The Grail Knight ~ Artist: Nanette Crist

Discussion in 'Gnosticism And The Bible' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 6, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Grail Knight 1f607.

    This is my painting of the True Grail Knight.

    Yes he found the chalice used at the last supper.

    He found the Grail castle and his true love.

    But he also became the living Grail by embodying the qualities of Christ!

    This resulted in The descent of the Holy Spirit from the heart
    of Divine Mother Sophia into his crown.

    His heart opened in complete surrender to God .

    His crown opens like a chalice allowing The descent of the Holy Spirit
    to dwell in him.

    So long as he maintains his centeredness, purity and goodness the spirit
    will continue to dwell in him.

    And he attains spiritual perfection which is truly perfection
    and love wisdom and the right use of power.

    This Is the destiny of every true seeker. It can only be accomplished
    with complete devotion.

    When we love God above all else, ( and every one else )then we are free
    to receive this singular act of Grace.

    This is my response today to a Templar /Gnostic site's statements and inquiries....
    This inner soul alchemy requires purification, embodying the virtues,
    selflessness, and perseverance no matter what the obstacles.

    Finally we come to a place of joy when we know that we are God's children.

    Then all of our sins are forgiven ,because we are loved unconditionally.

    Then we determine never to fall into error, selfishness , or pollution of our sacred vessel.

    Even forgoing the use of mind-altering substances ,
    and have made ourselves Worthy of that inheritance...

    Then are we ready to receive the True love, wisdom and power of God

    .The descent of the Holy Spirit into the crown happens
    when a person surrenders or let's go of All
    of their conceptions, attachments, and loves in this world.

    It is like dying voluntarily without the necessity of putting off the physical body.

    Then our hearts are completely open to God and we reach the point of perfect balance.

    The Holy Spirit comes through Grace that is magnetized
    by the childlike surrender of our hearts and minds without condition ,
    and without judgment.

    Then we become the living Grail.

    Psychoactive substances are not necessary or desirable for this to happen.

    I know this because I had this experience of illumination with God;
    when I was 21 (and have known other illuminates) .

    We all have one thing in common...we let go of selfishness
    or preconceived notions of any kind.

    We even have to be willing to let go of those we love the most, our pets,
    our family, our spouse, our careers, hobbies, even what we thought
    brought us the most pleasure although it is usually temporary.

    Our total and complete love must be absorbed in God
    with the greatest passion and trust possible.

    Each understood the Divine Principles and the inculcation of virtue
    in a practical way.. Each was living in service as walking in love.

    Everyone going through a period of purification and restoration.

    The true Grail lineage comes down through the bloodline of the Christ.

    Jesus in one Age Christ, in all ages.

    Some of those people have been illuminated, resurrected, and even ascended.

    There is also the disrupted or counterfeit lineage.

    That is the lineage of the fallen Angels who diverted
    and polluted human DNA and souls.

    It is the royals of that lineage who still practice sorcery,
    the dark arts, enslavement , debt currencies, natural pharmacopia,
    predatory practices, the use of technology to dominate others,
    unjustified violence, continual deception,stealing ,mind control ,
    sexual perversion and distortion, blood drinking
    and cannibalism, gene-altering technologies, hybridizing
    and genetic engineering of humans animals plants etc,
    human sacrifice and the summoning of demons,
    and a host of other abominations.

    For those who are sincere seekers of God, there are certain holy foods
    and practices. such as those which contain large amounts
    of monoatomic elements...

    which can be utilized without psychoactive substances or pharmacopoeia.

    Under no conditions should actual whole blood be drunk.

    Especially the blood of the tortured innocents so prevalent in today's Satan worshiping societies.

    Nor should adrenochrome be consumed... even in it's synthetic form !

    Those are soul stealing vampiristic technologies ,
    many of which will be offered to the masses in the near future.

    The satanic elite and dark Illuminati are already doing this.

    The actual cup which Jesus drank from at the last supper has been located.

    Joseph of
    Arimathea's relinquery of Holy blood for the potentized holy wine is a separate vessel. As is the Magdalene's ointment jar.

    Thank you for your beautiful expressions
    of preserving the Holiness of the Grail in all of its forms. 1f64f_1f3fc. 1f607. 1f339.
    visit her site here:
    Originals and Prints are available for purchase
    ~even private commissions
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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