The Importance Of The First Sixty Minutes Of A Life

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 8, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Emmanuel James

    It would be natural if the newborn would stay on the mother's chest
    for at least an hour after birth.

    Therefore, the umbilical cord is only 50 to 60 centimeters long,
    it's enough for the baby to get to the mother's breast.

    And now I’m not just talking about positive feelings for mother and child,
    but also about placenta blood transfusion.

    A quarter of the newborn's blood is still in the placenta at the time of birth, and
    if we leave the umbilical cord intact for at least 25 minutes,
    the baby will absorb the remaining blood and
    will not suffer from anemia, as it often happens.

    In addition, this transmission also applies to those "great" stem cells on sale,
    which get from the placenta to the child's body where it belongs,
    and not to a bank in Greece or Denmark.

    Animals will eat their babies placenta after some time after birth, not immediately.

    From this perspective, we are the only mammals who cut the umbilical cord
    as soon as the baby is born.

    A barbaric and traumatic procedure for a child who is barely adjusting to breathing...

    Therefore, in the birth plan it should be possible
    to cut the umbilical cord only after it stops pulsing,
    i.e. after about 25 minutes, which is a necessity and
    should not be considered a whim.

    As far as the lotus birth is concerned, it's an ancient practice, and if it was as dangerous
    as a civilization, we would have been extinct long ago.

    Have they repeatedly told you that the value of your child’s STEM CELL
    is about 2,000 to 4,000 euros?

    It depends on the sophisticated package you can choose during their "harvest"
    in the first minutes after birth, right?

    The clear conclusion is that they are expensive.

    They really are very expensive.

    So precious stem cells are literally worth the price of GOLD!

    But not for stem cell banks, ONLY YOUR KIDS!

    It is the most valuable heritage, which passes directly from the placenta
    in the first minutes of birth.

    Stem cells arise from conception and are located in the placenta, the external organ
    that feeds your baby for 9 months.

    Your baby's stem cells are intelligent cells that are transferred from the placenta
    to the newborn's body unless the umbilical cord is cut/clamped for 25 minutes
    due to the said blood transfer from the placentas.

    In addition, these stem cells will repair any postpartum abnormalities and damage to the child.

    Do you understand now why there are hundreds of companies that want your child's stem cells?

    The biggest foolishness is to believe scary stories created by high paid marketing teams
    to make you believe that they will save you sometime in your life if you pay a lot...

    Therefore, please, dear MOM, do not let yourself be bought and deal with all your conscience,
    thoroughly inform yourself before you pull out thousands of euros from your pocket,
    just to get rid of your own child's stem cells and his 150 ml of blood from the placenta.

    (According to DITTTY DEPNER - therapist and founder of holistic renaissance concept
    and holistic counselor for fertility, pregnancy, birth and life after birth)


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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