The Cross Jesus In China - Video - Testimonies Of Millions Christians Persecuted By China

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 17, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    communist atheist anti-religions antichrist 666 beast red dragon satan evil
    THE CROSS JESUS in china
    Video ( full version video ) :


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    YourMother Goose
    "Jesus was not crucified for his beliefs but for his actions.
    People often envision Jesus as someone tiptoeing around in a flowing robe, speaking softly, patting children on the head and carrying a baby lamb
    in his arms.

    But the real Jesus of history was a lightning rod.

    He got angry.

    He was the greatest debunker of religious hierarchies
    and traditions this world has ever seen.

    The religious establishment hurriedly condemned him to death
    for blasphemy, while the secular powers executed him for sedition.

    It's unfortunate that Christianity was pinned on Jesus.

    This wasn't his fault.

    Jesus did not die to save people from God,
    rescue us from ourselves, or snatch sinners
    from the flames of hell.

    Jesus is not a ticket-puncher to heaven,
    he's a jail-breaker for people locked up in religion.

    Jesus did not start the Christian religion.

    Organized Christianity has probably done more to retard the ideals that were its founder’s than any other agency in the world.

    Should Jesus reappear, he would be a most dangerous threat
    to the institution of the Church originally established in his name.

    What are now called “essential doctrines”
    of the Christian religion, Jesus does not even mention.

    I consider the life, teachings, and wisdom of Jesus to be universally relevant, regardless of one's religious, spiritual, or philosophical point of view.

    Christianity does not hold unique and absolute claim to Jesus.

    Just because you are a Christian doesn't mean you truly get Jesus.

    In fact, it may be the reason why you don't."

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Colossians 3:16
    “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
    teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
    singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Leland Reibling says:
    8h · 13 aug 2022

    Its like going to North America.
    Seeing so many Europeans.
    And thinking a Native man must be crazy for saying different people used to live there...
    Its called Colonization, and it happened all over the world.
    Not just the Americas...Phoenicians lived in the Middle East First.
    And they had red hair.
    That's why Da Vinci painted him this way.
    Why is this history so hard to grasp for the mainstream.

    susan lynne schwenger says:
    • maybe there was 12 forms of jesus; one in each root race ?
      red / yellow / white / albino / blue / black / brown - 7 root races just there
      and; maybe some et ones - 8 - sirius and 9 - pleiades
      - and; 10 - venus and 11 saturn and; 12 mars ? (there was mystery schools in those places)
      ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Truth Theory
    Yesterday at 11:30 AM ·
    Is This The Real Face Of Jesus? Forensic Scientists Believe They Recreated His Face
    SEE HERE: 1f449.

    By Mayuk Saha
    God has always been in the imagination of man; people imagine him/her according to their faiths and the social paradigms they exist in, and he/she takes the shape of their imaginations.
    As a result the first Gods were forces of nature imagined as rulers, or even better, animals. For example: the carrion jackals of the Sahara became the harbingers of Death, and later Anubis, Death himself.
    In Eastern India, God was imagined as a tree stump, something that was incomplete in itself, but completed everything else as a source of everything on Earth; he was called the lord of the universe, literally, Jagannath.
    Jesus is the deity who by far has the most number of followers, and it is increasing especially in places like Korea and China. People have, for centuries, imagined him as a blonde-ish man of middle years and fair complexion, oftentimes with blue eyes and fair skin too.
    This image stayed the longest in public imagination because of the simple fact that the Europeans, who would go on to conquer the Earth and take their [Son of] God with them to their new frontiers, imagined him in their own image.
    But is that really what Jesus looked like. Even if I do not delve into Science, the answer to many people would be no; the Chinese imagine him and his apparel in a certain way, Indians do it in another and Africans another.
    But the image I described of “our lord” would be the most common one, finding place in calendar art and even on film.
    Now to the scientific answer to my previous question: No, probably not.
    A couple of years ago, British scientists and Israeli archaeologists came together in one of the most brilliant of ways: they, using police forensic techniques would go on to recreate the face of Jesus Christ; well, someone who lived in the area at the point of time believed to be the time of Christ.
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    Richard Neave, one of the scientists in the study, is convinced that this is the limit of accuracy that can be achieved using the data at hand.
    And this is not Neave’s first foray into something like this; it is by far the most controversial however. He was the one who had previously reconstructed the faces of King Midas of Phrygia and King Phillip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great.
    This study would fall under the broader field of palaeoanthropology, although this particular study combines studies from many more fields together with forensics and archaeology. The scientists took into account things like nutrition, habitation and social lives, in the first century AD, in then Judea.
    The image is very different from what we understand to be Christ’s image with the slick hair, fair skin and well-groomed beard. But, the truth is that the latter image was propagated by the Romans, after Christianity was legalised in Rome in around 300 AD or so.
    Check out the video with the explanation of the process of reconstruction that went into recreating the face.
    Read More: Ancient Writing Claims That Jesus Was Married To Mary Magdalene And Had Children With Her
    Credits: Popular Mechanics

    Hey! I am Mayukh.
    I help people and websites with content, videos, design, and social media management. I am an avid traveler and I started living as a digital nomad
    in Europe since 2019.

    I am currently working on

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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