Adolf Hitler build 902+ churches, arrested Rothschild, shut down the Central Bank [Federal Reserve] and issued interest-free currency. In just three years did he turn the poorest country in Europe into the largest, most innovative, most productive and healthiest middle class, the world had ever seen. That makes Adolf Hitler the biggest bad ass since that man who overturned the tables of the money changers at that Synagogue in Jerusalem. This is what the most published and most cited Holocaust expert had to say under oath in a court of law. VIDEO VIDEO
How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism - Christians for Truth How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism December 13, 2019 By CFT Team -- 51 Comments The source of this article is a thread from @USRevolt1776 on Twitter. In America, the public is given zero information on the “Weimar Republic” – the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the National Socialists in 1933. This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world. This thread will expose those secrets. First, a glimpse of what Germany was pre-Weimar: As the Holy Roman Empire ended, Germans united throughout the 18th & 19th centuries under strong leadership, loyal monarchs, and good governance. Germany was a bustling European center of industry, military, culture & Christianity. Then World War I happened. Largely orchestrated by corrupt Global interests, it was a disaster for Germany. Germany had a string of victories, and sought a peaceful truce. But Global financiers behind the war would lose money & their agenda, so they brought in America in 1917. In 1916, Bernard Baruch left Wall Street to advise President Woodrow Wilson, who had won reelection by promising to keep America out of the war. After the Global Elite succeeded in getting the US into World War I, and turning the tide against Germany, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was written to the Rothschilds and officially established Palestine as a “national home for the Jewish people” in accordance with the Zionists plans. How the war ended is crucial to setting the stage for Weimar. The German war effort collapsed in 1918 when Communists led strikes in munitions factories and launched a violent revolution in Germany. The monarchy fell, the war ended with no truce, and the Liberal Elites created Weimar. Before we get into who comprised this new “Liberal Elite” in Germany, first a look at who was behind the Revolution: Rosa Luxemburg Kurt Eisner Paul Levi Leo Jogiches Ernst Toller Erich Muhsam Gustav Landauer Eugen Levine Karl Radek Can you guess what they all have in common? At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders. After redrawing the boundaries, approximately seven million Germans were living under foreign occupation in neighboring countries. Who were the key representatives letting this happen? Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia) Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate) And they were? The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal democratic government was first assembled. In this unnatural, fragmented Germany, a new constitution was foisted on the people. Who wrote it? Hugo Preuss. What was he? For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, non-German influences. Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister) Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister) Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief) Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats) For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace. Who were the earliest leaders? Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann. Guess what they were… The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering. The people weren’t organized. The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions. There were food shortages & poverty. France invaded Germany in 1923-1925 to collect WWI reparations. It was an absolute mess. The ineffectual government was often embroiled in scandal, with one group at the center. Barmat Scandal Sklarek Scandal Kutisker Case Katzenellenbogen Case All involved Jewish crime rings scamming Germany with political corruption, bribery, fraud, war-profiteering, etc. Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society. EVERYTHING was tolerated. Berlin became the sin capital of the world, flooded with drugs, sex, and all forms of degeneracy. Many poor, desperate Germans sold themselves like cheap goods. No sexual perversion was off the table. At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld. He created the “Institute of Sexual Research,” located in Berlin. Hirschfeld was a pioneer in all kinds of sexual fetishes. At his “Institute of Sexual Research,” Hirschfeld was conducting the first transgender surgeries, research, etc. Sound familiar? It’s all happened before, in Weimar Germany. The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes. Some of the main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar: Paul Davidson Joseph “Joe May” Mandel Jules Greenbaum Max Reinhardt Josef Von Sternberg Fritz Kohn Otto Wallburg Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein And many more… The Pornography business also became extremely popular and lucrative during Weimar, often taking advantage of German women looking for work. People like Kurt Tucholsky made sure everyone got their fix. Art in Weimar experienced a similar descent into meaningless, perverse works that inspired nothing but sadness and discord. “Dadaism” & “Cubism” were all the rage. The Elites promoted this as “intellectual” and modern. Sound familiar? Painters like Hanns Ludwig Katz did well. Even prominent photographers, like Erwin BlumenfeId, sought to inject subversive, anti-German themes into their work. Here’s one of his photos. Can you see what he was selling, even all the way back then? Something similar to what they’re selling today. The German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture. Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar? Not Germans. Theodor Wolff Bernhard Georg Rudolf Mosse Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed. The degenerate society was wholly unprepared. Unemployment, starvation, disease, currency collapse. Stacks of German money were often worthless. The Weimar nightmare was complete. Throughout Weimar, Europe learned of the horrors of Bolshevism to the East. Yet, Communists paraded openly in Weimar, with official parties in the Govt (led by Werner Scholem). The Weimar Elite seemed unable & uninterested in protecting Germans from their revolutionary cousins. Perhaps this explains why when one man & his movement rose from obscurity, promising a return of power to the German people, a return of tradition, morality, hope, he received radical hate from the establishment, but fanatical love from the German people. In case you think this is all just a coincidence or ‘canard’, listen to this brief lecture by Rabbi Yaron Reuven, who confirms that the Jews of Weimar were indeed responsible for all this utter debasement of German society: Weimar Rabbi Video Player Now That You Know The Truth One could go on and on about Weimar…. But if you study the West today, you’ll notice the uncanny similarities…. Weimar was the first oppressive neo-liberal democracy. You’re never told about it because: It ruins the WWII lies our governments tell us. You are living in Weimar 2.0. If you ever learn that, you may learn how to escape it. This scares the Elite. Video backup: The Zündel Prophecy Video Player How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism - Christians for Truth
How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism - Christians for Truth How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism December 13, 2019 By CFT Team -- 51 Comments The source of this article is a thread from @USRevolt1776 on Twitter. In America, the public is given zero information on the “Weimar Republic” – the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the National Socialists in 1933. This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world. This thread will expose those secrets. First, a glimpse of what Germany was pre-Weimar: As the Holy Roman Empire ended, Germans united throughout the 18th & 19th centuries under strong leadership, loyal monarchs, and good governance. Germany was a bustling European center of industry, military, culture & Christianity. Then World War I happened. Largely orchestrated by corrupt Global interests, it was a disaster for Germany. Germany had a string of victories, and sought a peaceful truce. But Global financiers behind the war would lose money & their agenda, so they brought in America in 1917. In 1916, Bernard Baruch left Wall Street to advise President Woodrow Wilson, who had won reelection by promising to keep America out of the war. After the Global Elite succeeded in getting the US into World War I, and turning the tide against Germany, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was written to the Rothschilds and officially established Palestine as a “national home for the Jewish people” in accordance with the Zionists plans. How the war ended is crucial to setting the stage for Weimar. The German war effort collapsed in 1918 when Communists led strikes in munitions factories and launched a violent revolution in Germany. The monarchy fell, the war ended with no truce, and the Liberal Elites created Weimar. Before we get into who comprised this new “Liberal Elite” in Germany, first a look at who was behind the Revolution: Rosa Luxemburg Kurt Eisner Paul Levi Leo Jogiches Ernst Toller Erich Muhsam Gustav Landauer Eugen Levine Karl Radek Can you guess what they all have in common? At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders. After redrawing the boundaries, approximately seven million Germans were living under foreign occupation in neighboring countries. Who were the key representatives letting this happen? Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia) Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate) And they were? The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal democratic government was first assembled. In this unnatural, fragmented Germany, a new constitution was foisted on the people. Who wrote it? Hugo Preuss. What was he? For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, non-German influences. Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister) Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister) Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief) Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats) For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace. Who were the earliest leaders? Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann. Guess what they were… The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering. The people weren’t organized. The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions. There were food shortages & poverty. France invaded Germany in 1923-1925 to collect WWI reparations. It was an absolute mess. The ineffectual government was often embroiled in scandal, with one group at the center. Barmat Scandal Sklarek Scandal Kutisker Case Katzenellenbogen Case All involved Jewish crime rings scamming Germany with political corruption, bribery, fraud, war-profiteering, etc. Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society. EVERYTHING was tolerated. Berlin became the sin capital of the world, flooded with drugs, sex, and all forms of degeneracy. Many poor, desperate Germans sold themselves like cheap goods. No sexual perversion was off the table. At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld. He created the “Institute of Sexual Research,” located in Berlin. Hirschfeld was a pioneer in all kinds of sexual fetishes. At his “Institute of Sexual Research,” Hirschfeld was conducting the first transgender surgeries, research, etc. Sound familiar? It’s all happened before, in Weimar Germany. The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes. Some of the main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar: Paul Davidson Joseph “Joe May” Mandel Jules Greenbaum Max Reinhardt Josef Von Sternberg Fritz Kohn Otto Wallburg Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein And many more… The Pornography business also became extremely popular and lucrative during Weimar, often taking advantage of German women looking for work. People like Kurt Tucholsky made sure everyone got their fix. Art in Weimar experienced a similar descent into meaningless, perverse works that inspired nothing but sadness and discord. “Dadaism” & “Cubism” were all the rage. The Elites promoted this as “intellectual” and modern. Sound familiar? Painters like Hanns Ludwig Katz did well. Even prominent photographers, like Erwin BlumenfeId, sought to inject subversive, anti-German themes into their work. Here’s one of his photos. Can you see what he was selling, even all the way back then? Something similar to what they’re selling today. The German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture. Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar? Not Germans. Theodor Wolff Bernhard Georg Rudolf Mosse Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed. The degenerate society was wholly unprepared. Unemployment, starvation, disease, currency collapse. Stacks of German money were often worthless. The Weimar nightmare was complete. Throughout Weimar, Europe learned of the horrors of Bolshevism to the East. Yet, Communists paraded openly in Weimar, with official parties in the Govt (led by Werner Scholem). The Weimar Elite seemed unable & uninterested in protecting Germans from their revolutionary cousins. Perhaps this explains why when one man & his movement rose from obscurity, promising a return of power to the German people, a return of tradition, morality, hope, he received radical hate from the establishment, but fanatical love from the German people. In case you think this is all just a coincidence or ‘canard’, listen to this brief lecture by Rabbi Yaron Reuven, who confirms that the Jews of Weimar were indeed responsible for all this utter debasement of German society: Weimar Rabbi Video Player Now That You Know The Truth One could go on and on about Weimar…. But if you study the West today, you’ll notice the uncanny similarities…. Weimar was the first oppressive neo-liberal democracy. You’re never told about it because: It ruins the WWII lies our governments tell us. You are living in Weimar 2.0. If you ever learn that, you may learn how to escape it. This scares the Elite. Video backup: The Zündel Prophecy Video Player How The Jews Of Weimar Germany Ensured The Rise Of National Socialism - Christians for Truth
ZUNDEL PROPHECY VIDEOündel-Prophecy.mp4?_=2
Comments Mikoeko February 19, 2023 at 3:53 am Nice post! Reply Flanders December 13, 2022 at 5:12 pm High recommendation for this booklet, too: “Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany”, 35pp – Verlag Eckhart.pdf “The failure of the 1905 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia resulted in tens-of-thousands of Jews fleeing to Germany as they were the chief architects of that first attempt to overthrow the Czar. They filled the cities as the charts herein attest. Working in collusion with their co-racialists the Jews quickly dominated the professions. With Germany in depression and the value of the mark wiped out the Jews were able to buy businesses often at less than 1% of their true value. With a loaf of bread costing100,000 marks the Jews obtained loans from Jewish banks and bought up industry, newspapers, vast blocks of apartment buildings – all for pennies on the dollar.” Reply Theo August 26, 2022 at 5:32 pm The reichsadler symbolises the role that Edom had in imperial Germany. Edom means red, and it present as the red beak, tongue and claws. Edom is associated with the eagle in Obadiah 1:4. Reply Herr Voice Of Germany December 8, 2021 at 5:11 pm The last ritual murder trials in germany has been in 1928 and 1932. It seems the problem shifted along with the devils to other parts of the world. Reply Laura February 2, 2022 at 7:52 pm Do you know the document of the American politician H.W.Rosenthal (Nixon Administration) which throws some light on world history? He died young in an Istanbul terror act in 1976. Especially amazing are his statements on the 5 basic lies: Reply Laura February 3, 2022 at 1:11 pm Page 13! Reply Gene October 5, 2021 at 7:39 am Only the Jews are allowed to give their version of history if they are part of it. For example: Hogan’s Hero’s about WW11 prison camps. The Jews just seem to love to wear those black Nazii uniforms .Mash about the Viet Nam war. The Jews use movies to subtlety use themselves to gain sympathy. In a WW11 movie, a supposed Jewish teacher is teaching his class, Germans come into his classroom, take him away and the next thing the students hear is gunshots. In another ,a White soldier spits his hawkers out onto the ground like a farmer or outdoorsman and mocks a Jew who is suppose to be more civilized and sophisticated and uses a handkerchief . Later the Jew is killed and the American White soldier cry ‘s in sympathy for the Jew who is now dead that he mocked. The Jews tried to overthrow the Czar in 1849 and failed and many came to America. They tried again in 1905 and failed again, but succeeded in 1917. Not only in Russia , but other European countries. The Jews knew Hitler and his party were wise to the Jew and their behavior and why as soon as Hitler and his party were elected , the Jews called for a boycott of Germany. That is a favorite Jewish tactic to use against those they hate or want to get even with or make suffer as well as embargo’s which our government uses so much against other countries. When Fidel Castro was fighting from the hill ‘s of Cuba against his government, , the American media made his a saintly figure. One incident describes Castro as making one of his men dig his own grave and executing him for rape, as though Castro was so noble a character. And then as soon as Casto announced that he was a communist, this country , turned on him and put embargos on Cuba. It’s all a game. Others have told of arms being stored in Asian countries after WW11 to be used in wars such as Viet Nam and Korea against the French and later the United States, So is it a surprise or mystery as to why this country left so many weapons behind for the Taliban? They will be used against us in the future. This is a religious war and Trump has helped bring End times closer by giving Jerusalem and the mineral rich Golan Heights to the Jews and passing HR 6421, which no one ever seems to mention, even Alex Jones who just a yesterday said that he has the New World Order Battle Plans, but never reveals them but just dramatizes the daily news and fear mongers us with his supposed revelations, which anyone will notice is on other sites which he steals and makes it his own news. Alex Jones is said by employees to check his sales when he gives certain topics and if they produce good sales, repeats the same topics again on his programs. He tells his listeners, he is winning, the New World Order is living in fear, leaving the country, hiding out, afraid of him etc. Then he goes through a spell of t changing tactics and telling his listeners, the New World Order is winning, all is lost, be prepared for the worst, buy his survival food etc. If we are in such bad shape to store survival food , it is best to not tell others what you have or they will gang up on you and take it. Alex Jones claims that WW111 has started. Another exaggeration, but he can keep his agenda going and his money scam going. He has done nothing to stop the New World Order as he brags. He has been allowed to carry on his pretense of exposing the New World Order and we see the result in Washington, D.C. The NWO needs resistance to their agenda and exposure to bring it about. Alex Jones uses his claim of love of god and New Age dribble to entice his followers. We should be concerned about the massive nationals debt the Democrats want to impose on this country as they want so much to use it for minorities and refugees , such as free community college, housing for immigrants , social programs etc. Blacks and other minorities are said by statistcs to go to college more than Whites, so that should be proof enough who is really maintaining this country’s infrastructure. Reply Kaliber October 29, 2021 at 5:44 pm Alex Jones is a self admitted jew, its on video, he’s controlled opposition just like Steve Bannon. Reply Itinarod December 20, 2021 at 9:01 pm Alex Jones didn’t admit he was really a Jew on video…he was mocking people who claimed he was a Jew, so he said, “I’m a Jew. Satisfied now? I’m a Jew”. He’s not a Jew, but his wife is Jewish, and so are his kids. And he’s a shabbos goy, a shill for the Jews and Israel. His job is to steer any new and naive truthseekers away from the Jewish Question and the Hidden Hand of Jewry. Reply Lea December 20, 2021 at 3:35 pm Gene, absolutely correct on all accounts. We must unite & name the enemy. Reply GR August 5, 2021 at 11:43 pm Excellent article with lots of new material. How do I get emails? Reply Laura May 6, 2021 at 3:22 pm A brilliant Article plus material, pictures – I am impressed! Another reason, why America was drawn into WWI in 1917 The Zionists wanted to set up their own state in Palestine. For this reason they made up a treaty with the British called the “Balfour Declaration”, named after the British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour. Through this treaty a British victory over Germany should be guaranteed by involving America with all her power (weapons and money) into WWI. Finally the sinking of the Lusitania (false flag) convinced the American people to accept entering WWI. The Zionists’ reward in return should be their own state in Palestine guaranteed by the British. This way Americans were used again for alien policies. Benjamin Freedman’s speech “An insider warns America” was based on the real facts of WWI and its results: Reply Lisette September 12, 2020 at 7:45 am What started in Russia spilled into Germany by all historical accounts and the still have the audacity to call it a lie……”Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard, which alleges that the Jews were the originators of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and that they held primary power among the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. Similarly, the conspiracy theory of Jewish Communism alleges that Jews have dominated the Communist movements in the world, and is related to The Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory (ZOG), which alleges that Jews control world politics”….. Jews brag about controlling America but somehow it is antisemitic to repeat their own boasting…. The Lobby – USA, episode 2…… View: Reply Greyster August 23, 2020 at 10:58 am The video from the Jewish Rabbi! The first two laws etc. Can decent European citizens wake up in the same way they did in Germany, at that time? We probably only need a critical tipping point of perhaps 10% more people to become aware of what is really happening. God speed the one in ten, if so. Reply Chris van Core February 20, 2021 at 7:44 pm We will finally get justice, Patriot! Soon… Nothing can stop what is coming. Keep spreading the truth! 10% has long been reached… The igniting spark will come from US, when they cleaned up there. To the latest in April, these “philantrophic elites” will not be able to walk down the streets…. The healing has already started. Mankind reclaims it’s history. And unity! In peace and prosperity! Have faith! And fight, fight, fight, Patriot! Reply Pattern_Blind July 14, 2020 at 10:57 am I wonder how long before saying 110 is hate speech? Reply wiggins April 28, 2020 at 5:00 pm Fascinating read…. Reply Enquiring Mind March 7, 2020 at 11:54 pm This is a great article. The pictures are superb. With added text you could make a book out of this. Reply Chris van Core February 20, 2021 at 7:55 pm It is unbelievable to me (German, ~40yo), that had no idea of soooo much things of the past. Especially last 150 years. Nor do other people… propaganda did an excellent job. When I realized the truth, I could’ve cried by wrath. So much harm, so much war, so much cruelty, so much crime vs humanity… Worldwide! Unnecessary… unleashed by always the same “people”. If I only think, what mankind could have evolved to meanwhile, if they were not constantly thrown against each other in cruel wars….. JUSTICE! PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, WAKE UP, SEE AND DEMAND JUSTICE! Reply Mr White February 6, 2020 at 5:30 am Just wow – the real history of what happened. Now when I look at “Allied” soldiers who fought against Germany in WW2, I have such hatred for them because they were nothing but Jewish puppets. Those so called “greatest generation” are the most overrated bunch of bums, only the ones who fought in Europe! Reply Chesterton February 6, 2020 at 5:58 am Whoa, why would you hate those soldiers for their ignorance? They didn’t know what they were doing or for whom they were really fighting, so why condemn them for it? You just learned the truth, so should you be condemned for your previous ignorance? The late great Ezra Pound once said about the American soldiers in WWII that they should never have to die in ignorance of why they were really fighting, because to die without knowing why is to die like an animal. Reply Glen January 21, 2020 at 11:09 am I have never thought much about the Jews until Trump was elected! I was surprised. It seemed like the whole Democratic party in Congress was totally run by Jews! I know because I saw it with my own Eyes. They were so breathless about impeaching Trump like it was really personal. I have tried to figure out exactly why they care so much. I’m also surprised nobody else seems to notice? I have also noticed that the rest of the Democratic party don’t seem to care what the Jews do. It appears to me all the Democratic non-Jews want is lots of FREE STUFF! Reply R.R.E August 10, 2020 at 7:42 pm wow!!really???please elaborate.up until now (before seeing this comment) I used to love the democrats. Reply wristaction March 12, 2021 at 7:14 am You’re missing a big part of it if you’re looking for Jewish control as a monolith controlling only one party. The nature of Jewish control of the US is that it’s bipartisan. It is one elite with its own internal factions sowing different crops in different plots on the field. The GOP is dominated by Jewish nationalists who ensure that the non-college educated yeomanry can only express their native yearning for patriotic action in terms of going to war to protect Israeli interests. Other than that, the GOP exists as a repository for the sentiments of the people Jews despise so that these people and their sentiments can be paid superficial attention only to be disregarded, effectively corralling and containing Christians. The Democrat party is the repository of the sentiments and people the Jews seek to elevate. Just as they use the GOP to hack and subvert nationalism to Jewish ends, they use the Democrat party to hack liberal tolerance to Jewish ends. By promoting degeneracy and philosophical ambiguity, they endeavor to dismantle and demoralize the people and abolish their native identity. You can see from this that the anti-Zionist Jew is actually far more arrogant and ambitious than the pro-Israel subverter. The anti-Zionist Jew’s design is based on the sentiment that ALL lands ought to be Jewish lands and all lands can be made into Jewish-run vassalries by demoralizing and subverting the people. Reply Roger Wilco July 24, 2021 at 7:55 am Based comment. Reply Swaytonious December 20, 2021 at 6:44 pm As I have long said, Communism is an economic system created by athiest bolshevik jews who have no moral limits to seize control of the world. Capitalism is an economic system created by religious zionist jews who see us as cattle to seize control of the world. With my people caught betwixt.. quite the Kosher Sandwhich. Reply MARIN BURATI January 1, 2020 at 12:02 am Wonderful post. Reply Nick December 25, 2019 at 10:40 am And Jews are now recreating Weimar conditions in America, and they know it, which is why they are frantically trying to pass these draconian ‘hate speech’ laws to shut people up from discussing it. Jews actually believe that if they pass laws to make it illegal to criticize them, that we won’t and no one will find out about their subversion and treachery. I thought Jews were supposed to be “smart”? Reply Mr White December 25, 2019 at 9:08 am wow, talk about a powerful article! thanks for sharing and It makes me realize that the “Allies” were just Zionist puppets! Reply Nancy F. December 24, 2019 at 1:48 pm So, as a life-long American patriot, I now have to wonder……how many of our “mortal enemies” have murdered between twenty and thirty-million people in foreign lands since WWII ended? How many of those “mortal enemies” have a thousand military bases in over a hundred nations around the globe. Among those, when will we bring home the WWII “armies of occupation” in Germany and Japan? And as Nazi Germany invaded and/or destroyed eleven nations, in four years, the U.S. has now invaded and/or destroyed eleven nations in eighteen years. Maybe we’re just not as good as the Nazi were! Oh!, I forgot, we did it “for their own good”, “bringing Peace and Democracy” to them all. Reply Mr White December 29, 2019 at 8:31 am America is now under JOG – Jewish occupied Government and by the way all of the American GIs that fought in Europe against Germany, they’re just jewish puppets. Reply Chris van Core February 20, 2021 at 8:04 pm There was indeed a genozid happening. Not IN third Reich, but after it surrendered… 11Mio deaths _after_ unconditional surrender…. We were lied! All of us! The whole world! The history of the world of the last 500years as we know it is a lie! There’s a reason it’s called “History” and not “Chronic”… Get informed! Search the truth! Reply kiwi August 27, 2021 at 10:54 pm all of our history is false back thousands of years have you ever been give a believable age for any of the relics , when Hitler evicted the marxist jews out of the universities they fled to the US and proceeded to indoctrinate the American youth netanyahu said we will suck it dry and let it blow away in the wind, they are destroyers they say so themselves , 109 times when America Reply Chesterton December 15, 2019 at 8:25 am Jews are now claiming that “Weimar” is a antisemitic dog whistle for “Jews”. It’s not a dog whistle. It’s a fact. Jews hate it when you hold them accountable for their abuse of wealth and power. Reply George M. December 15, 2019 at 8:20 am 40 years after the end of WWII, German soldiers explain why they fought: to defend Germany and all of Europe against Bolshevism, just as this article makes clear: View: Reply humpty-dumpty December 14, 2019 at 1:52 pm To administrator—Think 1st map may be in error–Polish corridor/Poland did not exist until post WW1/1918 Reply CFT Team December 14, 2019 at 2:30 pm Yes, we pulled the images and text from the original Twitter thread and overlooked that map. We just fixed it. Reply Sy Bergsteinowitz December 14, 2019 at 12:20 pm FANTASTIC truth bomb that needs to be read by many Americans, b/c there isn’t much time left. The (((FED))) is helping those (((TBTF))) Wall Street casinos loot trillions and when it all comes crashing down next year–and it will–Americans will finally realize how they’ve been fugged repeatedly. WTFU America, before it’s too late and we’re pushing wheelbarrows filled with worthless FED notes to the store to buy a loaf of bread. Do You Want Free Sex Change Operation? Then Join The American Army View: Reply TRTP December 14, 2019 at 9:51 am Zundel was a great man, but I take issue with his prediction about Americans and their “spirit of revolution” compared to the Germans of the 20’s. Why would he mention only military and police owning guns in 1920s Germany as some kind of impediment? Those Germans ended up being successful, finally came to power in 1933 and solved the jewish problem. The strength of the National Socialist “revolution” was their ORGANIZING, not their guns. And in that, the American character is at a deficient compared to that of the Germans. Americans have been indoctrinated into the cult of hyper-individualism, and a distrust of organizations and government (just as the jews called for in the Protocols). Then aside from that deficit in the American character to overthrow jew rule, compared to that of the Germans, is the deficit in the demography. In the 1920s Germany was racially homogeneous. Even the jews in Germany comprised only less than 1% of the population, or around 500,000. Not only is America’s ethnic homogeneity fractured by 42 million negroes, 58 million mestizos, BUT that racial cohesiveness was largely destroyed as long ago as the 1880s when America was deliberately flooded with southern and eastern Europeans. So even among the remaining White population, there has been so much dilution of the original founding stock, so much intermixing, that there is no sense of racial solidarity in America as there was among the Germans of the 1920s. In short, Zundel is right about America being a repeat of Weimar. But he is wrong that Americans are MORE likely that then Germans of the 1920s to successfully create a backlash against the jew architects of misery. Reply fyfy December 14, 2019 at 10:16 am As an American, I wholeheartedly agree. However… There is definitely something to be said about the remnant white racial stock here in America and our weaponry. I use the word ‘remnant’ deliberately. Ernst is quite right about that revolutionary Spirit. Whites are indeed waking up here and congregating in many very interesting ways. These various forms of congregation are becoming organized…intentional or unintentional. It is the Spirit drawing us together. It is in our blood to recover from astronomical odds – even if we brought those odds upon ourselves. Even as watered down as mainstream churchianity has become in Amerika, Christianity will never be defeated here. It WILL be recognized as the only hope for our people. It’s just going to take another Weimar to do it, of course…but we as Bible believing Christians should already know and expect this. The U.S. economy is the lifeblood of Mystery Babylon, and Mystery Babylon WILL fall, it’s just a matter of ‘how soon?’ Just like the fall of Weimar, we must be ready to pick up the pieces just as the NSDAP did – except we must do it as Christians, not ‘statesmen’… Reply peter Lusk December 14, 2019 at 1:42 pm Hmm I did notice Ashkenazim jews mentioned in the article. Reply kebo December 14, 2019 at 4:41 pm Now that’s funny, right there! Reply fyfy December 14, 2019 at 4:48 pm I might also add that it took the combined might of the rest of the white world to defeat Germany. And these once monolithic and mighty white nations are now perma-tanned at best, most borderline chocolate milk… Reply Last Lost Amalek August 12, 2022 at 8:43 am In addition, there were a lot of traitors like Heydrich and quite a few Jewish men in positions of power in the army and politics, which we are not allowed to know about. When 150,000 Jewish soldiers, many as officers in the Reichswehr, but also generals like Herr Milch, fought for Germany, one can imagine that sabotage, espionage and unnecessary bloodshed were the order of the day. Reply Chesterton December 14, 2019 at 1:04 pm America is still the greatest nation on the face of the planet, even with it being only 60% White at this point. The truth is that the Jews obviously do believe that the armed conflict prophecized by Zundel could indeed still happen in America, otherwise Jews wouldn’t be doing everything they can to disarm us and reduce our population numbers to a bare minimum and still keep the country functioning. With our backs to the wall, one armed and disciplined White person is worth at least 50 non-Whites, and Whites can get organized incredibly quickly when they have to. We have the potential to be a great physical and spiritual fighting force that would be utterly foolish to wake up, and as Whites get more and more marginalized, more of them are waking up every day. Reply carnie December 14, 2019 at 9:39 am Concise and precise…the only way to ‘beautify’ and ugly topic… Reply WestWins December 14, 2019 at 7:58 am Find a way to keep this Post on the main page. Please. Don’t let it go down the memory hole. Put it in the “About” section maybe. Reply Christians For Truth December 14, 2019 at 8:13 am This article has been added to our “Core Topics” at the top of the front page, and in the “Must Reads” category. Reply luke2236 December 13, 2019 at 9:43 pm Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it… Reply guest December 13, 2019 at 8:27 pm Probably your best post ever. Reply peter Lusk December 14, 2019 at 4:30 pm I would agree 100%