The End Of The Mayan Calendar And The Signs From Heaven... 16 December 2013 - End Of The Grand Cycle

Discussion in 'Ancient, Indigenous, & Tribal Calendars' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 2, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The end of the Mayan calendar and the signs from heaven...

    16 DECEMBER 2013
    - END of THE GRAND CYCLE of Pacha and Macha
    ~Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    El final del calendario Maya

    y las señales del cielo. - Blogger

    in 2010, susan lynne schwenger predicted a comet would come to mark the end of the grand cycle

    Monday, November 25, 2013

    The end of the Mayan calendar and the signs from heaven.

    When on December 22, 2012 humanity woke up and found that the World was still in place,
    that it was not over and that the prophecies had not been fulfilled,
    there was a mixture of intertwined feelings that ran through our minds.

    On the one hand, relief, since, as much as apocalyptic prophecies are not believed,
    the media pressure made us wonder if such a catastrophe was really possible;
    on the other hand, disappointment, since the proximity to the great events
    makes the human being feel a strange emotion and fascination even when facing one's own death.

    Before and after the mythical date, the media fulfilled their classic work of disinformation,
    since at no time does the famous prophecy speak of the end of the World
    but simply of the return of the Mayan God of war, Bolon Yokte and the beginning of a new cycle.

    Representation of the God Bolon Yokte.

    The calculation of the date has brought the researchers who agreed on the starting point
    but not on the final day.

    Of all the possible endings of the Mayan calendar proposed by the great researchers,
    only one has not yet passed, on December 16, 2013.

    In 2010, Susan Lynn Schwenger and Tony Bermanseder,
    enunciated a theory that they maintain to this day that goes against the current
    of all the most famous and failed theories.

    It would be very long and cumbersome to try to explain here the discrepancies
    between researchers and what they all rely on for their claims,
    but suffice it to say that the Mayan calendar consists of three gears,
    the long count, the Haab and the Tzolkin and each
    and every one of those gears must be aligned and unlocked on the same date
    and they do not do it on December 21, 2012, or the 23rd,
    which are the most famous dates.

    However, they fit perfectly on December 16, 2013, date given in 2010 by
    Susan Lynne Schwenger and Tony Bermanseder.

    Mayan Calendar and its gear movement.

    To this is added that the other researchers began to count from a day 0,
    but incredibly ignored the year 0, so the "their" 2012 is actually 2013.

    This would not stop being another theory about the famous calendar
    if we did not notice several added facts such as that December 16, 2013
    is just the date on which the expected comet ISON, the "winged" comet crosses with Comet LOVEJOY
    as it passes through the Sun in what promises to be a historical spectacle.

    ́Representation of Quetzatcoatl.

    If we also remember that the main god of the Mesoamerican tribes such as the Toltecs
    Aztecs or the Mayans themselves, is Quetzalcoatl, the feathered or "winged" serpent,
    whose return is prophesied, we have more than enough data to fan the apocalyptic flame,
    but what should most attract the attention of all this is the official silence,
    not a news, not a headline, not sensationalism, nothing, because the end as it is said in the Bible:

    "He will come as a thief in the night."

    By Swan Dive. Sources:

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