The Power Of Spell, And, Of Spelling ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 10, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    July 20, 2018

    ``spell your words as carefully as you select them...

    for housed within them is all of your `real` senses

    KNOW, that spelling is NOT always seen

    BUT, KNOW for all that is seen,

    much more, is UNSEEN...

    The english language is a coded language,

    and, thus, it is the language of spells, and, of spelling.

    Words have depth, length and depth,

    and, what is felt, the seen and the unseen,

    is sensed at levels the orator is oft times,

    NOT aware of what they really represent or symbolize,

    for what maybe true for The Orator, may NOT be true for

    The Orated Ones, and, NOT all Orators weave words

    that hold the highest expression of love, which is truth.

    Your words hold within them, your force along with your power,

    they can be magical and mystical, or, they can be destructive and damaging.

    The spelling utilized by words, can drive their energies

    in a myriad of directions...

    They can bring forth and ignite themselves,

    into a transfer that results in a wide range of energies,

    some of which, do NOT fall easy on ears that can hear,

    and, eyes that can see, the unseen, as, well as the seen...

    once words are uttered, their energies take on their own drive,

    and, energies get pushed in all directions of time and space, space and time,

    in between time, and, in between space,

    and, into a lot of places you might NOT yet be aware of,

    which implies they go everywhere !!!

    The spelling of words, is like the exercising of Your Will,

    and, your `true way`is `your will`...

    spilled words are spelled words,

    as, you spill your spelled words,

    they begin a process to ignite everything that you placed within them,

    and, become a force, and, a power that no longer belongs to The Orator,

    but, instead become placed in the `playground`of ``the eXchanges``.

    Thus, they can bring forth and ignite themselves,

    into a transfer or transferance into a very broad range of energies,

    which encompasses feeling, along with intellect...

    they hold the potential to rise another up,

    or, they hold the potential to strike another down,

    and, thus they insite a battlefield of mammoth portions,

    suffice to say:

    iT iS the spelling of words,

    that can spark a fire,

    sometimes, a good fire, and, sometimes a bad fire,

    there is one thing for certain about playing with fire...

    something, that is oft times good to remember...

    That fire is the only element,

    once it is fired, that it holds the `full raft of potentials`

    to NOT only ignite things, but, also holds the power to

    consume itself, by way of eventually when NOT feed anymore

    to eXtinguish itself...

    sometimes, it is wise,

    to hold your words,

    as, sometimes, your spelling via words,

    stands only to spell thyself ``

    - susan lynne schwenger

    @13linesofspirit @in12d

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