The Queen Of Swords

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Queen of Swords
    Defender of Truth

    The Queen of Swords, the most formidable of all the Queens,
    has wielded her Sword of Truth and offed the head of an opponent.

    With her sword ever at the ready she continues her tireless defense of truth and clarity.

    The butterfly on the sword hilt shows us that it is the transformation of thoughts,
    speech, and even the law, that this fierce Queen calls us to.

    Her no nonsense mastery is not to be messed with.

    Like her sword, she knows we live in a two-sided world
    and she wants to get right to the point.

    The point of truth.

    Each Queen of the Tarot represent the mastery of emotions
    as well as her own suit’s qualities.

    This Queen is all about the heart and mind.

    She is the Defender of Truth and can kick ass and take names all day long.

    She teaches us that when we join our heart energy of love and compassion
    with our intellect we make the best decisions, have clarity of purpose and direction,
    and will not misuse our power by aligning with the ego.

    While the Queen of Swords can seem unmoving in her determination
    and even execution of her message, it is important to remember that she is tough
    for good reasons.

    She knows injustice, lies, conniving interference, negative thought programming,
    and has been denied her voice.

    She has learned to use her wisdom to cut through illusions and deception,
    first in her own thinking, and then by serving others with her clear counsel and example.

    She knows that to get to the bottom of something we have to cut away every layer of illusion to allow truth and consciousness to expand.

    So whose head did she lop off?

    The Patriarchy for sure, as that way of thinking has cut out the heart of us
    with its misused power-hungry greed, lies, and destruction of anyone
    who dares to disagree or is powerless to fight back.

    The mighty Queen of Swords is the defender of Cosmic Truth
    and the individual Divine Right of Free Will,
    all of which the Patriarchy does not align with.

    On a personal level, the severed head represents the mask of our own defensive
    and unconscious mindset, confusion, or negatively programmed thoughts
    and ensuing actions that case us to fall into self blame, confusion,
    and in living outside our integrity.

    Her love of truth and clarity is what makes her fiercely defend it. is one tough girl!

    I so relate to her. I don’t know how many times in total frustration I have offed a head
    - or two - when I could no longer tolerate someone’s words and behavior.

    My “righteous anger” can motivate me to drastic means but that is not the mastery
    this Queen calls us to. Unmastered, she can be a control freak,
    have the “my way or the highway” attitude and can be as intolerant
    as that which she chops with her great sword.

    The true lesson of this Queen is that which hardens her sword
    - tempering in the fires of life.

    We all make mistakes and do or say things that are inappropriate,
    sometimes out of sheer survival mode.

    We must keenly seek to master our intention, attention,
    and the clarity of our own truth and sever the heads of those voices within us
    that have programmed us to go along with someone else’s idea of values
    that do not align with us.

    Today we are especially challenged to channel this Queen’s power
    and do some major severing.

    It has to begin with each of us, individually,
    before we can take on the collective battle.

    Exactly what are the deceptions, lies, and blights to be cut out?

    How can we determine this if we ourselves are not being conscious
    and aware and are harboring those very things we seek to cut in someone else?

    We must call on clear observation, rational and objective thinking,
    aligned with our heart energy before we wield her sword
    and decide whose heads will roll.

    As Gandolf said, “with great power comes great responsibility.”

    We are in extremely challenging times and much is on the line.

    Channel your Queen of Swords and start cutting away what needs to go
    - inside and out.

    Yes, Queen!

    …Kathryn Ravenwood 6.28.22
    28 JUN 2022
    Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

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