The Age of the Universe is a Statistical Consequence of its Emerging Self-Consciousness

Discussion in 'Thuban Cosmology in Quantum Relativity' started by admin, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Age of the Universe is a Statistical Consequence of its Emerging Self-Consciousness

    The Hubble Oscillation as the Heartbeat of the Cosmos

    A Minimum Displacement Parameter manifesting the Universe in Omnispace reemerges as the Standard Deviation of its Cosmic Wavefunction in Linespace

    When the Universe emerged from the lower dimensional complex plane (or manifold) in 2 dimensions into the third space dimension in the timeinstanton, a 4-dimensional spacetime metric matrix, as measured and observed by the terrestrial researchers, also became manifested.

    A pretemporal parameter, defined in so called Planckian parameters became however transformed from the 'string time' into a 'normal time' of a quasi-space dimension, which could be defined in the ticking of clocks, i.e. the measurement of the 'Duration of Events' as a function of the Lightpath x=ct with displacement x and Time t connected by the invariance of lightspeed 'c'.

    This message shall show how the preBig Bang events, given in the structure of the 'string time' relate to a Minimum Spacetime Configuration and so a minimum possible physical displacement, here called the Planck-Length-Oscillation (or PLO) and also later on as the Strong-Interaction-Constant or SIC. The PLO or SIC is also known as the 'Stoney Length' in the scientific literature (see wiki references below).
    In a sense, this SIC illustrates the so called Principle of Uncertainty of the Heisenberg Matrix (of the ZPE=VPE) and the concepts of the 'Physical Action' in the Planck Constant 'h', always having to exceed a product of measurement parameters, such as: Action=EnergyxTime or Action=MomentumxDisplacement in the observations and the mensurations.

    One might recall the discovery by Ernest Rutherford in 1909 about the internal structure of the atom of physical reality as a great pioneering step forwards from the 'atomism' (from the Greek 'atomos', meaning uncuttable or indivisible); of the antiquity, as say in the elemental essences of the elements of Leucippus and Democritus (fifth century BC).
    The 'atomic worldview' became elaborated upon by Galileo Galilei (1612-Discourse on Floating Bodies ;Redondi 1969.) and Rene Descartes (of the famous cartesian dualism between mind and body) in the 17th century.

    Both Aristotle and Plato rejected atomism in favour for a continuity of elemental essences, later refined by Baruch Spinoza in the 17th century, who proposed the existence of the 'undivisible essence' of the unity between the Descartian mind-body divide as the basic natural order of things.

    A synthesis of the two paradigms began to emerge with the 'corpuscular entity or monad' of Leibnitz, Newton and Boscovich in the 18th century and followed by the post classical natural philosophers, say ending in Einstein, in the quantum theory of the 19th and 20th century.

    In 1897, J. J. Thomson discovered the electron and Lavoisier (1789), Prost (1799) and Dalton (1803) and Mendeleev (1869), constructed the chemical table of the elements from certain conservation laws regarding physical properties and determined by so called electron shells in their basically concentric electron configurations as the basis for all of chemistry.

    A general formula for the MAGIC NUMBERS of nucleonic arrangements in shells is given by the SEps-algorithm in the Unification Polynomial of M-Space in 11D, with M denoting Mother, Mirror, Magic, Membrane, Matrix, Mystery, Inverse W from M for Edward Witten, take your pick:

    ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 and the Feynman-Path-Integral T(n)+2 sets the mapping of SEps onto Super-SEps as the relative primeness of the Experience-Factors in SEps superparitive to SEps* in extension.
    SEps* in F-Space (Father or Cumrun Vafa in 12D) differs by the Fermat-Identity "2" from SEps in C-Space (Child in 10D) to denote the Union between the binary and decimal systems in: a0+b0=c0=1→2→10. {Details are found in the Francom Adjacency message}.

    Subtracting polynomial f(x) from polynomial f(x+1) for the algebraic identity n3+n+2=0, then gives 3ax2+(3a+2b)x+(a+b+c)=0 and specifying a=1/3 and b=0 and c=5/3 as coefficient solutions.

    TMagicNumbers (n) = n[n2+5]/3 for the primary and secondary series:

    Primary Series: 0,2,6,14,28,50,82,126,184,...
    Secondary Series: 0,2,{2},6,{8},14,{20},28,{42},50,{78},82,{stop command},126,...

    As 50+82=132 > 126; the magic Number for n=7; this Out-of-Order sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the periodic table of the atomic elements as consequence of fundamental principles in the specification of Lead at #82 and Bismuth-209 the last stable isotope at #83. {83=WISDOM=GNOSIS in alphanumerical gematria encodings}.

    The secondary series reflects the Fibonacci mechanism of always adding successive terms as the Experience-Factors in the 'Information gathering parameters'.

    The 2-branes of Helium-4 or alpha particles so become topological surface mappings from M-space into C-space of 4D with the added Calabi-Yau manifolds of 6D as the 'collapsed' or 'conifolded' superstring dimensions of a Conifoldment-Transformation of 3-Tori into a 3-sphere (Poincare's 3-Sphere and Riemann's Complex Sphere); root-reduced as Möbian Klein Bottle Dragon manifold in 2 dimensions.

    The quantum geometry of minimally connected surface topologies is then defoned via the SEps-Identity XY=X+Y=-1=i2=expip=cis{p} and in the 3D cystallisation of Platonic Solids in fivefolded supersymmetry across the Omnispace of the 10-11-12-12/4=1 dimensional continuum.

    We next reduce the atomic scaling to its intrinsic superstring dimension in deriving the Wavefunction of the Omniverse as a Summation of particular and potentially Individualised Seedling Universes. The Universe of the C-Space so is defined as a Protoverse and the Seed of all Seeds potentially emerging from it as phaseshifted multiverses. A minimum of Seed+Phaseshift so constitutes a Multiverse within the Omniverse.

    Renormalising the wavefunction B(n)={2e/hA}exp[-Alpha.T(n)] about the Functional Riemann-Bound FRB=-½ as maximum ordinate, defines a probability y2.dV for observing a multidimensional universe in some coordinate system characterised by a dimensionless cycletime n, however finstructured in the inverse proportionality between a linear time t and its inverse as a frequency count f=1/t.

    The Cosmic Wavefunction is the following Differential Equation:

    dB/dT + αB(n) = 0; α=alpha being the Electromagnetic Finestructure as the probability of light-matter interaction (~1/137).

    This has a solution: B(n) = Bo.exp[-α.T(n)];

    Bo=2e/hA from QR boundary conditions defining:

    T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman Path-Summation of particular histories under the pentagonal supersymmetry given in the identity:

    XY=X+Y=-1=i2=exp[iπ] and lim[n→X]{T(n)}=1

    This allows the Normalisation of the [Y]2 wavefunction to sum to unity in
    B(n)=2e/hA).exp[-α.n(n+1)] with Functional Riemann Bound FRB=-½, centred on the interval [Y,...-1,...-X,...-1/2,...(X-1),...0,...X].

    Interval [Y,-1] sets F-Space; interval [-1,0] sets M-Space with uncertainty interval [-X,(X-1)] and interval [0,n) sets the C-Space, encompassing OmniSpace.

    n<0 is imaginary as real reflection of real n>0 of the C-Space, metrically defined at the coordinate n=0 mapping n=nps, which is the instanton tps=fss=1/fps.

    Cycletime n is defined in GR as dimensionless Tau-Time in curvature radius Rc=c.dτ/dt for the pathlength of x=ct and become dn/dt=Ho, n=Hot in QR, with Ho the nodal HubbleConstant defined in c=HoRmaxps.fps.

    The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as:
    -n...-3.-2.- =T(n) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of lightpath x=c.t=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of the 4 worlds as outlined in the Machian Momentum Paper.

    Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitised in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.

    This allows the Feynman interpretation of Quantum Mechanics as alternative to the formulations of Schrödinger (fermions 1/2 spin) and Klein-Gordon (bosons of integer spin) as timeindependent and timedependent (free particle form inconsistent with SR in Schrödinger in 1st order t & 2nd order x), formulations respectively.

    The units of B(n) are 1/J, that is Inverse Energy, with A2 an algorithmic constant defining Current-Squared and 2e/h the Josephson Constant in Amperes/Joules.

    B(n) as the universal cosmic wavefunction describes the universe as a potentially infinite collection of 'frozen' wormhole- eigenstates at n=0.

    The timeinstanton 'unfreezes' one such eigenstate and activates the protoverse as discussed in the Machian Momentum Paper.
    This then allows the 'Mappings' of the C-Space 'real time n>0' from the F-Space of the 'imaginary time n<-1' under utility of the M-Space interval as 'mirror-space'.

    QR unifies electromagnetic and gravitational finestructures in F-Space using the Planck-Length-Oscillation LP.√α=e/c2 from the subtimespace.

    This yields the decisive mapping for the B(n):
    Coulomb Charge e= LP.√α.c2 ↔2Re.c2=e* (StarCoulomb Charge)

    But the StarCoulomb is Inverse Energy by definition of the vibratory part of the modular dual heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss.


    mP is the Planck-Mass and Go is the initiatory Gravitational Constant, defined in the FineStructure-Relation, which defines the Planck-Length-Oscillation in the unification of electromagnetic interactions with those of gravitational permittivity:

    Go=4πεo=1/30c with dimensionless c-ether constant [c]unified.

    As Quantum Relativity is defined in the charge mappings between the OmniSpace dimensions; F maps magnetocharges e* onto electrocharges e under agency of the 11D-Witten Mirror, which is a Onesided Surface möbian connecting 10D to 12D.
    The all encompassing source energy quantum is the Eps-Gauge Boson, which manifests as the Gauge mediator for the four elemental interactions, suppressing the weak interaction in a primary triplicity however to allow the Higgs Restmass Induction mechanism to proceed in the defining qualities of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).

    The Gamma Function (defining the factorial function), is defined for all n, except nonpositive integers as:

    G(n)=∫0{} dt = │0.1-e-∞│ + ∫0{e-t(n-1).tn-2} dt = 0 + (n-1).G(n-1) by partial integration ∫udv=uv-∫vdu with v=-e-t & dv/dt=e-t & u=tn-1 & du/dt=(n-1)tn-2

    But G(1)=∫0{e-t} dt = ∫0d{-e-t} = │e0-e-∞│=1-0=1

    Therefore, the Gamma Function defines the Factorial Function (here for positive integers):


    If we change variables in the Gamma Function in t=u2 with dt=2u.du;

    G(n) = ∫02u.exp{-u2}.u2n-2 du = 2.∫0u2n-1exp{-u2} du = 2.∫0.exp{-u2} du = ½√p for n=½

    The Integral ∫-∞exp{-r2} dr = ∫-∞exp-{x2+y2} dA = ∫-∞.∫-∞exp-{x2+y2} dx.dy = (∫-∞exp{-x2} dx).(∫-∞exp{-y2} dy)=(∫-∞exp{-x2}dx)2 =
    2p0.∫0exp{-r2}r.dr.dq = 2p.∫0exp{-r2}.r.dr = 2p.∫0-∞-½.exp{u}du = p{e0-0}=p(1-0) = p for u=-r2 with du=-2r.dr

    Therefore: ∫-∞exp{-x2}dx = 2.∫0exp{-x2}dx = √p and

    0exp{-x2}dx = ½√p = G(½)

    gauss. 325px-standard_deviation_diagram_svg.

    A graph of ƒ(x) = exp{−x2} and the area between the function and the x-axis, which is equal to √p. Dark blue is less than one standard deviation from the mean. For the normal distribution, this accounts for about 68% of the set, while two standard deviations from the mean (medium and dark blue) account for about 95%, and three standard deviations (light, medium, and dark blue) account for about 99.7%.

    A Gaussian Function is defined in: f(x) = a.exp{-[x-b]2/2c2} for some constants a,b,c and then for substitution Z=(x-b)/c√2 with dz=1/c√2.dx

    -∞exp{-z2} dz = ∫-∞exp{-(x-b)2/2c2.(1/c√2) dx = √p and for the integral to be 1, a must be 1/c√(2p) and letting b=m and c=s: a=1/s√(2p)


    The Gaussian Normal Distribution (Bell Curve), is defined as: f(x)=(1/s√(2p)).exp{-(x-m)2/2s2} with a 'Standard Deviation' s=√Variance and a 'Mean' m.

    The transformation Z=(x-m)/s normalises f(x) to f(Z) with a Mean of m=0 and a Standard Deviation s=1 for the Standard Normal Distribution Curve:
    -∞exp{-½z2} dz = √(2p)

    Comparing this to the B(n) one defines: B(n)=(2e/hA).exp{-alpha.[(n+½)22]}=(2e/hA).exp{¼.alpha}.exp{-(n+½)2/(1/alpha)} with a mean m=-½ and a variance of s2=1/2alpha and so a standard deviation s=1/√(2alpha)

    The B(n) is gaussian with the leading coefficient a={(2e/hA)exp[¼alpha]} for

    -∞exp{-½Z2} dz = √(2p)

    -∞exp{-½{[n+½]/(1/√2alpha)}2}.√2alpha dn = √(2p)

    √(alpha/p)∫-∞exp{-½([n+½].√2alpha)2} dn = 1

    √(alpha/p)∫-∞exp{-alpha.(n+½)2} dn = 1 so satisfies our renormalisation requirements for: ∫-∞exp{-½Z2} dZ = √(2p) with Z=√2alpha.(n+½) and dZ/dn=√2alpha and for the string-brane Alpha=60pe2/h = 1/137.04707... for √alpha = 0.08542... for 1/√alpha = 11.70671... Mean=FRB=m=-½ and Standard Deviation s=1/√(2alpha) = 8.27789...

    Z=1s=1 for n= -½ ± 1/√2alpha = (-8.7779; 7.7779) for two 34.13% (68.26% total) intervals in (negative) F-Space and (positive) C-Space respectively

    Z=2s=2 for n= -½ ± 2/√2alpha = (-17.0558; 16.0558), for two 47.72% (95.44% total) intervals in (negative) F-Space and (positive) C-Space respectively

    Z=3s=3 for n= -½ ± 3/√2alpha = (-25.3337; 24.3337), for two 49.87% (99.74% total) intervals in (negative) F-Space and (positive) C-Space respectively

    For the 10-dimensional C-Space: n=[0 X ∞ ):
    for n=0, Z=½√2alpha=0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41%
    for n=X, Z=½√10alpha=0.13506... and Area=0.0537 or 5.37%
    for n→∞, Z→∞ for the Area to be 50% or half of Unity as per the standard normal distribution calculus
    The C-Space encompasses a total of 0.5000-0.0241=0.4759 and so 47.59% of the total multiverse distribution

    For the 11-dimensional M-Space: n=[-1 -½ 0]:
    for n=0, Z=½√2alpha=0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41%
    for n=FRB=-½, Z=0 for the wavefunction maximum at B(-½)=exp{¼alpha}...and Area=0
    for n=-1, Z=-½√2alpha=-0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41% as the Image Symmetry for n=0

    The M-Space to encompasses an Area of 0.0482 or 4.82% of the 12-dimensional omniversal multiverse distribution

    For the 12-dimensional F-Space: n=(-∞ -Y -1]
    for n=-1, Z=-½√2alpha=-0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41% as the Image Symmetry for n=0
    for n=-Y, Z=-½√10alpha=-0.13506... and Area=0.0537 or 5.37% as the Image Symmetry for n=X
    for n→-∞, Z→-∞ for the Area to be 50% or half of Unity as per the standard normal distribution calculus
    The F-Space encompasses a total of 0.5000-0.0241=0.4759 and so 47.59% of the total multiverse distribution

    The probability of finding the FRB-fluctuation for the interval [-X,X-1] in volume element dV as the Heisenbergian Uncertainty fluctuation in the ZPE/VPE string matrix so is 4.82%.
    This volume element defines the dimensional intersection from C-space into F-space via the Mirror M-space in the topological mapping of the Complex Riemann C -Space about the Riemann Pole as the Calabi Yau Superstring space in 10 dimensions.

    The fundamental partnership between the F-Space in nimaginary and C-Space in nreal is described in redefining the volume element dV in Linespace of the real cycletime nreal=Hot by the preBig Bang string-membrane physics of the complex plane in 2 dimensions.

    The multidimensional 'mapping' between F-Space and C-Space is given by the mathematical properties of the magnetocharge e* in F-Space and the electrocharge e in C-Space:

    Coulomb Electro-Charge-Quantum = 'e' = LPlanck.c2.√(Alpha) c2(2Re) = 'e*' = Membrane Magneto-Charge-Quantum

    The Planck-Length is defined as:
    LPlanck = √(Goh/2pc3)

    for a Planck-Time in the Lightpath: LPlanck=cTPlanck in

    TPlanck=LPlanck/c = √(Goh/2pc5) = 2.0896x10-35 m*/(3x108 (ms-1)* = 6.9653x10-44 s* in string units

    The PLO or SIC relates the concept of the higher dimensional magnetocharge as the electrocharge e in the Stoney Unit e/c2=√alpha.LPlanck and the lower dimensional electrocharge relates the higher dimensional magnetocharge as Inverse SourceSink Energy Eps=1/e*=hfps to the Classical Electron scale in 2Re=DiameterElectron=e*/c2.

    The Stoney Units accentuate the Electromagnetic Nature of the Universe and so the Electromagnetic Finestructure Alpha dominates in preference to the dominance of Planck's Constant 'h' in the standard Planck Units. This is referenced in the quoted links following.
    The 'mystery' as to the nature of the higher dimensional string-membrane theories is however 'solved' in a cosmology, which allows the concept of mass content and inertia to become an emergent property from a precursive noninertial energy matrix, such as given in the postulates of Quantum Relativity.
    Here a massless 'Goldstone Gauge Bosonic' Universe of Gravita is gravitational in the Equivalence of the gravitational energy of the magneto- or colour charged bosonic photon to the inertial fermionic mass-coupled 'particle', say an electron or a nucleon.

    As all Coulomb charges in the electric lower dimensional universe are always coupled to particles carrying mass, such as fusion protons in stars like the sun; The electrocharge 'e' can be stipulated to have a higher dimensional precursor in the magnetocharge e* and where this magnetocharge remains independent from the existence of the lower dimensional inertia.
    The notion of the colour charge in quantum chromodynamics, the study and analysis of the subatomic nature of physical reality, can so be stipulated to relate to the magnetocharge in a hierarchy of 'particle families', which correspond and communicate to each other across the dimensions.

    In the F-Space of the magnetocharge, the standard photon of the electrocharge inertia-associations of the C-Space so is 'colour charged' with distinct 'particle-antiparticle' definitions; whilst in the lower dimensional manifesto, the standard photon is not colour charged and so can be its own antiparticle in the taxonomy.
    From those elementary definitions, the mass focused cosmologies can be revisited and the particle families can become redefined, with say the neutrino-antineutrino weak parity violations found to illuminate the stated postulates of Quantum Relativity or QR.

    The string-membrane definitions for the electromagnetic dominant cosmology of QR calculates the n=npresent coordinate as a MAT=Mean-Alignment-Time calibration to midnight, November 4th, 1996, local time (+11 Hours UCT/GMT).
    This MAT then defines the C-Space coordinate from the beginning of M-Space and so gives a value for the Age of the Universe in C-Space, i.e. the time since the string epoch from the Planck-Time ended in the string classes and the so called Quantum Big Bang, also here and elsewhere termed as the Weyl Membrane SourceSink Eprimary source or Eps as half of the Weyl-Oscillator EpsEss for ss=sinksource or secondary source.
    One can also name the supermembrane EpsEss as the Little Serpent Abba-Baab or the Prime Creator-Secondary Creation or some other god-antigod dyad from the F-Space of the Omniverse from the Void=Eternity becoming a cosmogony of Unity and Oneness, experiencing its own potential for separatedness as a cosmology.

    The electromagnetic true age of the universe as a protoversal seedling multiverse, so is calculated as npresent=tuniverse=npresent/Ho=19.111x109 'years' = 6.03079...x1017 seconds.

    Rewriting the mapping equation between higher D 'e*' and lower D 'e' as:

    1/c2=LPlanck√Alpha/e = 2Re/e* = 1.1111111.x10-17=1/9x1016

    e*=2Rec2 and e=LPlanck.c2.√Alpha; both have units of Volume/Time2 however and 1/t2=df/dt as the timedifferential for frequeny f=1/t and for a period T=1/2pf for an angular radius-independent velocity w=2pf.
    The latter defines the quantum spin in quantum mechanics as the angular momentum basis of h/2p.

    Quantum Relativity defines the timedifferential for frequancy as the Awareness Quantum: alphaomega=aw=│df/dt│maximum=│lim(fps-0)/(fss-0)│=│fps2│=│1/e*h│2 because of the modular duality between Eps and Ess in the coupling constants of Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2.

    The awareness quantum alphaomega=aw=│fps2│=│1/e*h│2=9x1060 then describes the Permutation count of the Planck-Time to yield the Electromagnetic True Age of the Universe (ETAU) as a simple summation of Planck times as the Integral of time over the history of the physical universe in Linespacetime:

    ETAU = TPlanck.alphaomega= √(Goh/2pc5)aw=√(Go/2pc5h3e4*)=6.26877...x1017 seconds or about 19.864..Billion years (or 19.864 Gigayears or Gy with a civil year of 365.2425 mean solar days) in string units (*).

    The ETAU, differing from the MAT in a factor 19.111/19.864=0.962 or by 3.8% so indicates that the omniverse would reach the potential for maximum self awareness 19.864 billion years after its emergence from the Void of Eternity.
    This gives a time period of about 753 million years from the present Mean-Alignment-Time.

    In adjusting the maximum alphaomega from awmax=9x1060 to awpresent=8.658x1060 then aligns the Planck-Time count to the MAT.

    Considering the Variance of the B(n) in the statistical distribution as a function of probability densities; a reassignment of the Standard Deviation for the present time would likewise adjust the ETAU to the MAT.

    The PLO=SIC=Stoney-Length modifies the Planck-Time by the factor of √Alpha=0.08542 in the Lightpath LPlanck=cTPlanck decreasing from 2.0896x10-35 m* to 1.785x10-36 m* and this reduces TPlanck to 5.95x10-45 s* by the factor of 0.08542=1/11.707. This represents a PrePlanckian quasitime as the minimum time parameter in the minimum spacetime configuration.
    Using this quasitime for the alphaomega would then reduce the ETAU to 0.08542(19.864 Gy)=1.697 Gy and so n/10 or 10% of a Hubble halfbeat.

    The Integral: ∫-∞exp{-x2}dx = 2.∫0exp{-x2}dx = √p and the Standard Deviation for this integral would be s=√Alpha=0.08542 about a renormalised mean m=0

    Generally, for some constant a, the Gaussian Integral is: ∫-∞exp{-ax2}dx = √(p/a) and for a=1.0395=1/0.962, the adjusted sadj=√(0.962Alpha)~0.08378=1/11.936.

    The B(n) is realised in any arbitrary spacetime in 'unfreezing' the M-Space 'stuck' in between the (-Y,X) coordinates as the roots and solutions of the Euler Identity X+Y=XY=-1=i2=eip and so in a sense in between the real cycletime nreal=Hot and the imaginary cycletime ni=nimaginary.
    B(n) is assigned B(npresent)=(ek)SI/(ek)* for the calibration between some measurement system, characteristic for some galactic civilisation (here a Terrestrial System Internationale or SI) and a cosmic one (where the mensuration units are integer based, such as 'c'=3x108 and 'h'=1/15x1032 and 'k'=1/15x1618 and remaining independent on physical measurement as the output from particular algorithmic data encodings as input.


    Therefore: exp{-alphaT(npresent)}=(hA/2e)(0.9753909..)=0.98253415.. and -alpha.T(npresent)=ln(0.98253415..)=-0.017620177.. and T(npresent)=(137.047072..)0.017620177..=2.414793...

    The value for the cycletimes n are therefore obtained in the solution of the quadratic:
    npresent2+npresent - 2.414793.. = 0 for roots:
    npresent = -½ ± 1.632419 for nreal=1.132419.. and nimaginary=-2.132419..

    So tpresent=npresent/Ho=nMAT/Ho=6.03079x1017 seconds in real C-Space time and for Ho=c/RHubble=c/Rmaximum for the 11-dimensional seedling protoversal Hubble-Horizon of 1.59767545...x1026 meters* or 16.876 Billion Lightyears as the n=1 coordinate of the 'Hubble Oscillation' as the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmos'.

    The imaginary F-Space time ni=Hoti so gives an Imaginary and shadowed Electromagnetic Age of the Universe in EIAU=ti=ni/Ho=1.13564x1018 s* or 35.987 Billion Years.

    The 'Unfreezing' of M-Space then allows the singularity-algorithm of the Cosmo-Genesis to manifest in what might be termed the sex-chromosomes of a cosmic DNA encoding from F-Space. This then defines a new physical quantity, termed 'Awareness' as the time differential for frequency and defines 'Consciousness' as a direct consequence from the defining qualities of the magnetocharges as a proprty of spacial awareness deriving from the occupancy of that 'space' as a quantisation of the minimum spacetime configuration defined in F-Space and mirrored in the M-Space and manifesting in mass parametric and inertia associated qualities in the C-Space in a holofractal and holographic omniverse.

    The concept of 'Life' is born and emerges from magnetopolic self inductions of quantum geometric entities defined from superbranes macrocrystallizing via C-L-Factor couplings given in the cosmo-DNA as electropolic self capacitances and magnetopolic self inductances.

    The purpose of the superbranial self replication on ever increasing scales of the modular duality between sourcesinks (White Holed Cosmic FatherMothers) and sinksources (Black Holed Cosmic MotherFathers), is to establish the multiversal holographic nestings of the smallest minimum spacetime configuration (as the Wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge of the PLO) within the largest (the Omniverse as a collection of a potentially infinite number of Multiverses, all however as phaseshifts of the Seedling Protoverse) - as the cosmogenetic beginning of it all as the 'naked singularity' of the Genesis Boson, aka the Abba-Baab selfdual master template of creation.

    Stoney Units

    In physics, the Stoney units form a system of units named after the Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney, who first proposed them in 1881. They are the first historical example of natural units, i.e. units of measurement designed so that certain fundamental physical constants serve as base units. The set of constants that Stoney used as base units is the following:
    Elementary charge, e;
    Speed of light in a vacuum, c;
    Gravitational constant, G;
    Coulomb constant, 1/(4πε0).

    This means the numerical values, in terms of Stoney units, of all these constants equal one:

    Stoney's set of base units is similar to the one used in Planck units, proposed independently by Planck thirty years later, but Planck replaced the elementary charge with the Planck constant. In Stoney units, the numerical value of Planck's constant is not 1, but is
    where α is the fine-structure constant. Planck units are more commonly used than Stoney units in modern physics, especially quantum gravity (including string theory). Rarely, Planck units are referred to as Planck-Stoney units.


    George Stoney was one of the first scientists to understand that electric charge was quantized; from this quantization he deduced the units that are now named after him. James G. O’Hara pointed out in 1974 that Stoney’s derived estimate of the unit of charge, 10−20 ampere-second, was 1⁄16 of the modern value of the charge of the electron. The reason is that Stoney used the approximated value of 1018 for the number of molecules presented in one cubic millimetre of gas at standard temperature and pressure. Using the modern values for Avogadro’s number 6.0238×1023 and for the volume of a gram-molecule (at s.t.p.) of 22.4146×106 mm3, the modern value is 2.687×1016, instead of Stoney's 1018.

    Stoney units and Planck units

    The Stoney length and the Stoney energy, collectively called the Stoney scale, are not far from the Planck length and the Planck energy, the Planck scale. The Stoney scale and the Planck scale are the length and energy scales at which quantum processes and gravity occur together. At these scales, a unified theory of physics is thus required. The only notable attempt to construct such a theory from the Stoney scale was that of H. Weyl, who associated a gravitational unit of charge with the Stoney length and who appears to have inspired Dirac’s fascination with the large number hypothesis[10]. Since then, the Stoney scale has been largely neglected in the development of modern physics, although it is occasionally discussed to this day. The Planck scale is valid for all known interactions, and does not give prominence to the electromagnetic interaction, as the Stoney scale does.

    George Johnstone Stoney

    George Johnstone Stoney
    Born15 February 1826
    Oakley Park, Birr, County Offaly, Ireland, United Kingdom
    Died5 July 1911 (aged 85)
    Notting Hill, London, England, United Kingdom
    ResidenceIreland, England
    InstitutionsQueen's College Galway, Queen's University of Ireland
    Alma materTrinity College, Dublin
    Known forThe Stoney scale, Electron
    InfluencedJ. J. Thomson
    George Johnstone Stoney (15 February 1826 – 5 July 1911) was an Anglo-Irish physicist. He is most famous for introducing the term electron as the "fundamental unit quantity of electricity". He had introduced the concept, though not the word, as early as 1874 and 1881, and the word came in 1891. He published around 75 scientific papers during his lifetime.

    Education and employment positions

    Stoney was born at Oakley Park, near Birr, County Offaly, in the Irish Midlands, in an old-established Anglo-Irish family. He attended Trinity College, Dublin, graduating with a B.A. in 1848. From 1848 to 1852 he worked as an astronomy assistant to William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse at Birr Castle, County Offaly, where Parsons had built the world's largest telescope, the 72-inch Leviathan of Parsonstown. Simultaneously Stoney continued to study physics and mathematics and was awarded an M.A. by Trinity College Dublin in 1852.

    From 1852 to 1857 he was professor of physics at Queen's College Galway. From 1857 to 1882 he was employed as Secretary of the Queen's University of Ireland, an administrative job based in Dublin. In the early 1880s he moved to the post of superintendent of Civil Service Examinations in Ireland, a post he held until his retirement in 1893. In that year, he took up residence in London. Stoney died in 1911 at his home in Notting Hill, London. During his decades of non-scientific employment responsibilities in Dublin, Stoney continued to do scientific research on his own. He also served for decades as honorary secretary and then vice-president of the Royal Dublin Society, a scientific society modelled after the Royal Society of London, and after his move to London Stoney served on the council of that society too. Additionally he intermittently served on scientific review committees of the British Association for the Advancement of Science from the early 1860s on.

    Stoney's scientific output

    Stoney published seventy-five scientific papers in a variety of journals, but chiefly in the journals of the Royal Dublin Society. He made significant contributions to cosmic physics and to the theory of gases. He estimated the number of molecules in a cubic millimetre of gas, at room temperature and pressure, from data obtained from the kinetic theory of gases. Stoney's most important scientific work was the conception and calculation of the magnitude of the "atom of electricity". In 1891, he proposed the term 'electron' to describe the fundamental unit of electrical charge, and his contributions to research in this area laid the foundations for the eventual discovery of the particle by J.J. Thomson in 1897.

    He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in June 1861 on the basis of being the author of papers on "The Propagation of Waves," – "On the Rings seen in Fibrous Specimens of Calc Spar," and Molecular Physics, published in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, et cetera, Distinguished for his acquaintance with the science of Astronomy & General Physics.

    The Stoney scale

    Contemporary physics has settled on the Planck scale as the most suitable scale for a unified theory. The Planck scale was, however, anticipated by George Stoney. Like Planck after him, Stoney realized that large-scale effects such as gravity and small-scale effects such as electromagnetism naturally imply an intermediate scale where physical differences might be rationalized. This intermediate scale comprises units (Stoney scale units) of mass, length, time etc., yet mass is the cornerstone.

    The Stoney mass mS (expressed in contemporary terms):


    where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, e is the elementary charge and G is the gravitational constant, and where α is the fine-structure constant and mP is the Planck mass.

    Like the Planck scale, the Stoney scale functions as a symmetrical link between microcosmic and macrocosmic processes in general and yet it appears uniquely oriented towards the unification of electromagnetism and gravity . Thus for example whereas the Planck length is the mean square root of the reduced Compton wavelength and half the gravitational radius of any mass, the Stoney length is the mean square root of the 'electromagnetic radius' (see Classical electron radius) and half the gravitational radius of any mass, m:

    Under the Unification Identity between Gravitation and Electromagnetism in their gauged and dimensionless finestructures in QR, namely G=4pe0 and so the Stoney-Length reduces to e/c2=√Alpha.LPlanck and so harmonizes the Planck Units with the Stoney Units.

    where stoney6. is the reduced Planck's constant and c is the speed of light. It should be noted however that these are only mathematical constructs since there must be some practical limit to how small a length can get. If the Stoney length is the minimum length then either a body's electromagnetic radius or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility, since one of these must be smaller than the Stoney length. If Planck length is the minimum then either a body's reduced Compton wavelength or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility since one of these must be smaller than the Planck length. Moreover, the Stoney length and Planck length cannot both be the minimum length.

    According to contemporary convention, Planck scale is the scale of vacuum energy, below which space and time do not retain any physical significance. This prescription mandates a general neglect of the Stoney scale within the scientific community today. Previous to this mandate, Hermann Weyl made a notable attempt to construct a unified theory by associating a gravitational unit of charge with the Stoney length. Weyl's theory led to significant mathematical innovations but his theory is generally thought to lack physical significance.


    The woman Stoney married was one of his cousins. They had two sons and three daughters. For most of his decades in Dublin, Stoney resided in the Dundrum, Dublin neighbourhood. The street that he lived on was later re-named Stoney Road in his memory. After Stoney died in London, his cremated ashes were buried in Dundrum, Dublin.

    One of Stoney's sons, George Gerald Stoney, was a scientist. But a more scientifically notable relative was Stoney's nephew, the Dublin-based physicist George FitzGerald (1851–1901). Stoney and FitzGerald were in regular communication on scientific matters. In addition, on political matters, both Stoney and FitzGearld were active opponents of the Irish Home Rule Movement. In their political opinion, the spirit of Irish Home Rule and later Irish nationalism was contrary to the spirit of science. Stoney resigned from his job as Secretary of Queen's University of Ireland in 1882 in objection to a government decision to introduce "sectarianism" into the system; i.e., Stoney wanted to keep the system non-denominational, but the government acceded to Irish Catholic demands for Catholic institutions.

    Craters on Mars and the Moon are named in his honour.


    X=½(√5-1)=0.618033..... and Y=-(X+1)=-½(√5+1)=-1.618033...

    -X(X-1)=0.236067... in analogue to X(X+1)=1=T(n) and XY=X+Y=-1=i2 as the complex origin.

    But 0.236067..=X3, so defining the 'New Unity' as #3=Alpha and the precursive unity as the Cuberoot of Alpha or as # in the symmetry #:#3 = SNI:EMI = Strong Nuclear Interaction Strength { ElectroMagnetic Interaction Strength.

    The Strong-Interaction-Constant SIC=√Alpha=√e2/2eohc=√(60pe2/h) in standard and in string units, reduces the SNI finestructure constant # by a factor Alpha1/6. that is in the sixth root of alpha and so relates the SIC at the post quantisation level as # to the prequantum epoch as SIC=√Alpha=#3/2.

    The SNI is therefore so 11.7 times weaker at the XL-Boson 'Grand-Unification-Time' SEW.G of heterotic superstring class HO(32), than at the EpsEss timeinstantenuity S.EW.G of the superstring of the Quantum Big Bang in heterotic class HE(8x8) {this is the stringclass of Visi in the group theories}.
    This then is the Bosonic Gauge Coupling between superstrings HO(32) and HE(8x8).

    The coupling between superstrings IIA (ECosmic and manifesting the cosmic rays as superstring decay products) and IIB (Magnetic Monopole) derives directly from the B(n), with B(n=0)=Jo=2e/hA = 0,9927298 1/J* or 6.2705x109 GeV* and representative of the ECosmic stringclass and the superhigh energy resonances in the cosmic ray spectrum, bounded in the monopolic resonance limit of 2.7x1016 GeV*.

    1-Jo=0.00727021 approximates rg/r10c2=4/550=0.007272... approximates Alpha at n=nps.

    The Unity of the SNI transforms to [1-X]=X2 and the EMI transforms as the Interaction of Invariance from X to X.
    The Weak Nuclear Interaction or WNI as X2 becomes [1+X]=1/X and the Gravitational Interaction or GI transforms as X3 transforms to [2+X]=1/X2 by MODULAR SYMMETRY between X and Alpha and the encompassing Unification Unity: [1-X][X][1+X][2+X] = 1.

    This Unification Polynomial U(u)=u4+2u3-u2-2u+1 = 0 then has minimum roots (as quartic solutions) at the Phi=X and the Golden Mean Y=-(1+X).

    This sets the coupling between SNI and EMI as X; the coupling between EMI and WNI becomes X2 and the coupling between WNI and GI then is again X.
    The general Force-Interaction-Ratio so is: SNI:EMI:WNI:GI = #:#3:#18:#54.

    This is the generalisation for the cubic transform: x→x3 with the Alpha-Unity squaring in the functionality of the WNI and defining G-Alpha as Alpha18 in the Planck-Mass trasforming in string bosonic reduction to a basic fundamental nucleonic mass (proton and neutrons as up-down quark conglomerates and sufficient to construct a physical universe of measurement and observation):

    mc=mplanck Alpha9 from the electromagnetic string unification with gravitation in the two dimensionless finestructures:

    For Gravitational Mass Charge from higher D Magnetic Charge: 1=2pG.mplanck2/hc

    For Electromagnetic Coulomb Charge as lower D Electric Charge: Alpha=2pke2/hc

    Alpha as the universal masterconstant of creation, then becomes defined via the Riemann Analysis from XY=i2 definition, reflecting in modulation in the statistical renormalisation of the B(n) as the probability distributions in quantum wave mechanics however.U(u) has its maximum at u=-½=FRB for U(-½)=25/16=(5/4)2 for the B(n) supersymmetry.

    The derivation of the HBRMI draws upon this definition process and sets the coupling angle as arcsin(X/@) for a Unitary 'Force' @=(#fG).cfpsE-Alpha/Alpha and with the electron mass replacing the fundamental nucleonmass mc in the definition of E-Alpha.

    A little bit 'heavy going' Brook, I realise the complexities and the jargon used is unfamiliar to most readers, not accustomed with some major scientific labelings and nomenclature. And there is NO NEED for you or anyone perusing this data, to understand its details. But I put this here, so you can see a way in which the 'Sacred Geometry' is intrinsic to the workings of the universe.

    The 'sacred geometry' so is indeed not some aesthetic invention of the Greeks or some metaphysical ancestors, but can be called the 'tools and patterns' used by Mother Nature herself. This I have attempted to illustrate here with some foundations of the 'Dragon Omni-Science' also known as 'Quantum Relativity' and so building upon the postulates and premises of both Special Relativity of the microworlds and the General Relativity of the macrocosmos, building upon Newton's classical mechanics and Maxwell's classical electromagnetism, building upon the natural philosophers of antiquity and so on and on to the Logos and the Sophia of all the Worlds.

    And btw, you will not find this information in any mainstream or alternative media.
    It is, as I have claimed from the beginning on the old PA forum, which I joined on December 25th, 2009; unique as a Thuban data stream.
    I have published a number of papers, such as this one on the nature of Physical Consciousness and also here on this forum at, but this information is for a New World in Coccon and not for the Old World, which still dominates the present paradigms of the existence of the collective human groupmind.

    The first page of this link defines the basic formulations - in the Fibonacci Series X+Y=XY=-1.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Dear Founders!

    I was highly impressed with your reevaluation and exposure of the 'global warming' UN agenda. This work was based on the scientific evidence regarding the astrophysics of the sun within the local starsystem, focused on the planet earth.
    On further investigations I looked at the premises of your website and it is because of this, I am writing to you here.

    There is a fundamental 'missing link' in your scientific model relating to the relationship between gravity (and with it your views on Standard Cosmology) and electromagnetism.
    This 'omission' relates to the elementary finestructures linking those quantum interactions in the labels of Planck and Stoney.

    Stoney in a most basic way so foresaw the physical reality of the 'electromagnetic universe', but his 'foundation physics' became rejected for the mainstream Planckian definition.
    So should you be able to incorporate the basic physics of Stoney (mensuration units) into your basic model of the 'Thunderbolt Project'; you could discover and evolve the necessary paradigm change in physics you are espousing.

    The following link will provide you with some necessary detail to further your agenda, which then could easily incorporate the Quantum Big Bang Cosmology with Inflation (which was BEFORE the 'Planck Weyl' singularity event), Curvature gravitation, the holographic universe in both de Sitter and anti de Sitter multidimensional membrane cosmology; yet based on an electromagnetic quantum geometric foundation preceding not following the gravitational standard model.

    In summary the concept of gravitation caused by spacetime curvature has a precursor, which is electromagnetic.


    Susan Schirott <>

    12:13 AM (2 hours ago)

    to Tony

    Hi Tony,

    Thanks for your message. I sent it on to Wal Thornhill, who is working on the gravity and EM issue right now. We are all at the EU2016 conference now so there is not guarantee that you will hear back from Wal. But I do know he reads all his emails.

    Ever Onward,
    Susan Schirott
    Communication Director
    The Thunderbolts Project

    Subject: Fundamental Redefinition of 'The Thunderbols Project'
    Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:45:25 +0000

    thunderbolts.infoA voice for the Electric Universe
    From: Tony Bermanseder
    ***via Thunderbolts site contact form***
    Subject: Fundamental Redefinition of 'The Thunderbols Project'

    Message Body:
    Dear Founders!

    I was highly impressed with your reevaluation and exposure of the 'global warming' UN agenda. This work was based on the scientific evidence regarding the astrophysics of the sun within the local starsystem, focused on the planet earth.
    On further investigations I looked at the premises of your website and it is because of this, I am writing to you here.
    There is a fundamental 'missing link' in your scientific model relating to the relationship between gravity (and with it your views on Standard Cosmology) and electromagnetism.
    This 'omission' relates to the elementary finestructures linking those quantum interactions in the labels of Planck and Stoney.
    Stoney in a most basic way so foresaw the physical reality of the 'electromagnetic universe', but his 'foundation physics' became rejected for the mainstream Planckian definition.
    So should you be able to incorporate the basic physics of Stoney (mensuration units) into your basic model of the 'Thunderbolt Project'; you could discover and evolve the necessary paradigm change in physics you are espousing.
    The following link will provide you with some necessary detail to further your agenda, which then could easily incorporate the Quantum Big Bang Cosmology with Inflation (which was BEFORE the 'Planck Weyl singularity event), Curvature gravitation, the holographic universe in both de Sitter and anti de Sitter multidimensional membrane cosmology; yet based on an electromagnetic quantum geometric foundation preceding not following the gravitational standard model.
    In summary the concept of gravitation caused by spacetime curvature has a precursor, which is electromagnetic.


    This mail is sent via contact form on
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016

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