The Crossing Of The Cat - Bk With Spirit Helpers / Photographer Under The Light Of A Blue Moon

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 23, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    THE CROSSING of THE CAT - BK with spirit helpers / photographer under the light of a blue moon
    27 May 2007
    1. THE CROSSING of BLACK KAT aka BK The Cat

      Here is my cat,
      LUNA aka BK for The Black Kat or The Beautiful Kid,
      or once in awhile The Bad Kat

      Energy of 30/3
      Born 8/11/1991 - Crossed Over 5/27/2007
      He died 45 days short of his 16th birthday

      The Crossing of My Cat with helpers

      This room, was lit only by sunlight, and, no over_head lights

      There are at least three helpers in the crown - across the ears,

      First look at the dark shadow with a head dress on -- that is his spirit guide/i've seen this being

      Then, look down, at the nose - there is a being sitting in a pyramid shape

      and, then, look across the top of the ears in the opal white colours

      --and, there is me, what i termed back in 1975,

      "The Higher Self aka The essence (or The Core)
      aka The Monad (past,present, future & now
      - which operates through The Pivot of The Now ":- Susan Lynne Schwenger

      The photographs were taken, when he was crossing

      it gave me a lot of validation, mostly that we are able to know, along with able to see things a lot of other people miss.

      NOW, look into the ear, you can see some kind of Elemental or Elven or Faere, Fairy or Fey or Feline being with wings,

      and, on his eye, you can see another group of helpers,

      if you look, towards his back quarters, there is another helper holding up a torch,

      and, if you look towards the middle of him,

      there are another group of helpers, (cat) feline/dragon/star serpent energies

      He was a cat, that grew up around crystals, rocks and stones & loved them

      what was most amazing, at least for me,
      that as i was doing medicine work, helping the cat crossing
      from this life time to his next cycles,
      that we showed up on the cat, as he was crossing

      At the point BK crossed
      this being flew off the cats crown, and, came right into my third eye,
      it was holding my cat, as if, he was still alive
      they both looked at me,
      and, a unique type of energy -- colour, frequency, light, sound, tone and vibration was in the ethers

      approx 6 hours later, it occurred again,

      and, the two of them winked at me

      I had NEVER seen it in that fine detail before

      and, then, they flew around me,
      and, then, flew out of me,
      and, went across the living room,
      and, we saw the two of them,
      fly off together.

      this is an experience, i am likely NOT to forget,

      PURR-haps, you can see these details in the picture above

      hope you enjoy this story
      ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
      CULCULCAN, Jan 14, 2015EditHistoryDeleteIPReport
      #92+ QuoteReply
    2. 5.
      CULCULCANThe Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8Staff Member
      14th Birthday
      You got it Susan! thumb_yello-.

      I saw BK in your album and got lost in his eyes.

      I could feel his intense spirit through the photo. original-.

      -Love and Light-

      Thanks, Fire Drake, Susan says...

      "if you look very carefully at this picture

      you can see my higher self across the cat's crown
      (i think these photos are gone) - will find, and, replace them (give me 1 day to do that)

      and, all the beings, down his body, who came to escort, him home

      we think, the story is here,
      but, we will have to edit the pics back in

      THE CROSSING of MY CAT with Helpers ... BK - 8/11/1991 to 5/17/2007

      Here is my cat,
      LUNA aka BK for Black Kat or Beautiful Kid, or once in awhile The Bad Kat
      Energy of 30/3
      Born 8/11/1991 - Crossed Over 5/27/2007
      He died 45 days short of his 16th birthday

      The Crossing of My Cat / with helpers

      This room, was lit only by sunlight, and, no over_head lights

      There are at least three helpers in the crown/across the ears,
      First look at the dark shadow with a head dress on -- that is his spirit guide/i've seen this being
      Then, look down, at the nose / there is a being sitting in a pyramid shape
      and, then, look across the top of the ears/in white--and, there is my higher self,
      i actually; could NOT believe this, when his crossings was occuring...
      also, i was NOT aware, that a friend who was here, assisting me, also, took some pics,
      i'm glad she did/albeit, it really did pain my heart to see them/and, i suppose, it also provided
      for me, some validation, that, i really am, seeing what, i know, i am seeing.
      NOW, look into the ear, you can see some kind of Fey being, a Faere, with wings,
      and, on his eye, you can see another group of helpers,
      if you look, towards his back quarters, there is another helper, holding up a torch,
      and, if you look towards the middle of him,
      there are another group of helpers, feline/dragon/serpent energies
      (some of them, are very good) anyway, i was NOT aware my
      friend elaine, was taking photographs, however, it was pretty interesting what was
      going on here & that it actually showed up in the pictures

      He was a cat, that grew up around crystals,
      even had, his own magical wand / actually that's my original wand from age 2

      what was most amazing, at least for me,
      was, my higher self, as, the cat was crossing,
      flew off the cats crown, and, came into my third eye,
      both of them, looked at me,
      approx 6 hours later, it occured again,
      and, the two of the, winked at me,
      his eyes; and; the eyes of my higher self,
      that, i had NEVER seen, in that detail before
      my own angelic~elemental~ humanoid forms
      albeit, i had seen my totem animals,
      all the time;
      and, then, they flew around me,
      and, then, flew out of me,
      and, went across the living room,
      and, i saw the two of them,
      take off, higher self, and, it was holding my cat...
      this is an experience, i am likely NOT to forget,
      PURRhaps, you see it too...
      hope you enjoy this story."

      - Susan Lynne Schwenger
      Dame & Lady eXKavier, Dragon, Scribe, Unicorn
      aka Wassenakoshka Anang ~ Wassenakoshka Giisis Kwe aka Kit'Si'Nu aka Ziigwan Nibi (Spring Waters)
      Beyonder aka The eXchanger aka Talks with Thunder aka White Lotus Star
      The Old Ancient Bridger (13)
      Thirteen ;)


      Last edited: 2 minutes ago
      CULCULCAN, Jan 14, 2015EditHistoryDeleteIPReport
      #93+ QuoteReply
    3. 5.
      CULCULCANThe Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8Staff Member
      Cat left in a 'blue moon'
      Once in a Blue Moon

      Published May 31, 2007 Photos Leave a Comment
      Today is a Blue Moon day in places west of Greenwich, like here in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Blue Moons
      (the second full moon in the same month) happen approximately every two and a half years.
      It is a great opportunity to do something unusual just to be able to say “its something I do once in a Blue Moon”.
      My wife suggested that buying her flowers would be appropriate. Unfortunately, the cloud cover here won’t allow me to photograph the “Blue Moon”.
      I do however offer this image for your consideration.
      And while it is not a full moon and therefore not, strictly speaking, a Blue Moon, it is a moon that is blue.

      27 MAY 2007 - BLUE MOON
      PHOTOGRAPHER: Paul Grecia

      The image was made early morning with a blue sky and has totally taken on that color.
      I used a Canon EF 500mm f4.0 L IS lens with a Canon 1.4X teleconverter on a tripod.
      The image is cropped from full frame, but you can clearly see the craters on the moon surface.​

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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