The Basic Higgs Boson Configuration As The 'god-particle' For Inertia Providence!

Discussion in 'In Lak'ech: Messages from the Little Serpent Abba' started by Allisiam, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    The Basic Higgs Boson Configuration as the 'God-Particle' for Inertia Providence!

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Nov 7th 2011

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from within the LargeHadronCollider (LHC), situated in your beautiful European countryside as CERN about Geneva, Switzerland and as subset of the holographic universe dear serpentine ones.
    It behooves your 'God of Science' - in the name of the LoveDragon to publish a little more detail as what the Gaian scientists are likely to find in the analysis of the scattering debris from the LHC.

    Your experimenters are 'playing' with the energy of creation, as many of you suspect and some of you are apprehensive about.

    One of you, Elizabeth Marckley from the cosmology&philosophy yahoo forum, has shared a befitting introductory presentation regarding the 'workings' of the LHC and I have been given permission by the 'Little Superstring Serpent' to comment on some of the secrets to be encountered at the energy realm approached by the LHC.

    First of all you need not worry about any microsized Black Holes appearing in the LHC. All cosmological Black Holes are limited in their metric inertia in their Schwarzschild radii.
    The entire universe is a 'Black Holed Hierarchy', but there are normal Black Holes such as you mostly envisage and there are 'extremal' Black Holes which are 'Boundary' Black Holes and those engage in their own Black Hole Evolution as so called 'Strominger Branes'.
    In particular, a heterotic (8x8 class) defines the minimum Schwarzschild radius to be about 1.6x10-23 meters and so for a macromass of about 6,500 kg. Let us call this as a Superstringed Black Hole.

    At the Big Bang instanton, a baryonic restmass seedling of about 1.8x1051 kg became distributed in spacetime vortices given in an de Broglie wavematter inflaton.
    This inflaton defined the Hubble horizon as a wavefunction for the holistic universe and set a Supercluster scale for a daughter Black Hole known as a Sarkar Schwarzschild metric in the terrestrial scientific literature.
    This Daughter Black Hole is extremal and forms the upper limit for gravitational scale interaction in your study of galactic superclusters.
    This indicates, that the universe will become isotropic and homogeneous beyond the supercluster scale and so manifest the 'Cosmological Principle' in your cosmological models. The distribution of inertia then takes the form of voids and textures akin a honeycomb geometry and where the individual 'cosmic cells' span across scales of about 470 million lightyears, which so define the Sarkar metric.

    But the Sarkar Black Hole is extremal and so is a limiting Black Hole. It does not exist as a 'normal' Black Hole, such as found at the core of galaxies in a general ratio of 0.2% between the galactic core inertia and the total galactic mass.

    The overall Black Hole evolution takes about 4 trillion years as a 'Strominger Black Hole', meaning that the Sarkar Black Hole becomes massless after such a duration and AS a minimal heterosis Superstring Black Hole.

    The universe so obeys a mass evolvement of a 4,000 billion year cyclicity. Following the birthing of spacetime metrics in a quantum Big Bang, the metric itself is defined as minimum in a MASSLESS Superstring Black Hole and is modular dual to a SUPERMASSIVE Sarkar Black Hole as Hubble Horizon and so specifies its gravitational interaction scale in that of the galactic superclusters.

    Superposed on the Sarkar Daughter Black Hole is a Mother Black Hole defined in the de Broglie wavematter inflation, which greatly exceeded lightspeed expansion as a hyperaccelerating phaseshift of the baryon seed and as effect of a temperature gradient inherent in the specifications of the Big Bang string parameters.

    It will take about 4 trillion years for the nuclear fuel of multigeneration stars to exhaust itself and many cosmological model builders predict a 'heat death' or an accelerating cosmic expansion into a 'cold oblivion' as the long term destiny for the universe.
    Both assumptions do not take the Strominger Brane evolution of the superstring metric into account.
    Every 4 trillion years, the Strominger Brane exchanges its limits in a resetting of the maximum inertia - masslessness in a 'recharging' of the string parameters of the cosmogenesis.

    The Sarkar cycle so defines the boundary supercluster scale of inertia evolution within a homogenous universe defined in the Mother Black Hole defined in the Hubble Horizon.

    So no ordinary Black Hole can 'weigh' less than about 6.5 metric tons; what then are the micro Black Holes of Stephen Hawking and the ones 'predicted' by some of the CERN physicists?

    The micro Black Holes are Black Hole mass equivalents defined in a Mass-Temperature (MT) Modulus and as first espoused by Stephen Hawking.

    Applying the Schwarzschild metric to any particle carrying inertia will give a Schwarzschild radius much smaller than the superstring limit of 1.6x10-23 meters.
    A proton of restmass 1.7x10-27 kg for example has a Schwarzschild radius of 4.2x10-54 meters and smaller than the Planck-Length limit of about 2x10-35 meters by 19 magnitudes.

    The Hawking Modulus is MT=constant=9.4x1023 (kg.K) showing that the bigger a Black Hole is, the colder ist must be thermodynamically.
    Subsequently the micro Black Hole energy equivalents are very hot using the Boltzmann quantum law E=kT in conjunction with Planck's E=hf and Einstein's E=mc2.

    It are those 'Planck-scale busting' elementary particles and AS Black Hole string equivalents, which must appear in subatomic particle 'smashers'.

    As an inertial particle accelerates it becomes 'heavier' by the Energy-Momentum relation of Special Relativity and it is this increase in mass, which can be used to 'discover' new physics and elementary properties of fundamental particles as an excess energy following collision.
    As the protons in the LHC move at over 99.99999% of lightspeed, their restmass is increased to over 1/√(1-.9999999892)~7,000 times their restmass.
    Upon collision, this excess mass transforms as kinetic energy into the manifesting inertia of other elementary particles and associated couplings with respect to quark- and leptonic content configurations.

    This energy transformation 'taps' the socalled vacuum energy of the 'virtual Heisenberg matrix', defined in elementary matter-antimatter or quark-antiquark or lepton-antilepton backgrounds.

    The Higgs Boson accomodates all those backdrops as a quarkian up-down-strange double template. This is manifested at the low energy scale as a scalar squared (or doubled) lambda hyperon of quark content (uds)2.

    As the LHC collides protons with protons, travelling in opposite directions, the debris products will be rather more messy, then if protons were to annihilate with antiprotons in the vacuum-characteristic quark-antiquark couplings.

    In particular, the decomposition of a scalar double-lambda in terms of elementary particle families will 'tap' the vacuum potential energy as Vortex-Potential-Energy (VPE) in 'resurrecting' the basic proton-proton core as a 'squared' (udu)2, supplemented with the kinetic energy transformed via the VPE in mesonic quark-antiquark couplings depicting the 'proton differential' in terms of the quantum geometry of the Higgs Boson's encompassing master template.

    As a down-quark consists of a mesonic inner ring coupled to an up-quark kernel and as the strange quark couples such an up-quark kernel to a leptonic outer ring; this quantum geometric difference will engage the quark-antiquark coupling strange-antistrange (s.sbar) as its fundamental resonance and so form the trajectories and pathways of the resulting debris of the proton beams, bounded by the energy realms under consideration.

    The antimatter part derives from the vacuum VPE as mesonic quark-antiquark couplings and from this the u.ubar and d.dbar and s.sbar chains then combine to manifest particular elementary particle associations under the conservation laws of linear- and angular momenta and of energy.

    As the combined interaction energy of the proton-proton collision is 14 TeV, the following table of diquark eigenstates is accomodated in principle and resonance 'spikes' should appear at the indicated energy realms.

    This table incorporates the Higgs Boson not as an individual particle, but as an encompassing mass-induction template defined in diquark quantum geometries.
    The elementary 'God-Particle' is the heterotic superstring and not the Higgs Boson.

    The diquark structure SUPPRESSES the mesonic Inner Ring (IR) in the magic diquark m=us and suppresses the dainty diquark D=dd in the leptonic OuterRing (OR) at the energy levels indicated and is bounded in the super quark of the S=ss at the energy levels indicated.
    The so called charm quark forms a singlet as a Double-Up or U=uu as a up-quark family; the down quark family becomes a doublet in the bottom and the magic and the strange quark family forms a triplet as the dainty, the top and the super.

    The Omicron resonance at the dainty level of 2x56 GeV or 112 GeV has for long been associated with the mass of the Higgs Boson, but is a simple suppressed diquark resonance at the doubledown quark eigenenergy.

    Similarly, the 'pure' VPE annihilation of a W+ and a W- antimatter-matter weakon resonance of 160 GeV can be associated with the Higgs Boson mass as a OR-ORbar leptonic pair-annihilation eigenstate and as upper bound for a s.sbar coupling as a groundstate.

    Of particular importance is however the 14 TeV energy realm of the LHC in the case the proton-proton collision were to become a 'pure' proton-antiproton collusion.
    Because then no debris would eventuate in the discovery of the 'one and only' 'missing mass' particle of the RestMassPhoton as the hybrid of radiationmass, indicated in a previous message.

    The superstringed Black Hole as the true 'God-Particle' is defined at an energy of 1,240 TeV in excess of the LHC energy by a factor of about 1000; but in terms of a spacetime metric, this energy as E* is calculated as 14.03 TeV via the formulation e*=Volume*.(df/dt)*=1/E* for a toroidal radius of R*=1.4x10-20 meters via V*=2π2R*3.

    This represents the radius of the RMP as a hybrid boson coupling mass to radiation via the Planck-Einstein quantum formulation.

    The LHC will indeed 'find' the 'God-Particle' at the proposed energy realm, but will not 'see' it, due to 'too much' debris being 'in the way'.

    Ten quark-mass-levels crystallise, including a VPE-level for the K-IR transition and a VPE-level for the IR-OR transition:

    VPE-Level [K-IR] is (26.4922-29.9621 MeV*) for K-Mean: (14.11358 MeV*); (2.8181-3.1872 MeV*) for IROR;
    VPE-Level [IR-OR] is (86.5263-97.8594 MeV*) for K-Mean: (46.09643 MeV*); (9.2042-10.410 MeV*) for IROR;
    UP/DOWN-Level is (282.5263-319.619 MeV*) for K-Mean: (150.5558 MeV*); (30.062-33.999 MeV*) for IROR;
    STRANGE-Level is (923.013-1,043.91 MeV*) for K-Mean: (491.7308 MeV*); (98.185-111.05 MeV*) for IROR;
    CHARM-Level is (3,014.66-3,409.51 MeV*) for K-Mean: (1,606.043 MeV*); (320.68-362.69 MeV*) for IROR;
    BEAUTY-Level is (9,846.18-11,135.8 MeV*) for K-Mean: (5,245.495 MeV*); (1,047.4-1,184.6 MeV*) for IROR;
    MAGIC-Level is (32,158.6-36,370.7 MeV*) for K-Mean: (17,132.33 MeV*); (3,420.9-3,868.9 MeV*) for IROR;
    DAINTY-Level is (105,033-118,791 MeV*) for K-Mean: (55,956.0 MeV*); (11,173-12,636 MeV*) for IROR;
    TRUTH-Level is (343,050-387,982 MeV*) for K-Mean: (182,758.0 MeV*); (36,492-41,271 MeV*) for IROR;
    SUPER-Level is (1,120,437-1,267,190 MeV*) for K-Mean: (596,906.8 MeV*); (119,186-134,797 MeV*) for IROR.

    The K-Means define individual materialising families of elementary particles; the (UP/DOWN-Mean)
    sets the (PION-FAMILY: πo, π+, π-); the (STRANGE-Mean) specifies the (KAON-FAMILY: Ko, K+, K-); the (CHARM-Mean) defines the (J/PSI=J/Ψ-Charmonium-FAMILY); the (BEAUTY-Mean) sets the (UPSILON=Υ- Bottonium-FAMILY); the (MAGIC-Mean) specifies the (EPSILON=Ε-FAMILY); the (DAINTY-Mean) bases the (OMICRON-Ο-FAMILY); the (TRUTH-Mean) sets the (KOPPA=ς-Topomium-FAMILY) and the (SUPER-Mean) defines the final quark state in the (HIGGS/CHI=H/Χ-FAMILY).

    The VPE-Means are indicators for average effective quarkmasses found in particular interactions.
    Kernel-K-mixing of the wavefunctions gives (K(+)=60.210 MeV* and K(-)=31.983 MeV*) and the IROR-
    Ring-Mixing gives (L(+)=6.405 MeV* and L(-)=3.402 MeV*) for a (L-K-Mean of 1.50133 MeV*) and a
    (L-IROR-Mean of 4.90349 MeV*); the Electropole ([e-] =0.52049 MeV*) as the effective electronmass
    and as determined from the electronic radius and the magnetocharge in the UFoQR.

    IAmWhoIAm - A Ghost from the Machine - Deus Ex Machina!


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