's an etiquette issue okay,i get that-don't look at me,i didn't commit any such breach of territory or whatever...
    so let's just resolve this and forgive each other and then continue the dialogues while we have time-
    i haven't seen a good poll lately...i wonder if there's anyone here who doesn't think tommy and kerry are the greatest-i bet not!
    there's higher and lower ways to deal with 'offenders'
    the 'coolest' people tend to take the higher ways-right?
    oops,well anyways,there y'go,i hadn't actually caught up on this thread-anyways,uh...well i think we have plenty of moderators and all that as it is-no need to pull anyone out of retirement is there?
    i say they should just be regular members rather than authorities because they'll just wanna ban a lot of us,i'm sure for what they consider good reasons but they couldn't explain it to me....anyways i'm glad to be here and glad to see anyone who feels like talking-this is what the forums are for,i've always believed-cheers my people-talk,talk,talk!

    • SpaceCowboy
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31213 1 hour, 10 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    This thread also added on the Thuban forum

    • CrystalChi
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31229 24 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    Are you telling me that I am part of the old mafia school??? WHAT??? That is a huge accusation. How should I take that? Talking about Injustice... So ironic, I was fighting for freedom of Speech! not to share whatever I am writing here any were else... Tommy, Kerry please, take note of that!

    I have your web site open right now and I am there on line and off line at the same time??? how is that? I don't want to be part of your Data. I never signed up to be part of your group... I am not interested in your information. Thanks!

    Tommy has to do something about it! This is an invasion.

    About your accusation LITA aka crystalChi I guess is a question for him. I don't know him. LITA is not here to defend herself.

    I will be here just in case somebody wants to ask me something or to defend my self from your group.

    So, you are not arachme anymore? you and your people came here in a very aggressive way trying to impose as your knowledge...!

    I am very curious and I was above to see your information until I saw your friends air of superiority + our post PASTE and COPY in your WEBs and I DON'T LIKE THAT! PLEASE take my post out of your Webs!

    • Huancaina27
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    • Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31232 12 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    Are you telling me that I am part of the old mafia school??? WHAT??? That is a huge accusation. How should I take that? Talking about Injustice... So ironic, I was fighting for freedom of Speech! not to share whatever I am writing here any were else... Tommy, Kerry please, take note of that!

    I have your web site open right now and I am there on line and off line at the same time??? how is that? I don't want to be part of your Data. I never signed up to be part of your group... I am not interested in your information. Thanks!

    Tommy has to do something about it! This is an invasion.

    About your accusation LITA aka crystalChi I guess is a question for him. I don't know him. LITA is not here to defend herself.

    I will be here just in case somebody wants to ask me something or to defend my self from your group.

    So, you are not arachme anymore? you and your people came here in a very aggressive way trying to impose as your knowledge...!

    I am very curious and I was above to see your information until I saw your friends air of superiority + our post PASTE and COPY in your WEBs and I DON'T LIKE THAT! PLEASE take my post out of your Webs!

    Dear Huancaina!

    You should read what you are commenting upon, before commenting in your perceptions about what you are commenting upon.

    You, Huancaina have not been mentioned or implied anywhere in the post you are excerpting from.
    You have heard of expressions and words like allegory an metaphor and the manner those semantics are expressed in a literary sense, say here in the English language.

    As I have said to Tommy, the copying of cross references was an error and I am in the process of fixing this.
    But the slander and attacks on the 'Thuban name' warrants something called 'self defence' in the lexicon of the laws of civilised societies so called.

    So as stated elsewhere in this thread; the partial collection of 'evidence' as relevant to those attacks of liberty and the, yes invasion of a peaceful group of people, who have nought but the SHARING of information at heart and for the benefit for all; warrants the collection of this evidence.

    So it is easy for you Huancaina, cease to engage the 'Thuban label' and your presence on PUBLIC FORUMS, not restricted by CENSORSHIP OF DATA; will not be of any interest for the 'defense counsel' of the 'Thuban label' to address your testimony.

    This is developing into a legal matter and so you are well justified to seek legal advice.

    And indeed, this is developing into a 'sorry state of affairs' and a relative wasting of time; as the purpose of our presence here is to share and discuss a particular form of information and NOTHING MORE.
    We would rather answer questions and share common things of human value, than to engage in this bickering and absolutely unwarranted fearmongering from parties who simply do not know what they are doing or where their thoughts are coming from.

    The 'war of words' is not between humans Huancaina; it is between the old thoughtforms of fear and cosmic evil wich have been thought of and about for millennia.

    Be well, you are loved and honoured by us, even if you perceive otherwise.


    • Bermanseder
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31233 11 minutes ago
    CrystalChi wrote:
    This thread also added on the Thuban forum

    All this is about - it would seem - is one forum trying to piggy back on the publicity and high volume of another. Really lame - this has little to do with content or freedom of speech - it just seems it is more about gaining more gullible followers.

    I grew out of my 'dragon lore' phase when I was still a teenager - of course that is a normal phase of life that most people do when they mature - they learn to distinguish what is fantasy and what is not.

    Some people have a problem with A) growing up and letting go of the make believe fantasy world. Sorta like getting stuck in the Wizard of Oz time loop - smoking to much 'Puff - the magic dragon' has a tendency to retard emotionally maturity apparently, so I go with that one.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    • Chakra
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    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31236 1 minute ago
    Seems to me that the Thuban way of 'sharing' information, is similar to that of the JW's. Mind you, they only want to give you a leaflet, they don't tend to move in like cuckoo's

    • hellsbells44
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    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Jonah - Posted Mar 25th 2011

    Posts: 13

    Tony i gota tell ya ... I think thats pretty frekin hilarious...
    There has to be a way to tell how many... if any of the members here, linked to any of thier html links... I certainly never knew... nor did i have any desire to do so...
    I did however find the admin response.... a little taunting to its own members in a way.... not my style... but the message was clear to any still confused.... slippery when wet..

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posts: 2163
    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 25th 2011

    Jonah - Posted 7 Minutes Ago

    Tony i gota tell ya ... I think thats pretty frekin hilarious...
    There's has to be a way to tell how many... if any of the members here, linked to any of thier html links... I certainly never knew... nor did i have any desire to do so...
    I did however find the admin response.... a little taunting to its own members in a way.... not my style... but the message was clear to any still confused.... slippery when wet..

    Bill Ryan BS all over again, dear friend. Just replied to unplugged about Egyptian history. What a waste of time haggling this BS. Celine all over again. Bloody femmes lol. I am not sure though. Unless they get Steve and Lita back the 'offended femmes' will not allow intelligent debate to proceed.
    Yes Jonah I really did not know this linking of the data in the html. My purpose is to SAVE info and evidence that's all.
    I dont think 'they' have legal discourse, as it is an open forum; but I am not sure. I am complying with the error, but will not delete the data - what BS.
    Tommy is under pressure now - to keep the peace. So the easy way is to ban me for the forum's interest.

    We shall see; thanks for your RATIONAL input Jonah!


    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31236 56 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Seems to me that the Thuban way of 'sharing' information, is similar to that of the JW's. Mind you, they only want to give you a leaflet, they don't tend to move in like cuckoo's

    • hellsbells44
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #312441 31 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Be well, you are loved and honoured by us, even if you perceive otherwise.

    Thank you very much... now, please honor your words and take my post out of your Webs. Yeah! my post are not that important. You are right on that one!

    • Huancaina27
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #3124442 38 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    hellsbells44 wrote:
    Seems to me that the Thuban way of 'sharing' information, is similar to that of the JW's. Mind you, they only want to give you a leaflet, they don't tend to move in like cuckoo's

    Good analogy - they like kill the babies and plant their own in another birds next don't they. That way they don't have to feed, look after or pay the kids bills either. lol

    Of course you do know this conversation will be considered by some to be slanderous, mean spirited and will cry foul. Freedom of speech also only goes one way apparently, in some circles that is.....

    But since I am also genetically closer to actually being Reptilian - than the wanna be's, I guess it is ok, coming from me that is.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    • Chakra
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31253 1 minute ago - March 24th, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    This thread also added on the Thuban forum

    All this is about - it would seem - is one forum trying to piggy back on the publicity and high volume of another. Really lame - this has little to do with content or freedom of speech - it just seems it is more about gaining more gullible followers.

    I grew out of my 'dragon lore' phase when I was still a teenager - of course that is a normal phase of life that most people do when they mature - they learn to distinguish what is fantasy and what is not.

    Some people have a problem with A) growing up and letting go of the make believe fantasy world. Sorta like getting stuck in the Wizard of Oz time loop - smoking to much 'Puff - the magic dragon' has a tendency to retard emotionally maturity apparently, so I go with that one.

    Hi there Chakra. I was just wondering since you imply in a previous post that you are some form of bloodline royalty, if you would care to share exactly how much higher up the bloodline you feel you are from as you said "the wannabe's" ? And that is ego elitism, but I am still very interested in hearing of your royal lineage, and what that entails exactly. For instance does this give you special abilities to see into other dimensions? etc? It should if your dna is fully active as in the reptilian strain at least allow you to see the Dragons I would think. They are very real.

    Also, I was wondering if you happened to listen to Duncan O'finioan's (sp sorry) recent interview which was recently posted by another member of this forum who interviewed him? If so I was wondering then if you are able to see the dimensions he talked about which will become visible as planes (dimensions) merge in the near future (paraphrasing) which he said basically that people will become aware of things which exist that they are not at all prepared to deal with?

    Well I can see the things he was referring to and have for many years, actually most of my life, so I am wondering if you can too since you are, I understand, Illuminati Bloodline royalty. (correct me if that is not what you intended to convey.)

    What you have stated above in the way of mind control to make people fear admitting they see things that are real but not visible to the general masses yet is something that gets tossed around by some of the most "evil" minded corrupt people on the planet. That is a mind control trigger and control mechanism and I am shocked to see someone who is working as a moderator of Project Camelot use that type of manipulation to gain support on a thread.

    Yes, I know what I am talking about, so I just thought I would clue you into where you are getting that train of thought from. It might actually trigger people who are healing from traumatic mind control situations that have had it used on them to make them feel as if they are crazy and in need of meds. (TO SILENCE THE SPIRITUAL TRAVELERS )

    I am seeing a common theme in your posts. Matrix Psych = Control the "sheeple" who are awakening to the other realities from realizing the true nature of the human condition and all that has been veiled by the controlers. I am sure you did not intend to do this. Now you know. So the next time you can say "Hey I don't want to support the ways, methods and structures I have been taught to support! I can choose a better way! I think I won't fall back on that old party mine to win a silly dispute over nothing."

    I bet Duncan would tell you about the Dragons, since I guess (you claim) you can't see them... and many other things.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    • MaryIshtarCreiddylad
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31254 1 minute ago - March 24th, 2011
    Nick Griffin, head of the British National Party (BNP) demanded the right to free speech. They got it briefly but they were unable to meet the simple requisite of changing their charter to accept people of races and creeds - there is no news of them anymore.

    Here's an edited version of the interview they were able to obtain thanks to free speech -
    See the reception from the audience.
    Free speech does not guarantee acceptance:

    Here a picture of a griffin:

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    • siriusblue
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31256 17 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I can see those too... Thank you for the griffin pic... reminds me of the one I have in my lawn! Cool!
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    • MaryIshtarCreiddylad
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    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    My Posts

    Posts: 13
    Jonah - Posted Mar 25th 2011

    As they say ... recockulous.....
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31264 6 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    This thread also added on the Thuban forum

    All this is about - it would seem - is one forum trying to piggy back on the publicity and high volume of another. Really lame - this has little to do with content or freedom of speech - it just seems it is more about gaining more gullible followers.

    I grew out of my 'dragon lore' phase when I was still a teenager - of course that is a normal phase of life that most people do when they mature - they learn to distinguish what is fantasy and what is not.

    Some people have a problem with A) growing up and letting go of the make believe fantasy world. Sorta like getting stuck in the Wizard of Oz time loop - smoking to much 'Puff - the magic dragon' has a tendency to retard emotionally maturity apparently, so I go with that one.

    Hi there Chakra. I was just wondering since you imply in a previous post that you are some form of bloodline royalty, if you would care to share exactly how much higher up the bloodline you feel you are from as you said "the wannabe's" ?

    I didn't say anything of the sort actually.
    Though now that you mention it - my Mother did often make allusions to that effect, due to some markings I was apparently born with. I never paid it much heed though.

    What I did say was - for clarities sake - that I was "genetically closer to actually being Reptilian" which comes from the fun we have had on the other thread about blood types - RH Negative factor and that it is suspected to be coming from reptilians rather than the ape line. Interesting interpretation you took it to though. lol

    And.... that is pretty much as far as I got with reading your post - the energy from it felt confrontational and just a tad belligerent - felt totally like I was being baited into an argument - life is just to short for that. Being super-hyper sensitive to energies is a RH- trait it seems too.

    Have a great day though.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    • Chakra
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31269 1 minute ago - March 24th, 2011
    Yeah, I did not think you would respond to the questions about the things you brought up now on two threads. If you want to ask about Fae and Dragons and ETs... and mind control assault people who are awakening... You could listen to Duncan tell you they are real instead of me, since I was apparently too confrontational for you which I find hilarious due to your willingness to laugh at others and not open your mind to learn. Keep on using the party line if you want, but you are clear to anyone with eyes to see.

    Why ask the same questions on two threads if you don't want to know the answers? But they were much more than questions, they were sad attempts at insults directed at people with the vision. That is what the controllers do every day to countless children who are awakening to the spiritual. Then they medicate them to shut them up. Not something I would choose to partake in, but you do have that thing called free will.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    • MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 142

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31272 1 hour, 50 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Yeah, I did not think you would respond to the questions about the things you brought up now on two threads. If you want to ask about Fae and Dragons and ETs... and mind control assault people who are awakening... You could listen to Duncan tell you they are real instead of me, since I was apparently too confrontational for you which I find hilarious due to your willingness to laugh at others and not open your mind to learn. Keep on using the party line if you want, but you are clear to anyone with eyes to see.

    Why ask the same questions on two threads if you don't want to know the answers? But they were much more than questions, they were sad attempts at insults directed at people with the vision. That is what the controllers do every day to countless children who are awakening to the spiritual. Then they medicate them to shut them up. Not something I would choose to partake in, but you do have that thing called free will.

    Mary seeing that I started this thread/topic I can tell you that you are off topic, what you are derailing this into is not part of the original post and intent here. As Chakra said in another thread I am sounding like I am channelling Lita.

    • CrystalChi
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 23

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31288 13 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011


    Thank you for attending to this matter. Know that I have no problem with you copying your own written materials from this site at all (specified in the disclaimer\rules), but what I am pointing towards is the posts copied written by other members. So if you could please make sure you copy only your own written content the problem will be solved.

    I remember the PA situation well, and I can tell you right away that this will not happen (again) here.


    1. Remove html content originating from Camelot Forum
    2. Remove posts made by CF members other than Thubans from your site copy
    - Make sure you ask permission from members on this forum if you wish to use their content
    3. Notify the other Thuban members about this so we do not get into a new situation like this

    4. Breathe and contemplate the fact that the problem got solved

    Sorry you did not get the e-mail, I was not really sure who I was supposed to send it too.
    I thought about posting the entire e-mail in this thread, but I did not do it in case someone perceived it as being aggressive, I wanted to make sure we dealt with this painlessly and effectively.

    You know I support your right to exist, but I am also the administrator for the Project Camelot sites, and that rule referenced earlier is meant to protect the members from situations like this.
    If we do not uphold the content rule members will not feel safe about their written work being on this forum, and how it will be used.

    Thanks for attending to this matter

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 299

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31290 5 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Tangent wrote:

    Seriously, people?

    What's the point of even having a ban function if Kerry, or you Tommy, think circumstances would never warrant someone being banned? What's the point of having forum guidelines which incorporates this?

    I do not choose the simple method and "ban" someone just because there is a problem.
    I attempt to solve the problem first, communicate and leave options.

    Banning is for me a way to avoid confrontation. If need be I can ban someone for a period of time while communication with related parties are occurring or pending.

    Other note (not directed):

    I did not know about the copying of material from this site, I was aware that there was a situation with the Thuban crowd and I was trying to figure out what had gone on. So my view was limited you can say.

    Just wanted to add this since someone asked

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 299

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31293 9 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Chakra said:

    "All this is about - it would seem - is one forum trying to piggy back on the publicity and high volume of another. Really lame - this has little to do with content or freedom of speech - it just seems it is more about gaining more gullible followers.

    I grew out of my 'dragon lore' phase when I was still a teenager - of course that is a normal phase of life that most people do when they mature - they learn to distinguish what is fantasy and what is not.

    Some people have a problem with A) growing up and letting go of the make believe fantasy world. Sorta like getting stuck in the Wizard of Oz time loop - smoking to much 'Puff - the magic dragon' has a tendency to retard emotionally maturity apparently, so I go with that one."

    And the same on the Thuban Material thread bout ETs, etc right after the post here I guess, so I was just addressing what she was discussing on both this thread, and that one.

    As she is a moderator, I thought the topic was ok to discuss since she brought it up.

    You asked had similar things to say on that thread as well, so I thought maybe it was very appropriate.
    I do not perceive it as being off topic from what Chakra's previous post on this thread was. And what I pointed out has a whole lot to do with the whole purpose of many of Kerry's own interviews, so... Sorry we do not see eye to eye on this.

    And I do NOT smoke marijuana (or puff puff) and not much for drinking either. That effects the subtle energy bodes in a way I do not care for. My response was relevant as per the moderator's post.

    Oh Yeah, this too: Chakra said..

    "But since I am also genetically closer to actually being Reptilian - than the wanna be's, I guess it is ok, coming from me that is. "
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    • MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 153
    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011


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