The 12 Lost Tribes Of Israel - John Dagent

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 13, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The different races were made separately from Ha Adam the first man
    and the 12 Lost Tribes of the house of Israel.

    Eve is said to have been created from Adams Rib.

    What that means is Eve was created from Adams CURVED DNA HELIX.

    Using the word rib was the best way the translators could explain
    what the manuscripts were saying so that the lesson could transcend thousands
    of generations of understanding.

    The 12 lost tribes of the Israelites are Caucasian.

    That is how the Bible explains it when you study

    the translations from the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

    of the Bible where you find the Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek,

    translations of every single word that is present in the King James version of the Bible.

    The best thing I can do is give you the tools you need to do the biblical research for yourself.

    The following link is a chapter by chapter and verse by verse bible study of Gods Word.

    This particular link covers The book of Genesis.

    It's best to have a King James Bible with you to follow along with during this in depth Bible study lecture.


    This Bible study lecture starts at Genesis chapter 1 Verse 1, and continues on chapter by chapter,
    and verse by verse, until the end of the book of Genesis at chapter 50 verse 1 until it's finished.

    It will be much better for you to perform this Bible study with a doctor of the Christian Ministry
    then to have me explain it to you in the limited amount of characters that are allotted to us
    by the Gab program.

    You are right. No male and female Caucasian husband and wife ever gave birth to a black child.

    Black male and female husbands and wives give birth to black children.

    The same is true for all the races.

    The story of Noah starts in the Garden of Eden with the original sin.

    Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is actually having sexual intercourse
    with the Serpent Satan.

    This is called The Serpent Seed Doctrine that is documented in The Holy Bible.

    But many Christian denominations argue over this doctrine that is clearly documented in the Bible.

    Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel.

    Cain and Abel were TWINS.

    But they both had different fathers.

    Cain is the offspring of the Serpent Satan and Abel's father is Adam.

    Cain is known to be the first KENITE.

    A half breed hybrid who is half human being and half fallen angelic being.

    It is Cain's progeny who are the reason why God flooded the Earth.

    Cain's line was actually invited into the Ark as per Gods instructions when God said to Noah
    "And of every living thing OF ALL FLESH, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark,
    to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
    Genesis ch.6 v.19

    The Kenites are FLESH BODY BEINGS.

    They walked into the Ark by invitation. So are all the flesh body beings of all the different races.

    They were all represented on the Ark as per Gods instructions to Noah.

    The incorrect ideology that Noah, his wife, Noah's sons, and their wives,
    were the only flesh body beings on the Ark is a misnomer.

    To better explain this to you I'm going to (again) in all good faith link you
    to more bible study lectures that delve far deeper into these facts than I can here.

    Genesis Lecture: Serpent Seed Doctrine Part 1


    Genesis Lecture: Serpent Seed Doctrine Part 2


    The Kenites


    Genesis Chapter 4: Two Seedline Doctrine


    Gen 4 1 5 24 off spring of Cain Satan's Seed


    The Nephilim (fallen angels) Shepherd's Chapel Pastor Arnold Murray


    The Cain Satanic Seed Line (Pastor Bertrand Lewis Camparet)


    The Kenite Files Episode 101: Who Are The Sons Of Cain?


    With the Tower of Babel the Tower definitely could have worked. I

    t's base was in a huge valley and it was miles in length and width.

    One of the most important lessons (in my estimation) of the Tower of Babel
    is when God basically told the Angels (I'm paraphrasing)

    "Now everything they can think of they can make manifest."

    The Tower was designed by The Kenites to reach up to the Firmament Dome
    that encloses the Earth.

    Which means that the Bible most certainly does teach that the Earth is fixed, flat,
    and immovable, the Earth is built on pillars and doesn't spin at 1000 MPH.

    While hurtling itself through so called space at many many more thousands of miles per hour.

    Heliocentric Earth is a Free Masonic deception that Nicolaus Copernicus (a Free Mason)
    claimed to observe in his studies of the stars.

    NASA has supposedly proven the Heliocentric model claiming to have gone to the moon
    which is also a Free Masonic Lie.

    Take care. JD


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