The Warriors Prayer

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Our Father in Heaven,
    Your Warriors prepare for battle. Today and every day
    we claim victory over the devil by putting on the Whole Armor of God!
    2694.?v=2.2. We put on the Girdle of Truth!
    May we stand firm in the Truth of Your Word so we will not become
    a victim of the devils lies!
    2694.?v=2.2. We put on the Breastplate of Righteousness!
    May it guard our hearts from evil so we will remain pure and Holy, protected under the Blood of Jesus Christ!
    2694.?v=2.2. We put on the Shoes of Peace!
    May we stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so
    Your peace will shine through us and be a light to all we encounter!
    2694.?v=2.2. We take the Shield of Faith!
    May we be ready for the devils fiery darts of doubt, denial
    and deceit so we will not be vulnerable to Spiritual Defeat!
    2694.?v=2.2. We put on the Helmet of Salvation!
    May we keep our minds focused on You so the devil
    will not have a stronghold on I thoughts!
    2694.?v=2.2. We take the Sword of the Spirit!
    May the Two-Edge Sword of Your Word be ready in our hands
    so we can expose the tempting words of the devil!
    We are prepared to live this day and every day forward in Spiritual Victory!
    All Glory to God in the Highest!
    Amen and Amen!

    POSTED by friend: Joe Elgo

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