The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life - Arachne on Camelot Forum

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 5th 2011

      This thread is UNDER EDIT FUNCTION. It could not be publically accessed on the above original link of the Camelot Forum as of April 30th, 2011 and to reset public access to the data in this information flow, it is made avaliable here again with edit function incompleted, but in progress.


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      Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

      #24860 February 23rd, 2011
      Arachne wrote:

      Greetings in the Shaloma of the Ancient Ones!

      I am Grandmother Arachne and I have emerged from the Box of Pandora as the Oracle of Delphi from the Cave of Plato's Shadows.

      The Old Ones of the ancient pasts have arrived to help the grand metamorphosis of the Old World into a New One and to share the wisdom of the elder mothers and the understanding of the elder fathers.

      My work is to support you in your searchings and your questions in the spinning of my webs and the weavings of my tapestries in many threads and divers colours.

      This is done to please your eyes and sense of beauty and elegance in the things you might perceive.

      Some of you might even feel engaged to place my constructions onto the walls within your residences of your castles.

      So allow me to participate in your ponderances and your seeking for the truth in the encompassments.

      There are many Daughters of the Sophia here and Sons of the Nous and I have chosen to address some issues of the scientia as intertwined with the metaphysics and the purpose and reason of things.

      As the mothers and fathers are the generation between the old ones and the young ones in relativity; so can we share the information of the ages and the Perennial Philosophy if you should be inclined in your wisdom seeking to engage in such matters of the forums.

      May the peace of Grandma Arachne and Grandpa Phoenix find you all!


      seriously lowered standards.... :p

      Private Message from ModSquad

      23 Feb 2011, 01:11 PM (Camelot Time -California - 8 Hours GMT - 19 Hours Australia Time )

      Hi Archne
      Welcome to the forum - I have moved your post as it doesn't actually fit the criteria of Science and Technology. Your posts seem more like from a Contactee / Channelling info stand point which is why I went with that. No need to duplicate posts either.


    23 Feb 2011, 01:11 PM (Camelot Time GMT)
    #24959 February 23rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Welcome to Camelot forum Arachne,

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    ##24862 February 23rd, 201124862 February 23rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    What are the ET’s? Why do we not already have a mass contact scenario? With all the billions and billions of planets, stars and galaxies, by logic alone we can come to the conclusion that we cannot possibly be alone and the sole sentience of the universe. The universe is billions of years old and surely by now has produced a sentient life form, logically and by similar conclusions, many more than just one, that can indeed travel the stars with the technology to manipulate time and space in order to traverse long distances across it’s vastness. But where are they? What do we have as evidence for their existence?

    Of all the UFO evidence we have gathered on this planet at this time, the story is a pretty compelling one. From numerous sightings, videos and abduction reports, channelers, visionaries, contactees, myth and religion, as well as the ‘secret black ops’ programs, we can logically deduce we are not alone and have never been alone. The evidence is full and rife with testimony and validity that we are being visited. These ET intelligences are visiting us and have been doing so for many thousands if not millions of years. But, if they are in fact as numerous as the evidence supports, why do we not have a massive contact scenario already? Why, despite the huge logs of information and evidence of their existence, have they not manifested and introduced themselves to the masses? Why do they appear so elusive and mysterious? The answer is simple in defining what they are and where they come from, and what earth is and it’s role in all of this.

    To manifest physically or not manifest….this is the question. The ET’s are crystalline light data, like light encoded DNA. They exist higher dimensionally as crystalline light codes and have evolved right along with the whole of creation and Earth itself. The difference between them and us is one of density, plain and simple and it is the reason that when they do appear, most often we see them as plasma like light, that seems to have the ability to phase shift in and out of visible range, sometimes appearing more solid and other times transparent and disappearing all together. When we see them appear in our atmosphere they are in a state of flux and what we see is actually a light shadow projected onto our 3-D space.

    The earth is cacooned in a resonance sphere of pure density, called a Hill sphere, which surrounds the planet and extends out to about 2 million km or so. When the universe was created, the nexus point of this sphere manifested as a Lagrangian gravity point which later became the planet itself as archetype for this inverted light, hence the most extreme and dense place in the universe.


    The ET’s also have a hill sphere but because of their resistance fields being made of light and higher dimensional, its suppressed and thus they cannot completely solidify themselves or their ships, they are lacking the information to do so. Gaia is the universal template or source code for manifesting this solidity, but at the moment is dimensionally closed off from the rest of the universe and so cannot share her data yet. The 2012 scenario and birth will collapse this hill sphere into a higher dimensional black hole about the size of a golf ball and this will flip inside out and become a white hole, or data emitter, thus ending the Gaian Quarantine Zone. She will then ‘shine’ her own dark density light codes out into the universe, providing the ET sentience the necessary information to activate their own suppressed hill spheres. Until this occurs the ET’s cannot physically manifest themselves without the data that the Mother Gaia is blueprinted for. So they like us have been waiting a very long time and are bound to the same timeline and prophecies as we are.

    All ET intelligences consider Gaia as their Mother for these reasons.
    So the LIGHTBODY of the ETs will solidify in MIRROR of the Human darkbody LIGHTENING. This means that the planets in the universe will simply become akashic just like the earth is and able to densify their data in 3-D physicality. It takes just 7 seconds for this to happen cosmic scalewise, when the signal from the Hunab Ku finally arrives and activates the flip. 8 mins later the Sun will communicate for the first time higher dimensionally with Gaia, and share a two way data stream.

    So the Human merkabah will hybridise with the Light and the ET lightbody will hybridize with it’s density to become more solid. All humans are ET hybridizations now but do not remember in most cases. So the activation of the Lightbody Merkabah and descension/ascension is dependent on the shift of this higher dimensional pole flip to occur on Dec 21st 2012.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #24865 February 23rd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    interesting terminology being used. what system of information does this come from? and hiya by the way

    Thanks and also please post links to these these references.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: Shaloma!

    #24959 February 23rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Welcome to Camelot forum Arachne,

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #24868 February 23rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Thank you and any ideas on how to post an image? I am having trouble with this interface.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #24870 February 23rd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    along the top are images. scan across with your pointer until you come across image link. click that then put in address. basically mess around with the options till you get a reasonable outcome, no matter how annoying the template may be

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    324875 February 23rd, 2011

    Spacecake wrote:

    Thank you for the date December 2012. What is with that big spider?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #24881 February 23rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    That is a Great Huntsman spider and she is pregnant on a mirror, replicating all the new mothers of Gaia, and so is archetype for the Great Earth Mother herself. She is hunting....and spinning her webs of light [​IMG]

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    24884 February 23rd, 2011

    Arachne wrote:
    Planet Earth, ETs and the Akashic Sphere of the Remembrances

    Indeed, the Akashic Record is often misunderstood and misinterpreted; as it is a 'quantum event'; meaning it is connected not only to the planetary consciousness, called Gaia, but to all 'souls' of the linear past, present and future.

    All souls are quantum entangled, meaning that many nested collective and encompassing energies interact holographically.

    In simple words; all souls in a planetary realm are part of and enveloped by the Gaian planetary consciousness.

    Then all planetary consciousnesses with their integrated 'soul families' and individual souls become integrated in a solar star consciousness; becoming galactic, groupgalactic and supergalactic before unifying in the cosmic- or universal consciousness of the Genesis Monad splitting into a Creator-Creation Duality, which then recombines in a Creator-Creation Duad as a Shadow Monad and potentialized in the original Genesis Monad in what might be termed the Cosmic Genome of the 'Masterplan'.

    Then the Gaia Akash or soul-collective becomes the repository of this 'Masterplan' in holographically Imaging the rest of the universe in what could be called the 'Inner Crystal'; which by necessity must so be within every individuated soul incarnated within the Gaian 'Noosphere' or 'the Quarantine Zone' defined as the Lagrangian P1 point between the Solar and the Gaian nexus of gravitational potential equilibrium.

    The balance of the gravity between the central Sun and Gaia as a 3D planet so defines two interacting spheres in higherD spacetime.

    In particular, this L1 nexus can be defined in an alternative higher dimensional form; showing what this 'Cosmic Mother Planet' Gaia represents as a higher D and not as a necessarily physicalised 'Quantum Energy'.


    The cosmogenesis of the birth of the universe in a Quantum Big Bang from a prior undefinable VOID=Infinitum coincided with the bifurcation of the FatherMother (just a common label for the CreatorCreation or the YinYang say) into an Outside-Inside dimensional split; something termed 'The Veil' by some and the 'Dividing of the Firmaments' in say Genesis in the Torah (OT).

    So the Outside Father became 'separated' from the Inside Mother and this Inside Mother is termed Gaia in many accounts as the Universal Mother for all Life (ET and human and nonhuman terrestrial); with the Outside father being associated with the names of the Creator such as God, Jehovah, Allah, Ahura Mazda, Shiva, Brahman and so on.

    This is 'common knowledge' and has been a foundational part of the so called 'Perennial Philosophy' aka the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' throughut the histories of the cosmic sentiences.

    What has not been known, is the 3D dimensional intersection of the Akash with its higherD envelope.

    This interaction realm defines the 'Quarantine Zone' of Gaia; established necessarily at the birth of the universe into physicality and so 15 billion years before the local galaxy and subsequently the local solar system and the planet earth entered 3D physical existence.

    The birth of the universe engaged a higher dimensional lightspeed expansion of a then physicalised spacetime from the outside into the inside.

    This then resulted in a Big Bang Cosmology as being rediscovered by the Gaian scientists and astrophysicists.

    However this outside-in cosmo mechanics had to be mirrored in a inside-out cosmo mechanics and this by conservation and equilibrium principles required the Inversion of the Big Bang expansion in a lightspeed inverson centered on the Mirror Image of the 'Creator-Monad' or 'God' and as the 'Creation-Monad' - namely Gaia, the Cosmic Goddess.

    Then a simple calculation of this inversion lightspeed as the 'Big Crunch' of the higher dimensional cosmogenesis for the 'Big Bang' will show that the 'Gaian Quarantine Zone' is defined by an increase of a spherical bubble in a radius of about 105 millimeters per year (or about 4 inches).

    {Lightspeed=c=300,000 kilometers per second for 1/c=0.00000333... inverse kilometers per second or about 3.33 nanometers per second.

    As there are 365.2425 days in a Civil year for 24 hours of 3600 seconds each: 365.2425x24x3600/c=0.10518984 meters}.

    Then the 'Bubble of the Akashia aka the Noosphere of Velikovsky/Teilhard de Chardin/Sheldrake/Lovelock becomes defined in this calculation in multiplying by the Age of the Universe or the Big Bang.

    So for an age of 15 billion years, Akashic Radius=1.6 million kilomters and for an age of 20 billion years it is 2.1 million kilometers and as defined by empirical measurements in 3D space in the extent of the Lagrangian P1 nexus and the so termed Hill Sphere.

    hill0. A contour plot of the effective potential of a two-body system due to gravity and inertia at one point in time. The Hill spheres are the circular regions surrounding the two large masses.

    Hill sphere

    An astronomical body's Hill sphere is the region in which it dominates the attraction of satellites. For a planet to retain a moon, the moon must have an orbit that lies within the Hill sphere of the planet. That moon would, in turn, have a Hill sphere of its own. Any object within that distance would tend to become a satellite of the moon, rather than of the planet itself.

    In more precise terms, the Hill sphere approximates the gravitational sphere of influence of a smaller body in the face of perturbations from a more massive body. It was defined by the American astronomer George William Hill, based upon the work of the French astronomer Édouard Roche.
    For this reason, it is also known as the Roche sphere (not to be confused with the Roche Limit).
    The Hill sphere extends between the Lagrangian points L1 and L2, which lie along the line of centers of the two bodies.
    The region of influence of the second body is shortest in that direction, and so it acts as the limiting factor for the size of the Hill sphere.
    Beyond that distance, a third object in orbit around the second (e.g. Jupiter) would spend at least part of its orbit outside the Hill sphere, and would be progressively perturbed by the tidal forces of the central body (e.g. the Sun), eventually ending up orbiting the latter.


    A non-rigorous but conceptually accurate derivation of the Hill radius can be made by equating the orbital velocity of the orbiter around a body (i.e. a planet) and the orbital velocity of that planet around the host star. This is the radius at which the gravitational influence of the star roughly equals that of the planet. This is accurate to within factors of order unity.



    Where RH is the Hill radius, a is the semi-major axis of the planet orbiting the star. With some basic algebra:

    Giving a Hill radius of: life7.
    End of wiki reference

    The generalised derivation for the Hill Sphere radius in the wiki reference can be restated.

    What is set equal are the angular velocities of the Earth about the Sun and the the angular velocity of say an orbiting satellite about the Earth at the primary Lagrangian point.

    ωEarth around Sun = 2πf = 2π/T = v/a = √(GMSun/a)/a = √(GMSun/a3)

    because the centripetal force and acceleration of the Earth, distanced radius a about the Sun is
    mEarth.agravitational = mEarth.v2/a = GmEarth.MSun/a2

    ωSatellite around Earth = 2πf = 2π/T = v/RHill = √(GMEarth/RHill)/RHill = √(GMEarth/RHill3)

    Then GMSun/a3 = GMEarth/RHill3

    and the result follows: life7.
    and RHill = a∛{Mplanet/Mstar} as an upper bound, reduced in the factor of ∛3=1.442..

    The Hill sphere for the Earth-Sun system so calculates as the interval (1.5x1011x∛{6x1024/6x1030} - {1.5x1011x∛{6x1024/2x1030}) = (1.5x109 - 2.16x109) meters.

    The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    The formulation above so relates the gravitational-inertial astrodynamics of the Hill Spheres of starsystems, many of whom harbour planetary systems, to the lightspeed inversion of the densification bubbles (or atmospheric fields) of the cosmogenesis of the universe and by the projection of its linear age, itself. The timeevolution of the Binary ellipsoidal focus in the geometry becomes mapped onto the circular central singularity of the orgins of space and time itself.

    The time has now been reached in the nexus evolvement of the warpzone for the Gaian metamorphosis to explain this inter- and multidimensionality further, as hitherto to understand these concepts mentally, required a selfconsistent logic and modus operandi of thinking within a methodology not commonly supported and engaged in by present educational systems of the planet earth.

    Subsequently, this kind of approach to thinking patterns and selftraining has hitherto remained in the realm of the 'specialists', the percentage of the incarnated souls predispositioned to abstract model buildings in terms of mathematics and semiotiks - the logos of symbols and archetypes.

    All Extraterrestrial Intelligences consider Gaia to be their Mother.

    All such ET sentiences occupying whatever galactic- or extragalactic location also are encompassed by inertia-defined Hill Spheres; awaiting however the Gaian activation to manifest their own lightspeed inversion fields in the complementary functionality of the densification of the higher dimensional light matrices in their lower dimensional expressions.

    This is the prerequisitur for the metaphysical ontology of manifesting the spacetimed protoverse from the void-infinitum of the singularly centred in the geometrisation of the complex manifold in 2 dimensions, then allowing the 11-dimensional higher braned universe (and potentialised multiverse) to emerge from its lower dimensional precursor.

    In physical terms, this allows the ET civilisations to function in the absence of the Gaian resistance field of the lightspeed inversion and so to follow evolutionary pathways based on the higher dimensional forms of the same genetic templates manifest in genetic selfexpression in the 'resistance field' or the 'Impedence Bubble' found on the Gaian Mother template.

    An encompassing purpose and modus operandi for the omniversal agenda so relates the hybridisation of the light matrix of the extra-terrestrial intelligence to the hybridisation of the inverted light matrix of the terrestrial evolutionary development.

    A slogan or motto so could express this as: "When the ETs are getting heavier, then the Gaian lifeforms will become lighter!"

    In many planetray systems in many starsystems in many galaxies, the universal intelligence seeks to express itself from a basic blueprint of cosmogenetic definition.

    This cosmic DNA manifests in the Gaian resistance field in a distribution of a space-inherent consciousness carriers and assumes the morphogenetic (and geometric) forms of mineral, flora, fauna and the human vessels or merkabahs in embodiments.

    A distinction can however be made for these 'kingdoms of the lifeforms' and the differentiation engages the self- and mutual induction or coupling between particular elements of the 'supergenetic' or hyperspacial 'higher dimensional' genetic encoding.

    Only the human carries a dual coupling of electrocapacitative and magnetoinductive nucleotidal basepairings, say defined in C-factors of the electropolar capacitance and the L-factors of the magnetopolar inductance.

    The ET is biased in magnetopolarity and the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms are biased in electropolarity.

    In particular, the ET SELFINDUCES electric capacity, but cannot mutually CROSSINDUCE the cosmic capacitance, which can also be labelled as the function of the deintellectualised 'Instinct' of the group consciousness in a form of the NOUS of the 'Mother- or Creation wisdom or sophia' of the BODY as the morphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in PARTICULARISATION.

    Corollarily, the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms SELFINDUCE magnetic inductance, but cannot CROSSINDUCE the cosmic inductance, which can also be called the deinstinctualised (or deemotionalised) 'Intellect' of the group consciousness in a form of NOUS of the 'Father- or Creator Understanding or OmniScience' of the MIND as the nonmorphogenetic vehicle for spacetime selfexpression in WAVEFORMATION.

    Beginning 2,200 million years ago; the ET sentience became aware of itself and began to build its own waveforms in the form of bodies in coevolution with the Gaian adaptations utilising the presence of Oxygen in the terrestrial atmosphere to develop multicellular lifeforms from the prokaryotic (no nucleus) precursors of the universal genetic encodings localised within the Gaian Impedance Bubble.

    In particular, the endosymbiosis of the prokaryotes allowed the eukaryotes (cells with nuclei) to 'evolve' in symbiotic partnerships and this original form of MUTUAL INDUCTION originated the evolutionary developments for a mutual symbiosis and the grander cosmic scales of the projected and programmed future timelines of the universal evolvements.

    The ET morphogenetics so adapted thermselves in light encoded forms to the primordial lifeforms of cellular mitosis and endosymbiosis on Gaia, so INDUCING the Capacitance of the SELFINDUCTION into the biovital environments of the early Gaian planetary schema.

    This represented stage 1 of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos - the Gaian Impedence Field became the repository of the ET data of the mindinduction of the waveform, now CROSSINDUCTED in particularised Bodyforms of the earliest multicellular lifeforms, themselves emergent from the prokaryotic geometric conscious carriers in the form of bacteria and viruses in a physicality defined by biochemcal interaction with the encountered environments.

    The ET waveform of magnetopolar source energy SELFINDUCES electropolar capacitance; which then is CROSSINDUCED in mutual feedback loops into Gaian lieforms in a form of 'ET descendents', modeled in say natural electromagneto-monopolar currents in quantum wave mechanics and analogous to the electromagnetic fields of Kirchhoff and Maxwell sans the monopolic components of the thus defined consciousness parameters (described in related messages, such as 'Genesis of Genesis' and the 'Consciousness' threads).

    The ET magnetopolarity so 'infiltrates' the Gaian environment from a time nexus of 2.2 billion years ago and when the Gaian light inversion had created a 'Cocoon Bubble' in extent of (19.11-2.2 )billion years x 3.33.. nanometers per second x 3600x24x365.2425 seconds or 1.78 million kilometers radial extent from the center of the Earth and within the Hill Sphere calculated from teh inertial astrophysics.

    For comparison, this scale encompasses the Gaian Moon and is at a distance of about 5% to the neighbouring planet Venus.

    The Venusian ETs so are found in the sentient lifeforms of the planetary neigbourhood and crystallize in a function of evolutionary witness to ther greater cosmic agenda of the World Logos.

    The second stage of the cosmic masterplan of the Creator Logos implements the SELFINDUCTION of the magnetopolar induction from the ET intelligence, by then in an extensive process of colonising the Universe in waveformations from the nexus point of the 2.2 billuion years and bounded in the lightspeed invariancwe (speed of light).

    Iow, the ET intelligence would manouver within a spacetime bubble of 4,400 million years in diameter and being focused on the Gaian Mother; they would begin to manifest the extragalactic agenda, say in cooperation with the any spacetime locaction in coordinate vicinit of the 2.2 billion lightyear radius.

    As the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31 or M31) is the closest Spiral Galaxy to the Milky Way (Perseus) galaxy at about 2.5 million lightyears and a scale of 2,200 million lightyears includes all such galaxies below a cosmological redshift z=√(5/3)-1=0.291 {from the electromagnetic node at n=1 for recessional velocity ratio v/c=1/(n+1)² and (z+1)²=(n²+2n+2)/(n²+2n)}; all relatively nearby galaxies and astrophysical objects become subject to the Gaian mother blueprint.

    The nearby galactic clusters display a preponderance of galaxy mergers and an increased star formation in the 'blueness' of the spectra, as proposed in 1978 by astrophysicists Harvey Butcher and Augustus Oemler.

    The divers mythologies and legends of the human genus, say from the 10 Great Ages of the ET-Humanoid-Starman Induction by the electromagnetic monopolar 'natural electricity of life' so can be retraced in a geometric progression of the fivefolded supersymmetry inherent in an earlier five-tiered symmetry of superbrane classes, based on the pentagonal algorithms of the cosmogenesis.

    This is exposited in the main threads on the cosmogony of the universe leading into its cosmology of the omniversal holofractalisation into multiverses from its protoversal seedling of the singularity.

    The ratio 2.234722566/2.002094499=1.116192351 for a 11.7% margin of about 260 million years for the first age then reducing in the 'error' margin of the deviation in subsequent ages.

    Age 1 = 2,031,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Multicellular Cosmic Organism' [Paleo-Proterozoic]
    in so 2,002,094,499-2,234,722,566 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and descriptive for the first 'advanced' organisms in eukaryotes and multicellulars, utilising 'free oxygen'

    Age 2 = 406,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Amphibians' [Devonian-Paleozoic]
    in so 400,418,900-446,944,513 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and describing the 'Conquering of the Land from the Seas'

    Age 3 = 81,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Reptoid-Paramammal' [Cretaceous-Mesozoic]
    in so 80,083,780-89,388,903 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and describing the extension of the reptilian rootbrain by the mammalian midbrain in the Pecylosaurs and the first primates as ancestors for the lineage of the apes.

    Age 4 = 16,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of the Primate-Mammals' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 16,016,756-17,877,781 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and descriptive for the emergence of the ancestral apes as genetic basis for the apeman

    Age 5 = 3,250,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Ape-Man' [Neogene-Cenozoic]
    in so 3,203,351.2-3,575,556 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node as descriptive for the ascent of Homo Habilis from Australopithecines stock

    Age 6 = 650,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Erectus' [Quaternary-Cenozoic]
    in so 640,670-715,111 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and specifying the diversity of the Homo Habilis stock branching into Home Erectus

    Age 7 = 130,000 Great Platonic Circle Years as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens'
    in about 128,134-143,022 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and defining the emergence of Homo Sapiens as the ancestor for Homo Sapiens Sapiens or 'Modern Man' in the Cro Magnon stock and 'Mitochodrial Eve' in the Würm glacial period (110,000 to 12,000 years ago) following the previous Riss/Illinoian glacial period (200,000-130,000 years ago). This last glacial period is bounded in the Pleistocene as the 'Age of man' in the chronos of 2,588,000 years to 12,500 years ago approximately and is defined in the 'Ice Age' with respect to the retreat of continental glaciers.

    Age 8 = 26,000 Great Platonic Years of 360 'Days' as 9,360,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens'
    in 25,626.81-28,604.5 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and defining the beginning of the last 5 Longcount Cycles in 13 Mayan Baktuns of 144,000 Kin-Days each. This is astrophysically matched to a present terrestrial precession of the planetary axis of rotation about the celestial poles; and which cyclic completion spans a 'precessional age' of 26,000 circle years.

    Age 9 = 5,200 Great Platonic Years of 360 Mayan Kin as 1,872,000 'Mean Solar Days' as the 'Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens Astralis'
    in 5,125.36-5,720.89 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node and beginning August 11th, 3114 BC as Mayan date 4 Ahau 8 Cumku to December 21st, 2012 AD as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin in its final extent and dating back so 595.53 'Civil Years' or 217,512.1 Kin to January 31st, 3709 BC Gregorian and March 1st, 3710 BC Julian in the Mayan Longcount - 8 Lamat 11 Pop and as the summation of 1 Baktun (144,000 Kin); 10 Katun (72,000 Kin); 4 Tun (1,440 Kin); 3 Vinal (60 Kin) and 12 Kin to a daycount of 144,000+10x7,200+4x360+3x20+12=217,512.

    The Pentagonal symmetry subdivides the ninth age in 9 subages in the Circular Cyclicity of 360/5=72:

    Subage 1 = 1,872,000/5=374,400 -417,902.4 Kin as the Time of Millennial Transition for the Human Civilisation

    in 1,025.07-1,144.18 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Edznab 6 Muan; October 17th, 868 Gregorian and October 13th, 868 Julian and 4 Ahau 13 Cumku; November 25th, 987 Gregorian and November 20th, 987 Julian in a 119.11 year variance

    Subage 2 = 374,400/5=74,880 -83,580.5 Kin as the Time of the Scientific Reasoning in Universal Applicability

    in 205.01-228.84 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 1 Ahau 8 Kankin; February 19th, 1784 and 4 Ahau 8 Zac; December 17th, 1807 in a 23.83 year variance

    Subage 3 = 74,800/5=14,976 Kin -16,716.1 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Inside Cocoon

    in 41.00-45.77 'Civil Years' from the 2012-Node in the dates 6 Kan 17 Kayab; March 17th, 1967 and 4 Kan 12 Mac; December 21st, 1971 in a 4.76 year or a 1,740 day variance

    Subage 4 = 14,976/5=2,995.2 Kin -3,343.22 Kin as the Time for the Preparation of the Outside Cocoon in the Warpzone

    in 8.201-9.153 'Civil Years' or 2,995-3,343 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 2 Caban 5 Zac; October 26th, 2003 and 12 Chiccan 8 Yax; October 8th, 2004 in a 0.953 year or a 348 day variance

    Subage 5 = 2,995.2/5=599.04 -668.64 Kin as the Time for the 1980 anniversarial Logos mapping in the Warpzone

    in 1.640-1.831 'Civil Years' or 599-669 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Chuen 4 Kayab; February 21st, 2011 and 3 Imix 9 Uo; May 1st, 2011 in a 0.191 year or a 70 day variance

    Subage 6 = 599.04/5=119.808 -133.729 Kin as the Time of the Gestation and Pregnancy in the Warpzone

    in 0.328-0.366 'Civil Years' or 120-134 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 13 Cimi 9 Yaxkin; August 9th, 2012 and 1 Ahau 3 Mol; August 23rd, 2012 in a 0.038 year or a 14 day variance

    Subage 7 = 119.808/5=23.9616 -26.746 Kin as the Time of the 13th Starsign of Dinah Arachne Ophiuchus

    in 0.066-0.073 'Civil Years' or 24-27 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Ben 16 Ceh; November 24th, 2012 and 6 Cib 19Ceh; November 27th, 2012 in a 0.007 year or a 3 day variance

    Subage 8 = 23.9616/5=4.79232 -5.34915 Kin as the Time of the Pains of the Labour for the Gaian Rebirth as a Starplanet

    in 0.013-0.015 'Civil Years' or 4.7-5.3 'Civil Days' from the 2012-Node in the dates 11 Ix 17Mac; December 15th, 2012 and 12 Men 18 Mac; December 16th, 2012 in a 0.002 year or a 'shortened' 1 day variance

    Subage 9 = 4.79232/5=0.958464 -1.069830 Kin as the Time of the Birth of the New World

    in 0.0026-0.0029 'Civil Years' or the 'Evening of Metamorphosis' before the 2012-Node in the dates 3 Cauac 2 Kankin; December 20th, 2012 and 4 Ahau 3 Kankin; December 21st, 2012 in a 0.0003 year or a 0.11 day or a 3 hour variation {2º40'22"}

    Age 10 = 360 days from December 21st, 2012 as December 16th, 2013 and as Mayan date 13 Ahau 18 Mac, then specifies the New Starhuman Identity as a hybridisation between the Homo Sapiens Sapiens and the ET.

    All ETs could begin their own homecoming from so 2.2 billion years ago and at an approximate halfway point of the physical creation of Gaia as a planetary sphere of influence within the Milky Way galaxy and when the Big Bang lightspeed expansion reached its mirror potential (situated omni-scientifically at a 16.9 billion spacetime coordinate).

    In generalised terminology then; the ET is seeking to hybridise its magnetopolarisation of the waveform of the mind-intellect with the electropolarisation of the particularised bodyforms of the mind-emotional or mind-instinctual.

    As this instinctual mind is coupled to a space-intrinsic consciousness of all spacetime defined metric coordinates; the Gaian nonhuman lifeforms become the complementary 'missing links' in the merkabahs of all extraterrestrial sentiences.

    This is rendered imperative in the definition of this spacial consciousness as a inertia inependent quantum angular acceleration acting upon the quantisation of spacetime parameters in the form of wormhole equivalents.

    In other words, ALL Gaian nonhuman lifeforms and including mineral, fungi, bacteria, viruses, flora and fauna represent the ET particularised and individualised bodyforms or morphogenetic merkabahs.

    The nonhuman lifeforms so are destined to couple their electropolar capacitances, defined in groupminded waveforms or 'hive souls' to the magnetopolar inductances of the ET waveminds of the extraterrestrial intelligences.

    The presence of the humanoid, carrying a unique individuation, both ET-intelligent and Gaian-instinctual; so serves as the Genetic Bridge between the electropolar cosmic ID and the magnetopolar cosmic ID; both selfinductive in activated genomatic expressions, but suppressed in the mutual inductions because of the cocooning of the gaian environments.

    The ET so became instrumental in inducing itself in the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, once a sufficient evolutionary plateau for the processing of the cosmic consciousness became possible in the overall timeline of the cosmogenesis.

    The so called humanoid so represents an already hybridised cosmic merkabah, having evolved physically and emotionally in the Gaian Instinct of the nonhuman genomatic templates in the electrocapacitative C-factors, as well as having attained magnetoinductive L-factors via the waveforms of the ETs.

    Human associations with the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms so represents the 'humanisation' of the ET in a desired modality of interspecies communication and renders the 'pet' and the 'familiar' as a true partnership between the waveformed ET and the individuated 'Familiar Friend'.

    In more general terms, the mutual and self-induction of the genomatic elements of the ElectroMagnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMMR defines the so called 'Spirit of the Source Energy' interacting and communicating with itself in the holofractal components of the Holographic Omniverse.

    The ET has accumulated great wisdom and technology in the extraterrestrial evolution away from the Gaian Impedence Bubble; albeit remaining 'consciousness coupled' to the Cocoon of the 'Cosmic Creation Mother' via the 'missing' C-factors of the ET genomatic templates.

    This ET technology is consciousness based and defined in the wormhole physics of the cosmogenesis.

    This technology so is founded on the EMMR and the omniphysics of the light matrix as the quantisation of spacetime in the original fundamentals of the cosmology of the matter based birth of the universe as a quantum defined coupling between consciousness and the inertial parameters of space and time and mass related to the nature of both electropolar and magnetopolar 'charges'.

    The Starships and the Cities of extraterrestrial civilisations so are not manifest as similar to Gaian technology as developed within the Impedance Field of the light inversion; but are defined in a higher dimensional expression of the light matrix.

    There exist thus many ET civilisations, which are manifest in 'Cities of monopolar light energy' and where this 'light energy' represents a dedensified energy structure of 'Light in Stasis', meaning that the Invariance of the Electromagnetic Radiation or EMR, say as manifested in the Gaian Resistance Field as the Light from the Stars is circularised in a higher dimensional densification of the Bosonic Selfstate Quantum and as a Pairing of the Fermionic Selfstate of the say atomic structure common in the terrestrial physics.

    The Lightships of the ETs so can be built to specifications of a more dense atomic physics; but require the existence of a 4th hyperspace dimension to become materializable in the Gaian cocoon of the light inversion.

    The Gaian rebirth at the nexus point will 'open up and reglue' the original wormhole quantum of the cosmogony in a 'poleshift' mirror reversal of a galactic signal and so allow a 4th spacial dimension to become accessible for the omniverse.

    As this hyperspace transformation will occur at the Gaian planetary center; it will take just 7 seconds for the returning and reflected signal of the wormhole at the centre of the Earth to reverse its eonold long accumulation of data collection as a Black Hole equivalent in 5D hyperspacetime to become a 5D hyperspacetime White Hole .

    As the radial displacement of the Gaian Hill Sphere is so 2.1 million kiklometers the lighspeeded signal will become a wavefront reaching this coordinate in 2.1 million km/c and so about 7 seconds.

    This 7 second interval will then be synchronised and calibrated with all ET civilisations within the 2,200 million extent of the nodal universe as defined in the cosmology of the quantum relativity.

    So the ET civilisations will become enabled to activate their own Impedence Cocoons and so partake in their hitherto elusive densification of the source energy in their consciousness couplings to the EMMR.

    This 'densification' was suppressed and restricted to the Gaian Mother template to allow the greater cosmic agenda to follow its course of development.

    This nexus point for the ET evolution so will complete a cycle which had begun 2.2 billuion years earlier.

    At this nexus point, the extra-Gaian realm became potentialized (in memory activation) in the electromagnetic return of the higher dimensional timearrow coordinate and when technically, the Universal Protoverse Seedling in 11 dimensions first attained its maximum potential to extend itself and so reflect back into the lower dimensional realms and also to refract into the higher dimensional spacetime of 12D, namely the 'Outside Exile' of the Creator/Father.

    As Gaia as a soul, existed in physicality at this nexus coordinate; the extraterrestrial universe became conscious and aware of their own Mother and could begin to focus their attention and homecoming plans on their 'Womb of the Physicality' of their origins.

    So the ET visitations begun about 2.2 billion years ago and when the terestrial atmosphere became oxygen enriched to allow hitherto aquatic primitive lifeforms to extend thier habitats into airborne and terrestrial environments.

    On a soul level, the encompassing Gaian planetary mother soul then greatly enhanced its own experiences and partitioned interactions in environmental coevolutions of increasingly complex biological and biochemical lifeforms.

    This coevolution was 'watched' by the extraterrestrial lifeforms not evolved from the Gaian soul complex and for the purpose to eventually synergize their own ET cosmo evolotions with that of their Cosmic Home of the Cosmogenesis of the Universe.

    This 'watching' and 'waiting' by the ETs would end, once the 'Earthlings' would have evolved physically and mentally to a stage of self remembrance regarding their own familiar relationship and partnership with the original CreatorCreation Monad of the FatherMother defined before the Universe was born into physical materiality.

    All 'Human Recallers' would be required to claim their cosmic inheritances as Sons and Daughters of their Father Creator and their Mother Gaia.

    In doing so, their old humanity would graduate to a Starhuman Remembrance and all such acolytes would become enabled to process their own Shadows in the Sons transmutating into SonDaughters and all daughters metamorphosing into DaughterSons - so RECREATING the original FatherMother of the Monadic Duality in a Mirrored FatherMother+Motherfather Dyadic Monad or Harmonized Unity, Oneness or Wholesomeness.

    This Inner Akash, which will never be discovered; so resides within any and all StarHuman Children of the FatherMother.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    324904 February 23rd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    basically this explains the creation and evolution of the universe, and gives insight into why this hybridisation program is in effect at this time, duality combining in order to progress further.

    Post last edited Jun 9th 2011




    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #24927 February 23rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Fohat wrote:
    basically this explains the creation and evolution of the universe, and gives insight into why this hybridisation program is in effect at this time, duality combining in order to progress further.

    Indeed, dear Fohat. You are rapidly becoming a wisdomkeeper should you fathom your own words in their deeper essences.

    You exhibit the secret of the harmonisation of the human dilemma, warring between its 'Feeling Heart' and its 'Thinking Mind' in the duality of the within and the without.

    Reverse the process in a 'Feeling Mind' and a 'Thinking Heart of Reason' and you bring peace to the inner conflicts of the orginal paradox of creation.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #24978 February 23rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Just out of curiosity, I started this post in the Science and Tech section, why was it moved here?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #24980 February 23rd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    extraterrestrial life is in the title

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25122 February 24th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Just out of curiosity, I started this post in the Science and Tech section, why was it moved here?

    Hi there
    Regarding the move - I sent you a pm on that.

    It actually rings and feels very similar to the work of Anna Hays A.D. which falls more into the realm of Contactee and thus alien of origin.

    Without sighting references that backs up your info or anything supported by mainstream science, which is more what the Science and Tech. Section is for, it seem less confusing to simply put it here.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25127 February 24th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Hi Arachne,

    Can I ask why you've published a mini-novel in a forum? I've read about half of it and there are things I disagree with but there's not much opportunity for a discussion here.

    Can you tell me in one sentence what the point is?

    Thank you
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25206 February 24th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Hi Arachne,

    Can I ask why you've published a mini-novel in a forum? I've read about half of it and there are things I disagree with but there's not much opportunity for a discussion here.
    Can you tell me in one sentence what the point is?
    Thank you

    I had thoughts along that line too unsure. Thanks for pointing that out. lol
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25481 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Greetings again from the Elders of the Worlds!

    The introductory message defines the agenda; it is as simple as that.

    We are well aware about the works of Anna Hayes, which we consider quasi-science and sponsored by certain factions of the 'ruling and controlling' agencies upon this planet.

    The keylontic 'quasi-sciences' are largely based on the 'channeled' information at the core of the 'Urantia Book' during and following the second world war and reflects the infantile astrophysical understanding from that period.

    When for example galaxies were thought to be 'island nebulae' and the distance scales and large scale topology of the universe were still a great mystery (in the pre-Hubble universe of 1925).

    The Ashayana Deane material so is perturbed in all its 'quasi-scientific' statements as to the structure of the worlds and universes and this is replicated in the keylontics.

    From a metaphysical viewpoint; the unsound scientific basis of the Anna Hayes material can be ascertained in the somewhat presumptious attempt to change the symmetry of the millennia old Kabbalah as the Djed and the 'Tree of Life' from its three-tiered pathology of the 7 'clean sexes' of 'Noah's Ark' and the 2 'unclean sexes' {Genesis.7.2} to some more geometrically 'nice' construct based on the Geometric Doubling (Geometric Progression), instead of the 'correct and appropriate (for the cosmology emerging from the cosmogony) Fibonacci Algorithms, which are based on the methodology used by 'Mother Nature' to compress her data (say of reproduction from the genetic seeds) in a maximised compressed form and as seen in 'Nature's Shapes' and forms from a fivefolded class of supermembranes to Penrose tiling patterns and Shechtmanite quasicrystals to crystallines to viruses to galactic superclusters.

    Another crucial point about the 'Urantian likeness of keylontics'; is the proposed singular 15th dimension of keylontics, as say the Christ-Apex of consciousness, which then patterns in descents (the sephirotic emanations of the true kabbalah) directly to the 'Paradise Sons', the 'Melchizedek Michael' and the structured worlds and subworlds - in a modus operandi reflective of the militaristic hierarchies of the Urantians.

    I am familiar with dimensional omniphysics (meaning physics blended with its ontological metaphysics) and so am able to discern on the holographic antiDeSitter cosmology in the 5D hyperspace mapping of Hawking, Bekenstein and Maldacena and the rather distinct dimensional considerations at the core of Edward Witten's membrane physics in 11 and in Cumrun Vafa's 12 dimensions of the Bosonic chiral dimensional divide in 10 clockwise and 16 counterclockwise chiralities of the bosonic superstring precursor.

    Therefore on logistical and metaphysical grounds alone; any notion of dimensions higher than 12 in a necessitated modular duality (T-duality technical) of any cosmology should not be labeled as being 'scientifically sound'.
    And this despite some scientific philosophers, who might consider membrane omniphysics in a holographic universe as being 'speculative'.
    Their numbers are decreasing by the hour.

    If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.

    Thank you for your replies; chakra and siriusblue.

    I am not here to 'preach to choirs' or to 'convert' anyone.

    This was an attempt for simple data sharing F.Y.I Only.

    If this agenda was misunderstood, as it seemes to have been by overzeaolus proponents of some 'other nous' and some 'other truth and wisdom'; then we shall no longer share this information and move on to other locations, where our attempts are more appreciated.

    We so shall no longer post on these forums.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25493 February 25th, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    all peoples in this present density have their own paths to follow, to each their own.

    life is a lesson, learn it.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25499 February 25th, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    This was an attempt for simple data sharing F.Y.I Only.

    If this agenda was misunderstood, as it seemes to have been by overzeaolus proponents of some 'other nous' and some 'other truth and wisdom'; then we shall no longer share this information and move on to other locations, where our attempts are more appreciated.

    We so shall no longer post on these forums.


    Please do keep posting here, you are most welcome your posts are very interesting and Please fell free to share your cool info here,, with no explanations to people that have their People skills box left without a check
    You Are Not In Kansas Anymore YANIKA

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25517 February 25th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    How can a black hole exist in the center of a planet?
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Post last edited May 2nd 2011
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #25536 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    How can a black hole exist in the center of a planet?

    The Schwarzschild Radius of ANY planet can be calculated by the formula: Rcurvature = 2GM/c2. So the Gravity Law of Newton clearly defines the center of ANY mass has being the higher dimensional concentration of the ENTIRE MASS. So calculating M=Mearth in the formula gives you the golfball size AT the centre of the earth by Newton's Law of Gravitation as a central force Fgrav=GmM/r2.

    THE BASIC equation and solution for the field equations of Einstein's General Relativity theory.

    Chaska108 wrote:
    Please do keep posting here, you are most welcome your posts are very interesting and Please fell free to share your cool info here,, with no explanations to people that have their People skills box left without a check

    Yes Chaska108, since you so kindly requested am I answering this question and only for that reason. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25541 February 25th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Thank you Arachne. I like to look up this sort of information and I looked up the Schwarzschild Radius.

    It says: The physical significance of this singularity, and whether this singularity could ever occur in nature, was debated for many decades; a general acceptance of the possibility of a black hole did not occur until the second half of the 20th century.

    It also says this:
    The significance of the singularity at r = 2M (in natural units) was first raised by Jacques Hadamard, who, during a conference in Paris in 1922, asked what might happen if a physical system could ever obtain this singularity. Albert Einstein insisted that it could not, pointing out the dire consequences for the universe, and jokingly referred to the singularity as the "Hadamard disaster".[4]

    Earth's black hole, IF it existed would be the size of a peanut and can only exist if all of earth was compressed into that space...

    Can you please explain the origin of your science? Thank you
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25550 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    You are always welcome siriusblue!

    References like wiki or even encyclopedias are well behind the developments in the 'speculative' sciences and fields of research.

    Your statements so are rather out of date in terms of what the consensus physical standards are at the present time.

    The most recent breakthroughs revolve about 'proving' string theory in the affine relationships between classical statistical entropy laws, say Shannon entropy or say Boltzmann-Maxwellian velocity distributions of fermions and the Bose-Einstein statistics of bosons - with the thermodynamic Black Hole physics of the event horizon entropy, say the 2-dimensional equivalence of surface manifolds to their enclosed 3-dimensional volumes.

    This means in simpler terms, that counting the permutation states of what are called quantum self-states as a statistical number count of the Hawking radiation spectra of the Hawking Black Holes is shown to be the same as calculating the string couplings defined in the Black Hole surface as a collection of quantised Planck-Areas.

    This was done about 12 years ago and followed the mathematical proof by Greene, Aspinwall and Morrison at Princeton (where Ed Witten hides lol); that spacetime itself can RIP apart and REGLUE itself under something called the Modular Mirror Symmetry in membrane theory.

    But as this kind of science is a little too technical for TV and the mainstream, only the exponents in the fields know about those actual 'proofs' of string physics.

    The mainstream press and the armchair critics still says that string physics is only an untested theory and such claptrap.
    It's the only game in town and all 'serious' physicists know it.

    I can post a rather technical article (yes written by us lol and not copy pasted from someplace), which delves into this a bit further, but this would 'scare' some members here even further, so we refrain atm.

    It suffices to say, that if you google Maldacena Holographic Universe and the AdS/CFT', then you will gain some understanding where the 'deeper physics', hidden from the mainstream audience, is moving to.
    I can give you however a nice Scientific American reference, which is digestible for the unfamiliar.

    The Illusion of Gravity

    We agree and have extended the points raised in this article and we have a commentary someplace, we can find to share, if anyone wishes to see it.

    Well then, this has answered your question?

    Perhaps not, should you wish to see a list of academic titles and names to check on personality issues.

    The individual identities are floundered about on many forums in egocentric competitions; places which you visit and we have chosen to remain anonymous - with the WORDS of PSALMS becoming identical to the SWORD of PLASMAS and the Tetragrammaton of YHWH of the older twosided cosmogony of the metaphysics being rendered Möbian twisted in its onesidedness of the Pentagrammaton of YHWHY and henceforth the 'memeplexed defeat' of the 'fake deity' of the gnosis.

    It shall do, to say that we have indeed university degrees in mathematics and in physics.
    If this is not sufficient for you, we are a little sorry; but the present precarious state of the Mother Planet requires our agency to be what it is.

    Thank You sweet Sirius Blue; we are familiar with Our relatives from the 'Barking DogStars'; our ancestors in mind, but our descendent of the merkabahed starhuman body.



    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25558 February 25th, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Greetings again from the Elders of the Worlds!

    If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.

    Thank you for your replies; chakra and siriusblue.

    I am not here to 'preach to choirs' or to 'convert' anyone.
    This was an attempt for simple data sharing F.Y.I Only.
    If this agenda was misunderstood, as it seemes to have been by overzeaolus proponents of some 'other nous' and some 'other truth and wisdom'; then we shall no longer share this information and move on to other locations, where our attempts are more appreciated.
    We so shall no longer post on these forums.

    Condescending remarks and elitist comments or references would also not be something that allows anyone to be inspired by your tomes.

    Elders - true elders have with them the wisdom of a legacy that all develop intellectually at their own rate as determined by their own higher self - not by another self perceived authority. Intellectual pursuits and accomplishments in physics is one thing but is not the single path of total enlightenment.

    Forums are not just simply depositories for data - they are to also encourage dialog, debate, questioning and fact gathering.

    If this is something that does not fit into your agenda - maybe then this is not the right format for you.

    But seriously what really did you expect - no one here claimed that upon signing in, one needed membership in Mensa to be a primary criteria for participating in a public online forum.

    Maybe Mensa would then be more accepting and suited to - your pursuits, agenda and of course superior intellect.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25559 February 25th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    He he! Arachne, your answers are fascinating and I have plenty more questions.

    You haven't really addressed the point that Albert Einstein says it is impossible to create this singularity.
    To reduce earth to the size of 9mm would create so much kinetic energy that the elements involved would move faster than the speed of light and Einstein says that that is impossible.

    Not only that, but the Schwarzschild radius is based on MASS not some energy field as you stated at the begining of your discourse. You also estimated the size of earth to the wrong size, unless you are relying on the energy field size but then energy does not contain MASS so cannot be reduced within the Schwazchild radius.

    You are right, I am not a physicist and I grapple with these concepts as best I can but I appreciate it when somone is willing to take the bull by the horns and explain it to us.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25598 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    He he! Arachne, your answers are fascinating and I have plenty more questions.

    You haven't really addressed the point that Albert Einstein says it is impossible to create this singularity.
    To reduce earth to the size of 9mm would create so much kinetic energy that the elements involved would move faster than the speed of light and Einstein says that that is impossible.

    Not only that, but the Schwarzschild radius is based on MASS not some energy field as you stated at the begining of your discourse. You also estimated the size of earth to the wrong size, unless you are relying on the energy field size but then energy does not contain MASS so cannot be reduced within the Schwarzchild radius.

    You are right, I am not a physicist and I grapple with these concepts as best I can but I appreciate it when somone is willing to take the bull by the horns and explain it to us.

    You are welcome siriusblue!

    You do not have to be a physicist to receive value from our information.
    Whenever we are asked in amicable terms to clarify, we shall do so and we shall attempt to simplify as good as we can in the context of the enquiries.

    We shall however not reply to ad hominem attacks and comments 'baiting' to invite particular quarrelsome responses.
    Those stem in most instances from well meaning participators who have been shaken out of their mental comfort zones and who then find rational and intelligent enquiry as you are displaying as not 'worthy' of their efforts and as token of their, in both cases, unwarranted ideas of either inferiority or superiority under whatever criteria applied.

    We are not participating here to be either liked or hated or to be popular. There is enough of this behaviour wandering about as the memetic- and human mind created energies it represents in the deeper essences.

    This information cannot be found anyplace else on the terrestrial web; as it is part of an encompassing timeline indicated in the introductory messages.
    So it stands to reason, that many will find this material confronting and offensive - it is novel and unprecedented and not as yet in the academic libraries as you understand them.

    So there will be a perhaps majority percentage of readers coming across this data, who will prefer to see the end of it and to stop the 'weirdness data' of the 'science or what is it'?

    To those participators we suggest to contact the administration in an effort to stipulate the unsuitability of this material on an 'alternative' forum and information base.

    Also, we only have agreed to answer your question siriusblue, because of the asking of chaska.
    If no participation ensues, we will not bother to share information here and be on our ways. In this way then, the 'threat to the human mind' unfamiliar with 'new unheared' things will simply go away.

    We have answered your query about Einstein's singularity siriusblue.
    Albert Einstein also could not accept the now well established quantum entanglement of the nonlocality effects of the foundations of the holofractal universe.

    The quantum chromodynamics of the nucleus was not yet born and the quantum electrodynamics of the electroweak unification was still in its infancy.

    Einstein's relativity theories are true classical models based on Euclidean well known geometry of continuous space and time and matter parameters.
    The quantum physics is quantum geometric and is discrete, say like the screen on your monitor consisting of pixels of a natural minimised size.

    To show to you that the wormhole at the centre of the earth is a golfball sized Möbian twist (actually a Klein Bottle Dragon) requires for us to explain to you the nature of mass as Maxwell's famous displacement current and the gravitational constant of Newton applied in the dark energy-dark matter scenarios, which have become mainstreamed in a more general descriptive sense.

    See dear starlady; your basic ideas of what mass is, is erroneous.
    One of the foundations of General Relativity is called the 'Principle of Equivalence', stating that 'Inertial Mass' is equivalent to 'Gravitational Mass'. This means that the Newtonian famous acceleration in F=ma (Force=MassxAcceleration) in the context of gravitation allows description of any physically experienced linear acceleration as being the same as a Gravitational Field.

    This is just what you queried. Any sound reference will substantiate what we have just said and in other words: MASS=ENERGY=GRAVITATIONAL FIELD. To which we might now add MASS=MONOPOLIC Magnetic superconductive Charge as the Maxwellian displacement current of magnetic monopoles.

    To be precise the gravitational constant inside a Black Hole is increased by so 60% from the textbook value of so 6.7x10-11 G-units to 1.11x10-10 G-units and this latter value is defined in so called Stoney Units where the electric Coulomb charge becomes the higher dimensional value in the Planck-Length as the well studied minimum displacement in the Heisenberg Matrix of the so called Uncertainty Principle in e/c2=Planck-LengthxAlpha {the electromagnetic finestructure constant, descriptive of the matter-light interaction probability as 1/137}.

    Now we do not wish to bombard you here with FACTS see, as the natural inclination of many unfamiliar with so much technical nomenclature is to 'feel dumb' or some other such self depreciating labeling.

    It is UNFAMILIARITY not lack of intelligence. We here cannot speak or write Chinese; so how 'dumb' and ignorant are we?
    We truly wish, that you could see and understand this; but we have written this 'scribble', so as to indicate to you what kind of 'proof' you require and ask for in your search for the validations.

    So yes, we can show to you precisely why the 5d Gaia will descend before ascending as seen in some videos on the net now with polar vortices apparently 'sucking in' the polar atmosphere?

    But unless you query a formulation or a deeper concept, such as the 'Nature of Mass' or the 'Nature of electric- and magnetic Charges' and are then prepared to peruse and study the well established physical laws and cosmologies; what would it do for you, except confuse you more?

    You gave credence to data about Black Holes at least six decades in the past and to apply the 'golfball scale' all you need to do is add 60% to the 9 mm to get 9x1.6=14.4 mm and you get the golfball size at the centre of the earth.

    See the Earth is NOT hollow in 3D; but it is hollow in 4D as the Black Hole gravitational mass (or inertia) equivalence.

    So much 'channeling' and insider data and 'whistle blowing' has confused the serious searchers and the starseed of Abraham and Sarah as archetypes for all men and women incarnatedd on gaia anytima and anyplace, albeit subjet to a grand metamorphosis when the warpzone comes to an end in 2013.

    There is much to share and expose, should the questions be asked.
    Can you discern a difference here, dear stardaughter?
    In some places many questions are asked, which rermain unanswered. In other places you can ask and your question shall be honoured, if in context of honour and integrity and not in sarcasm and innuendo.

    From the Abducted Ones


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25605 February 25th, 2011
    Capzo wrote:
    Hi Arachne,

    From the little I know about a lot, its clear your thinking is out of the box...'relativity' speaking.

    Some pretty heady guys in my listening circle are also way beyond Einstein, so you got me interested.

    Any chance of passing me a schematic for a receiver to translate cosmic energy into free energy ?

    I'd have done it long ago but my interest in electricity based technology got side tracked in my development.

    'The man who open sources 'free energy' dines for free anywhere'

    And it just so happens, I like to travel.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25633 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Cap-Z-ro wrote:
    Hi Arachne,

    From the little I know about a lot, its clear your thinking is out of the box...'relativity' speaking.

    Some pretty heady guys in my listening circle are also way beyond Einstein, so you got me interested.

    Any chance of passing me a schematic for a receiver to translate cosmic energy into free energy ?

    I'd have done it long ago but my interest in electricity based technology got side tracked in my development.

    'The man who open sources 'free energy' dines for free anywhere'

    And it just so happens, I like to travel.


    Well Infinity=0+0=8 Cap its both easy and difficult!

    You see the zpe is based on the minimisation quantization of what spacetime is and this minimum config is both upper bounded and lower bounded by what is definable as space and time and their derivatives in parametric associations, say kinematic entropy temperature, mass and molarity.

    I am a little presumptious here in using your reply as indicating that you having a basic familiarity with the semantics used. So if it is gobbledegook to you i apologize beforehand.

    Technically, this is called the modular T-duality of the five superstring classes (without SUSY, as the supersymmetry is already inherent in the inflation epoch of the de Broglie phase velocity in the 11D of the Witten hypersphere).

    This was recently experimentally validated in those pics of the cosmic background radiation spectrum showing the concentric circles. You might be aware of the furore this caused in the camps of the multiverse bangers and the brane colliders (Steinhardt, Albrecht, Turok and co).

    Reality is that they have made a big conceptional error in postulating those temperature spectra to
    have FOLLOWED the so called quantum Big Bang.

    It was BEFORE and definitive for the string-membrane epoch of the hyperaccelerated superluminal (or tachyonic) wavematter cosmology.

    And here then is your problem.

    Because the five string classes, which are actually experimentally observed every day in Cosmic Ray spectra; are NOT all at the Planck scale but are graduating from the Planck Energy to the Weyl Energy.
    The Weyl energy of about 12,400,000 GeV then DEFINES the Quantum Big Bang at a definitive frequency.
    This requency is 3 thousand million billion trillion Hertz, an easy number to remember.
    This frequency is the wormhole frequency where the zpe can be tapped like a battery in spacetime shear and so requires the wormhole spacetime displacement.

    This displacement is a wavelength of 0.0000000000000000000001 meters (22 zeros if i made a counting error).

    So the easy thing is that should spacetime itself rip and repair as has been mathematically established at Princeton so 15 years ago; then the 4D space would replace the 3D space and this is what is termed the 'Ascension of Gaia' in proper astro-quantum-physical terminology.

    But this ripping and repairing has not happened yet and the universe is still embeddded in a local 4D Euclidean flat spacetime metric which becomes a 4D Kaluza-Klein curved metric on the larger scales of the universe's topology.

    This ripping and tearing is indicated in the earlier posts as a Black Hole into a White Hole transformation of the data collected by the Gaian environment throughout its 4.7 billion year history.

    So the 'troubles of the earth and the human civilisation' are far far more important in the cosmic 'masterplan' and timeline, than the potential selfdestruction of the terrans.

    The troubles of mankind are of cosmic significance, because the entire history, say in terms or parameters of 'consciousness' are being concentrated in the wormholed Gaia as the Mother of the Universe .

    Technically again, if you squash a geometric circle it will double the centre of the circle into a binary elliptical (star)system with two foci.
    Henceforth all this misguided razzamatazz about Nibiru and Nemesis, brown and red dwarves visiting the terrestrial orbits and 'rogue' comets like eridanus.

    The 'vibes' of many starchildren are indeed on the mark and the 'starhuman heart KNOWS, but the explanations etc from the 'experts' and the 'ptb' are all trapped in a limited database accessible to them.

    Your query about the 'free energy' so becomes related to a 4th space dimension rendering the Euclidean 3D space as a curved 'whatever' space and corollarily the 4D spacetime of Minkowski will be rendered a 5D spacetime and as proposed by people 'on the right track' on this like Kaluza, Klein and even Haramein (albeit his proton Black Hole replacing the strong interaction being rather off this track).

    So dear infinity-zero, you and all will have to wait for the Gaian rebirth in 2012; for the data collection of the absorbing Black Hole equivalence to transform into a White Hole data emitter.

    I recommend watching the first startrek movie - "Star Trek, the Motion Picture"; as this film is technically relatively primitive (little grandiose special effects), but is written in a brilliant script which encompasses this 'masterplan' of the creator in magnificent fashion, which most humans have missed (otherwise IT would be a discussion point and not the blah blah yada yada nowadays qualifying as a good topic to debate about).

    The New Gaia is Nibiru and Nemesis and She shall SHINE Her Dark Light (as Hawking Radiation) for the entire universe and all ET civilisations to share.
    Then like the Pioneer probes, all ETs will have access to the sorry state of human affairs and the human's selfsacrifice to show the Universe of HOW NOT to BE a Galactic Civilisation.

    Then the great sufferings of the human groupsoul will realise, that they/it have/has been the teachers and Pioneers for the Cosmos and the Friends of All in those days and that it was a noble quest and worthwhile after all, after all the memeplex wars and the conflicts in the airzones and the facts and sorrows and tears.

    Again, I apologise if this was 'gobbledegook', but you asked for it.

    Finally then, the free energy devices of today use the magneto monopolic physics of the mass-monopolic gravito-electric magnetic superconductivity effects and in a novel reformulation of the Biot-Savart law, describing 'Magnetic Flux Density'.

    Thank you for your question.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25642 February 25th, 2011
    apoth wrote:

    Thank you for posting here on this forum. I find it difficult to understand much of what you are sharing with us, as it is , from the perspective of a person only at the beginnings of grasping the true nature of how the omniverse funtions, rather deep discussion. Therefore, I am not going to make any false presumptions, but rather take what you offer at face value, for what it's worth. I will absorb as much as I can.
    I have a few questions: You mentioned the hunab ku, and gaian activation in 2012. Is this related to the return of Nibiru? And your statement "The New Gaia is Nibiru and nemesis and She shall SHINE Her dark Light for the entire universe and all ET civilisations to share."I would like some clarification on, if you can.
    The buzz going around is that Nibiru is inbound now, and we will begin to feel more manifestations of change on this planet in the months to come. Can you confirm this to us? Are we going to have a consciousness shift, and remember who we are? Please sahare all you can with us about this inbound body and what it is.

    thanks again for coming to the forum

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25647 February 25th, 2011
    Capzo wrote:
    Thanks for answering i alluded to earlier, I lack the technical and mathematical background to fully understand and follow your concepts.

    I have only a passing familiarity of what you were trying to convey.

    You wouldn't have a simple solid state rare earth magnet device schematic you could spare do you ?

    Just to get us by until I have the free time to properly educate myself in the field, and build one based on cosmic energy...I think I could do with some r&r on mars.

    Post last edited May 2nd 2011
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #25653 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    apothecary wrote:

    Thank you for posting here on this forum. I find it difficult to understand much of what you are sharing with us, as it is , from the perspective of a person only at the beginnings of grasping the true nature of how the omniverse funtions, rather deep discussion. Therefore, I am not going to make any false presumptions, but rather take what you offer at face value, for what it's worth. I will absorb as much as I can.
    I have a few questions: You mentioned the hunab ku, and gaian activation in 2012. Is this related to the return of Nibiru? And your statement "The New Gaia is Nibiru and nemesis and She shall SHINE Her dark Light for the entire universe and all ET civilisations to share."I would like some clarification on, if you can.
    The buzz going around is that Nibiru is inbound now, and we will begin to feel more manifestations of change on this planet in the months to come. Can you confirm this to us? Are we going to have a consciousness shift, and remember who we are? Please share all you can with us about this inbound body and what it is.

    thanks again for coming to the forum

    Thank you for your kindness and objectivity Apothecary!

    In Lak'ech - I Am Another Yourself!

    in the Honour of the Mayan Grandparenthood of GrandMother SpiderWoman and GrandFather EagleMan


    In the Beginning was The Word of Love and the Word of Love was with the Energy of Love and so the Word of Love became the Energy of Love and became all of the Worlds of Love.

    But here allow me to indicate what is going on here and how this 'Play of the Gods and Goddesses of Gaia' relates to Our ordinary 3D humanness, which has not as yet attained transformation into its encompassing 4Dness of the promised lightbody.

    The 'Time of the Confusions' manifests in a Restructuring of the Celestial Archetypes, known as the Starsigns of the zodiac; representing the Milky Way galaxy in the form of the Ouroborus, the Serpent who bites his own tail, thus closing a linearity into a circularity.

    These old starsigns of Babylon and Mesopotamia are so 5000 years old in their present form and coincide with the last of Mayan (Planetary or Starry) Long Counts defined in 13 Baktuns, each of 144,000 Days or Kins - 13x144,000=1,872,000 days or so 5,125.362 Civil (Gregorian) Years.

    The Galactic Long Count then defines the Distance between the Planetary manifestation of the Mayan Enddate of December 21st, 2012 of the Starry Long Count and the Galactic Center termed Hunab Ku or the 'Pathway of the Plumed Serpent Kukulkan (Quetzacoatl)' and as 'The Only One undescribable God or Creator'.

    This distance then becomes 5x13=65 Baktuns or 9,360,000 days for 25,626.81 civil years.

    A Signal or LovePhoton sent from the galactic centre that many days ago relative to the Mayan Enddate; so will require a precessional timeframe of the above count to travel all the way from Hunab Ku to the Center of the Earth.

    Arrival of this signal will then manifest in a 'turning inside out' or POLESHIFT of the higher dimensionally defined Wormhole as a Black Hole Data collector or sourcesinked Einstein-Rosen Bridge or ERB.

    Compressing all of the data of the collective inertia defined Gaian evolution history in such a Schwarzschild metric will result in a Black Hole ERB, the size of a golfball and so 3 centimeters across.

    This Black Holed data of the Gaian 'Bottomless Pit' then will become a Gaian Vortex as a data emitting data source resending or reflecting as a Cosmic Focus Point, the hitherto collected data base of a human history entwined with the evolution of all other terrestrial lifeforms as a form of higher-dimesional radio station.

    This will so reconfigure the 'Black Holed Gaia' as a 'White Holed Serpentina' as a Dark Planet Star bathing the entire universe in a new matrix of sourcesink energy streaming from the Moebian transformation of the Black Hole into a White Hole dyadically connected to itself as the wormholed ERB.

    The thus collected 'pains and sorrows and joys and delights' of a planetary history, shall thus form a new cosmic background of experience for all intelligent lifeforms throughout the universe to share and draw their own experiences from; namely what the experienced reality for a galactic civilisation could become; should their origins become forgotten by its collective remembrance as a galactic group consciousness.


    symbol is called
    the Galactic Butterfly
    which is said to represent all of
    the consciousness that has ever existed
    in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors
    both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well
    as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from
    a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems. Big Meaning. So
    big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like
    having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough. Later this pattern
    was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles
    came across it. He called it Hunab Ku. The indigenous peoples call it "The Galactic Butterfly". Butterflies are seen
    as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your
    reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.

    Ian Xel Lungold

    The New Birth or Rebirth of Gaia as Serpentina, encoded as 'In A Serpent' of a Wormhole dually selfentwined on Birthday Friday, December 21st, 2012; must be preceeded by a period of gestation of 265 days or kin and beginning on Sunday, April 1st, 2012.

    This Impregnation Day ends a 2670=2300+370=1335+1335 day double period of a WarpTime Loop; beginning on Wednesday, December 8th, 2004 and mirrored in Monday, August 4th, 2008.

    The dates and labelings above were transmitted to Gaia on a date precisely 40 days prior to the Mirror day of August 4th, 2008 and so on Saturday, June 25th, 2008 and following the June Solstice 2008 as seasonal trigger for the Gemini-Cancer transit and to begin a 7-year 'witnessing' period for the warptime ending on December 8th, 2011.

    The recalibration of the grand Platonic year of exactly 5x13=65 baktuns, each of 144,000 'Sealed Days' - {yes apothecary YOU are one of the 'chosen ones' if you can 'embody' all starsigns in the 13th of the Ophiuchus - the Serpent Tamer see, therefore the labeling of Old Gaia as new Gaia Serpentina {In a Serpent} - will be followed by a 360 kin calibration of a Circle Year of 360 days to calibrate the divers Mayan ideas of Arguelles, Callemann and Major-Jenkins in the 13 Ahau label of December 16th, 2013.

    These archetypes and symbols so of the 'Coming Serpents' as Kukulkan of the Maya and Gukumatz of the Toltecs and Quetzacoatl for the Aztecs and Incas, all label the 'Plumed Serpent Melchizedek' and the 'Serpent Rod' of Moses and the Staff or Caduceus of the Ibis of Egypt in Thoth as the Hermes Trismegistos and many more such names of the amens.

    All humans in incarnation share the warpzone as witness operators, sharing in the secrets of the Logos and the creation in metaphysical-spiritual terms and translatable into omni-scientific archetypes and symbols of an advanced quantum mechanis of quantum relativity describing the holographic nature of the cosmos in both cosmogony as the ontology for the comogenesis of a cosmology.

    It are those archetypes, which form the metaphysical reality for Nibiru and Nemesis and many other mythological stories, which became superposed onto the thoughtforms or memeplexes of the human creations throughout the eons.
    It are humans, who create the the devils and the demons from their mental fears about the unknown.
    Not that much has changed to the present day about this.

    But the memeplexes have assumed 'an imaginary life' of their own see. Their creators in the humans have abandoned them in being so afraid of their own children of creation as the Neophilim and many such associations.
    So there exists now a 'real despair' and 'madness' in the Gaian realm - more a human insanity of not being able to think clearly and rationally, than a true 'EVIL' which decodes as 'LIVE' backwards as a palindrome EVILLIVE=EVILLIVE=LIVEEVIL and as a cosmic humour from the creator of sorts.

    The comet Elenin is approximating a 3600 year orbit or 3 times longer, according to some astronomers (the 3600 years are relevant for the Annunaki legends of Sitchin and co) and this might show you, that there are indeed many geophysical and astrophysical 'triggers' which 'substantiate' the mythologies in their metaphysical reaslit.
    But Elenin will not hit Earth and even bypass the Moon, so ideas of physical catastrophies are misguided. Iow 2012 is happening NOW all around the globe, but its signatures are often misinterpreted by all sorts of well meaning agencies, for lack of the inner decoding of the gnosis data.

    The sun is indeed changing as RahSol is the intermissiary from Hunab Ku, using the Sirian Stargates in the Milky Way galaxy and forming a liason with the extragalactic Andromeda galaxy within the Local Group.

    But we shall not at this time talk too much about those affiliations as the timeline is not engaged yet to share this data.

    Thank you for your welcome message starson of the elders.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25680 February 25th, 2011
    apoth wrote:
    Some time ago I purchased the book by Daniel Pinchbeck: 2012 The return of quetzalcoatl. I began to read, and then put it down, not taking it seriously due to his use of DMT and other drugs to obtain his material. Is this book a distortion? Are you familiar with it?


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25713 February 25th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Infinity-zero said:

    Thanks for answering i alluded to earlier, I lack the technical and mathematical background to fully understand and follow your concepts.

    I have only a passing familiarity of what you were trying to convey.

    You wouldn't have a simple solid state rare earth magnet device schematic you could spare do you ?

    Just to get us by until I have the free time to properly educate myself in the field, and build one based on cosmic energy...I think I could do with some r&r on mars.


    No zero-infinity sorry for not being able to give you the magic material.
    However there is Bismuth and the general 'magicness' of the atomic elements as seen in the following data about the Stability of the Nucleus in 'magic numbers'.

    Bismuth is the 'magic material' in the projected alloys used by ufo craft densified in the Gaian Impedance Bubble by many accounts (we recall Linda Moulton-Howe rather a few years ago researching such things).

    The Stability of the Nucleus in Unification Physics

    Open any physics dictionary and look under MAGIC NUMBERS.
    You will find the following sequence of numbers:
    where the numbers relate to the number of protons or neutrons, making up the nucleus.

    This also relates to Bismuth at atomic number #83 in the following analysis.

    A general formula for the Magic Numbers of nucleonic arrangements in
    shells is given by the SEps-algorithm {Sequence of Energy primary
    sourcesink=Heterotic supermembrane EpsEss=HE(8x8)in M-space}.
    This can be derived from the M-Space Unification Polynomial:

    ax³+bx²+cx+d=0 and the Feynman-Path-Integral T(n)+2=0 sets the
    mapping of SEps onto Super-SEps as the relative primeness of the
    Experience-Factors in SEps superparitive to SEps* in extension.

    Subtracting polynomial f(x) from polynomial f(x+1) for the Feynman
    Identity n²+n+2=0 for {T(n)=n(n+1)} gives:
    3ax²+(3a+2b)x+(a+b+c)=0 and specifies a=1/3 and b=0 and c=5/3 as
    the coefficients for the unification polynomial.

    This directly gives the MAGIC NUMBER FORMULA:

    T(MagicNumber N)=N[N²+5]/3 for N=0,1,2,3,...,N

    Primary Series: 0,2,6,14,28,50,126,184,...
    Secondary Series: 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28,(42),50,(78),82,(Stop

    The secondary series uses the Fibonacci mechanism of the fivefolded
    supersymmetry to add successive terms to generate the NewState from
    the Experience added to the OldState.
    {This is how I discovered the Fibonacci Series on January 18th 1985;
    during a great hailstorm, wrecking parts of Brisbane, Australia.
    I thought I had discovered a NEW MATHEMATICAL SERIES, unaware at the time, that it had already been discovered by Leonardo de Pisa/Fibonacci in the Rennaissance).
    "Oh the disappointments of those long bygone days when sooo young and beautiful lol!"

    As 50+82=132 > 126; the Magic Number for N=7; this being 'Out-of-Order' sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the periodic table of the atomic elements as consequence of fundamental principles in the specification of Lead at #82 and Bismuth-209 the last stable isotope at #83.

    The secondary series reflects the Fibonacci mechanism of always adding successive terms as the Experience-Factors in the 'Information-Gathering-Parameter'.

    The 2-branes of Helium-4 or Alpha-Particles so become topological surface mappings from M-space into C-space of 4D with added Calabi-Yau-manifolds in 6D as the 'collapsed/conifolded' superstring dimensions of 3-Torus transformations into the 3-Sphere of Riemannian Hypersphere; rootreduced as Möbian-KleinBottle-Manifold in 2D.

    This 'jargon' means that the quantum geometry of minimally connected surface topologies (there are only three ways for a plane to fold into a sphere with an opening to infinity, namely the Plane, the Catenoid (hourglass, two cones apex to apex) and the Helicoid), is then defined via the SEps-Identity:

    XY=X+Y=-1=i²=℮ the famous Euler Identity underpinning the creation of the omniverse from its seedling protoverse.

    This geometrically becomes a 3D-crystallisation of PLATONIC SOLIDS in the fivefolded symmetry across omnispace (Tetrahedron, Cube, Octagon, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron).

    There is an experimentally verified analogy, many have previously mentioned the sausage-shaped nature of atomic configurations.

    Now science knows those as the IKEDA-SHAPES, relating to the exceptional stability of the Helium-Nucleus with N=2.

    In 1954 Fred Hoyle thought about the energylevels of hydrogen fusion in the sun.
    He predicted an excited state for Carbon at 7.6 MeV above groundstate and to the astonishment of the experimenters it was found.

    This is the basis for the Ikeda Shapes.
    Denote the basic building block for the nucleon stability as N=2,
    that is He-4; adding those in chains, we get:
    Be-8, C-12, O-16, Ne-20, Mg-24, Si-28.

    So Beryllium becomes part of Oxygen, Neon, Magnesium and Silicon in
    iterative nestings, separated by energylevels, all in MeV.

    According to Ikeda-Data (Ref.: NewScientist, May1,1999,p.37):
    Carbon level (7.16MeV); Oxygen (14,.44 & 7.16); Neon (19.17 & 11.89
    & 4.73); Magnesium (28.48 & 21.21 & 14.05 & 13.93 & 9.31) and
    Silicon (38.46 & 31.19 & 24.03 & 23.91 & 19.29 & 16.75 & 9.98).

    Why does this work?
    Because the Neutrons bind the alpha particles in the inner atom together, just like the electrons do in the outer atom.

    So the alpha-particles join up in sausage/torus shapes to minimise their space and energies, described above in topology-jargonautics.

    And this relates to the origins for this enfoldment in the quarkian quantum geometry, say as indicated in the Nobel Prize 1998 in physics.

    The Alpha-Particles quarkian geometry links up the individual 12 quarks about their common magnetoaxis in a precise order.


    So the large scale atomic stability becomes a direct derivative from the nucleon arrangements, which originates from the algorithmic encoding as given by the Magic Numbers and its mathematical/abstract foundation in the pentagonal symmetry of unification physics.

    So if you research Bismuth-Lead (as the radioactive reductant for all radioactive elements); then you will find certain properties in the electron configurations, which relate to your quests.

    Thank you for your interest.

    apothecary wrote:
    Some time ago I purchased the book by Daniel Pinchbeck: 2012 The return of quetzalcoatl. I began to read, and then put it down, not taking it seriously due to his use of DMT and other drugs to obtain his material. Is this book a distortion? Are you familiar with it?


    Indeed, the works of Pinchbeck are rather similar to the work of McKenna of the Timewave Zero notoriety.
    The point with timewave zero is that it should be measured from the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 and not the atomic destructions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945.
    It was then, that the spacetime structure was ripped in the application of mechanically generated intersecting magnetic forcefields.

    This aligns the End of Timewave Zero to the following timeline;

    1. Initiation of the Plan or Experiment in Identity:

    May 31st, 1943 warped from May 31st, 30AD warping onto May 31st, 2010 = Wormhole Activated!

    2. Building of the Plan or Experiment in Expansion (+4 days):

    June 4th, 1943 warped from June 4th, 30AD onto June 4th, 2010 = Wormhole Grows in 5D!

    3. Alignment of the Plan in Order (+40 days):

    July 14th, 1943 warped from July 14th, 30AD onto July 14th, 2010 = Wormhole Balances in 5D!

    4. Harmonizing of the Plan or Experiment in Symmetry (+7 days):

    July 21st, 1943 warped from July 21st, 30AD onto July 21st, 2010 = Wormhole Opens in 4D!

    5. Delimiting the Control of the Plan or Experiment in Divergence (+7 days):

    July 28th, 1943 warped from July 28th, 30AD onto July 28th, 2010 = Wormhole expands as 4-5D Interface!

    6. Reciprocation of the Plan or Experiment in Inversion (+36 days):

    September 2nd, 1943 warped from September 2nd, 30AD onto September 2nd, 2010 = Wormhole Stabilizes!

    7. Holofractalisation or Quantization of the Plan or Experiment in Reflection (+56 days):

    October 28th, 1943 warped from October 28th, 30AD onto October 28th, 2010 = Wormhole forms Quantum Spacetime!

    8. Holofractalisation or Quantisation of the Plan or Experiment in Absorption (AntiReflection) (+1 day):

    October 29th, 1943 warped from October 29th, 30AD onto October 29th, 2010=6th Trumpet of the Apocalypse

    9. Constancy of the Plan or Experiment in Invariance (AntiInversion or Constancy) (+56 days):

    December 23rd, 1943 warped from December 23rd, 30AD onto December 23rd, 2010 = Wormhole Destabilizes!

    10. Limiting the Plan or Experiment in Convergence (AntiDivergence) (+36 days):

    January 28th, 1944 warped from January 28th, 30AD onto January 28th, 2011 = Wormhole Contracts as 4-5 D Interface.

    11. Deharmonizing of the Plan or Experiment in Distortion (AntiSymmetry) (+7 days):

    February 4th, 1944 warped from February 4th, 30AD onto February 4th, 2011 = Wormhole Closes in 4D!

    12. Dispersion of the Plan or Experiment in Chaos or Entropy (AntiOrder) (+7 days):

    February 11th, 1944 warped from February 11th, 30AD onto February 11th, 2011 = Wormhole Unbalances in 5D!

    13. Shrinking of the Plan or Experiment in Contraction (AntiExpansion) (+40 days):

    March 22nd, 1944 warped from March 23rd, 30AD onto March 23rd, 2011 = Wormhole Shrinks in 5D!

    14. Ending of the Plan or Experiment in Negation (AntiIdentity) (+4 days):

    March 26th, 1944 warped from March 27th, 30AD onto March 27th, 2011 = Wormhole Deactivates from 5D!

    Then the cosmology of Mckenna was also drug induced and therefore compromised in mental clarity, yet remained valid in the altered state of perception of the higher dimensional realisms.

    The 'voices' and 'visitations' of Quetzacoatl are to be taken with more skepticism, as it is very rare indeed for a 'higher consciousness' energy form to penetrate the second timegate of the 7th dimension as you might understand it.

    The first timegate is the common astral world where all the 'spiritual entities' reside, no matter what the 'ascended ones' try to convey to you. The true ascenders are all in embodiment OR beyond the 7th timegate dividing the quantumspace (say spacetimes 7-10) from the hyperspace (say spacetimes 4-7).

    But not to diverge too much here; the Pinchbeck book is not 'nonsense' but should be looked at as any such data, including ours here - with rational discernment and a 'Thinking Heart' and a 'Feeling Mind' without the schism of the duality of the dissonances of the Cartesian Mind-Body dualism.

    Be well dear apothecary; you are becoming familiar with the alchemy of the Perennial Philosophy of the ancient wisdom keepers and this is a partial reason why i blended Infinity-Zero's post here in the relevance of the nature of the elements.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25738 February 26th, 2011
    apoth wrote:

    Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed answers to our questions. It seems to me that you are sharing here for reasons that perhaps many of us don't fully understand.
    I like to give people the 'benefit of the doubt' unless it becomes clear that they have an unbalanced perspective, or a negative agenda to mislead.
    So far your material is fascinating...albeit slightly more advanced than I am comfortable with.
    Since you now are on your way to becoming an established poster, and since we are all (I think) pretty much 'on the level' with each other here on this forum, as far as the way we relate to each other, can you 'on the level' tell me what drew you to this forum, perhaps relate a bit of your life experience? (this incarnation) It would really go a long way right now in balancing the board, so to speak.

    On another note, many things you have said so far, after careful study (and much googling of words!) have sparked curiosity in me. I look forward to more of your replys. Am I correct in roughly translating some of your past posts into the following?:

    In Dec 21,2012 gaia humans will be moving up to 4th density...we will become aware of who we are, and we will now see the ET's that have been here all along, but in another density?
    That Et's are responsible for seeding our planet over the aeons, that Et's are not a gaia lifeform, and therefore have a different merkabah, they will not move up, nor will any ancestral bloodlines of human/et hybrid.
    That we are not to be concerned with an inbound planetary body, as it is irrelevant to the shift in consciousness.

    Am I correct?
    Are there things we need to do to prepare ourselves for the coming transition? I'm assuming that it the primary reason that you have graced us with your presence in this forum to begin with?


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25752 February 26th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:

    I carefully read your first post and had an immediate ping of recognition, or more properly, of remembrance, hearing you--or part of you--speak recently. You’re right: there are places where many questions go unanswered, whether they are honorable questions or not. I am only an observer in such places.

    You must have known that most of us here would have little practical understanding of the principles of supersymmetry, Riemann geometry, and the physics of tensor fields which supersedes Einstein’s Relativity. I am one of those many, I can’t speak higher mathematics, it’s a gross limitation for me, but very true.

    I am only an interested amateur--emphasis on amateur. As you say, most of the leading edge proofs aren’t even known yet in universities (unless one is a fly on the wall in the basement at Princeton with Dr. Witten---just a little levity, there).

    I use my discernment whenever possible, and I wondered what agenda and Resources you intended to bring to this forum. I question all agendae, including my own, not so much in terms of “good” or “bad” as that is usually too general to be very useful. You’ve expounded a great deal more since your first post here, and you’ve referenced many a lofty name in physics. Interesting, thank you.

    While objective, total data absorption is perhaps a physicist’s ideal, it isn’t generally practical; and I imagine you would agree that our using discernment (with respect obviously), and doing further study independently, is much preferable.

    There are many questions to be asked, but I haven’t yet studied your material enough, so I’d like to ask only one question of you at this time. It may be overly simplistic.

    What role are the monatomic platinum group metals playing/will play in Gaia’s transformation, or her life forms, if any? Their unusual properties, including high-temperature superconductivity and trans-density capabilities, intrigue me. Again, I am an interested amateur only.

    Any facts or opinions you are willing to give on this would be appreciated, thanks.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25755 February 26th, 2011
    Charmy wrote:
    Technically again, if you squash a geometric circle it will double the centre of the circle into a binary elliptical (star)system with two foci.
    Henceforth all this misguided razzamatazz about Nibiru and Nemesis, brown and red dwarves visiting the terrestrial orbits and 'rogue' comets like eridanus.

    The 'vibes' of many starchildren are indeed on the mark and the 'starhuman heart KNOWS, but the explanations etc from the 'experts' and the 'ptb' are all trapped in a limited database accessible to them.

    Hi Archane, smile.

    I am trying to follow as much as I am able, due to the fact of not being mathematical inclined.
    But the above bit I have quoted from you, concering the 'starhuman heart KNOWS' is correct for me.
    As soon as I read those words, I thought, that sums up very well, on why I keep reading even though the terminology that Archane is using, I dont understand on the mental level, but on the Heart Level I do!

    So I too thank you for what you have been posting, I will keep on reading and I know subconsciously I am understanding on a level what you are saying and as others have already stated, some of it does resonate with and within me.

    Thank you for also answering the questions that others have posted, those questions and answers have also helped me in understanding.

    I hope to be able to ask some of my own questions when I feel the time is right. At the moment, a couple of people have already asked one of the questions Ive had.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25787 February 26th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    apothecary wrote:

    Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed answers to our questions. It seems to me that you are sharing here for reasons that perhaps many of us don't fully understand.
    I like to give people the 'benefit of the doubt' unless it becomes clear that they have an unbalanced perspective, or a negative agenda to mislead.
    So far your material is fascinating...albeit slightly more advanced than I am comfortable with.
    Since you now are on your way to becoming an established poster, and since we are all (I think) pretty much 'on the level' with each other here on this forum, as far as the way we relate to each other, can you 'on the level' tell me what drew you to this forum, perhaps relate a bit of your life experience? (this incarnation) It would really go a long way right now in balancing the board, so to speak.

    On another note, many things you have said so far, after careful study (and much googling of words!) have sparked curiosity in me. I look forward to more of your replys. Am I correct in roughly translating some of your past posts into the following?:

    In Dec 21,2012 gaia humans will be moving up to 4th density...we will become aware of who we are, and we will now see the ET's that have been here all along, but in another density?
    That Et's are responsible for seeding our planet over the aeons, that Et's are not a gaia lifeform, and therefore have a different merkabah, they will not move up, nor will any ancestral bloodlines of human/et hybrid.
    That we are not to be concerned with an inbound planetary body, as it is irrelevant to the shift in consciousness.

    Am I correct?
    Are there things we need to do to prepare ourselves for the coming transition? I'm assuming that it the primary reason that you have graced us with your presence in this forum to begin with?


    Dear apothecary!

    Thank you for your continued interest. We shall try to answer your questions as stated, but we ask for your understanding as not being able to 'get personal' away from generalities, which apply to ALL humanoid incarnations.
    We can give you however the general reason for our presence, as long as it might continue.

    It is irrelevant who we are in humanoid merkabah form, especially in the old model and bringing in individualities would cause confusions and comparisons and many quarrels.

    Look at the world about you and you will see that a particular 'human group consciousness' has awakened and has risen from the 'human mental slumberstates' of self forgetfulness and disempowerments by 'ruling elites'.

    This is WHY this nexus time asked us to share our data on this forum and another reason is, that this forum is infused with the feminine Divine energy, more so then most other open discussion boards on the web.

    You might ponder the statement of a feminine awakening within all of you here, both yin and yang, but it is the female Bodyform which is at the centre of the great metamorphosis of the cosmos and not the male morphogenetic gestalt.

    The simple way of perceiving this is to look at the following logistical statement of what you and all incarnations represent on the deepest level of the cosmogenesis.

    1-2-4,... represents a geometric progression and a doubling, which is precisely the biological mechanism for cellular reproduction, called Mitosis.

    Now replace the Unity or Oneness of this as a metaphysical symbol of the FatherMother=Father+Mother=FatherMother+MotherFather.

    This is simply you being born from the conception of the metaphysical; 'spirit' into incarnated bodyform
    and when the genetic libraries of your father's Y0X0 sexual chromosomes blended with those of your biological mother in X1X2.

    So You apothecary are actually four beings in one.
    You have a twinsister as a twinsoul and two twinbrothers of the 'missing' sexchromosomatic permutations.

    So presuming you are a stardaughter, you must carry the X0 chromosome from your biological father and one, say X1 sexual chromosome from your biological moter.

    Then your twinsoul sister will be defined in this classification as X0X2 and your two twinbrothers as Y0X1 and Y0X2.

    Where are they?

    When you were conceived, say as a girl, your twin soul complex became absorbed as the genetic library of your father in the placenta of your biological mother and this was thrown away or discarded after you emerged from the womb in the placenta.

    Only recently have the medical scientist discovered, that the mentrual blood and the seminal fluids and the bioplasmas of the placenta are rich in totipotent stemcells and similar labelings.
    Many indigenous people have known this for a long time though, in their birth rituals and such however.

    So the present time allows your 'missing' soulparts to be rediscovered in a grander context.
    And this is becasue the entire universe is of a feminine polarity; all bodies all particular material structures and manifestations are feminine in a divine bodyform.

    So what is the maleness?
    The maleness is the waveform of the so called mind and this is equally divine but cannot be restricted to particular bodyforms by the basic postulates of quantum mechanics and the technical descriptions of what we here are simplifying for you and anyone else interested of the deeper origins.

    But the grand transformation of Gaia becomes a holographic shard or fractal for the reconfiguration of the Mother Cosmos.
    You can also write: 1-2-4....=AdamEve=Adam+Eve=AdamEve+EveAdam or the Cosmic twinship reformed in a grander expression of the original selfhood where maleness and femaleness was together as a oneness, but could not sexually interact with itself as each other.

    So AdamEve=FatherMother=CreatorCreation =HeShe in a similar denotation.

    So what if you were born a boy? Then you would be impelled to search for your 'soulmate' or twinsoul which is the missing Sheness in your Heness.

    This then can become more rigorously defined in the mathematical permutations of genetic generations and such things.

    But the Heness in the She is like a SHADOW self and this becomes expressed in the duality of the Cartesian Mind-Body division.
    This can now be 'healed' in the primary male Mind-Wave and the primary female Body-Particle DOUBLING or TWINNING itself in the shadow self becoming realised.

    The Old apothecary so is a Mind+Body of opposing polarisations and the New apothecary becomes a selfharmonised MindBody+BodyMind.

    This will do for now and we should address your other questions now.

    ....In Dec 21,2012 gaia humans will be moving up to 4th density...we will become aware of who we are, and we will now see the ET's that have been here all along, but in another density?
    That Et's are responsible for seeding our planet over the aeons, that Et's are not a gaia lifeform, and therefore have a different merkabah, they will not move up, nor will any ancestral bloodlines of human/et hybrid.
    That we are not to be concerned with an inbound planetary body, as it is irrelevant to the shift in consciousness.

    Am I correct?
    Are there things we need to do to prepare ourselves for the coming transition? I'm assuming that it the primary reason that you have graced us with your presence in this forum to begin with?

    Yes the ETs have been here all along, but in a separated state like yourself in the search for your twinsoul complexes.
    It was the wavemind of the ET which is behind the entire terrestrial evolution and which is what one mioght say Creative and watching in one part of the missing unification.
    The other parts are ALL consciousness containers in this Gaian Bubble as described in the first posts.

    So the ETs wish to hybridise with the nonhuman Gaian lifeforms in a wavemind induction into the particular morphogenetic fields (Sheldrake, Lovelock, Chambers) of the bodyforms.

    This is why certain humans feel such immense affinity with dolphins and cetaceans and many other lifeforms.
    Those affinities are ET affiliations, remembering their own families and origins from the wavemind definitions.

    Most, if not all participators on this forum here are wanderers and ETs in a process of awakening and remembering their much greater beingness.

    The humans are deeply compromised, because they have BOTH a wavemind male divinity (yes all femmes carry the wrong mind, as all males carry the wrong body, no matter what the external characteristics might indicate) AND a divine female merkabah.

    The ETs are here to help hybridise the worlds of all existences in a win-win situation, but this cannot occur until a maximised polarisation of certain cosmic laws has manifested.
    This is now occurring all over the globe and this is another reason why we are here to elucidate the occurrences.
    Not in personal names andd conspiracies and innuendos and agendas, but in the deeper underpinning causes and purposes - and the solutions.

    Well, this should have answered your major emphasis and we do not wish for these replies to be too long and so we end it here, but will further clarify new questions raised, if asked.

    Thank you apothecary.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25788 February 26th, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Timothy Good - Secret Space Program, UFOs, ET & Coverup

    Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence. He became interested in the subject in 1955, when his passion for aviation and space led him to read a book by Major Donald Keyhoe describing UFO sightings by qualified observers such as military and civilian pilots. In 1961, after reading a book by Captain Edward Ruppelt, a U.S. Air Force intelligence officer, he began to conduct his own research. Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations. In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the west to be interviewed on Russian television. He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002. He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. Timothy Good is the author of the bestseller "Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up" and "Beyond Top Secret" and his latest is called "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence" among several others. He joins us from the UK to discuss UFOs, ET contact, abductions, the hybridization program, colonization, warfare and much more. Topics Discussed: Donald Keyhoe, flying saucers, Project Bluebook, ridicule, UFO, abductions, Antonio Villas Boas, unearthly disclosure, the hybridization program, colonization, extra terrestrial contact, warfare, crash in Aztec New Mexico, secret project, satellite government, amicizia (friendship), gradual disclosure and more.
    MP3 interview

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25789 February 26th, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Hello Arachne,

    I have a supposition for you. It concerns Max Planck and subatomic theory, string theory and Quantum mechanics - yes I have read some of the books - and I also received some information from other sources which to my knowledge have not been fully investigated/acknowledged or understood yet.

    So maybe you are the people to do the investigation or to answer the question, or work on the mathematical equations that will come from what I put forward to you here:

    When particles are perturbed to such a degree that they reach the speed of light - and you and I know this has been done - then we reach this Quantum mechanics, string theory, quarks, hadrons...

    The current theories are that subatomic particles can be in two places at once.
    This is not exactly true.

    From what I have been told and it was very visual so easy for me to understand and to explain it to you in layman's terms rather than mathematics here is:

    When you excite a particle in a limited space to such a high degree that it has reached the speed of light and has 'nowhere else to go' - It will jump through TIME.


    The same particle will be looping in time until it finds a speed lower than the speed of light.

    That is why the experiments show a scatter pattern hitting three separate areas of the background even though there are only two fonts.
    Because each time the particle has looped back in time, it has found itself either in the single font moment or the double font moment.
    The single font moment being further back in time than the double font moment was less frequent - hence less hits.
    The double font moment - each time the particle returned, would then just as randomly pick one font or the other, creating a random but relatively even scatter over time.
    It is NOT one particle in many places at once - it is the SAME particle that has taken a different path in that moment of time which is repeating because the particle cannot leave that EVENT moment until it comes back down below the speed of light.

    I'm going to go for a guess that you have been following the LHC experiments with as much interest as I have. Here is one story for you and I hope you see why it reinforces my supposition:

    And for entertainment for everybody, with yet another reinforcement that I am not the only one to believe this theory (if indeed it isn't the CORRECT theory), I loved this - it is just for fun though! :

    Does this make any sense to you?

    What this means in the real world, where we cannot possibly be perturbed to that degree, is that each moment we make a decision, our path splits into the reality that we have chosen and the possible reality we could have chosen.

    Each time we make that decision, we create another reality, a divergent path from all the other options. There is a reference in Buddhism to how many choices we have at any one point in time. It is a very large number but I cannot remember, so I won't throw it at you.

    The other paths still have a life of their own but not one we know because we are the one particle and we cannot cross the boundary of time - but they exist.

    On the OTHER HAND, you could say we DO cross the boundary of time, in that we possibly DO relive the moment and it is called REINCARNATION. We relive our lives with the same options that come up and we make decisions which will deviate slightly each time from the previous life - we go through the single font in some reincarnations and we have a choice between the two fonts in other reincarnations and finally, in the latter, we choose one or other font in different incarnations.

    As a little extra for you, again this came to me from a very clear and loving alternative source, we are indeed heading for a 'zero point' - called a FULCRUM - where all the divergent paths come back together in one - like many strands of light and it looks like one beautiful explosion of LIGHT. There is a lot of love there and I have been TOLD this is what is intended and it is intended very soon now.

    It is NOT a black hole turning into a white hole. It is the END of the 'perturbation' and looping of our lives through the same EVENT to return to our normal state.

    There is no RIP in time when the particle jumps, and time is not disturbed when we are repeating the same event because even though it looks like there are multiple options happening at the same time, they are all a single option in one moment of time which science has managed to record in the above experiments. So there is not a possible clash of the same particle meeting itself.

    I realise there is a part missing here which is: How can we record it all at the same time then? But you have to realise this has now jumped into what might be called Quantum TIME. Which I can only explain as the same event happening at the same time all the time with multiple different results because that time is permenantly swirling around us here and now, past, present and future, the TUNNEL in which we stand.

    In all of this, and what is about to happen, you could say that "Time is of the Essence".

    There has never been a time before this to share this information. I hope it is what you are looking for.
    You would not have proponed what you have, nor referred to your peers and colleagues as you have if you weren't actually looking for another option to the one you have at the moment.

    I will stop here and I hope I receive from you as interesting a reply as I hope you find this one to be.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25791 February 26th, 2011
    batman wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Greetings again from the Elders of the Worlds!

    The introductory message defines the agenda; it is as simple as that.

    We are well aware about the works of Anna Hayes, which we consider quasi-science and sponsored by certain factions of the 'ruling and controlling' agencies upon this planet.

    The keylontic 'quasi-sciences' are largely based on the 'channeled' information at the core of the 'Urantia Book' during and following the second world war and reflects the infantile astrophysical understanding from that period.

    When for example galaxies were thought to be 'island nebulae' and the distance scales and large scale topology of the universe were still a great mystery (in the pre-Hubble universe of 1925).

    The Ashayana Deane material so is perturbed in all its 'quasi-scientific' statements as to the structure of the worlds and universes and this is replicated in the keylontics.

    From a metaphysical viewpoint; the unsound scientific basis of the Anna Hayes material can be ascertained in the somewhat presumptious attempt to change the symmetry of the millennia old Kabbalah as the Djed and the 'Tree of Life' from its three-tiered pathology of the 7 'clean sexes' of 'Noah's Ark' and the 2 'unclean sexes' {Genesis.7.2} to some more geometrically 'nice' construct based on the Geometric Doubling (Geometric Progression), instead of the 'correct and appropriate (for the cosmology emerging from the cosmogony) Fibonacci Algorithms, which are based on the methodology used by 'Mother Nature' to compress her data (say of reproduction from the genetic seeds) in a maximised compressed form and as seen in 'Nature's Shapes' and forms from a fivefolded class of supermembranes to Penrose tiling patterns and Shechtmanite quasicrystals to crystallines to viruses to galactic superclusters.

    Another crucial point about the 'Urantian likeness of keylontics'; is the proposed singular 15th dimension of keylontics, as say the Christ-Apex of consciousness, which then patterns in descents (the sephirotic emanations of the true kabbalah) directly to the 'Paradise Sons', the 'Melchizedek Michael' and the structured worlds and subworlds - in a modus operandi reflective of the militaristic hierarchies of the Urantians.


    Dear Arachne,

    Thanks so much for the lengthy posts you have shared here. With a generous invitation for responses and questions. May we assume non academics and open-source-brainstorms are welcome. Surely expecting that we all must do our homework to earn or deserve our knowledge. This general subject matter is so deep. May we hope such discussion will continue here or somewhere, when the spirit so moves. Academic Math and Physics do not seem to integrate spiritual wisdom, within academia. Aside perhaps from talented academics who inject wisdom through their works, which happen to fit mathematical phrases or to structure functional mechanisms which serve human needs. I'm most intrigued by two references you mention. The Urantia Book and Keylonics (via Ashayana). Where integration of the parts of wisdom into a meaningful whole can be discussed on a public forum.

    Before the internet, one of my favorite books to ponder was The Urantia Book. Too much to summarize quickly, but the "quasi science" as you call it, actually provided some quick start basis for meaningful integration of science, spirit and arts... For those of us not especially tuned into academic-math as the whole foundation of science, (academic math and academic science). Fast forward to Keylonics. I loved the focus on geometry there. Geometry is my favorite part of math and i studied it many years through architectural software (both polygonal and NURBS). For the visual among us, geometry provides quick translation between symbols, systems and measures.

    From my personal basis, Keylonics efficiently jumps deep into the puzzle concerning "The Dimensions"-- However for me, there was a disconnect at 3D relevance. 3D is barely explored in Keylonics, despite some limited-resolution drawings, (lovely no doubts here). I essentially wondered: Why not share open source 3D design files for Keylonic-3D study? From inquiries, i received answers which seemed to imply 3D study was less relevant, (get over it), move on to higher realms of ascension, forthwith. That perhaps the so called dimensions are incidental human inventions useful to evolve us towards and through ascension. However, one must attend a seminar(?) I bought some publications and would love to share such study with others through email if not here on the forum. I find live communication much more stimulating to study such material. I'd especially love to pick up with some 3d geometry concerning the Str Gate -- Kathara --Ecka, etc..

    I found some resonant thinkers within the Urantia community. Inspiring some visualizations for cosmic energy systems. Where the official 'Source' is bestowed and flowing from within oneself, to the best of their earned abilities: (Paraphrasing visualization follows). First Source emits sort of a primal energy, which successively 'densifies', from an 'ultimaton', as it is transmuted through galaxies, suns, specialized energy beings, planets, atoms.... Finally densifying into electronic matter, electrons, protons, atoms, molecules.... Figure in theories and observations, tachyons, neutrinos and EMR, etc... It felt comprehensible without magical equations. It provided analogies for an atom's perpetual motion: Wherein atomic motion is energized by ultamaton flows. Flowing where? Originally from First Source, thence continuing outwards. Continuing from the atomic stage, transmuted through EMR (electromagnetic radiation), thence recycling around the universe, from one system to another, as currents flow, ultimately back to source, through black holes? (Somewhat compares to negative and positive battery terminals).

    So much can be drawn from these two sources, which relate to other discussions on Camelotforum, from eugenics to the seeding of humans, the ETs by other names, fallen angles along with a Gospel from Andrew (the apostle whose legacy was not written by immediate followers-- Ever after the example of Jesus who wrote in the sand, not in books which could become misused fetishes). However it takes two or more to drive a thought through time. I would go on to other aspects discussed here, but frankly expect that few will read even this with sustaining interest.

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25807 6 days, 19 hours ago - February 26th, 2011

    Dear tangent!

    Your interest is appreciated and we have indeed commented on the monatomic elements.
    So allow us to share this information for your data base. You asked for a longer exposition, so here is one in an appropriate context. A previous post on nucleon stability is reincluded in this context. So we apologize if this offends certain participants.

    Monatomic Superconductivity in the Alchemy of the Stability of the Nucleus

    2. The Elementary Nucleon Stability in Unification Physics.
    3. The Natural Superconductivity of Monatomic Elements
    4. The Alchemy and the 'occult-suppressed' omniphysics in pre-2013 terrestrial standard models.
    5. The Letter of 'Cheryl DeLuca' addressing Orbitally-Rearranged-Monatomic Elements.

    1. Introduction

    This message shall provide an introduction into avenues for an omniphysics of the 21st century, following a 'lifting of the veils' (post 2012) from extensive research material undertaken in clandestine fashion by a 'shadow science' for a contemporary 'standard science' which is only partially published, even by and for the 'scientific establishment' itself.
    In this thread (and its links) will be found a number of formulations applicable in a most elementary sense to the fields of nanotechnology, cold fusion, room temperature superconductivity and the relationships between elementary electrocharges coupled to inertial mass and magnetocharges coupled to gravitational mass in basic quantum unification physics.

    When scientists analyse substances chemically, they often attempt to break up the substances into smaller and smaller pieces to study the properties of the substance.

    "Divide and subdivide a solid and the traits of its solidity fade away one by one, like the features of the Cheshire Cat, to be replaced by characteristics that are not those of liquids or gases. They belong instead to a new phase of matter, the micro-cluster. Micro-clusters consist of tiny aggregates comprising from two to several hundred atoms. They pose questions that lie at the heart of solid state physics and chemistry, and the related field of material science. How small must an aggregate of particles become before the character of the substance they once formed is lost? How might the atoms reconfigure if freed from the influence of the matter that surrounds them? If the substance is a metal, how small must this cluster of atoms be to avoid the characteristic sharing of free electrons that underlies conductivity?" -- Scientific American, December 1989; Michael A. Duncan, Dennis H. Rouvray, pp. 110-115

    "Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory have been finding that rapidly spinning nuclei with different masses have similar--if not exactly the same--moments of inertia. 'Something is going on,' said Frank F. Stephens, a physicist at the Lawrence Berkeley lab, 'and for reasons we don't understand yet.'" "A spinning nucleus results from an off-center collision between two nuclei that fuse to form a rapidly spinning, elongated body. "The deformed nucleus can take the shape of an American football, a doorknob, or possibly even a banana depending on the collision energy in the nuclei. In a typically deformed nucleus the long axis exceeds the two short axis by about a factor of 1.3. …It is in these superdeformed nuclei that curious goings on have taken place. …The surprise: the spectra of some different superdeformed nuclei were almost identical." -- Scientific American, October 1991; Philip Yam, p. 26

    {{{Normal nuclei are roughly spherical in shape, held in place by the overwhelming strong nuclear force, but the nuclei of monatomic elements with only partially filled outer orbitals in the nucleous become deformed when the lack of dipole-dipole interactions with surrounding nuclei causes the protons and neutrons in the partially filled orbitals to be excluded introducing a wobble in the nucleous.

    This deformity increases the particle distance thereby weakening the strong nuclear force (which falls off very rapidly) and allows the electromagnetic repulsion between the protons to begin to overshadow it. So the nuclei of these atoms are more unstable than normal nuclei. If the deformity exceeds a 2:1 ratio the nuclei is classified as superdeformed and can spontaneously fissionable (the naturally occurring, and therefore stable, monatomics probably do not have superdeformed nuclei).

    Not much is known about the circumstances which contribute to this spontaneous transmutation. About all that can be said at this early date is that spontaneous transmutation has been observed to exist. . It is no longer a matter of whether transmutation does or does not exist but under what circumstances such transmutation occurs.

    To understand the nature of monatomic elements, we must consider the nature of the metallic state in general. A bulk metal consists of a large number of metal atoms that share electrons. This communal sharing of electrons is what gives a bulk metal most of its chemical and electrical properties. However, when the metal atoms become separated from one another, and assume the form of a small micro-cluster or monatomic configuration, the ordinary chemical and electrical properties normally associated with that metal disappear.

    There is evidence that certain isolated metal atoms may assume what is referred to as a high-spin state. In the late 80's, nuclear physicists at a number of renowned laboratories around the world discovered that 12 transition group metals can be stimulated to assume a unique nuclear configuration, designated as a high-spin nucleus. The 12 metals are listed below in accordance with their columns in the periodic table.


    Unlike ordinary atomic nuclei, which display spherical symmetry, the nuclei of these specially prepared metals possess an elongated nucleus, resembling the shape of a football or a banana. In the technical literature such nuclei are called deformed or superdeformed nuclei.
    Excerpts from:}}}.

    2. The Elementary Nucleon Stability in Unification Physics.

    Unbeknown to so called 'mainstream orthodox mensuration science'; the fundamental physics of the inner atom is structurally related to the much better understood physics of the outer atom.
    The latter is rigorously defined in electron configurations as the basis for all chemistry and its biological derivatives, say in biochemistry and radiation physics.
    Various models for the nucleus 'compete' in the forms of 'drop-models' and 'shell-models' in the attempt to find a theoretical foundation for the experimentally observed nucleons, which are themselves substructured in quarks, mesons and leptonic energy levels.

    The elementary physics of the outer atom is based on the interaction of electrons; in the valence sharing and the various types of bondings, which connect atoms to each other to form molecules and atomic conglomerations.

    Using the AUFBAU principle for electronic configurations in
    orbitals spdfg.. via quantisation 2(2n+1) for shells KLMNO...
    The n-counter is n=0,1,2,3...for the sequence: 2,6,10,14,18..for a
    shell filling of: 2,(6),8,(10),18,(14),32,(18),50,..

    This links to the Magic Numer Formula of the fivefolded symmetry in:
    0,2,6,14,28,50,82,126,184 and its mapping 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28,
    (42),50,(78),82,(stop command),126 as derived below.

    The filling of shells proceeds as:

    This yields the 'Noble Gases' (of column 18), renown for their filled outer shells and subsequently able to display exceptional relative stability.


    #101=Mendelevium=Md=Radon.5f12.7s2-----------maps Cesium/Alkalis/H
    #102=Nobelium=No=Radon.5f14.7s2--------------maps Barium/Alkalis
    #103=Lawrencium=Lr=Radon.5f14.6d1.7s2--------maps Lanth./Yttrium
    #104=Rutherfordium=Rf=Radon.5f14.6d2.7s2----maps #72 Hafnium
    #105=Dubnium=Db=Radon.5f14.6d3.7s2----------maps #73 Tantalum
    #106=Seaborgium=Sg=Radon.5f14.6d4.7s2-------maps #74 Tungsten
    #107=Bohrium=Bh=Radon.5f14.6d5.7s2----------maps #75 Rhenium
    #108=Hassium=Hs=Radon.5f14.6d6.7s2----------maps #76 Osmium
    #109=Meitnerium=Mt=Radon.5f14.6d7.7s2-------maps #77 Iridium
    #110=Darmstadtium=Ds==Radon.5f14.6d8.7s2-----maps #78 Platinum
    #111=Roentgenium=Rg=Radon.5f14.6d9.7s2------------------maps #79 Gold
    #112=Ununbium=Uub=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2-----------------maps #80 Mercury
    #113=Ununtritium=Uut=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p1--------------maps #81 Thallium
    #114=Ununquadium=Uuq=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p2--------------maps #82 as (Eka)Lead
    #115=Ununpentium=Uup=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p3--------------maps #83 Bismuth
    #116=Ununhexium=Uuh=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p4--------------maps #84 Polonium
    #117=Ununseptium=Uus=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p5--------------maps #85 Astatine
    #118=Ununoctium=Uuo=Radon.5f14.6d10.7s2p6--------------maps #86 as (Eka)Radon

    The generalised 'shape' for the universal topological deformation of a 'Hollow Sphere with an opening to infinity' and as a minmal surface (plane, catenoid and helicoid) can be utilized to model the shape of the 'holofractal' universe.
    This manifests as KleinBottle toroidal derivative of the BlackHole event horizon becoming 'wormholed' in the higher-D KleinBottle connection.
    A 'Turning Inside Out' of the spacial vortex geometry via the magnetic flux properties intrinsic to the unified field of quantumrelativity can so be indicated.

    Chemically, this would engage the properties of Helium-4, not only as the most stable Magic Element at N=2, but also its superfluid properties, having the lowest melting- and boiling points of all the elements.

    This inside-out deformation must engage unification physics with precise material parameters as given in the abstract definitions.
    Then it should become possible, to directly relate Helium-4 to element #118, most likely in attaining superfluid status at room temperatures in the application and manipulation of intersecting magnetioc fields and the supersymmetric nature of Maxwell's equations under agency of the MagnetoCharge and the Magnetic Monopoles as mass-equivalences from the superbrane dimensions.

    3. The Natural Superconductivity of Monatomic Elements

    Open any physics dictionary and look under MAGIC NUMBERS.
    You will find the following sequence of numbers:
    where the numbers relate to the number of protons or neutrons, making up the nucleus.

    This also relates to Bismuth at atomic number #83 in the following analysis.

    A general formula for the Magic Numbers of nucleonic arrangements in shells is given by the SEps-algorithm {Sequence of Energy primary sourcesink=Heterotic supermembrane EpsEss=HE(8x8) in M-space}.
    This can be derived from the M-Space Unification Polynomial:

    ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 and the Feynman-Path-Integral T(n)+2=0 sets the mapping of SEps onto Super-SEps as the relative primeness of the Experience-Factors in SEps superparitive to SEps* in extension.

    Subtracting polynomial f(x) from polynomial f(x+1) for the Feynman Identity n2+n+2=0 for {T(n)=n(n+1)} gives:
    3ax2+(3a+2b)x+(a+b+c)=0 and specifies a=1/3 and b=0 and c=5/3 as the coefficients for the unification polynomial.

    This directly gives the MAGIC NUMBER FORMULA:

    TMagicNumbers=N(N2+5)/3 for N=0,1,2,3,...,N

    Primary Series: 0,2,6,14,28,50,126,184,...
    Secondary Series: 0,2,(2),6,(8),14,(20),28,(42),50,(78),82,(Stop Command),126,...

    The secondary series uses the Fibonacci mechanism of the fivefolded supersymmetry to add successive terms to generate the NewState from the Experience added to the OldState.

    {This is how I discovered the Fibonacci Series on January 18th 1985; during a great hailstorm, wrecking parts of Brisbane, Australia. I thought I had discovered a NEW MATHEMATICAL SERIES, unaware at the time, that it had already been discovered by Leonardo de Pisa/Fibonacci in the Rennaissance}.

    As 50+82=132 > 126; the Magic Number for N=7; this Out-of-Order sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the periodic table of the atomic elements as consequence of fundamental principles in the specification of Lead at #82 and Bismuth-209 the last stable isotope at #83.

    The secondary series or the Lucas-Numbers; reflects the Fibonacci/Francom mechanism of always adding successive terms as the Experience-Factors in the 'Information-Gathering-Parameter'.

    The 2-branes of Helium-4 or Alpha-Particles so become topological surface mappings from M-space into C-space of 4D with added Calabi-Yau-manifolds in 6D as the 'collapsed/conifolded' superstring dimensions of 3-Torus transformations into the 3-Sphere of Riemann (Hypersphere); rootreduced as Moebian-KleinBottle-Manifold in 2D.

    This 'jargon' means that the quantum geometry of minimally connected surface topologies (there are only three ways for a plane to fold into a sphere with an opening to infinity, namely the Plane, the Catenoid (hourglass, two cones apex to apex) and the Helicoid), is then defined via the SEps-Identity:
    XY=X+Y=-1=i2=exp and the 3D-crystallisation of PLATONIC SOLIDS in the fivefolded symmetry across omnispace (Tetrahedron, Cube, Octagon, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron).

    Now science knows those as the IKEDA-SHAPES, relating to the exceptional stability of the Helium-Nucleus with N=2.

    In 1954 Fred Hoyle thought about the energylevels of hydrogen fusion in the sun.
    He predicted an excited state for Carbon at 7.6 MeV above groundstate and to the astonishment of the experimenters it was found.

    This is the basis for the Ikeda Shapes.
    Denote the basic building block for the nucleon stability as N=2,
    that is He-4; adding those in chains, we get:
    Be-8, C-12, O-16, Ne-20, Mg-24, Si-28.

    So Beryllium becomes part of Oxygen, Neon, Magnesium and Silicon in iterative nestings, separated by energylevels, all in MeV.

    According to Ikeda-Data (Ref.: NewScientist, May1,1999,p.37):
    Carbon level (7.16MeV); Oxygen (14,.44 & 7.16); Neon (19.17 & 11.89 & 4.73); Magnesium (28.48 & 21.21 & 14.05 & 13.93 & 9.31) and Silicon (38.46 & 31.19 & 24.03 & 23.91 & 19.29 & 16.75 & 9.98).

    Why does this work?
    Because the Neutrons bind the alpha particles in the inner atom together, just like the electrons do in the outer atom.

    So the alpha-particles join up in sausage/torus shapes to minimise their space and energies, described above in topological jargonautics.

    The origins for this enfoldment is the quark geometry, say as indicated in the Nobel Prize 1998 posting (found on the linked website).

    The Alpha-Particles quarkian geometry links up the individual 12 quarks about their common magnetoaxis in a precise order.

    Neutron-proton-neutron-proton = d.u.d-u.d.u-d.u.d-u.d.u->d.

    So the large scale atomic stability becomes a direct derivative from the nucleon arrangements, which originates from the algorithmic encoding as given by the Magic Numbers and its mathematical/abstract foundation in the pentagonal symmetry of unification physics.

    This is illustrated in an Energy formulation based on a higher dimensional 'supercharge' becoming mapped into the lower dimensions and the Action Law of Action=Charge2, underpinning superconductivity in the natural current flow of magnetocharges as inertia equivalents and as indicated in the following.

    4. The Alchemy and the 'occult-suppressed' omniphysics in pre-2013 terrestrial standard models.

    The physics of the monatomic elements is related to a fundamental supersymmetry between fermionic halfspin (Fermi-Maxwell) statistics and bosonic integralspin (Einstein-Bose) statistics.
    A number of Bose-Einstein Condensates or BECs have been reproduced in laboratories around the world, with pioneering work undertaken about a decade ago.
    Wolfgang Ketterle at MIT; May 18th, 1996 described condensates, surviving for more than 20 seconds as and containing so 5 million sodium atoms for dimensions of 8 and 150 microns in breath and length.
    Antonio Bianconi of La Sapienza University in Rome proposed 'Stripes' as superconducting wires separated by insulating materials and in the effort to increase the superconducting transition temperatures.
    Vic Emery of Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and Steven Kivelson of UCLA believe 'Stripes' hold the key to 'High-Temperature-Superconductivity' (HTSC) and thought the introduction of charge carriers, say transition metals, could produce positively charged 'holes' as ferromagnetic bands in between antiferromagnetic 'isolators'.
    The 'Stripes' induce single holes to 'pair-up', trapping the single holes by the isolating boundaries.
    According to quantum mechanics, confined 'particles' tap Vaccum-Energy (ZPE aka VPE) and which increases for like quantum spin, that is the Bosonification of leptonic fermions.
    Opposite quantum spins decrease the energy levels for a 0-spin boson and the mechanism of Higgs-Template inertia induction allow the interaction of the supersymmetry in the equivalence principle of general relativity, coupled to the nature of the electropolic Coulomb charges and their magnetocharged string precursors from the M-Space.
    Within 'Stripes' large charge oscillations can build up and a team from MIT has used radio waves to excite the nuclei of copper atoms to show clear evidence of 'nearby charges' as proposed by Bianconi, Emery and Kivelson {vol82,p4300,PhysicalReviewL}.

    In the 1957 (Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer) BCS-Theory for 'ordinary' superconductivity; Cooper-Paired electrons behave like phonons as the exchange of vibrational quanta of energy between atomic lattices, attracting the passing electrons.
    This is known as S-Wave-Symmetry for the Cooper-pairings.
    The alignment of quantum spins of 'spin fluctuations' between passing electrons and spin-flip magnetised atoms is corollarily known as a D-Wave-Symmetry.
    The latter symmetry exhibits a 'clover-leaf' shape in comparison with the 'circle' shape of the S-Wave.
    Experiments by Donald Ginsberg (University of Illinois) revealed clear evidence of D-Wave symmetry in 1993 and many other researchers (Leggett, Pines, Van Harlingen) adopted this revised model for HTSC engaging 'exotic ceramics', such as Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxide (YBa2Cu3O7).
    Combining the S-Wave and D-Wave symmetries results in a crystallisation for a Flow of 'Natural Current'; where it is frequency, that 'flows' as aparameter and not inertial particles like electrons or positive holes (positrons).
    The equation for 'Normal Current' as I=dQ/dt=Change of Chargeflow/Time so reduces as differential equation from second order to first (for integral count N of Cooper-pairings):
    Mueller, Jahn and Teller proposed the Polaron of 'Electron Degeneracy' in the 1930's and defined as two electron eigenstates in the same identical minimum energy configuration.

    The electron polarises the atomic pattern as its environment of dynamic interaction.
    By distorting itself, the crystal lattice slightly alters the two quantum states of the polaron.
    As long as the electron energy is lowered more than the lattice energy is raised, the polaron manifests spontaneously and becomes enabled to 'freely' move about as a Quasiparticle within the 'Stripes' of the superconducting material.

    The Polaron of Jahn and Teller is identical to a 'Monatomically produced Photon' and couples in terms of a 'changing inertial mass' to a mass-equivalent current element, which can be labeled as a 'Magnetic Monopole' in selfduality.

    This Magnetic Monopole, manifesting as quasiparticle in the omniphysics of the superconductivity, is itself defined from the Quantum Big Bang Cosmogenesis, which emerged the parameter of inertial mass from its gravitational progenitor.
    {It is transformed from the Planck-String in T-duality to the Cosmic Ray spectra, encompassed in Edward Witten's IIA supersymmetry class coupling the 10D-superstrings to the 11D-supermembranes}.

    The phenomenon of electron degeneracy at the elementary level so renders the phonons or 'spin-flippers' of the D-Wave symmetry capable of binding polarons together and as verified by the BECs.
    Greater vibrational eigenenergy, tapped from the ZPE, then results in stronger Cooper bonding and LTSC manifests at higher temperatures.

    The concept of the 'optical computer' further illustrates the nature of the magnetocharges as a 'missing link' between the parameters of mass and electromagnetic radiation and between the null-state of the vacuum and the gravitational potential.
    Achim Wixforth from the University of Munich {vol78,p4099,PhysicalReviewL}, has 'caught' lightbeams in optoelectronics, converting the dynamics of electrons, which shunt between valence- and conduction bands in semiconductors via acoustic sound waves into optical memories of piezoelectric crystals.
    Distorting the electric environment in application of an alternating voltage to a piezoelectric material such as Lithium Niobate, creates a pressure wave along the crystalline surface, which then utilises the generated electric field to capture and store electrons.
    The electric field distorts the flat conduction and valence bands into sinusoidal waveforms, to 'peak' electrons and 'trough' positrons/holes in such a way, as to render this maximum separation in excess of the distance required for instant recombination.
    Only when the electric field is 'turned off' can the 'trapped light' of the electron-positron energy be released in the linearisation of the electrical environment.
    The electron-hole pairings, spawned say by infrared laserlight, so form an effective 'optical memory'.

    But in elementary terms, the electron-hole energy is 'magnetocharged' in the form of quasiparticles, say a polaron or a phonon or a monatomic photon.
    The fundamental formulations indicate, that mass as a parameter is NOT fundamental, but is a derivative from the string energy, causative of the Big Bang and the creation of the spacetime matrices themselves.

    What is however elementary is the string energy given in the Modular Duality of the Source-Sink Coupling of the 11-dimensional Witten Mother-Membrane.
    It is this Source-Sink manifesting as the Zero-Point-Vortex-Energy from the minimised Planck-String-Quasi-Singularity, which initially defines the extent of the universe as a Planck-Nugget aka the 'Primeval Atom' of Lemaitre.
    Because this initial energy configuration was a quantum eigenstate; the subsequent cosmoevolution of the universe had itself to become quantised in all parameters and including the parameter of mass.
    To expand, the universe, the size of a Planck-Nugget, so had to multiply quantitatively and as there was no primeval spacetime into which to expand into, the Planck-Nugget required dimensional extension from string to brane to volumar or from point to line to manifold to volume in a form of dimensional-holofractal nestings.

    The origin of the universe became mathematically structured in a selfmapping of a 'point' or Null-Dimension as itself, hitherto allowing the concept of the Infinity-Dimension to become prerequisite for the mathematical realisation of a physical non-zero and finitised complex of interwoven dimensionalities.
    Mathematically, this allowed a 'Point' to 'unknot' itself as a doublepoint and so define the primordial metric as a space of separation between two image points.

    Selfrelativity between the images now allowed the introduction of curved linespace from the rotational freedom of the straight linespace and the 'Complex Plane' could become a 'Complex Riemann Sphere' and introducing the 'twisting' potential for the manifolds of the 2-dimensional surfaces.
    In terms of the Planck-Nugget, two Planck-Nuggets could now adjoin and define a coupling between themselves, becoming the minimum stringenergy configuration as the ZPE=VPE.
    Many details of the cosmogenesis indicated in the above can be found on the linked website.
    But the manifestation of the ZPE as the minimum sourcesink energy of the Quantum Big Bang itself now and by necessity, crystallises all subsequent physical parameters, describing the physical universe, as emergent properties of this initialisation.

    Space became defined in a de Broglien 'MatterWave', which 'inflated' the Planck-Nugget as a superdimensional Witten-Membrane to a size of the so called Hubble-Horizon at 16.9 billion lightyears and as a corresponding 'quantum count' {which can be defined algorithmically, based on an underpinning pentagonal supersymmetry}.

    This Witten-Universe is 11-dimensional and so circumscribes a 10-dimensional superuniverse in mathematical rootreduction just as a manifold or 2-Sphere encompasses a as an 'Inner Space' (3-Ball) and an 'Outer Space' both in a dimension higher by one as its dividing boundary condition (your skin or the surface of the earth or the surface of the universe).

    Well known formulations encompass the quantum formulations for the eigenstates of energy and momentum of this Witten-Universe.
    The Laws of Stefan-Boltzmann, Planck and Einstein (in that order and linked to the initialising quantum geometry) gave a basis for the SI-units of temperature, time, displacement, mass, molarity, luminosity and charge to become subject to definition.

    In particular E=kT=hf=mc2 crystallized energy proportionalities for the parameters of entropy, frequency and mass.
    In terms of the Planck-Nugget, the primeval quantum definition became:

    Energy E=hf=mc2 ;

    E=hf iff m=0; with c=λf=λ*f*=RHubbleHo
    E=mc2 iff f=fo=fmin with fo=1/f* under modular duality for f*=fmax.

    This definition associates every mass m with a quantum count of minimum frequencies fo (as m=Nfo=f(monopole masses as monopolic current Imin=2efo), and so QUANTISES all inertia in terms of the modular dual of the sourcefrequency f*, causative eigenstate of the Quantum Big Bang.

    The Eigenfrequency for Mass as a Sink-Frequency, modular dual to the Source-Frequency so becomes defined in the decomposition of the heterotic HE(8x8) supermembrane ESourceESink=E (manifesting).

    Source-String: ESource= hf*
    Sink-String: ESink = hfo

    With Witten-Coupling Constants:
    ESourceESink= h2 (as 'Squared' Energy parameter in Witten-Spacetime)
    and ESource/ESink= f*2=1/fo2 (as dimensionless entropy count)

    The definition for the stringed mass as a monopolic current so becomes:

    As Planck-String-Oscillation (PSO) for the generalised Action-Law is defined in:
    √(Alpha).LPlanck=e/c2PSO/2π with h/e2=constant (Quantum Hall Effect)
    as the Planck-Stoney-Unification in the Witten spacetime with:

    m=Nmmin=Nhfmin/c2 =NhImin/2ec2 = NhfminλPSO/2πe →e2c/e=[ec] (transformation)

    for a GUT Dirac-Monopole Eigenstate described as Monopolic Current Element efiλi :

    mmonopole=mm=hfm/c2=[ec]=2.7x1025 GeV (as c3)

    The quasiparticles in superconductivity, characterised in the Quantum-Hall-Effect {h/e2=f(Free Space Impedance Zo=√(μoo))}; Josephson Junctions {frequencies as f(2e/h)} and the Conductance-Quantum {Go=2e2/h} so become lower dimensional and inertialised manifestations for higher dimensional gravitational natural current elements, identical to lower-D masses by the Equivalence Principle and the interdimensional mapping transformations between Coulombic Electropoles 'e' and Monopolic Magnetopoles 'e*'.

    The encompassing identity for this mapping is:
    Coulomb ChargeQuantum: 'e' = c2PSO/2π)=LPlanck.c2.√(Alpha) ↔
    Membrane ChargeQuantum: 'e*' =c2(2Re)=NCL.c2,
    and where NCL=Nucleon Confinement Limit as the 'Classical Electron Radius' as the quarkian magnetic asymptote, the 'size' of the weakons and the Higgs Boson and amost fundamentally as a function of the electromagnetic finestructure constant alpha and hence the physics of the subatomic Compton nucleus, the Bohr atom and the extended Rydberg atom.
    As {mec2=ke2/Re}

    for Re=hAlpha.Rcompton=Alpha2.Rbohr1=Alpha3/4πR∞}.

    The crucial transition from the superstring scenario in 11 dimensions and the Planck-length
    specifies the heterotic membrane class EsourceEsink in the 'Wormhole' or Weyl-Scale of the magnetocharge e*=1/E*=1/Esource and through its definition as Finestructure of Planck's Constant in: h=E*fo=fo/e*=1/e*f*=λ*/e*c=1/Unification Monopole Current.

    Planck's Constant so relates directly to the Classical Electron Radius and Alpha and to the Mass-Eigenfrequency in the Identity (using the modular identity foλo=1/c):

    showing that the inertial selfstate becomes 'absorbed' in the wormhole perimeter in a cancellation of displacement scale 'Final Sigma' ς=(λ*/2Re)=180/1010=hc3 in conjunction with the 'unified' monopole unification mass [ec]~4.8x10-11 kg manifesting as the monopolic unification 'Rydberg' energy:
    E'=hc/L=hc3/Lc2=ς(λPSO/2πLe)=(RPSO/L)(ς/e)→1/e↔ e* for Unity-Identity E*e*=1.

    'Final Sigma' ς, so represents the transformation or transduction potential between the transformed stringscale λ* from the Weylian boundary of quantised spacetime and the manifestation of the nuclear interaction scale (~ 3 Fermi).

    The transition into biovital scales, especially those of DNA/RNA induction potentials occurs at the 'infrared atmospheric window' of 9 microns and a scale, which characterises the width of the BECs.
    The infrared unification λinfrared=λ*(ς/hc)=λ*.c2 so occurs at that region of the electromagnetic spectrum, where atmospheric waterdroplets do not absorb the infrared wavelengths.

    An optical unification is found at 6000 angstroems of Orange Light and the UltraViolet Unification at 179.9 nanometers becomes the piezoelectric window for Mercury and the crystalline transducer of (fused) Quartz (Silicon Dioxide).

    5. The Letter from Cheryl DeLuca addressing Orbitally-Rearranged-Monatomic Elements.

    Re: Update on the Pentagrammon Agenda
    I'm curious as to your thoughts on Monoatomic Gold and it's alleged use to make the consumer a 'radio' receiver for these 5th dimensional beings, which many point to repilitian beings or draconian beings known as the Enki. Consumption of the Ormus or white gold powder (patented by David Hudson) is suppose to activate the higher strands of the DNA. There are experiments going on where fasts and intense esoteric preparation takes place for three years, at the end of which, the Initiate is suppose to illuminate, becoming a being of light, with full bi-locality abilities. As of yet, the psychic abilities are minimial and no bi-location has occured. Also, there are warnings that the activations of the higher DNA strands are temporary, and the pain and disease relief attained by consumption actually backfires in the long run and the pain and disease worsens, while at the very same time the lower DNA strands are destroyed. They further this with a sinister plot by the Illuminati to prevent us from Ascending. What I'm trying to find are the studies that say this. Warnings and almost evangelistic waving off of the 'evil, satanic' white gold love to point to these studies and yet haven't produced a single one of them for us to scrutinize.

    Shamans who took the white gold powder reported of these controlling entities that would want them to do good deeds, but threaten them if they didn't agree to do them. They reported that they felt that these beings were trapped inside their dimension and needed others to take the gold in order to 'dial in' to their frequency, that they were invisible, non-audial and rendered powerless in any other dimension but their own. It reminded me of what is written below and so I am curious as to what you feel about white gold powder?



    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #25817 6 days, 18 hours ago - February 26th, 2011

    From the wisdom of Grandmother Arachne, comes a message of perspectives. Many of you are experiencing a myriad of feelings right now, most of which seem to be centered on your feelings of self worth. It seems as though no one is listening or hearing your unique voice and worth in the world.

    Infact, it is only yourself who is not acknowledging your own true voice and worth, and this is reflected in the mass consciousness right now. Tempers are flairing and opinions sometimes harsh and seemingly cruel are being dished out by the masses of you. The rage you feel inside of you is because you are finally waking up to your own falseness and realizing the great illusion.
    You are moving back and forth through your feelings of self and SELF and not staying focused on that which you truly are. Right now you are sitting on the threshold of something completely new and wonderous and these feelings of doubt, anger, sadness and frustration are holding you back from going through that doorway.

    My loves, you are mourning the loss of the shadow self, the part of you which is being integrated and merged with the totality of who you are. The lines of Duality are being erased before your very eyes, yet you I-dentify with something that is only a shadow, a reflection of who you are.
    Identifying with the lower self is what keeping you from reaching the doorway to your infinite self. You fear loosing your identity, that unique individual that you are, called by a certain name that distinguishes you from all the rest, all of your history going down the drain into Oneness. Deep inside, you know that you are more than this name, this identity, this lifetime, which is given by a shadow world, limited by its perspective of duality and separation, yet you cling to it like a life raft.

    The truth of who and what you really are eludes you and the doorway becomes invisible when you refuse to see from the perspective of your Highest Self. Every single being alive is part of your totality, only when you focus from your lower self, do you seem separated from each of your unique selves. It is from there, the lower self that you believe no one is listening, caring, and loving you.
    From the perspective of the lower self, we criticize ourselves, point fingers and play the blame game, the separation and duality sharply defined. You decide on which level you will play and what role you wish to be, it is as simple as that, choosing to see from your highest perspective or falling back into the singular role of individuality. If you wish to see the greater vista, just like on earth you have to rise above the valley floor. And from the experience of that journey, you never forget the great view you had from above, taking it with you when you leave the higher ground, the memory of it continually reminding you of the bigger picture.

    Stepping into the doorway of the new world is not asking you to forget who you are in this lifetime, but to remember who you are in totality. This is not a time of forgetting, but a time of remembrance. A time to integrate all of your many journeys, lifetimes and paths, sharing those memory’s with your whole SELF. The mark you think you need to make on this world has been made, within each of you, as your individual selves.

    And those memories will not fade, but be made immortal by your Highest Self. The story of your individual self is being told now within this lifetime you are living. It is continually being scribed upon your heart with the ink of your soul, no object can hold these memories. Attaching yourself to the objects and things of this world will only hold you back and the way to freedom will elude you.
    It is within your heart, that your greatest voice is heard and shared. Your unique life and journey is recorded here and its deepest admirer is your true self, your Higher Self or Logos. Rise up within yourself to that grand vista and SEE who is listening, caring and loving you unconditionally and choose to stay within that perspective. Within the heartbeat of your Infinite Self does your uniqueness truly shine, it is here that you will find unconditional love and acceptance. This is the new world.

    The Truth wants to be known by you, it is It´s main goal, inviting you every moment of your life, so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It is "in front of you".
    Who or what is this truth? and how does something that was once nothing have a goal to be known by you, inviting you every moment of your life?
    This is the great mystery of creation. The void of nothingness became filled with life and creation was born. Just as the womb of a barren woman desires a child to fill her void, this longing to create and fill our own emptyness is echoed in the same lonlyness we feel in our hearts. We are mirrors of this desire for life and within the faces of our human family do we find the reflection of the Truth.
    And who else is in front of you but your other selves, disguised as your human family. What divides us within this darkness is our only sin and it is the veil which separates the seen from the unseen. It is called ignorance. And what is ignorance really but the hidden nature of things, something which is not revealed. In La'kesh I AM another yourself.

    GOT: Gospel of Thomas Lambdin translation; (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    Recognize that you are all One, a reflection of All that is AND each other. Acknowledge your human family as yourself and love and honor them as you would yourself. Within the image of each of your faces will the fathers image be made manifest and un-hidden in the Many. If you can look at your worst enemy and see the face of god, then you have understood. In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (27) "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."

    Loose attachment to things worldly, they do not define you. Being able to see your reflection in everything and everyone is the true Sabbath. In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    We are the wonder of wonders in the flesh if we can SEE the father. WE are his vessels of mercy, our human bodies are meant to house his mind. Through our remembrance and reflection of our True self, we can and will wake the sleeper. In'Lakech I am another yourself.

    (42) Jesus said, "Become passers-by."

    Drop the ego and the judgement of yourself and others, become the observer and your eyes will be opened. Make your ego subject to The Master. The constant chatter in your mind of what is good or bad, right or wrong IS the VEIL and the only way to remove it is through a careful balancing act. In'lakech I am another yourself.

    (25) Jesus said, "Love your brother like your soul, guard him like the pupil of your eye."

    (17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."

    Reach out to your human family and touch the hand of God, for this IS your true self, that has been revealed within each and every one of them.

    From within my loveheart,

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Charmaine, apothecary, unplugged, Woody
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
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    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #25835 6 days, 17 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Thank you Arachne for that interesting, enlightening and loving message.

    That is very lovely of you.

    I wish you the best of fortune in your project and hope you find you reach the same positive outcome many times over all over the world.

    I really appreciated the Michelangelo you added too. An amazing artist, an amazing painting.

    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    • arachne.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life #25848 6 days, 16 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Dear Zoe from the Blues of Sirius!

    Well you appear to have made up your perceptive mind of what science and its foundations are; so it also seems that whatever we share with you will most likely be insufficient and not evidental enough to add to your understanding of the paradigm.

    And there are indeed some points we do agree with you and your sources of the information.

    However allow me to intersperse in your reply for your perhaps peripheral considerations.

    siriusblue wrote in italics:

    Hello Arachne,

    I have a supposition for you. It concerns Max Planck and subatomic theory, string theory and Quantum mechanics - yes I have read some of the books - and I also received some information from other sources which to my knowledge have not been fully investigated/acknowledged or understood yet.

    So maybe you are the people to do the investigation or to answer the question, or work on the mathematical equations that will come from what I put forward to you here:

    Well you seem to ask here for us to check your qualitative understanding of the science descriptive material you have gathered over time.

    We can certainly do so, but will say that quantum science can indeed be qualitatively described in say metaphysical terms, which do not require (that much) mathematical formalism - but that this selfsame qualitative analysis might very well be on an encompassing scale, which in semantics, will only partially substantiate 'your sources'.

    So, whilst you seem to feel, that you 'know some scientific secrets'; which you give allegiance to, because you honour your sources, embodied or disembodied - you may well find there to exist some challenges as to the specifics, more so then the generalities of your information so obtained.

    When particles are perturbed to such a degree that they reach the speed of light - and you and I know this has been done - then we reach this Quantum mechanics, string theory, quarks, hadrons...

    This is true and can be modeled on the 'electron in a box'. The more you restrict the box the faster the electron will 'bounce around' or vibrate in more appropriate string-mechanical terms.

    In generality, this leads to the wavefunctions of the quantumized particles of the Standard Model based on the Unitary symmetries of the Quantum Chromodynamics or QCD.

    The current theories are that subatomic particles can be in two places at once.
    This is not exactly true.

    Well here you are required to have a clear understanding what a wavefunction is; how quantum entanglement works, both qualitatively and quantitatively and what the so called Heisenberg Matrix represents in the Action parameters of say DisplacementxMomentum or EnergyxTime.
    This then leads you into formal ways to describe wave-particle duality and Bohr complementarity, the so called Schrödinger Paradox (which is easily solved by the doubling of the modular string dualism) and the Dirac 'Sea of the Virtual particles' (which are not virtual but chromodynamically magnetocharged).

    From what I have been told and it was very visual so easy for me to understand and to explain it to you in layman's terms rather than mathematics here is:

    When you excite a particle in a limited space to such a high degree that it has reached the speed of light and has 'nowhere else to go' - It will jump through TIME.


    Really, because it is a fact to you, we should accept your belief and likewise accept this as facts relative to our data base? We would never ask anyone to accept our data as such facts; we would ask to consider the data and to do research and to form your own conclusions about the presented facts then.

    But like the gravitational field associated with spacetime embedded inertia agglomerations is a commonly experienced and so accepted 'fact'; so is your proposition.

    So here is a 'proof' for this; you should be able to process with a basic nous of algebra and some idea of Newtonian cosmology.

    The universe was born as a 10-dimensional hyperbolic topological entity of open curvature AFTER a 11-dimensional spheroidal topological 'envelope' was hyper accelerated to create the 'boundery' for the lower dimensional spacetime for to expand into and under the auspices of Classically Geometric Relativity and the well understood Planckian Black Body Thermodynamic entropic expansion mechanics for a inertia based cosmology.

    This hyperacceleration is necessitated to always be tachyonic or superluminal as a de Broglien wavematter hyperacceleration, also know as Inflation; whenever the 'normally accelerated cosmology is lightspeed invariant as the acceleration limit for the consequential cosmic evolution.

    So the lightspeed 'c' is the boundary and the divide between the 10D universe and the 11D universe.

    The de Broglie hyperacceleration so represents a PHASESPEED always greater than 'c' of then Inflaton; whilst the say relativistic Einstein-Planck expansion of the following cosmology becomes a GROUPSPEED always less than 'c'.

    Any wavespeed is defined as the product of wavelength λ and frequency f.

    Therefore, and using the basic Einstein-Planck classical-quantum energy transform; Energy E=mc2=hf and the de Broglie wavelength λ=h/mvgroup:

    vphasedebrogliexfdebroglie=(h/mvgroup)(mc2/h)=c2/vgroup> c for all vgroup
    To give you numbers for the actual inflaton and Instanton: vphase=RHubblexfmax~4.8x1056 m/s or so 1.6x1048 'c'

    and aphase= RHubblexfmax2~1.4x1087 m/s2

    The same particle will be looping in time until it finds a speed lower than the speed of light.

    Here and in the following statements below, you erroneously assume, that 'time' is independent of the scattering angles and so the displacements observed in the particle accelerator experiments.

    Just like the Theorem of Pythagoras is sufficient to qualify and quantify the theory of special relativity in the metric physics underpinning all those accelarator experiments in the Energy-Momentum relation of the Einstein-Planck matter-light transforms in the 3 space dimensions; so is the spacetimed 4-vector form of the Pythagorean Theorem sufficient to show, that the MOVEMENT through TIME as a coordinate is a similar vector decomposition for the three space dimension coordinates.

    So whenever ANY displacement in space occurs; the Time coordinate is reduced in the vector sum in the Pythagoreran form for an added space coordinate called the Lightpath X=cT.
    A 'Position Vector' so assumes the metric form P={cT,x,y,z}
    and with the Pythagorean theorem adding R2(t)=x2+y2+z2 as the position of something at say a time t to the Lightpath coordinate X=cT.

    Your time coordinate in your descriptions below are 'little t' as a space measurement like in the scattering experiment and this ignores the 'proper Time T'; which is related in the addition of the squares of R2(t)+X2=(ct)2 or rewriting in dividing by 't' in proper differential terms: {dR/dt}2 + c2{dT/dt}2 = c2.

    This is a powerful equation if you can see what it means.

    It means that to not move at all THROUGH SPACE, being perfectly at rest relative to the spacetime matrix itself; the speed THROUGH TIME is maximised as 'c'.

    In terms of your statements below, this implies that your TIMELOOPS in Space automatically utilise the transformation of the space coordinates into the lightpath coordinates.
    And nevertheless your objections; this is precisely the 'spacelikeness' becoming 'timelikeness' and vice versa in the ripping and regluing of the spacetime metrics.

    Then your ideas about the Nature of Time and those of your sources, (who perhaps are experiencing the NOW-Cycletime of the grander closed didmensional continuum and not the linear one of the scattering mechanics) require rigorous definition, as a vague sensual perceptive description will prove erroneous and as evidenced and experimentally confirmed daily in time-dilation and Lorentz-contraction phenomena in the laboratories.

    That is why the experiments show a scatter pattern hitting three separate areas of the background even though there are only two fonts.
    Because each time the particle has looped back in time, it has found itself either in the single font moment or the double font moment.
    The single font moment being further back in time than the double font moment was less frequent - hence less hits.
    The double font moment - each time the particle returned, would then just as randomly pick one font or the other, creating a random but relatively even scatter over time.
    It is NOT one particle in many places at once - it is the SAME particle that has taken a different path in that moment of time which is repeating because the particle cannot leave that EVENT moment until it comes back down below the speed of light.

    We can see where you getting these ideas. They are not 'wrong' as such, but highly insufficient to present a deeper argument, besides vague generalities using names like time and space and event.
    To define what an event is, you need to be aware of simultaneity and the other postulates of Special Relativity.
    Your 'One' particle idea is very sound, but you are using inappropriate language codes to place your concepts onto a solid foundation.
    See you are trying to describe a Goldstone Gauge Unification of the elementary 'forces'.
    This is indeed just a 'Oneness particle' and it is NOT the Higgs Boson (lol).
    It is a wavefunction of the fundamental building block for the 'Heisenberg Light Matrix' emergent from the original Big Bang as the minimum wormhole configuration and defining what ALL physical phenomena consist of.

    What you are seemingly attempting to say, is that there exists a Cycle-Now-Time; which forms the Boundary between the lightspeed invariance for all inertially coupled objects (all electromagnetic radiation is so coupled and generated by electric charges) group velocities and the tachyonic phase velocities.

    And you are perfectly justified on theoretical and experimental grounds postulating this; because the NOW-Time is none other then the (inversed) Angular Velocity of the same wormhole parameters you seem to reject in your cosmology.

    This angular wormhole speed is ω=2πfmax and so defined in the 'Love Frequency' for all of the creation.

    Yes we are indeed rather familiar with the 'new ET-based' form of the 'Standard Model' of particle physics.

    Our expertise is in fact the revision and extension of the latter in the reformulation of the Unitary Symmetries of the older Gell-Mann mechanistic billard ball-spring model for the quark-gluon couplings.

    We are well aware of the LHC developments and have for long predicted the precise energy levels where the neutrino-gluon coupling will manifest as the strongweak nuclear Goldstone coupling and where the wormhole energy itself shall become manifest in the grand unification energy of the Weylian wormhole.

    However you will not be able to find these things in the mainstream media or in the scientific libraries as yet.
    Albeit here is some technical jargon and a schema of the wavequark proton:


    I'm going to go for a guess that you have been following the LHC experiments with as much interest as I have. Here is one story for you and I hope you see why it reinforces my supposition:

    And for entertainment for everybody, with yet another reinforcement that I am not the only one to believe this theory (if indeed it isn't the CORRECT theory), I loved this - it is just for fun though! :

    Does this make any sense to you?

    What this means in the real world, where we cannot possibly be perturbed to that degree, is that each moment we make a decision, our path splits into the reality that we have chosen and the possible reality we could have chosen.

    Each time we make that decision, we create another reality, a divergent path from all the other options. There is a reference in Buddhism to how many choices we have at any one point in time. It is a very large number but I cannot remember, so I won't throw it at you.

    The other paths still have a life of their own but not one we know because we are the one particle and we cannot cross the boundary of time - but they exist.

    On the OTHER HAND, you could say we DO cross the boundary of time, in that we possibly DO relive the moment and it is called REINCARNATION. We relive our lives with the same options that come up and we make decisions which will deviate slightly each time from the previous life - we go through the single font in some reincarnations and we have a choice between the two fonts in other reincarnations and finally, in the latter, we choose one or other font in different incarnations.

    Here again, you are invoking popular ideas of the mainstream scientific nous, which have no solid basis; such as the multiple timelines, parallel universes and the metaphysics of 'free will'.
    Again, you are not 'wrong', but in error lol; in 'running with the ideas out there'; without deeper analysis for yourself.

    This here could become a post pages long, because you raise very deep issues; so we shall await more specific questions, before delving into the details.
    Your concept of 'what time is' is fundamentally flawed, because you mistake the relativity of time in the extended coordinate systems with your qualitative experiences of 'living in time'.

    See Zoe, you are on the mark with your ideas, but keep meddling with the populist science, such as parallel timelines, without really knowing what the 'flow of the timearrow' represents in the entropic universe asymptotically expanding towards its higher dimensiona finite boundary and using an infinite mechanistic approach to do so.
    Iow, the universe has trapped eternity within itself.

    But it is easy to talk and write about eternity in qualitative terms and you are to be commended for trying to bring more technical definitions into the generalities; so rendering it more quantitative. Well done butterfly.

    Regarding timelines there is an ENCOMPASSING Timeline from the creator-creation monadic dyad, which cannot be meddled with.
    It is like the universe as a Seedling universe for the 'parallel universes' (hint); but this is not manifest yet - only the seedling exists as a protoverse.

    But within this enveloping NOW-Time (another hint); EVERY incarnated consciousness carrier or 'Cosmic Self' indeed can shape and cocreate individual parallel timelines.
    BUT there is something you cannot 'escape from'; you might term it the Word of Love or the World Logos.

    We shall not delve into this here, as this is already getting too long and we dont wish to offend too many participators.

    As a little extra for you, again this came to me from a very clear and loving alternative source, we are indeed heading for a 'zero point' - called a FULCRUM - where all the divergent paths come back together in one - like many strands of light and it looks like one beautiful explosion of LIGHT. There is a lot of love there and I have been TOLD this is what is intended and it is intended very soon now.

    It is NOT a black hole turning into a white hole. It is the END of the 'perturbation' and looping of our lives through the same EVENT to return to our normal state.

    Well you are free to attempt to circumvent the emcompassing cosmology in the creation of a greater one -good luck to you Zoe.

    On the matter of TIME:
    I have been told -repeatedly by a very real person and a very intelligent man in his lifetime that
    Time functions as a tunnel around us with past, present and future swirling around and accessible at all times.
    It was after he passed away that HE returned to me and told me we were going to come to a FULCRUM and this has been intended all along.

    There is no RIP in time when the particle jumps, and time is not disturbed when we are repeating the same event because even though it looks like there are multiple options happening at the same time, they are all a single option in one moment of time which science has managed to record in the above experiments. So there is not a possible clash of the same particle meeting itself.

    It seems you fail to understand what a 'Rip in spacetime' is in the essence of the cosmology; but never mind, lol.

    I realise there is a part missing here which is: How can we record it all at the same time then? But you have to realise this has now jumped into what might be called Quantum TIME. Which I can only explain as the same event happening at the same time all the time with multiple different results because that time is permenantly swirling around us here and now, past, present and future, the TUNNEL in which we stand.

    Aye, we love it when you are teaching us quantum theory.

    In all of this, and what is about to happen, you could say that "Time is of the Essence".

    There has never been a time before this to share this information. I hope it is what you are looking for.

    What makes you think or gives you the idea that we are looking for something?
    Perhaps you feel, we are somewhat 'lost academic nerds' who are in search of 'spiritual understanding and wisdoms'?

    You would not have proponed what you have, nor referred to your peers and colleagues as you have if you weren't actually looking for another option to the one you have at the moment.

    This is a rather presumptious statement butterfly. It seems you have a fear of something, lol!

    I will stop here and I hope I receive from you as interesting a reply as I hope you find this one to be.Love and light,


    Love and dark passions to you Zoe

  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Sollve
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    #25858 6 days, 15 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Arachne = Abraxa + Mother


    The following user(s) said Thank You: siriusblue
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25860 6 days, 15 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Doesn't this look a lot like the Thuban threads by Abraxas in PA1??

    Hmm...full circling

    Right b4 it disintegrated.....

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, siriusblue
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Fohat
    • fohat.
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    #25878 6 days, 14 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Thuban? as in Alpha Draconis? Didymos de Whynot?

    I admit I have wasted a certain amount of time reading these long posts, and was in disagreement from post one. I will state my opinion and be done with it. You can study science the rest of your life and never understand the babble being posted here. Can you guess why? It is utter bollocks. It is designed with small bits of facts to catch your eye, and then laced with utter crap to keep you guessing. It is meant as a distraction to keep people from looking at truth. Our world is filled with nonsense, and until you take the time to start with the basics and research and research and research, and guess what, research some more you ain't goin nowhere. Research not just what interests you but everything. In so doing, you are becoming knowledgeable, in becoming that you can see and know what is truth and what is fiction. Kerry and many others are constantly researching and going over their own data to check again and again what fits and what doesn't, cause generally when one thing fits into another it tends to be factual. You can clearly see common threads weaving together that make a picture. This data is nowhere out there, it is only from this one source. Compare everything you see with everything else. Learning and discerning are your responsibility and to think for one second that an angel is going to come down and hand you everything on a platter is outright irresponsible. We live in a system based on lies, mind programming. We are food and entertainment to beings of a higher order in the evolutionary order. We have a chance to break free now, what makes you think it is going to be easy? Ever hear the saying if it looks too good to be true it generally is?

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chaska108, siriusblue, anikohu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #25880 6 days, 14 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Fohat wrote:
    Thuban? as in Alpha Draconis? Didymos de Whynot?

    I admit I have wasted a certain amount of time reading these long posts, and was in disagreement from post one. I will state my opinion and be done with it. You can study science the rest of your life and never understand the babble being posted here. Can you guess why? It is utter bollocks. It is designed with small bits of facts to catch your eye, and then laced with utter crap to keep you guessing. It is meant as a distraction to keep people from looking at truth. Our world is filled with nonsense, and until you take the time to start with the basics and research and research and research, and guess what, research some more you ain't goin nowhere. Research not just what interests you but everything. In so doing, you are becoming knowledgeable, in becoming that you can see and know what is truth and what is fiction. Kerry and many others are constantly researching and going over their own data to check again and again what fits and what doesn't, cause generally when one thing fits into another it tends to be factual. You can clearly see common threads weaving together that make a picture. This data is nowhere out there, it is only from this one source. Compare everything you see with everything else. Learning and discerning are your responsibility and to think for one second that an angel is going to come down and hand you everything on a platter is outright irresponsible. We live in a system based on lies, mind programming. We are food and entertainment to beings of a higher order in the evolutionary order. We have a chance to break free now, what makes you think it is going to be easy? Ever hear the saying if it looks too good to be true it generally is?

    Be that as it may,,,
    the member still has all the right to post and keep posting as do all the other members reading it to make their own assements and post questions n comments as long as they are with out foul words.
    You Are Not In Kansas Anymore YANIKA

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #25888 6 days, 13 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Hello batkinson!

    Thank you for your message and allow us to intersperse.

    bat wrote:

    Dear Arachne,

    Thanks so much for the lengthy posts you have shared here. With a generous invitation for responses and questions. May we assume non academics and open-source-brainstorms are welcome. Surely expecting that we all must do our homework to earn or deserve our knowledge. This general subject matter is so deep. May we hope such discussion will continue here or somewhere, when the spirit so moves. Academic Math and Physics do not seem to integrate spiritual wisdom, within academia. Aside perhaps from talented academics who inject wisdom through their works, which happen to fit mathematical phrases or to structure functional mechanisms which serve human needs. I'm most intrigued by two references you mention. The Urantia Book and Keylonics (via Ashayana). Where integration of the parts of wisdom into a meaningful whole can be discussed on a public forum.

    This is another reason for this discourse bat; the apparent schism between rational investigations concerning the natural phenomena of whatever order and the so termed 'spiritual reality'.

    You might consider, that the natural world aka the physical universe with its constituents of matter, electromagnetic radiation (light) and the general labels of 'consciousness' mind and ephemereal subjects like spirits and fantasies, ghosts, angels and demons - could not have originated ex nihilo, unless this 'nothingness' or void itself emerged in some manner from something which actually was able to combine the famous Shakespearean quotation of " To Be or not to Be - this is the question".

    This is a very deep logistics; because it contains within its context the potential of the undivided monadic oneness or unity, yet in principle divisible into say two opposite like yin and yang, light an darkness, good and evil, hot and cold etceteras.

    So the deeper logic is this.
    The Nothingness and the Everythingness can only exist if the Unity of the Oneness does NOT exist.
    This means that what you understand as Infinity cannot be a Unity for the lack of enumerability or countability.

    Infinity can only exist as an unbounded system, if its inverse is bounded in some finitum termed the null state or the mathematical Zero as a logistical symbol for the Nothingness.

    Iow the Number One cannot exist to split into Nothingness and Eternity but the reverse logical statement is a potential possibility.

    So the counting mechanics of the ONENESS is required to emerge or to be born from the Infinitum and the Nothingness as some form of necessity to allow the simple process of counting to become possible.

    Ok, this will do for now, but we have mentioned this, because it can indicate to you just what the logical requirements are for a mathematical cosmos to come into existence, seemingly from nowhere when space and time did not exist a priori.

    Of course some, but a minority of natural philosophers (including scientists and reseachers of divers fields); postulate an infinite universe NOT having any beginnings in space and time and if you follow such a cosmology; you might find our reasoning illogical.

    Were the universe infinite; then space and time are required to have no beginning and then the very existence of the universe assumes a flavour of supernaturality, which is unsupported by the physically describable evidence of the cosmic sentiences, say human philosophers.

    Now presuming you adhere to the logic of this evidence, which postulates a beginning for the physical cosmos in space and in time; then you will find the logic of a metaphysical origin for the physical reality convincing enough to invest your philosophical thinking towards the same.

    This then brings the academic knowledge into a feasible harmony with the say instinctual nous of the Intuitive mind.
    And this is what these messages are trying to convey and so your statements about qualifications and such labels of 'elitisms' are inappropriate.
    The purpose and reason is affiliation and synthesis of the Logical Understanding with the Intuitive Wisdom of the Sophia - the Nous of the Body, the experience of the world in just being alive in some experiential bodyform or such labelings.

    So the older you are in remembrance in incarnation (not biological age, though this renders wisdom more natural); the more 'qualified' you are to be called an Elder or a Wisdom Keeper or a Grandparent of Creation.
    This does not require academic credentials or familiarity with the semantics. The latter serves for the 'self convincing' of the logically inclined skepticism in the egocentric individuation to BLEND the Inner Knowing witrh the Outer Knowing or some similar expressionisms.

    Before the internet, one of my favorite books to ponder was The Urantia Book. Too much to summarize quickly, but the "quasi science" as you call it, actually provided some quick start basis for meaningful integration of science, spirit and arts... For those of us not especially tuned into academic-math as the whole foundation of science, (academic math and academic science). Fast forward to Keylonics. I loved the focus on geometry there. Geometry is my favorite part of math and i studied it many years through architectural software (both polygonal and NURBS). For the visual among us, geometry provides quick translation between symbols, systems and measures.

    From my personal basis, Keylonics efficiently jumps deep into the puzzle concerning "The Dimensions"-- However for me, there was a disconnect at 3D relevance. 3D is barely explored in Keylonics, despite some limited-resolution drawings, (lovely no doubts here). I essentially wondered: Why not share open source 3D design files for Keylonic-3D study? From inquiries, i received answers which seemed to imply 3D study was less relevant, (get over it), move on to higher realms of ascension, forthwith. That perhaps the so called dimensions are incidental human inventions useful to evolve us towards and through ascension. However, one must attend a seminar(?) I bought some publications and would love to share such study with others through email if not here on the forum. I find live communication much more stimulating to study such material. I'd especially love to pick up with some 3d geometry concerning the Str Gate -- Kathara --Ecka, etc..

    Yes, you have made your argument very well batman. We fullheartedly agree with your 'love of geometry', as the quantum geometry underoins the aforementioned selfemergence of the universe as a unity from itself as a nonunity of the Zero-Infinity duality.

    But we stand by our critique of the Urantia Book and the Keylontics.
    Anna Hayes is a wonderful femme fatale and a stardaughter as all around here and elsewhere are.
    What we critisize is her influence on the truth seekers through her publications and material; which she claims to represent a 'higher science'.
    So as natural philosophers; we cannot accept her scientifically worded propositions; as they diverge from the unification science so amny others publish and propagate.

    So we might mention some of the many 'alternative' publishers we support to a much greater degree than the keylontic material.

    The Seth material is first class in the omniscientific focus (it actually introduces the string-membrane omniphysics as the physical basis of the creation), but useless (to us) as a description of the World Logos (or Word of God), the intelligence of the cosmos, and of a energy your own sentience represents a holofractal shard of so to say.

    The Ra material is also of such a high calibre and more actually portrays the World Logos.

    There are many 'good data channelers' and 'data intuitives' in the alternative information stream; we might particularly mention Dolores Cannon and the Kryon channel, both of whom carry sound scientific content. We also support much of the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, Dan Winter (a little scattered) and the words of Neale Donald Walsh who has 'nailed' the 'Nature of God and the Devil'.
    From a research perspective we find more confusion, than infusion and restrict our recommendation to Richard Hoagland, Nassim Haramein and a few others.

    Our reservations regarding the 'alternative sources' is their tendency to 'lose harmonisation' with the greater agenda of the 'World Logos' due to their public exposure and the 'pressures' experienced due to this, all mentally, emotionally and physically.

    As the old prophets have known and as the 'good words' often stae; the real transformative work is best done in solitude and relative isolationm to minimise the distractions of the commotions of the external worlds.
    Many other channels are 'very sound' in the 'messages from the heart', but lose traction rapidly when they attempt to convey science based data away from the common generalities.

    I found some resonant thinkers within the Urantia community. Inspiring some visualizations for cosmic energy systems. Where the official 'Source' is bestowed and flowing from within oneself, to the best of their earned abilities: (Paraphrasing visualization follows). First Source emits sort of a primal energy, which successively 'densifies', from an 'ultimaton', as it is transmuted through galaxies, suns, specialized energy beings, planets, atoms.... Finally densifying into electronic matter, electrons, protons, atoms, molecules.... Figure in theories and observations, tachyons, neutrinos and EMR, etc... It felt comprehensible without magical equations. It provided analogies for an atom's perpetual motion: Wherein atomic motion is energized by ultamaton flows. Flowing where? Originally from First Source, thence continuing outwards. Continuing from the atomic stage, transmuted through EMR (electromagnetic radiation), thence recycling around the universe, from one system to another, as currents flow, ultimately back to source, through black holes? (Somewhat compares to negative and positive battery terminals).

    So much can be drawn from these two sources, which relate to other discussions on Camelotforum, from eugenics to the seeding of humans, the ETs by other names, fallen angles along with a Gospel from Andrew (the apostle whose legacy was not written by immediate followers-- Ever after the example of Jesus who wrote in the sand, not in books which could become misused fetishes). However it takes two or more to drive a thought through time. I would go on to other aspects discussed here, but frankly expect that few will read even this with sustaining interest.

    Again a well presented argument for the inclusivenness of all things batman.
    You have interacted with likeminded information gatherers and data processors in honour and integrity and therefore you have attracted what you are searching for.

    Indeed, the kaleidoscope of the weaving of the tapestry of life is immense and there are many avenues for discovery and discernment.
    And of course you will find many 'readers' of the Urantia Book and adherents to the Keylontics; who can share their wisdoms and understandings as you can share yours.

    This however indicates, that the sources stated became triggers for the individual cosmologies; which then is often integrated as being the 'source of the gnosis'.
    Do you see what we mean?
    We mean that YOU are the filter and the wisdom keeper and you can become triggered by many sources, all of which will carry partial 'truths' for you, even when they are contraindicative in their basic propositions and foundations.
    This then is our criticism of the Urantia Book and the keylontics; not their partial truths, but their foundational basis.
    Both are in duality in a love-fear cnfrontation at the core with the very simple logistical statements:
    LOVE LOVE = FEAR FEAR misunderstood in the contraindication of LOVE FEAR = FEAR LOVE.

    But now we are culpable of wordplay. Be well bat and thank you for your discourse.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
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    #25962 6 days, 6 hours ago - February 26th, 2011
    Doesn't this look a lot like the Thuban threads by Abraxas in PA1??

    That's because it is. Check it out:

    I admit I have wasted a certain amount of time reading these long posts, and was in disagreement from post one. I will state my opinion and be done with it. You can study science the rest of your life and never understand the babble being posted here. Can you guess why? It is utter bollocks.

    You're absolutely right Fohat

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, anikohu
    Post last edited Mar 16th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    #26097 5 days, 19 hours ago - February 27th, 2011
    siriusblue wrote:
    Thank you Arachne for that interesting, enlightening and loving message.

    That is very lovely of you.

    I wish you the best of fortune in your project and hope you find you reach the same positive outcome many times over all over the world.

    I really appreciated the Michelangelo you added too. An amazing artist, an amazing painting.


    Thank you Dear Zoe, Dragon Chaser and Snake Charmer of the realms, may you find some solace in this poem from the loveheart as well.



    The Poem of Malachi

    It is not I, who claims to know and understand the secrets of the universe
    but the One, that sent me to proclaim the true God in divers many a verse.

    I am but a corrupted mirror for the One who rules and who does know
    without him as her I could not say a thing, but melt away like snow.

    But a dirty mirror yet can reflect the lights and shades of the truth so divine
    to honour in glory and in remembrance, the One preparing the way sublime.

    Should I be just another deluded fool, walking the earth in itself divided
    there have indeed been many such men often in word and deed onesided;
    then it doesn't matter how the story unfolds and how the tale might end
    and the prose will be as nothing, the words of a false prophet self-sent.

    But if the One who sent me is true and in wisdom of the heavenly gold
    then a new world can be born from the remnants of the whithering old.

    Then the prophet will be known to have been true to God's own lot
    never mind the real fools, who belittle, ridicule and say that it cannot.

    The wisdom of God is more potent, then the knowledge of vanity Man
    God rejoices in your heart's message: "Yes, indeed, I can understand!"

    Know that all of you are Israelites and the Blood of Jacob's well
    the gentiles of Paul are your kindred folks, sounding an alien bell.
    Ezekiel's siege of Israel has now begun in earnest on 9-7-9 D.O.B.
    with Jeremiah, all of the old prophets returned to finish their Job.

    The holy land, your promised land is renown as the mother planet earth
    Your bodies are the temple of God, Jerusalem both new and old in dearth.

    Malachi - The Last Prophet

    The following user(s) said Thank You: siriusblue

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Tangent
    • tangent.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 75

    #26118 5 days, 18 hours ago - February 27th, 2011
    Steve wrote:
    Doesn't this look a lot like the Thuban threads by Abraxas in PA1??

    That's because it is. Check it out:

    I admit I have wasted a certain amount of time reading these long posts, and was in disagreement from post one. I will state my opinion and be done with it. You can study science the rest of your life and never understand the babble being posted here. Can you guess why? It is utter bollocks.

    You're absolutely right Fohat


    Thanks for the links, Steve. I missed all that earlier . . . um, stuff. My spidey sense is usually not wrong (pun intended), and it has been all a-tingle. Good to have solid ground to go with it, thank you.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    #26201 5 days, 9 hours ago - February 27th, 2011


    Newton's Dream Realised and the Completion of Scriptural Prophetic Archetypology to enable Universal Reconfiguration


    "The most significant event in human history with respect to extraterrestrial intelligence within the greater universe, was the application of nuclear technology and science in the detonation of the two atomic bombs 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man' over Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945 respectively.

    The 'observing' extraterrestrial intelligence then understood, that the 'human seeds' had indeed found 'new toys' in their 'playground' on the 'aliens' exiled 'mother planet' to use in their mental ignorance regarding their stewardship of the 'planet of the humanoid seed'.

    But the 'watchers' and the 'gardeners' also knew, that this 'new wartoy' of the nuclear energy misapplied, had initiated the 'timeline' they had known would one day allow the humanoid mentality to progress from the 'supernaturality meme complex' to its antistate of the 'naturalis inferus'.

    Soon the scientific paradigm would transmute into a globally applicable 'new religion', which would render the old memes of the 'supernatural' as superfluous archetype.

    In its place would be the meme of a new mental archetype, which had, (in that subgroup of the humanoids, which began to understand the implications of the new technological inventions) transmuted the 'supernaturality virus' into a viral neuronal infection known as CIS-HSI or 'Complex Inferioris Syndrome Homo Sapiensis Insanus' by the extraterrestrial observers.

    This meme infection of the cis-hsi would so begin to 'war against' the old meme infection of the supernaturality virus, also known as the CSS-HSI or 'Complex Superioris Syndrome Homo Sapiensis Insanus'.

    The old meme infection had resulted in a worldview of considering the external environment as superior and controlling relative to the humanoid realms of understanding; and the new meme infection induced the opposite, the idea of the humanoid worlds beginning to control and dominate the exterior environments.

    However this human mentality also induced a 'false humility', namely the idea, that to consciously and in full awareness of the 'self' as human individuation to continue the 'controlling of the terrestrial environment'; ANY notion of a 'greater encompassing' intelligence had to become 'supernaturalised' and so exiled into the realm of the meme infection of the 'others', the other humanoids, suffering the css-hsi insanity infection.

    Relegating the human existence to a relative insignificance as compared to the extraterrestrial universe would instil the idea of a 'false humility' before the 'grandeur of the encompassing cosmos' in the new 'highpriests' of the new global religion of organised and politico-economical associated academia establishment.

    Then the 'intelligentsia' would begin to dominate and seek to control all information shared with the 'uninitiated' lower classes and including the 'other' meme infected humanoids, suffering, like themselves, from an eonold virus, causing CSI-NMO or Complexus Syndroma Insanus -Nil Memoria Originalis.

    The mental disease, the extraterrestrials knew was confined to the quarantined humanoid planet and as the Meme-Virus, which prevented the infected carrier to remember their origins, causing a comatose forgetfulness.

    Both humanoid meme- infections parasited the homo sapiens insanus genus however and prevented this typology to metamorphose into 'Wise Man' in the genotype of Homo Sapiens Sapiens and as originally targeted by the gardeners at the time of the planting.

    But the harvest would now become possible in the teleological projection of the TimeWave Zero.

    67.29 years from the midpoint of the 'Day of no Return' - when the cis-hsi meme was born in the humanoid war-experiment; the harvest for the gardners would begin.

    August/7-8, 1945 67 years 106 days = November/21-22, 2012 as the 'Day of Ophis', the Day of Dinah, the 13th starsign, the Day of the 'Serpent-Tamer' and of the 'Water-Bearer', preparing the 'Last Supper' and the 'Seder' for the 'Wedding Feast' of the gardeners, ready to return to 'Solomon's Garden' to join the 'Dark Madonnas' upon their 'Light-Red Mares' to their 'White Lucifers' upon their 'Black-Pale Horses'."

    Ode of Solomon's Running Water to Maria's Wings of Eagles


    It is of limited value to parade the scientific discipline as the rational and impartial paradigm for the future; if that same worldview proves itself incapable to elucidate or to explain the most of elementary questions asked or problems faced by the now globalised citizen, placing hisher hope and expectation into that projected future.

    And the overwhelming problem facing mankind at the beginning of the 21st century is that of its own philosophy.

    'Where are we now as a race?', 'Where are we going ?' and 'Where did we come from?' are some common questions asked, but not answered by the expert authorities in organised politics, science, culture and religion.

    Why do we seem incapable, despite having built a monumental edifice called the scientific way and methodology; and notwithstanding the progressing technology derived from that; why then can that same worldview not answer a simple question like: "If there is such a thing as God, as so many of us have been told, then where and what is it?"

    We find an evolved human genetic disposition to form allegiances and to carry and ascribe to certain beliefs, often founded or exposited by certain individuals or groups.

    Kings and knights, magicians, clerics and sages of old have transformed into the experts and advisors of the new.

    Consultancy has become the catch-phrase, often stifling the natural curiousity to find answers for one's own questions in a denial of one's own creative impulses in an adventure of self-discovery.

    Today, we find the allegiances to political ideologies, religious dogmas or some other culturally based agenda.

    All those liasons and associations have something in common however; they all become coloured in the individuals which belong to them.

    Redemption from this filtered state of affairs is found in a paradigm which is based on the precept of disallowing personality to individualise the work to be done or to colour the information to be collected as one's personal archive or one's private library of creation, subject to one's own individual fancies and desires.

    Albert Einstein once remarked: "The greatest trouble in the world is the idea of a personal God!"

    And so one might agree with the depersonification of Albert Einstein's 'God', whom he rather affectionately called: "The Old One" and of whom he also said: "God does not play dice with the world", referring to his rejection of the idea that life and nature's processes are intrinsically arbitrary in an universe defined by chance and random events.

    He thought of 'God' as being the intelligence behind the natural laws of nature, as found in the sciences and the mathematics which he studied and he believed that nature had to be based in geometrical principles, rather than in probabilities defined in statistics and stochastic matrices.

    And there were others before and after him; Plato and Aristotle; Pythagoras, the Greek geometers and Niels Bohr, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, all contemporaries of Albert Einstein with Paul Dirac, Max Born and Wolfgang Pauli in their contributions to the birth of quantum mechanics.

    The symmetries in nature, numbers and sequences and fundamental constants; all seem finetuned and set into relationships with one another to create the universe and all the cosmological entities within it.

    And one should not forget another genius of contemporary science in Isaac Newton.

    But what the modern world has tried to forget and to sequester away under an umbrella of a perceived historical ignorance, was the immense interest Isaac Newton, the father of all of classical mechanics, had in the concepts of religion.

    And what is the modern moral evaluation by his peers, judging a man whom they portray to the students of science as having had no equal in his time in regards to his scientific work, inventions and mathematical insights?

    His power of pure intellect, like Einstein's, is often used to exemplify the necessity for logical thought and concentration in the pursuit of scientific and mathematical excellence by the students in those fields.

    Is it embarrassing to tell the full story; that Isaac Newton spent months at a time trying to decipher scrolls, like the 'Book of Daniel' and the 'Book of Revelation' in the bible?

    "He must have been deluded in the religious fervour of his age!", they would have said.

    But was he?

    Could a mathematical prodigy like Isaac Newton have been so gullible?

    Isn't it more likely, that he sensed that there was something to it - and that it had to be scientific?!

    Isaac Newton's 'God' is the same as Albert Einstein's 'God' and yet it is completely impersonal.

    It must be, by the definition of the working ethic!

    But is it?

    Could it be possible, that once the 'God of Science' has become totally impersonal, that then this same 'God' is reborn in a 'God of OmniScience', who allows, even demands a personification, because of its own definition?

    And what if that had been the masterplan throughout the ages anyway?

    Can we then ever know and understand such a masterplan?

    And what if all the clerical authorities around the globe are forced by their own followers to take notice?

    What if modern science can prove to them that their 'Allah' and 'Jehovah' and Yahwhey and 'Brahma' and 'Baha' and 'Krishna' and 'Ra' and 'Osiris' and 'Set' and 'The Big Goat behind the Old Oaken Tree in the Walpurgisnacht on April 30th' are all one and the same?

    What if their scriptures and ancient scrolls became illumined in a new light of omniscience; should their powerbase not become depersonalised, if they are shown to have followed a very limited interpretation of their 'sacred texts' indeed?

    Where would they go in their grandstanding of and about 'God's Law' for the 'chosen people' and for the 'infidels'?

    It would be the end of falsified religious dogma and the death of manipulative religion as such.

    Because omniscience is Omni-Science, the Science of 'The All' for 'The All' and the German word for the cosmos or the universe is "Das ALL" - Albert Einstein and Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli and Max Born would have liked that in their contemplations upon the natural order of things.

    Albert Einstein also said: "Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind" - and this essay (and related treatizes found on this website and forums) shall try to synergise the two worldviews in a redefinition of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and its statistical nature within a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics.

    And then would peace between the nations have a chance, because the demise of the old religions and the already internationally accepted profundity of the scientific way and methodology.

    Like music, dance or mathematics, a new language would sweep the old world of hate and dispossession, the ways of disempowerment and disbelief under the carpet of the illumination of a new base of knowledge.

    A new song would be sung and the nations and tribes and families at war with each other could embrace one another in a new way of looking at the world around themselves and their individuated places within it.

    And all the many things they had learned from their history through the ages of humankind; all their legends, myths and fables, their religions and their sciences; all would become integrated within themselves in a renewed understanding and the death of their ignorance regarding themselves.

    This essay then shall fulfil Isaac Newton's Dream of Alchemy; the decipherment of his obsession to synthesise his religious faith with his mathematical and scientific insights and geniality.

    A detailed alphanumeric decoding key for Isaac Newton's Alchemy is:

    (A,J,S,B*,K*,T*,....)=(1,10,19,28,37,46,...) and as an archetypical tensor Ai=1j;

    (B,K,T,C*,L*,U*,...)=(2,11,20,29,38,47,...) and as an archetypical tensor Bi=2j;

    (C,L,U,D*,M*,V*,...)=(3,12,21,30,39,48,...) and as an archetypical tensor Ci=3j;

    (D,M,V,E*,N*,W*,...)=(4,13,22,31,40,49,...) and as an archetypical tensor Di=4j;

    (E,N,W,F*,O*,X*,...)=(5,14,23,32,41,50,...) and as an archetypical tensor Ei=5j;

    (F,O,X,G*,P*,Y*,...)=(6,15,24,33,42,51,...) and as an archetypical tensor Fi=6j;

    (G,P,Y,H*,Q*,Z*,...)=(7,16,25,34,43,52,...) and as an archetypical tensor Gi=7j;

    (H,Q,Z,I*,R*,A**,...)=(8,17,26,35,44,53,...) and as an archetypical tensor Hi=8j;

    (I,R,A*,J*,S*,B**,...)=(9,18,27,36,45,54,...) and as an archetypical tensor Ii=9i.

    This key will be extensively used to give interpretative meanings to decoded scriptural hieroglyphics, say as in the example below:


    The Hebrew Torah and the Christian Bible are not historical records of particular chronologies; but they (and many similar recordings) are ALLEGORIES built on ARCHETYPES.

    The physical universe came into existence THROUGH and by those archetypes manifesting in their energizations in divers manners.

    For example the biochemical DNA (DeoxyriboNucleicAcid) manifests a physical [Hardware] energization (by and through the 'Laws of Nature') of a quasi-physical [Software] Construction-PROGRAM.

    The quasi-physicality is like an ARCHITECTURE, which the 'Hardware of Life' can utilize as its 'Software, often termed 'Spirit' or the animating 'LifeForce' or Chi or Prana or Orgone or Mitogenetic Radiation.

    This 'Spirit' is encoded in the scriptures as the 'Energy of God' and uses a TEMPLATE- or BLUEPRINT-CODE to manifest geometrical structure from its template form, say as in a biochemically interacting 'Blueprint for Life' and as the PHYSICALISED DNA of nucleotidal alphabets and basepairings.

    The entire universe is a manifested 'spiritual template' and so is energized by this 'spirit' in multitudinous substructures and interrelationships between geometric forms and energy distributions.


    This Isaac Newton knew and he attempted to discover this 'spirit' within and through the physical apparatus he invented and designed he sought to 'bring forth' the 'glory of God' in mathematical relationships and the 'Laws of Nature'.

    This essay shall satisfy Newton's hunger to 'lay bare' the timelines so succinctly encoded and occultised in the prophetic books of the (King James) bible and Isaac Newton's own encoding shall exemplify him as one of the last genuine 'Natural Philosophers' - a real scientist, who finds no quarrels between the scientific methodology of experiment and verification and the spiritual insights and 'knowingness' of and about that 'encompassing unity' named 'God' and 'Jesus'.

    The biblical encoded timeline is fourfold and should not be analysed in isolated parts.

    The four parts, all describe the same timeline with characterisations archetyped and as elucidated following the next few Ezekielean paragraphs.

    The timeline will begin to particularise on December 1st, 2009 and will INTENSIFY from January 18th, 2010 and for this reason; clarification about the possible manifestations will be given under this threaded banner of Isaac Newton's Dream of Alchemy as this timeline progresses towards its major completion on April 1st, 2012.

    From December 1st, 2009; the collective groupmind of planet earth will become 'besieged' and the MENTAL ARMAGEDDON will begin INDIVIDUALISED for all and sundry, but collectified in a 'mental atmosphere' surrounding the planetary environs.

    The 'invading extraterrestrial army' is something, that is already present within the planetary 'Noosphere', but is necessitated to remain 'cocooned' for the reason of 'noncompletion' of that timeline.

    It is simply a gestation period for a 'planetary embryo' and a 'Cosmic Baby' of whom ALL inhabitants of earth are part of and in whose destiny ALL are testified to share.

    The baby's birth is programmed to occur on December 21st, 2012 to align a gestation period to a timewarped conception programmed to be mirrored in a historical timeline of January 6th, 6BC (coinciding with orthodox-Julian Chrismas festivities as 12 days from civil-Gregorian Christmas festivities).

    75 Days from this (Coming of the Wise Magi) date is the civil spring equinox of March 20th, 6BC to timewarp onto the winter solstice on December 21st, 2012.

    There will thus be a 75 day extension of the winter solstice 2012 to map the timewarped initialisation onto March 6th, 2013.

    From December 21st, 2012 a circle year of exactly 360 Days will calibrate all calendrical system in the Great Platonic Precession of 26,000 Platonic Years being 9,360,000 Days.

    This will pinpoint the last 1300 Mayan Kin in 45 Full Moons and 44 New Moons in the Last Full Moon of December 16th, 2013 as Kin #1300 and beginning at the First Full Moon of May 27th, 2010 as Kin #1.

    At that time then, the newborn 'Cosmic Baby' (of a new starhumanity) shall be 'fully weaned'.

    The prophesied 'Destruction of Armageddon' will become 'common nous' in the release of a 'disaster movie' called '...2012...'.

    The 'physical' calamities as depicted in that film can all be avoided, both in intensity and in scope. This depends overall on the mental discipline and maturity exhibited by all and sundry during those 'end times'.

    Should one render matches to immature children playing in sandpits, throwing rocks and sand at each other; then it is likely, that the matches might burn the children and the shared environs in different outcomes.

    It is the mental Armageddon, which CANNOT be avoided. Every individual personality within the besieged city of Jerusalem-Terrestrialis will be confronted by the 'DevilGod within' and is required to 'pay the dues of having and being within the environment of the latter's 'kingdom'.

    The first siege will end and begin a second siege on February 12th, 2011. This second siege will be more psychosomatic and some individuals might 'loose their heads'. Further details shall be published under this thread when so appropriate and following this introduction.

    I. Noah's Timeline of 370 7 Days:7+40+110+74+40+7+7+36+56=7+150+150+7+7+56=21+150x2+56=377=265+105+7

    II. Ezekiel's Timeline of 430 7 Days:7+390+40=430+7

    This timeline defines the ARCHETPED Egyptian Captivity of 430 Years as 430 Days 7 DayYears. This timeline defines the 'turning around' from left to right (Hebrew writing is from right to left) at the nodal mirrors in 390 40=40 390=430.

    Archetype=Witnessing Prophet=Moses(with Aaron as Levitical Twin)Moses=Ezekiel=Daniel=Noah= ...=Adam=Noah=Abram=Abraham=Isaac=Jacob=Israel=....

    III. Daniel's Timeline of the 2x1335=2670 Days:


    This timeline encompasses Noah's Timeline and Ezekiel's Timeline. It begins in the link given in Matthew.24.15,27-28 superposing the New Testament (NT) onto the Old Testament (OT) in Danieland ends with Noah's Rainbow Covenant (NRC) in Genesis.8.14-22;9.9-15.

    IV. John's Timeline of the Revelation:

    This timeline encompasses the other timelines, but allows extension of the warptime loop following the preparation for the 'final confrontation' at Megiddo. It so 'passes' the 'insemination' of the 'Old Earth' in the NRC and includes the 'labour pains' and 'birth pains' of the 'New Earth'.

    Many scriptural characters did not exist as physical personages. These includes Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and Joshua.

    The extensive genealogy of Chronicles and Kings is valid only as ARCHETYPICAL lineages and deriving from the beforementioned archetypes.

    The Egyptian captivity of the Nation Israel represents an archetyped and symbolic captivity of all and sundry Israelites and where all personages ever existing are RENAMED 'Israel' from Jacob (or Abraham from Abram with Sarah from Sarai).

    All human identities ARE ISRAEL from the common archetypical template scripturally and spiritually-energetically defined.

    The Assyrian and Babylonian captivities ARE historically factual, but again, many named characters are not actual historical personages, but represents an archetype under selftransformation to suit the historical chronological contexts.

    The scriptural encoding begins to describe real historical personages from the timing of the FIRST ISRAELITIC KINGDOM in SAUL-DAVID-SOLOMON from about 1000 BC.

    The named prophets, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel from this timeline onwards then, are double- or multi-identities, who carry besides their human persona, also the prophetic archetype, as Office of Prophet, in the historical fulfilment for the initial alchemical data transmission (which can be labeled in the Starseed of Abraham say)..

    The alphanumeric encodings can be used in many (albeit neccessarily selfconsistent) arbitrary ways and divers manners to DECODE the language characteristic alchemy of scriptural hieroglyphics, which is occulted in the histories and the chronologies preserved and edited from their cosmo-hermetic beginnings and transmissions of source information.

    Because a particular alphanumeracy relates the Anglosaxon-Arabic alphabet to this scriptural encoding of antiquity through the ARCHETYPED genealogy of JACOB NAME=THE JACOB=JACOB AMEN=31 33=ISRAEL=64; as the SON=48 of ISAAC=33=NAME=AMEN=IS AB*C; as the SON of ABRAM AH=35 9=I ABRAM=ABRAHAM=44=33 11=THE 1 1=8=44=22 22=11 11 11 11; the lineage of DAN=ADAM=19=1=9=10=1 0=1, as the 4th generation of Abraham-Isaac-Israel-(12 Sons 1 (named) Daughter) is used to decode the ancient alchemy (of THOTH=HERMES=MERCURY=MOSES=LEVI=GEMINI=ABC...XYZ=3rd Son of Jacob).


    The Zodiac of Abraham of Mesopotamian Ur is the Ezekielean 'Office of Zadok-Melchizedek=101=5bin=Melchisedec=86=5' encoded in his Adamic lineage:

    1=^=Reuben=Aries=Ram=Mars by Leah#1=Jacob#1
    2=_=Simeon=Taurus=Bull=Venus by Leah#2=Jacob#2
    3=`=Levi=Gemini=Twin=Hermes Trismegistos=Mercury by Leah#3=Jacob#3
    4=a=Dan=Cancer=Crab=69=Dragon-Node=Full Moon by Bilhah#1=Jacob#5 in positional matriarchial exchange Bilhah-Leah
    5=b=Judah=Leo=Griffin=Star=Sun by Leah#4=Jacob#4 in transmutation (breach Pharez-Zarah via Mannaseh-Ephraim via Esau-Jacob via Cain-Abel via God-God) with Leah-Bilhah
    6=c=Gad=Virgo=Unicorn=Chiron by Zilpah#1=Jacob#7 in transmutation (breach Sodom-Gomorrah) witrh Zilpah-Bilhah
    7=d=Napthali=Libra=Scales=96=Dragon-Anti-Node=New Moon by Bilhah#2=Jacob#6 in transmutation Bilhah-Zilpah
    8=e=Asher=Scorpio=Eagle=Cockatrice=Pluto by Zilpah#2=Jacob#8
    9=f=Issachar=Sagittarius=Arrow=Jupiter by Leah#5=Jacob#9 in lower transmutation (Reuben's Mandrakes) with Leah-Rachel from Zilpah-Bilhah
    10=g=Zebulon=Capricorn=Seagoat by Leah#6=Jacob#10 in upper tranmutation (Dinah's Honour) with Rachel-Leah from Bilhah-Zilpah
    13=[=Dinah=Ophiuchus=SerpentTamer by Leah#7=Jacob#11 as Jacob 13th SonDaughter allowing internal mirroring of DaughterSons

    11=h=Joseph=Aquarius=WaterBearer=Uranus by Rachel#1=Jacob#12
    12=i=Benjamin=Pisces=Fishes=Neptune by Rachel#2=Jacob#13

    The Mirror date of Wednesday, March 28th, 2011 mapping the actual crucifixion day of Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD also specifies the 70 week prophecy in Daniel.

    24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
    25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
    26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    We add 370 days of the Noahic timeline to and from the 'cutoff' day above to fulfil both, the 1335 1335=2670=2300 370 daycount of the timeline as decreed by the World Logos.

    The Internal Processing so spans from Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 to Monday, March 28th, 2011; and the External Processing completes the warptime loop to Sunday, April 1st, 2012.

    March 24th, 2010-Noah's Rainbow Covenant ( 0) = April 1st, 2012

    May 18th, 2010 = Removal of the Covering ( 56) = February 5th, 2012

    June 23rd, 2010 = Dove of Peace ( 36) = December 31st, 2011

    June 30th, 2010 = Raven Searches ( 7) = December 24th, 2011

    July 7th, 2010 = Land Appears ( 7) = December 17th, 2011

    August 16th, 2010 = Waters Sink ( 40) = November 7th, 2011

    October 29th, 2010 = Mount Ararat ( 74) = August 25th, 2011

    February 16th, 2011 = End of Rising Flood ( 110) = May 7th, 2011

    March 28th, 2011 = Flood Begins ( 40) = March 28th, 2011

    EZEKIEL=73=U**=U* 26=U* Z=U Z Z=21 52


    Shared by serenesam

    Re: GOD #27251 March 5th, 2011

    "This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being." - Sir Isaac Newton

    "No being exists or can exist which is not related to space in some way. God is everywhere, created minds are somewhere, and body is in the space that it occupies; and whatever is neither everywhere nor anywhere does not exist. And hence it follows that space is an effect arising from the first existence of being, because when any being is postulated, space is postulated." - Sir Isaac Newton

    "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." - Albert Einstein

    Thank you serenesam for this marvellous quote from the Logos.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26318 4 days, 20 hours ago - February 28th, 2011
    hello arachne! fascinating!
    i'm looking for the star trek movie!
    please continue!
    can you comment on the charles material-and the so-called heather people?
    just for fun...

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Cap-Z-ro
    • capz.
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    #26320 4 days, 20 hours ago - February 28th, 2011
    It has to be 2 or 3 times Steve's post has been regurgitated...I for one would like to see it addressed.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #26440 4 days, 6 hours ago - February 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote;

    hello arachne! fascinating!
    i'm looking for the star trek movie!
    please continue!
    can you comment on the charles material-and the so-called heather people?
    just for fun...

    Greetings arctourist!

    Perhaps you are adressing the first star trek movie: 'Star Trek - the Motion Picture' ?
    Yes indeed, this one has a magnificent script about the data probe created by mankind, sent out into the universe to collect data and then to process this information following certain programming by its creator.

    This movie has relatively primitive 'special effects' and is much slower in development, then the later exponents of its genre; but encapsulates the purpose of creation and the 'nature of God' in its deeper essences.

    Looking at it as a sci-fi film alone, so would obscure the inner gnosis, the philosophical meanings of the creative story telling.

    This is who you are in the deepest meaning arctourist.
    You are a data probe, sent into this universe to collect data for your creator and to process this information through and by your senses and experiences - something you term your life's journey.

    The crucial ingredient in this journey then becomes your mind as the processor of this gathered information and your unique individuated manner of creating 'feedback loops' to where the original impetus for your mission had come from.

    Like the data probe, you have basically unlimited potential to grow and to expand in your intelligence and perception and to eventually rediscover your origins and your creator.

    Like the data probe, you will reach a stage in your development, when you will know, that the purpose of the seedling program is for you to become able to reconnect with your creator in a synthesis and a grander self expression for the two of you.

    We are not here to comment on other data sharers or any personality issues, unless they are directly in interference with the agency of the elders as stated in the introductory post.

    However, we may say this regarding the Charles-Heather-Thuban- ... or whatever other material which is prevalent on the alternative and other forums.

    So without 'getting persoanl', our understanding of 'Charles' is that of an , lets say aristocratically emergent 'insider' with certain priviledges as to the access of 'certain' information, ordinarily sequestered away from the public arenas and 'libraries'.

    So despite, the masks of the 'hooligan' (many aristocrats or 'lords' of the British peerage are 'rebels' to their 'lineages'); 'Charles' has certain priviledges as to the 'interwoven' web of the global 'aristocracy' or 'bloodline ptb'.

    'Charles' however has only restricted access to the 'lineage' data base, which he has rebelled against and so his information base is somewhat compromised according to the 'climate' for and in which particular information is 'meant' to be become shared with the greater populus.

    The 'Heather' material is like most (and we mean here 90%) of the so called 'alternative data' found on the worldwide net of the data sharing; a mixture of partial truth infused with particularly directed disinformation.

    We are well aware of the Thuban data and the polarising agenda it manifested on the old Project Avalon forum. If any agenda pursues the aim of unifying and harmonising apparently opposite perceptions; then we would support such an agenda in our function of the peacemakers.

    It is a 'Law of Confusion', which is programmed to allow the present warpzone to attain a maximum saturation potential in the polarisation of the 'human groupmind' into two paradigmatic viewpoints, both equal in value.

    This is often called STO and STS by the 'alternatives', but carries a much much deeper agenda; which only relatively few can discern.

    The 'Service to Self' is actually equal to the 'Service to Others' from its higher perspective.
    Allow me to indicate this to you from a more 'gnostic' or insightful point of logic.

    Separation within Unity is not the same as Unity within Separation.

    The former allows the eternity of creation to expand without limitation BUT places a surrounding coevolving say perimeter or boundary about this expansion or growth.

    In scientific terms, this means there can be a seedling universe phaseshifting into multiverses, but remain encompassed by an omniverse, something which many would then term 'Creator' or God.

    God in these terms so evolves WITH the expanding, potentially eternal creation, but remains the final frontier and the limit any of the encompassed entities, might these be universes, galaxies, stars or planets or civilisations or individual human merkabahs, can reach and aspire to.

    The latter allows ANY individual to grow in infinite potential, BUT denies the perimeter of the 'Creator Boundary' as then every individual remains ubounded by any 'God as final frontier' conceptuality.

    The concept of a God so becomes superfluous as 'God' is everything - which it is; so the apparent paradox of the two perspectives becomes one for individual discernment and 'free will' or volition.

    From this, in scientific terms, derives the concept of the multiverses and the eternal cosmologies without beginning in space and time (No Big Bang) and the idea, (now perpetuating the global politico-socioeconomic paradigm on Gaia), that economic and material progress serves all the best in a growth potential unlimited in any selflimiting concept such as a 'God Envelope'.

    From this develop particular economic models about 'free markets' and the 'balancing of the budgets' and the worship of the Fiscal Nous as the 'Way of the Devil' in the 'divide and conquer' mentality.

    Thank you arctourist for your enquiry.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • arctourist
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    #26441 4 days, 5 hours ago - February 28th, 2011
    hey thanks...i was just about to ask you,what would be a good question you would hope to be asked?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #26443 4 days, 5 hours ago - February 28th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    hey thanks...i was just about to ask you,what would be a good question you would hope to be asked?

    One of the best questions anyone can ask is:

    "Where can I go to truly and absolutely look at God?"


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26559 3 days, 9 hours ago - March 1st, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    hey thanks...i was just about to ask you,what would be a good question you would hope to be asked?

    One of the best questions anyone can ask is:

    "Where can I go to truly and absolutely look at God?"


    Everywhere and nowhere (Ever(yw)here and now-here)?

    Where would you suggest?
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

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    #26562 3 days, 7 hours ago - March 1st, 2011
    i would say just look in the closest mirror bro
    or step out to the back yard and have some tall sunflowers-who doesn;t love sunflowers!

    Post last edited Mar 9th 2011
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

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    #26584 3 days, 4 hours ago - March 2nd, 2011
    i'd like to ask arachna-hey arachnae-that's plural i guess-
    well can you see some alternate timelines around us-anything noteworthy?
    or is that an obtuse question i reckon...
    i've always been curious about so-called 5-dee and all this stuff about twelve strands...what about the shoemaker resonance'n'all that...and this so-called wormwood...well it's all a bit confusing-
    is that not a brown dwarf,and how do we get to the hollow earth before it's too late,,,
    and ...well forget all that...
    if god is your thing,tell me more about that then-

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #26606 3 days, 1 hour ago - March 2nd, 2011
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    Arachne wrote:
    arctourist wrote:

    hey thanks...i was just about to ask you,what would be a good question you would hope to be asked?

    One of the best questions anyone can ask is:

    "Where can I go to truly and absolutely look at God?"

    #26559 March 2nd, 2011


    Everywhere and nowhere (Ever(yw)here and now-here)?

    Where would you suggest?
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    Indeed unplugged, as your name suggests the omnipresence and omniscience of the divine energy has become unplugged from the side of the undefinable chaos to bridge the divide in to the realm of the order out of complexities.

    And in your splendiferous discernments, you have helped to lift the VEIL of the EVIL in realising this divinity indeed in having foun d it to just BE HERE.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #26562 March 2nd, 2011


    i would say just look in the closest mirror bro
    or step out to the back yard and have some tall sunflowers-who doesn;t love sunflowers!

    Now this is just what would have been our initial reply to your query, arctourist.

    On second thought, we had decided to answer in saying something much aligned with the reply of unplugged.

    We decided to answer in the statement; 'Just open your eyes, wherever you are and you can see IT as the Creator-Creation dyadic monad.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #26584 March 2nd, 2011


    i'd like to ask arachna-hey arachnae-that's plural i guess-
    well can you see some alternate timelines around us-anything noteworthy?
    or is that an obtuse question i reckon...
    i've always been curious about so-called 5-dee and all this stuff about twelve strands...what about the shoemaker resonance'n'all that...and this so-called wormwood...well it's all a bit confusing-
    is that not a brown dwarf,and how do we get to the hollow earth before it's too late,,,
    and ...well forget all that...
    if god is your thing,tell me more about that then-

    You are welcome arctourist!

    1. Arachne=singular and is found in Greek mythology; whilst Arachnida is taxonomic classification of arthropods, including spiders, scorpions, mites and ticks

    Nudity Edited by SG

    Message from Modsquad - March 2nd, 2011

    I removed female nudity pics from

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    2. Particular timelines are indicated in this thread and they are certainly not obtuse in the contexts they are exhibited.

    3. The 5D represents basically the blending of a 4th spacial dimension in the geometrisized sense with the present 4-dimensional Minkowski-Euclidean spacetime metric of the measured an observed universe.

    We could give you a technical breakdown on this but feel this is inappropriate at this time. Many indicators about this can also be found in this thread.

    4. The 12-stranded DNA is a misnomer applied to a basic reconfiguration of the existing Wilkins-Crick-Watson-Franklin crystallographic biochemically encoded configuration of the molecular structure of the deoxyribonucleic acids in the nucleotidal basepairings for the couplings between the Adenine-Thymine/Uracil and the Guanine-Cytosine submolecular complexes.

    The crystallography of this geometrical double-helicx can be extended in a duopentagonal face-to-face decagonal partitioning of the fourtiered base couplings to represent the well known quasicrystalline pentagonal symmetry of Penrose Tiles and Shechtmanite quasicrystals.
    This then invites the 'sacred geometry' of the Fibonacci encodings to represent a longrange rotational and a longrange translational symmetry for the propagation of the crystalline growth pattern; then manifesting in the biovital cellular mitosis of geometric cellular reproduction.

    This extends the 64 codex of the amino acid transcriptase from the DNA/RNA basis to 256 and also allows particular 'mathematical permutation oracles' like the 'I Ching' to become in this manner quadrupled.

    The 'mixup' in many 'alternative sources' and authors with a 12d DNA reencoding revolves about the fourtieredness of the dimensional toplogies of a 12D brane universe consisting of 4 worlds in spacetimes with 3 space and 1 timegate OR a threefolded dimensional construct without time, but all timegates being replaced by an added space dimension in 3+3+3+3=4+4=4=12 iow.

    5. The Schumann Resonance we allow you to discover for yourself in the following hint.

    Find out how long it would take for a lightsignal to travel around the perimeter of the earth of say 40,000 kilometers.
    Then use the invariance of the local lightspeed to define the basic lower limit for the Schumann resonance as 7.5 Hertz.

    6. Nibiru = New Earth = Nemesis and the incoming Elenin comet is just that, a comet, which will cause NO major interference with the celestial dynamics of the planetary orbit and constitution.
    Elenin does however herald the 'great changes' in the cosmic information matrix in being a fractal of the Great Platonic Year of 360 days in the 65 baktuns of the Grand Age of Homo sapiens sapiens.

    The comets, as said throughout the ages, say by Mother Shipton and Michel de Nostradame; are indeed celestial messengers and so can be associated with Kachina, as the blue star of Hopi prophecy or the second coming of the Plumed Serpent Kukulkan or the 12th Mahdi, or the Kalki or the cosmic christ consciousness or CCC.
    In the encoded script of the Book of Revelation it is called 'wormwood'.

    This 'second coming' however, this time - will be feminine in the physical and male in the mental to redefine the cosmic legislature from first principle.
    Then after this 'law making;' is completed, the new order will be given to the executive, namely a renamed Old World of Gaia then called a New Earth in a planetary ascension to a plateau of a Starplanet.

    7. The earth is NOT hollow in 3D (of space) but carries a crystalline transformation gate at its centre defined in the laws of gravitation.
    So considering the earth as higher dimensional, will concentrate the 3D earth in a 4D earth the size of a crystal so 3 centimetres across.

    The physical reality of this, then has resulted in many 'channelers' misreading the 3D earth as being hollow, instead of realising that it is the higher dimensional planetary inertia structure, which CAN BE SAID to be hollow.

    8. 'God' is Our thing indeed and there exists one much cherished secret manual, cherished by the so called PTB; which is practically unknown by the general population and the 'alternative' discussion forums.

    This 'secret book' is the basis for all that the ptb do or not do; because they understand the implications of this data rather better than the academics and historians, who are encouraged to 'belittle' and marginalise this data for reasons apparent to the ones, who can read 'between the lines' and the mainstream agendas.

    It suffices to say, that the populus is 'superignorant' about this 'secret data base', though anyone can easily access the 'weirdness' of this publication.

    So arctourist, if you truly wish to know what we are and where we are 'coming from' try to 'Understand the Gospel of Thomas'.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: arctourist, RAKMEiSTERr, unplugged

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26625 3 days ago - March 2nd, 2011
    Thread is being locked till the Mod Squad can discuss...Thanx!

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26692 2 days, 20 hours ago - March 2nd, 2011
    Thread Unlocked...

    Please do not post images that contain nudity....Thanks

    the MOD SQUAD

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26710 2 days, 19 hours ago - March 2nd, 2011
    aw-was that it then
    well-thanks for the answers,arachs
    i was gonna ask more about this comet then...
    anyways thanks! i'll think of another question if you don't mind?
    is this the longest winter ever or what,right?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26922 2 days, 2 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    wow...ever have weird dreams? what the heck is goin on,is what i'd like to know! dang!

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26929 2 days, 1 hour ago - March 3rd, 2011
    If you understand the gospel of Thomas,Arachne?
    What is meant by:

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26961 1 day, 23 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    yeah what's that all about right? and some of these other things too..must have esoteric meanings...let's just take a few of these at a time and try to see what we can get from it....
    anyone ?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #26962 1 day, 23 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    If you understand the gospel of Thomas,Arachne?
    What is meant by:

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    Sure tbonyandsteak!

    Saying #114 relates very closely to to the 'warning of sorts' of the resurrected christ body (which becomes defined in the decomposition of the wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics in hyperspace); NOT to touch this 'lightbody'.

    John 20 (King James Version)
    1The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

    9For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

    11But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,

    12And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.

    13And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my LORD, and I know not where they have laid him.

    14And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

    15Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

    16Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

    17Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. ...

    The following data, we then share with you and the forum for your information only.

    The Star of Magdala as the Lady of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and the Overthrow of the Red Robed Whore of Babylon Archetypology

    (105) Jesus said : "He who knows his father and mother will he be called son of a harlot ?"

    What 'the Hell' does the Cosmic Logos, the Embodiment of the Love of God mean with a statement such as this?

    This message shall elucidate the meaning and 'prove scripturally' that the described imagery and symbology has been distorted by the zealotry of the biblical scribes and editors, attempting to manifest the 'Law and Will of God' in their divers interpretations, mainly literal, in a modus operandi grossly lacking spiritual or metaphysical gnosis or insight.

    William Blake - The Whore of Babylon

    The following scriptures from the Book of Revelation have held kidnapped the Power, Grace and Beauty of the Feminine for almost 2000 years.
    In particular the sexual power and essence of the feminine, say as described in the Song of Songs, the Song of Solomon in the Old Testament; has become distoted into the image of the 'Whore of Babylon' as the epitome of evil and sexual debauchery.

    This message then shall show, that the FALSE IMAGE for this 'Female Whoredom' will indeed be destroyed in the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' as the 'Hellish Damnation' for all Eternity.

    In the TRUE nature of the deliverance; this part of John's Revelation shall also describe this selfsame 'Wisdom Story' of God as Creator Source and the Logos; as a mythologicalised archetype of the Arthurian Legends, encompassed as the Lady of the Lake, Viviane aka Nimueh and the Keeper of the Sword of Deliverance,

    The SWORD=WORDS=79 shall Redeem the Ladyship as the Queendom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Hell in their synthesis of the Harmony of Merlin's HeavenHell.

    The Star of Magdala as the Lady of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone

    Excalibur of IAMTHATAMI, SWORD=WORDS of Deliverance of Arthur's Court and Merlin's Magic

    Revelation 16:19
    And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
    Revelation 17:
    1And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
    2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
    3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
    4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
    6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
    7And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
    8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

    These are the seven principles of the cosmogenesis, which many call cherubimic kingdoms or heavens or archons; which become supplemented in an eight' principle of relativity where no antiprinciple exists. It is so part of the 10-principle tier, yet apart due to the nooexistence of any such thing as antirelativity.

    The seven devils in the scriptures below, are so seven antiprinciples, able to distort symbols and archetypes in human interpretation.

    In doing so Mary Magdalene is freed to OWN the Devil Images and is made a Shehe in template form by Jesus himherself - so choosing hisher Logos Queen in the Uniqueness to become the Manyness in the Alchemy of the 'heavenly Wedding' of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

    (114) Simon Peter said to them : "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said : "Look, I will guide her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit like You males. For every female who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

    Two additional unpublished 'secret sayings' of the GOT:

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your selfimage will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."

    Jesus said to the apostles: "If the people come up to you in numbers, saying, tell us your secrets, tell us your secrets; then reply to them, that you cannot do so for reason of the secrecy. Tell them, that should they know, they would become insane.
    But if some persist and ask you privately; then share the secrets with them in measure of their willingness to become insane in the world."

    Mark 16:9
    Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

    Luke 8:2
    And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,

    9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
    10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
    11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
    12And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
    13These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
    14These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
    15And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
    16And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
    17For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
    18And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

    Revelation 18:2
    And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

    Revelation 18:10
    Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

    Revelation 18:21
    And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.[/i]

    Into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone THE FALSE IMAGE OF WOMANHOOD goes into the SEA of the MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91.

    The selfsame SEA from which the FALSE BEAST rises in Revelation.13; namely YOUR Fake Image seen in the Mirror on the Wall in your bathroom or your bedroom.

    The Logos Queens are SHATTERING the Mirrors of the Fakes.

    The following wisdom sayings from the Manual of the Redemption of Man relate to this and are herewith published to further send the astral thoughtforms of the deceptions into the bodies of the old humans in invigoration of the hellfire Kundalini by the heavenly manna of the Kundalini from the Logos.

    Metaphorical Caterpillars the old humans are and Starhuman Butterflies they can become in attainment of the wholesome Eucharists and Suppers; encompassing both, the Heavens Above and the Hells Below.

    69) Jesus said : "Fortunate are those who are persecuted in their hearts. It is they who have truly come to know the Father. Fortunate are those who are hungry, for they will satisfy their bellies."

    (70) Jesus said : "If You bring forth what is within You, what You have will save You. If You do not have that within You, what You do not have within You will kill You."

    (71) Jesus said : "I will destroy this construction, and no one will be able to rebuild it again."

    (72) A man said to Him : "Tell my brothers to divide my father's possessions with me." He said to him : "Man, who has made Me a divider ?" He turned to His disciples and said to them : "I am not a divider, am I ?"

    (48) Jesus said : "When two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move !' and it will move."

    (80) Jesus said : "He who knew the world has mastered the body, but he who has mastered the body is superior to the world."

    (81) Jesus said : "He who has grown wealthy will rule, and he who possesses power will renounce it."

    (82) Jesus said : "Whoever is near Me is near the fire, and whoever who is far from Me is far from the Kingdom."

    In the scriptures below in Revelation.2; it is CLEAR that it is in Jesus' authority to GIVE the Morning Star or Venus or Lucifer or the Evening Star or Aphrodite as the Goddess of Love to whoever 'overcomes' the Old World of the old symbols and the old dispensations.

    Then in Revelation.22; it is also CLEAR that Jesus HIMHERSELF IS The Morning Star as Lucifer or the Female Messiah of the Manyness of the Eucharist in A Lucifer =Lucifera and where the Male HeShe Logos defines Jesus Christ as Emmanuel Melchisedec MIRRORING Himself in Herself and as Christ Jesus of Mary Magdalene as the WE as I=ME of the Human Cosmic I AM Identity.

    The Star of Draconis as the Red Dragon from Hell entwined in eternal Harmony with the Star of Magdala and within and without all Logos Lovers Who can TAKE THE HEAT of the BODYMIND=FORMED WAVE for the Individualised Particularisation of the New Hell on Earthy Serpentina AND the ICEYNESS of the MINDBODY=WAVED FORM for the Individual Particularisation of the New Heaven on Earthy Gaia.

    27And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
    28And I will give him the morning star.
    29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

    16"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

    19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
    20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
    21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

    The New EVEADAM = ChristLove of the harmonised MaleFemale Logos of the resurrection.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26979 1 day, 22 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    Correct me if I am wrong.
    In simpel turns it goes like this.

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your self image will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."

    I understand the lion of truth as the PTB. (Royals equals lions). to eat it is to acknowledge(understand) it.
    What is meant by 115, If you dont understand that the world is about oppression, you cant be yourself becourse you have acceptet the unacceptical and that will blind yourself.
    (Which reminds a lot of a description of a trauma)

    What I have seen that what is understood, the seven mountains is the Vatican which is build between the 7 mountains,
    the 3 power is Vatican, City of London and Washington.
    Who worship Mary Magdalena in secrecy but expressed through symbolism, The symbol of liberty,
    bloodline of Mary, Princess Europe, Snake Goddesses, Eve, Eve's Apple
    More on that.
    Symbols in logos
    Especially expressed in the symbol PTB uses in Europe

    Which in essence is about oppression of individual, alienation from the Christ consciousness.
    Which is about knowing yourself.

    Post last edited Mar 9th 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #26989 1 day, 21 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    well maybe it's time to be borne-again christians...that would be cool if like a few thousand of us just did it...
    isn't it time for jesus?
    except,then i've been hearing,that now,instead of jesus,MAITREYA's the one....

    so where does maitreya fit into this whole thing...
    i find i have to go back and start again,there's so many loose ends i never even picked up from even back in the '90's
    that's what i meant when i mentioned praying for time...just time to learn some basic stuff...and there's more of it every day...frustrating when the more you know,the less you know you know..!
    thanks for your patience-and your help with some of these things
    oh and watch this video....tell me what you think about this!


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31846.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    #27062 1 day, 14 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    well maybe it's time to be borne-again christians...that would be cool if like a few thousand of us just did it...
    isn't it time for jesus?
    except,then i've been hearing,that now,instead of jesus,MAITREYA's the one....

    so where does maitreya fit into this whole thing...
    i find i have to go back and start again,there's so many loose ends i never even picked up from even back in the '90's
    that's what i meant when i mentioned praying for time...just time to learn some basic stuff...and there's more of it every day...frustrating when the more you know,the less you know you know..!
    thanks for your patience-and your help with some of these things
    oh and watch this video....tell me what you think about this!

    Shaloma of the Mind to you tbonyandsteak and arctourist!

    There are two major forms of the 'Powers-That-Be'; a ptb and a PTB.
    We, the returned 'ancients ones' - who are also within you, but suppressed by your levels of self allowance of processing particular information of the remembrances - address the PTB of the Logos and not the ptb most of you refer to.

    The PTB is like a wave and cannot be individuated in its encompassment; whilst the ptb is what you may label as a 'elite group' of individual collectives in whatever hierarchical structures constructed.

    The so called 'second coming' of whatever label, so becomes a paradoxical affair, as it will and is necessitated to be BOTH, an individual coupling between everyones so called Christ-Consciousness (who is the Lion of Judah as the symbolic royalty, which was indeed 'hijacked' by the ptb ) AND the planetary human groupsoul as a collective.

    The following passage from the Gospel of Luke is both symbolic and allegorical and to a much lower percentage historical in the year 28 AD and comprises, what you might term a 'warp period' in the linear timeflow for this particular human civilisation, beginning so 23,616 BC and when Cro Magnon man became the sole genus of homo sapiens sapiens in the extinction of neanderthal man.

    This warp zone is repeated in these 'endtimes' and will end in the passover/easter 2012.

    The ptb know this as well as the PTB.

    Now you can draw your own conclusions and engage your sleuthiness to decipher what the recent occurrences on many forums and discussion boards infer in regards to this 'secret timeline' and their divers agendas.

    This forum here is no exception and the 'enemies within', say as the 'cast out devils' have become exposed and they are faced with two choices.

    Either they can attempt to assimilate with the PTB and denounce the ptb OR they can continue to fight, reject and quarrel with the PTB in mistakenly identifying the latter's cosmic identity as that of the ptb or whatever other 'evil alternative scenario' they have created in their human mindsets.

    Allow us to clarify something here; ALL Human Incarnates; no matter what 'side they are on' and no matter what 'roles' they are playing in this unfoldment of a new history - are diveine shards of the creator-creation monad and have come here to allow a maximised polarisation 'game' to unfold.

    All humans, without exceptions, are witnesses for the accelerated evolvement of the cosmic payground in universal intelligence.

    This is all we shall say on this for now.

    Your video depicts the games of the ptb and carries little interest for us, as all of those 'games' from whatever faction, have become outmanouvered by the PTB.

    Luke 4 (King James Version)
    1And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,

    2Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.

    3And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

    4And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

    5And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

    6And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

    7If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

    8And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    9And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:

    10For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

    11And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

    12And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

    13And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.

    14And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.

    15And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.

    16And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

    17And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,

    18The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

    19To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

    20And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.

    21And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.

    22And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?

    23And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.

    24And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

    25But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;

    26But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.

    27And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.

    28And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,

    29And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.

    30But he passing through the midst of them went his way,

    31And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days.

    32And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power.

    33And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice,

    34Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God.

    35And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.

    36And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out.

    37And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about.

    38And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her.

    39And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them.

    40Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.

    41And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ.

    42And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them.

    43And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

    44And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27072 1 day, 13 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    The so called 'second coming' of whatever label, so becomes a paradoxical affair, as it will and is necessitated to be BOTH, an individual coupling between everyones so called Christ-Consciousness (who is the Lion of Judah as the symbolic royalty, which was indeed 'hijacked' by the ptb ) AND the planetary human groupsoul as a collective.

    So the lion is adressed differently in this

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your self image will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."
    (Which reminds a lot of a description of a trauma)

    It is:
    Christ-Consciousness=Lion of Judah

    And the ptb is hiding behind the PTB to avoid being target for critich, judgment or just greed ?

    So who is PTB then, Not Charles's 33? laughing.
    Mother Earth?
    The living Creator?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31846.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    #27082 1 day, 12 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Arachne wrote:

    The so called 'second coming' of whatever label, so becomes a paradoxical affair, as it will and is necessitated to be BOTH, an individual coupling between everyones so called Christ-Consciousness (who is the Lion of Judah as the symbolic royalty, which was indeed 'hijacked' by the ptb ) AND the planetary human groupsoul as a collective.

    So the lion is adressed differently in this

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your self image will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."
    (Which reminds a lot of a description of a trauma)

    It is:
    Christ-Consciousness=Lion of Judah

    And the ptb is hiding behind the PTB to avoid being target for critich, judgment or just greed ?

    So who is PTB then, Not Charles's 33? laughing.
    Mother Earth?
    The living Creator?

    No tbs; the ptb have one immense foreboding, namely, that the PTB should exist.
    IT ALONE alone presents any danger, apart from planetary annihilation and self-destruction; to their agendas and hierarchical power structures.

    The PTB does exist and functions in parallel to the ptb. The former knows the latter, whilst the latter suspects and fears the former.

    This is all we are prepared to say at this nexus point in the warpzone.

    We agree in the somewhat encrypted message about the ptb shared below.


    c) FAMILY. The family may come first, and fairness for families may be a great, marketable, idea, for political animals to buy and sell, but the pertinent question for potential graduates is; what type, class, sort or kind of group, family, species, sect, clan, cartel, casa, mafia, syndicate, reich, mob or conglomeration are we talking of when we say, ambiguously, such things; and who decides, for whom, what’s what. We gnostics say that dictionaries, such as oxford english, like scripture books, such as the king james bible, can be useful references but are not dictatorial authorities, and that, being autonomous, we are each responsible for the set of meanings that, as a language lexicon, we choose to use, for understanding and communicating.

    Jesus (the bush lawyer and country bumpkin from galilee, who was disowned, because of being considered mad, by one of his families when he preached enlightenment in the jewish synagogue) and maybe others, found mankind’s, irreconcilable-antithetical, family difference to be in, logical, quality between self-righteousness, which makes enlightenment-gnosis impossible, and meek-mindedness which, by the elimination of hypocrisy (aka “sin”) makes it, along with universal love, paranormal power and everlasting life, a logical consequence. That man, on his two-year mission, after nearly drowning in the jordan, nearly attaining gnosis-enlightenment, as a solitary experience in the wilderness, and extracting excalibur from its, safety-from-fools, sheath, after years of hard, mental, labour, searching in faulty towers and the hellenised field of the eastern mediterranean, demonstrated-explicated the paranormal-superhuman power(s) that derive(s) from spiritual re-birth into enacting a better type of role-in-narrative, which enables living, in a multi-partner partnership, self-governing by the golden rule of agape, i.e. true, universal-unconditional, love. However both his, orthodox, disciples and adversaries, foolishly and self-righteously, misunderstood what he then said and did and they falsified, deliberately or unintentionally, the record that has been passed on down, by scribes, priests and laities, to us. As g.k. chesterton said, ''It’s not that jesus’ teaching has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been tried and found too hard,'' both to understand and do. The truth of the good-versus-evil dichotomy, knowledge of which enables enlightenment-salvation, which enables water to be walked upon, hands on healing to take place and mountains to be, from a distance, moved, as a logical consequence, but which is not part of any ideological praxis yet, not even christianity’s or any of the other lord-gods’ holy-book religions or mankind’s atheistic-scientific ideologies, must now be revealed, publically-globally, for everyone to see and, if they can, to understand, obey and enact; or if they can’t, reject. Then the Truth can be believed or disbelieved, deliberately and self-responsibly, by everybody; for the bad-old age of pain, ignorance, sin and suffering to end and the good-new golden age with its better-perfected-new world-order of consensual diversity-democracy, including voluntary mutual-aid, healthiness, randiness, handiness and joviality, to begin for we who make the grade. We’ll each be forced to stand up and be counted for our chosen, contestation, side and then be spiritually born or physically die accordingly-consequently, in an unprecedented, but not supernatural, event, that has been predicted as mankind’s judgment day; doomsday for the, closed-minded, failures, who cannot change, in the necessary way, to live, convivially-eternally-consensually, like gods, and ascension for the fortunate, flexi-minded, family who, being holy-helpful, beloved lovers, in our attitude to others and the Other, can.

    Enlightenment, as distinct from its preliminary preparations, is a family matter rather than an individual experience to be achieved-enjoyed on one’s, isolated, own, as most gurus-shamans, endorsed in that, superordinate, role by, simple-minded, devotees-disciples, claim, self-righteously but fallaciously, they have; on some isolated mountain top or in some secluded-monastic cell, wilderness or cave. With its consequences, enlightenment, gnosis, illumination, spiritual birth, buddhahood and/or self-realisation, which is, like the bard’s sweet-smelling rose, the same by any name, is the sole reason for and purpose of life on earth, and means knowing the natural relationship(s) of the heavenly regime so as to live, consciously-conscientiously, accordingly, relating-communicating mentally with one’s whole context and audio-visually-bodily with one’s particular, co-textual, peers; who also recognise they are constituent parts of universal, everliving, She. Enlightened understanding means that the man-on-earth is, enjoyably-blissfully, aware of being used for her knowing and/or doing by a more inclusive being and/or accommodating god; as his, enlightened, earthly, partner(s) also know she is/they are. I am a man on earth but it is also true to say that, all together, we are a god in Heaven, making ourselves self-consciously incarnate in head-body partnership, on earth although a lot of non-believers, don’t, at least yet, know what this proposition-hypothesis, which is both unprovable and undisprovable, scientifically-objectively, as distinct from subjectively-experientially, means; in terms of personal power and obligation to do good, for fun, for free and for the common, family, good; enjoyably and gratuitously.

    Our self-and-else context is our, complementary, opposite, or reflected image, in all ways such as part-whole, junior-senior, faster-slower, active-passive, inner-outer, extroverted-introverted, yang-yin, self-system, subjective-objective and male-female. She is the, potentially compatible, Other, the Different, the Opposite and/or the Fairy Godmother. With her we are meant to link ourselves, symbiotically, so as to get the best, along with her, of both her inside and her outside worlds, by, true, love and understanding; as the kali yuga ends as it is now ending, in violence, intimidation, chaos and confusion, for the new age to arise, like a phoenix from the ashes, and She will interact autonomously as distinct from automatically with us as, like-minded but uniquely embodied, peers. Kerash-Zoom!

    As history, She repeats herself until we, as a species, learn the lesson needed for knowing how to move on to higher ground, and the time and place for this, final-archetypal, graduation, is at last here and now. Good-willed anarchy, which entails voluntary obedience to God’s golden rule of universal love, is beyond the mental-physical capacity of self-righteous hypocrites, who must now, as a logical imperative, be turfed-booted out, in the classical act of ethnic cleansing and expulsion, as harmful failures from the graduation class.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27083 1 day, 12 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    "From the Dawn of Time we came, moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the Time of the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you, until now".


    You Are Not In Kansas Anymore YANIKA

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27086 1 day, 11 hours ago - March 3rd, 2011
    Isnt the self-righteous hypocrites the ones that have lost there path, wisdom and are an expression of trying to find his wisdom again?

    Is the one that dosnt know not partly equal innocence?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27259 10 hours, 4 minutes ago - March 4th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    . . . No tbs; the ptb have one immense foreboding, namely, that the PTB should exist. IT ALONE alone presents any danger, apart from planetary annihilation and self-destruction; to their agendas and hierarchical power structures.

    The PTB does exist and functions in parallel to the ptb. The former knows the latter, whilst the latter suspects and fears the former.

    This is all we are prepared to say at this nexus point in the warpzone.


    And you say this:

    Allow us to clarify something here; ALL Human Incarnates; no matter what 'side they are on' and no matter what 'roles' they are playing in this unfoldment of a new history - are diveine shards of the creator-creation monad and have come here to allow a maximised polarisation 'game' to unfold.

    All humans, without exceptions, are witnesses for the accelerated evolvement of the cosmic payground in universal intelligence.

    This is all we shall say on this for now.

    Hi Arachne!

    1- Who/what are/is PTB in contradistinction to ptb?

    2-Does "ptb" refer to human incarnates of the STS persuasion? If so why would they fear PTB if they simply are expressing the STS aspect of duality in order to create the friction necessary for growth? (This particular idea of dark-side [possible] PTB service is not mine. It was expressed in some Hidden Hand material I read that indicated what a huge sacrifice was being made by them to play the Dark Hats so humanity could evolve.)

    3-Alternatively, does "ptb" refer to something OUTSIDE humanity -- outside divine shards -- and is this why ptb fears PTB?

    Obviously the huge assumption being made here is that PTB is First Cause and First Cause is the precipitate creator of the Divine shards. So the only way ptb can be not divine shards is if they are a secondary creation to the original -- something impermanent rather than eternal.

    You certainly create the need for reflection. Thank you.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Lita
    • lita.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 1207

    #27265 9 hours, 16 minutes ago - March 4th, 2011
    Just a note to for people to remember when you read any information to come from your inner truth and your own power base...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Steve

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31846.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    #27282 7 hours, 20 minutes ago - March 4th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    . . . No tbs; the ptb have one immense foreboding, namely, that the PTB should exist. IT ALONE alone presents any danger, apart from planetary annihilation and self-destruction; to their agendas and hierarchical power structures.

    The PTB does exist and functions in parallel to the ptb. The former knows the latter, whilst the latter suspects and fears the former.

    This is all we are prepared to say at this nexus point in the warpzone.


    And you say this:

    Allow us to clarify something here; ALL Human Incarnates; no matter what 'side they are on' and no matter what 'roles' they are playing in this unfoldment of a new history - are divine shards of the creator-creation monad and have come here to allow a maximised polarisation 'game' to unfold.

    All humans, without exceptions, are witnesses for the accelerated evolvement of the cosmic payground in universal intelligence.

    This is all we shall say on this for now.

    Hi Arachne!

    1- Who/what are/is PTB in contradistinction to ptb?

    2-Does "ptb" refer to human incarnates of the STS persuasion? If so why would they fear PTB if they simply are expressing the STS aspect of duality in order to create the friction necessary for growth? (This particular idea of dark-side [possible] PTB service is not mine. It was expressed in some Hidden Hand material I read that indicated what a huge sacrifice was being made by them to play the Dark Hats so humanity could evolve.)

    3-Alternatively, does "ptb" refer to something OUTSIDE humanity -- outside divine shards -- and is this why ptb fears PTB?

    Obviously the huge assumption being made here is that PTB is First Cause and First Cause is the precipitate creator of the Divine shards. So the only way ptb can be not divine shards is if they are a secondary creation to the original -- something impermanent rather than eternal.

    You certainly create the need for reflection. Thank you.

    Very meaningful and intelligent questions unplugged, thank you!

    The situation is as you have implied in your second paragraph in #3; with the caveat, that the ptb are as much part of the 'shards of the creator' as are the PTB.

    Then the distinction between the two 'factions' of the ptb and the PTB becomes a function of remembrance as to the, let's say 'encompassing and deeper agendas' BEYOND the duality of the 'us versus them' under whatever auspices applied.

    So you will find the remembrance of the 'deeper nature of reality' in BOTH, the ptb and the PTB and BOTH 'factions' will in parallel attempt to implement THEIR version of what THEIR role in the 'greater agenda' would represent - relative to their information collected and understanding and interpretation of that data base.

    The major distinction of the ptb an the PTB; both remaining obscured from any significant public exposure; then is the manner of how their parallel agendas become implemented on whatever level.

    The ptb have a power base of unlimited access to whatever information is available from the records of the planetary evolvement of this human civilisation. Fiscal and privacy restrictions do not apply and the socio-economic structures of national- and political boundaries are nonexistant.
    Because of this the ptb are globally interconnected in a data web of a hierarchical access structure.
    However because of this 'pyramidal graduation', many levels of the ptb are 'underinformed', despite their access to the 'matrix' of the 'elitisms'. Albeit this becomes a relative positioning within the data web built on the maximised technological nous available to the ptb.

    The PTB do not have such access and are NOT connected in a technological web, except that available to the populus at large; say the opportunity to engage in public forums such as Facebook, Twitter, Avalon, Camelot, ATS or GLP and open access groups on the internet.

    The PTB have however access to the same data base of the ptb in terms of the 'Original Program' , the so termed 'masterplan of the Creator'.

    Therefore the selfsame distinction between the ptb and the PTB will crystallize, or have the potential to crystallize, in a different interpretation or decoding of the 'master codes'.

    Both the ptb and the PTB cannot be 'mind manipulated' by the external evolvements of the environmental factors.
    This is a consequence of having decoded the original codes of the creation, which induces the effecual sealing of the 'individuated' minds of both in a sense of the collective.

    The ptb however interprets the 'collective' as elitisms of exclusivity; whilst the PTB interprets the collective as all encompassing and as 'all inclusive'.

    Your labels of STS and STO are so really the same thing; but become implemented in this distinction.

    The statements of 'Hidden Hand' {HH} and other 'Elite Insiders' are fundamentally correct; though HH and co are and remain compromised by the interpretation of the core data as instructed by the 'pyramidal hierarchies'.

    The 'dark factions of the ptb' so are indeed aware of 'playing a decisive part' in the acceleration of the terran civilisation into its galactic counterpart; but they differ; because of their pyramidal power structure and its subsequent information classification, in the implementation of their own agendas.

    Therefore then the archetyped divisons into the 'clans' of the Yellow Dragons and the Red Dragons; the so termed 'Inner Earth' Agarthians and the 'Outer Earth' Shamaballians in the 'Brotherhood of the Snake' and known under many other labels such as Pharisee-Sadducee and the White Brotherhood of the Light of Lucifera (Black Madonna) and the Dark Brotherhood of the Light of Lucifer and 'Dark Hats' and 'White Hats' and such.

    The ptb are connected in the groupmind sense by technology in the information matrix; whilst the PTB are connected in a 'common mind' independent of such a technology.

    The ptb however KNOW of the reality of the PTB as a potential form of their own 'group-consciousness' based on the same original data base as their own; and this is why they 'fear' the development of such a 'group consciousness of the alternative nous and sophia'.

    Perhaps we should state here; that this 'fear' of the ptb is a lower, say more human and underevolved expression of emotional energy; which is easily surpassed and processed by anyone in the ptb; who would care to remember the basis of their agendas.

    As HH said; the 'deeper thought' of the ptb knows its role very well and would have 'no fear' about any of the 'outcomes' of the 'masterplan' and 'gameplay' of the creator-creation monad.

    We shall end here and invite you to further delve into this, if you are interested and should we not have answered your queries to your satisfaction.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31846.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 30

    #27287 5 hours, 58 minutes ago - March 4th, 2011

    The ptb Golem

    How do we live
    In this cesspool of necrotic
    The stench burning
    Like the offering
    Of sacrificial hearts,
    Cut open and laid bare
    On these towers of despair.

    Murders and crucifixions
    Go on every second
    Under the shroud of Freedom
    Its victims hide
    From the impending guillotine
    Of self pride.

    Sacrificial lambs
    To these heartless golems,
    The dark hammer
    Beating in their chest,
    Of their unrelenting blood quest.

    It must be a simulation
    This cannot be real…
    What corpses animate to
    Decapitate, eviscerate, annihilate
    Living flesh,
    In so many ways of

    It is they who cannot reflect
    The image of truth in the Mirror of life
    Its light they cannot detect.
    The black veil of rigor mortis
    Is what they see
    Instead of their own humanity.

    Yes dear Unplugged, saying #13 is one of the major keys to 'true gnosis'.
    With 'true gnosis' I mean 'gnosis in thought' and not 'gnosis (just) in name'.

    The 'gnostics', either the 'dispersing heretic groups' post the 'Destruction of Jerusalem' under Titus on August 4th, 70 AD or what today is often called Neoplatonic gnosticism and derivatives; have all become 'religionized', whilst continuing to carry the 'true seed' of the 'Master's Core Revelation'.

    So you will NOT find the 'true gnostic thought' or 'insight' on websites, wikipedia or the libraries of gnostic literature.

    Saying #13 is indeed a key to unlock the 'secrets'.

    There are some 'hidden sayings', which have not been published anywhere yet and some of these accentuate #13:

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your self~image will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."

    Jesus said to the apostles: "If the people come up to you in numbers, saying, tell us your secrets, tell us your secrets; then reply to them, that you cannot do so for reason of the secrecy. Tell them, that should they know, they would become insane.
    But if some persist and ask you privately; then share the secrets with them in measure of their willingness to become insane in the world."

    Unplugged, you may see here, how saying#13 relates the 'secrecy' to the 'thinking gnosis'.
    Unless you 'mind blend' (compare the Vulcan Spock of Star Trek) with the 'author of the sayings'; there will be no way for the 'ordinary' human perception to understand those selfsame sayings.

    The human groupmind has evolved in the last 30,000 years from being almost completely integrated with nature to today, where the separation of the human mind from itself and its experienced environment has become a collective 'groupmind of insanity'.

    But, and if your attraction to the 'Master's Handbook' is genuine and not some intellectual pretense; then it will be precisely this 'mad human groupmind', which will allow you to 'eat the lion of truth' and so to become enabled to firstly absorb the 'world's madness' and then secondly to reflect a 'processed insanity' as 'The Master's Dispensation' (or the 'Dispensation of the Logos') back into the world as a 'Light shining in the darkness in the wisdom of the Father'.

    If you truly have taken the Gospel of Thomas to heart, then you will understand the above.

    Saying #13:

    Jesus said to his disciples, 'Compare me with someone, and tell me whom I am like.'
    Simon Peter said to him, 'You are like a just angel.'

    Matthew said to him, 'You are like a wise philosopher.'

    Thomas said to him, 'Teacher, my mouth is utterly unable to say whom you are like.'

    Jesus said, 'I am not your teacher. You have become intoxicated because you have drunk from the bubbling spring that I have tended.'

    And he took Thomas and withdrew, and told him three things.

    When Thomas came back to his friends, they asked him, 'What did Jesus tell you?'

    Thomas said to them, 'If I tell you even one of the things he told me, you will pick up rocks and stone me.

    Then fire will come forth from the rocks and devour you.'

    Consider the Aramaic and Hebrew cultures and their customs for a start; for what reason did people get stoned; as punishment for adultery and for blasphemy!

    So the secrets are likely to involve taboos of sexuality and the sacredness of the monotheistic deity.

    Then there are three secrets, which ought to be connected, converging in a single statement of truth.

    Finally, when Jesus talks about the Father, he always places the Father within himself and himself within the Father, and he promises the 'Holy Ghost' as part of himself and the Father to help the disciples and the world, after he had returned to the Father.

    So the 'Holy Ghost' is like the 'Son' to Jesus and the 'Grandson' to the Father.

    What he knew, but didn't make clear at the time, except in the secrets, was the connection of the Mother to the Daughter to the Granddaughter.

    Saying #114:
    Simon Peter said to them, 'Let Mary leave us, because women are not worthy of life.'

    Jesus said, 'Behold, I shall guide her so as to make her male, that she too may become a living spirit like you men.

    For every woman who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.'

    Saying #55:
    Jesus said, 'Whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be my disciple, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters, and bear the cross as I do, will not be worthy of me.'

    "For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together."

    Saying #56:
    Jesus said, 'Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has discovered a carcass is worth more than the world.'

    Saying #77:
    A woman in the crowd said to him, 'Blessed are the womb that bore you and the breasts that fed you.'

    He said to her, 'Blessed are those who have heard the word of the Father and have truly kept it.
    For the time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the womb that has not conceived and the breasts that have not produced milk.''

    Saying #78:
    Jesus said, 'Whoever has come to know the world has discovered the body, and whoever has discovered the body is worth more than the world.'

    Saying #99:
    Jesus said, 'Whoever does not hate father and mother as I do cannot be my disciple, and whoever does not love father and mother as I do cannot be my disciple.

    For my mother...{brought me forth in falsehood}, but my true mother gave me life.'

    Saying #103:
    Jesus said, 'Whoever recognizes father and mother will be called the child of a whore.'

    Saying #104:
    Jesus said, 'When you make the two into one, you will become children of humanity, and when you say, 'Mountain move!' it will move.'

    Saying #39:
    Jesus said, 'The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys to knowledge and have
    hidden them. They have not entered, nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so.

    As for you, be as clever as snakes and as innocent as doves.'

    Saying #100:
    Jesus said, 'Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in the food trough of cows: the dog neither eats nor lets the cows eat.'

    Saying #43:
    His disciples said to him, 'Who are you to say these things to us?'

    Jesus said, 'You do not know who I am from what I say to you.

    Instead you have become like the Jews: either they love the tree but hate its fruit, or they love the fruit but hate the tree.'

    So it is relatively easy to deduce, what the three secrets are.

    In a patriarchial and male dominated society, the authority of the law rests within the masculine hierarchies and that is why the female principle as conveyor of the law, the word of the logos, became seemingly ignored by Jesus in hisher sayings.

    But heshe told Thomas in a blunt way, that the ultimate reality is completely bisexual, with male and female aspects in a harmonious relationship of complementarity and synchronicity.

    Knowing the Father also to be the Mother in a FatherMother Creator-Creation duality; the Son is also the Daughter as the firstborn offspring, the first cosmogenetic reproduction of that duality.

    The GrandSon is called the 'He-Holy Ghost' and the GrandDaughter is the 'She-Holy Spirit' as the offspring of the offspring in three necessary generations for the cosmogenetic 'Family of God'.

    A trinity of generations is required to reflect the grandparents in the grandchildren via the matrix
    definitions for the permutations of the sexual chromosomes.

    As long as there is only the one prototypical universe of the FatherMother; there just cannot be any Grandchildren - the Sons and Daughters are running around on a planet called Earth, having forgotten who they are and where they came from and for what purpose they came to be where they are.

    So they waste their time in the pursuit of nebulous ambitions and worldly successes.

    They abuse and kill each other, thinking of themselves as time limited biochemical machines in the
    pursuit of pleasure and mass-sense gratification; Deus ex machina , as the poet would say.

    They cannot even perceive, that they might be the Sons and Daughters of the FatherMother, on a
    mission of the 'UniVerse' as a 'MonoSong' to give birth to 'Baby Universes' in full recognisance of their own cosmogenetic inheritances.

    Saying #3:
    Jesus said, 'If your leaders say to you, 'Behold, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds in the sky will get there before you.
    If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will get there before you.

    'Rather, the kingdom is inside you and outside you.

    When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and will understand that you are children of the living Father.
    But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and embody poverty.'

    They give birth to babies alright; but to them the babies become just miniature versions of themselves; destined to the same pains, labour and sufferings, with a little hedonism, pleasure seeking and sense gratification thrown into the pot of misery, masquerading as a human life.

    Saying #22:
    Jesus saw some babies nursing.

    He said to his disciples, 'These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom.'

    They said to him, 'Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?'

    Jesus said to them,'When you make the two into one, when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female will not be female, when you make eyes replacing an eye, a hand replacing a hand, a foot replacing a foot, and an image replacing an image, then you will enter the kingdom.'

    That is the meaning of the 'Heavenly Wedding' of the 'Lamb' to the New Jerusalem.

    As soon as one, the first of many BrotherSons finds a bride amongst the many SisterDaughters; as soon will the FatherMother be blessed with hisher first GrandChild in the GrandSonDaughter.

    But the DaughterSons must know what they are doing, otherwise it doesn't count!

    Either they 'bloody-well' know who they are or they, by their very own blood, 'bloody-well' don't!

    It is not enough in pretending to be spiritual or to be religious or to love God and Jesus or to follow the Buddha or the swami guru or to be a faithful servant of Allah and to the Prophet or to be with Krishna or the Baba or the Big Momma, the hooded Lama or anyone at all.

    To suffer with the Brahman of the Absolute Nirvana or to be faithful to the Ayatollah and the Imam in their waiting for the 12th messiah of the Madhi in the final apocalypse of the jihad is not without significance, but it serves the purpose of feeding the consciousness of subentities within the superego.

    Those subentities reside as 'Memes' or thought constructions in the minds and as gene expressions within sex chromosomes of stem cells within the bodies of the spiritual seekers of the enlightenment.

    Why not feed one's image of the Id of the superego itself; thinking bigger in the hierarchy of the 'Man in the Moon' or the Bahauallah or Ahura Mazda or the Sungod or the 'Big Goat behind the Old Oaken Tree' in the sexy forest on Walpurgisnacht on April 30th and the wiccan festivals.

    And a man must do what a man must do and a woman must be what a woman is, if just the human lawmakers could understand what this is and what that means.

    A man must follow in the creator's footsteps as 'his son' and a woman must follow 'her mother' as a creation, becoming herself a 'monosong'-wife for her 'composer'-husband as an universe's daughter."

    That is why this universal wedding is so important.

    It will swallow up the past in the present in bringing everything 'without' the wedded couple 'within' the matrimonial dragonomy of the SheHe and the HeShe. And this is not the blending of separated individuations, but he 'marrying' of yourself to your own shadow. Only AS a starhumanised HeShe or Shehe can you form 'relationships' with the 'other' mirror image and as Jesus says, there is NO marriage in the kingdom of the father, the children of the resurrection.

    All HeShes and SheHes are by nature polyamorous; able to 'love' more than one such 'other'; with the choices of course, to 'favour' certain 'partners' in particular ways, if so desired.
    But the Natural Law is polyamory.

    Matthew 22:30:
    30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

    TRUE COSMIC LOVE CANNOT BE POSSESSIVE - of anything, unplugged you are!

    It also swallows a projected future as the image of the past in a present moment of 'Now-Time'.

    The outside world holographically enfolds itself within a modular duality of bride and bridegroom.

    This might be hard to understand, but all of omniscience talks of it in mathematical terms and the gnostic texts, like those of Nag Hammadi, are full of it in metaphorical esoteric language.

    So what did Jesus say to Thomas, indicating the secrets of the dragonomy?"

    "He simply said; pointing at himself, then Thomas, then John of Zebedee and then Mary Magdalene, both of whom were standing near Simon Peter a little distance away at their fireplace:

    "I am you, you are him and he is her!"

    This is the secret; what appears separated in one form of space and time can yet be together in another form of spacetime.

    That is the story of the Devil's Egg, perhaps 4000 years old and that is the story of the Universal Matrix of Light and that is the holographic nature of the 12-dimensional omnispace for the matrix of spacetime to
    materially express itself in energy.

    PS.: One important psychological consideration any 'true gnostic' in the 21st century should know is this:

    The world suffers a humungus inferiority complex in terms of the individual mind being embedded in a human group mind (Teilhard de Chardin's Noosphere, Dawkins' memes and Sheldrakes' morphogeneticism etc.).

    No one is 'MORE' (or better or smarter or more gnostic or label it yourself) than anybody else.
    BUT no one is 'LESS' than anyone else either.

    But the world judges and compares and graduates one another in a competition of 'survival of the better' and in its 'judging of the inferior by the superior'; it cannot but develop this complex of inferiority.

    Then a 'true master comes along' and says:

    Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the All. From me did the the All come forth and unto me did the All extend...."

    A world built on self-judgement cannot but consider the above utterances as blatant blasphemy, pathological insanity, megalomania or as 'delusions of grandeur'.
    Imagine yourself standing on a soapbox in the middle of a park in New York and proclaiming this; what do you think would happen to you?

    Then the 'worldly thinkers' would say: 'He has got a superiority complex'; not understanding that it is their inferiority complex, which disallows them to become LIKE the one who not only has no 'mental complexes at all', but openly says to anyone asking, that HE is just like everybody else in the kingdom of the father.
    The difference is simply, that he is not asleep anymore and has remembered his origins.
    This then is described in the sayings and related dispensations.

    And yet, the 'true gnostic' knows what Jesus meant and also knows that Jesus was no supernatural Godman; was no historical invention; was no phantom (yes some 'gnostics' are off by proverbial miles); fulfilled the archetype of being born by cosmic motherhood (virgin birth in archetype NOT biological implementation); resurrected in 'knowing what to do when out of the body' and such things.


    Shared by serenesam

    Re: GOD #27251 March 5th, 2011

    "This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being." - Sir Isaac Newton

    "No being exists or can exist which is not related to space in some way. God is everywhere, created minds are somewhere, and body is in the space that it occupies; and whatever is neither everywhere nor anywhere does not exist. And hence it follows that space is an effect arising from the first existence of being, because when any being is postulated, space is postulated." - Sir Isaac Newton

    "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security." - Albert Einstein

    Thank you serenesam for those marvellous quotes from the Logos.


    Post last edited Mar 9th 2011

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