The Mars Journey Through Gemini 20 Aug 2022 To 25 March 2023 ~ Dale Osadchuk

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    21 Aug 2022 ·

    The Mars journey through Gemini

    20 August 2022 to 25 March 2023

    The long and winding road

    YES!!! Those dates are correct. Mars, the planet of life force, desire,
    and action, usually spends about 6 weeks in a zodiac sign.

    But he will go on his retrograde journey on Oct 30, 2022
    at 25 degrees Gemini until he moves direct
    at 08 degrees Gemini on 12 January 2023.

    He leaves Gemini on 25 March 2023.

    Therefore he is in the sign of how we communicate for 7 months.

    Gemini is also the sign of duality. But the Sabian Symbol
    that activates this Mars journey is
    “A glass-bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders”
    the feeling is one of WONDER.

    How beautiful.

    How exciting.


    (An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar).

    The message is be guided by your inner knowing.

    Be open and receptive to new possibilities.

    When Mars does retrograde review, re-access, rethink your focus.

    Are you creating what you really want?

    Again I am reminded of Wayne Dyer’s message
    “change your thoughts and you change your life”.

    Mars in Gemini activates the Tarot Constellation of The Lovers,
    relationship and choice.

    So relationships will be tested during this journey.

    The theme is the choice to unite in love or to separate in fear.

    In a recent article in the Mountain Astrologer Magazine on Mars Retrograde astrologer Colin Bedell introduces the concept
    “Words are windows or they’re walls”

    That theme will be emphasized during this Mars journey.

    Windows open us to other viewpoints.

    Walls close us off.

    In Esoteric Astrology the planet Mars is found on
    the 6th Ray of Idealism and Devotion.

    This can be a difficult Ray as Neptune
    (what is true, what is not true, what should never be true)
    is also found here.

    Mid October and Mid November 2022
    Mars in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces
    (being guided by our spiritual essence or being caught in illusion).

    Gemini is a 2nd Ray sign. Love Wisdom and the Path of Illumination.

    I have always seen Gemini as a search for our Soul connection,
    pure positive energy.

    Let that be your guide.

    The planetary guide for this Mars in Gemini journey is Mercury, our thoughts, perceptions, ideas, and style of communication.

    At the start of this journey Mercury is in Virgo
    (mind, body, spirit healing and integration)
    but he is also opposite Neptune in Pisces (illusion or illumination).

    So the question “what is true, what is not true” has already been activated.

    Mercury will be retrograde Sept 09, 2022 in Libra (relationship)
    until Oct 02, 2022 in Virgo (healing) when he moves direct and again opposes Neptune in Pisces.

    The second Mercury retrograde happens 29 Dec 2022
    to 08 Jan 2023 in the sign of Capricorn (our Soul Purpose Path).

    And remember Mars is still retrograde until 12 Jan 2023.

    Review and realign your vision. Capricorn is society.

    There is hope for us yet.

    In Esoteric Astrology the planet Venus is the Soul Centered ruler of Gemini
    so she also guides Mars.

    On Sept 14, 2022 she will end her Morning Star journey
    and enter the underworld asking us to focus on what is of true value and importance.

    She will be in Virgo (healing and integration) and will square Mars
    (motivation for change in relationship).

    So definitely a looking within time.

    She will begin her Evening Star journey on Oct 22, 2022
    at 28 degrees Libra just before Mars retrogrades.

    Evening Star Venus asks us to find Oneness Within and harmony
    in relationship especially the relationship to self.

    She will still be invisible until Dec 03, 2022
    when she appears on the western horizon asking us all to live in harmony.

    She will be in Sagittarius at the time opposite Mars in Gemini.

    Together they are asking us to release duality and choose to unite in love.

    Venus is also the guide for the North Node (new directions)
    and Uranus (breakthrough) in Taurus
    (what is of true value and importance).

    Uranus (new consciousness) will be in square aspect to Saturn
    (old consciousness) Sept 14 to Oct 23, 2022.

    Breakthrough or break down.

    Squares ask us to find new ways of doing things.

    As mentioned Oct 22, 2022 is when Venus begins her Evening Star journey,
    at oneness within and harmony.

    In the Northern hemisphere our Animal Totem guide for Mars in Gemini
    is Deer, sensitivity, empathy, and compassion.

    Deer also calls us to new adventures something Mars craves.

    In the Southern Hemisphere you are guided by Owl,
    the wisdom to discern the truth from illusion.

    But wherever we live these Totems will guide us when we call on them.

    The Clan Mother for this Mars Journey is Storyteller.

    She is the guardian of the Magical Spirit and pathfinder of the new way.

    She teaches us how to listen but also how to speak from the Heart
    when we share our truth. She guides us as we write our new story.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    I know this is a lot of information.

    We will continue to expand the energy in our New and Full Moon posts.

    For now open windows do not build walls as you navigate
    this long and winding road.

    The Sun enters Virgo on Aug22/23, 2022
    Mind, Body, and Spirit Healing.

    Namaste and blessings,

    To contact me email at I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2022 Aquarius Super Full Moon
    11 AUG 2022
    12 AUG 2022

    11 Aug at 6.36 pm PDT- 9.36 pm EDT- 12 Aug at 2.36 am BST (summer time GMT)
    12 Aug at 9.36 am AWST Perth- 11.36 am AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    This is a very powerful Full Moon that echoes and illuminates the theme of the Tarot Constellation of Strength,
    courage of your convictions, connecting with your inner strength, courage to be yourself,
    and strengthening your connection to Source whatever that is for you.

    The Moon in Aquarius also supports us to share our knowledge and healing gifts with the world.

    Aquarius is also the sign of Collective Consciousness.

    Currently there is a “thought form” that is dominant in human consciousness.

    It is scarcity, lack, and fear.

    This Full Moon is asking us to embrace prosperity, abundance, and love.

    As Wayne Dyer said “change your thoughts and you change your life”.

    The Moon is at 19 degrees Aquarius 21 (hopes, wishes, and dreams) travelling with Earth
    at the same degrees (sharing our gifts) and Saturn Rx at 22 degrees Aquarius 05
    (strengthening our spiritual foundation).

    Saturn is strong as he is the traditional ruler of Aquarius.

    But he also represents society and the collective consciousness
    (limitation, restriction, and loss of individual power).

    They are opposite the Sun at 19 degrees Leo 21
    (individuality and personal strength) and being heart centered.

    This opposition is square (motivation for change and finding new ways of doing things)
    the North Node at 17 degrees Taurus (new directions) Uranus at 18 degrees Taurus 51
    and Mars at 25 degrees Taurus 02 (taking action to break through to what is of true value and importance).

    The South Node at 17 degrees Scorpio (releasing what no longer serves us, healing the past,
    and transformation) creates a Fixed Grand Cross (breaking out of old ways of thinking).

    It is so interesting as Aquarius and its modern ruler Uranus rule electricity.

    I live in Ontario north of Toronto.

    Today there is a massive power outage in the city downtown core
    creating the need to find new ways of doing things.

    I mention this as mid Sept 2022 to mid Oct 2022, Uranus
    (expect the unexpected) will be in Square aspect with Saturn in Aquarius
    (breaking free from limitation and restriction).

    I believe the message is keep shining your inner light regardless
    of what is going on in the world.

    Uranus is turning retrograde (review and revision) on Aug 24, 2022.

    He will continue to be at 18 degrees Taurus (finding our inner power) until Oct 12, 2022.

    The echo of this Full Moon continues.

    It is also interesting on a personal level for me.

    I wanted to write this post yesterday (Aug 10, 2022)
    but my connection to the internet was down.

    In my household only mine.

    I need to explore what that means.

    So sorry if you receive this after the exact Full Moon.

    Perhaps the message is “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”.

    Our Animal Totem guide for the Leo Sun is Salmon, courage
    and determination to create the new.

    For the Moon/Earth/Saturn in Aquarius we are guided by Otter,
    curiosity, adaptability, and joyful companionship.

    In the Southern Hemisphere the animal Totems are reversed for you.

    For all of us the Clan Mother for Leo is She Who Heals.

    She is the Keeper of the healing arts and teaches us how to serve others
    using our healing abilities.

    The Clan Mother for Aquarius is Wisdom Keeper.

    The Mother of friendship, planetary unity, and mutual understanding.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    Use this Aquarius Full Moon energy to bring joy and laughter into your life.

    The road ahead will be filled with curves but you will thrive.

    Whatever you need to release do it with LOVE and GRATITUDE for what it taught you.

    Namaste and blessings,

    To contact me email at I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

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