The God Awakening ~ Mind Altering Miracles ? Reverse Karma ?`

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 28, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "KARMA is, THE GREAT eQualizer" - susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    god1. god2. god3. god4. god5. god6.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Thuban Dreaming - 40 Years Later - November 15-16th, 2015

    I was dreaming and a starship appeared.

    It appeared real enough,
    something alike the Strartrekker starship
    like an advanced version of the 'Enterprise',
    but I straight away knew it was not as it seemed.

    It was rather closely associated with the 'powers that be',
    the echeloners who controlled the occurrences and happenings
    upon planet Earth.

    Soon enough, I was to experience a close encounter
    with those echeloners in circumstances blended
    with the fortunes of the past and the misfortunes of the present.

    But in the dream, the starship began to metamorphose
    in a number of scenarios, symbolizing the journeying
    of a shared past and the remembrance of it
    with the potentialised future manifesting in the present.

    The nature of the starship was partially physical
    and partially metaphysical, meaning that it was guided
    under parameters of dimensions pf physical densities
    blended with and into each other.

    In the dream the starship transformed into an ocean liner
    and I could walk along the cabins from the outside
    to see the captain's bridge and the crew inside
    of the guiding system for the ocean liner.

    But then this ocean cruiser veered away
    from its native element and became a sort of terra cruiser,
    able to transverse the land in an elevated fashion,
    say in hovering over the trees and forests with ease
    in a quasi starship fashion of interelemental adaptation capacity.

    From that dreamscape, the story changed into a script
    descriptive of the encounter with the echeloners
    as the adaptation of the captain's crew of the ocean liner.

    Now I had an accomplice, a young man known as
    Johan or Johnny or Jim, but also Julian.

    The two of us somehow became detected by the echeloner crew
    and they adviced us in authoritative terms, bordering on arrested,
    that we had to justify our actions of being where we were.

    Two of those agents then brought us to their headquarters
    for interrogations or examinations.

    The place the human appearing agents took us to,
    was like an underground establishment
    or a building complex hidden in caves or mountains.

    There were many rooms and chambers,
    but no activity of personages or beings moving about.

    But both J and myself felt an atmosphere of oppression
    and foreboding in that place.

    We wanted to escape our confinements
    and as there were only two of them,
    we took our chances and as we walked
    across some bridge outside the building complex,
    we pushed both confiscators off the bridge
    into the enclave below and ran away
    from the headquarters of the captain's guiding crew.

    We knew, we were being followed
    and we found ourselves in the wilderness
    and J said he knew of a secret entrance place
    in the woods, where our pursuers would not find us.

    We reached this place, just a sort of native rock,
    which obscured the entrance into a new natural world
    as a counterpart of the constructed world of the echeloners,
    likewise hidden from the normal occurrences upon the planet Earth.

    But then the dreamscape changed and J remained in the natural world;
    whilst I had to resurface to face our persecuters.

    I found myself in the woods again and the sun was shining,
    when I saw a guy in a jeep driving towards me.

    He felt different than the echeloners, yet he was searching for me.

    At first I tried to avoid him, running from one place
    to another in the forest, but he adjusted his jeep,
    steering it wherever I moved to and I could not escape.

    As I somehow knew, that this guy was trustworthy,
    I stopped running away from him and approached him directly
    to ask him what all this persecution was about.

    As I approached him, he affirmed my identity in asking:
    "You are Tony Bermanseder, aren't you?!"

    I answered in the affirmative and so we talked and he said,
    that he was ordered to find and catch me and to bring me back
    to headquarters; but that he was not one of them.

    And it was about the times.

    Somehow the echeloners had discovered that I posed a threat
    to their establishment and now that they knew about it,
    I had to become neutralized to protect their status quo.

    The echeloners had found the records about my identity
    and reason for being on this planet in their surveillances
    and data bases and so the directive for my arrest
    and imprisonment has been given from the highest central authority.

    This guy did not mention J and so I thought it best to leave
    J out of whatever would follow in development from this situation.

    And so I decided to simply go to headquarters to face my persecutors.

    Then, at headquarters, I found myself surrounded by a number of agents
    and I saw straight away, that they were not human.

    They were so excited to see me and in their excitement,
    they could barely hide their natural appearance
    as reptilian humans from me.

    Their human masqueraded skin almost melted
    and their tongues were slithering when they talked
    and their eyes were yellow and obelisk shaped,
    like that of any native reptile found on Earth.

    I then felt rather jeopardized.

    The projected and openly displayed excitement
    of those 'aliens' made it clear to me,
    that they found me attractive and that this attraction
    was not one of benevolent desires to share commonly
    enjoyable experiences; but rather one for individual gratification.

    Did they want to eat or consume me or parts of me?

    It did feel that way and I wondered if it had been a good idea
    to accept their 'invitation' to meet them at their headquarters.

    So I was brought into a room or hall where interrogations could take place.

    Some chief guy there said: "We know all about you Tony Bermanseder!".

    I replied asking: "How did you find me?"

    He said: "We analysed our records and all is taken care of.

    Your human identity has been rubbed out
    and you can consider yourself as 'gone missing' on earth.
    Your disappearance has been formalized ."

    I thought to myself: "But what about the kids?"

    Again I realized that I would perhaps not be able to leave this place
    and that my life was in great danger of ending right in the headquarters
    of the echeloners, who seemed to be reptoid aliens.

    There were a number of echeloner agents standing around in that hall,
    where I was being interrogated by this chief administrator or inspector.

    I decided to offer my cooperation to the the chief, saying:
    "Now that I am here., we could work together.

    I could learn of your culture and I could share the culture
    of this planet with you."

    I soon realized, that the echeloners knew everything they wanted
    to know about the planet Earth and that they did not require anything
    I knew about it and that I was stuck here and perhaps would see the end
    of my human existence in the foreseeable future in this place.

    I did not know what to do next and so I simply said to the chief:

    'You know that I am from Alpha Draconis, don't you?!"

    The chief lost his composure and jumped out of his chair
    or whatever he was sitting upon.


    'Yes, I am from Thuban!", I said and the entire mental atmosphere
    in the hall seemed to change from oppression to amazement
    and a feeling of utter astonishment.

    The chief then asked: "If I say: 'Begruui Reptia!', what say you?"

    From the top of my head and without contemplating the question,
    I said: 'Brigita!'

    I began to become aware of the whisperings between the echeloners;
    about a lost history and their ancestors and the rembrances hidden
    in a secret code.

    About the great conjuction of 2,200 million years ago,
    when the higher dimensional sentiences began to form
    to manifest in their divers form of physicality in the galaxies
    and starsystems and worlds of the universe.

    I then knew, that my life was no longer in danger,
    but that a form of jubilation and discovery had infested
    the echeloners from their very own and rather unhuman perspective
    and selfconscious cosmic awareness and universal beingness.

    I then also knew of Jen and Kira
    and Kira-Jen and Jen-Kira of the ancient pasts
    of all the extraterrestrial intelligences.

    86+66=152, the Broken Net of the Diadem of Darkness!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    if The Broke Net of The diadem of Darkness is 152

    is there a reason why 153 is The Fish or The Fishes ???

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The number 153 is talked about in the NT in John 21 in The bible,
    153 and its divisors (17&51) are all encoded into the Great Pyramid in Egypt
    and, it also has to do with 'changes' in maya calendar too

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    some stuff to ponder impressedbykindness.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    is the worst part of things on The Earth - child trafficking ???

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