
Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 7, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa 1024

    "Shamballa 1024" By June Stephansen
    The Golden Gates of Conscious Expansion
    Welcome all who are here at this time of Great Change.
    The 11:11 2004 was the hardest hurdle of Gates to make it through
    but I see that many of you made it.
    There was much turmoil in your Beingness preceding the Gate closing. Many of you unloaded baggage atthe door. A very hard thing to do is to let go of the old energies and leave it behind. Youcannot move forward carrying the last negative lower vibrational energies around whenmoving into Euphoric Energies. The two just don't mix. You now have moved into anemotional consciousness transition of the 5 D where all things are to change or Manifestinto Creation. You are Human Creators who can manifest and make a new 5 D world riselike a Butterfly who came out of the cocoon from which it lay dormant. I ask that you all be creators of your world for which you live. Dream the Dream, Live the Dream. It isonly by your conscious effort that things will manifest themselves- your belief inyourselves and your future on this Star Planet you call Earth. Your caring ness of your brothers and sisters of humankind, come together in the I Am as like minded people andset examples for others to follow. You the Lightworkers and Starseeds are the ones toshow others of the human population the way to becoming "One with All that Is". Onewith the Creator, one with the Universe, you the Starseeds and Lightworkers are to set theexample for others to follow. For many of you, your Missions are about ready to begin.For many of you have been doing your Missions already. For some of you have beenmoaning and groaning about what it is that you will be doing- don't worry so much aboutit .for your time is coming very soon to start the work you were sent here to do.There will be many Gate crossings in the near future. It is important that each and everyone of you cross. No matter how difficult situations seem at that moment, uplift "You"into making it through the Gate, for all future Gate crossings are crucial at this time. Fortime is growing shorter and you are growing more and more aware of who you are andfor where you came, don't let small things get you down. Seek out help when you need itand get the help you require in releasing the old energies. You cannot get through theGates with pent up negative low vibrational energies or Karma left over from this life and past lives. There are many groups out there to assist in the Ascension process. It is up toyou to do the work. It is required you do the work.The Golden TrianglesThe Golden Triangles that appear in pictures and in you head and sometimes placed in

    your hand by your Guide are the Gates of consciousness. These are the Doorways somany have written about in their writings. The Gates open and close at least 6 times ayear. The Gates appear as 8:8 the Lions Gate, 11:11 the Consciousness Gate .when youmove forward again and another Veil is lifted. 11:11 is a major Gate and so are all theGates for they all have a special meaning to many of you at any given time of yourgrowth. The 11:11 Gate is also important that many of you will get a new Guide, for aShift in your Consciousness has manifested itself and a new Guide or Guides may comeforward to work with you for a few months, or many months, in some cases for manyyears. New Guides come and go when there is a Gate opening and closing. Some of youmay notice that the 8:8 Lions Gate is the usual Gate for your new Guide to appear .think back about this .have you noticed particularly you get a new Guide it is at this particularGate or is it the 11:11? It has to do with the numbers that appear all the time in front ofyou .those numbers that appear very often, so many times. And these numbers have manymeanings too! Like be ready for change .new Guide .makes sense!The Golden Triangles - Add up to the MerkabaWhen all these Gate Triangles manifest themselves in your Consciousness they becomethe final destination called the Merkaba. This is what YOU all are working up too! Manytimes you will see these in line drawings or Art created by the Artists who can see intoother dimensions. These drawings may have a sub-conscious impact on you later downthe line. But you may fine yourselves drawn to the Art which in many cases is Geometryin motion. You can actually see the Art or Geometry change its shape to what it is thatyou require for it to work in your consciousness. And it is at this time the Art takes shapein your mind. It becomes the tool for progression in your human DNA changes anduplifting you into a higher consciousness that you seek. When you are ready you moveforward again. This is done in increments so that the human body is allowed for theadjustments required and the right amount of time for the changes to take place. All ingood Time!Symbols Placed in your handsThere are many meanings for Symbol(s) manifestations:1) A symbols placed in the hand can signify that the new Guide is connecting to you- asort of initiation of energies bonding.2) Receiving a symbol placed in your hand from a Galactic Loved one or family member.Many of you have Galactic families that you connect with on occasion- sometimes youare given your Galactic name in a symbol(s) laid in your hands. Seek out and find the

    meaning.3) New healing symbols may be placed in your hand as a gift from the Guide for whichyou do healing through. This may happen several times to you over a course of a fewmonths or years.4) You may receive a Healing symbol that is meant for you personally to heal or connectwith a healing energy.5) Sometimes many of you have symbols placed in your heads by your Guide(s) and youneed to be activated. You will be activated at the right time. New GuidesMany of you will have Guides come and go. some of you will have a Guide assigned toyou form many years and even a lifetime. The important thing to remember is to be opento the new Guide coming in. The new Guide is there for a short period of time to help youin your growth and Consciousness Expansion. Allow them to work with you and helpyou move forward. Many of you will feel abandonment but this is because a Guide hasleft and a new one is coming in. This usually happens around the Gate openings andclosings. It does take time for the Guide to release you and for the new guide to connect.The Guides do this through energies and it is called Resonating Energies or ResonatingVibrations. The releasing and the connecting is a process that is gradual for many and asyou go up in your Vibration it becomes a quick process of connecting and releasing. Youshould focus on connecting with these new energies as quickly as possible.Join groups that resonate with you!Join groups that resonate with who you are and what you are all about. If the Vibrationlevel of the Group feels right to you- get involved. The energies of a group are too muchfor you to integrate; I suggest you move on to another group that feels more like yourkind of energies. Many times Groups have different energy levels. It is hard to cope withthe different levels when you are trying to focus on moving up in your vibration. If thecurrent group you are in is a lower vibration, it may not feel good for you to stay. Youmay have to move on. It is a conscious decision but in the long run it will be the bestdecision for you and your growth. When you see friction in groups, this is the bestidentifiable way of seeing different vibrational energy levels repel each other. It does notmean everyone is in disarray .it just means that the energies are very different andsomething has to give. You either move on or just let it go and ignore it. Discernment ofthese kinds of energies that are overlapping is a hard thing to do. The approach is usually

    The symbols of Energies of the Light
    These Symbols are to activate the client’s Healing DNA by putting the symbolson your forehead from your mind (Healer). Touch the forehead or 3
    eye of thehuman or animal with your fingertips of right hand gently. Then telepathicallytransfer these symbols to their 3
    eye of the client. If you are doing a mini-attunement by phone…touch the symbol and then touch your third eye during themini-attunement at the very beginning.Then begin the mini-attunement of the “Healing Symbols” with the human oranimal client.The Symbols shown are to “Lock In” the “Healing Symbols” into the client’s body.These symbols will activate the DNA to accept the Shamballa symbols tobalance the body out during the mini-attunement. The Symbols will override theexisting carbon base DNA present in the client’s body. These Symbols will allowthe “Healing Symbols” to go to the core of the client’s “Beingness”. The Symbolswill also allow the DNA to start the DNA recoding process if it has not startedalready. Over time you will have memorized these symbols and they willalways be released into the client’s prior to the beginning of the mini-attunementswither in person or over the phone.
    Now for the Good Stuff:
    These symbols will stop any other Healing Modality from disrupting any of themini-attunement of the “Healing Symbols” of the Shamballa 1024. The goodthing is no one will be able to tamper with your work. Western medicine in theform of drugs, vaccines or flu shots or anything like that cannot manipulate any ofthe work you have put into place. It is safe from corruption. It is safe from anyother form of Healing Modality that is administered as a secondary healingapplication. Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Vogel Crystal Healing, CrystalHealing in other forms, Laying of the Hands, Acupuncture, and etc for this list cango on forever. Ascended Master St Germaine came to me one night in my sleep and put theseinto my head. I then transferred them to paper per Joelle’s request and sentthem out to the Shamballa 1024 healers. Many clients will see these symbolswhen they are given telepathically during a mini-attunement.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa is an ancient energy channeled by healers in Atlantis
    and recorded by early Tibetan civilizations.

    It describes a place of perfection, where love, harmony and balance exist in all dimensions and all realities.

    It is also the place in time and space where all the rays of Creation reside;
    including the higher energies of those we call the Ascended Masters.

    These Higher Beings have transcended the need to reincarnate
    and now devote themselves to supporting humanity through their Light and Love without condition or judgement.

    With their help, we can realize our boundless potential
    and become the amazing multi-dimensional beings we truly are.

    We can learn to let go of fear and step into our own power, creating ‘heaven on earth’, right now!

    We use the energies of Mother-Father Source.

    Shamballa is working with the ascended masters and violet flame.

    It brings us self empowerment by helping us see the light within
    and understanding that we are all in this together.

    What affects others affects us and visa versa.
    Why take a Shamballa Workshop/Attunement?

    • The benefits of taking Shamballa is for ourselves to grow and heal.
    • It is an energy of a higher consciousness and higher dimension.
    • The focus of Shamballa is empowerment.
    • This comes from first loving ourselves unconditionally
    • and acknowledging that we are all created from the same Source/God energy and are equally magnificent beings.
    • The Shamballa energy is both healing and empowering.
    • The Attunements transmit the 13 different Shamballa multi-dimensional energies to the DNA of the receiver.
    • The 352 Shamballa symbols are automatically integrated and will be transmitted, as appropriate,
    • when the person being attuned begins to heal someone.
    • The person being healed will automatically select the symbols/energy they need.
    • This is done out of the conscious mind by their ‘I Am Presence’.
    • Shamballa teaches how to move energy by intent.
    • There is no need to learn and reproduce symbols, you just believe, intend and it happens!
    • Here on earth, we are working with 4th Dimensional energy.
    • Shamballa gives you the higher energies of all 12 Dimensions
    • plus the 13th – the key which opens all other dimensions which already exist or are yet to be created!
    How much does it cost?
    Shamballa Level’s 1-3 is $150 for each level and level 4 is $300.
    After level 4 you will need to practice

    for 6 months before teaching Shamalla.

    Shamballa Unity Connections School - Crystal Rainbows

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    &e. They are infused directly into one%sactivated Mer#aba 'ields ()ightbody*. +ne%s  !M -resence wor#s with the  !M -resence of theShamballa facilitator when this infusion ta#es "lace, during an initiation attended by many !scended Masters and elestial /eings.The 352 symbols are im"lanted into the activated )ightbody of the Shamballa Master over thecourse of 0 attunements. They are intelligent, and are coded to match "articular rece"tors in the)ightbody. They 1#now where to go, so to s"ea#, and line u" in s"ecific locations.)ater, when a facilitator does Shamballa healing, they reuest the assistance of various !scended Masters and elestial /eings that the facilitator wor#s with. 4uring the healing, whena s"ecific symbol is needed, the symbol may a""ear to the facilitator or is sim"ly used by the)ight /eings who are wor#ing with the facilitator.Symbols may be viewed as light "ac#ets or energy "ac#ets or vibrational "ac#ets  condensedenergy of the whole, a "re6"ac#aged condensed energy which will stay in the field of the healeemuch longer without needing constant intention from the facilitator to hold the healing energythere. They are tools. They do not have to be activated or energi&ed, as they are alreadyvibrating.7emember, a healer is really a facilitator of a healing "rocess, a channeler of energy. Thehealing is actually done by the "erson receiving the energy. The healer can use a variety of toolsto facilitate the healing "rocess.Since the symbols are multidimensional, meaning that they e8ist in many dimensionssimultaneously, it is im"ossible to truly #now what they loo# li#e. Most as"ects of the symbols arebeyond the range of our sensory systems. n addition, they are in constant motion, vibrating souic#ly that we can not fully gras" an image. 4o not be concerned about their a""earance. 9oumay see them as little lights or hear them humming. f you are aware of symbols during a healingor attunement, :ust allow them to flow through you into the client%s energy bodies.
    Stone, 4r. ;oshua 4avid,
    Cosmic Ascension
    , )ight Technology -ublishing, Sedona, !< =>33?,$??@,". 2. He also mentions this conce"t in his other !scension series volumes, but the most com"letediscussion is this one.

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Shamballa Reiki or Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing is a complete energy healing system.

    Introduction to Shamball Reiki

    Developed by the great spiritual teacher John Armitage
    (a.k.a. Hari Das Melchizedek), it is used for personal healing
    and spiritual development.

    Armitage claimed to have received these clairvoyant instructions from the Ascended Master Saint Germain.
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    This spiritual practice was used by him during his incarnation as a priest in the Atlantean healing temples.

    These energies were hen channelled by Armitage.
    The individuals of Atlantis believed that they had access to twenty-two symbols or energy frequencies.
    However, Saint Germain told Armitage that Earth’s vibration was high enough to infuse the whole system of three hundred and fifty-two symbols into ourselves to assist the ascension and healing of Lady Gaia. these multi-dimensional energy frequencies and symbols are directly infused into an individual’s energy fields by Shamballa teachers/masters.
    This ancient healing system is still used by Shamballa masters to heal their disciples/students. The attunements open you to receive through your higher self up to three hundred and fifty-two etheric symbols.
    These symbols are revealed in the form of meditation, healing or even sometimes in a dream state; one for each dimensional level between the creator energy and the individual.
    These symbols are keys that open the gateway to these wonderful dimensional frequencies. The symbols are revealed to you as their needs arise.
    Shamballa recognizes the I Am Presence or the Mahatma Energy which is a link to Divinity that is expressed in a feeling, living and deep knowledge of the connection that is Oneness with all life.

    Understanding Shamballa Reiki

    Shamballa is based on a popular belief that all individuals have been attuned to Reiki in the past and this ability can be awakened again in order to heal the world and benefit mankind.
    Therefore, the principles of Reiki which were introduced by Mikaomi Usui in the 20th century are combined with the principles of Shamballa i.e. the ancient metaphysical teaching with its roots in India and Tibet.
    Since Shamballa operates on a higher vibrational plane, it enables faster energy transfers at high intensity.
    It helps you connect or re-connect with the fullest expression of your being. This enables you to experience fulfilment in all spheres of your life such as career, relationship, finance, health, etc.


    An expanded range of Reiki energies that are used in Usai Reiki is used in Shamballa Reiki. Shamballa energy helps you access a greater frequency range of Reiki energy for all-round healing.

    Usui Reiki

    It is a simple technique that involves laying hands to transfer energy by attuning to the life energy. The name of this technique is derived from the Japanese words “Rei” that means “the wisdom of God” and “Ki” that means “life force energy”. It cannot be taught in a usual manner and is, therefore “attuned” by the Reiki teacher.
    Shamballa Reiki is no different. It is passed on to the student by his/her master in a similar manner. It can be understood as plugging a bulb to a socket because the dormant energies begin to flow freely.
    Shamballa Reiki practitioners consider Shamballa Reiki a better and more powerful technique than Usui Reiki. The reason is simple: practitioners of Usui Reiki use a fixed pattern of hand movements.
    On the other hand, practitioners of Shamballa Reiki encourage their students to let the energy flow freely and reach wherever it is needed.
    They firmly believe that Shamballa healing energies that were transmitted by St Germain enable a more powerful and direct connection to the divine healing power and therefore provide a profound and intense experience for the individual.

    I Am Presence/Mahatma Energy

    It can be explained as “one with all” or “all is one” energy. It is that energy that identifies and acknowledges that the student is the source as well as the source at the same time. Oneness can be found in the student and it is not separate from the higher source because the student is the source.
    In a lot of ways, I am Presence energy is the energy of ascension where the student knows that he/she is the one with all. These energies greatly benefit during raising your ascension and vibration, psychic development or multi-dimensional healing.

    Levels of Shamballa Reiki

    Level I

    This level enables you to heal yourself as well as healing others.

    Level II

    It enables you to transfer healing energies to distant places or people.

    Level III

    It adds more symbols that enable you to start attuning Shamballa Reiki to Level I students.

    Level IV

    This is the teacher/master level and is attained once the individual receives all the three hundred and fifty-two symbols. It enables you to attune students of all four levels of Shamballa Healing.

    Level V (Shamballa 1024)

    Letting go of negative and old energies can be difficult as the turmoil in our Beingness brings a lot of baggage. An individual moves into ann emotional consciousness transition where all manifest or change into creation.
    It can be understood as a butterfly evolving from a cocoon. This 5D level helps you dream and more importantly, live that dream. The individual becomes a Starseed and a Lightworker and can teach others how to become “All is One That is”.
    The individual often feels new guides come and go. These guides help them grow in a conscious expansion (for a shorter period of time) to help connect with new energies. This system (surprisingly) works with both animals as well as humans.
    Shamballa 1024 comprises of 4 systems that activate an individual’s healing DNA to balance its body. It helps in overriding the existing carbon-based DNA present in the body to allow a DNA recoding process.
    This system is widely used to aid an individual’s ascension process, enable them o work with their third eye, raise their vibrational frequency, remove krama from their past lives and release negative or old energies.

    Level VI (Shamballa Unity Unified)

    This system combines both Shamballa 1024 and Shamballa Reiki allowing all the symbols to work as one.
    The unified Shamballa Symbol is believed to be a gift from Saint Germain.
    An individual can feel when he is ready for his attunement for this unified symbol.
    It carries the energies of the 11 i.e. the beginning of the Master Energies. This reflects an energy that’s available to uplift and inspire humanity. It also reflects a great amount of self-understanding with a clear ability to see through emotional experiences to the truth within.

    A Session of Shamball Reiki

    You can sit comfortably on the floor or a chair or even lie on a table. During the session, your teacher/practitioner might or might not lay hands on you.
    Most people report feeling a range of physical sensations such as heat or tingling. Some people also report strange impressions or thoughts.
    Shamballa Reiki explains these sensations as freeing the spiritual, physical and emotional blockages and replacing them with the healing life force.
    You will feel the difference after one session itself since most people report feeling refreshed and relaxed. Some people also report feeling free from illness and relief from pain.
    Attunements for individuals who wish to become a Shamballa Reiki teacher/master are usually conducted in a class. These classes generally focus on traditional healing methods such as Qi Gong, meditation practices and energy work.
    You do not need to have any prior experience in the field of healing arts or meditation. These classes are available wherever there is a qualified teacher to offer them.
    Tags: Levels of Shamballa ReikiShamballaShamballa Reikishamballa reiki attunementsShamballa Reiki LevelsShamballa Reiki Meaningshamballa reiki symbolsshamballa reiki training

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i'm not sure if he is the reiki guy
    this is just research

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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