The Generation That Sees Thing ~ Fig Tree By Jonathan Selby

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 26, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jonathan Selby
    June 24 at 9:14 PM ·

    “The Generation that sees these Things”
    After Hitler- a Satan in the flesh, and his mass genocide of 6 million Jews and the end of ww2 in 1945, it seems the world celebrated the beginning of a new age of modernization. An awakening and cultural revolution that would be viral worldwide, The world blossomed into changes at a pace never seen before in history and in ways they could not have even imagined. This was my generation, as I was born in 1946 that witnessed these things and it has not yet passed away. Some call it the ‘Fig tree generation’ referring to those born around the same time as Israel became a nation again in 1948 after 2000 years of dormancy. After ww2 a new and different war began with the dropping of what I refer to as ‘spiritual bombs’ falling worldwide. They were more numerous and devastating than the atomic bomb born just before that in the late 1940’s which ended the previous war and that era.
    Yes, most of the new bombs were also physical but the power they contained was more like an insidious virus or poison that would infect and effect their bodies, minds, spirits and hearts- turning them from genuine and Godly values to artificial and fleshly ones.
    Here is a list of some of the Bombs that fell immediately after ww2 and the effect they had which has brought us to our current circumstances- and most likely the end of a final and transitional age, even the segue to a climatic end and the Lords return.
    Those that once mocked claiming “The Lord delays His coming, for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning (2 Peter 3:4) may have had a point. for looking at 2000 years of history, and even all of history, and seeing relatively slow and gradual developmental, one might be able to claim that, however looking at this list that has occurred in only one generation it can not be said any longer. This is a chain reaction like a nuclear explosion but in a whole different realm
    Here is a list of seven of the major bombs hitting in my generation somewhat in order of their strength, impact and effect and then the direct or indirect results from them.
    1 ELECTRICITY was Invented in 1882, by 1925 it was in only half of American homes but by 1946 when I was born this ‘bomb’ was in 85% of homes. Electricity definite gets first place in its long broad effects in numerous various ways. Without it most of the next bombs would not have been invented or worked.
    Especially when it became the ‘Prince of the power of the air’ sending its invisible influences via radio, Tv, phones, internet and more.
    2 TELEPHONE was invented in 1876 and after 70 years in 1946 it was in about 30m or 45% of homes- but the cellphone in comparison coming along in 1973 in only 50 years is owned by 97% of people worldwide!
    3 TELEVISION was invented in 1927 and when I was born there were only 6000 TV’s in the whole united states but only 5 years later in 1951 there were 12 million TV’s out there and 20% of families under its influence (a new kind of ‘fall out’) 10 years later 90% of homes had televisions.
    4 AUTOMOBILES were invented 1886 and by 1951 90% of families had cars.
    5 SATELLITES The first satellite was launched by Russia in 1957 and at the time of this writing there are now almost 5,000 satellites orbiting the earth
    6 COMPUTERS also came into existence in this same time frame, the first working computer containing all of the elements essential to modern computers was in 1948, however not until microprocessors in 1971 did it become viable with the first personal computer available in 1974 and currently 90% of households have at least one.
    7 INTERNET was a late comer but far from least in its impact beginning in 1983, and ‘WWW’ the World Wide Web (Note: world wide spider WEB) launched in 1989
    AIRPLANES were invented in 1903 and the first commercial flights begun in 1952.
    Mass communication/information sharing
    Automation, mass production of goods/services
    Birth control
    Materialism, credit cards 1950, now 80% of consumers use them and 90% have debit
    Video games
    Vietnam, hippy revolt/revolution
    Cultural change, music, clothes, morality
    LGBT, transgenders
    Medical advancements
    Large scale mechanized farming
    rural lifestyles to urban, technological, free time for pleasures, no work at home
    Divorce rate, destruction of homes
    pornography- Color magazines-internet
    Sex education, God out of schools
    Church attendance
    Ideological Inventions:
    The theory of evolution
    Bible banned
    eastern thought in W- Truth not absolute, many paths
    Hippies- “If it feels good do it”
    One might ask why i would call these great advances ‘Bombs’ which are usually negative and destructive when dropped by an enemy injuring many and destroying lives?
    I refer to them as Bombs because if you look at the long term effects or even just my generation (as to what you consider to be progress) you may have to admit and agree with me that these seemingly beneficial things have done more damage to lives than all the bombs that have ever been dropped combined.
    To get the picture it might help to see what it was like before they fell (were invented and became common) and compared to after- how things are now.
    To begin this comparison I would like you to look and consider its effect on the most important unit- the home and family. I prefaced this writing by saying these developments were “like an insidious virus or poison that would infect and effect their bodies, minds, spirits and hearts- turning them from genuine and Godly values to artificial and fleshly ones” The family unit is the foundational unit upon which develops the fabric of society and lives. So what went wrong, how could/would these great and labor saving inventions have such a huge detrimental effect on us, and how quickly could these bombs in just one generation do so much destruction!
    For example lets consider what caused the divorce rate (marriages ending in divorce) of the early 1900’s of less than 1% to increase to over 50% by 1980? Something changed in peoples minds and hearts from values once natural and common to selfish desires. looking at this indicator of this change, such as the birth control such as the ‘pill’ in 1960 and legalizing abortions in 1973 that American families in the past 50 years, have now murdered 63 million of their own unborn children and 1.5 billion world wide- Does that not show a complete change of values? Family that was once the most valuable thing one could have was lost to the desire for the possession of worldly ‘things’. Or how about this indicator of a change in values.
    When I was born most 95% of families consisted of a married man and woman, with three or more children, intact (without divorce), Only the father working out and providing for them and the mother at home caring for children and taking care of the house.
    Now most Mothers work away from the home at least partime, 23% of children live in single parent households, 50% of families have been through a divorce and remarriage. The traditional American home has been blown to pieces by these bombs. With modernization people forsook wholesome rural living and moved to urban areas where industrial employment was now plenteous and the parents could make more money and have more ‘things’. Years ago children were an asset to the family, there was always work for the children along side their parents- now they sit and play video games, there’s not much more for them to do. Today their homes are more like train stations than homes that parents and children pass through with minimal interaction, and the family dinner table has been forsaken as they separately entertain themselves on their gadgets. Does this sound like a healthy cultural change?
    I suggested that to visualize what has happened better we should try to see how things once were, and here is a good example for some still live the way it was.
    Most of these people’s ancestors fled to America during the reformation starting in the 1500’s, many due to persecution from the Roman Catholic church. Martin Luther had challenged the church and now that the printing press existed the common people could also read it themselves and came into agreement with Luther. They were called ‘Anabaptist’ because they found no scripture supporting baptizing infants and therefore rebaptized (where the term anabaptist comes from) people upon confession of their faith in Christ. This was a threat to the Catholic church and their controlling religious system, for according to the anabaptist salvation was not through the church but by personal individual faith in Christ, hence martyrdom of these anabaptist the church felt was the best way for the Roman church to stamp it out- wrong! It had the opposite effect for everyone they murdered produced more as more people observing it became curious to seek the truth for themselves. The catholic church was vehement against these anabaptist imprisoning and killing them all over Europe therefore God had prepared a ‘new world’ for them to escape to and they did so starting many if not most of the early American colonies.
    The anabaptist (Separatist Pilgrims from the church of England, Amish from Switzerland, , Mennonite, Quakers, Church of the Brethren, Hutterites, Bruderhof etc) cultivated Godly family units with strong values and discretion. They desired to live separated from the world and protected by God, even being exempt from going to war due to their ‘non-resistant’ beliefs and were legally granted that right. After a few centuries of settlements when modernization began they had the discretion, discernment, and foresight to see these bombs and the effect they could have on them and said ‘No thanks, we’re not going with the world’ They felt these new inventions could easily be taken too far and were dangerous, both to their family, community life and spiritual values.
    They began ‘drawing lines’ between what of the new inventions were safe and which would lead to entrapment and worldly pursuits as opposed to heavenly. Things that would turn their eyes from God to enticements of this world. Things that would cause them to build treasures on earth and not in heaven. Their communities still exist all over the world, numbering over two million members in 90 countries.
    I live close to an old order (horse and buggy) Mennonite community, they are my friends though, at least not yet, agree with where they have drawn all their lines.
    They have said no to all of the inventions I listed. No electricity, automobiles or motors, telephones, television, computers or internet. They live truly ‘off the grid’ almost exactly how most people lived before my generation. These people enjoy something that we lost in our homes, churches and neighborhoods called community’ Most of their homes are like it was when I was born. Intact, but way more than just 3 children, and most fathers work essentially at home close to them and commonly with their children working with them.
    Maybe you don’t see yet how these inventions led to destruction’ so let me lay it out more specifically especially as to how it progressed to its current state.
    Its seems the best vantage point for this comparison is the home. That’s where we begin, and if the home is shotgunned so goes the society to inevitable death.
    At the turn of the century 1800-1900’s most families lived in rural areas, on farms or close to small towns. However as modernization occurred this changed and more families became urbanized. So before WW3 (Bombs of ‘progress’ fell) there existed something called ‘community’ in three vital categories. Their homes, their towns and their churches. Life was simple, people knew who they were and who those around them were. Family and friends were an integral part of all their lives= they were connected. Dad worked out, Mom kept the house and the kids all day- it was an arrangement that had worked well all down through history, Women’s lib was not a question or concern, but that was changing. Including women’s right to vote in 1920;
    Homes became independent- they didn’t need their neighbors anymore, church became optional, just a place you should go Sundays and pay your dues go home to your TV sports or entertainment, no more Sundays of spiritual fellowship from morning to night, and your town became just the location where you lived, they didn’t need you and visa versa. and at home, within the family unit- they became the same way, separated and independently doing whatever amused them.
    They all got electricity and phones, they could call and compare who has the latest appliances and gadgets, Tv was soon in every home entertaining and showing them the latest things they could have just like the jones’s. Then they got credit cards and they could have it all today and pay whenever, And they did, and going into debt in the process. Soon Mom had to leave the home and go out to work too, and the children were farmed out to uncaring childcare business’s soon after they were born. Soon their home became little more than a place to sleep. no more family dinners and interaction, they now prefer to spend their time independently with their artificial realities and games= plastic lives.
    Moms and dads working out of the home side by side with someone else's spouse. First its just a business lunch comparing notes, Birth control is readily available, who needs to worry about having kids, Gods not part of the equation anymore, neither is community or church so divorce or just living together unmarried becomes rampant and trending, Homes begin splitting world wide and family court becomes big business.
    So what is the result when you take community away from family, towns and churches? It creates the Godless mess we find ourselves in now! Do you need to ask why suicides, drug use and school shootings have become the new norm?. People don’t know where they fit in because there’s no place left to fit into. So everyone does what is right in their own eyes. They don’t even need God in the equation anymore, instead they can believe it all came from a ‘big bang’ and they evolved from apes.
    Families became distant with cars and planes often driven by jobs of better pay or mate elsewhere. Internet became the gateway to meet their new one as dating sites boomed along with pornography. Handheld cellphones now held their holders in the palm of their hands. They don’t need to be in a family, nor do they need a town or a church, their lives have become almost entirely virtual, artificial, man made, and others lives don’t really matter anymore either for they also have become little more than the animations that entertain them.
    Can this war against the healthy life that was \my generation be stopped?
    Can we get back to how it was before ww3 or has Mayberry has been nuked to oblivion?
    No im afraid its past the point of no return and the world will not do what it needs to be saved. To do so they would have to totally remove all of the major seven destructive bombs out of their lives. All forms of electricity, including phones, cars, computers and so forth including anythng requiering a patrolium product.
    That’s not going to happen, ppl wont make that sacrifice that human life would survive, they’r too addicted, they selfishly just want it all now and having a Godly home and children is not valued as it once was, nor is it in their plan for what they think will make them happy. As far as God, if He will not be their Genie in a bottle to fulfill all their earthly lusts than they don’t want Him either.
    Bottom line, healthy and wholesome life on earth has ended in one short generation never to return. The world has not just pitched its tents towards Sodom and Gomorrah but they have moved in with it and don’t want to escape even if someone would try and warn them. Most people are so entrapped with an abundance of things, obligations and debts they see no way out even if there was a place to go.
    There is a place of refuge for a remnant but strangely a simple life is no longer simple to get to. First you must realize the state of turmoil the world has dropped on you and start removing those seven bombs from your life, They have now grown within you and infected your mind body and soul and it is a tough withdrawal to go through.
    So as John the Baptist asked the crowd- “Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”I for one have friend= now its up to you, to continue to enjoy your ride down the river of fleshly lusts even though you know the falls and certain death is coming, or to head for the shore and get up on the safety of the bank= even the rock that is Christ Jesus and a life as far away from Sodom and Gomorrah as you can get- for judgment must be close at hand as this fig tree generation is coming to a close\.

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