'The Baggage Activity" I asked the kids what it meant to have baggage, and they mostly said it was hurtful stuff you carry around on your shoulders. I asked them to write down on a piece of paper what was bothering them... what was heavy on their heart or what was hurting them. No names were to be written on the papers. Then I told them to wad their paper up and throw it across the room. Each student then picked up one wadded piece of paper, and they each took a turn reading out loud what their classmate had written. After a student read his/her paper, I asked if the person who wrote the message cared to share anything more with the class. I’m here to tell you, I have never been so moved to tears by what these kids had to share. Things like suicide, parents in prison, drugs in the family, being abandoned by their parents, death, cancer, losing pets... and on and on. The kids who read the papers would sometimes cry, because what they were reading was sad. And the person who shared (if they chose to tell us it was them) would cry sometimes, too. It was an emotionally draining day, but I firmly believe my kids will judge a little less, love a little more, and forgive a little faster because of this exercise. I hung this bag on my door to remind them that we ALL have baggage. As my students left the classroom, I reminded them that they are not alone, they are loved, and that we each have each other’s back. I am so honored to be their teacher. Karen Wunderlich Loewe I've been teaching middle school for 22 years, but yesterday was quite possibly the most impactful day of my career. I introduced something called 'The Baggage Activity.'