The Thermodynamic Universe

Discussion in 'Thuban Cosmology in Quantum Relativity' started by admin, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    How the universe has cooled since the Big Bang fits Big Bang theory

    Astronomers using a CSIRO radio telescope have taken the Universe's temperature, and have found that it has cooled down just the way the Big Bang theory predicts.
    Using the CSIRO Australia Telescope Compact Array near Narrabri, NSW, an international team from Sweden, France, Germany and Australia has measured how warm the Universe was when it was half its current age.
    "This is the most precise measurement ever made of how the Universe has cooled down during its 13.77 billion year history," said Dr Robert Braun, Chief Scientist at CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science.
    Because light takes time to travel, when we look out into space we see the Universe as it was in the past -- as it was when light left the galaxies we are looking at. So to look back half-way into the Universe's history, we need to look half-way across the Universe.


    How can we measure a temperature at such a great distance?
    The astronomers studied gas in an unnamed galaxy 7.2 billion light-years away [a redshift of 0.89].
    The only thing keeping this gas warm is the cosmic background radiation -- the glow left over from the Big Bang.
    By chance, there is another powerful galaxy, a quasar (called PKS 1830-211), lying behind the unnamed galaxy.
    Radio waves from this quasar come through the gas of the foreground galaxy. As they do so, the gas molecules absorb some of the energy of the radio waves. This leaves a distinctive "fingerprint" on the radio waves.
    From this "fingerprint" the astronomers calculated the gas's temperature. They found it to be 5.08 Kelvin (-267.92 degrees Celsius): extremely cold, but still warmer than today's Universe, which is at 2.73 Kelvin (-270.27 degrees Celsius).
    According to the Big Bang theory, the temperature of the cosmic background radiation drops smoothly as the Universe expands. "That's just what we see in our measurements. The Universe of a few billion years ago was a few degrees warmer than it is now, exactly as the Big Bang Theory predicts," said research team leader Dr Sebastien Muller of Onsala Space Observatory at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

    Story Source:
    The above story is based on materials provided by CSIRO Australia. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

    Journal Reference:

    1. S. Muller , A. Beelen, J. H. Black, S. J. Curran, C. Horellou, S. Aalto, F. Combes, M. Guelin, C. Henkel. A precise and accurate determination of the cosmic microwave background temperature at z=0.89. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013

    Commentary, using excerpts from the following detail:

    The terrestrial measurement and observation utilizes a presumed age of the universe of 13.8 billion years and a quasar source emitting the energy signature of 7.2 billion years at a computed time of 13.8-7.2=6.6 billion years AFTER the Big Bang to calculate the universe's CMMBR temperature at so 5.1 Kelvin.
    This measurement assumes a flat or almost flat curvature for the spacetime dynamics in a 4D Minkowski flat spacetime metric. Postulating a negative curvature for an expanding and open 'hyperbolic' cosmology or a postive curvature in a 'spherically closed' spacetime allows a superposition of those two options say as in a visualization of the curvatures of the observer at the center of a torus or doughnut measureing the concave negative curvature or alternatively centrally distant from this inner center say at the pole of a sphere encompassing the torus-doughnut and so observing and measuring a positive or convex self relative curvature of the spacetime.

    The higher dimensional 11-D Witten Mirror then superposes the 10-D 'daughter universe' as a spherical Mirror or Membrane cosmology in a geometrical topology of elllipsoidal closure superposed onto the hyperbolic openness.
    The Big Bang FOLLOWS and does not preceed a braned inflationary epoch, which establishes the Witten space in 11 dimensions to become tachyonic in the superluminal 'envelope' for the lightspeed invariance of the lightspeed in the mass parametric or gravitational lower dimensional cosmology of the thermodynamically defined universe of the classical physics of the CMMBR of the Black Body Planck Radiator Relativity of geometric space curvature and matter-spacetime interaction.

    The formulation of T4=18.2(n+1)2/n3 is a function of dimensionless or cyclic 'Now-Time' n(t)=Hot for displacement function
    R(n)=RHubblen/(n+1) and with a NODAL Hubble Constant Ho=dn/dt=c/RHubble. This then relates the universal wavefunction to its displacement from the nodal boundary values of n=0 as the 'time of the Big Bang' when the Inflationary epoch ended to initiate the classical geometic expansion of the universe and at the coordinate n=1 when the lightspeed expansion of the 11-D universe reached its boundary value of the envelope and which was set by the original creation of the 11-D Witten mirror at the string-membrane or Planck epoch BEFORE the Big Bang and manifesting the super- or hyperspace for the 10-and lower D universe to expand into.

    The 11-D Mirror was reached 2.2 billion years ago describing the nexus time for the lower D universe becoming or attaining a spacetime awareness in the potential of being able to 'self reflect' due to the invariance of lightspeed c allowing a REVISITATION or redefining of the previously traced out lightpath of the mass parametric universe within its electromagnetic and hypergravitational mother or progenitor.
    The 'electromagnetic age' of the universe is so defined in the cycle time coordinates between the Big Bang 'singularity' as n=nps~0 (see details following). The universe expands in terms of its spacial extent at lightspeed c in 11D in a refractive linear asymptotic sense of its gravitational mass content, but oscillates in a reflective electromagnetic sense between its nodal higher dimensional boundaries, which are however themselves expanding since the parity between the 11D inflationary universe and its asymptotic 'mirror universe' were achieved 2.2 billion years ago. The electromagnetic age of the universe is calculated to be its nodal value at n=1 plus the oscillation coordinate between the nodal bounds for a Nodal hubble age of 16.9 billion years for a present n-coordinate of 1.1324...

    To compute the temperature of the universe at any cycletime coordinate, the formulation of the Luminosity surface spectrum then relates the terrestrial observation in the fourth root of 18.2(n+1)2/n3= 18.2(1.39)2/0.393 =593 ~ 4.9 and in utility of the matching time AFTER the Big Bang as n=6.6/16.9=0.39=Hot. and where 'normal' time t=tQuasar becomes the time the quasar was measured as an electromagnetic energy source.

    A redshift of 0.89 in the Witten spacetime relates to a n-cycle displacement of v/c=1/(n+1)2 for a 'recessional velocity' v in a relativistic 'redshift' not requiring any comoving coordinate formulation in v/c=(z2+2z)/(z2+2z+2).

    v/c=2.572/4.572=0.563 for n+1=√(1/0.563)=√1.78=1.33 for n=0.33; this value recalculating the temperature of the higher dimensional membrane universe as the fourth root of 18.2(1.33)2/0.333 = 896 and so 5.5 Kelvin for a cycletime of 0.33x16.9=5.63 billion years after the Big Bang.
    As the Witten membrane universe is defined in the 'reflective' n-time cyclicity and the 10D-11D universe time delta amounts to twice 2.2 or 4.4 billion years in 19.1-4.4=14.7 billion years; the gravitational age of the terrestrial universe is increased by about 1 billion years from 13.8 to 14.7 billion years and a decreased Hubble epoch-constant from so 72 to 66.9 Mpc/km.s. This was confirmed in the latest recalibration measurements of the matter content of the universe by the WMAP data regarding the CMMBR.


    {WMAP and the Hubble Constant

    By characterizing the detailed structure of the cosmic microwave background fluctuations, WMAP has accurately determined the basic cosmological parameters, including the Hubble constant. The current best direct measurement of the Hubble constant is 73.8 km/sec/Mpc (give or take 2.4 km/sec/Mpc including, both random and systematic errors), corresponding to a 3% uncertainty. Using only WMAP data, the Hubble constant is estimated to be 70.0 km/sec/Mpc (give or take 2.2 km/sec/Mpc), also a 3% measurement. This assumes that the universe is spatially flat, which is consistent with all available data. This measurement is completely independent of traditional measurements using Cepheid variables and other techniques. However, if we do not make an assumption of flatness, we can combine WMAP data with other cosmological data to get 69.3 km/sec/Mpc (give or take 0.8 km/sec/Mpc), a 1% solution that combines different kinds of measurements. After noting that independent observations give consistent results, it is reasonable to combine information to get the best estimate of parameters.}

    [1]Recombination and the Transparency of the Universe defined by the Sinksource Brane

    The Big Bang Cosmogenesis describes the universe as a Planck-Black Body Radiator, which sets the Cosmic-Microwave-Black Body Background Radiation Spectrum (CMBBR) as a function of n as T4=18.2(n+1)2/n3 and derived from the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law and the related statistical frequency distributions.

    The universe could not form atomic structurres, until it had cooled to a temperature of the CMBBR of about 3000 Kelvin (Saha equation and a cosmological redshift formulation as Tradiation=2.78(1+z) in terrestrial astrophysics say as linked in:

    In Quantum Relativity, this recombination temperature becomes a consequence of the winded (galactic scaled) sinksource string Ess.
    The string coupling EpsEss=h2=hc/λps.h/cλss modulates the wormhole perimeter with the galactic perimeter haloed in the 'dark matter' 2πλss =rss=1/rps=2π/λps.

    For the (recircularizing) modulation rss/2π=1/2πrps then; the curvature radius for the universe R(n)=RHubblen/(n+1)=rss/2π for a cyclic n coordinate n=rss/(2πRHubble-rss)=6.259485..x10-5 =Hot or so 3.3335x1013 seconds or 1.056 million years for a temperature of about 2935 Kelvin.

    In Quantum Relativity, the comoving coordinate is embedded in the higher dimensional metric of the inflaton-instanton and where the universe's observational age is multivalued in the comoving metric as (3π/2)1/3[n/(n+1)]RHubble~0.89RHubble~15.03 Gly for the V10+=V10-.V11+/V11- 'critical' volume of the Hubble Bubble for the 'inside observer' of the cosmology.

    For the reduced volume V10-=n/(n+1)3VHubble-Node, then this comoving coordinate calculates as {(3πn/2)1/3/[n+1]}RHubble-Node~13.85 Gly and as measured by the terrestrial cosmologists.

    The 'outside' (say ET observer) of the spacelike metric ds<0 in R4 Riemann surface space would calculate a true electromagnetic 11D age of the universe via V11+=n3VHubble and V11-=n.VHubble as 19.11 Gly and as 17.62 Gly respectively. This topic of the recombination is revisited in appendix c).

    [2]The selfsame Maximum/Minimum condition nps DEFINES the KINETIC THERMODYNAMICAL Temperature in the LUMINOSITY FUNCTION for the Big Bang Singularity.

    L(nps,Tnps)=6π2lps2.σ.T4=2.6711043034x1096 Watts*, where
    σ=Stefan's Constant=2π5k4/15h3c2 and as a product of the
    defined 'master constants' k,h,c2,π and 'e'.

    This comes directly from the General Relativity Metric for the Universe with mass Mo and minimum Hubble Frequency Ho.

    L(n,T)=3Ho2Mo.c2/550n and for Temperature T(nps)
    T(nps)=2.93515511x1036 Kelvin*.

    You have here defined the 'false vacuum' and the Temperature Gradient, which CAUSED the Big Bang on PHYSICAL GROUNDS.
    The metaphysical ground is the symmetry breaking from the source parity violation described in a previous post.

    Shared by Sui Generis from heaven/birthofgaia forum.

    There are many good aspects in this presentation, it is a good overview for certain links between standard physical theory and the higher-dimensional physics, say as a reanalysis of the 'ancestral chemistry', called 'Alchemy' in the 'light' of 'Modern Chemistry'.
    The reference to Carbon 7 being the 'secret of secrets' is however not warranted, as Carbon 7 cannot manifest as an isotope of Carbon, being a hypothetical form of a Carbon nucleus, consisting of 6 protons and 7 neutrons.
    The time taken for the lightpath to transverse the size of a proton is 3 fermi/lightspeed~10-23 seconds as a physical boundary for matter-light interaction.

    The lowest possible Carbon isotope so becomes Carbon 8 decaying under the strong nuclear interaction mode in about 10-21 seconds.

    The hypothesized decay of Carbon 7 so is rendered outside the alpha electromagnetic finestructure for light-matter interaction and is so part of the wavematter hyperphysics of de Broglie phase space.

    It can be said however, that the described implications of a selftransformation of Carbon from its stable Carbon 12 (and using Carbon 13 isotopical eigenstates as transduction medium) can be described by the 'numerical' alchemy of the atomic structures based on the basic and fundamental consciousness quantum of the cosmology in the Hydrogen atom and as a 'step-up' quantisation from the hyperphysics of the neutron nucleonic selfstates of the cosmogenesis.

    The following reprint of excerpts of an earlier discussion on the Temperature evolution of the universe as indicated by the 'molarity' of matter can further illustrate the issues raised in the video above.

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Scalar Higgs Temperature Field and the Origin of Avogadro Molarity in the atomic mass of Carbon-12

    Lan Johnson and John O'Brien wrote in Theory of Everything yahoo forum :
    From: "Lan Johnson" <lanjohnson@...>

    To: <>
    Subject: RE: [TheoryOfEverything] Googolplex correction
    Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 18:14:06 -0800

    < obrien6960@s...>
    < lanjohnson@...><>

    I was just going to mention that. Ha Ha ha.
    Good reply to Mac.
    Sorry Mac,
    Time to me and I think to GR is a dimension that the 3D of space is moving along in at a given rate. Gravity is a Geometric affect of 4D space time. Of course you know this. Near light speed, time slows, mass increases, length shortens because time-space is curving to maintain light speed as a constant. Why couldn't time itself, or a slowing of it cause mass. I know mass tells time-space how to wrap. But could the affect of wrapping time-space cause matter, as a very powerful space craft nearing light speed would do?
    Gravity is not a force but an affect from the 4D universe trying to keep everything in it's place, and moving at a certain rate along the time line. Doesn't General Relativity (GR) tell us this? Isn't this why light speed is a constant?

    Yes Lan, I see it that way too.
    General Relativity is a natural consequence of Special Relativity.
    This the pundits agree with but have trouble conceptualising away from the observer of the empiricism.

    I'll elaborate on this shortly in the rotation of a disc say.

    But yes, your intuition is correct and in a sense at the core of my debate with Mac on antimatter and the Uncertainty Principle.

    Mass cannot be the prime directive because of the way the preBig Bang symmetry is set up.
    So mass is in a sense 'caused' by frequency as a Number-Count.

    That is why you have something like Avogadro's Constant as a 'mole' counter in thermodynamics (as the ratio between the Ideal Gas Constant R and Boltzmann's Constant k in NA=R/k).

    Where did THAT ONE come from?
    The pundits have no answers and just accept it as an empirical fact.

    But as all Mass is a consequence of Frequency Count preBig Bang; you can derive Avogadro's Constant from the 'mass-count'.

    This engages the following preBig Bang ratios:


    So this preBig Bang ENERGY is NOT the energy of the post Big Bang, but simply an operator defined in those 3 constant, becoming h, c2 and k for the Planck-Law of Radiation, the Einstein Law of Mass and the Boltzmann Law of Temperature respectively.

    BUT there is ORDER, actually k comes first followed by h followed by c2.

    So ARBITRARY TEMPERATURE, meaning entropy later becoming Kinetic Energy in the Big Bang defines a scenario of permutation states.
    That is why the universe is statistical in in its PHYSICAL-EMPIRICAL foundations.

    'Playing around' with Temperature AS quasi ENERGY, THEN initiates the ACTION-Law and the Uncertainty Principle using just this statistical nature of Temperature distribution.

    This brings in TIME as ENERGY in INVERSION PRINCIPLES for example setting the LIMITS of PHYSICS in the 0-1-Infinity
    mathematical identity operators.

    Next (BEFORE MASS) comes the link of constant #3 with constant#1 to introduce constant#2.


    Now FREQUENCY=NUMBER=(Inverse TIME post Big Bang)=Maximum/Minimum as a pure number ratio say as volumes.

    It is 1/nps=Maximum Spacequanta count/(Minimum spacequanta
    count as unit volume)~1.6x1048.

    BUT having this allows you to write, knowing the NUMERICAL and measurement independent values of k,h and c2:

    MASS=(h/c2)(Maximum Scale/Minimum Scale)=0.01183463299 and

    so MASS preBig Bang is this (real) number 0.01183463299.

    Now post Big Bang measurement science defines something called an Unified Atomic Mass Unit or amu.

    amu is 1/12th of 'The Mass' of a Carbon-12 nucleus.

    So you might see what comes next.
    Because the UNIFIED FIELD in Quantum Relativity is DEFINED in 12 monopolic junction 'knots', precisely 12 elementary 'protoprotons' are defined in MASS as 12mc say.

    The formula for Avogadro's Constant pre Big Bang then becomes a proportionality:

    0.01183463299/12mc=(33/20).Avogadro's Constant.

    The (20/33) factor is the proportionality of Avogadro's Constant to the amu and derives from a sequence defining the abundance of the elements in the periodic table, say in the isotope ratios of nucleosynthesis.

    I have shown you this, because it tells the story of MASS.

    Mass is the pre Big Bang number count of todays amu.
    But Mass derives from this number count and is subject to definition of the proportionality constants for Temperature in k and frequency in h and mass in c2.

    So you idea of TIME 'causing' MASS is correct in that Inverse Time as pre Big Bang Frequency indeed defines Avogadro's Constant and the AMOUNT of STUFF of MASS as Molarity.

    Then a rotating disc links Special Relativity and General Relativity in the one dynamical system.

    The RADIUS vector is INVARIANT to warping, BUT the TANGENT Vector is not.

    So the Length of the Tangent Vector (say a ruler) Lorentz Contracts under the Special Relativity formulations, but a radius ruler stays the same if the disc rotates.

    But the rotating disc ACCELERATES centripetally and so by the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity, the Tangent Vector becomes subject to a Gravitational Field which warps the perimeter relative to the radius.

    As a Bird-eye observer, placed onto the centre of the rotating disc you see that with increasing radius, the tangential speed will increase and so time will slow down relative to your stationary clock.

    This then combines the Special Relativity of Time Dilation with the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity.

    Tony B.

    --- In, John Obrien
    <obrien6960@s...>Nov 10, 2005 5:46 pm wrote:

    Tony, Very Well Written.
    The Temperature PreBig bang is still an entropy Value?
    Does it talk to the order of things? And Was it a Prekinetic/Potential? Any vectors(maybe not, that would imply Dimension).
    Thank you again
    John O'Brien

    Thanks John!

    The formulation is this:

    TEMPERATURE (preBig Bang)=ENERGY/k=mc2/k=hf/k and using the previously obtained value for MASS(c2/h) AS

    TEMPERATURE=(h/k)FREQUENCY=7.544808988..x1037 Temp-Units (Kelvin*).

    Since dQ/dS=T as the heat-change Q for entropy S at temperature T and E=kT for dE=kdT, you can define Entropy S=Integral dQ/T=kdT/T.

    Then ln(T)=S/k in generalisation for S=k.ln(T/To) or exp[S/k]=T/To.

    Now consider a system of N molecules (Avogadro's Constant NA).
    Arrange those N molecules in N places in N!=N(N-1)(N-2)...3.2.1 ways.

    k(lnT-lnTo)=k(NlnN-lnN!)=k(NlnN-lnN-ln(N-1)-ln(N-2)-...-ln2-ln1)~kN because NlnN=lnNN and lnN!=lnN+ln(N-1)!=NlnN-N for large N such as N=Avogadro's Constant NA.
    (Stirling's Formula for large n is:

    Therefore k(NlnN-lnN!)=kN for Avogadro and entropy S measures permutation states N.

    Now something 'strange' happens, because the ORDER of the constants and the boundary conditions for the pre Big Bang cosmogenesis specify the approaching Big Bang in another Temperature, namely the KINETIC from the POTENTIAL.

    The selfsame Maximum/Minimum condition nps DEFINES the KINETIC THERMODYNAMICAL Temperature in the LUMINOSITY FUNCTION for the Big Bang Singularity.

    L(nps,Tnps)=6π2lps2.σ.T4=2.6711043034x1096 Watts*, where
    σ=Stefan's Constant=2π5k4/15h3c2 and as a product of the
    defined 'master constants' k,h,c2,π and 'e'.

    This comes directly from the General Relativity Metric for the Universe with mass Mo and minimum Hubble Frequency Ho.

    L(n,T)=3Ho2Mo.c2/550n and for Temperature T(nps)

    You have here defined the 'false vacuum' and the Temperature Gradient, which CAUSED the Big Bang on PHYSICAL GROUNDS.
    The metaphysical ground is the symmetry breaking from the source parity violation described in a previous post.

    T(nps) of the singularity is 0.0389 or 3.89% of the pre-singularity.

    So the POTENTIAL Temperature manifests as 3.89% in the KINETIC Temperature: TEMPERATURE/T(nps)=

    Now reducing the timeinstanton tps=nps/Ho of 3.33x10-31 seconds by the Temperature Gradient in the Luminosity Function gives you the scalar Higgs Potential Maximum at a pre-singularity time of tHiggsPE=tps.T(nps)/TEMPERATURE=1.297x10-32 seconds.

    This then EXTRAPOLATES the Big Bang singularity backwards in Time to harmonise the equations and to establish the 'driving force of the vacuum' as POTENTIAL scalar Higgs Temperature Field.

    All the further evolvement of the universe so becomes a function of Temperature and not of mass.

    The next big phasetransition is the attunement of the BOSONIC UNIFICATION, namely the 'singularity' temperature Tps=1.41x1020 K with the Luminosity function.
    This occurs at a normal time of 1.9 nanoseconds into the cosmology.

    It is then that the universe as a unity has this temperature and so allows BOSONIC differentiation between particles. The INDIVIDUATED PHOTON of the mass was born then and not before, as the entire universe was a PHOTON as a macroquantised superstring upto then.

    The size of the universe at that time was that of being 1.14 metres across.

    Next came the electroweak symmetry breaking at 1/365 seconds and at a temperature of so 1015 Kelvin* and so it continued.

    Tony B.

    Post last edited Jun 24th

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