The Michael Singer Podcast: Doing The Real Work To Free Yourself Video

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, May 15, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Michael Singer Podcast: Doing the Real Work to Free Yourself



    Michael Singer helps us remove our self-made obstacles to spiritual realization and inner freedom.

    According to Michael Singer, the only one stopping you from experiencing
    the heights of divine ecstasy and freedom is you.

    In this podcast, he describes the real work of the spiritual path
    as the process of removing our inner blockages and self-made obstacles
    in order to uncover the natural states of bliss and spiritual liberation
    that are our birthright.

    He also discusses discovering "witness consciousness,"
    the cause of karma, the art of relaxing and releasing resistance
    to our experience, and more.

    Begin the Course "Living from a Place of Surrender"

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Julia B Dalton
    I reread Michael Singer's books recently and decided to do my own Surrender experiment.

    I also went back to yoga after decades and I am humbled.

    This work is so simple and yet so challenging.

    MS is a gift to the world. Thank. you.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sandy Lucas

    1 year ago
    I learned this practice by accident.

    One day in early 2015 we set out to go on vacation.

    As we drove along my thoughts got outrageous about how fat I was and how awful
    I will look in a bathing suit.

    As usual I looked for a distraction.

    We were driving and I couldn't find anything when all of a sudden
    I felt a squeezing sensation in my stomach.

    It was unlike a stomachache yet very painful.

    Immediately I knew my body ached due to the thoughts I was thinking.

    I decided to watched the sensation.

    It moved up into my chest, then my throat.

    Suddenly my head felt hot and I felt flushed.

    I let out a sigh and I knew it was over.

    I immediately knew I would no longer diet and put my body through that pain.

    After that my instincts heightened and it led me to how to get healthy.


    I still use this practice to this day.

    Whenever I feel triggered I turn my attention
    to inside my body and search for any sensations and follow them.

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