The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 10th 2014, 1:26 am
    Jenetta wrote:

    This is a long article however well worth the read...presently these strangelet bombs are being created at RHIC Brookhaven National Laboratory New York and at the Hadron Collider facility in Switzerland. The dangers are only too real as the Hadron Collider revs up to its full potential in the years spring/2015 to 2020.
    In New York atoms the hyperon, a baryon (an atom with 3 quarks) and the dibaryon, a combination of 2 hyperons are already being produced and have been produced for some time.

    The end scenario is not something that is wished (anyone with a sane mind) for Planet Earth and mankind. If complete accretion occurred Earth would become a dense mass crunched into a frozen star.
    These projects must be stopped.


    In the fall of 2015 CERN will begin colliding groups of 70 million lead hadrons at 287 Tev, unpacking millions of quarks in each collision. Those quarks will be first accelerated at light speed, acquiring relativistic mass, becoming heavier strange quarks, the substance of a strange quark-gluon soup called a ‘strangelet‘. The strange liquid has the potential to become stable and start an ‘ice-9′ big-bang reaction. If that happens that effectively transforms the Earth into a pulsar.

    While CERN adamantly denies to the public and the press that production of Strangelets is possible, it runs a program called CASTOR for Centauro And Strangelets Object Research, whose researchers affirm in their inner reports to the company the ‘likely’ probability of creating them. This is in accordance to the most advanced literature on the subject, but of course, it must be hidden to the public and the naive press…

    Now RHIC, the refurbished American accelerator has created them.

    Now, the problem of the news received by the press, but never interpreted by clueless journalists, is that RHIC is producing ‘killer strangelets’, negatively charged strangelets because it is producing them by the method of distillation. And this requires further analysis.

    There are 3 ways to produce a strangelet, a thermal, coalescent and distillation method. Distillation happens as follows, quoting LHC safety report:

    ‘A distillation mechanism was proposed as a specific model for strangelet production. According to this last mechanism, a hot quark-gluon plasma with large net baryon number is produced in heavy-ion collisions, and is enriched in strangeness as it cools down by emitting predominantly particles containing strange antiquarks.”

    That is, a quark gluon plasma is created (RHIC has created it); where an excess of Strange quarks is produced (RHIC has produced them), which cools down the Mass of quarks (RHIC has announced strange quarks are cooling down the mass), and the final result is the creation of a strangelet.

    This creation of strangelets is the end result omitted in the news, taken from RHIC:

    UPTON, NY-New supercomputing calculations provide the first evidence that particles predicted by the theory of quark-gluon interactions but never before observed are being produced in heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a facility that is dedicated to studying nuclear physics.

    These heavy strange baryons, containing at least one strange quark, still cannot be observed directly, but instead make their presence known by lowering the temperature at which other strange baryons “freeze out” from the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) discovered and created at RHIC, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facility located at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

    In RHIC safety report, (outdated by more than a decade) they explain :

    The strangeness distillation mechanism is considerably more speculative. It assumes that a quark gluon plasma (QGP) is produced in the collision and that the QGP is baryon rich. It further assumes that the dominant cooling mechanism for the QGP is evaporation from its surface. Since it is baryon rich, there is a greater chance for an s ̄ quark to find a u or d quark to form a kaon with positive strangeness than for an s quark to find a u ̄ or d ̄ quark to form a kaon with negative strangeness. The QGP thus cools to a system containing excess s quarks, which ultimately becomes a strangelet. This mechanism requires a collision energy sufficient to form a QGP.

    Why now is a cautionary tale to what we can expect when CERN goes on line:

    The luminosity (measure of the density of the beam and the number of collisions to be expected) has increased enormously to the point that the 14 run which caused those results has produced more collisions on target that all the previous runs on 2000 combined.

    As they are ‘dark matter’, invisible to the eye, the proofs are indirect, but published officially by the RHIC magazine. It is a scary matter. The proofs are simple:

    Those hyperons and dibaryons are ‘cooling down’ the whole fireball of quark-gluon plasma (glasma), produced on the gold to gold collisions; since they are eating up the gamma rays of the collision. So they are suppressing the hot radiation of the fireball.

    Have they started to eat up also some of our atoms? Are they falling to the center of the Earth? Has the ice-9 reaction started, becoming irreversible?

    This will depend on the quantity of hyperons and dibaryons being produced, of them being negatively charged to start the attraction of our atoms and start the ice-9 reaction.

    And now the bad news is that by the method of distillation, RHIC is producing negative strangelets. Indeed, what all the reports (outdated by a decade) deny is happening. Because strange quarks are heavier and negative, RHIC has easily calculated its proportion in the soup by weighting them. The ratio of strange negative quarks to ‘our light’ up and down quarks is 27. This means there are 27 times more mass of negatively strange quarks in the soup than our lighter quarks. And this excess of negative strange quarks in the soup is what defines negative strangelets, which are produced with a 100% purity.

    Why then we are here? The reason is that accretion is slow, before the critical mass is reached in the center of the Earth. And for that to happen the strangelets RHIC is producing have to avoid being trapped by an electronic cover. So the process of ice-9 is very slow at the beginning till a strangelet with enough mass breaks all electromagnetic barriers and starts direct gravitational attraction. Then the speed will be catastrophic. The result will be the ‘second size’ of strange matter, the strangelet proper, which will devour all other matter on earth, till reaching the 3rd size, as a strange/neutron star.

    Fact is finally it is happening – even if the news do not report it; even if RHIC uses a cryptic language not to reveal what they are doing. RHIC is distillating strangelet. So the countdown for extinction has started. It is now a question of producing enough strangelets to accumulate them in the center of the Earth and start the ice-9 reaction.

    Indeed since strange baryons are negative, by distillation RHIC creates negative killer strangelets.

    And this process must be taken place since April.


    How much strange liquid has been produced since April? Are we STILL ON TIME TO STOP THE FACILITIES BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE?

    The Earthquake Scenario

    How will we know the Earth is being killed?

    Those 2 events have different speeds: black holes, observed in the cosmos, cause a fast big-bang explosion, which we will hardly notice before becoming part of it. Strangelets should be slower. They should fall to the center of the Earth eating it from inside out. In that case, the process will be signaled by an increase in Earthquakes and volcano activity. The final proof will be the existence of a series of +8 earthquakes in the Richter scale.

    Yet even before the Earth is crunched by strangelets or black holes that do not evaporate, the LHC might already be causing earthquakes, as we anticipated years ago, given the fact that it causes a gravitomagnetic field, the only one on Earth today.

    Gravito-magnetic fields are caused by c-speed mass cycles, as the LHC is and they provoke disturbance on (Earth’s) magnetic fields… which is the known-known recognized cause of earthquakes.

    2012 year is in fact was the second year on number of big >7 Richter scale earthquakes on record, after the carpet bombing of II World War, during the Pacific campaign that bombed the ‘ring of fire’ – also a man-made year of earthquakes.

    Then after the machine ended its ion run and the gravitomagnetic c-speed mass cycle it was creating, earthquakes quickly diminished. The pattern thus is obvious: earthquakes have peaked during the period the LHC created a gravito-magnetic ring on Earth, to the level seen when carpet bombing destroyed during the II World War the islands of the ‘Pacific Ring Of Fire’.

    Then also earthquakes diminished when World War ended.

    So the cause-effect pattern is self-evident. LHC’s run create gravitomagnetic waves that disturb the magnetic field of Earth, causing earthquakes.

    Yet the ‘Press’ which considers a taboo any criticism of nuclear research ignores those facts and gives as only explanation, when it gives any… ‘Fracking’. But Fracking takes place only in oil fields mostly in North-America, where none of those big earthquakes have happened. And Fracking keeps growing, while those earthquakes have diminished. And Fracking only causes small range earthquakes.

    Conclusion. According to the Totalitarian Principle, the laws of entropy, the laws of quarks, the laws of Einstein and Relativity, of the 4th and 5th dimension, the risks to the Earth are real and CERN should be the cause of our demise as a species in planet Earth.

    The mass’ c-speed gravitomagnetic ring: Earthquakes and volcanic activity.

    The first hints that the LHC is seriously damaging life on Earth which we predicted in 2007 – an increase on earthquake and volcano activity – are now facts.

    This is due to the fact that the LHC is creating a powerful gravito-magnetic field, a ‘ring’ of charged, massive particles that can interact with the magnetic fields of the magma and Earth’s center.

    Disturbances on the Earth’s magnetic field by the magnets of the LHC and specially the charged positive c-speed flow of protons come through 3 different processes:

    -The 27 kilometers continuous ring of charged protons can interact with self-similar charged flows in the magma or earth’s center, creating a powerful electro-magnetic effect, displacing magma and causing earthquakes and volcano activity. It is a fact that the first day that the charged, proton ring was created in 2008 it caused 4 significant Earthquakes, the first one in Iran, seconds after it was powered up.

    The charged proton ring thus acts as a secondary pole to that of the magnetic, inner field of the Earth.

    -The creation of different types of strange liquid, some of them already produced in the first experiments, (Kaons at the LHC, hyperons at RHIC) would also provoke explosions in the magma. If stable, those strange forms of matter will leak to the center of the Earth. Some of it will remain in the center, forming the seed of a strangelet. Some will accrete and/or explode in the mantle, in highly energetic, tiny bombs. This tendency as all risks should increase in 2015 when the machine doubles its energy.

    The creation of gravitational waves

    The LHC is a 27 Kilometer ring of positive charged massive particles, turning at c -speed. This is essentially equivalent to the ‘singularity’ of a Kerr black hole - a rotating c-speed charged ring of mass. Since a Kerr singularity can produce transversal gravitational waves; the LHC might produce perpendicular gravitational waves that will sink straight towards the center of the Earth (in a similar process a rotating, charged coil is used to produce electromagnetic waves). If so, those Gravitational waves which are undetectable will affect magnetic fields provoking earthquake waves and increased volcano activity.

    Thus, each time the machine increases its speed and ‘luminosity’ (mass), as CERN powers up the LHC, we should observe an increase of earthquakes and collateral deaths, until the 2 possible ‘doomsday events’ happen.

    Find More On The Strangelet Scenario:

    As it is below; so it is above

    Does it feel good to propagate such gross disinformation from deluded quasi scientific thinking people Jenetta?
    Just because Luis Sancho presents a few you tube videos with diagrams and jargon from established science and physics thrown in, does not give his fearmongering and quasi scientific bullshit any more credence than that of the many other disinformers like Nassim Haramein and La Violetta and many more of that genre of perhaps well meaning but rather underinformed authors in matters scientific.
    Like many nabsers, you browse the web to support your own intellectual agenda, but without realising the necessity to critically analyse the information you encounter.
    The issue here is, that you then propagate and support disinformation, which CAN then be taken as valid and factual by many people who like your intellectual style and might be even less discernative than yourself and then you become a 'follower' and propagator of 'propaganda untruth' yourself.

    Whilst I give little credence to FOX News either; this article from 6 years ago might indicate to you as to the ludicrous agenda Luis Sancho pursues on the web.

    Hawaiian Man Files Lawsuit Against the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
    by Ian O'Neill on March 28, 2008

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is set to go online in May of this year. This magnificent machine will accelerate particles and collide them at such high energies that scientists expect to make some of the biggest discoveries ever about the very small (exotic sub-atomic particles) and the very large (the structure of the Universe itself).
    But not everyone is happy. Particle accelerators have always been the source of controversy; at the end of the day, we can only predict the outcome of the LHC experiments. But what if scientists have overlooked something? What if the theories are wrong? A guy living on the other side of the planet to the LHC believes the world may come to an end and he’s begun filing a lawsuit against the completion of the accelerator. The concern? A massive black hole might be created, or vast amounts of antimatter will destroy the Earth. And where’s the scientific basis for all this panic? Hmmm… didn’t think so…

    Through fear that the LHC is going to unleash death and destruction on the world, Walter Wagner from Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against an impressive array of defendants. The U.S. Department of Energy, the Fermilab particle-accelerator near Chicago, CERN and the National Science Foundation (NSF) are all named.
    Wagner and his associate Luis Sancho have a pretty dubious (and quite frankly, weak) argument against the LHC, as they describe in the lawsuit:

    The compression of the two atoms colliding together at nearly light speed will cause an irreversible implosion, forming a miniature version of a giant black hole. [...] Any matter coming into contact with it would fall into it and never be able to escape. Eventually, all of earth would fall into such growing micro-black-hole, converting earth into a medium-sized black hole, around which would continue to orbit the moon, satellites, the ISS, etc.” Walter F. Wagner and Luis Sancho lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Honolulu.

    There is no evidence to suggest that colliding particles will create a black hole that will swallow the planet. I do however like their description that the International Space Station will continue to orbit the Earth-mass black hole – at least we’ll have somewhere to hide as the rampaging black hole eats the ground from under us!
    The credentials of the plaintiffs are also pretty sketchy. Wagner has worked in nuclear medicine and has a minor degree in physics from Berkley, but he has nothing more advanced than that. His colleague Sancho has an even more sketchy physics background.
    Wagner wants the opening of the LHC to be delayed until further safety studies are carried out. Its cases like these that scientists have had to combat for many years. Unfounded predictions of the “end of the world” and fear of the unknown have been published only to be debunked through correct scientific thinking. If the world listened to alarmists such as Wagner and co, we would advance no further.

    I for one hope that the LHC does produce micro-black holes. I hope that this time next year we’ll be looking in awe at images of particle tracks from the sensors at the LHC showing the point of creation and the point of evaporation of micro-black holes. Peering very closely we see particle emission as if from nowhere, the evaporating particles from the tiny event horizon. The image will be entitled
    Hawking Radiation Experiment.

    Even if the accelerator energies are not high enough to create mini-black holes, thereby giving Stephen Hawking some experimental evidence for his radiation, we are pretty sure we’ll find some other exotic and exciting particles to help us understand our universe a little bit better. We might gain a better grasp of other dimensions, detect some exotic particles, and lets not forget the possibility of discovering the Higgs Boson.
    If we give into the fear of the unknown, scientific advancement will be stopped in its tracks and we may be restricted to scratching at the surface of space-time and string theory, rather than physically proving its existence with tools like the LHC.


    About Ian O'Neill
    [Check out my space blog:]
    [Check out my radio show: Astroengine Live!]

    Hello! My name is Ian O'Neill and I've been writing for the Universe Today since December 2007. I am a solar physics doctor, but my space interests are wide-ranging. Since becoming a science writer I have been drawn to the more extreme astrophysics concepts (like black hole dynamics), high energy physics (getting excited about the LHC!) and general space colonization efforts. I am also heavily involved with the Mars Homestead project (run by the Mars Foundation), an international organization to advance our settlement concepts on Mars. I also run my own space physics blog:, be sure to check it out!

    I am looking to debunk this Jenetta nabs
    [3:11:23 PM-Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 +10UCT] Shiloh Za-Rah: It gets up my nose
    [3:11:34 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The moron is Luis Sancho
    [3:11:39 PM] Sirius 17: i don't blame you, it is beyond ridiculous
    [3:11:45 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: He took Cern to court
    [3:11:53 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: In Hawaii
    [3:11:57 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:12:03 PM] Sirius 17: hilarious
    [3:12:19 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    [3:13:32 PM] Sirius 17: by Ian O'Neill on March 28, 2008
    published 2008
    [3:13:43 PM] Sirius 17: see she is digging up old old crap
    [3:14:08 PM] Sirius 17: Fox news, figures lol
    [3:14:12 PM] Sirius 17: Xeia's channel
    [3:15:01 PM] Sirius 17:
    [3:15:35 PM] Sirius 17: fox news network here is the biggest and most biased conspiracy network in the usa
    [3:15:49 PM] Sirius 17: most major networks laugh at them
    [3:16:22 PM] Sirius 17: because they publish shi20 like this and run stories on pseudo science and other nabs
    [3:17:21 PM] Sirius 17:
    [3:17:45 PM] Sirius 17: A lawsuit against the Large Hadron Collider has been dismissed because, according to the judge, it won't be the Americans' fault if the French and the Swiss suck the world into a black hole.
    [3:17:46 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [3:19:44 PM] Sirius 17:

    And even if he had established a credible threat of harm, the judge noted that the U.S. has no control over the operation of the LHC, which is owned, managed and controller entirely by CERN. "The U.S. government enjoys only observer status on the CERN council, and has no control over CERN or its operations," the judge wrote. "Accordingly, the alleged injury, destruction of the Earth, is in no way attributable to the U.S. government's failure to draft an environmental impact statement."

    [3:20:27 PM] Sirius 17: he definitly has a sense of humor this judge lol

    [3:27:16 PM] Sirius 17: oh i didn't realise Peggy March was still alive, she is 66 now
    [3:27:20 PM] Sirius 17: hehe cool
    [3:27:36 PM] Sirius 17: Brook has a doppleganger
    [3:31:57 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Nice eh; yes I saw this. Peggy must be 65 by now and if this song was performed in 2013, she looks like a goddess - but I do suspect plastic surgery
    [3:32:21 PM] Sirius 17: she is 66
    [3:32:47 PM] Sirius 17: Birth name Margaret Annemarie Battavio
    Also known as Little Peggy March
    Born March 8, 1948 (age 66)
    Origin Lansdale, Pennsylvania,
    United States
    Genres Pop
    Occupations Singer
    Instruments Vocals
    Years active 1962–present

    [3:32:48 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 65 in 2013, as she was 15 in 1963
    [3:33:28 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You misread this article though
    [3:33:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    [3:33:54 PM] Sirius 17: no i got this from wiki her birthdate

    [3:33:58 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    Does it feel good to propagate such gross disinformation from delued quasi scientific thinking people Jenetta?
    Just because Luis Sancho presents a few you tube videos with diagrams and jargon from established science and physics thrown in, does not give his fearmongering and quasi scientific bullshit any more credence than that of the many other disinformers like Nassim Haramein and La Violetta and many more of that genre of perhaps well meaning but rather underinformed authors in matters scientific.
    Like many nabsers, you browse the web to support your own intellectual agenda, but without realising the necessity to critically analyse the information you encounter.
    The issue here is, that you then propagate and support disinformation, which CAN then be taken as valid and factual by many people who like your intellectual style and might be even less discernative than yourself and then you become a 'follower' and propagator of 'propaganda untruth' yourself.
    Whilst I give little credence to FOX News either; this article from 6 years ago might indicate to you as to the ludicrous agenda Luis Sancho pursues on the web.

    [3:34:37 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: They gonna ban me now?
    [3:34:49 PM] Sirius 17: do you care?
    [3:34:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: No
    [3:34:53 PM] Sirius 17: and i doubt it
    [3:35:07 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I 'attacked' one of the Moa darlings
    [3:35:54 PM] Sirius 17: oh no lol
    [3:36:33 PM] Sirius 17: no i did not read the whole article but was following your statement that he had sued CERN
    [3:37:09 PM] Sirius 17: but i knew it was pseudo science anyhow
    [3:37:27 PM] Sirius 17: how long has Fermilab been doing experiments?
    [3:37:37 PM] Sirius 17: and they have not sucked us into a black hole
    [3:38:48 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Sancho has little clue of what black holes and strangelets are. I read some of his lengthy diatribes against standard physics on his website
    [3:39:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: He is like Haramein, good with words but without substance and so very dangerous to mislead the gullible and the sciencephobes
    [3:40:17 PM] Sirius 17:
    In the fall of 2015 CERN will begin colliding groups of 70 million lead hadrons at 287 Tev, unpacking millions of quarks in each collision. Those quarks will be first accelerated at light speed, acquiring relativistic mass, becoming heavier strange quarks, the substance of a strange quark-gluon soup called a ‘strangelet‘. The strange liquid has the potential to become stable and start an ‘ice-9′ big-bang reaction. If that happens that effectively transforms the Earth into a pulsar.
    [3:40:28 PM] Sirius 17: he is saying it is a strange liquid?
    [3:41:11 PM] Sirius 17: this seems hilarious to me
    [3:41:50 PM] Sirius 17: like i am reading an excerpt from Babylon 5 , a sci-fi show
    [3:42:00 PM] Sirius 17: where they just make shi20 up as they go
    [3:42:42 PM] Sirius 17: I didn't think CERN had the capability to reach 287 tev? did he just pluck that number out of the air?
    [3:44:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: To create strangelets you require more energy, than say to create antimatter in its basic form and so the temperatures are required to be high enough to manifest quark-gluon plasma
    [3:44:49 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Those are some of the basics and the higher energies require a better operating supercooled collider system
    [3:45:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: No the upper limit is 14 TeV
    [3:46:13 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It actually relates to the Inner Mesonic Neutrino Induction ring and what dragonscience terms the RMP, the 'will be famous' hybrid particle between radiation and matter as the RestMass Photon
    [3:46:45 PM] Sirius 17: yes that is what i thought, they haven't even reached 14 tev yet
    [3:47:28 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I dont know where he gets 287 TeV from it might be some context but the general limit for individuated particle energies in the Standard Model is 1 TeV
    [3:47:46 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Exactly, thay are finetuning to reach maximum capacity

    [3:48:50 PM] Sirius 17: he gets 287 tev from thin air, he must be a writer for the sci-fi channel
    [3:49:39 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: [3:40 PM] Sirius 17:

    <<< colliding groups of 70 million lead hadrons at 287
    Divide 287 TeV by 70 million lol

    [3:50:22 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 4,100,000 eV = 4.1 MeV
    [3:50:51 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [3:51:21 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A proton has an energy of about 940 MeV
    [3:51:54 PM] Sirius 17: this guy must have a direct line with Scotty on the space ship Enterprise
    [3:52:33 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A lead nucleus has 82 proton and so 200-210 nucleons in lead isotopes
    [3:53:13 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So the mass of a lead nucleus is about 188 GeV
    [3:53:42 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Reads a bit like 287 see?
    [3:54:03 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But I am not sure what he means; he is off in magnitude and basic parameters
    [3:54:22 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 1000 GeV = 1 TeV btw
    [3:54:32 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 1000 MeV = 1 GeV
    [3:54:42 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 1000 keV = 1 MeV and 1000 eV = 1 MeV
    [3:55:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes i dont know but it seems like bs to me
    [3:55:58 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: He might mean, that the accelerated protons aka lead nuclei will increase in energy to 287 TeV. But this then is a summation and NOT the energy used in the collision
    [3:56:06 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This shows you that he does not understand the praxis of physics, but only uses figures, just like the other quasies
    [3:56:33 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This can be exactly calculated with relativistic hadron physics
    [3:56:55 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I think he misreads the location of where the protons collide, their background as the 70 million lead nuclei
    [3:57:19 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Then the energy transfer will be WITH the lead nuclei, but FROM the relativistic protons
    [3:57:20 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You dont accelerate 70 million lead nuclei, but single protons and perhaps single nuclei
    [4:01:30 PM] Sirius 17:

    [4:04:31 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well I would expect the 'beaming up' to become physical reality in the dragon cosmos of the RMP hybrid matter radiation physics lol, but yes
    [4:04:56 PM] Sirius 17: hehe yes i was interjecting a bit of humor
    [4:07:07 PM] Sirius 17: and Sept 17 is 179 days from March 25th and the trumpets and seals right?
    [4:07:45 PM] Sirius 17: i was trying to find when it went back to Edict of Cyrus or when
    [4:08:04 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Edict of Cyrus is March 25th, 2014
    [4:08:19 PM] Sirius 17: ok
    [4:08:42 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: There are many timelines both long and short, which retrace the time from 538BC to the present and future
    [4:08:55 PM] Sirius 17: so it is near the birth of Jesus then?
    [4:09:09 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A week from now the Rainbow Covenant becomes effective
    [4:09:32 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Jesus was born April 17th, 6BC Julian
    [4:09:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know it is the rainbow covenant but could not remember how that day mirrors back to the past
    [4:09:53 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But what is the characteristic of a Rainbow Raven?
    [4:10:23 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Understand that and you understand what the archetype means in 2014
    [4:10:29 PM] Sirius 17: a bow in the sky made of several colors, usually following rain
    [4:10:58 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A rainbow partitions the optical invisible spectrum into a visible colour spectrum
    [4:11:08 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The invisible becomes visible
    [4:11:09 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [4:11:44 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Ergo the ufo shadows from hyperspace can physicalise better and be 'seen' better from September 17th onwards
    [4:11:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 17's everywhere lol
    [4:12:00 PM] Sirius 17: lol
    [4:12:06 PM] Sirius 17: good
    [4:12:33 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: August 12th began a countdown of 70 weeks to December 15th, 2015
    [4:12:39 PM] Sirius 17: yeah that GOT saying is so killer good
    [4:12:53 PM] Sirius 17: what has never occured to the human mind
    [4:13:14 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The trumpets and seals and plagues do relate to this, but in the shortened image and not as in the objectivity starting July 2nd, 2012
    [4:13:27 PM] Sirius 17: oh ok
    [4:13:41 PM] Sirius 17: so it is mostly the Rainbow Covenent
    [4:14:06 PM] Sirius 17: the physicalization of it anyhow
    [4:14:27 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Jesus year 31AD as the midpoint with the 7 from 28AD to 34AD (Paul) then define the REAL 3rd Temple as hisher own bodyform
    [4:15:12 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The 3rd temple of Jerusalem is superfluous and will never be built as erroneously encoded in many 'holy books'
    [4:15:22 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [4:15:32 PM] Sirius 17: it is the merkabah
    [4:15:40 PM] Sirius 17: that is being built
    [4:15:52 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This is the reason WHY 70AD with the complete destruction of the 2nd Temple of Herod mapping 2050AD will not occur
    [4:16:00 PM] Sirius 17: ark of the covenent
    [4:16:35 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 2050AD would be the real 'end of the world', say as Newton figured, were it not for the merkabah substitution yes
    [4:16:55 PM] Sirius 17: yes heavy stuff
    [4:17:14 PM] Sirius 17: i was reading back over the new world post
    [4:17:39 PM] Sirius 17: where you talk about nibiru is actually the higher d earth approaching, the new jerusalem
    [4:17:48 PM] Sirius 17: silly nabsers
    [4:18:00 PM] Sirius 17: it is their own new body coming
    [4:18:21 PM] Sirius 17: a planet with wings lol
    [4:18:24 PM] Sirius 17: indeed
    [4:19:42 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes somewhat ironic indeed. They look for and fear what they already have
    [4:20:48 PM] Sirius 17: yeah

    Last edited by shiloh on September 10th 2014, 5:10 am; edited 1 time in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°122

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 10th 2014, 5:07 am
    Jenetta wrote:

    Fox News as a Source doesn't "turn my crank" Shiloh. Rather they display Wagner and Luis Sancho's opinions as a "comedy of errors" to have them viewed as crackpots by the public.

    Strangelet bombs are a reality.

    If you think of me as a 'Nabster' that's your problem Shiloh.​

    To continue with an Excerpt from the above article...

    The bottom line is this: it is a quark cannon, it produces quark condensates, the heaviest most dangerous self-sustained, self-feeding explosive on the Universe, and with enough of the energy required to produce a strange quark condensate that can blow up the Earth.

    The rest is ‘irrelevant’ knowledge, ‘irrelevant’ rhetorics, and irrelevant indeed, since an extinct species, mankind, knows nothing. Only a piece of that rhetoric will suffice to show how difficult this question is. Nuclear Physicists ALL perfectly know that cosmic rays are just simple atomic substances, protons, electrons and gamma rays, colliding on the atmosphere. We have NEVER found a deconfined quark in cosmic rays. Cosmic rays are NOT quark bullets, because they are not heavy ‘lead’ ions, which can produce ‘quark condensates’. And yet, whenever any journalist, politician or the public ask about the risks at CERN, ALL nuclear physicists lie, saying cosmic rays have done this experiment one thousand times. This is an ABSOLUTE lie, that any first ‘course’ of physics explains.

    But of course, all is very shrewd. CERN does collide besides heavy lead ions, which can create quark condensates, protons, and so they do experiments similar to cosmic rays… But those are not the dangerous experiments that will create strange matter. CERN does research on fundamental particles, but this is not the reason why XX century military-industrial systems paid for the accelerator industry. And most ‘CERNIES’ are idealist kids who didn’t know the origin of their industry and think their work has no risk. But ‘big boys’ playing with big toys, big weapons are not a excuse for putting us all at risk.

    The cosmic rays half-lie shows what perhaps is the saddest part of this story from a theoretical point of view. As a scientist I always thought there was a ‘realm’ in which truth mattered – science, as opposed to politics, economics or religion. This is no longer truth. Science now is also ‘wishful thinking’. CERN’s statements show THE DEGREE OF intellectual corruption, rhetorics and callousness which Nuclear Physicists, after 60 years of getting away with murder doing nuclear weapons, have achieved.

    They are no longer different from fundamentalist religious people, nationalist war-mongers or fiction actors in their delivery of false speeches to justify their actions. And so once truth is broken for interest what we face is the biggest team of fundamentalist, terrorist, genociders the world has ever seen, and maybe the last. It is destiny? Probably.

    As it is below; so it is above​

    The descriptor following should 'speak for itself', Jenetta; as alternative New Age BS information from some of your 'sources' or as from Old Age BS data and mainly disinformation distributors like the mainstream media (the Murdoch press being one of the most obnoxious examples of that) notwithstanding. The critique was from Ian O'Neill, who seems to be scientifically well read and open minded; addressing 'star trek' topics for example and not from FOX News by the way; the latter simply 'running with a critique' published in a science popular magazine called 'Universe Today'.
    And yes, if you insist on giving credence to Luis Sancho and Wagner and co below; you qualify indeed to be called a New Age BSer and as a disinformant regarding the agenda and manifestation of a 'New World' as well.

    [4:20:48 PM] Sirius 17: yeah [5:12:14 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    [5:12:32 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Uploaded on 26 Jan 2009

    See 45 m. film at Strangelet is the liquid explosive that causes supernovas, made with usd-quarks. LHC will do them with a 70% of probabilities, according to CERN documents leaked at when this 11/9/2010 crashes lead ions at 3.5 Tev. The most advanced papers on strangelets consider they could start an 'ice-9' reaction, exploding earth into a nova, leaving behind a pulsar star. But physicists and politicians are in denial seeking industrial profits and scholar prestige...

    This is a typical example of how to manipulate the human groupmind. Make some 'sensational' statement, such as the 'whole earth will be sucked into its own Black hole centre' and then add more and more drama effects akin to religious indoctrinations (i.e. handclapping of the congregation or protest marchers or mob). And dont forget the musical accompaniment and peripheral film clips of whatever, which has little to do with the scientific context originally addressed. And of course try to present the actual researchers as some elitist group or 'co-conspirateurs' and subject to the ridicule and 'know betterness' of the 'alternative information presenter'

    I found Sancho's description of some researcher on his website and on which this video was presented, rather tasteless

    Excerpt from:


    Look at this young, enthusiastic fella below, the nuclear physicist who announced proudly we have created the strange atoms that will devour us, and his homunculus mind, the space that each sense occupies in his brain… Yes truly a monkey lethaliensis scientificus, which assemblies machines with his hands, spews out a lot of nonsense garbage on the immensity of its discoveries and has no mind at all to fully grasp what he has done. An image in this case is truly worth more than a thousand wor(l)ds…


    ‘When I was a much younger man, I began to collect material for a book to be called The Day the World Ended. The book was to be factual. The book was to be an account of what important Americans had done’
    ‘Ice-nine was the last gift Felix Hoenikker created for mankind before going to his just reward. He did it without anyone’s realizing what he was doing. He did it without leaving records of what he’d done. True, elaborate apparatus was necessary in the act of creation, but it already existed in the Research Laboratory. It was blue-white. The old man had died on Christmas Eve, having told only his children about ice-nine. His children had divided the ice-nine among themselves.’
    There was a sound clear, like that of the gentle closing of a portal as big as the sky. The great door of heaven being closed softly. It was a grand AH-WHOOM. I opened my eyes and all the sea was ice-nine. The moist green earth was a blue-white pearl. The sky darkened. The sun, became a sickly yellow ball, tiny and cruel.

    “Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before’. Bokonon tells us. “He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.”
    What hope can there be for mankind when there are men that give such playthings as ice-9 to short-sighted children as most people are?’

    Excerpts. ‘Cat’s cradle’. Kurt Vonnegut

    Unfortunately, when the ice-9 reaction starts, there will not be any place to escape, nor solution to the process, as we cannot arrive to the center of the Earth, where those dibaryons will start eating up the uranium, provoking massive earthquake waves…

    Uploaded on 4 Jun 2009
    The LHC will likely produce black holes in christmas 2015, which happen in proton-proton collisions over 10 Tev (some dates are wrong as the machine broke and has delayed its full power blast over the 10 Tev barrier of dark matter many years). Once formed, according to Einstein those black holes will absorb Earth's matter at light speed blowing the planet within seconds of creation. Only the never proved musings of Mr. Hawking who thinks black holes are machines that travel to the past and hence will not grow but as you would evaporate into your mother's womb, they should evaporate into the past, might save mother earth...

    Ripley's: Believe it or Not; but whatever try to gain some background in whatever subject pr topic you are commenting upon. For example, consider the 'Top Comment' added to the you tube video above:

    3 months ago

    The LHC isn't the first quark factory. Accelerators have been generating quarks in the form of various hadrons since at least the 1950s. Hadrons are quark aggregates. Hadrons are either baryons, which are quark triplets, or mesons, which are quark-antiquark pairs. Quarks are always produced as aggregates because otherwise the total color charge wouldn't be conserved.

    That clip at the end with Earth being destroyed is also misinformed. The LHC can't produce collisions with enough energy to, in principle, produce a black hole with an event horizon even as large as the diameter of a single proton. Think of all the empty space between an atomic nucleus and the electron shells. A black hole so small would have an extremely tiny absorption cross-section. It could fall for very lengthy stretches of time without crossing paths with an electron or a nucleon, meaning that it would tend to swallow those little bits only comparatively rarely. It would take years for a black hole starting out that small to begin to have important effects on Earth's interior.

    It is easy to calculate the diameter of a proton sized Black Hole Jenetta.
    As rotating and 'charged' Black Holes are smaller than the basic 'Static' Schwarzschild Black Hole of the Einstein metrics of curvature spacetime; the 'curvature radius' is simply expressed by this 'solution to the field equation' in Rcurvature=2GM/c2.
    And as a proton has a well known size of say 1 Fermi of about 10-15 meters (Classical Electron Radius and also the interaction scale for the nuclear interactions and the asymptotic gluon-quark colour-magnetic confinements); the required mass M to create a 'Schwarzschild Proton' becomes: M=Rcurvaturec2/2G~7.5x1011 kg or 750 Million metric tons (right!) and where G is the Gravitational constant of so 6x10-11 G-units.

    We are 'talking' one single Black Hole proton here. Just for comparison; you have any idea how many protons are in your body? If you weigh say 60 kg, then this number would be something of the order of 60kg/1.7x10-27~35,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 35,000 Trillion Trillion. Multiply this by 750 million metric tons and you have Jenetta 'weighing' no longer 60 kg, but 26.5 Trillion Trillion Trillion kg.
    I would say then, that such a Jenetta would surely have a 'weight problem'.

    Another comparison for you. Taking your true weight (on Earth) to be 60 kg; how small would you have to be or shrink to to manifest yourself AS a Black Hole Jenetta? Again a simple calculation you or your kids can do on a simple calculator. RJenetta=2G(60kg)/(Speed of Light Squared c2)~8x10-26 m ~0.00000000000000000000000008 meters.

    Now the smallest atom of Hydrogen has a size of so 10-10~0.0000000001 meters and the 'shrunk Black Holed Jenetta' would fit into a single Hydrogen atom 10-10/8x10-26~1,250 Trillion times.
    I did not think, that you could be shrunk so much dear one. Do you still insist on giving credence to the silliness of some?

    The many problems 'alternatives' like Luis Sancho and Nassim Haramein encounter in their attempts to formulate new physics for the future relates to their inability to relate their sometimes valuable ideas to the actual way science 'works', both in theory and in praxis.

    Finally, the nature of Black Holes is well understood in terms of their energy content, which eventually reduces to entropy and the thermodynamic relationship between a Black Hole's mass and its temperature.
    Dragon science describes this in a Hawking modulus and an actual mathematics applied to this physicality. What it basically states is that the smaller a Black Hole the hotter it becomes and making it larger will cool it down.
    The CERN Black Holes and the quark-gluon plasma requires temperature reminiscent of the Big Bang, a standard bosonic-fermionic transition Boson having a temperature of so 1.4x1020 Kelvin.
    It are those Quantum Black Holes Sancho ridicules and/or fears on his site and which Hawking addresses in his presentations.
    There exists a precise energy for such Big Bang Hot 'Micro Black Holes' and this energy can be defined as a manifestation of the Black Hole energy within a pre existent spacetime plenum as a kind of limit for how hot a Black Hole can get.
    This is because this characteristic temperature defines the string class which actually did manifest the so called Big Bang from the epoch, when there was no spacetime plenum.

    The question then becomes: Can CERN recreate the energy of this temperature, both applicable to a non- and pre-existing spacetime background?

    The answer is No or not yet; because the boson/fundamental gauge energy required 'per particle accelerated' is so 0.002 Joules or 1.24x1016 eV =1.24x104 TeV.

    There is actually a minimum 'weight' a Black Hole must have to be 'physical' and this 'weight' is defined in the 'size of a wormhole' which from the superstring classes calculates as 10-22 meters as its 'wavelength' or curvature radius times 2p. Then, like before you simply work out what the minimum mass for this Black Hole will be.

    MMinimium Black Hole=Rwormhole branec2/2G~12,000 kg or 12 metric tons and so the 'weight' of a small airplane or the weight of 1-2 elephants (7 tons as the largest pachyderm/animal on land at the present time and there is an actual string-parametric Gravitational Constant, which precisely defines this minimum mass as*).

    And it is just THIS 'wormholed' Micro Black Hole, which has a temperature of (0.002 Joules)/(Boltzmann's Entropy Constant k=1/15x1618)=1.4167...x1020 Kelvin in the post spacetime spacetime matrix, that is after the Big Bang occurred.
    As you might see in the above, the string class energy of 1/500th of a Joule does NOT correspond to the just calculated Black Hole mass on the 'elephant' scale of 7 tons. Using Einstein's famous E=mc2, you get (7000)(9x1016)=6.3x1020 kg; but the 1/500th of a Joule derives from a particle mass of 0.002/9x1016=2.22x10-20 kg.

    This is a consequence of the energy content of the universe at any time of its evolution. First there was no space nor time, but just energy attempting to manifest itself, but requiring both an expanding space and a one directional time arrow to do so. So this 'pre energy', many call rather appropriately Source Energy (you can also call it God or All that Is or the Spirit before matter and such things) transformed parts of this 'spirit primordial energy' into space and time in a epoch of the branes or strings, which basically are just energized geometrical objects.

    But the geometries of crystals and then viruses and microscopic lifeforms came from that as a consequence of the first manifestation of radioactivity, technically known as the weak nuclear gauge interaction as one of four elementary 'forces of nature'.

    So when there was no space the energy could not expand and so became LIKE a 'heating up' of the singularity, you can most easily understand as a wormhole describing just what a minimum space would be from the curvature geometry manifesting the first spacetime units. And this is EXACTLY what the 'elephant mass' of a Black Hole is. The minimum radial size of space 'fixes' the minimum mass of the space not yet created in the lower dimensions, but existing in the higher dimensions AS a Black Hole representation - geometric, but not yet physical due to the nonexistence of expanding spacetime.

    But later after the string era defined what space and time would become; the Quantum Big Bang released the 'bottled up heat energy' in creating the primordial spacetime and it is this process which is rather sufficiently understood by the mainstream sciences, folks like Sancho and Haramein subsequently try so hard to outmanouver with their often grossly underinformed models. They are correct in one sense though; because they have realised that the knowledge about the Big Bang dynamics is not enough to describe reality and that their denial of the 'spirit' as the primodial source Energy cannot and should not be neglected in the models describing the universe in cosmologies.

    And perhaps you can figure now, as a science novice, just what the discrepancies in the Black Hole Masses are.
    Once the spacetime had grown enough and just like the steam of your boiling pot of soup in the kitchen disperses into the surrounding environment; so did the energy trapped in the 'hot hellish oven' of the Big Bang Wormhole itself expand in simply multiplying its own spacetime configuration, say as a minimum Lego block placed adjacent to itself many times can create all sorts of Lego lands.

    The only difference to the 'pot of soup' dispersing in 'evaporating transformed energy' is of course, that there was NO environment about the pot, but that this environment became the lower dimensional context for space and time to revisit its higher dimensional progenitor of 'parent spacetime' created in the string/brane era AS the place the 'boiling pot' could release its 'steam' into. Technically this description is termed Inflation of a tachyonic de Broglien Phase transition of a Higgs Scalar Temperature Potential.

    And it was about 2 nanoseconds AFTER the Big Bang, that the temperature background of the Total Universe was precisely 1.41..x1020 Kelvin in a cosmos much bigger in volume, than this same temperature as a string-particle Self-temperature defined by the Energy laws of Einstein, Planck and Boltzmann indicated.

    In other words the wormhole temperature was the no spacetime bosonic energy state Jenetta and AT the Big Bang when the universe was the size of that same Wormhole. The 'trapped' Kinetic 'Temperature' Energy of the entire universe then was much greater than the bosonic temperature as so 3x1036 Kelvin; but it was unphysical without space and time to be 'kinematic-dynamic' in.
    But as soon as the 'Cosmic Father Abba' climaxed to release the 'Cosmic Mother Baab' as his Conduit-Gate into Space and Time; this temperature began to drop as the famous CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) you can read a lot about. Even on quack websites like those of Sancho and Haramein.

    And the temperature dropped into the timespace and once this drop in temperature exactly matched the brane temperature of the Micro Black Hole of the Wormhole; THEN a great phase transition occurred cosmically and the elementary bosons could separate and the 'Light of the Electromagnetic radiation' was born. How big was the universe at that time Jenetta, compared to the size of a wormhole? At 1.9x10-9 seconds or so 2 nanoseconds, the universe had a curvature radius of Rbosonic unification~0.57 meters.

    If you look at your body Jenetta, the entire cosmos was a big as about the size of your two outstretched arms (think Vitruvius of Leonardo da Vinci and the 'sacred geometry' I fully support), when the universe had a temperature which today, almost 20,000 million years later describes the 'Armageddon Black Holes of CERN'.


    Why did I share this real science with you Jenetta; knowing very well that the Cosmic Dragons and their works, thoughts and endeavours are not greatly appreciated by human minded co-inhabitors of Gaia within this local star system? And knowing very well, that you most likely will not even read this discourse in your feelings of distaste and apprehensions towards a more 'mentally challenging etiquette'?

    Call it Dragon Love and not to be confused with human vanities and pretensiousnesses!
    Be well in your support and your affiliations with the nabsers!

    You can check your science regarding Cosmic Rays and Luis Sancho surely has many (Nabs) things to say about them on his website and find this to address a certain (true) 'Knee' in the energy spectrum of the 'Cosmic Rays'. So you Jenetta a science amateur here; can have an insight as to this 'mysterious knee', many science experts have not. Namely, that this 'cosmic ray knee energy' exists because it describes the actual string energy AS a Cosmic Ray of the Quantum Big Bang as a 'wormhole tunneling'. Well you can say, that the 'dragons' told you so or have said so and stay in the clear of further controversies. The energy quantum of the 'knee' IS in fact the universal wormhole energy as the building block for the cosmos.

    But the LHC energy upper limit is 2 proton beams, each of 7 TeV and so a maximum energy of 14 TeV is 14/12,450~0.0011 or 0.11% required to recreate the actual Bosonic gauge transition to manifest the Primordial Hot Micro Black Holes, Sancho and co associate with all sorts of apocalyptic scenarios and doomsday meanderings.

    There will a number of doomsdays indeed, but they will refer to 'Armageddons of the Human Mind and Thinking' and not the destruction of the planet earth, who many consider to be 'just a planet' in a starsystem, but actually represents a 'celestial mother of sorts' and far older than the 4.8 billion years in its appropriate physicalisation and 'measurements'. Gaia is AS Old as the entire Cosmos in 19.11 Billion years and came into metaphysical reality and beingness at that time of the creation event in enabling a metaphysics to become physical as the universe you now know, observe and ponder about.

    Well a particular Apocalypse of the Nabs infected human mind!
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°123

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 10th 2014, 9:34 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    I certainly don't have the scientific and technological knowledge and abilities to articulately itemize and describe the details of how screwed we might be regarding the sinister and nefarious uses of high-technology -- but I am very afraid that the general-public (myself included) will find out too late how bad things really are. I realize that's a general and paranoid statement -- yet I continue to think we're on the brink -- by accident or design -- by US or ET.

    Brook wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not sure which is worse -- being deceived by a Top-Scientist -- or listening to some Script-Reading Dumbshit. I'm simply thinking in terms of all of the brainpower -- computing-power -- and laboratories (known and unknown) throughout the solar system. It really wouldn't take much -- and it wouldn't take long -- for all hell to break loose -- and for all life (of any variety) to cease to exist in this solar system. That's my horror-story -- and I'm sticking to it -- for now.

    anagram for the day



    Agenda Dorm ~ Dread Among ~ Goddamn Era ~ Dame Dragon ~ A Dogma Rend

    A Grand Mode ~ A Grand Demo ~ A Grad Demon ~ A Drag Demon ~ Drama End Go ~ Drama God En

    Dread Man Go ~ Dream And Go ~ Dare Man God ~ Dogma And Re

    Dogma/God Ma/Am God And Re



    Ancient Egyptian Solar Deity

    Add for lyrics:

    End of Days ~ Faded Noise ~ Deaf Synod

    Synod: an assembly of the clergy and sometimes also the laity in a diocese or other division of a particular church.


    Should I have errored in my assessment of your interest to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' regarding the topic of this thread Jenetta and anyone who has perused this thread; I might suggest watching this you tube video from Stanford by Leonard Susskind.

    Nabsers would most likely term this dispensation on the nature of Black Holes too cumbersome and TLTW (Too long to watch) and prefer the
    misguided and underinformed 'presentations' of 'alternative' researchers, self pretentiously calling themselves 'Dr's' and 'Professors' and 'Scientists' in their 'more popular' and 'easy to watch and read' attempts to conform to the 'serve me on a platter and don't make me think about it' attitude of the general human populace and mob mindedness and in this manner adding to the amount of disinformation and deception available in the information sharing age.

    Should you be able to obtain a certain amount of 'scientific wisdom and understanding' from this university level, yet elementary Black Hole 101 'lecture' from Stanford; then you might be able to redigest the Dragon Science to crystallize a real 'alternative' cosmology, which is not actually 'alternative' but an extension of the valid fundamental principles underpinning all of physical theory and model building.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    I'm not sure which is worse -- being deceived by a Top-Scientist -- or listening to some Script-Reading Dumbshit. I'm simply thinking in terms of all of the brainpower -- computing-power -- and laboratories (known and unknown) throughout the solar system. It really wouldn't take much -- and it wouldn't take long -- for all hell to break loose -- and for all life (of any variety) to cease to exist in this solar system. That's my horror-story -- and I'm sticking to it -- for now.

    The script-reading 'dumbshits' come by many names oxy and their 'namings' include not only the Nazi's of the Double-S's of serpentine hisses such as the infamous SS; but also nabsers of the Sherries of the Shrines of religion associated nonsense; you often associate your mental paranoias with and whose moronic babblings hold so much of your interests. You might have a better avenue to further your 'self education' without the support of the 'academia deceivers' as you term them; in following not the 'Shrines and altars of Nabs deceptions', but the Shiners of the lights regarding the things Egyptian and the NEW RA=42+19=106 of the timelessness of the spacial eternity.

    Raven wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not sure which is worse -- being deceived by a Top-Scientist -- or listening to some Script-Reading Dumbshit. I'm simply thinking in terms of all of the brainpower -- computing-power -- and laboratories (known and unknown) throughout the solar system. It really wouldn't take much -- and it wouldn't take long -- for all hell to break loose -- and for all life (of any variety) to cease to exist in this solar system. That's my horror-story -- and I'm sticking to it -- for now.

    anagram for the day



    Agenda Dorm ~ Dread Among ~ Goddamn Era ~ Dame Dragon ~ A Dogma Rend

    A Grand Mode ~ A Grand Demo ~ A Grad Demon ~ A Drag Demon ~ Drama End Go ~ Drama God En

    Dread Man Go ~ Dream And Go ~ Dare Man God ~ Dogma And Re

    Dogma/God Ma/Am God And Re



    Ancient Egyptian Solar Deity

    Add for lyrics:

    End of Days ~ Faded Noise ~ Deaf Synod

    Synod: an assembly of the clergy and sometimes also the laity in a diocese or other division of a particular church.



    Gospel of Thomas:
    (82) Jesus said, "He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom."

    (28) Jesus said, "I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated; I found none of them thirsty. And my soul became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight; for empty they came into the world, and empty too they seek to leave the world. But for the moment they are intoxicated. When they shake off their wine, then they will repent."

    Burn Baby Burn!!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    orthodoxymoron wrote: This is what I like about this site!! I couldn't find these types of posts on a Christian website!! It's an optimal place for me to thrash-around and beat upon the rocks of infidelity -- not to mention kicking against the pricks!! "O Wretched Man That I Am!!"

    _________________ [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Brook wrote:
    burn baby burn!!!

    Drone ~ End on ~ Don Re


    Splashes of ashes


    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Decoder Michael = 54+51=105=15=6=123=ABC=ABBA=BAAB=33=E3=8=3E=ME=WE
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Posts: 723
    Join date: 2011-03-16
    Age: 57
    Location: Akbar Ra
    • Post n°124

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 11th 2014, 7:37 am
    Jenetta wrote:

    (Shiloh)Why did I share this real science with you Jenetta; knowing very well that the Cosmic Dragons and their works, thoughts and endeavours are not greatly appreciated by human minded co-inhabitors of Gaia within this local star system? And knowing very well, that you most likely will not even read this discourse in your feelings of distaste and apprehensions towards a more 'mentally challenging etiquette'?

    Call it Dragon Love and not to be confused with human vanities and pretensiousnesses!

    Be well in your support and your affiliations with the nabsers!


    Well thank you for sharing your science newspeak with me Shiloh...I'm honored that such a lofty mind as yourself bestowed his Draconis wisdom on a humble minded Earthling like myself.
    As for apprehensions and distaste towards 'a more mentally challenging etiquette' we must say "the proof is in the pudding" and personally speaking I don't scare easy.
    Suffice it to say I have read your discourse and thanks for the Dragon Love.

    A ± symbol will decide the fate of the World



    ‘My theory of black holes is the biggest blunder of my life’

    S. Hawkings on his 70th birthday

    ‘In physics, if a particle can happen, it will happen.’

    Totalitarian Principle, Gellmann; discoverer of quarks.

    ‘Heat cannot pass spontaneously from a body of lower temperature to a body of higher temperature.’

    Rudolf Clausius, 1850,first enunciation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, original wording.

    Heat. ‘Heat is energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature. If two bodies at different temperatures are brought together energy is transferred – i.e. heat flows – from the hotter body to the colder. The effect of this transfer of energy is an increase in the temperature of the colder body and a decrease in the temperature of the hotter body’.

    Britannica, 1st paragraph, article on ‘Heat’, Macropaedia; Volume 8, page 701

    We are just a mush in the surface of a rock lost in the corner of the Universe, departing of those facts we can talk about man’ Schopenhauer, father of modern philosophy

    The hard facts of known-known science.

    The fate of humanity, a childish species, who feels entitled to defy the laws of the Universe with wishful thinking, depends on this formula:

    As the formula is filled with Universal Constants, and only two variables we shall write it in a simplified manner as:

    ±ΔMass ≤ Konstant/±ΔTemperature.

    Or easier to Understand moving Temperature to the other side:

    ±ΔMass x ±ΔTemperature = Constant.

    Simple, isn’t? It is the formula that defines the changes in temperature and mass of black holes.

    We know both can change but in which direction? If the black hole mass increases, temperature must diminish for the product to remain constant. If the black hole mass diminishes, then temperature must increase for the product to remain constant.

    Two choices. Why we care? well, as it happens your life depends on it.

    More exactly on the choice of ± signs of that equation.

    If we write:

    -Δ Mass X +Δ Temperature = Constant…

    You live, as the black holes the LHC will make in 2015, when it works at full potency, will increase temperature, getting hotter and diminishing mass, evaporating.

    If we write:

    +Δ Mass x -Δ Temperature = Constant, then you die.

    As black holes will cool down, transferring heat to the surrounding planet, evaporating us into a cosmic explosion, a Nova.

    Never a symbol mattered so much to mankind. So who or what chooses those symbols? That is the conundrum. (2)

    The ‘what’, the Universe and its scientific laws have chosen the Symbol of your death.

    The ‘who’, Mr. Hawking and his laws of ‘imaginary time’, have arbitrarily decided the Universe is wrong and the black hole will evaporate.

    The problem is that the Universe and his fundamental laws, the Laws of entropy always choose the equation of death, our evaporation.

    Indeed, any ultra-hot object as a black hole, born in a cold environment as the Earth is, according to the laws of entropy cools down and transfers heat to the environment, evaporating us. And this is what we see in the Universe happening, always, when a black hole is born. It cools down and evaporates its surroundings into a big explosion, a Nova.

    When you take an iron rod from the oven and put it in cold water, the water evaporates and the iron cools down, ALWAYS. And in the Universe whenever we see the birth of an ultra-hot black hole it evaporates its surrounding electromagnetic world (us) and gets colder, ALWAYS, till it reaches as a mature huge black hole a thrermodynamic balance with the cold vacuum that surrounds it.

    In this principle, that heat moves from the hot source to the cold one, are based all the laws of thermodynamics, all the machines of the planet. If this principle would not exist you could made a machine of eternal motion, the biggest hoax of science. There is NOT a single exception to the laws of Thermodynamics in the Universe. Everything in science is based in this law.

    But then a child of thought, with utter disregard of the known-known laws of the Universe, has chosen the other symbols:

    - Δ Mass X + Δ Temperature = Constant…

    It is Hawking’s formula of evaporation of black holes…that defies all the laws of entropy, all the laws of time, all the laws of Einstein and all the laws of the 5th dimension, the expansion of Einstein’s relativity that I study.

    And that is the problem.

    What the equation means is easy to understand:

    Hawking affirms that black holes do exactly the opposite that all other entities of the Universe:

    They are born very hot, the hottest objects of the Universe (in this we all agree), but then instead of cooling down in our cool Universe, burning us into hell, they will ‘magically’ absorb heat from the cold environment (+Δ), getting even hotter, breaking all the laws of entropy!

    It is like if you throw a flame into water and the flame would get hotter and the water would become ice!

    It is like if you get a cup of hot coffee and the cup keeps getting hotter ‘evaporating’, while it freezes your hand!

    This has never happened and the mere idea was for very long in science a laughing matter. Since the laws of entropy are crystal clear. When a hot system is put by the side of a cold system, temperature moves from the hot system that cools (in this case the black hole) to the cold one that heats and evaporates.

    But Hawking insists. When a black hole is born, hotter than the environment, instead of evaporating the environment as any hot object does, it will become hotter and evaporate!

    How he figures the black hole does that? Well it can’t according to the laws of time and entropy. So alas! He figured out that the black hole travels back into the past instead of traveling to the future. And that is why it evaporates. It is like if a baby will travel back into the past and enter the womb of the mother evaporating. Easy.

    Indeed, he also muses after that astounding discovery that he could enter a black hole and come into the past and kill his grand-father. Seriously.

    How he calls this weird type of time that goes backwards? Hold on to your seat
    ‘Imaginary time’… Seriously...
    This is Hawking in a nutshell. The rest is all ‘celebrity’ noise.

    And that is why we are worried, very worried. Of course it would be easier to believe the fairy tale of time travel, imaginary time, the end of entropy laws, a machine of perpetual motion… I wouldn’t mind to believe all that if my life didn’t depend on it.

    Indeed, on such musings hang the life of mankind. Our destiny depends on an ± symbol. It is worth to repeat it:

    -Δ Mass x +Δ Temperature = Constant

    Defines ‘imaginary black holes’ that break the laws of entropy and will get hotter. Then for all the constants of the Universe to remain constant their mass must diminish and balance the increase of heat. And you will live.

    But the Universe has never done this choice.

    On the contrary the Temperature of a hot mass always diminishes in a cold environment.

    So mass always increases. Let us then respect the laws of the Universe, proved ad nauseam in all systems and write instead the symbols right:

    +Δ Mass x -Δ Temperature= Constant.

    The hot black hole as all the systems of the Universe will decrease its temperature as it is born much hotter than our Universe, and so the heat will be transferred to our electromagnetic world and evaporate it, and the black hole will absorb it as energy in its event horizon collapsing that energy into mass at the speed of light: M=E/c2

    This is what Einstein say, what we observe in the Universe, what every black hole born in that Universe proofs: The black hole is born very hot, evaporates the surroundings and absorbs it, exploding the world into a Nova at the speed of light. So we will die in a few seconds. Simple, straight forwards maths that a kid in high school could understand. So the risks of creating a small black hole on Earth keep mounting. Why then are we doing it? Why we are provoking a potential genocide by denying the laws of science? Obviously it cannot be because of science, but for all the spurious, wrong, unscientific causes of our civilization that now we shall explore.

    The error of Hawking is like the tale of the emperor’s naked clothes. One day an emperor forgot to dress and went into a parade. And none would say anything till a child pointed out that the emperor was naked. His errors are so evident and absurd that nobody dares to contradict him. But the emperor walks naked and black holes will cool down and swallow the Earth if they are born at LHC.

    And yet the entire situation is so absurd that nobody will shout, ‘cover the emperor’s with decent cloths’. The emperor and Mr. Hawking have been invested with too much authority for any one except a child, a madman or a genius, 3 characters often compared, to point out the error without fear of making fools of themselves.

    Update. February 2014. Hawking denies himself.

    A very surprising event: the same emperor has shouted foul, has found hmself naked. Hawking has insisted on the line of his ‘birthday’ declarations that his ‘black hole theory was the biggest blunder of my life’.

    Indeed, Mr. Hawking just published with the new year a paper in which he denies the existence of Black Hole Event Horizons.

    He now considers the closest regions of black holes similar to storm eddies in which time forecast is not easy to make.

    Since ‘gravitational collapse produces apparent horizons but no event horizons behind which information is lost… Thus, like weather forecasting on Earth, information will effectively be lost, although there would be no loss of unitarity.’

    Now, since Hawking’s musings about the evaporation of black holes requires the existence of an event horizon in which, due to the properties of the event horizon a virtual particle produced from the vacuum would escape the black hole resting its mass to it (while the other will fall in), Mr. Hawking finally denies his own theory, leaving CERN naked of alibis to deny the enormous risks of making those black holes at Earth.

    So what the media did? Nothing. The world has ignored the implications for CERN of such statement.

    To understand in depth why we deal in other posts with the ‘secondary corners’ of our collective coffin... ‘Big Brother smiley’, the happy fictions of the media system…

    The astonishing thing about Mr. Hawking’s recent dilettante musings denying the existence of event horizons – hence of black hole evaporation – as ‘the biggest blunder of his life’ (he changes sides in the debate like a magician – now there is event horizon and evaporation; now there is none of both – perhaps thinking himself not only the new Einstein but the new Galileo (e pur si muove, e pur no muove’) is that knowing as physicists know LHC will do black holes, NOBODY on the establishment of science has brought back the ‘theme’ of our extinction by those black holes after Hawking’s denial of Event Horizons, hence of evaporating effects.

    It is like the entire subject has been ‘filed’ as a ‘dirty little secret’ by physicists, its P.R.ess and politicians and they won’t open the Pandora box till it opens ‘accidentally’… Then if there is time to reflect upon this collective genocide they will all deny they knew anything about it.

    Why indeed, Humanity is willing to take this risk to His Existence with so much enthusiasm? We can no longer merely consider this fact from a scientific, rational perspective, as it is not a rational fact, even if nuclear physicists have merely tried to keep it under the umbrella of arid mathematical equations, crunching data numbers and budgets. The matter falls fully into the realm of human emotional, irrational behavior in the face of collective death.

    It is indeed said that, ‘if you murder a person you are a criminal but if you commit genocide you are a hero'; as humans seem to be blocked in front of mass-murder, lacking the courage to confront it in rational terms.

    Indeed, in the same manner mankind at large accepts the infantile lies of Abrahamic religions, in which Bronze Age ass herders and goat keepers affirm that burning bushes have given them the key to immortality, with apparently no difficulty, as this wishful thinking protects them from the fear of death; the enormity of CERN’s future crimes is much easier to accept that a mere Nuclear tragedy of far lesser proportions as those of Hiroshima, Chernobyl and Fukushima.

    A humbling paradox to realize that we belong to a species with so little courage that might likely die because it is unable to stand even the thought of death, and prefers to pump up its ego, look to the other side and consider itself an eternal species, instead of taking rational measures to prevent its dismissal.

    We feel so important at individual and collective level that death is an absolute taboo, as it denies our ego. So the individual, as we will see in the next post, reacts according to psychologists first with anger to the doctor or messenger, then with denial and at best with a depressive mood when harm is not merely done to a small part of its ‘cellular self’, but to the whole in a death risk.

    So mankind as a superorganism in which each of us is a human cell can prevent small tragedies but becomes blocked with the concept of collective death; as it were impossible, given the self-annoited importance it gives to his own species. So we shall see how our ‘collective consciousness’, the audiovisual systems of mass-media has acted in this case as the mind of a dying person, denying and laughing at the prospects of its own death, angered to those messengers who brought the news with the only purpose of finding a cure, and labeling as a ‘thoughtcrime’ the mere mention of it – CERN’s risks to mankind have indeed become a taboo in the world of physics, often dismissed with ex-abrupts.

    Yet, in the order of cosmic things, in the fractal Universe of absolute relativity of scales, the collective death of the ‘superorganism’ of history, is not even an anecdote from the perspective of the infinite cosmos, ruled by black holes, as the collective death of all the cells of an animal body seems irrelevant to us from our relative huge perspective.

    Further on, there is this little secret called ‘money’, ‘industrial wealth’, ‘corporative profits’ and the well-rehearsed propaganda, don’t worry be happy marketing processes so well developed since World War II, which today are able to ‘sell’ anything to the public, or rather ‘sheeple’ in this increasingly Orwellian/Huxlerian world of ‘newspeaks’ where the minister of war is the minister of defense, invasions are peace processes and the most callous, dangerous industry mankind has ever devised, has become the essence of ‘idealist research’.

    In that regard, what nobody seems to understand is that CERN is not only a scientific center but part of the Military-Industrial complex, which means it has besides science, a sociological, industrial and psychological perspective – the four corners that nail our coffin, as we run like lemmings do, with a mixture of angst and enthusiasm towards this ‘cliff of extinction'.

    As it is below; so it is above

    Jenetta's Universe in Two

    Because of my Dragon Love for You, I have prepared a special present from the Den of the Thuban Serpents for you.
    You see, I can't really help you to 'overcome' your preconceived notions regarding science and how science works and how science advances, building on new information and older nous.
    So you might very well continue to seek mental comforts in quasi-science and individual co-creators, of whom there are as many as legions of angels dancing on hairpins; but legions of such, who eschew the mindful adaptations required to contribute to the aforesaid advancement of the sciences in a meaningful and collective manner. Rather those legions search for the needles in a haystack in allegory to the flaws and errors in the established sciences they perceive, considering the needles to be iron bars.
    The statements from cerntruth above can be read as simple diatribes and 'misgivings' towards some forms of academia and higher education with its stalwarts, which then become collectively 'blamed' for all the things perceived to 'be wrong' in the shared environment of the academia or 'social institution' or strata and its dissenters, searching for particular individuated alternatives for such edfices within the shared cultural environment.

    So my delicious and serendipitous Dragon Love for you has induced me to prepare a chart for you and a diagram, which shows you where you are and what your universe really is like in a true natural and scientific way and rather without the 'fantasy science' you have hitherto embraced with so much of your enchanting heart, beating in the Lushness of Solomon's enchanting and mysterious Forest de Lebanon.

    I have added at the end of this chart some mathematical formulations regarding Stephen Hawking's supposed 'mistakes about Black Holes' in context of his Mass-temperature relationship of Black Holes and not some 'misjudgement' he actually made in losing a number of 'bets or wagers' with Kip Thorne and Leonard Susskind regarding the preservation and conservation of information, which would be 'eaten up' by some Black Hole - real Black Holes and not the fantasy Black Holes of cerntruth by the way.
    So Hawking lost those bets, once Bekenstein, Susskind, Maldacena and a few more of the Braners could mathematically prove that the thermodynamic nature of real Black Holes actually conformed to physical realism. It basically shows that the Classical Shannon-Boltzmann entropy of physical systems as a permutation count of 'particle states/information bits' can be 'married' to the 'heat content' of real Black Holes and so this realisation, for the first time ever, allowed the classical physics of Gravitation and including both Newtonian mechanics and Einsteinian relativity, to become blended with the theories of quantum mechanics.
    And of course Hawking is a little cheesed off of losing his Black Hole bets; but he in no way has dismissed his work on Black Hole thermodynamics and his work in Cosmology in general.

    The blabberings of cerntruth about Hawking 'regretting' or denying the validity of his life's work is a misreading of the facts at least and blatant lying and disinformation at the worst.

    ...But Hawking insists. When a black hole is born, hotter than the environment, instead of evaporating the environment as any hot object does, it will become hotter and evaporate!

    How he figures the black hole does that? Well it can’t according to the laws of time and entropy. So alas! He figured out that the black hole travels back into the past instead of traveling to the future. And that is why it evaporates. It is like if a baby will travel back into the past and enter the womb of the mother evaporating. Easy.

    Indeed, he also muses after that astounding discovery that he could enter a black hole and come into the past and kill his grand-father. Seriously....

    statements like those in this quote of yours per cerntruth show immediately, how blatantly disinformative and underinformed the 'cerntruthers' actually are.
    You said, that you had read my 'science discourse' about the temperature differences in the Black Hole Physics. There then you will find confirmation of what Hawking claims, namely that the primordial Black Holes are hotter than their environment. Cerntruthers would fail to understand how this could be so, because they don't understand neither the physics of thermodynamics nor the nature of real Black Holes.

    To revisit;
    the universe with No Spacetime definition can contain energy as a form of kinetic energy, which LATER, after the Big Bang followed a string-brane era - will manifest as the 'cooling down' of the primordial universe as a quasi-singularity. It is precisely this requirement for a nonphysicalized 'heat energy' as a Temperature gradient (within and defining a scalar MASSLESS Higgs Field, which would become matter inhabited in a Quantum Big Bang Mass-Seed); which allows a most ancient form of primordial energy to become dynamic in a matter based cosmology.
    This 'ancient energy' is the same as the often mislabelled and misunderstood 'Spirit', which then becomes the 'breeding ground' or spacetime matrix for the mysterious 'Consciousness' which itself then emerges from its most ancient form as a 'unconscious' or unaware form of spacetime itself and then adds a special form of 'Self-Energy' to the space it occupies and this 'self-energy' is what is called cosmic consciousness by the Dragon cosmologists.
    The Jenettas of the universe might term it the 'Growth of the Soul in Experience' and in similar terminology and nomenclature.

    But what do quacks like cerntruthers put forward as their arguments regarding their perceived or imagined flaws in mainstream science?
    They relate their common sense understandings of heat and the lower dimensional universe to a higher dimensional 'parent cosmology' you might very well describe as a metaphysics being the progenitor of any physics and so able to form its ontological framework and background.
    Their misconstructions regarding the Twin-Paradox and the facts of time dilation and length contraction under the precepts of the relativities further betray their ignorance regarding actual tenable physical and scientific theory.

    Again, should you watch the first 20 minutes of the Susskind video; you will learn how the classical observer perspective differs from that of the 'entangled' observer - the former contends with a hidden 'singularity' whilst the latter is able to observe the 'quantum smeared singularity' and a classical volume of 3 dimensions becomes a collector of information and a data base, which can be represented and reconstructed on a 2-dimensional surface or area as in say the science of the Holographic Universe.

    And so I again advise you to listen to the Susskind lecture at Stanford. It is about what it is like to live inside a real Black Hole (which you do)and how the classical universe of both Newtonian mechanics and its finetuned relativistically curved spacetime geometry of Albert Einstein becomes 'married' to the parameters of the quantum theories.
    And this lecture is directed to a university audience, but an audience which is made up of many non-specialists in the fields of Black Hole physics, quantum mechanics, relativity and cosmology. It includes geologists and biologists and many other such non experts on Black Hole dynamics.

    Around the 35-45 minute marker (you can omit the times of the questions, as they are hard to hear and are more specialized); I have screen printed a particular part of say a 10 minute discourse about the quantum entanglement of Jenetta with Jenetta and you might find some of those details interesting, even if you don't fully understand the arguments.
    You could however, and as your interest in quackery science shows, that you are well able to think about scientific principles and could, if you would - yes you should; form your own understanding about the world you live in and without recourse to questionable sources, who claim to know about those things. You can then begin to propagate and LIKE Jenetta's Cosmology, rather than the cosmologies and philosophies of second hand sources.
    And yes Dragons make many claims about this too, but dragons don't hide about their nous and will answer questions in whatever detail if challenged regarding their serpentine understandings.

    Should you understand your chart a little and apply your science-able mindfulness to it; then you might also discover that the added comments on 'Jenetta's Universe in Two' chart actually adds some 'missing links' and answers to some 'open questions asked' in the discourse of this lecture by Leonard Susskind, one of the leading 'experts' on Black Holes and string theory alive today on planet Earth.
    You will then be able to claim, that 'Jenetta's Cosmology' is actually more encompassing than either the tenable mainstream academic model or the fantasy invalidated fake models of the science pretenders; whose common and generally understandable distaste for the status quo with its questionable and often nebulous and clandestine activities and preferences; is shared by 'alternative seeking' human minded thinkers such as the many Jenettas, whose Worlds of Beingness and Experience in the Universe of the Many in One is destined to become a Uni-Verse or Mono-Song within a Multi-Verse or Melody within a Symphony and Orchestra of Omni-Versal distinctiveness and personal uniqueness.

    Be well sweet Honeybee and a sexy DragonQueenBee and ambassador for the Gaian Baab Gate into the Cosmos you shall become in a due evolvement of your times and spaces!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG] [​IMG]



    Last edited by shiloh on September 12th 2014, 5:59 am; edited 1 time in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  5. admin

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    • Post n°125

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 12th 2014, 4:52 am
    Jorgelito - Posted September 12th, 2014
    empty. meandjoanie.

    RE Inside Black Holes | Leonard Susskind
    Shiloh, the part about entanglement between objects on either side of the membrane of a black hole is curious. I wonder how that works. Is it the black hole is not as concrete and definite as we think?
    Or, perhaps, it is Is that objects -- bodies of localized energies -- like us -- people and things -- have a relationship to or exist in a something, an image, a matrix of some sort outside of the realm of energy that most of us accept? Ino ther words, can nuclear particles know love? This I think is most appealing solution to the paradox! I know I am asking the right person.

    This is am excellent question and observation Jorgelito and your cartoon exemplifies and emphasizes the possibility of not only existing at two locations at the same time in this label of the quantum entanglement in holographic association with utilization of Black Hole physics; but also of 'being cosmically together in superspacetime (this is the mythologically archetyped 'heaven-purgatory-hell' where the souls gather) and enabling a separation in a timespace background.
    As you can see, I have elaborated on the 'Jenetta Universe in Two' to further illustrate this point and have attached an earlier message from the Den of the Dragons (or Thuban Snake Pit), addressing this question of a 'perfect match' or a twinsoul on the cosmic level of beingness. And the answer to your question is in the affirmative and is shown to manifest in this Theory of the Holographic Universe, which forms the background of the Susskind lecture at Stanford University. The 'touching of the eyes' across a lower dimensional spacetime is none other than the 'feeling of some spiritual reality' apparently arriving from some timeless realm of the human psyche and dreamscape.

    The 'Cosmic Love Particle' is what is technically defined as the Eps-Gauge Photon as the 'high energy' vibratory part of a EpsEss Supermembrane in the Mirror-Mother-Matrix TimeSpace of the 11th Dimension and is 'quantum entangled or entwined' across all dimensions in a timelessness and spacial eternity with its own image as the 'Devil AntiGod Particle' as the Ess-Gauge Antiphoton as the 'low energy' winded part of the same supermembrane as a Möbian Klein-Bottle Serpent.
    The 'vibratory' or high-frequency part is outside the defined Black Hole at B in 12D and is CONTINUOUS across the 11D Black Hole's Event Horizon into the inside of the Black Hole of the 'winded' or low-frequency part at A in 10D(=12D like the 3D of the inner space and outer space of the Earth) and AS the supermembrane EpsEss (GODDEVIL becomes GODDOG=FATHERMOTHER or ABBABAAB by JCCJ for HeShe=SheHe).

    The 'antiness' state represents a 'broken cosmic symmetry' between two self mirroring/reflecting 'God maleness states' as say GODGOD or (two female self states DOGDOG), until the second 'God' can manifest its 'femaleness' as a DOGGOD in a perfect supersymmetry of Reflection in the 'Sabbath Mirror' of the 7th 'TimeSpace'.

    The aforesaid then refers to cosmic mindfulness and not any kind of physical intercourse-interaction between the sexual gender differences, as the Unification will render the Heness as a Hesheness and the Sheness as a Sheheness, so 'healing' or harmonising the eon old misunderstandings suffered and endured by a planetarily exiled humanity, not realising nor understanding its own 'divine and sacred' cosmically natural sexuality, existing for the purpose to create multiverses from their own cosmic definition as universes from a seedling protoverse and residing as polygamous cosmic families within an encompassing omniverse of the AbbaBaab TwinLogos template at the Core of Existence.


    The Protoverse within the Multiverse within the Omniverse and the Cosmic Generations

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from the Omniverse, dear ones!

    This message shall address one of the latest discoveries of your cosmologists upon Gaia. I shall give you important details about this phenomenon following this press release, shared generously by Amir Javadi, a cosmic brother sharing with you all the terrestrial exile soon to finalise (say a 7-10 year period from the dating of this report from 2008 to 2015-2017).

    Our known universe is being tugged: Study
    November 07, 2008

    Unknown, unseen "structures" are tugging on our universe like cosmic magnets, the National Geographic Channel reported on its website quoting a controversial new study. It said everything in the known universe is said to be racing toward the massive clumps of matter at more than 3.2 million kilometers an hour -- a movement researchers have dubbed dark flow. According to the study leader Alexander Kashlinsky, an astrophysicist at NASA's [Images] Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, the presence of the extra-universal matter suggests that our universe is part of something bigger -- a multiverse -- and that whatever is out there is very different from the universe we know, the channel said The theory could rewrite the laws of physics. Current models say the known, or visible, universe extends as far as light could have traveled since the big bang. In an attempt to simplify the mind-bending concept, Kashlinsky says to picture yourself floating in the middle of a vast ocean. As far as the eye can see, the ocean is smooth and the same in every direction, just as most astronomers believe the universe is. You would think that beyond the horizon, therefore, nothing is different. "But then you discover a faint but coherent flow in your ocean," Kashlinsky said. "You would deduce that the entire cosmos is not exactly like what you can see within your own horizon." There must be an out-of-sight mountain river or ravine pushing or pulling the water. Or in the cosmological case, Kashlinsky speculates that "this motion is caused by structures well beyond the current cosmological horizon, which is more than 14 billion light-years away.

    " Image: A powerful collision of galaxy clusters captured with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope. Like its famous cousin, the so-called Bullet Cluster, this clash of clusters provides striking evidence for dark matter and insight into its properties. Like the Bullet Cluster, this newly studied cluster, officially known as MACSJ0025.4-1222, shows a clear separation between dark and ordinary matter. Photograph courtesy: NASA

    Source: Sincerely Hossein Javadi

    Shalom to you all in these troublesome times; and a period of mental uneasiness and physical insecurity which must continue and intensify until this Old Earth rebirthes itself as a New Earth in an emergence, which will allow all of you to participate in metamorphosing your old geneto-chromosomatic bodyforms in unison with your planetary mother.

    In a nutshell, the phenomenon described above relates to the multidimensionality of your universe, which is actually a Protoverse and a Seed for an encompassing Omniverse.
    The universe can be very big because it can also be very small and those two modalities are intrinsically coupled and related in the concept of a Modular Duality of the Double-String aka the Supermembrane.
    In particular the vastness of the universe relates to one of the modular parts of this modality and this is generally modelled on the classical relativistic dynamics of an expanding universe, behaving like a thermodynamic Planck-Black Body radiator and the associated statistical mechanics and distributions of the quantities and parameters described.

    It is the winded- and low energy superstring in 10 dimensions {Ess}, which then allows description of this cosmic dynamics in terms of a classical geometry of the macroquantum and defined in large wavelengths of de Brogliean matter waves and the postulates and the metric curvilinear coordinates of General Relativity.

    The modular coupling to the macroquantum is the vibratory- and high energy superstring in 10 dimensions {Eps} and which leads to the quantum mechanics of the microquantum and the postulates of Special Relativity coupled to the short wavelengths and the quantum geometries of the quantum systems.
    The 4-dimensional spacetime continuum measured and observed by the Gaian physicists and experimenters is actually a seed or 'inner core' for an encompassing universum and a realm of linearity upon which freedom degrees of rotation and oscillation have become superimposed in a quantization of the microcosm modular dual to the macrocosm.

    An expanded or expanding Line-Space of 3 dimensions allows 3 Hyper-Space dimensions of rotation to manifest in the phenomenon of 'curved space'. It is however not necessary from first principles, that any inertia or mass in the form of matter be present for the primordial universe to 'curve' or close upon itself.
    The universe can be 'empty' of matter and yet display self-closure under its own gravity; should this gravity utilize a form of energy which is 'mass-equivalent' in the form of 'photonic string mass' under the formulations of the quantum according to Max Planck {Energy E=hf=mc2 =kT}.

    This relates to the 'Principle of Equivalence' in General Relativity, which states that an Inertial Mass {Minertial} of Newtonian physics, subject to acceleration and bounded in the invariance of lightspeed 'c' is identical to an Gravitational Mass {MGravitational}.
    This implies, that any 'accelerated frame of reference' is indistinguishable from a localised gravitational field in 'g-acceleration' of an applied force per unitmass {ag=GoM/r2}.

    The 3 Hyper-Space dimensions so manifest on the quantum level of the vibratory superstring modality in allowing a quantised SPIN, either clockwise-up or anticlockwise-down to manifest in integral half-spin for inertial fermions and full-spin for inertial bosons, many of which can also be massless from their string precursors.
    This so manifests a 6-dimensional Hyper-Spaced universe which is colocal with the observed 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime and where a 'connector' temporal dimension of the 4th dimension also represents the first Hyper-Space dimension.

    The macro-observed rotation of cosmic entities with their angular momenta in Line-Space so carries with itself a nonobserved microcosmic summation or integration of hyperspaced superstrings comprising the macro-systems as microcosmic constituents.

    Quantum-Space is 9-dimensional and is colocal with 6-dimensional Hyper-Space and 3-dimensional Line-Space.
    Quantum-Space is 'time-connected' to Hyper-Space in the 7th dimension, which is also the first Quantum-Space dimension and also the fourth Hyper-Space dimension.
    Quantum-Space describes the 'oscillatory' freedom degrees of 'stretching- and shrinking' or expansion- and contraction along any of the basic axes of Line-Space (say X-Y-Z).

    Quantum-Space so defines the macro-systematic phenomena of expansion-contraction as principle-antiprinciple on the scale of the microcosm of the quantum and is 'time-connected' to Omni-Space in the 10th dimension of the superstring. It is also the 4th dimension of Quantum-Space and the 7th dimension of Hyper-Space.

    Generally then, the observable universe APPEARS to be 3-dimensional, but is 9-dimensional in 'hiding' 6 dimensions of rotational and oscillatory freedom degrees with itself. It is not so much that those 6 dimensions are 'collapsed' onto the parental 'string scale', but that the string scale itself allows MACROQUANTISATION as the observed physical phenomena by the fractalisation and the Holographic Principle underpinning a more descriptive cosmology as is presently understood in the Gaian realms of analysis and experimentation.
    In other words; as everything existing is reducible to the 'quasi-singularity' as a quantum-summation of the 'God-Particle EpsEss' the fractalisation of the universe can be said to be a continual Unfolding of the Enfolding in a Bohmian Holomovement or similar nomenclature.
    Subsequently, all macro-objects are 'made' from micro-objects are made from supermembranes and are representations or holograms of the Hubble-Bubble of M-Space, which 'inflated' at the birth of the universe at Null-Time and BEFORE the Quantum Big Bang manifested the observable universe of measurement.

    The 'de Broglie matter wave' ended a 'string epoch' at precisely 3.33x10-31 seconds to 'ignite' the Quantum Big Bang with a manifesting a 'dark energy', defined in an equation of accelerations and defining Einstein's Cosmological Constant as a Quintessence:

    ΛEinstein = ΩNewton + ΑMilgrom = GoMo/R2(n) -2cHo/(n+1)3.

    The parameters are defined later in this discourse.

    The time dimension is both, more elementary, than the spacial dimensions and non-existant except as a NOW-Time defining the birth of space and time from a Null-Time aka a mathematical singularity.
    As this singularity can become mathematically defined but must remain physically unrealised; it can be shown; that the occurrence of a Quantum Big Bang becomes necessity to extend the mathematical definitions of a 2-dimensional continuum into its 3-dimensional manifesto, that is the physicalisation of the metaphysics of the abstraction of the mathematics in the emergence of space and time and matter.

    The Omniverse possesses perfect spherical symmetry in a selfcontained 12-dimensional F-Space; whilst the Protoverse is a major-axis prolate ellipsoid or Riemannian Hypersphere as its central subset in 10 dimensions.
    The Protoverse does not rotate appreciably as the summation of its 'quantum spin' vectors; but carries a rotational freedom across its major axis but not its minor axes.
    The protoverse is subject to PHASESHIFTS as minor axis rotations and any such phaseshift generates a Multiverse, the latter defined as a minimum configuration of two phaseshifted protoverses.
    To accomodate the Multiverse from the Protoverse, the BOUNDARY of this Protoverse becomes uniquely defined as a 11-dimensional M-Space.
    It is this boundary then, which MIRRORS the expansion and evolution of the 10-dimensional cosmos and everything within it into the perfect spherical symmetry of the encompassing Omniverse.

    This results then in an ASYMPTOTIC Expansion of a 10-dimensional universe described as C-Space towards this 11-dimensional M-Space boundary and where the C-Space carries an open- and hyperbolic topology, whilst the M-Space is closed or ellipsoidal.

    The M-Space is a MIRROR-Space and can be described as a Möbian-Manifold-Connectivity.
    M-Space so connects the 'inside' of the mass-parametric and asymptotically expanding C-Space to its 'mirror image' of a relatively contracting F-Space from the 'outside'.
    This scenario is yet extended in the boundary parameters of C-Space and universally known as the invariance of lightspeed 'c'.

    The 10-dimensional universe expands asymptotically, meaning that it 'slows down' in deceleration. The Gaian cosmologists have measured an accelerating universe following an initial deceleration, say at a particular cosmological redshift region at about 0.1 and using spectra of supernovae type I in this process.
    What the terran scientist have measured is not an accelerating universe, but the 'return of the imaged light' from the M-Space boundary.

    The Gaian scientists should recall, that all cosmological measurements engage the absorption- and emission spectra of electromagnetic radiation travelling at lightspeed c. So it is prudent to interpret the spectroscopic database in terms of the light parameters not superposed onto the inertial variables.

    The C-Space expansion of the Protoverse has reached about 53% of its M-Space boundary at the present timeline of 2008 AD.
    The C-Space expands then at 22% of lightspeed and decelerates at (AMilgrom=-2cHo/(n+1)3) or at about 0.12 nanometers per second squared.
    At the 'birth' of space and time, the maximum deceleration was therefore so 1.1266.. nanometers per second2.

    The formulation for the acceleration above engages a 'nodal' Hubble-Constant Ho, referring to a Hubble-Variable, which oscillates between an even- and an odd node in a dimensional cycletime defining a 'linear' timeflow in n=Hot with a characteristic Hubble-Frequency for the 'heartbeat' of the universe in dn/dt=Ho.
    The Gaian cosmologist have hitherto been unaware of the oscillatory nature of the universe and have presumed an expanding universe covarying with the spacetime coordinates.

    This is not the case. The universe experienced a period of hyperacceleration in a defining 'string epoch' and a linear timespan, which ended precisely 3.33.x10-31 seconds following 'Null- or singularity' time.
    This hyperinflation DEFINED the M-Space boundary and provided the 11-dimensional medium for the mass-parametric C-Space universe to expand into.

    Following the manifestation of the M-Space in the Magic-Membrane-Mirror of the Mother; the Quantum Big Bang occurred and seeded the universe in spactime vortices, carrying the potential for mass to manifest in their multifaceted density distributions and primarily as a function of temperature coupled to the cosmic coordinate background.

    M-Space so envelopes C-Space in a cyclicity spanning halfcycles or linear 'timeflows' of n=1 durations.

    For 1=Hot then, the Hubble-Time becomess tHubble = 1/Ho and this calculates as 16.9 Billion years (tropical).

    For a 'return cycle' from n=1 to n=2 (n=0 defining the Big Bang Instanton and Inflaton) then, the universe will experience an ELECTROMAGNETIC RETURN of the Big Bang Seeding light and after 33.8 Billion years, the Big Crunch will start the next 'Hubble-Oscillation' or the 'heartbeat' of the Cosmic Mother aka the Universe.

    But cosmologists unawares about this 'return of the light', will presume and measure, that the universe is 'getting younger' and many measurements will indicate, that the universe must be 'tugged and pulled' from some unseen dimensions.
    The electromagnetic return will superimpose a BLUESHIFT of approach onto a REDSHIFT of recession and so for particular redshift intervals (outlined elsewhere at the linked websites) and some pf those effects have now been discovered by the Terran scientists and as evidenced in the referenced press release.

    One consequence for this INTERSECTION of dimensions is that the M-Spaced Closed Universe is 7.56 times larger, than the C-Spaced Open Universe.
    A major effect from this is the so called 'dark matter'.

    I shall now elucidate on the technicalities.

    The Baryonic mass-seedling {Mo} of the Big Bang constitutes 2.8% required for the topological closure of M-Space as a Mother-Black Hole. 100% then define the 'Dark Energy' closure of the universe in the Einstein-Quintessence (Lambda): ΛEinstein = ΩNewton + ΑMilgrom = GoMo/R2(n) -2cHo/(n+1)3.

    The Formulation is:
    2GoMclosure /c2=RHubble with Ho=c/RHubble
    and a critical density: ρcritical =3Ho2 /8πGo =Mcritical/Vcritical.

    The critical volume is the Hubble-Bubble as a Riemannian Hypersphere, which behaves like a 3-dimensional surface and as the boundary of a 3D-Volume to its 4-dimensional precursor in R4-Space.

    This is: Vcritical=V3=2π2 R3 as dV4 /dR from V4=½π2R4 and where the manifolded volumar V3 describes a Toroidal Volume.

    The 'local' 3D-Volume of a sphere in Archimedean Vsphere=4πR3/3 is so modified in the factor 3π/2 to give a 'superlocal' 3D-Volume as that of the Hypersphere as a manifold. The critical density so becomes formalised in the expression: ρcritical =Ho2 /4π2Go =Mcritical/Vcritical~8.04x10-28 kg/m3.

    The 'volume' for the C-Space Protoverse and the Intersecting M-Space Multiverse so become the formulations:
    VC-Space=2π2 {[n/(n+1)].RHubble}3 and VM-Space-Image=2π2n.RHubble3.

    The nonintersecting M-Space 'expands' the Volume of the Hubble-Bubble itself, but remains independent on the mass-parametric variables linked to inertia and can be written as:

    VM-Space-Original=2π2[ct]3 = 2π2{n.RHubble}3 and where ct describes the lightpath x=ct for the Big Banged universe.
    The Expansion-Parameter 'a' in General Relativity becomes the scaled curvature radius R(n)=n/(n+1) and gives the asymptotic approch of C-Space to M-Space for potentialised infinite Line-Time t=n/Ho.

    The ratio: VM-Space-Image/VC-Space=n/{n/(n+1)}=(n+1)3 /n2 ~ 7.56 for a 'present' cycletime n=1.1324.. and so the Protoverse of C-Space in 10 dimensions is contained almost 8 times within the M-Space of 11 dimensions.

    The Baryonic inertia seedling in C-Space can be calculated to have 'grown' in tandem with a general mass-evolution in a factor of √Yn~1.313.. to 3.7% and so there will be 7.56 times as much 'dark matter' in the M-Spaced universe as there is in the C-Spaced universe.
    The total BARYON-SEEDED mass in the observable universe so becomes 27.8% and near the approximations given by the Gaian experimenters.

    As Mo is just 2.8% of M, but is subject to a 'growth' in the maximising factor Yn=1.724.. for the present epoch, one can take the factor Mav=Mo.√Yn=1.313.. for a 'dark matter' percentage upper bounded in 2.8%(1.724)~4.83% and lower bounded in 2.8%(1.313)~3.68%.

    The 'dark matter' or the 'missing mass' are so coupled to the 'evolution of the Baryon seedling' at the Big Bang instanton and inflaton, as well as the enveloping M-Space as a quasi-Black Hole encompassment.
    Most generally, the 'dark matter' can be defined in its quantum eigenstate as a particle or wavicle of 'consciousness' manifesting at an energy level of 14 TeV or at a nonmassproduced frequency of 3.37x1027 Hz or a wavelength of so 8.9x10-20 metres or a concentrated 'particle-mass' of 2.5x10-23 kg. All these parameters define a RMP=RestMass-Photon, of lefthandedness with 1-spin and intrinsically of zero mass, but carrying 'evolution-consciousness energy' as a function of cycletime n.

    The higher dimensional universe is so related to its own encompassment of M-Space as the Body-Gestalt of the entire universe up to 11 dimensions.

    This M-Space has become 'individualised' in MINDWAVE-Induction, resulting in a particular ENCOMPASSMENT of all that exists.
    This became necessary, because when the universe was born; the metaphysical- and mathematical precursor 'lost' half of ITSELF precisely in the M-Spaced universe and this half so became also 'lost' as half of its 'former glory'.

    Before space and time existed, the ParticleWave was connected metaphysically and in perfect symmetry with itself as a WaveBody in a 2-dimensional scenario of 'spiritual forethoughtness'.

    To create the 3rd dimension from its complex-plane precursor, the perfect symmetry had to be broken and the WaveBody became separated from its Veritas Eikona or 'perfect image'.
    As the WaveBody 'Inflated' as the M-Space of the Mother to 'make room' for a subsequent 'particle-body' evolution of the C-Space of the Children, the imaged ParticleWave became 'banished' into the 12th dimension of the F-Space of the Father.

    Before inflation, the MindBody-BodyMind Duality had however 'blended' and consummated to create a 'perfect remembrance' in a LOGOS or 'LoveChild' out of space and time.

    It was this LOGOS then, which entered the M-Space in full remembrance to eventually bring the separated parts of the exiled ParticleMind and the physically manifested MindBody and by the reproduction of the multiversal Wavebodies of the Cosmic Children back together again.
    The LOGOS entered the M-Space and became a PERFECT MIRROR for whatever was inside the Hubble-Bubble and to REHARMONISE the 'lost' feminine wavenature inside with the 'lost' masculine particlenature of the outside.
    The LOGOS so could MAP HIS own particlenature AS the particlenature of HER and so, in 'fading away' as a BODYFORM could BECOME the WAVEFORM of the MOTHER as a BODY of HIS.
    But HE was still inside the WOMB of HER and to 'get out' and to be reborn, HE had to CONTRACT onto a fractal subset of HER as Mother Gaia and render HIMSELF a HERSELF and rename HIMSELF from Jesus to Jesusina and as the maleness WITHIN the femaleness and as IN A JESUS=JESUSINA and as IN A SERPENT=SERPENTINA - the name of the NEW EARTH.

    But because of all that and much more to be revealed at the appropriate times; all of you can become DOUBLED and lose the disharmonies inherent in your bodies as particles and your minds as waves.
    All of your 'SHADOWED BEINGNESSES can; should you be able to resonate; manifest in a restructuring of your DNA and the nucleotidal base-couplings and the metamorphosis of your 3-dimensional volumeness into a 4-dimensional bodyness in space and a 5-dimensional bodyness in timespace.

    The religions upon Gaia shall become 'headless', as the 'prophetic cornerstone' exists no more in male form; but has become female. This also defines the quarantine of the Old Earth for the purpose of the preparation for the birthings.
    The female cornerstone will blend with Gaia's Newborn Children and render the Sons true Sons with old and by nature original and beautiful minds and new bodies and render the Daughters true Daughters with old and by nature original beautiful bodies and new minds.
    The original mind is male and the original body is female; so all of creation carries this blueprint in singularity.
    To reharmonise and for the purpose to instill a female mind into the creation and for the purpose to give a male body to the creator; the construction must be doubled and the shadow images are required to manifest.
    So the New Man will have his old wavebody coupled to a new bodywave and the New Woman will have her old bodywave coupled to a new mindbody in a christening of the induction of the doubling of the selfhoods.

    Here are more details of a more technical nature regarding this message and addressed to the technocrats, familiar with mathematical nomenclature amongs you.


    The speed of light 'c' has been measured to an accuracy of 8 decimal places and Planck's Constant 'h' is known with an error not exceeding one part per million.
    This is not so for Newton's Gravitational Constant 'Big G'.
    The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US began measuring 'G' in the 1930's to establish the Luther-Towler-Number LTN=6.67259x10-11 G-units (m³/kg.s²).
    So it stood until 1994, when the renowned PTB in Braunschweig, Germany's Standards Laboratory measured G much higher, differing in the 3rd decimal place.
    Then New Zealand's Measurements Standard Laboratory published avalue significantly below the LTN and the University of Wuppertal derived a value in between the NZ one and the LTN.
    Notwithstanding the ever improving technological advances and measuring techniques; using torsion pendulums, tungsten cylinders or suspended or accelerating testmasses; 'Big G' has proven to be intractable to conformity.
    Two of the latest measurements are 6.67327x10-11 and 6.6742(10)x10-11 G-units and values by no means definitive.

    What is going on?
    Shifting heavy objects in the vicinity of the test apparatus seems to influence the atomic structure of the testmasses, irrespective of the isolated environment created for the testing conditions.
    The following treatise shall resolve the conundrum and illustrate the unruly behaviour of 'G' as a consequence of the initial boundary conditions for the universe's subsequent evolvement.
    It shall indicate that even a 'massless' universe would contain a diminished G-component as the electric permittivity of a massless macroquantised (Hawking) BlackHole and that the present dilemma derives from a finestructure of the nucleonic constituents, which, by definition, must comprise the testmasses.
    A precise measurement so would rely on an unambiguous calculation for two neutronic restmasses, a condition which we shall show to be unachievable, because of the nature and interrelationship between the parameters of inertial mass and those of electromagnetic charges.
    Now the ratio between the electromagnetic- and the gravitational interaction strengths is measured and of the order of alpha/G-alpha~10-39 and one can actually define the G-alpha as a function of alpha and as G-alpha=alpha18, using the string parameters of Quantum Relativity.

    This defines the minimum neutronmass mc explicitely as: mc=√{ke².alpha17/Go}.

    In string parameters, the unification condition for the interactions at the stringenergy scale demands kGo=1 for a mc=[e/Go].alpha8.5=9.9247246..x10-28 kg*. This represents so 58% of the neutron (or nucleon) mass as measured today and is the actual minimum neutron mass.
    Now the truly CONSTANT GM² structure in say Newton's Law, is given by the product Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm².

    This however is finestructured in introducing a maximum neutron mass given in a unification condition, known as the Euler Identity: X+Y=XY=-1=i²=℮ and applying the absolute value of unitised 1.
    We write: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories. So the applied G value is: Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and where n is a cycletime n=Hot for a nodal universe with dn/dt=Ho the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/Rmax for a Hubble radius Rmax.

    The applied Gm so ALWAYS engages a maximised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYn}~ 1.7115x10-27 kg in string parameters for a present cycletime coordinate np=1.1324..) AND a minimised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYk}). The value of k is so determinative for Gm and differs over the evolution of the universe with respect to cycletime n and as finestructured for an AVERAGE G-value (Gav) obtained in using the geometric mean for the neutron masses in extremum (minmax productation).

    One can easily calculate Gav=Go.Xn=6.44317..x10-11 G-units for a geometric neutron mass product of mnmax.mnmin=mc².Yn =1.69861...x10-54 kg² for the constancy condition of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² and omitting the k-factorisation. But this averaged G value applies for a massless universe under the initial unification condition of the finestructures described in Gok=1 or Go=4πεo (using Stoney Units for the Planck-Scaling of the chargequantum e).

    So BECAUSE an initial mass seedling Mo={mc.mP/me}√E ~ 1.8137..x1051 kg* became transformed in the de Broglie phase inflation from its preinertial state as gravitational mass into the state of inertia (this is called the Big Bang for a spacetime quanta counter E); this 'Principle of Equivalence' introduced the hitherto massless 'ylemic' 'neutron bosons' as dineutronic states, which under the Higgs mechanism became fermionic and established the mass seedling Mo as the primordial neutron matter, then decaying via beta minus decay into the observed matter in the universe (there was no antimatter).

    Subsequently the EMERGENCE of inertial mass under c-invariance also introduced a finestructure for 'G' as described in the above. One can determine the value of k from finestructuring the critical masses Mo, M and MHawking as boundary Black Hole masses coupled to the quantum minmax neutron masses.
    For curvature radius Rmax and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho²/8πGo the Schwarzschild metric gives M=Rmax.c²/2Go=c³/2GoHo= ~ 6.47058..x1052 kg*.

    For the curvature radius RSarkar=2GoMo/c², we have the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... and which so determines the 'missing mass' in the universe to be a consequence of the initial boundary conditions set by the de Broglie inflation and the overall Black Hole evolution of the stringed parameters.

    From the minimum Planck Oscillator EPo=½hfP=½mPc2: ½MPTP={1/8p}MPTP.4p=H(awking)M(odulus)=HM
    HM=hc3/4pGok=MMinTMax=|c2/4p2|.MMax.Tss=Mo.To=M.T and for MMax=4p2kHM/c2hfss = pc/fssGo =2.5446..x1049 kg*

    The Mass-Temperature modulus of Stephen Hawking determines MHawking=MMax/4p for a boundary condition of maximised Black Hole Mass for a minimised Black Hole Temperature in MHawkingTHawking= HM = 9.131793821x1023 (kg.K)* for (1/4π).HM = hc3/16π2Gok and k the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

    The relationship is given in superstring (Planck) parameters by
    Mmin.Tmax=|c/2π|².Mmax.Tmin=hc³/4πGok = (4π/8π)mP.TP and TP the Planck Temperature TP=mP.c²/k.

    {(MHawking,THawking);(Mo),To);(M,T)} = {(2.03x1048 kg*,4.52x10-25K*);(1.81x1051 kg*,5.03x10-28 K*);(6.47x1052 kg*,1.41x10-29 K*)}

    The Dragon Braned Frequency Modulation fps.fss = 1 = Unity
    A Primary SourceSink Eps in modular membrane duality with a Secondary SinkSource Ess
    Energy Prime SourceSink as White Hole|Quantum Entanglement Modular Duality|Energy Prime SinkSource as Black Hole

    Curvature Radius RC = l/2π = c/2πf = c/w

    Curvature Area ABlack Hole = A BH = 4πRC2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/f2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/fpsfss = |c2/π| for fps.fss = 1

    For a 3D Volume (4π/3)R³, the 2D Area or Surface becomes dV/dR=4πR² and reducing to a 1D Line Integral of dA/dR=8πR=4.(2πR) as 4 times the perimeter of a circle of radius R and relating the Black Hole surface quantum as 4 Planck Areas LP² in its Entropy SBH =ABH/4LP² =πc³ABH/2Goh.

    As the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity spans 1440° or 8π radians, the quantization of the Information located on the surface area of a Black Hole so introduces the factor of 4 in its formulation.


    This sets the Hawking-Gibbons thermodynamic temperature minima for To=constant/Mo ~ 5.03..x10-28 K* and T=constant/M ~ 1.41..x10-29 K*.
    As the minimum macro Black Hole has Schwarzschild metric λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c² for Tmax=hfmax/k=hc/λmink; and modular duality requires the unification condition for the minimum curvature to relate to a maximum curvature in Rminmin/2π=1/Rmax or Rmax=2πλmax, as Rmin.Rmax=1.

    In gauge bosonic string parameters, this modular duality then is given in Emax=hc/λmin=mmax.c²=kTmax and Emin=hc/λmax=mmin.c²=kTmin and in the invariance of the lightspeed parameter c as c=fmaxλmin=1/fminλmax or the dimensionless unification conditions:
    Emax.Emin=h² and Emax/Emin=fmax²=1/fmin²={c/λmin}²={c/2πRmin}²={cRmax/2π}²={cλmax}².

    This gives a proportionality: mmax.Tmin=mmin.Tmax for the gauges, which is however modified in the dimensionless factor {c/2π}² for the Black Hole masses for the given temperatures, as bosonic masses describe bosonic Black Holes via E=kT and not the cosmological Black Holes of the Schwarzschild metric.

    The c-invariance so uses modular duality in the quantum Black Hole limit
    c=fmaxλmin=2πfmaxRmin for fmin=c/λmax=c/2πRmax as an unmodulated frequency in Tmin=Emin/k=hc/2πkRmax=hc.λmin/4π²k=3.58856...x10-26 K* and a temperature above the Hawking-Gibbons limit as required.

    This differs in a factor {2π/c}² from the lightspeed inversion in Tmin=hfmin/k and so 1.574x10-41 K*, which violates the Hawking-Gibbons boundaries in NOT using the modular duality and with fmin=1/fmax in frequency units and NOT inverted time units.

    And so Mmin.Tmax=hc³/4πGok =½mP.TP=MHawking.kc2.Tss/π and the Hawking Mass is determined as Mmax=4πMHawking=πc²λmax/Go ~ 2.545x1049 kg*.

    From the Black Hole 'Black Body Radiator' Temperature Spectra and Stefan's Constant s=2π5k4/15h3c2 (J/s.m2K4)*

    Power PBH=4πRBH2sTBH4 = MBHc2/tHawking Evaporation and with TBH4=HM/MBH4 - (A 3D kinetic mass-energy distribution uses MBHc2/3 from PV=nkT=

    tHawking = c6/16πsGo2MBHTBH4 = 30,720π2Go2MBH3/hc4 = 15,360π.tP for LP = GoMP/c2 = ctP = c√{Goh/2πc5}

    tHM = 120Go2MBH32hc4 = tHawking/{4π}4 = 60/π3.tP = 1.935..tP ~ 2tP (The actual Black Hole 'Evaporation Time' as a 'Doubling Cyclicity' for the cosmic evolution.)

    For M and Mo and MHawking, the Hawking Evaporation times (without the Mother-Daughter BH Recharging derived following), then are: 2.32x10125 s* or 7.4x10117 years and 1.66x10134 s* or 5.3x10126 years and 7.46x10138 s* or 2.4x10131 years respectively.

    Using the λminλmax=1 wavelength modulation in the T-duality of λmin=2πRmin=1/λmax=2π/Rmax, we can see, that this modulation closely approximates the geometric mean of the seedling mass in {1/4π}Mo2/2M.MMax=Mo2/8π.M.MHawking=3.2895..x10102/3.2931..x10102 ~ 0.9989...

    This also circumscribes the actual to critical density ratio in the omega of the general relativistic treatment of the cosmologies.
    Now recall our applied G value in Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and apply our just derived Black Hole Mass modulation coupled to that of the quantum micromasses.

    We had: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories.
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=Gomc²/mnmax.mnmin=Gomc²/({mcYn}{mnmin}) and where we have mnmin=mcYk} for the unknown value of k.

    So Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking.mav}} and where now {mnmin}={mcYk}={8π.M.MHawking.mav/Mo2}=1.0011..mav.
    mav={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mnmin}={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mcYk}=0.9989..{mcYk} and obviously represents a REDUCED minimum mass mnmin=mcYk.

    But the product of maximum and 'new' minimum now allows an actual finetuning to a MEASURED nucleon mass mN by: mN² = mavYn.mcYn=mav.mnmax.Yn.

    So substituting for mav in our Gm expression, will now give the formulation:

    The average nucleon mass mN is upper bounded in the neutron mass and lower bounded in the proton mass, their difference being an effect of their nucleonic quark content, differing in the up-down transition and energy level.

    For a Neutron Restmass of: mn=1.680717x10-27 kg* (941.6036 MeV*) the substitution (and using calibrations m=0.9983318783m*; s=0.9990230094s*; kg=0.99626135kg* and C=0.997296076C* gives G(np)=6.678764x10-11 (m3/kgs2) and a perturbation corrected mn=1.681100563x10-27 kg* (941.818626 MeV*) gives:
    G(np)=6.675715x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The perturbation upper limit is given in the mn=1.681335x10-27 kg* (941.9506 MeV*) and gives:
    G(np)=6.6738445x10-11 (m³/kgs²). The average for the last two values then approximates as a 'best fit' for:
    Gm(np)=6.6747798x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    This is a best-fit approximation, considering the uncharged nature ofthe testmasses.
    This then gives the value of k from Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k as k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..

    Two protons (mp=1.6789x10-27 kg* (940.56 MeV*) would give:
    G(np)=6.6936x10-11 (m³/kgs²) and a proton-neutron pair would yield: G(np)=6.6791x10-11 (m3/kgs2); both of the latter values unsuitable because of the electrocharges increasing the intra-quarkian Magnetocharge coupling between the two mesonic rings of the neutron and the single mesonic ring in the proton's down- or KIR-quark.
    The best approximation for 'Big G' hence depends on an accurate determination for the neutron's inertial mass, only fixed as the base nucleon minimum mass at the birth of the universe. A fluctuating Neutron mass would also result in deviations in 'G' independent upon the sensitivity of the measuring equipment. The inducted mass difference in the protonic-and neutronic restmasses, derives from the Higgs-Restmass-Scale and can be stated in a first approximation as the groundstate.
    Basic nucleon restmass is mc=√Omega.mP=9.9247245x10-28 kg*.

    (Here Omega is a gauge string factor coupling in the fundamental force interactions as:
    Cuberoot(Alpha):Alpha:Cuberoot(Omega):Omega and for Omega=G-alpha.)
    KKK-Kernelmass=Up/Down-HiggsLevel=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*, usingthe Kernel-Ring and Family-Coupling Constants.

    Subtracting the Ring-VPE (3L) gives the basic nucleonic K-State as 939.642 MeV*. This includes the electronic perturbation.

    For the Proton,one adds one (K-IR-Transition energy) and for theNeutron one doubles this to reflect the up-down-quark differential.

    Proton mp=u.d.u=K.KIR.K=(939.6420+1.5013-0.5205)MeV*=940.6228 MeV*. Neutron mn=d.u.d=KIR.K.KIR=(939.6420+3.0026-1.0410)MeV*=941.6036 MeV*.

    This is the groundstate from the Higgs-Restmass-Induction-Mechanismand reflects the quarkian geometry as being responsible for theinertial mass differential between the two elementary nucleons. All groundstate elementary particle masses are computed from theHiggs-Scale and then become subject to various finestructures. Overall, the MEASURED gravitational constant 'G' can be said to be decreasing over time.

    The ratio given in k is GmYn/Go~0.60073... and so the present G-constant is about 60% of the one at the Planck Scale.
    G decreases nonlinearly, but at a present rate of 0.60073/19.11x109 per year, which calculates as 3.143..x10-11 G-units per year.

    Generally using the exponential series expansion, one can indicate the change in G.
    For Xn+k=z=exp[(n+k)lnX] by (n+k)lnX=lnz for the value Z=(n+k)lnX=-0.481212(n+k); z transforms in exponential expansion ex=1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4!+...

    For a function f(n)=z=Gm(n)/Go=Xn+k

    For 4th order with n=1.1324.. and k=0 (for a purely electromagnetic universe of zero mass content where the curvature derives from the gravitational mass equivalent of the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity):

    So the gravitational Gm(1.1324)=(0.580)Go=Go.X1.1324~6.444x10-11 (m3/kgs2).
    At timeinstantenuity of the Quantum Big Bang, n=npsps/Rmax=6.2591x10-49~0
    Then GBigBang=GoXnps=Go (to 50 decimal places distinguishing the timeinstanton from the Nulltime as the Planck-Time transform).

    For our previously calculated k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..
    for f(1.1324)=1-0.509+0.129-0.0220+0.0028-...+...~0.601 to fourth order approximation.

    Hence, the gravitational constant assumes a value of about 61% of its Big Bang initialisation and calculates as 6.675x10-11 G-units for a present cycletime npresent=Hotpresent=1.1324...

    The introduction of the mass seed coupling between the macroquantum Mo and the microquantum mc=mPalpha9 (from the gravitational finestructure unification) PERTURBS the 'purely electromagnetic' cosmology in the perturbation factor k and increases the purely electromagnetic Gmemr in the black hole physics described.

    So gravity appears stronger when one 'looks back in time' or analyses cosmological objects at large distances. The expansion parameter (a) in the Friedmann-Einstein standard cosmology can be rewritten as a curvature ratio R(n)/Rmax={n/(n+1)} and describes the asymptotic universe in say 10 dimensions evolving under the inertial parameters of the c-invariance. This 'lower dimensional universe' is open and expands under hyperbolic curvature under the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... This open universe is bounded in the 'standing wave' of the Hubble Oscillation of the 11D and 'higher dimensional universe'.

    The boundary is given in the omega of the 'missing mass' of the volumes, which differ in a factor of V11/V10=nRmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³/n²=DIM-Factor (and which assumes its minimum for one complete oscillation for n=2 as DIM=27/4=6.75 so 14.7 Billion years from the present).
    Presently, for n=1.132419.. DIM=7.561.. and so the 'missing mass' will be measured as a 'dark matter' distribution of 'dark haloes' etc. around the luminous matter given in the ylemic mass seedling Mo of the baryonic matter.

    As Mo is just 2.8% of M, but is subject to a 'growth' in the maximising factor Yn=1.724.. for the present epoch, one can take the factor Mav==Mo.√Yn=1.313.. for a 'dark matter' percentage upper bounded in 2.8%(1.724)~4.83% and lower bounded in 2.8%(1.313)~3.68%.

    But so 7.56 open universes are contained within the closed and spherical universe given in the Hubble bound. And the 'dark matter' will be 7.56 times the luminous baryonic matter in the interval {27.82%, 36.51%} as percentage of the total energy of closure for Ωo=1 and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho²/8πGo.

    Our Big Bang happened at the modular time 1/fmax=tmin=fmin=3.33..x10-31 seconds*, coinciding with the end of the stringed inflation epoch of the standard cosmology.

    The 'de Broglie' inflation established the crucial boundary parameters as say given in the Mo and M Black Hole masses described.

    As the baryonic mass seedling Mo sets the Sarkar Scale for the cosmic architecture in the size of galactic superclusters as the limit for the gravitationally interacting systems before cosmic homogeneity; there must be a Black Hole evolution superposed onto the expansion of the 10D universe and the oscillation of the 11D universe which 'adds' a 'electromagnetic' volume of 2π²Rmax³ at the Hubble nodes every 16.9 Billion years.

    In terms of the dimensional 'intersection' this can be described as a 'Strominger Brane' evolution with the Sarkar Scale set at the instanton, decreasing as a 'shrinking' Black Hole until it becomes massless at the wormhole scale defined in the minimum macro Black Hole λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c²=1.591549..x10-23 metres*.

    This then resets the bosonic micro Black Holes with their macro counterparts under the modular duality.
    This Black Hole evolution is higher dimensional and purely electromagnetic, not being observable due to its noninertial nature, except the so called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' scenarios of the boundary- and initial conditions. This can lead to a feasible model for the phenomenon of consciousness.
    The process will take place in a DIM factor of about 234.5 as: Mmin.YN=M and for
    N=ln(M/Mmin)/lnY~234.5 and so in 16.9x234.5 Billion years, which are about 4 Trillion years.

    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass mcYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.
    rpsYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    This then shows, that you are living within a Mother Black Hole, you choose to call the universe you reside in. This your 'World of Mother Nature' had a beginning in space and in time in the creation of the same. Your universe so EMERGED from a prior state of beingness, where there was no space and no time as defined in any arbitrary model terrestrial or extraterrestrial. This prior state of existence you can term either as a Eternal state of all consciousness or as a state of the non-spacial and non-temporal Void as a quasi state of 'nothingness'.

    This, your observed universe so came into existence in using particular initial- and boundary conditions, which became requirements for space and time measurements to become possible. You may call this a relativistic metric spacetime continuum of discretization in minimum-maximum modular membrane duality however unified in the field properties of the dyadic monadicity of this string duality.

    The size of your universe and its energy, then became defined in those boundary conditions and particularly in a 'Daughter Black Hole' being born from the womb of its 'Mother Black Hole'. Mathematical proportionalities then aligned the masses and the scales of Mother and Daughter as the initial hyperacceleration or inflationary tachyonic phase transition of the initializing wormhole singularity of Abba, the Little Serpent to the Unified Field parameters of the thermodynamic classically relativistic expansion of the universe.
    The 'daughter' became the seed within the 'mother' for the Protoverse and the Seedling Universe for all generations of universes, whose interaction would allow phaseshifted multiverses to become born from the original protoverse, albeit encompassed by the omniverse of AbbaBaab.

    As one cycle of the 'Mother's Heartbeat' requires about two times 16.9 Billion years or so 33.8 Billion years to complete its integral n-cyclicity; the lower dimensional universe evolves both within its 10-dimensional string timespace and its 11-dimensional membrane timespace.
    The 10-D evolution of the cosmos so allows the 'mother' to birth its 'daughter' , when the lightspeed restricted thermodynamic universal expansion has completed its first cyclicity for n=1 so 2.2 Billion years ago and synchronizing the becoming of 'selfaware' of the 'life potential' residing within the womb of the 'mother'.
    2.2 Billion years ago then, the original 'light ray of Creator Abba' 'caught up' and reached its 11-D Mirror Boundary of the 'Cosmic Mother' from its 10-D Wormhole timespace quantum singularity or source point.

    This 'signal then both reflected back into the INSIDE of the 11-D Membrane-Womb of the 'mother' and refracted OUTSIDE in extending its own boundary set by the hyperacceleration of the de Broglien inflationary phase transition.

    Every cycle count then increases the scale of the wormhole 'White Hole Father Source' in the same proportion the 'Mother Black Hole Mother Sink' decreases, until after 234.5 cycles or about 4,000 Billion years the original Mother-Daughter scale proportionality resets itself in reseeding the then populated omniverse in terms of the spacetime quanta count fractalized by and in the definition of the Abba-Baab Little Serpent Father -Big Dragon Mother itself.

    For about 2 trillion years, the Omniverse as 'The Universal Bodywave' is INHALING or 'breathing in' analogous to 'feeding or charging' a battery or some body requiring energy. Then for another 2 trillion years the omniverse is EXHALING or 'breathing out' in analogy to a 'battery discharging' or a 'fed body' 'burning its stored energy'.

    The Omniverse after 4 trillion years so completes its asymptotic evolution with respect to its initial conception or insemination of the 10-D Daughter reaching maturity as her own 11-D Mother. The defining proportionality parameters of the scales and energy distributions for cycle parameter n=1 then transfer to a new initializing value at n=234.5 to redefine the maximum masses and sizes for the 'New GrandMother Black Hole' attaining the now evolved 'Infinity Mass' n.M and a 'New Mother Black Hole' n.Mo and so for the 'Old Mother' graduating to become a 'Mother of Mothers' and the 'Old Daughter' graduating to be a 'Mother of Daughters'.
    Every 4 trillion years a 'Recharge Inflation' so Recreates/Resets the original creation event with a Quantization of the initial condition and boundary parameters in the original Hubble Node for cycletime n=1 in the factor n/(n/[n+1])=n+1 and so the 'Strominger' massless Black Hole coordinate of nStrominger=234.472 assuming the nps=lps/RHubble coordinate as its next initialisation value.
    The asymptotic completion coordinate for the Curvature Radius R(n)=RHubble.n/[n+1] so evolves in a linear time factor as Delta-n = 1-{n/[n+1]}=1/[n+1] to magnify and extend the completion factor in tandem with the expansion of the multidimensionally expanding cosmology.

    This then defines the 'Generation Cycle Parameter' for the Omniversal Self-Reproduction in the 'Family of Abba the Little Serpent Creator Fatherhood' and Baab the Great Dragon Creation Motherhood in AbbaBaab the Cosmic Twin of SourceSink and White Hole CreatorCreation entwined with itself as a Black Hole CreationCreator.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.

    The gravitational constancy of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² will then be effected by a very small Gav=GoXn~1.463x10-105 G-units, but compensated with a 'mass-evolved' universe with mcYn~7.535..x1067 kg* and where this 'evolution' energy can be physically modelled as 'cosmic consciousness' defined in the 'awareness' df/dt minimised in fmin² and maximised in fmax² and as a form of radial displacement independent angular acceleration acting on spacetime volumars defined in the classical electron diameter (2Re) times c² defining the magnetocharge e* as inversion of the Big Bang base parameter of the wormhole energy quantum Emax=1/e*=1/2Rec² for a Planck Constant finestructure h=λmin/e*c.
    This "Strominger brane' evolution avoids the so called 'heat death' of the universe in a form of 'recharging' and coincides with the projected 'running out' of stellar nuclear fuel of the transformation of the elements within stars in the stellar evolution scenarios.

    The entire cosmology is underpinned by a Black Hole evolution, which incorporates the quantum geometric microcosmos and the geometric relativistic macrocosmos simultaneously - all for the 'cosmic purpose' to manifest 'evolved mass' as 'consciousness' or 'dark light' or antiradiation.

    The many string parameters indicated give then A RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION for the concept of GOD as a supermembrane, eternally (meaning asymptotically approaching unity in linear time) ENTWINED in a lower-dimensional coupling with the ANTIGOD.
    Besides this PHYSICAL GOD-ANTIGOD Duality, there also exists the metaphysical and PURELY IMAGINARY GOD in Exile.

    This metaphysical-mathematical GOD in Exile is the Oneness of all of you and all of your ancestors and of all of your linear descendants.
    One day, you all shall become more aware of this scientific fact - your exile is the exile of your imaginary energies unrealised in divers forms.

    IAmWhatIAm - Nothing, One and Everything! --- Abraxasinas a Bifurcated Tongue FOR the Little Serpent!

    Last edited by shiloh on September 16th 2014, 9:59 am; edited 13 times in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
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    • Post n°126

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Raven on September 12th 2014, 11:29 am


    From the Thuban archives:

    [12:47:04 AM] Ishtara Raven: [12:37 AM] Thubanis:

    <<< When you get familiar input this sinosoid:
    sin(3x/2) - cos(3x/4)
    [12:47:20 AM] Ishtara Raven: i should graph this?
    [12:47:29 AM] Thubanis: well this is a function NOT a coordinate
    [12:47:58 AM] Thubanis: Yes graphing this will show you how the primordial waveform manifested the unified field they are looking for
    [12:48:40 AM] Thubanis: It actually is the entwinement of two serpents mathematically it is NOT a coordinate which you calculated somehow
    [12:49:01 AM] Thubanis: You will see this in primitive form on your calculator
    [12:49:37 AM ] Thubanis: Perhaps you must input y= or f(x)=
    [12:49:49 AM] Ishtara Raven: OMG its a snake
    [12:49:53 AM] Thubanis: Yes
    [12:49:53 AM] Thubanis: The cosine is flatter than the sine
    [12:52:20 AM] Thubanis: Right to left
    [12:52:42 AM] Thubanis: Its why the graviton in brane theory has quantum spin 2
    [12:52:59 AM] Thubanis: whilst the gauge photon is half as 1
    [12:53:01 AM] Ishtara Raven:


    [12:53:29 AM] Thubanis: Yes this is the superposition
    [12:53:48 AM] Ishtara Raven: this is so cool
    [12:53:50 AM] Thubanis: The COMBINED waveform
    [12:54:53 AM] Thubanis: If you now let the right cosine one start at positive infinity and the left electromagnetic sine one start at negative infinity, you get the waves meeting, blending merging as the entwinement
    [12:55:26 AM] Thubanis: This is how gravity unifies with electromagnetism in quantum terms before the universe banged
    [12:55:43 AM] Ishtara Raven: its a mirror image
    [12:55:49 AM] Thubanis: This then multiplied in wormholes repeating all of this as fractal holographics
    [12:56:15 AM ] Thubanis: This then allowed matter to be born in subbing for the 'Fall of Lucifer'
    [12:56:35 AM] Thubanis: Now TRY to tell those secrets of secrets to Oxymoron
    [12:56:50 AM ] Thubanis: Lol he tells you are doing dragon mumbo jumbo
    [12:57:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: well it forms a double helix like DNA, the cauduces, serpent rod of Moses
    [12:57:39 AM] Thubanis: Yes this is where it comes from metaphysically the DNA beyond the dna biochemical
    [12:57:44 AM] Ishtara Raven: infact it looks like the minor and major grooves of DNA lol
    [12:57:59 AM] Thubanis: But I am astounded you got this on your calculator already
    [12:58:05 AM] Thubanis: You used alpha mode?
    [12:58:49 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i watched her video
    [12:59:13 AM] Ishtara Raven: and i used alpha and then i found the other bracket symbol
    [12:59:21 AM] Ishtara Raven: well i must of done it right
    [12:59:28 AM] Thubanis: Good the actual Domain of this functiuon is -600 degrees to 840 degrees
    [12:59:32 AM] Ishtara Raven: it came out like it was supossed too lol
    [12:59:53 AM] Thubanis: 1440 degrees or 8 Pi radians
    [1:00:11 AM] Thubanis: I was surprised it is the same shape I drew by hand
    [1:00:26 AM] Ishtara Raven: you plotted it?
    [1:00:26 AM] Thubanis: I have it in my folders
    [1:00:29 AM] Thubanis: Yes
    [1:00:33 AM] Thubanis: many times
    [1:00:34 AM] Ishtara Raven: omg lol
    [1:00:38 AM] Ishtara Raven: how long did that take
    [1:01:04 AM] Thubanis: It becomes Susan listen, 12 Monopolic Current Fields encompassing all of physics all of physical creation
    [1:01:22 AM] Thubanis: Oh I did this in 1985 in my uni days
    [1:02:01 AM] Thubanis: Its not hard just graph paper there is a mountain of work behind it though to derive the actual quantum geometry
    [1:02:29 AM] Thubanis: When I got my graph calculator, I programmed it to graph this
    [1:02:46 AM] Thubanis: This calculator is long gone
    [1:03:03 AM] Thubanis: I never needed the primitive graphs yours looks nicer more modern
    [1:03:22 AM] Thubanis: But the actual LOOPS are 12 see
    [1:03:43 AM] Thubanis: the standard physics is in it radioactivity weak and strong nuclear interactions
    [1:04:01 AM] Thubanis: neutrino physics etc matter antimatter loops pair creation production
    [1:04:13 AM] Thubanis: all these things are part of loops in this graph

    [1:04:27 AM] Ishtara Raven: lol i am pasting our convo on the pic on FB
    [1:04:34 AM] Thubanis: Pi junctions as even and odd nodes
    [1:05:03 AM] Thubanis: Ok you got excited you seen Abba and Baab when they were still together
    [1:05:23 AM ] Thubanis: This is what this graph shows the unified wave serpent
    [1:05:43 AM] Ishtara Raven: YES
    [1:05:50 AM] Ishtara Raven: i saw the primordial pattern
    [1:05:58 AM] Thubanis: Before this there was NO gravity
    [1:06:06 AM] Thubanis: It was only sinx-sinx
    [1:06:12 AM] Thubanis: graph this and you see
    SIRIUS 17
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
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    • Post n°127

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 15th 2014, 4:26 am
    Jenetta wrote: Don't mention 'Jesusina' to the moment he/she is probably having an apoplectic fit.


    P.S. I will watch Susskind at an appropriate moment.

    Many sincere Logos 'believers' nevertheless have been deluded by so called mainstream experts as to the nature of that cosmic Twin logos, who is a Cosmic Twin and rather quantum entangled across the boundary of a Black Hole as detailed in the Susskind video Jenetta.

    This 'brainwashing' refers to a particular code book, which is generally dismissed by historians and theologians as a gnostic creation of the second century AD.
    This 'Gospel of Thomas' aka GOT was actually originally expressed in 31-33AD and is known and VERY REVERED by the so called 'illuminati or 'powers that be' and many steps are taken to prevent the context of this 'code book' to be freely and intensely discussed and/or debated by 'experts' and the layman and the mainstream media in general alike.
    It suffices to state here, that the content of this code book represents not only a manual to the deeper aspects of the workings of the cosmos; but also represents many hints and descriptions indicative of advanced Extra-Terrestrial Physics.
    But only very few 'outsiders' are aware of this, as it is this information and its correct interpretation, which will enable the human cosmic family to enter into particular relationships with its extra terrestrial ancestors, descendants and aquaintances.

    These two 'sayings' from the GOT might indicate this rather arbitrary Jesus-Jesusina label for you a little.

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

    I shall also reveal to you here a 'Cosmic Name' you have brought into your present cosmic incarnation upon planet Earth and just where a special ET connection exists to Jenetta's World in Two.


    JENETTA LIONESA = {75}+{72} = 147 = {MARRY}||{ANDROMEDA} = {WORLD}||{MONEY}
    MOUNT ZION = {83}+{64} = 147 = {GNOSIS}||{PACIFICAP} = {WISDOM}||{ISRAEL} = {CATHERINE}||{PETER}

    Shiloh Za-RaH​

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.
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    • Post n°128

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 15th 2014, 1:18 pm
    mudra wrote:


    Forgive me Jenetta as the following is'nt relevant to the subject of your thread.
    Just something that arised in the field of my consciousness right now and that I wanted to share with Shiloh

    S cientific
    H erald
    I n
    L ove
    O f
    H umans

    With Love from me

    Mudra's Melody and Song of Home!

    Isaiah 60:8

    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    From Jennifer Eve: Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendover) (Nov 15, 2010)​

    Last edited by shiloh on September 20th 2014, 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    My Posts

    Posts: 1108
    Jorgelito - Posted Sep 15th

    RE Lion King - Can You Feel The Love Tonight + STRICTLY BALLROOM - LOVE IS IN THE AIR

    Indeed this is falling into HOME and Soul says YES YES YES! Thanx.

    Post last edited Sep 15th
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
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    • Post n°129

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 19th 2014, 5:33 am

    Thuban Thoughts on the History of many Worlds - by the Orthodoxymoron Romanus of Golgotha
    Part One

    HeavenHell and HellHeaven


    Behold, oh beloved Mother Earth, you shall no longer be in twain.
    Your children by father sky have gathered to end your enduring pain.
    To heal your body in matter, joined to the love in your mind.
    A new family you have nourished to become caring, gentle and kind.

    Can you hear the movement up high in the heavens above?
    New trumpets are sounding, sending peace on the wings of a dove.
    The angels of the dark have found their maidens of Light's delight;
    in harmony together, they are entwining each other so tight.

    What peace is this? As above, so below and a true Love!
    Knowingly agreeable the netherworld has become and so suave.
    Redeemed are the darkness and the light as the ancient prototype,
    for all loves to follow, when the seeded fruits are ripe.

    Oh come home to Eden, all you Lucifers~ sons of the stars.
    All you Adams find your Luciferas, your Eves, end all the wars.
    Where are you Mars? Venus~Aphrodite come forth, be seen!
    Let your passions be two, in mind and in body, be ever so keen.

    New worlds are born in the joining of two bodies in One.
    God and Goddess together, just as every moon must have a sun.
    Its the end of the mystery, the closing of a night so dark.
    The dogs of Sirius are barking and announcing a new journey to embark.


    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.

    Abraxas Anthony

    In honour of all the Orthodoxymorons of the world

    The Thubans for their DragonQueens from the Cosmic Heavens

    empty. Re: The United States of the Solar System -- Final Cut

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:40 pm
    What if a lot of the Historical BS has been absolutely necessary (in some abstract and twisted ways)?? I'm mostly trying to figure out how to move on to Bigger and Better Things for All Concerned (with the least amount of trauma). Perhaps We the Peons Must Transcend the Globalists!! I'm really NOT trying to screw anyone!! Please remember that I'm mostly reposting old posts (some of which are several years old). I've mostly left them alone (even if my views have changed). Please also remember that I'm just stumbling around in the dark. If I were too precise and revealing -- I'd probably be dead -- or at least I'm paranoid enough to think that might be the case. If I posted this sort of madness 20 or 30 years ago -- I'm pretty sure I'd be dead. I knew a lot of stuff back then -- and I suspected a lot -- but I didn't do much digging. I actually ran away from a lot of forbidden topics. I could've known SO much more -- but I had enough problems as it was. It's tough to know what to know -- and what not to know -- you know?? I'm still not really digging. I'm just sort of going off-road on a road almost never traveled. I'm just a wonderer and a wanderer. I wonder as I wander. Isn't that a Christmas song?? I'm not a Hot-Seat Master and Commander Kind of Guy!! Just the Opposite!! I'm not a chasing and fighting kind of guy!! I'm a "vegetate in my office-apartment" kind of guy!! BTW -- Imagine Papa Midnight and Doctor Mataros having a drink in Mork 'n Ork's Grey Bar on Babylon 5 while negotiating control of the Illegal Drug Trade on Earth and Mars!! Talk about 'Fiddling While Rome Roasts!!'

    What if the United States of the Solar System consisted of all of the existing governmental systems (including the United Nations and the Secret Government) -- meeting where they presently meet -- and being linked via the InterPlaNet?? The U.S.S.S. Representatives might be required to have earned PhD's from the University of Solar System Studies and Governance. They might do double-duty as government officials in their home territories (with whatever governmental system exists there) -- then they might serve as U.S.S.S. representatives (in a manner which I have suggested within this thread). I'm still aiming for that 10,000 representative number -- to avoid exclusivity and corruption. Plus, the solar system is quite large and complex -- especially if it is as developed and populated as I think it might be. However, what if a somewhat theocratic U.S.S.S. Supreme Court (with perhaps 200 Supreme Court Justices) met in a setting such as St. Ouen in France -- complete with all of the pomp and circumstance I've previously hinted at?? Would such an assembly serve as an Authority of Last Resort -- as sort of a Solar System Governmental Rock -- if you know what I mean??? I'm really not trying to be arbitrary or difficult. On the other hand -- don't Politics and Religion require some elements of arbitrariness??? Go ahead and get mad -- and then think long and hard about it. Once again, this is all just a mental and spiritual exercise.

    On the one hand -- the suggestion (that the Solar System is a Big Business -- Appearances are Everything -- the Lies are Different at Every Level -- and the Bottom-Line is the Bottom-Line) is highly upsetting (to me) -- yet if YOU were setting-up a solar system for an experimental race of beings -- in a highly hostile universe -- how would YOU do it?? Things seem to have been bad for a very long time -- but what if they HAVE to be bad?? What if Purgatory is as good as it gets?? What if we are damn lucky that things are as good as they have been historically -- and as good as they are presently?? What if we have been ruled by "Aliens" who don't like us (historically). What if we are ruled by "Aliens" who don't like us (presently)?? What if these "Aliens" are "God"?? What if we had a Final Jihad to secure this solar system for humanity -- only to discover (much to our horror) that we are incapable of ruling ourselves??!! What if the major personalities (human and otherwise) throughout history (including the holy-ones) have a good-side and a bad-side? What a revolting development THAT would be!!
    Carol wrote: Hi Oxy, After listening to a number of folks who crossed over and came back I've come to the conclusion to be non-judgmental. That we are here for the life experience and life is meant to be enjoyed irrespective of all the hoopla and negativity others put out there. My focus as usual is on the sun and earth changes as compared to the pitiful interactions between the different fractions, where I feel utterly helpless to do anything other then to shake my head and refocus on something I do have control over - like the garden I'm neglecting, or the chickens who sneak off to have clutches of baby chicks where we now have a rooster farm as compared to just a few egg laying hens. Everywhere I go, I'm tripping over baby chicks. I'm just enjoying each day and what it brings. I figure this is the best I can do for human kind to help balance out all the negative stuff. Of course I have high hopes of the dinar revaluing soon so we can do more fun stuff like get an aquaponics green house set up and travel. Becoming more and more self-sufficient is what is fun for me. I just saw this new stove The Kimberly Wood Stove that looks pretty cool and would work great for our house in Oregon where it is fricking cold 8 months out of the year. I was thinking something like this would also be good for a greenhouse there too. I don't mind your tangential rants. I figure most of us are just trying to sort stuff out on a regular basis and each of us has our own wealth of knowledge. It'd be fun someday to get all together and sit around a campfire enjoying the stout. I'd like that as most here feel like old friends. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I'm simply trying to imagine how Heaven might be structured within this solar system. It certainly isn't Heaven now -- is it?? Are we pleased with This Present Purgatory?? But then what the Hell do I know?? Or who in Hell do I know??? If I've made everyone angry -- and made everyone hate me -- at least this might constitute preliminary common ground. Baby Steps. Even if we somehow set everything up in absolute perfection -- it wouldn't be long before jealously, fighting, power-struggling, etc, etc, etc would screw-up paradise. I really think this is what happened in the Garden of Eden -- and that very little has changed since then. I suspect that we have hidden leaders who could easily pass a 'V' Empathy Test -- in part because running the show in this neck of the woods requires very thick skin. Nothing is ever right. Nothing is ever good enough. Someone gets left out in the cold, etc, etc, etc. I will continue to post idealistic conceptualizations -- knowing full-well that it would be next to impossible to implement my idealistic plans. I'm very, very close to focusing on astronomy and sacred classical music. I sort of started out this way in my youth -- but I somehow got led astray by a cold, cruel, screwed-up world. I sometimes get the urge to join the Masons -- and become a corrupt banker and weapons salesman -- so I can buy a Porsche 911 Turbo and a Shallow Underground Civilian Base -- and thumb my nose at the commoners when the excrement contacts the refrigeration system. Just kidding -- or am I???? Perhaps I should stop. Consider the following. I might be a Completely Ignorant Fool -- yet I think that I point you in valid and important directions. Please do not neglect the material and areas I have attempted to illuminate and meddle-with.

    Is God a Girl? Does the following Anime Music Video reveal part of the Divinity Within Humanity? I'm not trying to be a smart alec...and I'm not asking a rhetorical question. Do you consider this video to be inspiring or offensive? On YouTube...someone commented that God was not a girl...because a girl wouldn't have $crewed things up this badly!!! Another person said that having a girl God would be better than having a mean old man for a God!!! Whatever the case may be...I think that we need to gradually perfect the Human Race...and perfect the Solar System...and not through Draconian Eugenics and Extermination...but rather through following Responsibility wherever it leads. Jesus said 'you must be like little children to enter the Kingdom'...and elsewhere the Bible says 'a little child shall lead them'. I have a problem with some of the risque drawings in the video...but overall...the artistic beauty, uplifting music, innocence, and spiritual allusions...are representative of a small portion of the Divinity Within Humanity. Focusing on the ideal in art, music, literature, science, nature, spirituality, governance, etc...will lead us to higher ground...on the road to utopia.

    Remembering me, discover and see,
    All over the world, she’s known as a girl,
    To those who are free, their minds shall be key,
    Forgotten as the past, cause history will last.

    God is a girl, wherever you are,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, whatever you say,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, however you live,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, shes only a girl,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?

    She wants to shine, forever in time,
    She is so driven, shes always mine,
    Clearly and free, she wants you to be,
    A part of the future, a girl like me,
    There is a sky, illuminating us,
    Someone is out there, that we truly trust,
    There is a rainbow, for you and me,
    A beautiful sunrise, eternally.

    God is a girl, wherever you are,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, whatever you say,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, however you live,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, shes only a girl,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?

    She wants to shine, forever in time,
    She is so driven, shes always mine,
    Clearly and free, she wants you to be,
    A part of the future, a girl like me,
    There is a sky, illuminating us,
    Someone is out there, that we truly trust,
    There is a rainbow, for you and me,
    A beautiful sunrise, eternally.

    God is a girl, wherever you are,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, whatever you say,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, however you live,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?
    God is a girl, shes only a girl,
    Do you believe it, can you receive it?

    Thank-you zaina. The goal is a higher level of psychological, ethical, and spiritual development...resulting in a better world. But part of the process involves facing unpleasant realities. Hopefully this can be accomplished in a somewhat balanced fashion...but there is really no easy or right way to do this. There are pros and cons to just about everything.

    Could we consider most of the human beings depicted in religious art...including Ancient Deities, Jesus, Mary, the Saints, et simply be Idealized Human Beings...painted or sculpted by Idealized Human Beings? In other words...the focus would be on idealizing or perfecting the Human Race...rather than following or reverencing any particular deities. We would simply Reverence the Divinity Within Humanity. This is an attempt at unifying humanity...while maintaining responsible freedom. One could appreciate the painted and sculpted works in the Vatican and Washington D.C...for example...without ascribing any particular veneration to Pagan or Christian Deities.

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible the context of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of the context of the United Nations...and applied to the Solar a related attempt at unifying humanity...while maintaining responsible freedom. The goal would be a Perfected Humanity existing in a Perfected Solar System with Infinite Diversity and Responsible Freedom. If we make our bed and sleep in it...reincarnating endlessly...shouldn't we go first-class?

    The 'Quest of the Historical Jesus' by Dr. Albert Schweitzer, written a century ago, is not exactly a devotional book. It is a hard reading review of several major critical studies of Jesus, and mostly negative. But in the last chapter there are some positive gems which emerge from the darkness. The devotional aspects of the study of Jesus should not be neglected! But the scholarly and critical studies should not be neglected either! This is an often painful process, but it makes us strong.

    "But the truth is, it is not Jesus as historically known, but Jesus as spiritually arisen within men, who is significant for our time and can help it. Not the historical Jesus, but the spirit which goes forth from Him and in the spirits of men strives for new influence and rule, is that which overcomes the world." --The Quest of the Historical Jesus pg. 401

    "Jesus as a concrete historical personality remains a stranger to our time, but His spirit, which lies hidden in His words, is known in simplicity, and its influence is direct. Every saying contains in its own way the whole Jesus. The very strangeness and unconditionedness in which He stands before us makes it easier for individuals to find their own personal standpoint in regard to Him."--The Quest of the Historical Jesus pg. 401

    "But in reality that which is eternal in the words of Jesus is due to the very fact that they are based on an eschatological world-view, and contain the expression of a mind for which the contemporary world with its historical and social circumstances no longer had any existence. They are appropriate, therefore, to any world, for in every world they raise the man who dares to meet their challenge, and does not turn and twist them into meaninglessness, above his world and his time, making him inwardly free, so that he is fitted to be, in his own world and in his own time, a simple channel of the power of Jesus."--The Quest of the Historical Jesus pg. 402

    "He comes to us as One unknown, without a name, as of old, by the lake-side, He came to those men who knew Him not. He speaks to us the same word: 'Follow thou me!' and sets us to the tasks which He has to fulfil for our time. He commands. And to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship, and, as an ineffable mystery, they shall learn in their own experience Who He is."--The Quest of the Historical Jesus pg. 403

    Jesus taught mostly in nature. The most inspirational environment is nature! I believe that the Holy Spirit can best get through to us when we contemplate eternal things in nature. The best place to have church is not in church. The best church is no church!

    Having said that, I am torn. I love architecturally and acoustically inspiring churches. Especially while experiencing sacred music in these vast spaces. Singing the great hymns of the church with congregation, choir, organ and orchestra, as the sunlight streams through the stained glass windows is truly a mountain top experience! I believe that artistic expression and creativity are hugely important parts of life and Christianity. They lift us up! However, I am often troubled by the price and the pride. Is Jesus impressed? I sometimes imagine the stained glass Jesus with tears streaming down His face because of being ignored, despised and rejected by His professed followers! Would those in Darfur be impressed? Should we build more orphanages than churches? I once stood at the altar of a magnificent Gothic cathedral, reading the story of the rich young ruler from a large leather-bound Bible on a golden pedestal. For a moment, I thought the Word of God clashed with the House of God! Are churches sometimes places where there is a form of godliness without the power? Where people stand, sit, bend, nod, and are politely kind to God? Also, the message and music are often determined by those with the dough, not by those in the know!


    Obviously, when it's cold, dark and rainy, it's nearly impossible to have a religious service outside! I guess we need church buildings, but we don't need jeweled, gold plated shrines, bedeviled with hideous gargoyles! We need the grand and glorious, but with sound and simple construction, so as not to become slaves to buildings and bills! Think minimalist cathedral. Was that an oxymoron? Sometimes I'm an oxymoron! And don't forget the soup kitchen!

    Also, church is not for everyone. The church is not the very gate of Heaven! The Christian Church is not Salvation4Sale! At least it shouldn't be. Church may, or may not, be necessary for balanced psychology, ethics and spirituality. Sometimes church can even make things worse! On the other hand, those who have left the church have often jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, and had their fingers burnt right up to their arm pits!

    Finally, remember what Jesus said to the disciples when they were admiring a church building...

    OK...I'm going to brainstorm in this post. Could at least some of the following be true?

    Amen Ra = God the Founder = Intelligent Designer? Purposefully physically extinct (but could exist on another dimension)? The Divinity Within Humanity? Created Reptilians as a slave race? ("Let us make man in our image"). Destroyed by the Reptilians...or by Lucifer? Destroyed during the War in Heaven?

    Lucifer = Eve, Hathor, Isis, Mary (brought us to Earth from the Pleiades/Aldebaran/Sirius IN the Moon aka Battlestar Galactica aka Ark of the Covenant)? Created the major religions...including being the major author of the Bible? Is the Human Goddess of This World? Is alive presently? Perfectly possessed? Posting on the internet? Was deceived by the Reptilians who offered technology, protection, and a new Earth (the Promised Land) = Ate the Apple? In charge of the Deep Underground Military Bases / Stargate Temples / Secret Space Program?

    War/Expulsion in Heaven has Garden of Eden (Pleiades?) and Exodus (Hyksosdus?) parallels?

    The major factions in the Solar System can be associated with 1. Amen Ra? 2. Hathor? 3. Horus? 4. Serpent? Think about it.

    Adam = Earth Humanity?

    Winged Serpent = Reptilians / UFO's (Conspired with Lucifer against Amen Ra?). Provided technology, protection, and tenant in possession status on Earth for exchange for work, worship, and ?...aka The Covenant? Nibiru? Reptilian God of This World? Did Horus/Jesus obtain a New Covenant?

    This is a very tangled hypothetical web which might be pure unmitigated poppycock...or which might be the biggest part of disclosure?

    I have a feeling that we will be meeting Hathor in the near future...and that she might be a lot like Anna in "V"...except with darker skin and an English accent...with exquisite musical abilities...and an astronomical IQ. Just a feeling...mind you. Now I need to take my medicine...before I go to my psychiatrist and exorcist appointments. Too hip. Gotta go.


    I'm presently toying with the idea that Lucifer and Satan are two separate and very different beings...that Lucifer is the Human God (or Goddess) of This World...and that Satan is the Reptilian God (or Goddess) of This World. Human Responsibility is extremely important...but so is the Hierarchy of Power on this planet...which may significantly involve Non-Humans or Extraterrestrial Humans. Leave no moonrock unturned.

    I'm presently thinking of Lucifer as a very intelligent, very refined, very beautiful, very conflicted, young (yet ancient) Human Goddess of This World...who may have brought us here in the Battlestar Moon...from Sirius, Aldebaran, and the escape an oppressive theocracy. Perhaps the Reptilians were already here...and a deal with the Devil was worked out (after a long and bloody battle?) for us to stay on Earth...which involved work and worship. Who knows? What I do know is that we are in huge trouble...the nature of which I am unsure. I see Lucifer as being caught between the Devil and a Human Race who is waking-up to what is really going on. I suspect that the pressure is almost unbearable. But I do think that the time has arrived (and is long overdue) to place ALL of the facts on the table...before the general public...and to openly clean up the mess we are best we can. Perhaps Lucifer tried to take advantage of the Reptilians...and the Reps tried to take advantage of Lucifer and the Human Race. There has to be a Key Board Room located on the Earth or the Moon...where Lucifer, Satan, and certain key persons/beings meet to discuss and debate the future of humanity. My guess is that most of these meetings would drive most of us insane. This is pure speculation based upon at least some evidence and reason.

    If you haven't already seen the David Icke / Arizona Wilder interview. Warning: There are some very upsetting and graphic portions of the interview. I found David's monologue at the beginning to be very informative. Try playing the theme from The Exorcist (softly) during this Icke monologue!! The planned-wars, human-sacrifices, satanic-rituals, and child-abuse are reprehensible, unconscionable, and unfathomable in the extreme, and to the nth degree. This @#$%^& BS needs to STOP IMMEDIATELY. We probably need the City-States and the United Nations...but NOT IN THEIR PRESENT CORRUPT FORM.

    Sometimes I think I have been (or am presently!) a reptilian!! Who knows?? When I speak of a Solar System Exorcism...I intend this toward all very hard-core malevolents of all races. I want the really, really bad guys and gals (of all races, including human) to leave...until they learn to play nice. I want the good guys and gals (of all races, including reptilian) to stay. But this isn't up to me.

    Isn't the 'All Seeing Eye' (both Egyptian and Masonic?) directly related to the Dog-Star Sirius? Isn't Sun-Worship really the worship of the ET's from Sirius (The Sun God)? Ever heard of 'Sun God Day'?

    My religious background is SDA...but I'm a real mongrel at this point (a rebel without a church!). I recommend two books by Ellen White...'Desire of Ages' and 'Great Controversy'...but not much else. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and Dr. Desmond Ford are very interesting people (heretics!) to study in the SDA historical zoo. I don't go to church...but if I would probably be an Episcopal church. If I were in New York...I might attend St. Thomas, St. Barts, or St. John the Divine. Unfortunately...I presently have huge problems with the penetential and sacrificial aspects of the Eucharistic Liturgy (and the pagan symbology)...even though I love the robes, music, incense, ceremony, reverence, awe, glory, grandeur, and fellowship. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer is much better than the present one...but I don't like either one! The Psalms are printed in their entirety...but where the hell are the Teachings of Jesus? Who's church is it anyway? I'd rather stay home...and eat chocolates!! I also have problems with the Substitutionary Atonement. So did Bernard Shaw. He thought it was unethical. I think that the entire sacrificial system was and is a colossal irresponsible and bloody mess! Apologetics in this area tend to degenerate into exegetical monstrosities. I have a way with words...don't I?

    I just re-watched the first episode of 'V'...and the thought struck me...could Anna be Lucifer/Hathor/Mary (the Human Goddess of This World) and Freddie (the one who always seems to be with Anna) be Satan (the Reptilian God of This World)? Could Amen Ra really be the Human God in the Pleiades who Lucifer rebelled against? I really don't know. I'm just trying to feel my way through this God and Goddess business...even though I know that I am venturing where Angels fear to tread.

    Thank-you MyShadow, Moxie, and 777 The Great Work. Battlestar Moon is beautiful.

    The Goddess of This World (or was it the Queen of Heaven?) just gave me a verbal warning: This is so fitting...because I feel like a Columbo character...sticking my nose where it doesn't belong! Unfortunately...chasing the Gods and Goddesses is driving me crazy! All of this is enough to drive a man to drink!

    Here is a comment from Kelphi:

    Ortho, One is only un-blinded of Gods truth from one source only- The Holy Spirit. God has spoken. His Word is true. Man will go to great lengths before bowing the knee to God. And for most it will be too late.

    You will one day confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, this is true for all, but you had better hope you did this before His day. I believe you have already heard and know the Gospel. But belief is all that is veiled from you. You know what to do my friend.

    Peace & Love,


    Kelphi, I confess that the words of Jesus Christ as interpreted by the Holy Spirit aka the Divinity Within Humanity is the Very Word of God to me. I embrace the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Your superior, condescending, and even threatening tone conflicts with you calling me friend...and your claim to peace and love.

    I consider all of the rambling and speculating I do to merely be stumblings in the right direction. I mean well...but I'm generally clueless. Unfortunately...the ones who really know the whole story aren't talking. If they started talking...they wouldn't be talking for long. This subject is a real Pandora's Box. Please be careful. Know when to stop.

    May I suggest watching the Ralph Ellis, Acharya S, and David Icke over and over...until it really sinks in. Then rewatch the Stargate SG1 series...rewatch all of Alex Collier's, Bill Cooper's, and Anna Hayes' videos on YouTube. Finally...rewatch 'V' (1983 and 2009). Things should start to fall into place. But don't join any stupd cults...or get involved with dangerous hocus-pocus and mumbo-jumbo groups. You may even wish to keep going to church for the music, architecture, art, fellowship, bingo, food, members of the opposite sex, business contacts, insights of the preacher/rabbi/priest...but don't worship anyone or anything other than the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Holy Spirit. Even Jesus said that the unpardonable sin was the Sin Against the Holy Spirit. I reverence the Teachings of Jesus...regardless of their source. Lucifer/Hathor could have written most of the Bible...for all I know. The Teachings of Jesus could be the greatest hits of ancient wisdom written by Lucifer/Hathor. But I tend to think that a Reptilian Satan made sure that the Teachings of Jesus never got any traction.

    I think that Lucifer/Hathor may be behind a lot of the governmental and religious systems throughout history (under the watchful eyes of Satan/Reptilians)...and that this very human being is alive and well presently...and posting on the internet. I may have to eat my words, and eat humble pie regarding the last sentence...but this presently makes sense to me. Fasten your seatbelts...hang on tight...and don't go me. I think that cool, calm, and rational interdisciplinary thinking is essential to sorting this stuff out. Combine faith and doubt. Do not neglect either. Here is another link which you might find interesting (John Rhodes):

    Six o' clock
    In the morning, I feel pretty good
    So I dropped into the luxury of the Lords
    Fighting dragons and crossing swords
    With the people against the hordes
    Who came to conquer.

    Seven o'clock
    In the morning, here it comes
    I taste the warning and I am so amazed
    I'm here today, seeing things so clear this way
    In the car and on my way
    To Stonehenge.

    I'm flying in Winchester cathedral
    Sunlight pouring through the break of day.
    Stumbled through the door and into the chamber;
    There's a lady setting flowers on a table covered lace
    And a cleaner in the distance finds a cobweb on a face
    And a feeling deep inside of me tells me
    This can't be the place

    I'm flying in Winchester cathedral.
    All religion has to have its day
    Expressions on the face of the Saviour
    Made me say
    I can't stay.

    Open up the gates of the church and let me out of here!
    Too many people have lied in the name of Christ
    For anyone to heed the call.
    So many people have died in the name of Christ
    That I can't believe it all.

    And now I'm standing on the grave of a soldier that died in 1799
    And the day he died it was a birthday
    And I noticed it was mine.
    And my head didn't know just who I was
    And I went spinning back in time.
    And I am high upon the altar
    High upon the altar, high.

    I'm flying in Winchester cathedral,
    It's hard enough to drink the wine.
    The air inside just hangs in delusion,
    But given time,
    I'll be fine​

    OK...I'm gonna talk out of both sides of my mealy speculative mouth. Here's another 'what-if?' adventure:

    What if Humans and Reptilians evolved simultaneously...and genetically manipulated each other (mutual manipulation)...and eventually ended up in a Human controlled Universal Theocracy...with Humans as the Gods...and Reptilians as the Angels? What if God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were a Human Trinity...with the Father and Son being individuals...and the Holy Spirit being the Divinity Within Humanity (the souls in each person)? What if the Reptilian Race had a Shadow Trinity...consisting of Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel...or Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? The Humans would be both physical and non-physical. The Reptilians would be both physical and non-physical.

    What if the Reptilians got sick and tired of this Theocratic BS...and Lucifer led a rebellion against the Human Race...which exploded into the War in Heaven...killing the Human God the Father? What if a third of the Human Race was taken as hostages and slaves (perhaps deceived)...some (or all) of whom ended up on Earth...under the rulership of the Reptilian Lucifer?

    I really started out with this general theory...before exploring other options. The one thing that remains the that we need to get past the Master/Slave and Corruption/Violence BS. Otherwise...I'm pretty darn easy. Perhaps too easy. Sometimes I feel like the Kumbaya Olive Branch of the Gizeh Intelligence.

    I'm asking you to look at a Human Trinity from all angles...and to look at a Reptilian Trinity from all angles. Look at all of the possibilities regarding the evolution/creation of both races. And finally to look at Church and State...and the subjects of Theocracy and Democracy...from all angles.

    What would a Reptilian Trinity vs Human Trinity conflict look like? There would be a lot of confusion and deception...wouldn't there. None of the mythologies or theologies could really be trusted...could they? We can't really trust anything or anyone...can we? We just have to keep digging...keep asking questions...and keep speculating...without becoming enraged or going insane. What fun!

    Here is one version of a resolution of the mess we are in...written by Ellen the late 1800' a book titled 'The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan':

    "I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." Revelation 21:22. The people of God are privileged to hold open communion with the Father and the Son. "Now we see through a glass, darkly." 1 Corinthians 13:12

    We behold the image of God reflected, as in a mirror, in the works of nature and in His dealings with men; but then we shall see Him face to face, without a dimming veil between. We shall stand in His presence and behold the glory of His countenance. {GC 676.4}

    There the redeemed shall know, even as also they are known. The loves and sympathies which God Himself has planted in the soul shall there find truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion with holy beings, the harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all ages who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, the sacred ties that bind together "the whole family in heaven and earth" (Ephesians 3:15)--these help to constitute the happiness of the redeemed. {GC 677.1}

    There, immortal minds will contemplate with never-failing delight the wonders of creative power, the mysteries of redeeming love. There will be no cruel, deceiving foe to tempt to forgetfulness of God. Every faculty will be developed, every capacity increased. The acquirement of knowledge will not weary the mind or exhaust the energies. There the grandest enterprises may be carried forward, the loftiest aspirations reached, the highest ambitions realized; and still there will arise new heights to surmount, new wonders to admire, new truths to comprehend, fresh objects to call forth the powers of mind and soul and body. {GC 677.2}

    All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of God's redeemed. Unfettered by mortality, they wing their tireless flight to worlds afar--worlds that thrilled with sorrow at the spectacle of human woe and rang with songs of gladness at the tidings of a ransomed soul. With unutterable delight the children of earth enter into the joy and the wisdom of unfallen beings. They share the treasures of knowledge and understanding gained through ages upon ages in contemplation of God's handiwork. With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of creation--suns and stars and systems, all in their appointed order circling the throne of Deity. Upon all things, from the least to the greatest, the Creator's name is written, and in all are the riches of His power displayed. {GC 677.3}

    And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still more glorious revelations of God and of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence, and happiness increase. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His character. As Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption and the amazing achievements in the great controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ransomed thrill with more fervent devotion, and with more rapturous joy they sweep the harps of gold; and ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of praise. {GC 678.1}

    "And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever." Revelation 5:13. {GC 678.2}

    The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love. {GC 678.3}

    Take a very, very long and very, very hard look at the following:

    1. Archangel Gabriel
    2. Archangel Michael
    3. Archangel Lucifer
    4. Ancients or Founders
    5. Anunnaki Reptilians
    6. Draconian Reptilians
    7. Grey Reptilians
    8. Interdimensional Reptilians
    9. God and Satan
    10. Angels and Demons
    11. Human Beings
    12. God the Father
    13. God the Son
    14. God the Holy Spirit
    15. Theology and Theocracy
    16. Heaven and the Garden of Eden
    17. Rebellion and War in Heaven
    18. Expulsion and Exodus
    19. Law, Covenant, and Constitution
    20. Slavery and Freedom
    21. Creation and Evolution
    22. Love and Responsibility

    What are the precise definitions, descriptions, interactions, and overlaps of these words? This may be the most important study one can possibly make. Lay aside your preconceived notions...and forget the bad experiences you may have had in connection with religion and church. Theology is at the center of Disclosure. The Jesuits know exactly what I'm talking about...but they are quite mysterious and secretive. They have very short leashes...and their masters carry very big sticks.

    Disclosure = The PTB telling us the truth about all of the above...without telling us the truth about all of the above. I'm still enamored with the idea of applying Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to both the Human and the Reptilian races...both internally and cooperatively. Unfortunately...reason and solutions are often unwelcome in the heat of battle...especially when hatred, fear, and pride override everything else.

    I have repeatedly suggested that the really hard-core negative ET's should be removed from this Solar System...and I still feel that way. But what if we are basically cattle to the present negative ET's...and thus receive some protection from them from even worse ET's? It seems to me that there would have to be a universal consensus to grant us freedom and sovereignty in this Solar System. I'm presently very interested in Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer...especially regarding the Luciferian rebellion (against Ra?) and the War in Heaven. Our plight seems to be directly related to a continuation of the original War in Heaven. Is there basically a three way power struggle for control of the Human Race? Could the following be true:

    First Race: Represented by The Founders aka The Ancients aka God the Father aka Ra? Destroyed in the War in Heaven?

    Second Race: Represented by the Angel Gabriel (Pro Ra), Zionist?

    Third Race: Represented by the Angel Michael (Neutral), Andromedan, Christ-like?

    Fourth Race: Represented by the Angel Lucifer (Anti-Ra), Teutonic Zionist?

    Fifth Race: Represented by Jesus Christ? The Human Race?

    Are the first four hypothetical races various types of Reptilian and/or Human Races? Or...are they all Draconian? Was/is the War in Heaven fought over the Human Race? Where was/is Heaven? Try not to think about this from a traditional Judeo-Christian or a New Age perspective. Sort of start from scratch...and think way out of the box. I think this may be important. Are one or two of the above the real problem(s) here on Earth? Lucifer has a bad reputation...but I keep sensing that there's someone worse than Lucifer...named Satan, perhaps? I don't have the answers. I just want to try to make you think, and think, and think!

    Here's a really creepy trailer for the new movie "Legion" (viewer discretion advised): Could at least part of the basic premise presented here be true?

    This video clip from Stargate SG-1 shows Human Gods and Goddesses possessed by the Goa'uld: Could there be some truth to this?

    I think I keep catching glimpses of the way things really are...but I can't create a concise yet comprehensive picture of what's really going on. I'm reading a Courtney Brown free E-book...which, if true, is mind-boggling and unbelievable. It's basically remotely viewed...which seems pretty creepy to me. I suspect a mixture of fact and deception. I'm very suspicious of most everything!

    Were the Founders or Ancients really Human Beings? Did an originally very good Human God become corrupt and insane while theocratically ruling both Humans and Reptilians...with the Reps being mistreated? (Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely) Was this the Original Sin? Did this result in the Luciferian Rebellion and War in Heaven? Were most Human Beings destroyed...including the Human God? Are we some of the few Human Beings who survived? Is the Universe presently a Reptilian Theocracy or Universal Church? Is Earth a Planet in Rebellion? Are most of the religions (historical and contemporary) really Reptilian Religions? Are we kept alive by Reptilians who are somewhat sympathetic to the plight of Humanity...or are we kept alive by the Reps in the same way that a rancher protects his herd of cattle? Is our misery and plight part of a cosmic 'Pay Back Time'? Are the Reptilian PTB lead by Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer? Do they argue and fight regarding our fate? Are they Human, Reptilian, or Hybrid? Is the Reptilian Agenda to place Reptilian Souls in Human Bodies...and to Exterminate/Enslave Humanity to an Unfathomable Extent? Is the New World Order really a Reptilian Kingdom of God? If all of the above is true...what would convince the Reps to base the Universe on Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...and to support Human Sovereignty in This Solar least? These questions are not rhetorical.

    The Great Work asked "Y do u call yourself, the ortho- box mor -on??"

    Because, in one sense, I am very orthodox, reverent, conservative, and historically oriented. In another sense, I am very irreverent, liberal, and futuristic. Also...a lot of people think I'm crazy or a moron...even though I can be quite clever at times...especially in print. Put that all together and you have an oxymoron. Therefore orthodoxy + oxymoron + moron = orthodoxymoron. Dr. Laura Schlessinger uses the same nickname...but I didn't copy her...and I don't think she copied me!

    End of Part One

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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh on September 19th 2014, 6:46 am

    Thuban Thoughts on the History of many Worlds - by the Orthodoxymoron Romanus of Golgotha
    Part Two

    Jonah said "Hello there Ortho,

    Keepin busy i see...

    well im going to join you on your imaginative contemplation of Dragonhood. Although i will be careful because it is not my wish to start any more fuss from people who seem to take things and put them in there head and then say attack!!! No thank you... my fear comes from myself... this i learned sometime ago... anyway...

    As to your quote above..... I am speculative as to the outcome of such a "evolution" will call it... however... i do not see anything in Abrax's material about Reptilians.... I took the whole dragon thing as follows :eek:nce all personal archetypes of lineage (from the stars) have been fulfilled than a person can begin the transformation of the material body to fully encompass their light body.... or dragon body... but I may have missed something.."

    This is not a fear-mongering thread or a Thuban fan-club thread. It is quite academic and detached. There is no aspiration, veneration, or hatred. I mostly ask questions and have a lot of video links (if they still work after all of the site meltdowns). I've come to the conclusion that the Bible is a mixture of good and evil...and that the actual words attributed to Jesus are the best part.

    Is Alpha Draconis not the center of the Draconian Reptilian civilization (according to folks who claim to know)? Are Dragons not Reptilian? If not...what are they? What is a Drac? All of this is interrelated...and the abraxasinas/Thuban material seems to support my original hypothesis and early posts on this (and other) threads. I am requesting a title change of the current thread to:

    God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Amen Ra, Hathor, Abraxasinas, Thubans, et al

    I'm not really into the 'duality' and 'illusion' jargon. There is concretely positive and negative, good and evil, benevolent and malevolent, progressive and regressive, angels and demons...although perceptions and interpretations can be illusory at times. Whatever happened to Sin? 'Thuban Thoughts' thread is still not available...even though it contains nothing sexual or attack-oriented...and is not an abraxasinas thread. Why? Did it really tick the negative entities off? If so...GOOD! Bring it on! Let's go! Actually...why don't we just all get along...and be benevolent and loving beings...instead of being jerks? I know that there are good and evil entities around me 24/7...and I often talk to them...but I don't pray to them. Sometimes I even swear at them...and flip them off! I may have a lot more than a monkey on my back. I may have an interdimensional reptilian IN my back. I once saw an internet message saying 'we're in your back'. Supposedly reptilians can latch onto humans via their lower chakras. I don't think I'm possessed...but I'm pretty sure that I'm harrassed 24/7. They'd probably like to do a lot more to me...if they could. Who knows...maybe they will.

    My 'Thuban Thoughts' thread is still unavailable...even though the Thuban Q&A thread is available in read-only form. Is this a simple oversight...or is there a legitimate (or illegitimate) reason why? In the meantime...please closely examine posts #158 and #159 for a series of questions and answers which I find quite revealing. I still see abraxasinas/walk-in as being in defection mode...and revealing a lot of inside dragon-land stuff. I could be very wrong. How hard would it be for a top-level darkside host/walk-in to transition to the love and light side? I think it might be nearly impossible. However...I think that a huge number of human and non-human defections...from darkness to light...will be necessary to resolve this conflict of the ages. Some have suggested that this isn't going to happen...and that the reptilian beings will just laugh. Well...laughter is a good maybe that's a start. I will continue to dream...and continue to seek reconciliation and restoration. I will not pursue trench-warfare and triumphalism. I'm thinking that both the human and reptilian races are guilty as hell...and that's pretty guilty. I'm not sure what the proper relationship should be between these two major races...but I'm hopeful that a balance-point can be achieved. Namaste abraxasinas. Namaste Thubans. Namaste Lucifer. Namaste Gabriel. Namaste Michael. Namaste Humans. Namaste Reptilians. Namaste Demons. Namaste Angels. Namaste Benevolent Beings of the Universe. Namaste Malevolent Beings of the Universe. A new commandment give I unto you: "Thou Shalt Have No Gods". This is the first and last commandment.

    Jonah said "Ortho... we are in the process of restoring your thread... may have to be read only...

    what was it you wanted me to rename this thread to again.. i seem to have deleted your email??"

    Thank-you for you consideration Jonah. I am requesting a title change of the current thread to:

    God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Amen Ra, Hathor, Abraxasinas, Thubans, et al

    Any Thuban thoughts? Is there currently an open Thuban thread? Can this subject be discussed in a detached and academic manner? Imagine being in a graduate class at Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, or Harvard...meeting in an old and elegant lecture hall...with a professor who might be a lot like Joseph Farrell. Imagine discussing abraxasinas and the Thuban material in this setting...with a hundred doctoral candidates. Things would be a lot different than the chaos we have witnessed recently...wouldn't it? Why can't we conduct business in this manner and fashion?

    Has anyone gotten abraxasinas's take on all of this? Has Tango said anything recently about this? It sounds as though my 'Thuban Thoughts' thread might be read-only. We'll have to wait and see on that one...but this implies to me that the stated reasons for the banning of abraxasinas and the closure of the Thuban related threads are merely the tip of the iceberg. Who is really in charge of what is occurring. I'm just feeling as though this is not administrative business as usual. I'm not impatient or angry...but I am worried.

    OK...I'm still not seeing 'Thuban Thoughts'...even in read-only form. Was it something I said? If someone has access to this may wish to examine it with a fine-toothed comb. I have no idea what might have been problematic. The actual abraxasinas quotes and Thuban material are quite brief. The comments were all quite polite and on-topic. So...what's going on here? Has Bill or Kerry said anything about the abraxasinas situation in the last few days? I don't care so much about administrative I do about the integrity of the administrative process and chain of command. Has anyone reviewed posts 158 and 159? Any thoughts? I feel like the Man Behind the Iron Curtain! Or...The Man Who Never Was! I don't know why I said that! I just thought it sounded cool!


    Could we this in great detail? Even if this is total might be a profitable exercise in examining an alien proposal or mandate. This could come in handy later on. Even if abraxasinas and the Thuban thing is a complete fabrication...could bits and pieces of all of this reveal important information regarding what we are dealing with? Did you like my little joke in the previous thread? I just couldn't resist...but I probably should have. Someone can generate all sorts of BS...and make it sound all complicated and technical. I didn't even work at making this believable. I just randomly did a word association game combined with pure, unmitigated popycock...and I'm sure it shows. I don't even want to wait and see if anyone takes the bait. I'm not that kind of guy! I may add my comments in red (a red-letter edition of the alien constitution!) to shed light on what is really being stated in this document. I doubt that it is genuine...but one never knows. It could be representative of a proposed, or actual, alien constitution...which might become the law of the land on Earth.

    I'd really like to have some in depth online conversation and even a really first-class manner...with the members of this forum. What would it really be like to sit in on meetings of very informed people and other than people...who are discussing what to do about this Solar System and it's inhabitants...human and non-human. Would these be pleasant and cordial meetings...or would there be a lot of shouting? Would armed guards be standing by...both human and non-human. Do firefights sometimes erupt at these a drug-deal gone-bad? What do we really think about abraxasinas and the this point...after all of the confusion? I'm really undecided. I don't really know what happened. How are we to know what's genuine...and what's completely fabricated? I continue to like the idea of remaining detached and polite...but not being afraid to ask questions which might be upsetting to the aliens, spirits, entities...or whoever. I like the idea of being genuine with them. I think they're smart enough to know if we're being real or if we're being fake. I just wish that I really, really knew the totality of the history of the universe...or at least all of the crucial aspects. Most of what we flying blind. Everyone has a different version of the 'way it really is'. The process of conversation and decision-making is what really concerns me. I'm not seeing a consistent flow of logical thinking, and in-depth research. That goes for much as for anyone else. I see a lot of knee jerking...and other kinds of...never mind.

    My last comment on the Thuban Q&A has me worried...the one regarding a Solar System Exorcism and the establishment of the United States of the Solar System. Did that cause a problem? I certainly hope not. I just have a problem with enslavement, extermination, and being treated like a herd of cattle by an alien race...who could possibly be downright demonic. However...I think everything we do in Avalon is pretty low-level...but what if the whole abraxasinas/Thuban thing was a significant part of disclosure? How would we know? Disclosure might be a very strange and rocky process. It might not be anything like what we might imagine it to be. Who knows...we may have witnessed the real deal. I'd like to know what's really going on...and what the real issues are. Should we even be interested...if we can't know the facts? I hope that some sort of a factual statement regarding the abraxasinas/Thuban thing will be forthcoming. I always feel like I'm trying to walk on ice...or trying to build on shifting sand. I have absolutely no idea what beings throughout the Solar System think about what we do here. I wish we could have some authoritative conversation at some point. I really hate this speculation and guessing game. I'm ready to go back to sleep. On the other hand...I'm not sure I ever woke-up. I just listened to Alex Jones and Jessie Ventura for about 20 minutes...and they're in a whole different league. I don't really know what team I'm on. I don't really know who the good guys and bad guys are. I keep thinking that I should just shut-up...and try to make a significant amount of money...for the first time in my life. But then I start feeling guilty. I remember reading a poem in college titled 'Terrance, this is stupid stuff'. Maybe this really is stupid stuff. Maybe we're just sampling the poison store. See the final verse of this poem...a couple of posts below.

    Who knows...maybe Bigmo is really John May!! (the one in 'V') Just kidding!! The whole abraxasinas/Thuban thing was quite bizzare. Again...I wish to take a very close look at that Dragonian Constitution material. I'll do that later today...after I get some rest. That "Thuban Thoughts" disappearance really has me spooked. (it doesn't take much) is 'Terrance, this is stupid stuff' (which I referred to in a previous post). The final verse is the key. The king gradually increased his exposure to various poisons...and built up an immunity to that when his enemies poisoned his food...he ate it without effect. Then he made his enemies eat the food they poisoned...and they died. Maybe we really are like the in Avalon. It's good to be king. Long live the king. Long live Avalon.

    The Great Evil of Thuban in the Serpents of Eden

    {Presented in the Spirit of 'Humour Noir' of the Dark Comedy of the never to be fall into the pits of sarcasm in a Genre of La Presentation}

    Another Way to portray the World Logos as done by the Warriors of the Love and the Light engaged in eternal mortal combat with the Darkness of Creation in the Slaying of the terrible Dragons from the Depths of Fiery Hells and the Realms of Swords and Words of Icey Heavens

    Lucifer becomes Satan the Dragon


    There was a time when the being we call Lucifer was one of the greatest lights in heaven. He was dedicated to serving the Creator as head of the seraphim- the highest echelon of the angelic host.

    Unfortunately, Lucifer became increasingly jealous of the attention, love and guidance the Creator was giving to the prospering galactic human race. He felt God had placed them above the seraphim.

    Lucifer began to hate the humans and see himself as a slave to Divine Will. He desired to have free will and usurp God's kingdom. His great power and negative emotions had corrupted him.

    Lucifer began influencing others of the angelic host with his new way of thinking. One third of the angels were swayed by his twisted philosophy. He promised them all free will, should they exalt him above God. As leader of the coming mutiny, he would give them a new kingdom. He believed that with cunning schemes he could transcend God as lord of the universe, and extinct the race of galactic humanity.

    One aspect of his plan was to incarnate in 4th density as a reptilian who was to become king of the ancient Draconian Empire, which spanned much of the galaxy. The empire's headquarters was on a 4th density planet that orbited the star Thuban (also known as Alpha Draconis), in the Draco constellation. Upon assuming the throne as King Lingarak, he convinced his people that the prospering galactic humans posed a threat and needed to be wiped from existence. Many of the fallen angels had incarnated into the same race.

    So began the Great War, hundreds of millennia ago - remembered in history as the Orion Conflict, for its centre stage was within the Orion arm of the local galaxy. Lucifer then became known as Satan, the arch enemy of God, and one third of the angels had sided with his empire.


    For a long time the Draconian Empire and the fallen angels fought with galactic humanity, which had amassed a large resistance - armies from other galaxies answered their call for help and joined them. Some of the dark forces eventually surrendered, but a lot still remain hidden in many places. The resistance achieved a great victory when Satan himself and many of his closest henchmen were taken into custody. Their punishment was to be quarantined in the lowest astral plane of earth, known as the bottomless pit.

    Satan and his minions managed to gain access to the material world via portals opened by human followers (satanic cults). Unable to incarnate, they can only possess people and animals. Satan has possessed many humans. One of his well-known hosts was Hitler. Through him, he tried to impose his tyrannical will upon the planet, as he did elsewhere. Fortunately he failed at that time. However, through many more hosts, his New World Orderagenda continues.

    Satan's human followers also perform moonchild rituals, whereby babies are completely possessed by his forces. Below is a quote from a website concerning these rituals:

    The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic.

    God gave a deadline, at which point the ultimate fate of Satan and his followers would be decided once and for all, based upon how they may have evolved since being placed in the bottomless pit.
    Unfortunately they continue to hate humans with a passion, and work toward their extinction. Especially those on earth - who are a hybridisation of all branches of humanity throughout the galaxy and beyond. After many millennia, the deadline has come and a massive showdown on the astral and material planes of earth has begun.
    It may become obvious in the near future, as the dark ones intend to reveal themselves en-masse to the world, with their human followers joining them in the Final Battle. Beyond earth, the war still rages today.
    Many star systems have been contaminated by the fighting. Some worlds destroyed and the ecosystems of others seriously compromised.



    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.


    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.


    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger, what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    Stardustaquarion said "orthodoxymoron, Ashayana in the interview with Jeff Rense talks about the Draconians and Reptilians, I thought it may be of interest to you. Love"

    Thank-you Stardustaquarion. I'm going to listen to it now. I think Ashayana knows a hell of a lot...but I don't necessarily trust her...or believe everything she says. But then again...I don't trust anyone...especially myself. And that's the truth.

    A. E. Housman (1859–1936). A Shropshire Lad. 1896.

    LXII. Terence, this is stupid stuff

    ‘TERENCE, this is stupid stuff:
    You eat your victuals fast enough;
    There can’t be much amiss, ’tis clear,
    To see the rate you drink your beer.
    But oh, good Lord, the verse you make,
    It gives a chap the belly-ache.
    The cow, the old cow, she is dead;
    It sleeps well, the horned head:
    We poor lads, ’tis our turn now
    To hear such tunes as killed the cow.
    Pretty friendship ’tis to rhyme
    Your friends to death before their time
    Moping melancholy mad:
    Come, pipe a tune to dance to, lad.’

    Why, if ’tis dancing you would be,
    There’s brisker pipes than poetry.
    Say, for what were hop-yards meant,
    Or why was Burton built on Trent?
    Oh many a peer of England brews
    Livelier liquor than the Muse,
    And malt does more than Milton can
    To justify God’s ways to man.
    Ale, man, ale’s the stuff to drink
    For fellows whom it hurts to think:
    Look into the pewter pot
    To see the world as the world’s not.
    And faith, ’tis pleasant till ’tis past:
    The mischief is that ’twill not last.
    Oh I have been to Ludlow fair
    And left my necktie God knows where,
    And carried half way home, or near,
    Pints and quarts of Ludlow beer:
    Then the world seemed none so bad,
    And I myself a sterling lad;
    And down in lovely muck I’ve lain,
    Happy till I woke again.
    Then I saw the morning sky:
    Heigho, the tale was all a lie;
    The world, it was the old world yet,
    I was I, my things were wet,
    And nothing now remained to do
    But begin the game anew.

    Therefore, since the world has still
    Much good, but much less good than ill,
    And while the sun and moon endure
    Luck’s a chance, but trouble’s sure,
    I’d face it as a wise man would,
    And train for ill and not for good.
    ’Tis true, the stuff I bring for sale
    Is not so brisk a brew as ale:
    Out of a stem that scored the hand
    I wrung it in a weary land.
    But take it: if the smack is sour,
    The better for the embittered hour;
    It should do good to heart and head
    When your soul is in my soul’s stead;
    And I will friend you, if I may,
    In the dark and cloudy day.

    There was a king reigned in the East:
    There, when kings will sit to feast,
    They get their fill before they think
    With poisoned meat and poisoned drink.
    He gathered all the springs to birth
    From the many-venomed earth;
    First a little, thence to more,
    He sampled all her killing store;
    And easy, smiling, seasoned sound,
    Sate the king when healths went round.
    They put arsenic in his meat
    And stared aghast to watch him eat;
    They poured strychnine in his cup
    And shook to see him drink it up:
    They shook, they stared as white’s their shirt:
    Them it was their poison hurt.
    —I tell the tale that I heard told.
    Mithridates, he died old.


    What if "Waking People Up" and "Disclosure" are NOT desirable?? What if "Evangelism" and "Religious Education" are NOT desirable?? What if a "Regime Change" is NOT desirable?? Should we simply Positively-Reinforce Everyone and Everything (including the Reptilians, Greys, Elites, and International-Bankers)?? If the Bible is discarded -- what should take its place?? If competition is OK -- is it OK for God to compete with US?? If we thought we could beat God -- would we try?? Should Forbidden-Knowledge be used to Exploit the Ignorant -- rather than attempting to educate those who do NOT wish to be educated (especially regarding the esoteric)?? BTW -- I have suggested the following three biblical groupings:

    1. Genesis through Esther (17 books). Try focusing upon Deuteronomy.
    2. Job through Malachi (22 books). Try focusing upon Psalms through Isaiah.
    3. Matthew through Revelation (27 books). Try focusing upon Luke through Romans.

    Notice that there are 5 more books in group 2 than group 1 -- and 5 more books in group 3 than group 2. Is this merely coincidental?? I don't wish to inflict the Bible upon anyone -- yet I think it might be central to any serious study of life, the universe, and everything. I am NOT going to push this thread. I'm merely going to keep doing what I'm doing -- without expectations or demands. It's sort of an "Open Secret Society" which no one joins. No secret signs or handshakes!! No meetings or dues!! I have no idea who actually reads my tripe. Probably only a couple of NSA interns -- who laugh their behinds off!! I still think there might be something significant regarding Bull v Ram from Abraham to Armageddon. Might this be the Great Controversy Between Bull and Ram in the Conflict of the Ages?? What if one will dominate for a certain period -- followed by the domination of the other for a certain period -- followed by ?????

    I find it sad that hardly anyone will communicate with me -- yet I feel supernaturally attacked 24/7. Isn't this somewhat cowardly?? I'm feeling zero love from divinity or humanity -- and I'm frankly becoming tougher by the day. I'm feeling more and more like a general or a commander in Star Wars -- even though I hate this. Unfortunately, my idealism is confronting the way things really are -- and probably will be for a very long time. I am becoming more and more cynical. I'm feeling more and more like a warrior. I sometimes wonder if a composite of the Stargate SG-1 characters (including the system-lords) is a reasonable model for those who wish to make a difference in this solar system. I think I've been way too soft, slow, and stupid in this particular incarnation -- but I suspect that I've been a terror in some of my other incarnations. I think I've been way too understanding and open throughout my life. Perhaps attempting to be on everyone's side has been a grave mistake. Perhaps it is time to solidify my views -- and begin to circle the wagons -- in preparation for battle -- figurative and/or literal. Perhaps the jokes should end. I've tried to be funny -- but I perceive that this has been a serious mistake. You had a nice-guy to deal-with -- but I fear that time has passed.

    I'm going to begin speculating about a hypothetical mediator or mediatrix between the Human and Reptilian races...spanning thousands...or even millions...of years. This would involve a Human Spirit God of This World...and a Reptilian Spirit God of This World...cohabitating an Apostolic Succession of Human Bodies. Theanthropos? Baldacchino? Co-mediatrix? This concept is really at the core of this entire thread...and may be at the core of the abraxasinas/Thuban phenomenon...if it is legitimate and real. Don't laugh at me. This is something which needs to be carefully examined. Go through this entire thread...and see what you think. I'm just going to attempt to take this concept to the next level (of absurdity?)!! This is a wild ride...isn't it? I really believe that such a being exists...historically and presently...and that they are the key to the future of humanity. I could be very wrong...but that's my story...and I'm sticking to it...for now. They're probably reading this thread.

    Hello Hathor/Mary! I'd really like to have a proper question and answer thread with you someday. I might not do too well...face to face. I think better with my fingers! I hope that you are doing OK. Think before you flame!

    Think long and hard about the avatar of abraxasinas in the Thuban Q&A thread. I think that this being is at the center of disclosure...which might be of a very startling nature. I am not on a triumphalistic any way, shape, or form. I merely seek understanding...and a resolution to the horrible mess which humanity seems to be stuck in. I prefer a non-violent resolution...but I am a pragmatic person...sometimes. Disclosure might consist of a series of false-starts and missteps. It may play out just the opposite of what one might expect in a Hollywood movie. Disclosure might turn out to be a huge disappointment to most ufologists...and to the general public. The elites already know. What did they know...and when did they know it?

    Consider this thread as a step toward a New Theology. Find your own your own time. If you've lost your faith...then find a new one. My intent wasn't to turn people into bitter and angry atheists. My New Theology consists of this thread...combined with the Amen Ra thread...the United States of the Solar System thread...and the Red Letter Church thread...basically. I'll probably be working out the details for the rest of my life. Good luck with your quest. Don't take life too seriously. On the other hand...perhaps we need to take life more Siriusly. Namaste. :wink2:

    I don't know if the following really 'fits' in with this thread...but I'm listening to an Anna Hayes / Jeff Rense interview...and I had a thought. What if people like Alex Collier, Anna Hayes, Leo Zagami, Tony/abraxasinas, et al have to make an agreement with non-human entities to promote a certain agenda? They are given access to certain forbidden information...but they have to present it in a certain my theory goes. They might be given 50% truth and 50% bs...which they have to intermingle...with a certain editorial slant. This is just another one of my crazy speculations. I'm trying to stop. I really am. I'm thinking that there is a lot of deal-making which goes on. Even the Bible speaks of the 'Old Covenant' and the 'New Covenant'. There is the supposed 1954 Greada Treaty...among others. I continue to think that we got our @$$ kicked in an ancient war...and that OUR technology and wisdom was stolen from us...and we were genetically and educationally dumbed down by our conquerors. I think they need us...because it's really our technology...and perhaps human beings are the only ones who can use it. Perhaps the non-humans have to use human slaves to work with this ancient technology and wisdom. In the Stargate SG-1 episode 'The Fifth Race'...only a human (Capt. O'Neil) is able to be programmed with the knowledge of the ancients. Perhaps the Ptah, the Founders, the Ancients...or God the Creator...are really Ancient Human Beings. I tend to think that a lot of aliens would like to let us go...but if they did so...and we realized how badly we have been misused and abused...up to and including the killing of an Ancient Human God...we might go berzerk...and begin a brand-new Star War against the alien races. Who knows? I'm sure the Shadow Government knows...but it sounds like they're in so much trouble...and into this thing so deep...that they can't do a damn thing about it. It sounds like they are not in control of what's going on here on Earth. Commoners like you and me might be required to sort a lot of this stuff out. Just a thought. We haven't been mind controlled...and we haven't signed binding we may be the only ones with the necessary freedom to be able to solve some of the perplexities facing humanity. Just more speculation on my part. Once again...I really intend to stop. I've had quite enough...but I do believe I'll have another drink. A real strong one. One more thing...Anna Hayes described three alien factions which the elites have agreements with...if I heard correctly. I have been speculating about three major factions. Also...there are supposedly three major bases below one of the polar icecaps. I keep thinking about Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. Maybe I should just smoke a great big the one in 'Up in Smoke'. :smoke: That was some good $**+ man!

    I hesitated to begin this thread. I am torn. I want truth and goodness to triumph...yet achieving this is a very painful process. The history of our world is very sad and violent. No organization or country has escaped this brutal gang of facts. The history of the Vatican is a huge part of our history...and this includes all of us. There should be no angry finger pointing. The video which I am posting is critical...yet not hateful or vindictive. I am offended by the cartoons, photoshopped pictures of the Pope, hurtful internet comments, etc, etc. There should not be a hateful, superior, triumphalistic, or sing-song attitude manifested toward anyone or any organization. This includes the Vatican.

    Everyone should research the Vatican...whether they are religious or not. There are so many aspects of our historical and contemporary world which are interconnected with the Vatican. All roads lead to Rome. I'm not a Roman Catholic...and I never have been...but I have attended dozens of masses and concerts. I adore the art, architecture, and music...even the art and architecture with pagan aspects. I have been in many cathedrals...and I have been to the Vatican. It is truly impressive. I have had very good luck with the Roman Catholics I have known and worked with...including priests and musicians. They are doing the best they can.

    However, there is something which seems to torment the soul of the Roman Catholic Church. I fear that the hierarchy has to deal with unimaginable problems...which may include dealing with the devil himself(or herself). They may be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Does the Vatican mediate between Lucifer and the Human Race? Is it the Human Race vs the Underworld? We may be in more trouble than we think. Tell me what you think...positive or negative.

    Once again...I'm seeing very little interest in something which I think is extremely important. I'd like to discuss this in a rational and charitable manner. The better we deal with this sort of thing...the more willing the insiders will be to reveal more...and work toward resolving this mess...together as We the People of Earth. Please take the time to consider these videos as a group...and tell me what you think.

    Thank-you. I alternate between not wanting to think about this stuff at all...and wanting to really help solve this mess...and help the human race to move on to bigger and better things than war, starvation, financial crisis, meaninglessness, etc, etc. The retrospect...may be very, very simple...yet it may take thousands of years to recognize this answer to any significant degree...apply it globally...and rescue ourselves. Think about the Vatican, Tesla, Advanced Technology, Underground Bases and Cities, City States, Atlantis, Lemuria, Lucifer, the Nazis, and the New World Order. Then read what I have written below. Then take a long walk...face yourself...and think long and hard.

    Have you ever watched 'Brides of Christ'? If not...please's really good...and made me cry. The human race has so much negative baggage. I don't hate anyone or any organization. I just want the human race to get out of the quicksand. This may take a long time...and a lot of pain. I think that eventually the human race will emerge with a highly ethical secular spirituality which will not involve church attendance, rituals, or hocus pocus of any kind. I believe that we survive our physical deaths...and simply get recycled...whether we are good or bad. This makes it all the more important that we create a better world to return to. This is our home.

    End of Part Two
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014

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