The Order Of The (witch) Garter ~ Masonic - Druid Order Aka Ancient & Archeological Order Of Druids

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 4, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Steven JD Beattie Moffat
    55m ·
    04 Oct 2022







    Steven JD Beattie Moffat
    The Witch Garter is worn in various rituals
    for it’s magical properties and they are also used
    as badges of rank amongst Witch Covens.

    The use of garters can be traced back to Paleolithic times
    – so no wonder, then, that the highest honour
    bestowed by the British monarchy on a person
    is an invitation to join The ORDER OF THE (WITCH) GARTER
    which has an annual parade outside St George’s Chapel
    at Windsor Castle in England every year.

    The exterior roof of the chapel is festooned
    with sculptures of ‘Yales’ which are unicorn-type
    mythological demonic creatures whose bodies
    are covered in circular markings.

    Inside the chapel, hundreds of heraldic flags hang
    from the ceiling
    – many of which have stylized versions of the Demons
    described in the GOETIA Book of Howling…

    It is under these banners that a secret honour
    has been conferred on many members of the royal family
    and several Prime Ministers
    – including WINSTON CHURCHILL…

    The different colours of the Witch Garter
    carry a special meaning.

    Green is the colour of fairies & elves
    (these are spiritual entities of both angelic, neutral
    and diabolic personalities
    – and are called Devas in Eastern mysticism),

    red is protection against bewitchment

    and silver is associated with the Moon.

    The royal witch garter is made from green snakeskin
    with a silver S-shaped buckle and tailored with a lining
    of purple velvet.

    In modern witchcraft, the witch garter is considered
    the ancient emblem of the High Priestess.

    In some traditions a high priestess
    who becomes Queen Witch over more than one coven
    adds a silver buckle to her garter for each coven under her.

    It is also used in the use of “lithomancy”,
    a type of divination where 13 stones are cast inside
    a witch garter placed inside a magic circle on an altar.

    There are distinct similarities
    between secret masonic societies,
    witch covens and druids

    – in short, they are all attempting the same thing;
    that is, the summoning of spiritual entities
    through the use of rituals within a Magick Circle

    – and in most cases the advanced POSSESSION of a member,
    so that questions and answers can be transcribed
    from the physical to the spirit world and vice versa.

    The Appletree Tavern in Covent Garden, London
    was the scene of the landmark meeting in 1717
    at which Freemasons decided to organise a Grand Lodge
    to coordinate Freemasonry across the British capital
    and later throughout England.

    The United Grand Lodge (UGLE) has since become
    the largest international ‘controlling’ body
    within world international Freemasonry.

    However, little does anyone know
    – unless they have watched any Chris Everards motion picture documentaries on the subject
    – that in that very same public house, in the same year,
    the inaugural assembly of the Universal Druid Bond was held,
    signifying what could be called the institutionalization
    of the Druid revival which had begun with the work
    of John Auberey.

    Mr Auberey was a historian and one of the first people to map
    and fully document the landscape surrounding Stonehenge
    – it was he who named the famous Auberey ‘Holes’
    and postulated that Stonehenge was constructed by
    and for druids.

    Of course, like most Freemasons and Witches,
    he was actually hijacking a much older,
    previous magickal tradition/temple/site
    – for Stonehenge is far older than even the 4,200 years
    it has been credited with
    – and that predates even the earliest records
    of British druids (but not witches).

    The first Chosen Chief of the Universal Druid Bond
    was John Toland, a member of a Masonic organisation
    called the Knights Of Jubilation.

    Toland was chief from 1717 to 1722
    when he was succeeded by William Stuckley (1722 – 1765).

    Stuckley was also a prominent Freemason.

    In 1726, Toland wrote The History of the Druids
    and it was at this point in the history
    of the Illuminati aristocratic-royal witch covens
    that Freemasonry and Druidry fused in
    newly created coven-lodges in the USA.

    In the United States in the eighteenth century,
    one Masonic Lodge at Newburgh, New York
    transformed itself into The Druid Society
    using the former Masonic lodge for its meetings
    and adopting much Masonic ceremony too
    – oh yes, amongst the sky scrapers
    and the modernist apartments of Manhattan,
    witches stalk the streets
    – and it was this order which was used as the model
    for the Mercato Coven in ROMAN POLANSKI’s film
    Rosemary’s Baby.

    Even the Pope likes Masonry.

    This is a good job as what with actually being one himself,
    having his photograph taken giving a Masonic handshake
    to fellow (deferential) Mason & former U.K. Prime Minister
    Tony Blair.

    As the head of the Roman Catholic royal house
    of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
    (name changed to Windsor in the UK in 1917)
    - the Pope is her Lord & Master,
    with her Order of St John
    (QEII being the Sovereign Head of the OSJ)
    & Order of the Garter
    (QEII being Sovereign of the Garter)
    both covertly beneath the Papal-loyal Order of Malta (SMOM).

    It was also during this era that the promiscuous male bi-sexual elite
    of San Francisco established the BOHEMIAN CLUB
    – one of it’s most famous members was JACK LONDON
    who attested to eating human flesh.

    Of course, Freemasonry had already entered American history
    by the time that Bohemian Club members
    started their kabbalistic disneyland camp-outs
    at Bohemian Grove

    – many innocent Africans had been kidnapped
    and shipped to work as slaves and were tortured
    and killed by gangs of KU KLUX KLANSMEN
    who wore the same costumes
    as the Vatican inquisition
    and were sworn Luciferian-Freemasons,
    under the command of arch arsehole
    and bigot General Albert Pike.

    Now, returning back to Britain,
    it is a relatively little known fact
    that one of Britain’s most famous politicians,
    Winston Churchill, was a Druid, a freemason,
    and a witch!

    Churchill was born in 1874
    and his father, Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill,
    was a senior Freemason in Britain and Ireland.

    The Spencer-Churchill family were fiercely loyal
    to the German royals who populated the British throne
    – and, indeed, all the thrones of Europe.

    It was Winston Churchill’s father who led the gang
    of aristocratic murderers, who slayed prostitutes
    in the east end of London
    – these murders were the infamous JACK THE RIPPER crimes
    – and Chris Everard was the first person in the world
    to expose the true identity of JACK THE RIPPER
    in the motion picture documentary

    Winston Churchill was initiated into the masonic
    Entered Apprentice degree in 1901
    at the Studholme Masonic Lodge (no. 1591)
    in London.

    This is the same lodge that ALEISTER CROWLEY
    claimed to be a member of. Churchill subsequently advanced
    through the Fellow Craft degree
    and was raised to a Master Mason in March 1902
    in Rosemary Lodge (no. 2851).

    Winston Churchill was also initiated into a Masonic-Druid order.

    A photograph in Stuart Piggot’s book
    The Druids shows a young Churchill flanked
    by a number of men, some wearing druid robes
    and others in ordinary suits.

    According to the inscription this photograph
    shows Churchill’s initiation into the Albion Lodge
    of the Ancient Order of Druids in August 1908
    at Blenheim Palace, his family home.

    Churchill was also initiated into the Ancient
    and Archaeological Order of Druids.

    The Ancient Order of Druids
    (also known as the Druid Order)
    was founded in 1781 by Henry Hurle.

    The Ancient Order of Druids embraced Masonic-like rituals
    which re-enacted the mock death/murder of someone
    and required each initiate to be ‘re-birthed’
    with the ‘new’ person being ‘re-born’
    into the druid-mason-witch coven.

    In the year 1833, a schism over the ‘orientation’
    of the druid-lodge-coven teachings broke out
    – reading between the lines of passed correspondence,
    it is obvious that LUCIFER and allegiance to Lucifer
    was at the heart of the argument.

    The majority of members sought to take the order
    in the direction of a fraternal brotherhood
    and adopted the name United Ancient Order of Druids.

    The minority retained the original name
    and continued mixing their brotherhood
    with Lucifer-inspired mysticism.

    Both sides in the dispute retained a strong Masonic element
    to their rituals and the Ancient Order of Druids
    in particular had a considerable overlapping membership
    with British and Continental Freemasonry.

    Therefore, the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids
    was founded in 1874 by a man called Wentworth Little.

    Mr. Little, like nearly all his fellow Druid-Witch buddies,
    was a Freemason and his secret society of upper class,
    high society druids was an exclusively Masonic society.

    All of its members had to have reached the degree
    of Master Mason (3rd degree rite) before joining.

    The purpose of the Ancient and Archaeological Order
    was to study the connections between Freemasonry
    and the druid tradition.

    One can ascertain from their studies that Druidism
    was interchangeable with Witchery
    – and it was the High Priest and High Priestess
    European covens of Witches that absorbed
    most of their studies.

    The summoning of the goat-Pan deity
    to orgiastic naked prancing parties
    in the grounds of their stately homes
    seems to have been the central preoccupation.

    In 1866, Mr. Little founded the Societas Rosicruciana
    in Anglia (SRiA), a secret society not dissimilar
    to the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids
    – this fused the German idea of Alchemy
    with the summoning of Pan.

    SRiA members were also required to be Master Masons first
    and just as Little’s druid order studied Freemasonry
    and druidry so the S.R.i.A. also concerned itself with research
    – based around the alchemical ‘manifestos’
    which were published near the home town
    of the present Duke of Edinburgh’s cousins.

    It was three members of the S.R.i.A.
    – Mr. William Wynn Westcott,
    Samuel Liddle McGregor Mathers and
    Dr. W. Woodman who founded
    the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
    an order which has gained a notorious reputation
    largely by introducing Aleister Crowley to the occult teachings
    that were popular amongst aristocratic and royal witch covens
    in Germany. his, as they say, is just the tip of the iceberg
    – rather than being meaningless ancient history
    and badly researched drivel
    – this kind of information helps to orientate people living
    in today’s world and see before their very eyes
    that ROYAL WITCHES do actually exist
    – and that they have the richest and most valuable portfolio
    of shares and stocks in the world
    – and, therefore, are very much in control of our jobs,
    our incomes, our destinies and lives......

    if you let them PACMAN. .....

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