The Most Famous Salem Witch Trial Descendants And Relatives

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 10, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Geni - William Towne (1599-1673)- Topsfield

    Lucille Ball (1911-1989)

    The iconic 'I Love Lucy' actor has several connections to the Salem witch trials,
    including being the 8th great-granddaughter of William Towne,
    who fathered three accused witches, and the 8th great-grandniece of Mary (Perkins) Bradbury,
    who was convicted at the trials.

    looks like i'm related to:
    William Towne, of Topsfield is your 7th cousin 10 times removed.

    Richard Wydeville, Esq., Sheriff of Kent, Constable of the Tower
    and Joan Bittelsgate - ARE MY 16th Great Grandfather / and, 16th Great Grandmother
    16th Great Grand Parents AKA Grandparents

    William Towne, of Topsfield is your 7th cousin 10 times removed.
    susan lynne schwenger

    Lyn aka Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    James Edward Handy Jr.
    her father

    James Edward Handy Sr.
    his father

    Edward or NED Handy
    his father

    Charles Wesley Handy
    his father

    Jane Orme - Handy of Brackagh (Bracca) Castle of Coolalough (Collolalough)
    his mother

    Anne Jackson - Orme
    her mother

    Jane Cuffe of Ballinrobe - Jackson
    her mother

    Right Hon. James Cuffe of Ballinrobe
    her father

    Alice Aungier - Cuffe
    his mother

    Ambrose Aungier
    her father

    Douglas Aungier
    his mother

    Edward Fitzgerald, MP
    her father

    Elizabeth Fitzgerald
    his mother

    Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of Dorset
    her father

    Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England
    his mother

    Richard Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers
    Son of Richard Wydeville, Esq., Sheriff of Kent, Constable of the Tower and Joan Bittelsgate
    her father


    my great aunt
    and, his great grandmother

    Lady Joan Maude Woodville
    Daughter of Richard Wydeville, Esq., Sheriff of Kent, Constable of the Tower and Joan Bittelsgate
    sister to Richard Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers

    Sir William Haute
    her son

    Sir Thomas Haute, Kt.
    his son

    Sir William Haute, Kt.
    his son

    Jane Hawte Wyatt
    his daughter

    Rose Clarke
    her daughter

    Elizabeth (or Alice) Towne
    her daughter

    William Towne, of Topsfield
    her son

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Tom Felton (1987-)

    The actor best known for playing Draco Malfoy in the 'Harry Potter' series
    is reportedly a descendant of John Proctor, a wealthy farmer
    who was hanged following his trial.

    The actor also has other connections to the trials, including being related to Lt. Nathaniel Felton,
    who acted as a defense witness in one of the trials.


    John Proctor (1632–1692) was a farmer and tavernkeeper in 17th-century Salem, Massachusetts.
    During the Salem witch trials he was accused of witchcraft, convicted and hanged.
    His wife and all of his children were accused as well as many members of his extended family.

    John Proctor, Salem Witch Trials

    John Proctor, Salem Witch Trials is your fifth cousin 9 times removed.


    Lyn aka Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    James Edward Handy Jr.
    her father

    James Edward Handy Sr.
    his father

    Edward or NED Handy
    his father

    Charles Wesley Handy
    his father

    Jane Orme - Handy of Brackagh (Bracca) Castle of Coolalough (Collolalough)
    his mother

    Anne Jackson - Orme
    her mother

    Jane Cuffe of Ballinrobe - Jackson
    her mother

    Right Hon. James Cuffe of Ballinrobe
    her father

    Alice Aungier - Cuffe
    his mother

    Griseld Bulkeley - Aungier
    her mother

    Lancelot Bulkeley, Archbishop of Dublin
    her father

    Agnes "Annes" Bulkely
    his mother

    Thomas Needham
    Son of Sir Robert Needham, Kt.
    and Agnes Mainwaring- Needham, Daughter of Sir John Mainwaring and Maud Legh, 14TH GREAT GRANDPARENTS

    her father
    his great uncle / my great grandfather 13th level

    Maud Venables
    Daughter of Sir Robert Needham, Kt. and Agnes Mainwaring - Needham
    his sister / my great aunt / but, his great grandmother 13th level

    Agnes Collier
    her daughter

    Cecilia "Cecily" Harpur - Collier
    her daughter

    William Harper
    her son

    Martha Proctor
    his daughter

    John Proctor, Salem Witch Trials
    her son

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