The Immense Dissolving ~ Judith Kusel

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 13, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Judith Kusel
    22m ·

    The Immense Dissolving:
    I was shown something last night,

    just before falling asleep,

    which was immensely moving,

    and to me demonstrated the immense power of the Divine Love,

    now pouring into planet humanity as we are going through

    this intense transfiguration process:

    I was shown all the power structures,

    the rigid institutions, and all which they upheld

    since Atlantis fell.

    Those who ruled and were ruled and thus the traditions,

    which no one even remembers whence it comes from,

    nor its original meaning and forms.

    More than this, how these self-same, with their rigid structures,

    regimented all and everything, and thus herewith then imposed

    such on all whom they conquered, or subdued,

    inclusive of their own people.

    Then, I was shown, the New Earth, and the inpouring of Divine Love,

    into the Old Earth, and as this happened, the cracks started appearing,

    and the cracks widened, and widened, until all literally burst

    – and then shards of the old, dissolving into no-thing-ness.

    All of this simply through the Power of Divine Love, pouring in.

    This went into the core of those who held power,

    and all artificial structures and the people within these,

    and they too were dissolving.

    The masks came off, and as the masks came off,

    only the soul remained, now standing naked,

    stripped open to the very core.

    Now it did not matter who and what the persona proclaimed,

    or what acting role it had taken upon itself:

    all that had simply disintegrated, crumbled away,

    and only the Power of Love itself, remained,

    and nakedness of the soul.

    When the soul is stripped naked to the core,

    there are no hiding places any longer.

    The soul now is bathed in Divine Light and Divine Love

    – and shown in its truth!

    The Power of Love is indeed sweeping the earth.

    Huge and drastic changes are upon us!

    No-thing is stable anymore.

    Thus look past the seeming events,

    and do not be moved in any form or way.

    For what had been Divinely declared in happening,

    on all levels and on all fronts, and thus the Old is making way

    for the New as all transfigures.

    What is not of the highest truth will be exposed.

    The Power of Love is cleaving open, is raising to the surface

    what needs to be seen, heard, forgiven and let go of.

    It not the time for huge outward planning and striving and pushing.

    It is simply time, to go deep within, and allow the Power of Love,

    to sweep through you and all that is, and to lift all of us,

    into the highest Love, the purest Love,

    the unconditionally loving state, where all is One

    – where the Power of Love unites us all in ways

    we cannot even imagine now, yet,

    where we are being finally freed of all duality,

    all separation, all expressions and forms of such,

    and thus only can see and experience the wholeness,

    the deepest knowing, that whatever I see,

    whatever I experience, whatever comes my way,

    are all parts of me, now being reunited into ONE.

    Such is the Power of Love.

    What I witnessed, was the transfiguration the Power of Love

    brings forth and it goes beyond words and beyond recording.

    I now understood the message

    the Dolphins brought me this weekend,

    in a far deeper and wider sense.

    For indeed it is through the heart center

    as connected to our soul,

    that the Power of Love

    lifts us into the highest states

    of transfiguration, renewal and rebirth.

    Thus as all is exposed, and all crumbles, rejoice!

    The Power of Love brings a total rebirth

    – a New Humanity, and a New Golden Age in the New Earth.

    Judith Kusel

    PHoto: Josephine Wall

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